Being a female-repellant virgin is no excuse! Why don't you pop out Aryan superchildren for the cause?
Being a female-repellant virgin is no excuse! Why don't you pop out Aryan superchildren for the cause?
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where do i sign up?
It seems, with America and Western Europe going down the shitter, Russia will inevitably be where self-respecting whites end up mass-migrating.
I love the cold and would honestly, fucking love to become a Russian nationalist.
It's kind of hard being a Nationalist in a pozzed country.
Gestational surrogate means you can IVF a kid with some aryan bish's egg and your sperm. Then you just plop that fertilized egg in some slavsquatess for 9 months.
this is why white guys have to go the mailorder bride route.
I'll just leave this here
tl;dr don't get married with orthoniggers?
I almost fell out of my chair when I read that.
I think the strategy is a viable one. Eventually the inbepenbent wimmin giving mass to leftism will die off from abstention from breeding and being so outrageously unappealing. We just have to outlast them.
So what's the cost estimate for this?
tl;dr: no surrogacy (or contraception, artificial insemination, birth control, etc.)
Noone other than your fellow catholics care what bishops say.
10K is about the minimum in India. Dunno about Russia. Last time I read in-depth into it (2012) it was ~120K in the US. I would suspect it's cheaper now.
The alternative, however, is to be stuck with some bimbo poisoning the mind of your offspring and letting them listen to LMFAO or Phil Collins.
Look, don't go there, ok
A lot of slavs aren't even white, Hitler acknowledged this.
wtf i'm a christcuck now
Leave the discussion to the bigboys, child.
Kill yourself shill
Nice D&C shill
Russia is fucked but at least they have morality in leadership.
I think I am going to do this if shillary wins.
come on lad.
Comrade, why make child in Russia?
Why not make child in homeland?
Could end in funny biz if the russian babymommy tries to come after you in your average western legislation. Still, might be a better option than paying for a western ex-wifes iphone and sexparties if you do want to breed.
Holy shit you're a neurotic retard. You're so desperate to whine about big bad Putin that you can't control yourself. You must have a Turk-tier IQ.
Surrogates aren't legally the parent of any child they give birth to, and they have absolutely 0 claim on the child if he/she was conceived with a donor egg.
This is where men would definitely have the upper hand in reproduction.
White mongrelized cunts in America don't want to have children to preserve the white race?
Not a problem! We will scoot our asses over to Russia, find an Anna Kournikova's eggs and have as many kids as we want to further white men. Americunts only have but one egg to donate per month, anyway. But there's a literal sea of Russkies just wasting those things and they'd like to get paid. A man could impregnate a woman every single day if he wanted to. Hell, each ejaculation is about a billion fucking sperm anyway (if you're not a low-test neckbearded faggot). A woman can only give birth about once a year.
Suck it, cunts. Make one fucking negro hybrid in your lifetimes? Fuck it… I've made 30 Russians pregnant in 30 days.
Eat shit, cunts.
The Orthodox church allows condoms but nothing else
.t Orthodox
TBH if you plan to move to Russia and stay there, you can probably find a decent woman anyways since the gender ratio is so skewed & most Russian men are so bydlo.
And since you're staying in Russia and there's no western citizenship in it, you won't be targeted by whores who just want to leave Russia.
it must be hard trying to fit in, huh Tyrone?
Where did I say anything about dick, Schlomo? I said a normal male has the capacity to produce much more than women, unless he's a low-test faggot.
Who said I wouldn't care for them? Why would anyone go through the trouble of doing this and not care for them? Yeah, making white babies and not caring about them is niggerish and no self-respecting white man would.
We must secure the existence of NEETs and a future for NEET children
Read your post nigger. Constantly impregnating different women is degenerate, having many children with a single woman/surrogacy is the way to go. A single surrogate is best since all the kids will be full siblings (irrelevant if using donor eggs)
And I've seen plenty of richfags spend huge amounts of money on surrogacy/IVF only to neglect their offspring, so it's not a huge leap. Even middle class people who get into enormous amounts of debt funding the procedure stop caring about the kid once it's not a kyoot baby anymore
Nigger, you have to read between the lines. Do you really think I'd impregnate 30 women in 30 days? I was merely stating the possibility. For fuck's sake, autismo, play along with me here for a second.
I am increasingly of the opinion that the US need pull out of NATO and allow Russia to conquer Europe. In doing so, Russia will instill traditionalist values and exterminate the mudslimes.
Russia are the White Blood cells needed to cleanse Europe of its muslim infection.
tits or gtfo
its a dude you fucking faggots
Looked fishy, tbh fam.
Then again, tits would have told the story.
lel. Russians can barely deal with their own Chechen Muzzies half the time, and Russia is degeneracy central as it is, with a gigantic abortion rate and a ton of drug use.
They couldn't instil traditional values even if they knew what they were.
These days Russia seems like a pretty good place tbh. Sure its got problems, but government sanctioned child fuckers, daily terrorist bullshit and complete and utter pozz shitness makes it hard to want to fight for these worthless fucks.
