YouTube red started to produce original animated series

What audiences is youtube red aiming for with this shit?

People dumb enough to pay for YouTube.

God fucking damn it. When will this bullshit end?

It's better than Problem Solverz… by a small margin.

The worst thing is that it features 3 youtubers I watch just for little amusement.

They might be funny when improvising and playing games, but that doesn't mean they are competent voice actors.

Christ, this isn't just bad, it's terrible. If a friend told me they liked it, I'd genuinely kill them to end their suffering, since they'd clearly have lost all their humanity. And who the fuck is making this? Is it just YouTubers and the runner's boy from Futurama and Rick and Morty?

Urgh, we could do better than this with fucking GoAnimate.

Now there's a fucking idea, it'd beat fucking Steven Universe or the Calarts Squirrel Girl.

Go home everyone. Thread is already over.

Why did they even go and call it "YouTube Red" in an internet where RedTube already exists?

Hoping to trick idiots into buying a subscription thinking it's porn

Problem Solverz was ironically bad and made as shit as possible to prove a point to CalArts fags.

This shit was made with the full intention it was great.

Youtube Red is the dumbest idea since Google +.
I'm watching a black man play a shitty PS1 game of a shitty Canadian cartoon by himself.
That delivers to me a feeling schadenfreude I can agree with unlike the tens of thousands of people out there who record and upload video of themselves getting fake mad at videogames.
I would however not pay to watch a sad blackman reevaluate his life.


Reminder Adult Swim turned the original pilot down because it was too "mind-blowingly cute"

You're still watching those? I gave up on it about six episodes ago, I'm surprised every time a new one pops up. It was just too draining to watch for me; ironic considering I'm enduring every episode of the shitty Dreamcast game made of a Frenchman's delusions of grandeur.


what are you referring to?

Two Best Friends Play, specifically the black man Woolie playing a terrible PS1 game of Reboot, and the other (important) members Matt, Pat, and Woolie playing Omikron: The Nomad Soul, first video game made by David Cage (whom they despise utterly) and one of the worst game's I've ever seen.


So? What if that person needed liberation? What if that person needed to escape the binds of a nationalistic racist, homphobic or even sexist agenda?

Holla Forums == Holla Forums

Did you know beforehand?

The appeal of YouTube red is probably the ability to skip ads on channels you actually like.

I'm not sure how their original programming is supposed to be anything more than nepotism siphoning money to their friends. Seems like something an executive would squash if they cared about profits.


I fail to see how this proves your hypothesis.

Normally I would laugh at you and call you a retard, but then I remembered that the only people dumb enough to pay for Youtube Red are the ones who are too stupid to figure out adblockers.

people who make content on youtube for money have been skirting by on mediocrity for years, stating that they are "indie" and need more money for their patreon and shit. now that they have youtube red, people expect more, like with netflix, but the problem is the content creators are garbage and not at all worth 15 bux a month. we all realize this, but normalfags are quickly realizing it as well. I work with a few retards who have youtube red, and they only use it for no ads/music streaming on their phones, no one actually watches the OC on it.

it is a garbage service with garbage content creators.


Which is sad because it's so fucking easy to install and utilize adblockers.

admittedly adblockers cause issues where youtube videos stop buffering when they try to load an ad early on, which means you have to buffer forward and then back to get around it.

I think it has less to do with stupidity and more really young kids having parents who absolutely won't let them download anything on their devices that wasn't already on it when they bought it for the low price of 600+ bucks.

You mean stupid rich kids?

reckless spending is not unique among the rich, user. if anything rich people tend to do it less.

they don't do it less, just differently. rich adults will usually be wise with money while they will spoil their kids because they can't be bothered to learn new ways to save money

Saying it was an elaborate prank falls apart if it was intended as a pretty typical Adult Swim


Who are they supposed to be?

Seananners, Mr. Shark and Vanos, 3 youtubers that are fairly fun to hear just to have some laughs and I guess they got hired because they are popular.


Seriously, the animation looks like something from early 2000's newgrounds.