Is Molyneux falling down the rabbit hole?

Is Molyneux falling down the rabbit hole?

Truth about the Holocaust when?

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If Molyjew ever goes full Nazi (which I doubt), will the fake Ben Garrison denounce him?

Molymeme has been anti-circumcision for years, he has always been anti-child abuse

vid from 2013

It has been my opinion that ever since the election of Sadiq Khan in London there has been an abrupt change of tone onMoyneux's channel. He has become something of an ethno-nationalist.

He has always been against child abuse, so it is not surprising he took the redpill on circumcision.

He lives in Cuckada, I think they have hate speech laws against questioning the holocaust, but that can't stop me from hoping.

webm of the exact moment molyneux went ethno-nationalist

what's the problem with circumcision apart from it being a jewish/muslim thing?

t. catholic

U do realize Stefan lives in Canada right? Where it's illegal to deny the HOLOHOAX


Better question: whats good about it? Anything?

Gee, I dunno Shlomo.

You will be killed for race treason on the day of the rope.

I hear that a lot, anywhere I can read about that in more detail?

It's in this thread genius

and the link in the OP pic

…Sorry to disappoint, but hes a libertarian that said he doesn't care how many people died in the Holohox. He believes that, even if false or inflated, the myth of the Holocaust is good.

how could anyone even jokingly come to that conclusion?

Yeah, a link to a page where someone talks about an experiment where the results were all destroyed I wonder who pushed for that.

I've heard about that study before, just wondering if there was anything else.

Legal pressure (Canada) but I'm also guessing he thinks the important thing is that it's wrong for a government to round up its own citizens and put them in ovens or neglect to feed or free them when supplies were cut by bombing. Breaks the whole "non-aggression principle" thing, as he sees it.

I don't know when he said that, but its possible things have changed. In one of his recent videos, he commented mid-conversation about World War 2 questioning the official narrative. I'll try to webm it if I can find it again.

He was trying not to dwell on anything that could get him Zundel'd, seeing as he lives in Cuckada. He had to shift gears but he didn't outright shut it down either.


i keep my rope on me all the time

Why is everyone making a big deal out of it. You're not crippled if you circumcised, and no, you won't enjoy sex less because of circumcision and no, you're not less likely to get an infection with a circumcision and it's not more hygienic.

Thats not what he said, he said that it doesn't matter how many died because the holocaust is not what makes fascism wrong from a principle standpoint, this is also years ago before his shift in tone while he was still not up for a governmental compromise (i.e. don't vote at all as it is immoral etc) you can see quite clealry he's changed his practical standpoint on governance.

It is also illegal in Canada to deny the holocaust, to say Jews were responsible for black slavery in America and any other defamatory thing about Jews. Just recently they took a comedian to court for that here I believe.

you are in favor of female genital mutilation as well?



Search online with keyword searches like "circumcision trauma" or "circumcision brain", etc.

Doctors in Canada did tests on infants before/after with an MRI, the results of which were later ordered to be destroyed by their superiors (gee I wonder why). They found permanent changes in the brain took place, most prominently in the limbic system as well as the frontal and temporal lobes.

Even though I feel nothing if I use a condom and barely feel blow jobs, I do still enjoy sex. Thank you for correcting the record.


Cutting off a body part that does not regrow is kind of a perfect example of a crippling act.
False. Women enjoy it less, too (rougher skin, chafing) even if they claim to prefer the aesthetics of a mutilated member.

Sorry, should have linked to vid.

so what does that tell us about the average burgerclap?

that they would be legitimately the smartest and most prosperous nation on earth if they purged their blacks and an jews.

Hello, newfriend

Wait, that's fucking optional? Well that makes me fell like a retard.

You are a retard. Probably a faggot like OP, as well.


It's amazing what reality will do to wake a person up. I have to assume most whites actually are ethno-nationalists but don't even know it. They've never had to consider it. Human nature takes things for granted and doesn't miss anything until it's gone.


I honestly don't get it, does it feel better fucking uncut or something? The extra skin just looks repulsive to me, also i thought you get dick cheese?

Forgot pic.


only faggots who don't wash themselves get dick cheese.

dunno how it feels cut, so i can't compare. but the head underneath the foreskin is SUUUPER SENSITIVE. in good ways and bad ways.

uh maybe for comparison: the idea of pulling back my foreskin and letting my penis just touch my pants or w/e throughout the day is horrifying, would feel the fibers of my clothing rubbing and scratching at my dick all day long and that would hurt like hell. i dont know how you cutfags do it.

That much agency from the people who have failed to 100v1 a bunch of frogs for over a hundred years? Ha.

jesus fucking christ

Its easy when you just let it run down your pant leg and out the bottom of your boxer briefs. Also dont wear tight pants.

sure. its an example of the sensitivity though for people who have had that sensitivity taken from them.

ever heard of a shower?

the super sensitive nerve endings get desensitized. turns to regular skin.

That really sucks man, i love my cockshield, it's also guaranteed proof I'm not a kike and my parents were not kiked which is awesome

feels good doesn't it?

wew lad.

Those "frogs" are the last bastion of conservatism and European culture in Canada

They aren't perfect, but they sure as hell are't as cucked as the rest of this pseudo-country

Yeah I didn't really have a choice. Ma is bluepilled to eternity and pop is a laid back hippy stoner. My girlfriend is a pre-school teacher and she said it gets nasty for uncut babies.
I donno that it really traumatized me as much as the constant brainwashing onslaught and realizing 90 percent of normies around me are completely lost in the subversion/kikery.

Y'all must be Euros?

I have a pretty tight foreskin and I have had a long journey learning how to deal with it (deadbeat father never taught me anything) but I can assure everyone: pulling it back to fuck is great

naturally short foreskin > incomplete circumcision > uncut > cut

Video link? Didn't realize he said it this outright

It doesn't matter if it was a frog or a fucking turkey or whatever. Its a groupthink thing. Same way that memes work. Memes work because of our similar thought patters and Truth mixed with Banter.
The "meme squad" for any candidates has been a miserable failure because its just something natural between likeminded people. Chan memes end up being the best because the smartest and most original people fuck around on photoshop here.

Lol dick talk with you bros.

Had enuf

Fuck him and all lolbergs.

Well at lest our resident burgers now have an excuse why they are all a bunch of whiny easily triggered retards.
Turns out you guys actually are literally braindamaged.

Your gf is a lying/deluded bitch. The foreskin doesn't even retract for babies and washing it is as easy as cleaning any other part of the body. And If children can learn to brush their teeth, bathe, wipe their own behinds, and girls can learn to clean their vulva's (which are much more prone to infections), then boys can learn to clean down there as well. She's just a brainwashed goy.

censored edit to normies with a "subtle" hint

Nigger do you even know what personal hygiene is?

Just reading that sentence made me shudder at the thought of such torture.

I approve of this term and will now be using it going forward when referring to my cockshield.

Feels great lad

I'm American. My parents just aren't retarded.

p-p-pics or it didn't h-hap—actually never mind I'll take your word for it

Reminder circumcision is how they prep their cattle by suppressing their frontal lobe from a young age.


Jelly Eurocuck detected.

Someone needs to ask him to comment on that documentary where some jew goes to the showers museum and they tell him it's all bullshit.

This is kinda gross, tbh




I'm so tired of everything, fam. Current Year has been shit to me and now I find another way I'm permanently fucked up.


this was hilarious to listen to on the podcast, I think he released the video of it explicitly because of that exchange

What? You think some of us unironically love him now for no reason?

I fucking lose it every time.
Bless you Moly, you smug lad, you.


No wonder he never took me hunting, shooting, etc. He's a fucking liberal pussy. I envy you uncut faggots, I hope you realize how great what you have is.

I feel a little better I guess

nice and succinct

Its at the very end of this

'dr' Paul tinari who's degree is in engineering, not medicine and got circumcised at age 8, yeah this is the circ expert y'all are citing.

Because cutfag dicks are desentisized. Nerve-endings have been disrupted, scartissue has formed.
It's pretty horrifying when you think about it.

Just kill me. I've never met a woman who was completely content with a cut guy. I fucking hate my father.

