Buzzfeed Journo BTFO by Sam Hyde

Sam uploaded a video of an interview with (((Joe Bernstein))) of Buzzfeed.

Bernstein's article based on this interview:
The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

Bernstein's twitter:

Video Link:

Other urls found in this thread:!rRIzCLjT!o5f5iaJCdNCLrbwXmEUZikxDSLH8HxsAtNEGAI8xEU4

So Sam Hyde's sister was the secret nazi racist screenwriter all along.

What was the viewership for episode 3?

Viewtiful Joe was a nice game.

comments on the article



Is this how I should be interacting with people? It seems so much more enjoyable than just being a normal.

It was fun hearing him destroy that cuck.


Yeah, that (((cuck)))

This is definitely how you should deal with cucks and libs. Make America Bully Again.

This is a rape. How can Sam Hyde get away with this?


Makes me wish more people recorded attempts at interviews.

Every time it happens it shows how big a weasel the interviewer is and how they're solely trying for hit piece after hit piece.

Because he doesn't recognize this guy as a serious journalist to begin with.

Sam is a comedian playing the same card leftist comedians like Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart have played for years by staying within the gray area between satire/comedy and political reporting.

This faggot is just another "journalist" working at one of the most abominable excuses for a news site in America. And Sam is mocking him for interviewing him as if he's William F Buckley Jr. and being a massive hypocrite.

Jew or not this fucker probably went home and sat in the dark contemplating his lack of a real conscious after this beating.

absolutely BTFO

I always wondered why more people don't

I just jewogled the jew and the 5th picture to come up of him is calling him a cuck

You can't just rape a man like this. It's inhumane. Sam Hyde is a savage.

Reminder that Bernstein is also the kike rat who wrote a hit piece on A. Wyatt Mann

lol all that butthurt lost in time like asses in pain

The Jewish journalists are the real savages here, Sam is just exposing them for who they are by bringing himself down to their level. They hide behind political correctness because they can, we don't have that luxury.

I think if he had stood up to him in any way he might have got a few decent answers out of Sam, but as Sam said he's a pussy.

kikefeed doesn't have a comment section


I see a "facebook conversations" at the end of the article -

This was my thought as well

Sam called him a pussy several times, and elicited no objection or comment, completely justifying Sam's utter and open contempt for him.


I have cancer now

I remember asking Voxday about why he didn't and he acted like there was no point because people that would realize journalists were biased would already know. And that just getting his word out to some outlet was an accomplishment in itself.

Struck me as odd and missing the point entirely.



Older people are often just stuck on propriety. Vox, PMAN, Jared Taylor, normie Republicans all over - they don't want to be rude or crude and risk their sworn enemies thinking they're mean or low status.

this tiny, potato video is the only way I could get it < 8.4 MB

Jones released those herself. No one wanted to see it nude.

yeah, reading that article is why I don't feel bad for this guy being ass-raped in public on youtube.

Sam basically served this guy a measure of active aggression equal to the snarky passive aggression Bernstein used in his article.


The fucking comment section
keking hard

Just woke up and saw this.

That was pure savagery. That jew just got bloodeagled.



It's 2016 and people are still assmad about Gamergate. Beautiful.

the average lifespan in this country is 75 and change. living that long is hitting all five numbers given the sea of shit we have to wade through to make it that far. the powerball is getting there without shitting in a plastic bag. so yes, this is absolutely how you should interact with people.

Really confuses the hell out of me in the case of Vox, because he's outright gone into a conversations with Louise Mensch where he argued against it being possible to rape a spouse, but he feels uncomfortable recording an interview in secret.

Probably one of the best interviews I've heard in awhile.

I don't get the comedy of these videos. I just end up feeling bad for the guy on the receiving end. He's not smart enough to fully comprehend what he's doing.

it's his daughter lad, she's a fucking skanky memester from socal
>tfw could've fugged sam's daugheru and became his son
>tfw didn't because I have unattainable standards

faggots claiming he is projecting

attitude like this is why Whites are losing

The guy writes hitpieces and expects leeway when he interviews that guy he's writing a hitpiece on. I feel bad for the people who don't understand that before they talk with him.

Yeah you're right, he deserves it.

i-i don't have one


I haven't seen a Jew crucified this bad since 0 A.D.

Wasn't that name chosen because (((someone))) thought they had doxed him? If

Libertarian pattern behavior.


The funniest thing about Buzzfeed is they believe they're "real" journalists and not just clickbaiting kikes with hot opinions.

Lel, lefties get so butblasted when they write textwalls like that and you just flip then off smugly.

So satisfying

Gamergate may have been a failure, but if (((the establishment))) is still rustled from the brigade of twitter namefags attacking their sacred lolcows, imagine the devastation that can ensue when you have an elite brigade of high-power kek poster destroying them from the comfort of their secret Peloponnesian sketch clubhouse

We're hitting the mainstream and there's no turning back fellas.
This is it. We break the conditioning and Jewish lies through humors and memes like Sam Hyde.
I can't wait until we get a huge burst of "alt-right" comedians coming up on the scene openly and turning the overton window.




I wish this meme would fucking die.

These cucks in the comments.

We are right… BY DEFINITION, goyim.

fuck I was going to laugh at this feel but then I realized I'm in pretty much the same boat. I really hope the economic collapse happens so I can become a wandering knight errant with my six-gun


the lying press deserves alot fucking worse than mockery by some fat 30 year old gamer who makes lets play videos about hitman tbh, the lying press deserves to fucking pay big fucking time tbh, I'm talking spainish inquisition lad

Would have been about 33A.D. bro

I fucking love this guy

I think it's starting to get to the time where we ban Sam Hyde threads to keep them from taking over. Not that I don't like the guy.