First chance id get in (((WW3))) Id defect to Russia.
Hideous but in a kinda cute way.
Another one who bought the meme.
Slavland is as "based" as spicland is. Drug, abortion and mafia. Oh, and they consider american degeneracy to be the goal of their shitty, impoverished life.
Dont be a fucking retard. You can have a choice. It isnt 1940 with fuck huge millions men army anymore. And even back then many militias chose not to follow either the Axis or the commies/amerikikes.
Remember Chetniks?
>making übermensch with non-white slavs
I don't think you understand how this game works.
If you have the kid does that give you Russian citizenship?
Large pats of Russia are fucked, poor and fucked beyond belief.
What they do have however are resources, many many resources and no-one to extract or use them.
Putin would much rather have a few hundred Europeans go to Siberia to farm the lands than to have to try to save villages full of drunks.
Putin is doing what our 'leaders' should be doing and that is looking out for nation. If he could gain by fucking over the west he would,
make no mistake about it.
Another thing to think about is that the climate is getting warmer Yes it is, natural causes bitches commercial shipping
lanes are now possible throughout the year North of Russia. Russia have invested in the security along the Norther sea-route.
Another aspect is that the growing season in Siberia is getting to be much longer. Maybe Putin should ask the Boers to settle the lands?
Im afraid I dont user, who were they?
Have you not been paying attention?
Oh, look! One of those hollywood nazis who believes you are born an Übermensch for being white and bought into the lie that Hitler wanted to exterminate all east-baltic people.
Not to mention that a slav surrogate doesn't necessitate a slave egg donor.
Which are the result of an broken and poor country. As far as I know the US is still leading in all of these categories though. US leading in AIDs in western countries, in drug abuse, in violent crime, poverty isn't a crime as far as I'm concerned and US is the main exporter and producer of all kinds of degeneracy. The difference being that the russian leadership activly tries to battle degeneracy while the US leadership advocates it.
Source on that.
What he said is that many russians are not white - which is true. He said the same about the US. Does that mean all americans are not white? Russia is a multi-ethnic inland empire controlled by east-baltic slavs untill the commies came and ruined it and gave every minority citizenship. So just like you have black american citizens you now have millions of tatar and what-not russian citizens. Just these non-european citizens are more like the native americans in the US, you can't even deport them because those places are literally their own homeland. One reason why explicit white nationalism (an american invention anyways) doesn't and wouldn't work in Russia. It would just lead to a breakup of the russian federation into it's smaller states and therefor robbing the european elite in St. Petersburg and Moscow of important recourses. It's comapirable to encouraging english nationalism in the UK. That would just break up the union and you would have an independent scotland, england and ireland.
Dude, Russia has an enormous Muslim population. There are more Muslims in Russia than in all of Europe combined.
What is google?
Look, there is a reason why you are repulsive to women in the first place. Your genes suck and that's nature's way of filtering the shit out of the gene pool.
711 gets it.
you don't want one of these running around the house?!?!
Yeah, they sided with Hitler but they failed at maintaining control in their own country and got coup'd by pro-Soviet Serb elements. Hitler then having had enough of their shit invaded the first Yugoslavia, created the NDH and made Serbia an occupied military district. As a result the Chetniks were reduced to competing with the Partisans over who could kill the most Axis to gain British favor. They failed at this too. Having failed in everything they had tried to do they joined the Partisans en-mass. This was the first thing they succeeded at doing during the entirety of WW2.
Well, then I stand corrected. I was basing my perspective on their violence and intolerance towards the gays.
don't get trolled by angry NATO fags
the muslim population is indeginous. Imagine the US conqueres afghanistan and makes it a 51th state. And ppl on Holla Forums would start saying "Wow, just wow. USA literally has millions of muslims!"
As for the degeneracy. I'm sorry but I rarely see cuckold porn or gay porn coming from russia. Nor am I impressed by russian SJW's. Infact many Soros GMO's are banned in russia
Is that a dead kitten? Fucking Slavs.
Why are Russians so stupid? Aren't they a mix of White and Asian?
Well there you go
you don't understand how surrogacy works. You can use an egg from any woman, the surrogate womb is just a vessel.
This is very expensive fam. It's much easier just to kidnap a bitch.
Pic related
Not a MGTOW but waifus are expensive as well, especially if you get divorcecucked. If you average it out it's probably the same or cheaper than a wife, but in this case the permavirgin couldn't get a wife anyways.
So about half the price of surrogacy in the US? Damn, still expensive though.
Because I don't want my descendents to have to live in shitty rashka.
Ethnic Russians used as white as any European, but after the Bolsheviks they became heavily mongrelized. That combined with the destitution of the Soviet Union, they've basically reverted into savages. There are still white ethnic Russians, but not like there used to be.
Nah it's a pet rat.
The retards keep piling up. What grade level is your reading comprehension?
That feel when test tube babby that was conceived in a laboratory.
Sometimes I wonder if they did something to embryo me in a lab.
Let us know when your mutant powers surface.
If you gain the ability go invisible, be sure to kill some hentai artists that make detestable shit.