This does not falsify his research satisfactorily. If the conclusions he draws from his evidence are incorrect, this could be demonstrated. Best to focus your efforts on such an endeavor, rather than lazily throwing out fallacies.

Restore your foreskin, user. And 6.5 is a good size, so there's that.

I think I got a loose circumcision because I have to shift my dick like 20 times a day or else it gets annoying from movement.

Im getting pretty close to taking the final black pill and I might actually kill myself soon enough though. I dont even care anymore I am just waiting for that final straw that will break the camel's back.

Let it happen.

what if, all the jews are evil because hey were circumcised and it altered their brain? seeking retributin or the world, or to regain something lost, thru sheckels?

Same here, fam. Current Year is too much for me. But I was thinking, and if I get that close to an heroing, I'm going to sell all my possessions and move to Europe.

Here you go, typical jew logic that the "facts" of a matter are ultimately irrelevant. Guy pushes every media hoax that comes up, self identifies as jewish and ebegs but you'd never know it from this board.

Don't kill yourself man.

Kill those who facilitated the destruction of your white penis

Feels good man.

It's called taking a shower, retard. Wash yourself and don't be a degenerate whacking off into your underwear 10 times a day, it's not that hard.

Don't do it bro. Last thing we need is another white man killing them selves. Find help if you need to.

At least take a few people who deserve it with you.

Holy fuck I need to actually watch this rally now.

Good goys, if life is too hard, you might as well off yourselves! The economy is too rough to raise a family and propagate your race, right? And browns are coming to replace you, anyways! You won't even be missed!

Don't let the jews win, user. Never give them what they want.

Thank God I live in a 90+% white community with no kike influence. The only minorities around here are Asians, and they tend legitimately hardworking people.

Absofuckinglutely. Got an SJW relation who's three years my junior and 20 years behind on what a man should really care about.


The best thing, when life absolutely sucks, is talking about it with others who are miserable too. Doubt I'd ever do it, but a man has his end.

There's hope.

I`m calling it,
"jews are evil because of brain trauma from circumcision, it was never truly their fault, they dindu nuffin."

It's not really direct Kike influence as much as its Protestant/Puritan American influence. If you look at a map of circumcision it's super rare for the current euros to be cut.

If your to blame any Kikes, blame the the dead Kike on a stick for it.

Ps: le tip

They're still going back.

if banning circumcision turned jews into normal people wouldn't that be good too?

You could just by a tugger instead. You'd get it back a lot quicker.

Checked. I need to start up again. I saw significant loosening after only a few weeks.

but in what way does it affect it. Are cutfags more likely to be schitzo or something?

Cutfag here.
How's masturbation while being uncut? I imagine not having to use lube is pretty nice.

It's probably a motivation thing.

It's kinda like a built-in fleshlight.
It is.

My town is mostly Catholic as well (lots of Irish immigrants came here back in the early 1900's). Huh, kinda funny how that works out.

it`s awsome, your own foreskin act as a pseudo-fleshlight, it also allowed me to be content with masturbation until I found a good women for me, they had no power over me, I can refuse sex. I now am married with a beautiful blue-eyed dusty blond baby girl. house, job.

Yurop anons in these threads who have been to America often cite a lack of empathy in american men.

>had to hold back my anger and say nothing despite it being the perfect time to ask about WHY
>didn't want to die because she was driving

could trigger a lot of things in the brain.

he paraphrased St Paul too

You should read acts 15 first.


>tfw phimosis


Restorer here.17 months in. I'll answer any questions anyone has.

Molyneux has intimated a few times in recent videos that the Allied powers were actually villains in World War 2. Considering Canadas laws, however, that is as far as he is able to go on the subject. He cannot question the Holocaust, he cannot even openly criticize Jews, or he will be subject to prosecution under Canadian law.

Reminder once again that if you are an American, thank God for it.


I really do. I've had friends that made remarks when the discussions come up and their minds are blown by the fact that there almost isnt enough money in the world for me to get cut.

Absolutely alt-right of you user

Same situation by my Father is pretty right leaning and he was determined that I stay uncut.
thinking of getting a partial cut lately, got a fucking anteater dick

shekel deposited


Which device(s)?

Is it worth it?

What kind of a difference does your wife notice?

Advice for guys getting started restoring?

I've heard that with some devices, there is a risk of stretching out the coarse outer-skin more than the delicate inner-skin and ending up with a weird, uncomfortable, kind of thick 'foreskin'. Any truth to that?

He already spoke of the Jewish role in American slavery in his "The Truth About Slavery" video.

I'm already long past my developmental stages in life and honestly no one should have this much foreskin.

i never used a condom

we will retake the colonies by force or by womb


Parents are told that infants can't feel pain and how much healthier circumcision is, how he'll appreciate it later, girls won't like him if he doesn't get it, etc

I use a dual-tension restorer or 'DTR' device. It puts equal tension on the inner and outer foreskin so it grows back proportionally.

It's very much worth it if you want a natural-looking, more sensitive dick.

No wife. I've only had sex once since I started restoring, but there's a noticeable difference in how much better it feels.

You may not have enough slack skin to get a device to stay on right away, so you may need to do manual restoring techniques with your hands first to build up a base.

This can be true. There's no standard for how baby mutilations are done, so every mutilation is different. I have more outer foreskin on the bottom than the top because of how the scar line is. I won't know for sure how it will be until it's done. I was also appearing to make more gains on the left than the right, but it's just because more skin was taken off the right side.

I really need to ask why someday, the thought of putting a child through that disgusted me the day I found out it was a thing and hasn't stopped making me livid.

I just can't understand it, it's fucking insane any way i look at it.

Just try to control your anger and ask sometime. I asked my dad, and he said he regretted it and was sorry. It helped me move on from being pissed at my parents in the back of my mind.

Here is a longer version.

I am truly blessed then I realize I'm a 28 yr old virgin



And the worst of all.

Don't forget to donate to Free Domain Radio and that taxation is theft.



Can't wait to have those knives turned on your apostasy riddled self.

yeah, that's the part I'm having issues with

kill yourself you filthy kike enabler.

0/10 gas yourself

go kill yourself, even moneyjew is against mutilation.
I'm uncut and all I had to do was pull the skin all the way back then I was little, hurt like a bitch but I never got phimosis and all I ever had to do was clean my dick every time I beat off in the shower, feels fucking good(my faps feel better than any sex you will ever have, remember that kikedick.) and I've never even got more than a speck of smeg after the first time I pulled it back and got on a regular cleaning regiment(when I was like nine)

If the kikes hadn't pushed circumcision as the norm in the US and therefore mutilated me, I might have considered just turning Israel into a prison-state.

But no, we are going to kill every single Semite on this planet. Not one god damn kike or muzzie is getting away.

also it makes your cock look bigger to chicks, I am like 6x3 and women regularly guess 7+.

The only time women can gauge an inch is between 5'11'' and 6'.

Trauma based conditioning, you can short circuit any reasoning process if a certain meme is associated with fear, trauma, pain, death, etc. either as a direct memory, or as a concept. Not sure if circumcision would be linked to any brain washing technique in particular but it may make them more susceptible to trauma based conditioning in general. Trauma based conditioning and fear based conditioning are among the most potent tools that (((they))) have, with holocaust "education" kids as young as 5 are told a series of gruesome fictions designed to impact them psychologically and then that fear complex and knee jerk reaction is irrationally associated with "hate groups", "racism", etc. and any other thought cancelling SPLC forced meme you can think of. Fear is the mind killer, and elites overwhelmingly rely on it as a technique because in reality they are not all that powerful, they just project a very big image of themselves and make themselves look more powerful than they actually are. Everyone here fears NWO, kikes, and the damage they can do but the fact that so called "alt-right" shitposting on a mongolian cooking forum is enough of a threat to make them rage and rant through their media machinery shows how weak they really are. This is also why shills tend to focus on demoralization tactics to try to nip things in the bud, the emperor has no clothes and tries to pretend otherwise. It will require plenty of effort and vigilance, but we are going to win, and we are going to keep winning, we are going to win so much you are going to get sick and tired of it, and I am going to say, "I don't care!, we are going to keep winning because we are going to Make America Great Again!"

I'm 100% convinced that circumcision is key to making the cattle stay docile.

if someone is circumsized and on psych meds they're fucked for life irreversibly.