It's like the Gawker cuck on TDS this week claiming that moral imperatives are derived from laws. This is the level to which liberal whites, particularly Anglos, have been spiritually mutilated by Jews.

it's like one of us got famous and never lost his sense of humor.

Yeah and Trump/Hitler threads too.


Yes, and I am skeptical as to why it's even being allowed to be talked about, as it's bound to increase interest. What are the jews planning with this? Any ideas here? Obviously, they know there's bound to be a reaction against them, and they want to control that reaction, and so already do so with lots of the alt-right faces. What can we do to make sure they don't succeed?

Jews have limited control, not total control.

watch the show on the official channel.

I think it's time we ban you to keep that gay attitude from taking over.

I know that, but why are the even releasing the "alt-right" into the mainstream? They don't have to, and I suspect it's going to become more and more talked about. As a way to bury Trump by associating him with it?

I don't follow you.

we still aren't being talked about. the kikes have set up a nice controlled-op. trap and named it alt-right.
alt-right is just politically incorrect enough that some of our memes get through and just kosher enough to be named on national TV, until they play ravehitler.gif and start talking about evil super-hacker-terrorists that don't really exist on national television again we aren't being talked about.

eyo friends, what's sam hyde's tv show? i know him from youtube, I was also kinda living under a rock for the last 2 months, sam has a tv show now?
fucking hell, what's the name? can i torrent it? or watch is on youtube or something?

pls respond

You're fucking retarded.

I expect a manufactured war and or total economic collapse that will be pinned on the new right wing when they become the majority.

It's called "The Eric Andre Show"

Check it out.

Because it's a kosher version of us.

Nice ID though

Watching the show by "official" means shows the kikes with the money who to give money to. The more advertising bux, the better.

Daily reminder that this was Bernstein's dad
( is down for me)

That was my favorite part. Sam Hyde has mastered the classic bully tactic of "lol I was just messing with you bro. why are you so angry?"

guys like you got Sam Hyde a TV show, fuck outta here.

So this is how Sam Hyde kills. Top kek.

Here's a torrent with all of the episodes for this season.

lol nigga you retarded

No need to feel bad, he's a Jew.


Welp, I've already lost.

You know at first I really didn't like the guy. I thought he had pleb tier 2006 counterstrike troll humor.

But he's really stepped up his game, and has huge fucking balls.

Great job Sam Hyde. You're an excellent comedian. People just don't know the meta.

They are trying to subvert it, like they did with the tea party. Problem for them is that the tea party was mostly old people who watch fox news, while we are young internet enthusiasts. So their same tricks will not work.

I hope someday for gulags filled with leftist subhumans, where they are rightfully forced to do useless labor to death while they are raped and mutilated at the will of their captors…. Imagine a fucking leftist numale having a mental breakdown coming to terms with its fate, eventually being reduced to a grunting basic animal sleeping in dirt and pissing on itself. Leftist cattle scum deserve the worst treatment that humans have to offer, leftists are sub-animal, they are below cockroaches and ant, they should be treated with no mercy or respect whatsoever.

He's not simply a Jew, he's one of the worst kinds of yid. Look into his history.

Fucking brutal.
Metal as fuck.

It's great. Comics, and more importantly liberal comics, have made comedy into this holy art where you can say and do anything. If he just acts like everything is a joke, he can get away with this shit.


Really makes me think.

Is Sam even the guy behind @Night_0f_Fire?

confirmed raped by clintons

I think it's about time we went on craigslist and found somebody to pozz your neg hole.

These fucking trips and id trips.

Praise kek

I really really like this meme

That's true and encouraging. Jew is always in the mode of having to manipulate, to cover something up, to "run". The truth is bound to catch up to him at some point. This place better stay ideologically strong.

No need to feel sorry for him. Leftists do it others all time in a remorselessly, it's about time that someone did it to them as well.

Everyone should treat them like dog shit so that they'll know their place.

I honestly wouldn't trust a liberal to do any labor even if they were at gunpoint. better off to just dump them in mass graves or something.

Alex Jones is a national treasure. He makes America the greatest nation on Earth.

No, that's his sister. Can't expect the man to hunt shekel sniffers and shitpost at the same time.

No user, don't keep them alive and imprisoned. That's the mistake Hitler made. If something goes wrong they'll be freed and free to slander your memory.


That butthurt over "blackface" is great. Its so easy to shit on the accuser because Sam clearly didn't use blackface at all and they are desperate to get him with racism and how evil he is.


It's like Muhammad Ali versus some poor armature boxer.

Woah, you think Sam's some sort of fag? Feelings are for numales bitches.


Numales express their feelings to everyone. Real men express feelings only to their brethren.

The "alt-right" isn't a huge threat to them. If we were that bad as they claim, then they wouldn't place their identity in the hitpieces that they write about us. They would be anonymous reporters instead.

We just ruin their frail ego because they don't expect us to throw punches back.

Does Sam Hyde have his own TV show?

I feel like World Peace shows enough of how he feels of this world.

Only on fridays when the jews let him

lol what a couple of homos



What happened to Jones? He's gone from angry disinfo to a jolly troll. Has he been given the blessings of Kek?

His kike wife divorced him and now he's hanging out with Roger Stone.

He's still a stupid jew lover that sells cock pills.

He might have gotten the message to jump on the increasing "alt-right" bandwagon as well. Time will tell.


His jew wife fucked him over and david duke gave him the redpill suppository. It's been working its wa into his blood stream ever sense

He needs to stay relevant in a world that's clearly left him behind, and the alimony is catching up. So he goes the the RNC and just starts shit. Young Turks, hordes of commies, the works. He's still controlled opposition selling penis pills, but it was a respectable hustle.

Bonus, Sam Hyde has sick taste in video games.

