How do we make marriages more stable and fruitful?

How do we fix this? Shluld Christianity be promoted on the federal level? (again)

social stigmas, and no.

What will keep those in place if not religion? You can see what atheism does roght now.

the people.

Utopian pipedream, what are you an anarchist?

This is how a civilization dies,it abandons the traditional family…

remove the tax breaks and fight the ensuing PR war, or make them only matter as child dependent.

But that will mean people will marry even larer, thus more premarital sex!

bullshit. it means religious (cult) folks will continue at the same stage, raising their rate, and the others will decline. u r dumb af user

Why should we change this?
Who fucks with whom is a choice by those who fuck, not by those who aren't involved.
Also, sex is great fun. Get over being a virgin and don't prohibit others from having sex just because you don't get laid.

Impressive. Social-democracy is reponsible for this level of degeneracy.

When will they learn socialism doesn't work?

There literally is a "why does this matter?" section for retards like you. Also your arguments can and have been used to defend pedos.

that makes no sense. Less incentive to marry early=people marry later

holy fuck you're dumb. who is going to continue to marry/reproduce younger regardless? who do you want to?

If you do promote christianity promote actual christianity not whatever "protestants" and the like qualify as (What we know for sure is that they're sinners, heretics and not christian).

They are the ones who made this mess
They have bastardize the bible so much you have women leading prayer and fags welcomed.
this they may like since all they give a shit is about getting their dick wet, therefore it can remain so untill they flush it and become just like the bitchses they fuck.
this last part will solve everything TBHFAM


Is this thread promoting or dismissive of antidisestablishmentarianism?

take away no fault divorce, the welfare state, alimony, make it harder to 3DPD take kids away from their fathers, and make it impossible for 3DPD to get child support from men for kids that aren't theirs


What's the origin of that image? The background is my old highschool, what the fuck.

We need to stop promoting nigger culture as a positive thing and make teaching personal responsibility a priority for children's schools. It will solve itself if we stop glorifying self destruction and infantilizing our kids.

Include stop paying attention to shit like the Kardashians, "Real Housewives (of whatever the fuck)", TMZ, and all other related and/or similar shit.

fucking dataminer
First, we need to kill the kikes that ruin everything traditionalistic and Christian.

christkikeinity is anti tradition, lets remove that

Because the jews corrupted it.

We promote traditionalism and kick all the jews out and ban every religion except paganism

Nope it must be voluntary, pandora's box has been opened and the compulsory "anything" option has evaporated along with it.

Mainly because not just women but pretty much everyone now will fight bitterly against state compelled morality at this point. You need to incentivize or de-incentivize certain behaviors at the cultural level.

nope, christkikeinity has always been an alien religion that belongs in the desert

You realize that people adhere to general behavioral laws by default right?

All you need to do is turn off the state support spigot and things will change themselves. The corporate/government boyfriend is what's keeping all of this alive right now.

That's sure an interesting statement as you now insist on it. Got any arguments or proofs?


we dont. We let them die off

That would basically reduce marriages by 90% and the 10% that still marry would be the dudes retarded enough to circumvent the law and give the woman a share of their shit.

Make women not insufferable cunts. Which is never going to happen. /thread

Marriage is a useless and outdated method of monogamous reproduction. Monogamy is great, but not when the very idea fucks men over.