I hate most drug users

I love drugs, I do enjoy taking them but as I have matured I seem to be taking them on a lot less often unless I need them for something such as amphetmine.

I sell drugs and I also produce drugs. I love drugs not just for taking them but rather they my hobby they fascinate me I like to study new drugs, learn to make some of the basic ones, source precusors ect.

What I can't stand these days is the average user of drugs no wonder they fucking illegal because average drug user in particular your average MDMA user are fucking idiots and will find anyway to harm themself.

The drug community is cancer and getting worse it seems to be FILLED with illogical people and even sjws and over sorts of scum such as those that believe in quakery.

An example is of a girl who died after willing taking PMA while on MDMA because someone at a rave told her it would "boost" the effects.

Why is the drug community attract such cancer?

bump for anyones thoughts on the drug community.

i think everyone who uses drugs for no reason, especially those who attain drugs illegally, should get the death penalty.


I hear ya man. I only know weedsmokers but they're enough to get the point across; all I want is
to use weed like alcohol but they turn it into something which always has to happen and it has to happen everyday. These people all change into this weird ,,stoner'' type as well. An example is the time they showed up to my house party stoned as hell and they just sat on the couch quietly and drank a few beers and then left. I mean what fun is that? Booze weed combo is kinda crazy but I mean they just sat there and basically did nothing. Meanwhile me and a few mates smoked some on top of the drinking and ravaged the whole neighborhood. Why can't they enjoy the party and why do they have to make the weedsmoking their whole existence?
And the ones that move onto stimulants after weed start doing this routine of getting into the ICU after each of their breaking point and proceed to doing it again…
Why can't people just treat drugs as something to do only on special occasions and as a real boost instead of the "I need to do these three substances tonight or else this party sucks". And of course you lose some friends when they start hanging out with the dealers or their druggie friends.

All I want is to smoke some weed and watch a movie with a few mates, not caring too much whether we actually go into the deep end of the pool etc. Just smoke some and have a little time alone.

Also, OP, have you ever tried PMA solo? Seems like a weird drug tbh.

I prefer a daily dose of 3,000mg of ascorbic acid… that'll really fuck-up your shit, I assure you.

Sorry OP I need my caffeine every morning.

Sorry for answering your question with another question, but what's your favorite and least favorite for a person to be on if you have to be around them?

because they're a disadvantage to society. lazy morons who ruin the lives of the people around them. i'm talking about class a and b drugs.

I hate to break this to you OP, but the world, including the part of it which uses drugs, is not all about you. Nobody cares what you like or don't like. Nobody cares what you think is cancer. Nobody gives 2 shits about you or your opinion.

Favorite I would say amphetmine least I would say MDMA or drunk.

You are retarded amphetmines are considered class B and they very useful for being productive and not laźy.

I think you have a poor understanding of drugs to say that such and such govorment class of drugs is the issue.

0/10 this is a thread on Holla Forums do you even know where you are.

Try harder next time.

It's immaturity. For too many people who use drugs, using drugs is their 'thing' (this includes alcohol by the way). Too many people who only started because they thought it was cool, and can't think of anything else to do with their life.
As for dumb advice, I think that's just because retards will always give you retard advice, but the risks are higher when you're ingesting chemicals

are you the guy who got BTFO in the shrooms thread lol


thanks for being honest

On a side note i found the girl in that webm if you'd like her name is this webm's filename

Why do you care what I think? Why is it still all about you? Yes, this is 8ch. Do you know where you are? Posting your sperg manifesto about what you think and telling everyone that the world sucks because it doesn't conform to your ideals is not going to get you a whole lot of sympathy or understanding here. So unless you are baiting, doubtful, you are only succeeding in outing yourself as a whining autistic pussy.

Vaporqt resides in your heart, friend

I don't see the problem here, I think you're just buttpeeved


0/10 fail move on.

my point still stands

Drugs are gay. Drink beer.

Beer is gay. Jack off.

Already did. Got about an hour I need to fill.

Shit. You could shitpost.


I hear you, especially with psychedelics. They're useful and powerful, but they aren't fucking party drugs and I'm sick of seeing people use acid or shrooms while they get wasted and play shitty rap music.

You can do society a favor and lace some of your products.

Drugs are gay so i should drink a liquid containing a drug?

Drugs aren't the problem. It's the immaturity of the person. Their are people out there who know how to have fun being sober and know how to function day to day being sober. Their the type of people who get cabs from bars, who can do drugs in moderation and never "need" a substance.

Burnouts on the other hand make their entire life about drugs. I don't know why. But all they wanna do is get higher and higher. All they talk about is drugs and what they took/how much/ and woah man it was like uh far out bro like woah….their usually the same people who don't have their own place and couch surf, or offer to give you 1.67 in gas money to take them and their friend you don't know halfway across the city to sketchtown.

The point I'm getting at is drugs will always attract the worst in society, but their are people you can find a balance. Don't give up hope, you can find a cool crew to kick it with.

beer drugs > your drugs

Thank you God for drugs and ppl like OP who sell them even tho they hate us.

As an ADHD on adderall I can attest to this.


because people that take drugs are cancer.