When I was 20 or so it wasn't so bad, but as I got older the daily friction has turned my glans into a mess of surface scar tissue. When I'm erect, if you look really closely, there are actually little cracks running up the head, where the inflexible scar tissue has given way as I go from flaccid to erect to flaccid.

I wouldn't mind not having a foreskin if only there was some way to get my sensitivity back. The worst part is that I remember how sensitive I used to be down there, and short of wearing some kind of protective device there's nothing I can do to halt the degradation.

It makes sense, racial consciousness and solidarity is strongly linked to empathy and oxytocin, and having the traumatic experience of trusted yet mysterious doctors and parents mutilate your penis is enough to seriously inhibit the development of empathy/oxytocin into adulthood.
Pic related.

You can "restore," meaning grow enough skin to cover your glans when flaccid, protect it, and let it become sensitive/natural again. I've used the TLC-X for a year and a half now and made lots of progress.

Well, think of it this way: You do it to animals to keep them from getting uppity during mating seasons.

This easily applies to humans as well.

t. pig castrater

You disgust me.

Makes sense, the media pushing their glorified eunuch trannies as a new norm is another aspect of the covert and overt emasculation of the population in order to create an underclass of docile goyim.

You mean this thing?

Tell me more about it, user. Do I have to do pic related or hang weights or put on creams or what?

Yeah. It's kind of weird, but that's it. I've never hung weights or put on creams. I work from home at the computer, so just wear it while I'm at the desk. And then I wear it while sleeping (you positioning it differently while sleeping to not hurt yourself from night erections). It's a hassle tbh, but it will be over in another year and a half or so, and then I'll be set for life and more like nature intended.

You will regret it. When you do, you will think of this post and in that moment I will have cucked your dumb ass anonymously over the internet.

No creams. You can use weights if you want.
If you sleep on your stomach, don't wear while sleeping.
You have to wear it 8-11 hours per day, every day.

Listen, no human should have 3cm of elephant trunk hanging off their dick while erect. It doesn't get in the way during sex but it's fucking gratuitous.

You don't have to wear it 8-11 hours a day. I went a long time only wearing it at night and it would sometimes come off (maybe even half the time), and I still made decent progress.

It removes sensory and emotional pleasure/awareness, introduces shock and trauma, instills a deep fear of authority, and teaches the boy to dehumanize and dissociate.

There is no doubt in my mind it's intended as a mind-control/domestication technique.

Men that have been affected by this should consider looking into -in addition to more accepted or conventional therapies- age-regression therapy and Reichian body therapy.

It's your dick, man. You can actually think about it and consent now, but as a cutfag I'm jealous of you and your non-scarred dick so I still think you're crazy.

No need to tikkun olam, user.


When you did get some foreskin back, what effect did it have on the parts that were now covered? I'm not talking just sensation, did the flesh change or actually regenerate in any way?


You are one dumb nigger-fagot.


I really, really, really like this image.

How the fuck would you know jew?

Foreskin retraction is not hard.

By almost nothing. Also, there are cheap antibiotics that can deal with that that women take instead of having their bodies hacked up at birth.

Simply false, and this myth has led many men to engage in promiscuous unprotected sex with infected partners, leading to themselves getting infected. Condoms are more effective at decreasing risk and to such a degree that cutting effectively doesn't help.

Whatever that means.

Which is why we remove every other bit of organ and tissue from newborns that could contract cancer in the future, right? The decrease in risk is negligible if any.

Except when it is done wrong causes problems where men can't get erect.

Simply false.

Muh English illiteracy.

Moral argument doesn't give a shit about who, where, or how it's done.

These are all complications adults would face, not newborns.

Because we have better means of hygiene, we don't need to continue this practice, but if we do, it's because there's a religious reason. Sounds about right.

Putting aside that cutting has hardly anything to do with health anymore, sexual pleasure is a component of health, among other things.

You could only say such a thing if you didn't understand its importance.

Yes, the glans can recover and become totally normal again. It's called de-keratinization. You will never get the full nerve endings of your foreskin back, but you will recover your glans completely. Where the skin covers my glans, it's normal, moist, and healthy again. Here's a visual - - I'm about CI-4.

We are talking about risky cosmetic surgery on infants. You wont fight for them (you are a coward) but I will.

Nah mate they are the remnants of neanderthals.


Yeah my uncle died of cancer of the foreskin. True story.

No one ever said it did.


Thanks m8, that's a helpful site. Even if the first pic looks like a snek.

I think I'm gonna go for it. It's going to be embarrassing to explain to the gf but I'll just bust through it like everything else. She becomes visibly upset at the idea of anything hurting me or my penis so phrasing it as reversing damage should get her on board.

Accident or from birth? If it's from some event you just started story time.

What happened one-nut?

It was the mark of slavery in ancient egypt.

C-can't we lose once or twice more, f-for old time's sake, Trump?

Canada doesn't have freedom of speech. We have "freedom of expression" which is undefined and so basically means you can be prosecuted for saying anything the government doesn't like.

Good luck. I'm glad to have helped! It will be way better for her too in the long run. Girls almost always say non-cut feels more comfortable to them and that cut is abrasive in comparison.

Of all these angry responses I got and that claim that I'm somehow jewish, you're the only one that actually put effort in a plausible answer. But still, there where you lack evidence you just claim it's a myth. You even seem to have problems with the fact that organs or in this case tissue that doesn't serve a purpose or became obsolete will be removed. And even if it doesn't pose an immediate threat, you'd be better of by removing it. The tonsils are a good example. In most cases you don't really need to remove them, but there is always the danger that an infection can't get worse, to the point where antibiotics won't help anymore, according to WebMD.
Vestigialitis are another example.

The reason Stef invites fools like you and not professionals is that he doesn't have to face people that challenge him.

Get out idiot.

I'm going to ram my uncut dick in your eye socket just so you know how bad you've fucked up for saying shit like this in the future, faggot.

What about non aggression towards newborn infants. Answer me faggot.

Everything I responded to you with came from Stef's presentation.

If you didn't know that, then you never watched it or read his sources.

Congrats homo

There is a reason why woman prefer circumsized

No happy little accident. Apparently I was born with only one.

Is your one nut just really powerful?

because the jew media and sex culture has taught them to?


Circumcision is something you kikes need to pay for most.

How long does it usually take for people like Stefan to deny the holohoax?

he's already denying it in his head, but in Canda there's no such thing as freedom of speech so he'd get arrested.

It took me about a week of rabbit hole to deny the holocaust.

He lives in a country where, if you do find the holohoax, you'll find out about zundel being literally destroyed and attempted to kill, so he probably knows to keep it to himself especially in [current year]



It produce for two so yeah it's a pretty powerful.

Nice macintosh, fag!

does she like lake houses and not get paid to suck dick? would wife

second time I've seen this suggested here, any reason why those two?

They are both genital mutilations that can not be reverted.
The one thing i see progenital mutilation shills ALWAYS say is how it's healthy and positive for a man to get circumcised, which is funny because one, you are removing skin that evolution intended to act as a protector from both physical harm and filth, how in gods name is removing something whose primary function is to protect you from harm a good thing, second, you are cutting away 1500 nerve ending and muscles.
Does that mean we should also have our eyelids removed, or maybe do a full skin removal on ourselves?
Also, i am a civilized man, i have soap and water in my house and i practice hygiene every day, unless you're a desert dwelling semite i don't see how MUH SMEGMA argument can work on me.

don't you mean the rabbi hole?

Listen to her pander to those dudes who got mutilated dicks.

Suck shit a cut cock is the mark of the jew and has scars all over it.

Throw the Jew down the rabbi hole.

She's gotta pander m8

I've been tugging for a little while and just having some skin covering part of the ridge when flaccid helped with sensitivity in that area. fapping already feels better with just that amount of extra skin, but I had super tight skin when erect ofc it would make it feel better

women are retarded.


You know i'm still fucking mad that the Jews stole my foreskin from me.

I had it too when i was a child on the left side of my head and it's super easy to remove.
You just have to peel the skin slowly, over and over, day in and day out, once i did it enough times it just peeled away in a second and i found some white, glue like thing in the crevice where the skin was.

Read the thread, mate. You can still grow it back.

