Other urls found in this thread:
I always wondered how bigoted ever made it to the top 10 of cursewords. If someone uses this i always imagine a 16year old girl having hear period and screaming at her parents.
Alright you disparate group of provocateurs. We knew this day was coming.
y-you're just saying this stuff to shock people, r-right, goyim?
bigot as it is used today is just a more emotionally charged alternative for racist/sexist/whatever. notice how they never use bigot unless they're angry.
Kek is growing in power.
I'm still waiting for the Kek Cult article. They should tell the truth. We're not a group of race-realist Trump supporters. We're a group of race-realist, Trump supporting frog worshipers.
Growing stronger
The best part is it allows for more meme magic to happen.
The meme universe is intersecting with ours.
It sure is.
holy shit this is fucking hilarious
If by edited you mean they simply pause and play certain parts, yes. Shit like
implies she or her people actively watch kkk shit. Its greats because she looks insane and a racist for her speech.
she's trying hard to win over the boomer vote.
If I ever meet the creator, then I'll only have one question for him. What the fuck?
They really don't have anything left.
how do i make this a webm?
I don't think she's the first person we should be listening to when discussing documents marked with 'C'
We are the mujahideen of the internet.
aloha snack bar faggots
Has everyone seen the updated main page?
meant to post
Is it memes?
If not I don't care.
It was memes!
We are the Jews of the Right.
Shabat Shalom, motherfuckers.
I'll sage this so hopefully in the future when your straight out of reddit ass makes a thread you'll put 2 brain cells together and rub them
Google news offers a slideshow of the worst offending Pepes when?!
wew shit these are some great one liners for the trump ad people to use in October
wtf i love hilary now
It's so absurd I fucking love it. All those years payed off.
Its one of those things where you study one group's movements for so long you become them.
Good, very good. Thanks for the augmenting our meme magic abilities, BBC.
By the time this great work of meme magic is through, white normies will immediately be redpilled upon seeing the image of Pepe. They will see 11:11 on clocks and say, "Thanks for the quads, Kek." They will also embrace National Socialism and work tirelessly to secure an existence for white children.
These things will happen, and it's all thanks to you, BBC.
my god what has my life come to
Sing his praises
Seriously, what the fuck, nigger?
What does GTKRWN mean anyways?
Oh well, saved.
It's funny because the amount of time they spend trying to warn people about the "far dark reaches of the Internet" really exposes how pathetic and insular their lives are. Their entire self-worth is wrapped up in their social media presence, and they're threatened by Internet Nazis encroaching on their digital safe space.
It's like they have zero connection or understanding of the millions of Middle Americans who barely have time for the Internet, besides checking their Faceberg feeds and email, because they are too busy working. I'm trying to picture some 45-year-old business owner briefly checking Google News and seeing a headline about right-wing frog mascots and how he should be very worried about this, thinking "lolwut" and immediately switching tabs to ESPN.com.
gas the kikes race war now
holy shit its raining red-pills
Thanks. I'm going to post this in Ace Combat threads now.
It's from a web comic, 'stay still, stay silent'
It's pretty good.
It's 16 years old too. I doubt there is a place in the country today with fewer than 25 niggers.
In 2017 whites will be a minority in our nation as a result of our "leaders" immigration policies.
It's a sad sad world
It Begins
the future is bright
Madison county is the pinnacle of pure trash in Arkansas, don't let the lack of niggers fool you. They shouldn't even be called white.
Recently a 2 year old was left walking out of some trash's home there and fell in an open septic tank, drowned to death in shit and piss. That's nigger tier news.
The thread itself is not bad, but the 75chars exist for a fucking reason.
Atleast try to put some effort in it
Hillary said a lot of true things there
The more people who witness Kek, the stronger he grow.
I want this to be our collective future, fam!
Can't wait till the media picks up on that we worship KEK
Damn right we are.
Look! It's the ribbon!
Christ Pence looks inhuman, is he some sort of alien?
Its all coming together, lads.
