

11 spices — mix with 2 cups white flour

2/3 tablespoon salt
1/2 tablespoon thyme
1/2 tablespoon basil
1/3 tablespoon oregano
1 tablespoon celery salt
1 tablespoon black pepper
1 tablespoon dried mustard
4 tablespoons paprika
2 tablespoons garlic salt
1 tablespoon ground ginger
3 tablespoons white pepper

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If this is not a recipe to create some kind of lethal poison, then a great opportunity has been missed.

Dats racis

With this power we can yank the reins of the nigger from the hands of the jew and use the horde for our own ends!

Have we started the fire?

Who cares? KFC tastes like fucking shit anyways.

Niggers eat Popeyes. KFC is high dollah only for weddings.

The real secret

There is no single recipe. Harland Sanders developed dozens of recipes over the years, but Yum! Brands replaced the main original recipe.

Instead they regionalize the recipes in the same way hot dog makers do

The KFC you eat in New Orleans is different than New York is different than Tokyo

All fast food is regionalized

It was always burning.

Leave it to the world's most feared hacker collaboration to dig this one up.

Around here they go for Zaxby's, I don't recall overhearing any niggerbabble about Popeye's.

All we need now is the recipe for Coke


So now the monopoly over the black man can end, and everyone can control the chicken supplies.

Thread is obviously generally important but are you a kike?


Colonel Sanders actually hated KFC.
after he sold it, they changed the recipe and the colonel made sure everybody knew how much it sucked.
The company had to pay him hush money to keep quiet about it.


eh it's good but it's not KFC
source: I just tried it

Does anyone have the Colonel Sanders comic?


All these meatcucks ITT. Smh, tbh, fam.

Did you add MSG?

I'm vegetarian, still could bread something with this. Hitler was vegetarian.


What the fuck is this shit and where do I buy it?

I used Accent

Change up your shitposting game, nigga. I've seen this several times before.


Is "celery salt" the new "activated almonds"?

Repetition is the spice of life.

Post a nigger being lynched next time, maybe that will get me.

Holy shit, what caliber could do that?

KFC has been shit for the better part of a score by this point.

Enjoy the estrogen boost.

Did you pressure fry it?

Is that photo unmanipulated? Wew that is one crispy nigger.

Billy Joel is shit, user.

Enjoy that estrogen you pansy.

I ain't the one putting female cow hormones in me on the daily.


Any spice isle. I used to buy it to rim the glass and top bloody marys.

.308 im guesing

That was a justified shoot. The death of that fat chicken nugget eating nigga doesn't bring a tear to my eye.

Vegans are always such insufferable faggots. I wonder are you vegan because you are faggots, or are you faggots because you're vegan?

Also, why no white vegan pics? Are you also a nigger? A nigger vegan faggot? There will be a special oven for just for you.

ty fam

One more deficiency in multiculturalism is thinking we can all eat the same thing. The various white people can't even eat the same thing.

I discovered this myself, as a mutt. I cannot eat the same things as my parents. Even my brother and sisters are different. Some things I can't digest without problems. It plagued my childhood; being starving all the time or lethargic and unable to think, and terrible gas that nobody else suffered. My parents eat loads of meat and salad, while I down carbs like a fucking chink. I still eat meat because I can't recover from vegetables alone like a nigger.

White vegans don't trigger Holla Forums as much and black vegans are proof that some niggers are more ethical than whites. But here's a white vegan, just for you. He's the tall one.


Even if that recipe is close, you still need to pressure fry the chicken.


they forgot the MSG

how did he cut the back of his knee like that?

If you go vegan you become a nigger?

fucking brutal

Can none of you see this obvious bait? What happened to Holla Forums?

Compare these two women, which one would you rather have children with? If you choose the second then you are someone who prioritizes race and ethnicity over ethics, you are no different than a beaner or a chink.


No, but as things are going right now more niggers are becoming vegan than whites. For example Kendrick Farris, the American weightlifter in the Olympics, is a vegan.