But he will never grow back the nerve endings.

Let your anger grow

Such a word does not exist.

There are Pediatricians
and there are Podiatrists

I'm already tempted to believe you're full of shit, but let's look further.

Did you perhaps mean the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)? I'm going to assume you did. Let's take a look at some other things they advocate and support.

>Protecting Immigrant Children
> Children Crossing the U.S. Border: Where AAP Stands​

>In summer 2014, an unprecedented number of unaccompanied children came from Central America into the United States along the southern U.S. border. Pediatricians were deeply concerned about the health and well-being of these children, and the Academy was in regular communication with federal agencies and state AAP chapters to gather information and offer assistance. In addition to ensuring the medical and mental health needs of these children were being met, the AAP urged for steps to be taken to provide for their safety and well-being after the initial assessment and placement. More than 60,000 children were resettled with sponsors in nearly every state.

aka Resettlement of illegals in US territory.

>Global Child Health

>The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) works with the U.S. government, other partners, and through the International Pediatric Association to ensure that global health is funded and children everywhere have access to the care they need to survive and live healthy lives. In 2013, 5.9 million children globally died from easily preventable or treatable causes. The United States and its partners have committed to ending preventable maternal and child deaths within a generation. The AAP supports this commitment and advocates for high-quality, high-impact maternal, newborn and child health interventions that save lives, promote healthy development, and strengthen children, families and communities.

aka Foreign aid with US tax dollars.

​>The AAP has been involved for decades in advocacy efforts to address the detrimental effects of gun violence in children’s lives as a public health issue. The AAP continues to engage in a sustained advocacy effort focused on engaging Congress, the White House, partner organizations, pediatricians, and the public in an effort to enact and improve federal policies aimed at reducing and preventing gun violence.

aka Gun control.

The entire organization reeks of kikery and marxism. Need I go on? How committed are you to shilling for that desensitized stump of yours?


focus your disappointment into anger


Now he's lost any new attention he previously received.

If you want to prove the circumcision to normies, you need to:
1. Have the facts and sources at your hand.
2. Be gentle with the evidence showing your proposition.

That twitter post was retarded and too impulsive.

Damn, user, you have my sympathies. I kept mine, thank you very much.

And I'm still convinced this is the only reason for circumcision.
Because it does get hard to clean when in the wilderness.

you mean the same way you did not provide your own sources?

You read the link, though?

It sounds like the data backs the idea. It is an argument.

Thought there's not a big sample size or anything like that, it's not settled science maybe I'll give you that.

Around about the same time he admits he selected one of the worst people to talk about 9/11 deliberately.
Around the same time he researches who Pew research are, whose statistics appear to be the gospel to him.
Around the same time he stops saying jews are the smartest, it's proven! (except when he is talking to a peer experienced in IQ)

In case it slipped your brain muslims are cut, but at a completely different age. I'd be willing to bet (((Stefan))) has (((research))) probably from (((Pew))) that states circumcision in babies doesn't do anywhere near as much psychological damage, practically none, oy vey.


Man has had the ability to wash his balls in regular intervals since the dawn of agriculture

Oh trust me, I'm fucking angry! I'm angry that our society deems this sort of thing as a normal part of everyday life! I'm angry that my dick was mutilated because of some shitty idea of penis envy from my parents!

Maybe, but how hard is it to pull back some skin, put a dab of soap on it, and rinse it off? It's not like I'll be trying to impress anyone in the woods.

can't get the nerve endings back, or the tiny muscles, but you can restore sensitivity to what you have left and have skin that can help with the gliding in sex or fapping.

Do it anyway, that sensitivity may never come back, but it's the very act of doing it that counts.
Also it makes it easier to masturbate.

The defoo cult is fucking cancer

There's no reason to not tug. Your foreskin will actually become more sensitive when you regrow the foreskin.
It's less like putting a band-aid on a missing finger and more like regrowing said finger up to the first phalange.

Fuck. I thought it was just from using a lube that left my skin kinda dry. Fucking kikes. If I ever have a kid, I'll personally murder any Rabbi that tries to take my child's foreskin.

Also he was always anti-circumcision i don't see the purpose of this.

Thanks guys, I'll probably go ahead and start tugging then. I may not be able to feel what the uncircumcised feel, but at least my penis will be making a statement. I swear to never do to my future children what my parents did to me. It's simply wrong and unfair.


Kill yourself

I'm in the field quite often, and have been for years. I've gotten used to not taking showers for long periods of time. One pretty crucial thing that makes it so bearable is my circumcision.

There's always multiple people in the unit who have trouble taking a piss when we go out on a mission. On two occasions, there have been UTIs. One of them needed a fucking medivac.

I don't have anything against non-circumcised dudes, but I'm glad I'm not you.

If I have sons, they WILL be circumcised.

What makes you think a goyim like you has the right to choose?

I'm glad I'm not you either. My boys will have their skin.

great argument

If you can't glean worth from the 200 replies above then you should consider killing yourself and helping the gene pool

I vow to stand by that as well, user.

kill yourself.

How's the weather in Tel Aviv, "user"?


You should have got the whole thing removed because you're a nutless faggot anyway

I eagerly await d6475f's attempt at correcting the record once more.

I don't get why are you being so defensive about your little cult.
This thread is pointless since steph was always anti-circumcision and it doesn't provide anything new.

The jew reveals himself.



White Europeans practiced genital mutilation on their children for centuries?

Well, Jews do it and they have an above average median IQ

above average rates of mental illness as well

I wonder how much infant trauma accounts for that, I bet it's nonzero

Also inbreeding.
Semites favorite pastime, seeing how modern "jews" have absolutely no connection to og jews and are more of various groups of semitic tribes simply taking that name and converting to Moloch worship.

At least it gave the kike doctor unironically named "Dr. Rich" enough reason to not mutilate me.
I have shit vision because of it though.

I was just saying, >>7258818's joke still holds up

All this, but the average normie still loves the jew. I swear i'm not aloud to have one fucking shred of dignity in this fucking jew world.

just adding to what others have said
my dick tip (glans) only gets sensitive right after I cum
otherwise it's like the soft skin in the inside joint of your elbow or in the nape of your neck

So much rectal trauma.

Circumcision is better for assuring hygiene. Deal with it.

Just ordered my kit, gonna take a good set of before pics when it arrives.

I really hope this works. It's gonna be a long process.

Who the fuck else would you be? Go be you at reddit, fag.

I used to have a lot of resentment about being circumcised when I was a teenager but orgasms still feel 10/10 and since I haven't experienced anything better it doesn't feel like I'm missing out.

That said, I won't be circumcising any future sons I have.



Remember folks, Molyjeux has a Jewish mother and under the laws of Orthodox Judaism, that makes him a bonafide kike.

found the kikel

This is why you hate Jews so much…wew I dont blame you

Uncut fags will never know the joy of having a rabbi fellate their freshly circumcised penis.

Checkmate, goyim.

We all were, and it took time to come to terms with that.


$1.32 shekels for your try-hard post!

Which one was that again? I know I watched the whole thing, the first half was useless.

That would explain why the video quality was so bad compared to other ones.

This has to be one of us impersonating the merchant, Poe's law is kicking my butt right now

You wouldn't be born with it if you didn't fucking need it Shlomi…sorry for your loss…but the Rabbi loves a handful of crispy fried foreskins as a snack

I might do the same thing. Either way, I'm low-time preference enough to know that

Who the hell can fake THAT voice?

By being the man in the relationship and making the wife fashy, then imparting the knowledge of the true horror of male genital mutilation to her? That only happened because they disagreed.

I'm sure you are.
Frankly you have a point. After all only jews, burgers and mudslimes cut their dicks off, and as we all know the entire rest of the world and it's military suffers from constant dick trauma.

It's hard to imagine how the europeans fought wars for centuries without jews biting their dicks off.


What's the problem with ripping a man's foreskin off.

inb4: well it's painful and they remember it and it becomes a trauma

A baby's brain will remember it too, only not explicitly. Explicit memory is the one you're aware of, that you can come back to and mention things from. Implicit memory is the 'subconscious' one, stuff you're not aware of but which still affect your behaviour. The development of explicit memory happens due to the development of the language center in the brain, i.e. when we gain the ability to recognise and reproduce language, we gain the ability to express our stored memories, from that point on.