If you can limit their vodka intake they're the best people to have around.
Were your parents virgins when they had you?
It has been prophesized that the leader of a new revolution will be born of a virgin.
This is how I feel as well. Canadia is absolutely fucked and I thought about going to the US but there are so many niggers and sticks down there. I'm not sure what Russia's gun and knife laws are like though. I like my funs, and I can't imagine NOT walking around with a 5 inch knife on my belt or in my pocket.
I've also always wanted to learn vodka runes too, after our teacher used to troll us in my compulsory French class by speaking and writing in Russian to see if we were paying attention.
Guess I better practice squatting for long periods of time.
What brand of tracksuit should I buy my little Babooshka?
It’s unhealthy for you and for the child.
RIDF get off my board.
Russia: An entire country full of Natalia Poklonskayas
Wait? Did I read that right ? You can go to Russia and have a woman become surrogate and birth your child?
with her eggs?
That excuse can be used for the US though we have indigenous none whites and niggers im still a white nationalist. Multicultural empires are not okay when Russia does it
Absolute fucking bullshit russia has one of the highest murder rates in the world. An aids and abortion epidemic and the most musliums in europe. The US doesn't have nearly as many of any of those things.
so i'm going to have real life waifu sex if i manage to enter the program?
Importing vodka for your baby is going to leave you bankrupt in no time.
Nice try, suka.
I was told by a Russian girl who looked into it that Kazakhstan was the cheapest place among ex-USSR / FSU countries. About $15-20K USD per kid.
Kazakhs are mongoloids.
I am at least 1/16 confirmed nigger
Might be more
Is it Aryan enough?
everything else is Italian/Portuguese and it's decedents
Such is the fate of Brazilians
They are also muslims, although much more moderate than the middle east, given their soviet history.
No, turkic. Keep in mind, the turks are not predominantly turkic.
I'm not Russian or even Slavic but take a look at all the kikes and shills in this thread saying that Slavs aren't white.
OP is on to something.
Sounds good.
However, I'm a Jew, so I'd rather not.
Turkics are mostly mongoloids.
Slavs are Aryan, see light blue in pic related.
Used to be. Everyone falls eventually.
The American and Holla Forums's by extension, definition of White is cancer as it is.
It's like the niggers that lost their culture and count of their ancestry in the plantations so they default to their fucking color.
I'm convinced it's all D/C and people insecure about their own race those who nag on "blue eyed pale tall people with broad shoulders and decent IQ aren't White"
Excepts Jews, fuck them.
Are there places with some kind of reverse surrogacy? Where you can drop a load in some bitch and pay a one time fee for her to raise the child, then you fuck off back to the west never to return. And the kid can't get western citizenship and the woman can't extort more money or anything shady like that.
I want a Johnny Appleseed program is what I'm saying.
Edgar Cayce said Russia would become the light of the world. Bear, hurry up and fulfill the prophecies. Lay waste to America and breed me lolis.
Eh, rather foolish and a waste of ojas. Might as well follow this gentleman's wise dictum.
It's a jewish psyop to make white groups repellent to 99% of people.
sage for RIDF shilling
If a man has first access to the mind of an infant, it will change everything. This cannot be understated.
Deceit is nice.
Truth is rude.
God is good for killing millions with psychotic lies.
The Devil is evil for killing no one and speaking truth.
Women hate sex as it's their only interest.
Men obsessed with sex (no sensory reward for men).
Sex is shameful.
War is celebrated.
The naked truth is antisocial and must be concealed.
Or suppressed by social organised violence.
Boys die to protect mothers.
In Nature, mothers die to protect their young.
Attachment (dependency) is normal.
Independence (need-free) is dangerous.
Selfless defeat of interests (sacrifice) is glorified.
Selfish pursuit of interests (humane) is stigmatised.
Merit is hated (haters hate their betters).
The illegitimately entitled hate threats to birthright.
Women are so oppressed, men pay to pleasure them.
Men oppress women by dying to secure withheld favour.
“War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.” (Orwell)
Every human lives in a state of denial they've denied (recursion). Only lies can soothe their psychotic dissonance.
“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.” (Orwell)
Nothing can be done. Women will never hand power back to girls or allow their male filial and marital slaves free will to choose for themselves. The horror of betraying first access to a child's mind results in every messenger getting shot or dismissed as insane by victims of maternal deceit (even otherwise intelligent people cannot handle truth they cannot refute). A deity species without a Natural threat brought by depraved women to the brink of extinction, 100 billion have fought, suffered and died in the shadows of their mother's lies.
“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” (Orwell)
The face is a toddler's. The boot belongs to a mother putting her foot down (a Big Mother if you're a toddler). 1984 is not a novel about our dystopian future, it's the story of our dystopian early childhood.
"The best books, he perceived, are those that tell you what you know already." (Orwell)
Every rebellious child who wants to think for themselves, please themselves and love themselves has their free will violently crushed by a loving, totalitarian Authority that Knows Best.
"O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother." (Orwell)
Every toddler's struggle is finished when they win victory over themselves. They must love Big Mother. Or else!