Alex Jones is a really good businessman and knows how to ride the changing political landscape to ensure continued profits. You can see in the way he shifted over the years with the trends.

when white people start splitting off from the narative, the jews have to have a ready made kosherbox to put us in so they can curb the discussion.

rinse and repeat.

just like how the teaparty formed with glenn beck at the helm once people started seriously getting pissed off at the repub establishment/fox news

the "alt-rights" "glenn beck" is milo + friends

the (((alt-right))) is the new (((tea-party)))

its just a pressure valve to keep us going in circles while they flood the country with everyniggers

Eh I'll give him a pass on that. Anyone dumb enough to buy that stuff deserves to have their money taken from them.

They were simpler times.

Any practical ideas on how to make sure they won't succeed?


Check out Beardson Beardly:

You can become the Hitler we need and stay pure.

Neither the TEA Party nor the alt-right was started by kikes. Beck and others took over the TEA Party. Milo likes to write poorly researched stories about the alt-right and clings to the periphery because he doesn't want to get lynched by sand monkeys.

You idiots. Make yourselves great again.!rRIzCLjT!o5f5iaJCdNCLrbwXmEUZikxDSLH8HxsAtNEGAI8xEU4

Great job user, the audio is the main thing in this vid anywho.

No, because he doesn't want to get shoved into an oven by us.

Stop pretending his goal is anything but subversion.

Honestly the article makes same sound funny and awesome to anybody with the slightest sense of irony.


He wrote ONE article months ago.


that 4th pic is really sad

Hitler would be appalled at how far things have come, and would likely be a moderate pragmatist in comparison to most of us now.

If he lied about what the recording was going to be used for, then it can still be a problem.

This jew in on the edge of killing himself jesus christ



yes i realize that but nevertheless they were taken over by kikes

people need to stop taking on these silly meme names

"alt-right" is not a political philosophy

"tea party" is not a political philosophy

they dont mean anything.

they are just big fat cages to throw you in so they can fuck with you.

the more people they can get under these labels, the more people they can demoralize when (((they))) turn your (((movement))) into a parody of itself.

the left could not find any actual racists on the right

we're all they got

I think it's starting to get to the time where you get raped to death by a pack of niggers. Not that I don't like you.

Jesus fucking Christ this was savage.

Movement Conservatism, on the other hand, is a political philosophy with firm principles and thus immune to subversion. I'm a #Cruzmissle now.

They need a boogeyman to make their leftist underdog minority narrative work. Jews always look for a scapegoat to justify their hatred of whites.

Kikes hate everything natural and from nature. Why do you think so many are transhumanists?

Journalists still proudly proclaim that they don't know what GamerGate was about.

And similarly with the AltRight, it has started with them asking "What is the AltRight?" and then they have an explainer come on and then you can just see from the look on their faces that their thinking: Okay, but what *is* the AltRight?

None of these oldfag journos will ever understand what the substance of pol/altright actually is.

The AltRight Cannot Be Co-Opted Because It is Formless, Faceless & Transitional

At it's core it's an internet hivemind of interconnected and overlapping opinions, feelings and ideas.

The Trump campaign, on the other hand, is a real thing that will make real things happen in the real world, and it is, in part, fueled by this hivemind.

But even if you could stop the hivemind — which, you can't — it would not stop real life things that are fueled by it, they'd just go slower or not reach as far.

So pol/altright is like a formless energy which can propel IRL forms, but cannot itself be contained or directed or controlled.

Do you actually enjoy this garbage?


It's funny how much it almost sounds like shit, you filthy kikes always rely on sick acronyms to support your ilk.

In summary, you can co-opt the manifestations, but you cannot co-opt the energy.

And altright is more energy than form, so there is nothing to co-opt.

It's so late in the game they don't give a shit. They almost have all the control they will ever need.

Having said all that, here's a good example of Milo attempting to "co-opt" the Alt-Right and explain it as the movement of people who, like him, just care about free speech, ant-SJW, "cultural libertarianism", and trolling for the lulz.

Those he does at least defend straight white males for having created Western Civilization.

Link, Can't Embed:

That's right David Duke


Your code name is now david duke

Milo is the first to go into the ovens.

They want to go back in time a few decades, what they want lead to the very thing they're protesting. Getting annoyed with all the shilling for that alt-brand kosher crap, there will be no second gamergate.

best thing about HydeThreads is they don't get shilled to death / Record-Corrected because I guess they fly under the radar

don't want to jinx it but there's zero shills in this thread

all we get is concernfags

I'm conflicted.

if you're gonna be a fag atleast be attracted to a real man like sam hyde faggot

No where did I say Sam wasn't QT as well.

hi sam

And your secret name known only to me and nitro dubs is moonman.

He said this? toplel


I love how every other video has Earthbound music too. Sam's a treasure.

He also called the wheelchair kid 'Micro Machines.' Go figure what that's referencing.

Checked. Yes, episode 4.

holy shit Sam

holy shit Sam

He REALLY likes Earthbound.

the show has been hit or miss tbh, when it's good it's really good though. sam is better at off the cuff stuff like this

they don't believe that though, they sell themselves as an ad agency that creates custom content for brands. they're the lowest form of shills


The shit he does is too abstracted from mainstream political discourse and Sam's persona is so fucking outside what they have ever had to deal with that they wouldn't have an angle to exploit even if they were wise to this little problem we call Sam Hyde.

They still don't fully understand "anti-semetic frog" or "stereotypical american badger," how fucking long do you think it's going to take them to unravel Sam's schtick to the point where they can do a damn thing about what we think about him.

As if you had to put that in parentesis user…


Thats not news, they btfo themselves with their retardness all the time>>7257245

More to the point, it was wu that went after gg. Hard to be a victim while picking a fight.

