What does Holla Forums think about leftist memes? Why are they of such low quality, especially compared to our own?
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What does Holla Forums think about leftist memes? Why are they of such low quality, especially compared to our own?
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because leftists are fucking stupid, also we're not going to help you make better memes, fuck off.
wtf their "memes" makes no sense.
30 points less is clinically retarded territory.
They're remarkably easy to deconstruct. I mean, I understand that these are supposed to be presented as strawmen, but there's literally no effort here.
None of those memes address Holla Forums beliefs. They are extremely weak strawmen arguments at best.
Obviously they can't counter-meme. A counter-meme needs to be self contradictory rather than true.
Their memes boil down to virtue signaling, or an imagined version of right-wing virtue signaling!!!
I want one
I meant to say, counter-signal meme.
Like Holla Forums memes? Very low energy. Especially shit like the spook meme which they just took from /lit/ with little to no effort put into it.
Honestly, I'm far more bothered by how low effort these are than by the message they're trying to convey.
Take 2, 3, and 4 for instance. Obvious attempts at parodying smuggies. But even most of the smuggies, while using a simple style and exaggerating features are more detailed than that. 2 is just flat lines and paintbucket coloring. 3 and 4 are so poorly drawn that it crosses the line from exaggerated to just fucking ugly.
Our memes are rooted in the truth. The truth is the only thing thats really funny. Think about what stand up comedians do. They observe things and then discuss their existence. Whats the deal with ovaltine?
Leftist memes are rooted in lies and logical inconsistency so there is nothing behind them to make them funny. They are commenting on nothing.
Leftcucks aren't allowed to offend anyone with their humor so it's inherently shit, the second image is even stating plain facts
their smuggies are weak, they have to draw the faces extra retarded
mocking someone who is telling the truth from down below isn't as funny as mocking someone who is blatantly lying from a high-up position
I fixed your image OP
I don't understand the first one. Is "psuedo" part of the joke?
The second one is fat shaming
The third lacks sources, among other things.
The fourth one is a false contradicition.
The fifth one would make more sense if the negro shot the nazi's head off because he was denied education when growing up. Instead, they went for a "you stand for those things because you have no [insert vital organ]" kind of joke because they couldn't depict a violent negro.
The depiction of the negro should then be a photo of a successful real life negro person.
Just make a more expressive drawing, how lazy can the author be?
I'm also not aware of anyone defending the ideas stated in the first pannel. I though the point was to have a piece of earth for everyone and avoid mixing. jews can have all the earth 6ft under:^)
Why is the first one considered a lefty meme ? Usually it's leftied who call racialism a pseudo science ? Don't get it.
i wouldn't take those seriously OP
however, i think other people would
oh and i forgot about the first one, well theres something else i wanna point out about it but im not sure what the word im looking for it, its comparable to >current year type stuff
I thought that they thought that morality is a spook?
theres a way to say it
first picture is basically appealing to the masses, its on par with saying duh
everything is a spook, stirner was just a shitposter and lefties are taking his 10/10 b8 en masse.
I don't understand either. In one hand it has a brain and morality. On the other one, colleges are shit for learning and all the books are beginners sources of information, which should mean that whoever thinks of himself a genius based on such basic knowledge is in fact a fucking retard. And there is the "psuedo" typo.
Normal people tend not to be very critical of their memes.
It's an ironic parody of the starter pack series of memes, which include an opponent's position and some discrediting objects. Only in this case, they are showing their own position, with supposed positive objects.
I love how easy it is to turn their memes against them
Humor is funny only when it has a grain of truth to it.
low energy, just as expected
Well in Holla Forums's case it's a bit more than a grain.
This is the babble of morons who get told they're smart by jews for holding certain beliefs.
These aren't memes, they're shit made by low IQ untermensch.
These memes are pretty clearly created by someone who browses Holla Forums for the express purposes of rustling jimmies
Liberals don't even know what racialism is, they think conservatives or Holla Forumsacks are just racist Christianist Bushites who want more oil for our Hummers
As Homer Simpson said, its funny because its true and that is why leftist memes fail. Take the second photo for example, what exactly about it is wrong? Isn't this what everybody is thinking? What is funny about memes of the right is that it isn't too group exclusive. Anybody can jump on board and have a laugh, for people like us we perceive it as true and we can laugh but even normies can laugh because its shocking to them. Take the third photo for example, white people becoming a minority is another truth and it is politicians deciding to make more globalistic decisions which is the reason why that brings about a demographic and culture change. Leftists are just too snarky and uptight like the "fascists" they hate so much and we're really free to do with our memes as we please.
This thread is going to die very soon guaranteed, you should know not to phrase things stupidly.
This place is full of retarded lefty memes. athousandflowers.net
I'm actually baffled that some of these memes from OP are serious, they don't even make internal sense. I know they are supposed to be strawmen arguments, but they still defy consistency. i gave up trying to rationalise leftist memes generally. Talking to them is hard enough.
I'm trying to twist my mind around it but I just can't make sense of the second image.
Because what they're peddling is totally false.
