Earl Norem did some great covers, advertisements, picture books, and illustrations for pulp magazines (Is that Holla Forums or /lit/?)
Who are some great obscure Holla Forums related artists?
Brent Anderson is the guy who illustrates Astro City. He's a god among men.
Jeff Purves gets no love.
I never see Norm Breyfogle's name come up here.
I'm aware of him. I believe he suffered a stroke last year.
Well shit. He's one of my favourite Batman artists, right up there with Marshall Rogers and Neil Adams.
Obligatory Serpieri drop.
I'm the only Vaughn Bode fan I know.
Every time I bring him up, whether it's fans, pros, amateurs, or normies, I get told to fuck off.
Another cartoonist and his artist girlfriend sort of learned back and cringed when I showed them a Deadbone collection I'd just bought. And this asshole bought the collected Crumb, even though he later sold it for drinking money.
You know those videos on Youtube of dogs and limes? That's the sort of faces people pull when I mention Bode. Am I just being autistic and missing something here, like really obvious subliminal dicks drawn in the elbows or something?
It looks like a pretty good mix of cartoonish and detail to me. I can see how thats on nobody's tastes.
He's desperately trying to be Moebius and failing hard, it's almost embarrassing.
Late 60's, early 70's? Had Moebius' work even made it out to america that early?
When did they turn Metal Hurlant into Heavy Metal?
Looks a bit like Frank Frazetta art.
something like it, but the lines are much more defined. distinct style, same genre
I've always liked Jerry Grandenetti. His art is very dynamic.
Carlos Gomez. He working on Dresden Files comics, and also did a little bit of work for Marvel here and there. His style is a perfect blend of realistic and cartoony.
Stan Lee was aware of Blueberry and that's from 63. Moebius was already a very well known artist when MH was released, in fact, that magazine was made as part of the whole "adult comics" movement and it reflects the spirit of the age and the intentions they had about not doing Pilote stuff forever.
I'd be willing to bet americans were already familiar with him and eurocomics in general, especially if they wanted to shit on The Big Two, which was what every underground artist wanted to do back then.
That looks noice user.