But babies learn and remember things from before they can talk about them from inside the womb actually. And though a little goy won't be able to explicitly remember the circumcision, the memory will still be there and it will still affect their behaviour, and colour their experiences of the world.

And yeah there's also the fact that it is literal fucking trauma, which marks the brain forever in a wholly negative way.

And the head of the cock, remaining unprotected by the foreskin, becomes harder, i.e. less sensitive.

These are literally gullible idiots (aside from us) that we're talking about here..

Protip guys: I'm 99% sure this is Homor from the /cow/ board. He's the only one I've seen sperg about circumcision like this before.

Basic rundown: Homor is basically the board's pet retard. The people running the board have routinely burned it to the ground as ownership changed hands again and again. Usually it involved tranny drama (someone discussed would be a friend of a tranny on staff, the admin would get upset because he was dating a tranny, etc.) but towards the end before migrating here they had given Homor mod status, and he'd repeatedly abuse his powers and ban anyone who said something he didn't like. Even after he was de-modded he would post threads and say things to lure out people who had previously argued with him about things hoping to get them banned.

Homor is just about the only "lolcow" discussed who has claimed to be right-wing, virtually all the others -most especially the board's patron saint Chris-chan- is left-wing, and this is commonly a bone of contention that drives the staff absolutely nuts. I've seen numerous people banned just for mentioning Chris-chan's political beliefs, it absolutely triggers the fuck out of them.

Homor claims to be a conservative, but the main things that cause him to go nuts are suggesting pot shouldn't be legalized, and suggesting circumcision is stupid. He routinely got into spats with SJWs, real or imagined (he'd routinely name whoever he argued to be 'tex' 'tolerance' 'jasmin' etc.) conspiracies evidently stemming from arguments he was having on their IRC channel.

Homor has made several threads on the board about groups he doesn't like, declaring them collectively to be lolcows. People against circumcision are one of the targets he most obsesses with. Most recently he made a thread about the admin of some Silent Hill fan site or wiki or whatever who was obsessed with circumcision. When it was pointed out it was obvious it was him, he flew into a rage and started drawing comics of the person arguing with him. He posts on Holla Forums, but frequently references hating it specifically because he hates white nationalism (yes, he is white.)

He was at one point doxed, and revealed to be an autistic 18 year old high school drop out living with his parents. For a while he was mocked with the phrase "please don't hurt my family" when his info was leaked. Also people mocked him with a picture of a rotting ham or something, I forget. He attempted to create several comics and start numerous youtube channels, goaded on by people wanting their personal lolcow to produce more content, but Homor was notoriously lazy and no one actually watched his youtube videos, so it rarely went anywhere.

I haven't gone to the board in many months, a while back it seems they re-modded him -or someone just like him- as a "conservative lolcow" thread was made with no content, and anyone who pointed this out was similarly banned and all their posts removed, in a style characteristic of Homor when he was a mod.

So am I, bro. Why so sad? Find a virgin qt and make babies.


Fuck Molyneux.

He's a fucking idiot.

So what is the effect that it has on your brain exactly?
I'm sadly cut myself so I'd like to know but the article only mentions "changes in the parts of the brain that deal with reasoning and emtions" and stuff.
Could it be that muslims and jews are all sociopaths because of the pain they experienced as an infant?



Hey Adam, how you doing, man?

Does not matter in the end that much anyway, he has done plenty already. The Overton window is expanding. Soon the Holo will blow wide open, either by him or someone else.

You’re a tower of insight. We’ll sure listen to you now.

Reminder that you’re reported and that he hates his mother and disavows everything she stands for.

What the fuck is /cow/

They only know that the brainwaves change during and after massive amounts of neurons are being cut, and they checked later and it was still different. They assume this means a permanent change, but that's as far as they've gotten as far as I know because just like race it's not something science is going to look at.

Everyone except Africans is.

Does it look normal?
please tell me that I have a chance to finally feel normal

Go visit it, faggot nigger.


I appreciate the respect and concern you show to my proposition.


Speak for yourself.

It is much more difficult, if not impossible, to heal a trauma that is still blocked-off in the unconscious. Those types of therapies deal directly with the somatic and emotional memory. Rather than simply verbalizing and talking about about it, you actually try to unblock the trauma and bring it up to the surface.

"Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate."

- Carl Jung

It should. Besides all the sensitive nerve endings, the foreskin ensures a gliding motion that makes sex easier for both parties and less likely to be painful, with less need for lubricaiton. It also makes masturbation far easier. Cutfags seem to need lube, hand lotion, spit … you don't need any of that shit if you are uncut.

Take off your cult goggles for a minute and you might realize that this thread is not about your bogyman, but instead against the practice of mutilating young boys.

Hey, not to go all /adv/ on you guys, but a female friend of mine is in the last couple weeks of giving birth to a boy. I'm sure her husband is cut (because he's Christian) and she's expressed negative feelings towards uncut dicks in the past (they look funny and smell bad).

I've been too beta to approach her with any real facts to convince her otherwise, because I don't think she's open to being convinced, but I keep feeling like I should. Any tips on how I might go about this?

The one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Show her the embedded video of the surgery. Her protection emotions should overrun any faggot idea that ripping off foreskin is a good idea. Also, you can show her all the disturbing pics posted in this thread.

cool bro thanks for the info, can i get all thosecool facts about how choppin' clitorises is good too? these completely natural actions can't possibly have any downsides in the long term

Fuck off

Yes I meant american academy of pediatrics.

If it's not the JIDF, CTR, Freechan, leftypol, FBI, NSA, CIA, shills or intl it must be some fag from /cow/.

I don't know what's the case with you guys. All these sperg outs, images and infographs make me think that you have some kind of inferioty complex because the majority of woman think that a cut penis is better than an uncut. Not just woman btw. even in drawings and statues a cut penis seems to be the astethic standard. I don't see cut people making infographs and memes how they are superior to uncut people. It's uncut people who do that and make stupid arguments like "because X is more sensible I enjoy Y more" which is the same dumb thing to say like "because my eyes are more sensitive to light I can see better". I never felt regret of lacking a foreskin, because mine was removed because of phymosis.
Best thing is that people who never had sex are telling me their sex is better because they still have a foreskin. Ca. 25 years ago 85% of US men had their foreskin removed and ask them if they felt less capable.

this user:
over 40 uncut.
never had any problem with penis.

uncut penis user manual
when showering/bathing, slowly retract foreskin and allow water to make contact, soap not needed.

when using a condom slowly retract foreskin before rolling condom down.

Thats it!
Enjoy your penis unmarked by the (((merchant)))

Ah yes and don't forget to donate all your shekels to

Hi schlomo hows the weather in Tel Aviv?

Yeah, this is definitely Homor. You get angry when backed into a corner, start posting edited images of whoever you're making the object of your anger, assert that the people arguing with you are gay for disagreeing with you, claim everyone else but you is sperging out, refuse to acknowledge any of the mountain of information dropped on you, and repeat the same arguments over and over only budging when someone you know from IRC tells you to stop being a fag and points out what a little shit you're being. I remember you used to claim circumcision was inherently good, but everyone even on the IRC was against you on it, so eventually it switched to "Okay it's dumb, but you shouldn't care either way!!!!"

So then, why the fuck are you here Homor? Why do you obsessively post in these threads about an issue you claim it's gay to even think about? Because you'd have to acknowledge your dad made a decision for you that hurt you and negatively impacted you for the rest of your life if you accepted reality?

You've been doing it in this thread, you fucking moron. And you're not providing anything as to *why* these infographics are "stupid" you're just asserting they are without addressing any of the facts within. Facts can't be stupid, Homor.

Male circumcision is exclusively practiced in Israel and the US.

Literally every other country on Earth has exclusively uncut men. Australia, all of Europe, Asia and South America.

As usual, you couldn't possibly be more wrong if you tried.


shouldn't you be in bed grandpa?

I'm neither Homor from /cow/ nor am I jewish. And circumcision is practised around the whole world not just israel and USA you fag.

Stay mad

And what are the origins of Circumcition? Ancient near east , popular with semitic people . its a pure (((coincidence))) that the ancient jews loved it.

