Tell me your sins.
Confession thread
The word is 'unironically', you putrid cumstain.
This thread is great.
My entire life was a mistake and it took me until 2012 to realize that. Then I started drawing again after a few years.
fuck off
I lament even thinking that imageboards could be a good medium of communication
They are, you're just a faggot user.
Serious conversations come and go but for the most part, it's easier to shitpost
I watched Sausage Party in it's entirety.
When MLP:FIM was only about 6 episodes into the first season I went over to a friends house during a party and showed everyone there.
I said
They all thought it was a joke.
I then acted like I was only pretending to be retarded.
Otherwise they would have crucified me with that shit.
I watch We Bare Bears
bump out of sadness
Right then, You know what to do now.
Right, perfect knife for the turkey.
Looks like this is a sad thread, OP.
Thread is shit knows what's up.
But fuck me if this scene wasn't the only good thing to come out of that thing.
This here thread is a gettin' weird.
You have to go back.
I dont enjoy cartoons nearly as much as i used to any more.
I also dont enjoy anything at all any more tbh.
Stay triggered faggot.
/a/'s tactic of divide and conquer.
Hey Holla Forums.
Make a wall between Anime and cartoons.
To be fair the songs were better in that movie. Hell, the final song kind of reminded me of Tenacious D's final song.
My sin is I have a trap fetish.