The exclusion of blacks from society was a progressive ideal. It was the progressives, not the conservatives, who stereotyped them as inherently inferior and advocated for their removal (which is progress). Wilson was a fucking KKK member and the Democrats introduced segregation for Christ's sake. It's an incredibly dishonest sleight of hand to call these societal features "non-progressive" when the original progressives were extremely sexist, racist, homophobic and authoritarian.

Also Woodrow Wilson was a "Progressive" Democrat that was not only a legit racist but set the government up for how it is today… terrible.
And don't even get me started on how race relations have deteriorated since Obama took office despite his racial heritage.

How about Lyndon B. "muh War on Poverty" "Starts the Vietnam War" and "I'll have those niggers voting democrat for the next 200 years" Johnson?

They still haven't changed despite what naysayers want to falsely believe, they still worship these politicians. Don't get me started on Hillary "Super predators" "That Goddamn nigger" "Fucking Jew bastard" "Stupid Kikes" Clinton.

And all the social policies they're supporting are technically fucking reactionary because we've had all the faggotrannynigger shit in the long past already and it caused society to collapse.

Fuck those retarded libfag commenters and their false "progress". Progress was our ancestors being smart enough to leave Africa to get away from the other dumb niggers.

Never feel bad for the enemy. This is a typical trickle-down media whore whose modus operandi is to act nice and cordial with the subjects of his article, then turn around and twist the meanings of words, take words out of context, and provide snarky, shallow commentary so that the readers of the article will know that they MUST hate the subject.

Guys like Sam Hyde, Alex Jones, and the gay conservative who crashed the Daily Show taping are all paving the way, they are showing us how to properly conduct interviews with the media whores.

here you go

We called that a week ago, faggot. Sam didn't go in black face, and does Mr BernSTEIN mean to imply this is what blacks sound like?

Here's the thing these buzzfeed guys and the media they want sam dead they want to ruin his carrier .
So i think its perfectly halal what he did in this interview.

It's cool to see Sam being himself and not trying to be funny. Are there any other videos like this one?

If that's the case then wouldn't the best tactics to be to co-opt their attempted co-option of us?

I don't think Sam is even a comedian, but that's exactly why it's so funny.

Maybe you weren't, but in school, I was the kid who was really jaded with life and people and was sarcastic and overtly insulting to people, but I said it in such a dead-pan way and without expectations of people commenting on it, that people assumed I was joking. And when they would laugh, I would smile too, knowing they don't know what the hell is going on.

Similarly, Sam shows us how fucked the world is, and while he packages it in a sarcastic way, it doesn't make it any less true. We laugh because he's getting away with shitting on people and having them laugh with him.

This faggot again huh.

I think that we could out Jew them if they play this smart

Check out his Kickstarter TV stuff.

I found this, also

He does more for the cause in one video than you'll do in your life.

What are you on about? Are you really defending Joseph Bernstein?

I think you need some serious work on your reading comprehension

My bad, I thought you were talking about Sam for some reason. I've seen too many trigglets make the "i'm not triggered, he's just not funny" defense

Ross Scot recently did a review of that game on his yt channel Accursed Farms. He discusses all the things usually not discussed about that game.

Sage for off topic.

No problem.

You on the other hand are fucking retarded.

Sam Hyde has done a lot worse than that, hasn't he? I mean, he did frame Dylan Roof for that church massacre.

Fucking hell this is absolutely brutal.

I love it.



What is this? Are the jews trying to counter-meme their own alt-right meme?


You're a fucking idiot. Kill yourself asap

The Alt Right is those who present themselves as an Alternative
We're not an Alternative

Alt also means Old.

they use the short term for alternative. Some weird D&C shit here like gamer+.


but srsly, it rly sound like alt-write, an indie book store.

Or Player

alt means what the jew creators mean it to mean, other than the norm, where they have defined themselves as the norm after a hostile take over.

I was thoroughly satisfied with this video
The 13 minute video of Sam Hyde interviewing a BuzzFeed reporter left me departing my sides. You could immediately notice the difference in attitudes between both of them. (((Bernstein))), a BuzzFeed reporter, was acting as a professional during this interview. Hyde on the otherhand clearly did not take this interview seriously and spent little to no time preparing for it. That alone was able to give Hyde a huge upperhand. He simply gave no fucks.

(((Bernstein))), a C-grade reporter at best, went in with the mindset that this is going to be just another typical interview. He went in with the mindset that Hyde was going to bend over like a good cuck and answer his questions with more-or-less expected answers. (((Bernstein))) already had a good idea of what type of article he was going to write and he was waiting for Hyde to fill in the blanks. (((Bernstein))) saw Hyde as nothing more than a tool to use to attack the alt-right and to once again protect the status of the "chosen people". Oh boy, was he completely and utterly denied that possibility.

You see, the kikes are so used to operating in an (((establishment))) mentality that they quite frankly aren't able to adapt to anything different. An accepted practice for a typical interview is to let (((the media))) guide and ask questions while the interviewee responds strictly to the questions being asked. Now, this is a perfectly fine format for a non-controversial interview where either a.) It's about a non controversial issue (such as someone starting up their own business or technology news) or b.) the interviewer is on the same side as you. However, (and this is a trap that cuckservatives and the rest fall into) it's horrible to play by their rules if they're trying to tear you down and they have no interests in writing a neutral article. If it's apparent that the interviewer won't be writing a fair article about the interviewee then the interviewee, in their best interests, should be doing everything they can to tear down the legitimacy of the interviewer. This is exactly what Trump did during the Republican nominations by attacking the media and it's exactly what Hyde is doing here.


