Please give me your honest opinions on the content, and if you like it, please spead it.
My new video edit exposing Hillary Clinton
the text title cards are too slow. lots of people will close the video within the first few seconds just for this reason. it doesnt take 20 seconds to read 3-5 words.
other than that good job. the more content we produce the better
good effort, could be great. Speed up the titles and it'll be ready to spread
pls edit that user saying "PEPEEE" at the hillary speech today into the speech where hitler is speaking about the globalists and some guy yells "JUDEN"
dubs demand
good work user, the only critical thought is along the lines of
maybe a fade to transparency ?
but otherwise great work OP
Thanks, guys. Alright, so make the text slides shorter. I'll get to it.
When I saw her alt-right speech yesterday, I instantly knew I had heard the "birther" line before. When I was looking for a short version of the Hillary clip, I found the one that I put into the video, with some dude debunking it, and decided to keep his bit in, to red pill potential people.
I kek'd. I actually wanna do it. I'll make a separate video for it this weekend. Thanks for the awesome idea, pal
Do it, dubs have spoken.
ineffective, needs better title slides and a more concise message.
I like it - - will look for an opportunity to spread this vid
Wasn't she the one who started this whole birther thing during the 2008 campaign by insinuating Obama wasn't born in the US?
How soon before Hillary tries to get this shut down?
Is there a clip somewhere? I'm leaving soon I don't have time to search
It's in the video in OP
You just need more exposure