Whites need to step up and start showing their moral superiority, otherwise the law of cause and effect is going to wipe you faggots out.

Actually, that just shows that you're a sucker for slave morality shell-games. Also, nice job having a nigger role model.

There is no such thing as moral authority. The only thing which could be classified as that would be a God. Thanks for outing yourself as a sad little honky with an inferiority complex.

You eat meat because it's the only way your bitch ass can feel like a man, ironically it's exactly what is causing your limp dick.



Let's look at the diets of the races

Niggers will benefit from being vegan.

White men will get cancer.

White men also have higher concentration of baseline vitamin D, a genetic trait that causes their bones to be almost doubly as strong as even the most durable nigger. And that's not even in relation to how such a high protein diet has influenced our muscle development, where small white men take larger black men easily.

That's what they get for eating fucking yams and broccoli and never learning to hunt.


We would not be here if our ancestors didn't hunt and eat meat.

Kill yourself vegan faggot

That looks delish.

Will add to recipe book.

Rich Piana is a vegan too.
So is Jay Cutler.

If it's true that blacks are more capable of adapting to a vegan diet then it is an absolute necessity to slowly phase whites and Asians out of existence. I think I'm gonna go full NWO now, tbh fam.

Rich Piana is not vegan. Stop spreading disinfo.

You're the reason Holla Forums is getting rekt m8.
BBC just named 8/pol/ (not 4), so did Hillary.
Retards like you are the reason sites like this are going to get shut down - and that's a good thing imo.

Then neither is Kendrick Farris.

Learn to google, retard.

Shaddup you fucking crybaby. Nothing is getting shut down.

What kind of fucking retard would want to touch either of those things? Jesus jumped up christ.


Confirmed shitposter


Oh look at that.

Redpills all night
Fags like you make it easy.

Anyway I hope you stormderps get shut down and hauled off to prisons like the lowly dogs you are.

He SAYS he's a vegan but you don't actually -know- what he eats.

No she didn't she just (and poorly) called out the "Alt-Right".

Fuck off, Maddow. You're old news.


Interesting point. Blacks are genetically predisposed to high cholesterol and hypertension when they eat meats and salts. It may be that they are better adapted for vegan diets, which would also explain their low IQ. The brain requires copious amounts of saturated fats to function optimally, which is most easily found in meat, eggs, and dairy.

He should feel like a new person. Retards that can't digest meat feel like dogshit when they do.

Can you imagine how stupid this guy is? He went most of his life feeling like dogshit because he couldn't connect feeling shitty to what he was stuffing into his face everyday.


How's it feel knowing the first cardiac arrest medicine was just released for black people? None existed until now because, for some reason, medicine tailored to modern Humans doesn't work on niggers, so we have to custom tailor it to monkeys instead.

Are you guys triggered or what?
Isn't it worse that this guy posts niggers?
At least I'm a pretty white woman.

It's great, I'm not even really so hateful but knowing it's making these coons upset is really getting me off.


looks like you got some competition


verdict: barely a jew
Chock on this stormweenie.

Bitch, you don't even have a core message. You're just some faggot shitposter. Veganism is the future and you gotta deal with it.

thanks NYT

Don't make this shit, it makes mustard gas.

I thought mustard seeds gave you frequent urination, not flatulence.

t. KFC Shill

This shit literally makes stage 1 liquid chlorine


don't do any of this it makes poison

what happened? He had a gun in his pocket?

liberals eternally btfo

Fucking kill yourself. This shit needs to be stopped, this isn't goddamn Holla Forums.

Actually, Popeye's is pretty good as far as fast food goes.

The chimp looks way healthier.


And it's not Yahoo or the NYT comments section either.

But why do they do this? What is the point?

I thought the whole goal was to homogenize the flavor of the food so you have a distinct "McDonald's" taste and a distinct "Wendy's" taste, not regionalized flavors.



wheres the plankton?