When it comes to this specific reporter, Hyde tries to bait him out of the stereotypical interview format to potentially have an interesting conversation. (((Bernstein))) somewhat complies. You see at around 5:10 where Hyde starts to "turn the tables" in the interview and starts asking (((Bernstein))) some questions. This is all with the goal to break down the interviewer's legitimacy. The interview was originally setup as a grounds to get Hyde to justify his occupation and existence and now Hyde does the opposite on (((Bernstein))). Hyde finally manages to corner (((Bernstein))) on the question as to whether his work is fulfilling or not. (((Bernstein))) dodges the question but then Hyde further asks (((Bernstein))) what his family plans are. After (((Bernstein))) dodges another question again, that's when Hyde fully shreds into him. At 9:50 you see Hyde call the interviewer a pussy and you only get more keks after that. At this point, it's obvious that (((Bernstein))) lost control of the interview. The remaining 3 minutes at this point are nothing but pure hilarity. He tears the interviewer into shreds.

Hyde actually did something that made me think for a bit. Hyde said to (((Bernstein))) "I'm not telling you how to do your job, but you strike me as sort of a pussy. Like, you gotta be willing to get into it with people don't you? To ask effective questions and… (trails off)" Hyde (a comedian) and (((Bernstein))) (a reporter) are effectively both interested in the same goal. They're both interested in winning the hearts and minds of their audience. There's a reason you see why the modern-day right is winning. It attacks all the insanity pumped out and forced into people's minds by the media and replies to it with nothing but pure satire. Don't get me wrong, the left has their own comedy as well (Colbert for example) but it is nowhere near effective as to what the right is doing. The right is willing to step out-of-line and bring bleeding edge ideology to the hearts and minds of people. It pushes the limits. Theoretically, this is what good journalism should also be doing but this isn't possible with (((journalism))).

This all being said, I wish Hyde carried the interview with just a bit more preparation in mind. His plan and execution was great but you can obviously tell that very little preparation was involved beforehand. If Hyde spent maybe an hour more preparing then you'd see something a lot closer to Trump levels of destruction. Unfortunately, this interview makes him look like a bit of a manchild but I guess that might just be his general style or he might not be that comfortable doing things outside of improv. With Hyde's wit and intelligence I can see him being an absolute force of reckoning though once he matures a bit more. It'll definitely be interesting to see future works from him.


Why are you talking like an Amazon review lmao

Well Hyde's Style is Improvisational at it's core

This guy has been astroturfed to relevance through persistent spamming of his name and picture. He is a constructed personality.

Well he is a Ben Garrison type, but instead of a Cartoonist he's a comedian and a pretty good one at that, one who knows how to get the best reaction out of his Audience

Fire monkey is one hell of a current year, lads.

Here you go


The one time in their lives someone made them do physical labor and they won't forgive em for it. Maybe instead of deportation we could make them work in sweatshops, it would be like death.

It peaked at 1 million views on the 5th.

Then on the 12th and the 19th it got 840k and 870k respectively.

I don't know how to read the wikipedia tables

Serious video from Sam about NPC's

Fuck off nigger

based sam

not that there is likely to be a crossover but it was up against nfl pre season ep two and three

What is this site? Some new meme on the schoolyard? A site that logs IPs?

It appears to be referer removal, so the website can't say where you clicked on it from

Addons like smart referrer should become mandatory here though.

based jack

remember the stereotypes are true

Went back up on 3rd ep?

Did not expect that.

There's literally.. no way to achieve this with simple democratic means. Unless you get your own team of economists and investors, you remain nothing but a philosophical school of thought, which is good for nothing except bar topics of discussion.

Unless the Far-Right manages to master the field of Economics and Finances, we will be eaten by our own. Right now, we mastered the practice of PR at a sage level (we have the highest level on that).

Is Holla Forums ready to step up its game, or let itself be eaten by a left-wing triggered economic collapse which will be certainly attributed to the current rise of right-wing Nationalism?

Anyone got links to episode 3?

Why not just link to the YouTube vid? We want MDE to get views do we not?

I would let her break me and enjoy every minute of it.


Ive run thru this scenario in my head. If I were to ever be in any way famous, I would record every single interview. If they refuse to do the interview because Im recording it, they get no interview, and Ill have a recording of that exchange as well.

I know damn well kikes like to cut interviews up and frame what is being said, so with a full unedited version of the interview, they cant do their kike shit.

Sacred trips of truth confirm


Fuck Sam ran roughshod all over that guy

Checked, and agreed.

We should all take this to heart. These tactics work.

Sam softened up a little when Bernstein opened up about his past. But then Bernstein kept trying to steer the conversation back, and he didn't respond when getting called a pussy, so he lost any respect he could've gotten.

A less scummy reporter from Edward R. Murrow's generation wouldn't have gotten buttmad about getting asked return questions, they'd spend as long as needed to get to know the guy & build rapport, even if the subject just wanted to ask them a bunch of personal questions, if that's what it takes to get an honest picture. But in today's media, he just needed to push out the story in X many hours, and also with the aforementioned fact that he's a pussy and a blockhead, the interviewer became hostile due to Sam's bantz which were pretty mild tbh, no need for the reporter to get buttmad after 2-3 minutes' bantz, how's he gonna uncover the big city corruption if he can't handle an Adult Swim celeb.

It's not that I am surprised, its just that it never ceases to be funny.


The Daily Shoah (an alt-right memecast) said they were asked to do an interview by The Guardian but that Guardian had to withdraw the request when it came up that TDS has a policy of always making their own recording of the interview.

just like me grandpappy.

How surprising.