Impressive digits user
world jewish population is estimate at 14 million from kosher sources at least
8ch has 4 mil unique visitors per month, cuckchans /pol probably has double that alone
they should be afraid, not only have we become them but at this point we are evenly numbered and our form of media is rising while theirs is dying
This is on you, Britbongs…
Somewhere out there, the guys that made the first Pepe, Smug Pepe, Sad Pepe, and KEK are all thinking, "How the fuck did that happen?"
czeched republic
The power of Kek
damn it feels good to be a gangsta
That's why Trump's use of it was so powerful. No segue, change of volume, SHE'S A BIGOT!
praise be kek
he is here
damn it off by one
i have offended our lord
forgive me kek
Checked and checking the check.
Also these digits got checked.
You shall find that it is your digits that have left to be checked.
nice video, thank you.
have mp4
Hilldog is pretty based :^)
He's a time traveler.
You know what happened? Checked is what happened.
What do you think of this rare pepe?
I'm always a collector of Pepe.
I swear to God this is genuine.
More like 8 million, see transparency report:
what the fuck
Why does she have two veneer front teeth?
Did she knock them out when she fell a few years ago?
If we're the shock troops…
Does this mean we're going to get purged like the SA?
If so, I still hold my loyalties to the people and to trump.
Unless she was playing hockey
The Degenerates of the SA were purged, those loyal went SS.
that video is the jam packed with truth
Trips of truth, my sweet Satan.
Sage and report for zero effort lazy fat faggot OP. If you can't even type 75 characters of relevant text, don't post at all. Fuck off to >>>Holla Forums.
"Shock troops"
Nice slanted journalism from the britcucks news network.
You gotta remember why we left there, nigger.
Ignore the past
I can only hope we use our power to win. To save all of us and our countries.
Great numbers in this thread.
I also enjoy that webcomic.
for God's sake put a spoiler on that thing
That's a Heqet glyph, user.
Is it prinounced pepe or peepay
Top kek
He's everywhere
Red Ice says he's a cuck
Pure poetry.
The fucking digits in this thread
Kek is truly with us all
sorry, I don't read nor watch the BBC.
All that matters is that it's in the mainstream media.
New Vegas
bitch look like she escaped from the plain of oblivion tbh
Replace "racism" with "compromise" and you have a cartoon that sums up the neocon Republican establisment.
Lefties like to copy the language of popular lefties to signal that they're part of the in group.
Bigot, problematic, Drumpf, etc. All took off overnight after being used or promoted by a popular lefty.
I'm really starting to love this new universe.
Somebody please tip the lugenpresse with screencaps of us worshipping frogs.
My sides will leave this dimension.
Do it yourself, faggot
where were you when Holla Forums became the new mystery school?
don't google what this spells.
We Egregore now.
PRAISE KEK! Ak-kekekekekekek ah-kekha!
does anyone have that comic where /x/ is trying to summon a succubus and we come in with ebola chan?
I hope someone remembers.
He's right though. This is a low energy OP, not really deserving of being its own thread. The picture could have been posted in one of the 5 threads we already have going about the mainstream coverage of the (((alt-right))) and no value would be lost.
sage for lazy OP
Has anybody else noticed that Kek worship has spread onto reddit already?
I predicted it would. And like I predicted, they have a very naive understanding of Kek. They cannot commune with Kek as we do. We are the priests of Kek.
/r/The_Donald ended up being a successful beachhead, despite the typical reddit faggotry. They were pilgrims bringing the word of Kek to a savage and backward people.
Good shit, meme bomb incoming
They're just commoners, us high priests call up the powers of Kek, they simply worship feebly.
Thus bringing more power to Kek and subsequently our divine memes.
I guess do like the kikes love to do and use peoples words, out of context, against them.
Do they even have digits? I don't know anything about reddit besides screencaps.
It's fun and it's profitable. Would be even better without the watermark, but I'm not sifting through ten tons of shit in order to make that.
Reddit has no digits and no concept of any deeper meaning of anything conjured in the bowels of half or fullchan. All plebbitors know is how to hop on a trending bandwagon, strip it of meaningful context, then drive it into the ground. Being a try-hard has always been an essential part of collecting internet points to cultivate a meager amount of power of association to your account.
Feast your eyes upon this craven image. Let its tainted visage. Allow the rage to turn your marrow to acid.
*Let its tainted visage seep deep into your consciousness.
It possible to just keep the OBEY part, its a nice ironic touch.
Bill Clinton Punched her in the mouth and she caught it on camera/has a recording of it which she has been using to blackmail him into being a "not so slick willy" anymore.