Take that last picture, for example, when the cuck shows the Nazi a smart black person, he mentions the bell curve, the way averages work, etc. but his head still explodes. This is despite the fact that the nature of the bell curve and the way averages work explain the smart black person.
Regarding these, specifically, smuggies rely on contradictory statements to work. The second-to-last image doesn't contain any contradictory statements. It's literally just a picture an ugly person (who's apparently afraid to name the Jew) saying things. His ugliness is meant to imply that his views are false, but the more these things spread - if they spread much at all - the more people will see that his views are not false.
The first one is bad because it's stale. The joke is "lol right-wingers r dum but we r smrt." Everyone's heard it before and it isn't presented in a new way.
The second one isn't funny because it relies on half-truths. Again, his appearance is meant to discredit him - really this amounts to visual name-calling - and his statements are only contradictory if you actually believe that most conservatives think Hillary is personally going around murdering people. I'll give leftists the benefit of the doubt and assume that they know anyone who pays attention to suspicious deaths surrounding the Clinton's is more likely to believe that the Clintons pay people to do their dirty work. Also, there's actually pretty overwhelming evidence that the DNC was rigged in her favor, so that one isn't even reliant on a half-truth, but an outright falsehood. You have to lie to yourself to get this one, and the more mental gymnastics you have to do to understand a joke, the less appealing and, therefore, funny, it is.
The third one is a total clusterfuck. No one who openly believes that blacks are inferior actually cares whether or not leftists are the real racists. And it doesn't make any sense, even if you know nothing about those kinds of people, why they would even bother pointing it out. And then, just like in the last pic, they include the argument that debunks their image in their image and offer no counter to it other than "lol look at how stupid this guy's face is."
Humor works on an intuitive level. In order for something to be funny, you have to just "get it." What that means for political humor is that, in order for something to be funny, you have to believe it's true. These memes, because they're so dishonest, and because they include arguments that debunk them without offering a counter, would only seem true to a person who knows almost nothing about politics. Even leftists would most likely be baffled by these.
In short, these aren't funny because they're either confusing, dishonest, wrong, or they don't actually contain a joke.
It was made by a goon, one of the freechfags that spammed Holla Forums until the retard board owner followed /cow/'s lead and turned into a goon board.
Communists can't even come up with their own memes.
It's hard to understand if you don't have the context of the rest of the picture set. It's a "Political systems explained with 'common object X'" thing. The original is moderately funny because of the contrast between these complex sociopolitical systems and the simplistic explanation of the ultimate outcomes using cows. The problem with that edit is that kind of borderline absurdist humor is predicated on an ability to use levels of abstraction, and to stay in character as it were. Almost no women, and very few liberals are capable of abstraction, hence their inability to comprehend the value or purpose of even the most simple self evident thought experiments. They find it funny, but don't know the mechanism of why it's funny so when they try to extend the pattern to a new ideological group it ceases to be funny as now it's just words pasted ontop of a image of a cow that's associated with funny things.
It's also why the vast majority of redditors and normalfags in general mismanage the fuck out of memes, they understand that it's funny, but all they see is the superficial visual traits of the image. They fail to grasp the underlying concept that makes it amusing in the first place and instead just repost a bunch of garbage over a cow, and continue to laugh at it because "The one cow image was funny and this has a cow too, oh god I hope nobody figures out I have no idea what I'm doing."
Im actually really confused about the second pic.
Our memes work because they're simple, true, and funny.
Everything leftists do is convoluted because they think convoluted = smart, the truth isn't on their side, and they neuter their comedy because they're terribly afraid of offending anybody with dark skin.
So as a result their memes are convoluted, wrong, and unfunny. They're so bad an AI algorithm can do better.
I used to have X now I don't have X it must be da jooz.
I could make the same meme
We waz kangz before but now we aren't must be the white devils
niggers and leftists are fucking idiots.
Second one really shows that they are in fact mental midgets.
But we have cows, so it doesnt make sense.
They can't even respect Wojak. Disgraceful!
your thread belongs on cuckchan where it would die out quicker
And the only time we'd lose cows is when collectivization (a Marxist plank) happens. Do they enjoy shooting themselves in the foot?
This is actually one of their better ones, if that is believeable.
Remember their whole ideology is based on bringing us all down into the mud so we are equal.
step it up freetard
After giving up on bringing muds up to our level lel
nigger titty
Wtf, i thought that one was anti-left.
This must be some sort of tactic. Im so confused and feel like im missing the point so badly that i feel like im the one that is stupid.
Exactly we embrace climbing up even if we can't or never will, but to them they embrace the nigger which is the lowest form of human life you could say subhuman even :^)
These are Un-Memes.
There's a word for this I'm sure of it.
What is the word for this? I'm asking you.
Counter memes?
Reminder: the veganfag shills are complicit in this.
They took over Holla Forums and /n/, Holla Forums must be next.
Is that a legit one? I mean I see what they are doing but do they think anyone here cares about some riceniggers?
you see, when they say Holla Forums has no cows, they mean that Holla Forums doesn't have political power AND isn't the voice of the masses
and then they use an non-argument comparable to infantilism