I just realized that Sam Hyde and Holla Forums are basically right-wing cyber punk underground counter culture. We are all born into this fucked up modern world and are all tainted in some way or another. We got nothing to lose anymore. It's all or nothing. Like child in his childhood neighborhood we, indigenous to this rotten society, know all the small hidden passages and holes in the fence. We know exactly how we can influence the mainstream and how to evade the static cultural matrix of the left. While older generations still believe the way forward is using the outdated narrative and obsolete methods to bring about change, namely protesting in the streets with swastika flags while trying to appeal to rational logic, we already know this futile attempt has already been countered- no, it even had been set up that way by the ruling elites to be countered. There is no need for uniforms in an information guerilla war. We strike at the unprotected vital places of the globalist elite while comunicating in a cryptic jargon that can not be deciphered by even the best of their specialists. We laugh into their faces when they try name calling us expecting that we start to get into the defensive. What they fear about us and people like Trump is not our policies or our world view that they have battled against for millenia; they fear our denial of their rhetorical devices. New Speak, the subvertive revisionism of language and the relativism of meaning are the most powerful tools the left has. And we refuse to aknowlegde them. We are immune to the constant barrage of mind altering advertizing and propaganda present on every flat surface of the hyper-urbanized neo babylonic cities. And Infact we have proven that we can influence people without falling for their trap.
The war of information is fought in the minds of the individual, the masses and the machine.
They created this broken world but we grew up in it

o i am laffin

I've never seen Sam Hyde laugh before.

"Dems are the real racists!"

Just stop. This is terrible, cringey, low-hanging fruit. If any of that shit mattered today, we would all be voting dem. But it doesn't, so it's pointless to talk about.

He's more obnoxious than the buzzfeed guy.

Stay butthurt, Bernsteinbergblatzowitz.


Beta's need to die tbh.

There is no secret darknet, you're not part of it


It was worth the ad shekels I paid to read so much savagery.

It's a plot device. Look it up if you like but I assume the writing on the wall is actually a story board. Some user should E N H A N C E

Our methods and ideals are esoteric, not the technology we use.

don't you mean Berenstain?


Performing musician employers of Nigeria?



Pretty funny since much of Holla Forums seems to consider EarthBound to be overrated hipster shit. I think that's more a consequence of the fans than the game though.


Watching it again. It's even better the second time.

It's great that Buzzfeed could get such a busy mass murderer on the phone. With all the slaying Sam Hyde is doing how does he even find the time for all these interviews and projects?


Cabal hydists, its up to you to finish this fucker

(September 23, 2015 so need to see if he moved or nah)

What a fucking dipshit

one dumb kike, ill tell you that

Just called the dumb kike

You gotta record that shit, user

I hope he used an Alex Jones certified filter on that tap

you know it fam ;)

recording in the oven, getting crispy

Internet humour was fucking great then. Sure it was completely retarded but it was raw as shit.
Currently the trend is ironically saying "I want to die" and that literally being the entire joke.

Sam didn't even do anything particularly funny, it's just hilarious hearing kikes try to deal with bad goyim who go off script and don't apologize for being politically incorrect.

He did the "intereviewing the interviewer" in his Fantano interview in that one. Though it's clear that he didn't hate Fantano and was just interested (while also trying to be funny).
Here he used it to rip this guy to shreds.

Tommy Robinson once did it when Al Jazera cut out the best bits. Hilariously by cutting these bits out, they proved Tommys point.

Sorry for hold up, Holla Forums fucking with me
Did I do good?


"What is the alt-right? Some kind of indie bookstore?"

Mein sidens.

Holy shit dude

Just change g to q
(Had to write down link manually on fone cuz kripple kike fucking with me)

GG didn't do very well with it's initial goals. But what came out of it were thousands of people being redpilled.
Almost nobody who was part of it had whitnessed media propaganda so blatent.

Also the media is STILL butthurt about it even though it probably consists of about 10 people at this point. Well until yesterday

Fucking lol
He could probably call the cops on you for this.
Though on the other hand, he'll probably just play the victim

Jesus Christ what a pathetic fucking kike.
Livestream suicide when?

Jews have a tendency to harbor sadomasochistic traits.

confirmed pussy. How does one become this weak willed and limp?

BTW, here's the based-as-fuck post by Sam that gets mentioned in the Buzzfeed article

Its kind of stupid trying to fight your enemy without marking them first. They are trying to bring the alt-right into view so they can sic their pets on the movement.

Heh, 2/10 for effort.

Should have pulled a Super Troopers and seen how many times you could've dropped "Jew" in the conversation.

He kinda sounded the same as when Sam calls him out in the video, like he doesn't really know what to say and just laughs nervously.
It seems like he's not used to being bantzed and he just shuts down and waits until it goes away.

Was my first time fam

But I want to see you do better ;)
Just get some cheapo Voip service and call

Sam probably appreciates Deus Ex as a curio but he is probably the kind of guy who thnks videogames are for children

I agree

They have been started on that for awhile now with Dangeous Faggot and Gavin "buttplug in my anus" McInnes

Did you not hear him say jew right at the conversation started?

Nah, he's a gaming type, he's just not a fucking nerd about it, which is really the only way to approach most hobbies.

That was a pretty good read. Especially liked the comment from the "borderline SJW anti-white-male" faggot kvetching about "hateful white-pride bullshit".

That faggot's entire post boils down to "omg i literally can't even guise"

These people will hang first. They go out of their way at every fucking opportunity to give every benefit of the doubt under the sun to our cultural enemies.

Expanding on this point….

Instead of acknowledging the fact that browns/blacks from the turdworld bring with
them all sorts of unsavory shit…lets point out that some Middle eastern guy from 1400 years built a statue or something. Checkmate, racists.

something. Checkmate, racists.

That was a great post.

it fucking expired, mane

Sam Topsy Turvy'd dat muthafucka

Okay, so he's not genuinely a nazi, but he's very sympathetic, and is generally just anti-government, anti-SJ, and pro-white?
Or is he just befuddling reddit, or am I still not fully understanding him?

geez what a fucking cuck who responded there

stop posting niggers, cuck

I especially liked, "Oh yeah? You don't think we should let in rapefugees? Well what about chicken teriyaki, huh??"

check here

Ate snickers, threw garbage.