Stay mad? im not the one who was mutilated as a child because the ancient jews loved it so much they continued to do it .

Oh I never said you were a jew, Homor. Don't try to shift the focus, it's obvious it's you. How's your latest shitty webcomic coming along? What property will it poorly recycle jokes from this time?

Name the other countries where the majority of men are mutilated in this particular way at birth, Homor.

See? What'd I tell you. This is how you lash out when defeated and called out. Telling you'd pick an online moniker where the first four letters are "homo" though.

This is what we call "projecting".

If you really are modding /cow/, this is when I'd expect you to run along and make an angry thread about people against circumcision, and then ban anyone who disagrees with you, calling them autistic and deleting their posts.

Have them watch this. Arguably the best redpill out there.

Child Circumcision: An Elephant in the Hospital

Global report

Jewish and mudslime countries to be precise. Sage because i reply to bait.

Oh that's right, I forgot to mention. At it's height in the US 85% of men were circumcised, but that number has dropped to only 54%.

I'm in Texas myself, and uncut.

Explains the weir as fuck identity politics in USA.

I watched his 'Truth about Israel/Palestine' video back from 2014 today.

I thought I was pretty aware of Israel's history and whatnot, but this surprised me even. He doesn't hesitate to call out some of the famous quotes by Jews, and makes note of the one along the lines of 'non-Jew souls compared to Jewish souls might as well be souls of cattle'. That, and the fact that Orthodox Jewish birthrates are three times higher than non-orthodox birthrates in Israel meaning that Israel has a much more Orthodox future ahead of it.
Moly also makes note of the huge amount of foreign aid Israel receives and states it shouldn't receive any military aid.

I got a lot of respect for him.

How the fuck did Schlomo manage that one?

Were the Kellogg's Jewish? They're the ones who popularized it in the US. They sold it as a way to keep baby boys from masturbating.

I have heard horror stories of babies being taken out of the birthing rooms to be cleaned up and coming back circumcised, some hospitals also automatically do it unless specifically stated otherwise.
I did read one story of a man who had to get physical with some nurses who absolutely demanded that his baby be circumsized, I'll see if I can find it.

Oh stop it with these rationalizations.
No one with a choice woud cut their dick, and the muh health meme isn't true.
I accidentally found this link while I was looking for the other. One Hillary Rodham Clinton travels to Africa in 2012 trying to persuade men to get circumcised (circumcision is often done by force).

One 'Dr. Goldman' was quoted as saying "Many professionals have questioned the reliability and validity of studies claiming that circumcision reduces HIV transmission. African national population surveys in eight countries found a higher rate of HIV infection among circumcised men compared to men who were not circumcised. There are at least 17 observational studies that have not found any benefit from male circumcision in reducing HIV transmission."

His views on raising children are retarded, he thinks they should just be treated like little people and any discipline is abuse. This is why he convinces people to DEFOO their normal families for being abusive, because he considers virtually all parenting to be abuse. He has mommy issues and talks about how merciful he was for not murdering his mommy. His anti-circumcision thing is just a part of that whole package.

No Kellogg was a Seventh Day Adventist I believe, the anti-circumcision thing was just one part of a wide array of kooky alternative health ideas he promoted.

I meant the circumcision thing not the anti-circumcision thing obviously. Here's his wiki:
Vegetarian, ran a health spa, used alternative health treatments like phototherapy, hydrotherapy, enemas, etc. Supported eugenics.


Fucking fanboys shitting up Holla Forums
Take it to Holla Forums or (considering the fag eceleb) >>>/pone/

pic related

Spotted the jew. Yes goyim the foreskin is bad, so we have to mutilate your dick. Your never can have a proper orgasm, but at least you won't have that nasty skin. You know goyim that women don't like a functioning penis, so you should be happy we cut it off.


Bitch, I never even said anything supporting circumcision, I'm just saying Molyneux's reasons for opposing it stem from his general approach to raising children which is crazy, and views children as having the same rights as adults have. Personally I'm uncircumcised and if I ever have a son I won't get him circumcised, but I also think stopping the removal of a little fold of skin on the genitals should be pretty low on the list of priorities. There's more to life than sex, my circumcised friends don't seem to have any problems with their sex lives, and if their orgasms are slightly less pleasurable than mine they'll never know the difference anyway. They don't give a fuck and neither do I. If having the most pleasurable orgasm possible is high on your list of priorities you need to reevaluate them.

Kind of ironic that both the modern circumcision movement and the modern abortion movement in America were started by 'racist' eugenicists, and now Holla Forums spends an inordinate amount of time railing against circumcision and abortion.

For one theirs brain trauma evolved. If you cut off a babies fingers, and said that it would leave long lasting trauma everyone would agree. However when you off the most sensitive part of the male body nobody agrees. Secondly you can't plus or minus pleasure. A circumcised orgasm feels ok at best. Not to mention a lot of men feel literal nothing if they wear a condom. Your right sex isn't all life is, but it's a massive part.

Pic related, your buzzwords mean nothing to anyone who doesn't already agree with you

As I understand it Molyneux has a well sourced body of evidence showing physical punishment (which includes spanking) leads to negative outcomes in children.

Frankly idgaf about the moral argument, but if you want to retard your gene pool that's on you. I prefer my progeny to be fully capable and realized. I have yet to see any studies from the pro-spanking crowd that show improved outcomes from physical punishment, or for that matter any argument other than "why don't you hit your kids pussy, they'll turn out to be faggots if you don't, I was hit and I turn out just fine." I don't want my kids being that retarded.

That picture is genital cutting not circumsicion.

South America never looked so white.

Did It really fucked me up? I do now it left me scarred, but how much could have it really affected me?

That's around when my parents tricked me into agreeing, to be circumcised. They put me under so I didn't feel anything. So i doubt any serve brain trauma accord. It just ruined my dick I guess. The same is probably true for you.



also op stephan molly/new/ been had redpill fam

Yeah I was too asleep when they did the circumcision, but waking up to a stiched up penis was pretty bad, then the nurses needed to see me pee to see if "everything was fine" I tried peeing but it burn like hell, so at first I didn't do it, they tried many methods to make me pee, they put me in a shower, and the water on my tip would burn like hell, eventually I peed after a long day, but goddammit, it was horrible.

There's hope, user, someone is working on it.

Also, their website does a great job explaining why the foreskin is important.

Ya being cut is bullshit. Fucking subversive kikes convinced the American masses in order to hide amongst us and confuse our women

Fun little known fact, depending on the way you are put under it's not that you didn't feel the pain it's that you don't remember it. They just paralyze you and, administer something that prevents formation of new memories for a short time but they do nothing for the pain.

So while you have no actual memories of the events the chemical and psychological trauma did occur and should in theory have lasting effects.


I remember the doctor quickly grabbing my surgical robe and yanking it up to my parents, so they could see. Once they seen they thanked him for his good job. I then was in constant pain for the next week. I remember I had to refrain from playing for a month not to hurt myself. Since I had to wait for the stitches to go away.

Adding to this, the reason he doesn't go full right wing/fascist is because he believes fascist nations are a breeding ground for abusive and neglectful childhoods, so if we can convince him otherwise then he might one day become a full blown nazi.

Nope I was put under, or at least that's what they told me. I diffidently have trauma though, but that from my parent tricking me. My mom basically told me stuff like my dick would fall off if I did have it done, and women would never like. I never wanted it done, but they kept pressuring me until I agreed.

unless you live in the desert or some fucking wasteland without access to water i don't see how you could build up smegma, im uncut and in 29 years of life i never had any filth under my foreskin


Shouldn't be too hard to blow his ass out his mouth.

Your sow of a mother is a fucking cunt.

She was probably convinced by a kike doctor that it was for the best.

She didn't need any convincing if she was telling him his willy would fall off.

She also held me back a grade. Her reasoning behind this was that I couldn't read. The funny thing about it was that I could. When I would read to her she would just tell me bullshit like I just memorized the words, and didn't know how to actually read.

No I think she just hates uncut men. My moms worthless.

Your mom is dumb and evil.

I would say she's just incredibly dumb. She always does what she thinks is best, and fucks up everything. I just want to move away from my family.

