Post your OC, no matter how bad
All OC is good OC
Other urls found in this thread:
If you don't have OC fucking make some
r8 my shit
Careful what you wish for.
That better be OC
Also can someone turn OP into a .gif plox
No problem.
looks fake
You guys suck. I'd post my better OC, but I'm trying to figure out a way on how to get proper credit for it (Yes, you heard me, cunts)
Stop lying to yourself, you have not made any OC
Go ahead and do that, faggot. Been a while since I doxxed someone.
Dumb bitch thinks they're hot shit. Dumbass. Look at the rest of the shit in this thread.
Drink bleach you dick devouring dunce. You're not cancer because you don't like the thread, you're cancer because you want recognition. Fucking go back to a place with user names.
fuck yes more
Reddit's hard to grasp onto. All of them are too fucking sensitive and they donate money for the most retarded posts. Bunch of egos that like to downvote everything. Atleast I'm more reasonable.
and that's all of these i remember making
then go to Voat. Or Twatter. Or kikebook. Just go
and and accidental double post, oh well
I don't deal with Voat, I've been meaning to make a Twatter and Facebook turns me off.
these were amazing man
you should make more!
Thanks Dys. Normally I detest deleting legal shit but scatting up the
OC thread is a craptastically dick move. Thanks
What's that fourth pic? Is Magneto up to his old tricks?
Pls Respond one is pretty damn good.
Needs more Trump, as in something that alludes to him being the hand with the belt.
I know. I'm pleb and cannot do better
Need to add Debian, otherwise that's pretty good.
Hi J T S
S J?
Re-add me on steam?
Something like this, maybe?
Dubs and an improvement…
Nice dude.
< Being critical of content
< Not contributing to the thread
Final Score: Shit Cunt/10
What the fuck is anything involving a dog a "doggo meme" now? It's just a picture over some audio.
Fresh OC, hot off the presses.
Not bad. moar
Fresh out of ideas, any thoughts?
kill yourself
I hate these memes for some reason. Just doesn't cut it for me. Weird how everyone else seems to love them.
This whole thread is OC, thank goodness for that! I was beginning to lose hope.
how about the mods sticky this thread. anchor it even right on page 1
how about an user comes up with an easy how-to for slapping a face or text on an image with free software
how about another user links to a safe and easy exif removal tool for phone footage etc?
how else can we make oc more common here?
ideas are the easy part, always. then there's hard work
It's shit I know
What am I looking at here?
I guess you could say… you made my meme great again.
make the arm orange
here is some oc
Jew one got a laugh out of me
Top quality thread
Turmion Katilot is master race, nice taste
Spongebob one is fucking gr9
I think I have intestinal worms, like tapeworms.
Made this tc
There's an easy way to figure that out. Next time you shit, take it out of the toilet and rip it up. You will probably find a worm or baby worms in there if you truly are infected.
that is awful, even for here
Such language! Do you succ your dad's feminine penis with that mouth?
This is my most famous OC I've seen it multiple times on Holla Forums
anyone use /baph/ that has the image of the devil dude clicking at his desk with the loli on his lap? oc i made and i think the new guy that took the board over posted it again which i thought was neat. I dont think its on there anymore though
oops wrong clippy
Adulthood isn't what I want