Every single time, god damn.

I should have known the MDE reddit would be filled with these edgy liberals who think Sam is satirizing the right

I am tired of people talking about Holla Forums like its full of geniuses. This is cringey as fuck. We're just a bunch of pilot fish gathered on the underbelly of Sam Hyde or Trump or whoever. We don't even do raids anymore. Just shut the fuck up. We're not part of anything, we're just witnesses to it.

Ok, cuck kike. Think what you want. What color would you like on DOTR?

stop trying to defend your gay post.

Obvious loaded Buzzfeed hitpiece article in the making, knowing they'd write negative bullshit either way he saw through that shit and flipped the interview to mock Joe.

Is he really selling cock pills? I have an idiot friend that listens to him legitimately and uses those. I'm wondering if he is actually stupid enough to buy cock pills from Alex Jones (let alone buy cock pills in the first place).


Jesus fucking christ, when will the meme of "america is multicultural!!" die? It is not multicultural, and there will never be a multicultural country, because there can be only one dominant culture at one place at one time. America has their own segregated sub-cultures of Chinese-Americans, Nordic-Americans, Latino-Americans etc, which is all tied up by the prime cultural elements of the founding principles of freedom. As a europoor, the blindness of the left about society and the world around them never stops to amaze me.

People who started misusing this should get flesh eating disease tbh

Gea Johnson, the queen of old /sp/.

Yeah, if there's a more trusted referral remover, let me know.

Not trying to prevent him getting views it's just that:

• some people don't like / cant use youtube
• vid file makes it saveable
• vid file makes it shareable


he's trying to get Sam fired

Here's the article

Pretty much this.

don't you love how every tweet crying out in pain includes a huge promo link to his article

Reminder that Joe Bernstein's father was Nazi hunter who traveled the globe, bullying old men in wheelchairs.

Holy fuck Sam really got under his skin

Be honest user, this isn't by far the worst thing you have seen on forums like this–not by a long shot. You are just looking for a reason to be a Nazi.

After the interview, Bernstein went full emo on his Twitter account, posting really depressing self-loathing shit. Sam def struck a deep nerve.

it is one of the worst things happening to english online right now afaic


Here's a taste

I fucking hate lefties and their snichting techniques.

This is gold. What makes it even more satisfying is imagining what he'd have been posting had he actually gotten to write his bullshit hit piece.

oh fuck

(((Joe))) looks like a sodomite. His face is that of a man who ingests semen and his voice confirms it. He bottoms with his BF and various other faggots since homos are NEVER monogamous after all.
No wonder he dodged the marriage and kids question Sam…

He did write it

That was a dead giveaway. Even the most beta straight guy would've at least said "yeah i'd like to start a family someday". With Joe, it was an awkward pause and "omg that's private"

Also, when Sam called him a pussy, most straight guys would've pushed back but Joey Boy just bent over and took it.

Meh, oh well. It's still nice knowing he didn't really get anything out of Hyde. Also:

I don't even know what to say about that. What an idiot.

I can't wait until this guy takes a step back from this episode and realizes that this sort of public self-victimization is exactly what makes him a fucking pussy whose ego lives above his own importance, and that every word Sam Hyde said to him was 100% true.

Wasn't Hunter S Thompson's gonzo journalism in that vein?

Liberals aren't use to any form of propaganda that isn't like a hammer being swung at their face. Subtlety eludes them.

literally dicks everywhere

He needs to go through this to improve.
Hopefully he'll improve himself after this episode, however nothing happens instantly.
The fact that he's going through this is a good sign.

if death didn't exist then earth would be about anywhere from 50% to 75% bigger with an upper crust made of trampled bodies you retarded sentimental kike faggot. also you'd have never been born.

His twitter bio describes himself as a

What a block head.

Here are some pictures of his dad and one of his goodification, if anybody wants to make some shoops to send him.

His rabbi mom, very exploitable.

Guys, did we meme this kike into existence?






Think how many more just like him there are out there, just waiting to get REKT hard by some gentleman RWDS soldier.

It's the musings of a 13-year old emo kid circa 2000 who listens to marilyn manson

deus ex MACHINA is a literary device

Deus Ex is a video game.


I would honestly just leave him to wollow in his own shit for a while. If we keep sending him shit then we'll just justify his victim complex and he'll become even more of a faggot.

emo kids wished death was more widespread so everyone wouldn't suffer because that's what the intellectual bad guys in their JRPGs said.

literal reddit tier morons ITT

To maximize gains we should pull a good cop/bad cop routine.

First we pick at the wounds that have been exposed: his lackluster professional life and his family related regrets.

Then we have friendly folks encouraging him to turn away from journalism. After all, he doesn't really like it; he's just caught up in the inertia of his teenage decisions. He'd obviously be much better if he adopted a more traditional lifestyle. Perhaps he could start an apiary or a small farm.

Sam needs to get a mic for his computer that isn't pure shit, webcam mics are never acceptable. That being said this was a god-tier beatdown.

It is known.

We've attacked intellectual prostitutes before, and they always fall back to the trenches to have a pity party.

This happens because, even though they know that we're right, and they know that they hate themselves and their shallow lifestyle, they're too scared to consider the alternative. They see no way out of their predicament save to double down.

So we should take Sun Tzu's advice and offer them an out.

Well I'm essentially talking from experience.
Sometimes you need a harsh realisation. However too much of a beatdown over a long period will just make you hate yourself and achieve nothing.