Protip: he is a jew. Are you suggesting the "not all jews" fallacy before? Why do you think the (((alt-right))) is happening? When neocohens are no longer contrarian, they just move the goalposts a little bit, but not enough. Even if we get fascism, with jews on board they'll just lay low for a while until we lower our shoulders and then implode the whole thing from the inside.

Be sure to shit in the tank on your way out.

I think he's realized at least to the point that modern liberalism has created the biggest childhood meatgrinder apparatus in all of history. He just needs to be introduced to the idea that fascist nations encourage stable 2-parent families and discourage harm to one's children. He's on the precipice already, a little push might do it.

Any anons ever consider calling in to his show and touting the child-rearing benefits of fascism? Show him some facts and it will be hard for him to hand-wave it.

What's the point, we'll never get our foreskins back to those of us who've lost it.

I'll just never talk to them again, unless it's for a funeral.

If there is a market for foreskin donations I have about 3cm of excess and an AB blood type.

Theirs a good chance your be able to regrow your completely in a few years. I bet it wouldn't be covered in insurance though, and cost a quarter of a million dollar at least.



what he'll say: This isn't really benefit of fascism but a benefit of the absence of welfare, child support, and modern divorce courts. He would justify this by saying that stable families were the norm in many/most western places despite not having fascist governments (Constitutional republics, monarchies etc)

t. ancap

Why are we here still here? Just to suffer? Every night I feel foreskin, the body I've lost, the lonely nights I've lost, they're all still here.

You feel it too don't you?

He probably would say that, but I think the point is to get him to admit that fascism is not actively detrimental to children. It won't make him a fascist ideologue by any means, but simply more open to fascism's tactical use, as a way to cleanse a sick society of its self-destructive and leftist tendencies. Which is really what it does best, and the road I think he's on anyway.

t. ancap going through Hoppean/Pinochet transition


This might be what he thinks internally already to be honest, I can point to some podcasts in the last year or so though where he approaches this and then sort of reels himself in. He states that if that is what is necessary then there is no place for philosophers i.e. if you're on a battlefield the NAP is not really all that important, whats important is what you build when the war is over. I sort of agree with this and morally I can accept a transition period of sorts in a 'Cincinattus' fashyion. obviously I recognize that I won't see my ideal society in my lifetime anyway so I'd rather lay some of the foundation in the ~60 years left I have one this planet.


don't blame your parents. Just break the cycle with your kids

Why is the email field an option in the first place?

I think we're on entirely the same page user.

Looking forward to seeing where Stef ends up over the next few years. I agree he's playing it a little coy right now. Probably for the best, he's a public figure with a brand, and has a family to support.

And this is how I became a sadomasochist.
Dad didn't want me having more fun then him apparently. Even though I've most likely destroyed his records.

for saging


Question for uncut-fags:
Do you pull back your foreskin when you pee?

I do. The very tip of the foreskin kinda crumples up in a way, so if you leave it on it can act like a shower head would.

what is that gif from?

Fresh OC for this thread, from this thread!

not doing it is how you get smeg retard

Smegma is not piss, user.

u wot

No. I get too much spray if I do.

breddy good, i kek'd

Wow, Molyneux is really breaking barriers.

Considering his charisma and personality, perhaps our next Hitler is nearer than we think.

It all comes down to what his shoulders can carry now.


tbh thanks fam

it's part piss, part blood, and part cum.
how do you think the piss gets involved? poor hygiene.

I read in a previous thread that if you are a cutfag and start 'regrowing' your foreskin by tugging that in some cases you can gain back some length especially if you are very tight during erection.. also if you have hair on your shaft it will go back to where it belongs if the skin gets released and is allowed to relax

i cant confirm any of that but it makes some amount of sense, extra motivation for any cutfags who are considering at least.

False, it's mostly dead skin cells.

If there was blood in my smegma i'd be worried

Also can someone explain me why do the jews circumcise their own children ?

My foreskin usually doesn't cover the head of my dick so it's not necessary.


Fugg, i'm currently CI-1, hurts when erect

I want to get to a CI-4 to 6, any idea how long it would take?

No I get what he's saying. The holocaust deathcount has no bearing on the argument from morality of the initiation of force. 10 people died? State bad. 10 million died? State still bad.

Any cultural meme necessarily persists because it reproduces itself. It either does this by conferring some advantage to the practicing culture, or by denying reproduction to individuals who don't take part in it.

In the case of Jews and cock cutting, the second method comes into play for sure. Jewish men who aren't circumcised, or refuse to get their sons circumcised are basically ostracized by the tribe. Jewesses won't wife them.

But the first method of meme reproduction might also come into play. Consider that infant circumcision causes trauma and brain damage. If the practice is universal to a tribe, that tribe's men would all share the same tendencies: certain neuroses, a tendency for doublethink or self-deception, an inability to go against the will or well-being of the tribe. These might be negative things in some cultures, but they could also prove to be beneficial for a parasitic tribe like Jews, who largely make their living off the labour of others.

tl;dr circumcised Jews are more likely to survive and to circumcise their offspring, thus the practice continues

Very interesting idea that circumcision would give some benefits to certain cultures/societies …

I guess we need to learn more about how exactly circumcision affects a child - what it turns them into mentally.

To your second point about jew women only procreating with circumcised men yes that certainly makes sense but I want to know why jews do it in the first place

I guess I should search some jew forums and see how they rationalize circumcision beyond 'muh religious texts' … in fact I will go do that now

What if I am actually racist?

I'm back from my searches… I found some conversation on reddit about circumcision that you goys might find interesting:

"It is something that God gave us, and I have to believe that that means it is important. I think it's fair to say that a commandment like Bris works on a deep psychic and social level, in ways that we may not be aware of or understand. The fact that it has been retained by many who have all but completely abandoned Torah despite its superficial absurdity suggests to me that it is an important active force on the mind and soul of the Jewish individual and the Jewish people."

"[Debating on whether circumcision is needed or not] is actually not a new debate for our people. 2300 years ago the Hellenists came to Israel with a compelling culture that influenced every Jew, saying among other things that the (male) human body was the pinnacle of divine perfection. They built gymnasia where men would exercise and socialize completely naked, and many Jews wished to join in. Both on an instinctive level and a philosophical one, the Hellenists saw the circumcised penis as an affront to goodness."

"I don’t think any compassionate person can be completely comfortable witnessing a brit milah. Nonetheless, making unalterable decisions and inflicting temporary pain for a long-term benefit is the role of the parent. You mentioned in a comment that you have sometimes been resentful of your parents for removing a part of your body against your will. This is a natural and understandable reaction. But I hope you can understand also the power of the Jewish message when it says to an 8 day old boy, you were brought into this world against your will and many of the things that are going to happen to you will be difficult and painful. But all of this is for a higher purpose which you can only begin to understand. You have a mission on this planet, a mission marked in your flesh, and it begins now."

Very interesting indeed. There is a very strong Jewish tendency to justify things after the fact, and it's on full display here. I wouldn't be surprised if circumcision played a pivotal role in this tendency to begin with, seeing as it happens at such a primal and formative age. Consider, every Jewish male on the planet (give or take) experiences life as a forceful infliction of pain and trauma, followed by his elders justifying their actions against him, followed by his own participation in the ceremonial cutting of his sons and relations. The briss is always a social event and witnessed by the tribe, almost like a blood libel.

Good find user

No wonder these assholes want to destroy the world.


Yep, this is exactly when it happened full on.
The (((migrant crisis))) last summer started upping the ante for a lot of people, but a fucking muslim mayor of the capital city, and the extapolation that we will most likely have a muslim prime minister sooner rather than later has shaken a larger number of normies out of their slumber than anything else.

Sometimes, but it tends to spread the stream even worse.

Did you mean:
Is Molyneux falling down the rabbi hole?

Not trying to derail here, but viewing this speech, I wondered, is Eric Trump cut? I heard the voice and instinctively the first thing that came to mind was: Has to be . his "talk" would be slower and more "grounded" if he weren't. Maybe it's just a stereotype associated with protestants, still can't unthink it . More generally, would there be a set of observable behavioral cues that allowed one to "spot" such damage?

Also : Daily reminder that gentile circumcision makes it harder to unhide the jew.

Is the the one who married the kikestress?