Kill them, kill them all.
The commoners are truly retarded.
shit like this is why the druids fucked off.
Yeah, it's got swag for the kids too
i do not know of this "(((pepe)))" you are talking about…
Fuckin awesome dude!
Exactly hehehe
Reddit really Is the end of the internet centipede. It's like playing a game of telephone and Reddit is the last one down.
No, that is judenbook.
How do I make my own imageboard?
Oh fuck.
They think we're worried about this for our "safe space"
But we know fully well that all they've just done is red pill more normies.
Shit's gonna be hectic next month lad.
This is gonna be hairy.. but necessary.
If you've watched lain.. this is a little worrying.
kek this fucking video
He has to have known the show personally.
oh God this is funny, I'd love to be a jew
Feels bad mon.
You should see strayas bogans.
They make the black people look disciplined.
Megazone 23 is an awesome anime. I recommend you checkout Gall Force.
What the hell is with this news site?
They literally pander to Holla Forums now.
Not sure if want..
That's great, but where is Ben's original?
Get used to it..
It's here to stay I think.
When you stare into the abyss…
It's happening!
We're the shocktroopers of Internet, boys!
We take all we learned from fighting them all these years to crush them.
MFW our memes are so powerful! Praise kek my brothers and sisters, for he has truly blessed us with power so great the most corrupt politician has to open up a pickle jar to prove her health. Do not be afraid of our upcoming popularity, for this place has been slowly falling apart for the past year now with shills. At this point it has become preservation through destruction offered to us by our greatest ally and savior. Embrace the memes and do not be afraid my brothers and sisters for kek truly blesses us. We will soon shed this place and move on to our Aryan promise land.
You either praise kek or side with the Moon Man.
Im a fence walker what can i say.
Every social media website besides imageboards should be banned.
kid goes ham unbelievable
The worst thing is is that Facebook makes Reddit looks good in comparison.
Just fucking kill me.
Let's all love Kek!
It's official, the hacker known as Holla Forums is one of the greatest trolls in the history of mankind.
(((Google News)))
You know i'm starting to think that the wired really is starting to bleed into reality.
The amount of shit that we're influencing these days in absolutely insane.
Memes are passing from person to person at a rate never experienced before in human history
Wow grandma is redpilled a fuck. Why are the niggers supporting her?
user, you seem to have made a typo. What you clearly meant was:
It's interesting that that idea was devolved by Carl Jung a known National Socialist and Hitler loved.
Also the most important psychologist of all time.
I think he's just wearing eye shadow, sucking in his lip, and sticking out his chin.
Was probably a goth in the 80s.
right here m8
It's weird enough for me, having made a bunch of the pepe Trumps out there (including the one in the OP) to see them popping up all over the place. And those were all made within the past year.
Top kek.
Fuck Spokane, and fuck Moscow.
Pepe is a very wide spread meme dude. this is whats spreads KEKs power
I want to believe that their esoteric symbolism started as references to ancient memes that were as simple as ours are now.
Those are some mighty funky meme beats, my friend.
youtube > deturl > vlc re-encode
It's pretty in line with our whole schtick, too
this requires more views… bump
The one who fights monsters, user…
No, Holla Forums. You are the jews.
What does it mean?
Do any of you acolytes of Kek know what this song is called?
We have them cornered. Shut is about to get real
Did you know that the meter is a meme?
bigoted is irrational, which is incorrect.
big brother:
>calls it quits after a few months because his complexed boss with her authority issues is giving him shit apparently envious of his recomendations and overqualifications
>bro despite being a nobody in the hierarchical sense takes initiative and arranges negotiation with my country's not Russia Air Force and minister of Defense
>local press at nearest to the air base town goes crazy with praise
>is huge most underachieving disappointment ever since high-school an autistic nerdy spaz before that
Sorry for blogshit and potential demoralization, Holla Forums, but you are the only people that might understand me at this point. Fame that I don't deserve only makes me feel more useless empty inside. Was that shillary's plan all along? Can anonymity still shield us from vanity when we truly know ourselves?
Holy shit, lol.
back to 4cuck
That makes Hillary look pretty based.
So are we like ribosomes, our thoughts genetic information and oyr actions the amino acids synthesized?
top kek, we made Hildabeast drop red pills on the crowd, more will come to our cause.