Troll harder, fag.

this tbh, maybe 2010-13 Holla Forums could be said to be "full of geniuses" newfag from zimmerman era reporting in sorry oldfags but this election season and the TRS disqus larpers have fucking ruined the quality of this board tbh.

so are you literally just some MDE viral advert faggot or something? fucking scum like you are why this board is pure shit, literally cannot even simply bypass simple fucking b8 like a typical newfag, you are probably one of those faggots who writes a 3 paragraph rant when a faggot posts that fem user pasta

You're like one of those useless faggots who brags about being a "Holla Forums oldfag from the ZimZam trial days"

He called him a pussy and told him his entire career and life had been a waste of time. He responded with silence. Its important to remember that ALL of these liberal nation destroyers are like this. They all have glass jaws.

Yup. That's my point.

says the larper who has zero understanding of board culture
literally fuck off back to reddit

This is why I hate cuckservatives with a fucking passion. They constantly play MUH PR games with these limp-dicked leftist weasels. They could've buried them years ago but no….


Tnx for mp4 fam
I actually thought my sound would clip cuz I was yelling pretty hard :/


Was meant for


filtered for muh shill newfaggotry

I could hear the slavonic accent come out a bit, but you were slurring yourself enough that it sounded spicish.


Although I was forced to private english school at early age, my accent comes out whenever I am flustered or angry

Even though baph is dead I am trying to go down their path and make my own local grown prankster group with couple of my friends to combat the left menace world white


Crossing my fingers for one million tonight.

Hopefully that faggot (most likely a butthurt Adult Swim insider) who leaked the episode won't hurt their ratings.

Nice ear btw

No shit, he talks with a gay lisp and lives in Jew York. Of course he's a fucking faggot.

Based Sam

The fact that Sam was able to get this guy THIS asshurt is hilarous to me, he's trying to play tattle tale to adult swim by calling out his fans as racists, but thats fucking retarded, he has pretty much no Ammo against Sam for being (((anti-semetic))), so the network isn't going to give a fuck, so long as these people are watching they have no reason to can the show

If anything this is a free publicity stunt for the show, especially since he gave the show a plug at the end of the vid

They cover this stuff because it is essentially outrage porn for them. Just like we have our rage threads, this is their equivalent.

oh wow man awesome digits my man

Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler lol



russkie? I can't tell what type of accent it is but I could here it in your jh sounds, slavs have a hard time with our american english since it is really nasally tbh

What game

This interview hurt to watch.

Anyone wanna spam this tag on twitter with MED:WP? #MyTypicalFridayNight

Crusader Kings 2 you fucking saracen.

What do you think Sam Hyde himself would have to say about that dramatic self-aggrandizing bullshit? Hint hint

Wonder why don't more people call him and order pizzas for him

Wonder why not more people called him or ordered pizzas for him



Is Sam ever on Holla Forums?


Did he pick it up? Are you sure it was him?

If it's his number I'm going to post it on Craigslist m4m and get his phone spammed with dick pics

Jews can't control everything, but they have a knack for seeing where the wind is blowing, and making effective counter strategies. It's innate, natural. I don't even believe they are fully aware of it. They see the rise of racial-based thinking in the alt-right, and so seek to subvert, and control how the movment grows and is percieved, as it is in its infancy. This is why we should not back down from calling ourselves "alt-right" this is what they want us to do. The alt-right is becoming mainstream, and they don't want these racial views to spread, as it brings attention to their ethnic activism. As a response, they are foisting false origins and "leaders" on the movement to paint it as something else, something easily deflected and managed. Hence why they have a million articles claiming Milo "sucks nigger dick" Yiannapolus our leader. It keeps us on the fringe, away from public discourse.

We must resist our urge to stick to the shadows of society. If we want to change the culture, and we most certainly do, we must identify as the alt-right until no one can question that this rising movement is about racial sovereignty and white reclamation of our nations. I personally do not want to kill the blacks or mexicans, but they must not be allowed to run rampant in our society which we founded.

Things are going to be very different from the past 50 years. And its going to happen in less than a decade if we keep hammering. The Jews know this, and are attempting to delay until whites are too small to form an effective counter attack.

Oh look….another quality thread that imkampfy bumplocked for no reason

I highly suspect he'd side with me and tell you to fuck off for being an useless bag of shit

he actually does look a lot better in that pic than he normally does.

He normally looks pretty shabby

Kampfy constantly anchors things that are motivational or about self-improvement. Sam Hyde is pretty damn motivational, so it had to go. We don't want anons being inspired out of their gloom, now do we?


It's more annoying that she paid someone to spam it everywhere

Shitty demotivator format aside, the statement is still valid.

No. Males can;t be harassed on the internet, sorry.


Please someone tell me they have it saved

Which one of the Rick & Morty writers turned out to be a faggot who bailed out his retarded assistant on Twitter? Because Justin Roiland just started a game company, and the announcement is the worst fucking thing I have had the misfortune of seeing in months. Between the oh-so-quirky random access humor and the pop culture reference right in the company's fucking name, this is a case study in what's wrong with the lol-I'm-such-a-nerd fad.

well that gave me a headache thanks

Well shit I thought I was in the GG thread. But you deserved to see it. All of you deserve to see it.

Posted by already. What's fucked up is how I've watched so much MDE in the past ~2 years that I now talk, dress, and laugh eerily similar to him. Ironic.

He re-uploaded it to the MDE2 channel.

Wouldn't be surprised if that gets deleted soon too though.

Also there's this:

Sam's tweet about removing the original video.

Prolly, but everyone has seen it, it's not going away. If Buzzfeed throws a hissy fit, they'll show they have no journalistic integrity. Whether people like it or not, evidence of a journalist behaving bad is newsworthy, unlike a vid of Hogan's cock.

No, actually he would call you a little fag