If so, yes definitely. Otherwise hard to say.

ITT: A bunch of autistic meme nazis obsess about each others dicks.
Never change Holla Forums



Nope, sorry, they're a lost cause. I tried talking to the mother. She didn't want to defend her position and said that she was mostly convinced by her husband. I tried to get in touch with him, but he just copped out by saying, "not to be rude, and we understand you have an opinion, but I would appreciate if you would drop the conversation and respect that the decision regarding our son is ours to make."

I don't think I'm going to have a relationship with these people much longer.

Its even harder to imagine how the mongols destroyed everyone (including cut muslims) since they NEVER BATHED.

Would love to hear that story. That would be me in his shoes.

I think you are confusing rights with privileges granted by the state.

Yes. Otherwise your aim is sporadic.

nice try, Schlomo Shekelmeyer

wallet inspector here


moly has been anti-circ for years, this didn't need a new thread

check the prison rate in the USA

women are fucking morons and you should never talk to them


You are wrong, it's harmful and stupid, but at the end of the day, the real reason we care, Shlomo, is pick related.

No thanks, I'm quite fine just staying in Holla Forums forever.

You didn't always know all this.

This is horrifying.

that's the only thing you have. restore some skin so you can feel what you do have.

t. fellow cutfag

this tbh



If there comes a time when fascism no longer is useful, then that is when what to move to can be discussed.

In the meantime, you need homogeneity and also eugenics to raise the average IQ before ancap could ever be practical. We're going the wrong direction on both of those.

It doesn't matter what you're trying to do if your kids go the way of the whites in Haiti or South Africa.

Besides, they already were aggressive first by stealing money through the welfare state. Then by indoctrinating people in "schools".

top kek

That pic of him really is pretty good.


lurk 2 years before posting reddit scum

You sound autistic. Both the mother and father's responses are completely expected from any well adjusted, civilized people. She's very right to defer to the husband, and he's very right to tell you it's none of your fucking business, especially considering you don't seem to know him that well and it's a very sensitive & intimate subject both sexually and culturally. You're lucky he didn't throw you out of his house.

You are right to say that you won't have a relationship with you much longer, I'm sure you weirded the hell out of them, sperglord.

Why is it sexual? Oh you mean it's actually passed down to children for fucked-up sexual reasons and it's not actually a sound, rational medical procedure? You mean it's a cultural superstition and not based on facts and evidence?

You're a faggot and the other guy did nothing wrong.

It's no wonder that jews develop into such fearful, hateful creatures after going through such a traumatic experience as newborns

Has Moly stopped being ancrap yet, or is he going to set up an organization to privately buy the borders of European countries, so he can argue refugees are breaking the NAP and then put them in privatized death camps?

Circumcised people should be banned from Holla Forums

holy shit he looked haggard.



Stefan Molyneux is an enormous shitstain as is his wife. No wonder TRS likes the homo.

Getting your kid circumcised is stupid, but obsessing over your own circumcision is equally stupid.

Half of these "cures" look like they'd cause irreversible circulatory problems, which means you'd probably end up losing a whole lot more than just foreskin.

Just thank God you have a working dick and move on with your life.

Is this you?


I have this whole thing about this. I may write a book, or at least a thesis, or…okay maybe ill shittily explain it here sometime.
- People don't make rational decisions by default (obs.)
- What people believe is shaped SECONDARILY by logical processes, primarily by whay I'm calling (for lack of a better term) the Natural Selection of ideas.
- This process of rationalization through existing or easily created language causes people to grasp onto existing memes, even if they were created by the enemy (see: neonazis that behave like movie neonazis because they want to rebel against the people that created the archetype)
Even though we know the Hoax was just that, we say it should have happened. Why? We were pushed so far that we were willing to accept that level of villainy as our identity, simply because anything else filled us with lesser rage.
We are willing to be every villain the normie fears and has seen defeated in the jew media over and over again because we hate the people that hate that idea.

TL;DR - we see what the people we hate hate, and become it.

sorry for low quality - just shit that onto the keyboard tired and unprepared

Damn i forgot how good that was

Why are you trying to shame men from understanding what was taken from them? Why are you scum?

There are reasons to circumcision, long before it became a religious thing.

I'm myself circumcised, yet I'm not a jew. Thing is, I'm from a family with big dicks, and I'm not kidding. Thing is, the outer skin is far too tight, and it hurts to take your dick out. Usually, at the age of 7 to 10, when it becomes evident a kid in our family can't take his dick out so much it hurts continuously, we get him circumcised, which certainly is more comfortable for him- obviously done properly by a top tier surgeon at the best hospital in the country, not just cut off by a rabbi with his teeth. As a comparison, my father never got circumcised and he still suffers from it today.

This exact condition is quite well documented in old literrature refering to jews, albeit in quite obscure books, and given as the reason why jews at the time got circumcised, which was more of a medical procedure than a religious act. Which is funny actually, I may just be more of an authentic jew than all those fake sepharad and ashkenazi jews, who really have no reason to get circumcised today, because at this point it's just mutilation.

thank you for your service, brave sir

I've never understood this whole shit.
I got circumsized and I don't care either way. The only legit reasons I can think of for not doing it are the facts that you're operating on a baby that can't decide how he wants his dick to look, and kikes. Why is this even something people argue about?
By the same token, I have zero recollection of it hurting, but then I also don't remember probably the first nine years of my life at this point. My dick is just as functional as any other. This is purely a cosmetic thing in my mind, so I just don't get the outrage.

Fair enough. This is generally my own outlook. I won't inflict upon my children that which has been inflicted upon me.
I don't know if I'll bother with these stretching things.

This means you shouldn't do it to your kids because you don't care. This means acting upon something is more effort and change.
It's not. Your dick would be self-lubricating if it were intact. You would have more nerve endings if it were intact.
That said, what really matters is the future, because you may not feel it, but knowing there is a difference means you children should be given the chance to.

It's sad and hilarious at the same time to see the all too prevalent rationalizations and denial.


I owe my dad a lot.

Who's the cuck now, kikecock?

That said, thinking civilizationally, anything you can do to up the birth rate is a solid strategy, right? That means *sex laws* which mean "sex is only for procreation" and such, which means no fap, and anything that can be done to reduce fap is fair game, as the resulting sexual pressure causes the man to pursue actual women more.

Sadly Canada's pretty cucked in terms of holohoax censure

See: Ernst Zundel "human rights" tribunal and extradition

And no, this reasoning is bullshit, sexual pleasure with circumcision is decreased across the board both with fapping and sex. So any reduction in fapping should see an equal reduction in sexual pursuit.

He seemingly tossed his dreams aside in favor of pragmatism. He still doesn't openly observe the difference between races, he relies entirely on statistics and may still be in favor of high IQ immigration because muh shekels.

I don't make a habit of caring about other men's dicks, and it's ironic that uncutfags feel the need to gloat.

What if you refuse to not "speak the truth?" Will they imprison you forever (or cyclically until death)? What about Canucuck prisoners, are they forced to labor lest they sit in isolation boxes for months as punishment (like here in 'murika)?

Yes, yes you are.

Yes, yes you will be on an absolute scale (but because of the crime of *infant* circ, there's no capability of comparison. Very pernicious!).

About the only thing you said in that post which makes sense…

This is why you need a family doctor whom you can trust.
Many doctors when asked if a procedure is necessary will answer in the affirmative.


You'd have to be retarded to think that removing a large portion of the skin that contains a large portion of the nerve endings on the penis is not diminishable in pleasure.

There's also the lubrication issue of circumcision. Yes indeed, that hood of skin keeps the head of the penis more moist and healthy while also aiding in lubrication during sex. So not only are you removing nerve endings, you're also removing the practicality of the penis' proper function.

It's a practice still done today because the Jews are a perverted race who wanted to show "devotion to God" by removing a precious part of the body. (but being Jews, of course they didn't want to give too much)


They don't got that much favoritism up here, just the holocaust shit, and from what I noticed, the holocaust is losing power as a shaming tool for the jews. Probably why they are trying to start ww3.

yeah because having a foreskin is such a difficult thing to take care of and clean.

again its only if youre a complete retard that never cleans their dick, then maybe cutting off a piece of your dick is the best choice.





