How do I make damn certain I don't get hard while this old kike is manhandling my shaft and balls? I've forced six orgasms in the past few hours, I don't think I can manage another one, but I can still get erect without much effort.
How do I make damn certain I don't get hard while this old kike is manhandling my shaft and balls? I've forced six orgasms in the past few hours, I don't think I can manage another one, but I can still get erect without much effort.
he literally won't give the tiniest fuck
do you think he doesn't know that dicks get hard when touched? he's got one too, you dumb bastard, he knows it doesn't mean shit
you have cancer. you should worry about other things.
Well, guess what, nigger?
Not an arguement.
You should be more worries about going to hell for being a fagit
I've come to terms with that a long time ago.
Then you obviously've no ideas about it or you'd cut your dick off lest lose your entire body in the lake of fires
i hope you get cancer. oh wait
Are you even an adult? You're acting like a child, everybody gets an erection no matter who's fondling their balls, it's involuntary.
I'll accept Jesus as my lord and savior on my deathbed, minutes before my death. That's always been the plan and I'm sticking to it.
Well, I hope you have a pleasant and productive day, user
embrace your gayness and deal with it
why do you have a kike for a doctor? man, i beat the medication is fucking you financially
Don't much care, I don't want to be humiliated in such a way, so just please tell me how to kill my dick. I've only got two more hours and number seven doesn't seem to wanna' happen.
Lad, let me tell you.
if you get hard from having a guy fondle your dick you are fucking gay
ask for a white woman
You reported Dysnomia to Jim?
pleb confirmed
Implying I'd ever let a nasty gook dishonor my dick with her touch, even if it is a loli.
Oh man.
Inb4 "sorry sir, looks like we're gonna' have to cut off your dick". I may have memed irresponsibly when I said I wanted to be a trap, but if this goes badly I'm getting on HRT pronto.
if this happens, transition into a female for shits and giggles please
I'll make one of those day-by-day time-lapses of my transformation into a qt.13, it'll be neat.
Hold me, I'm scared.
you done fucked up OP
most penis cancer begins in the fold of the foreskin of uncut males…. its one of the [medical] reasons for getting cut
can you post a pic of your cancer?
just remember, before you walk into the office boobs and ass and pussy
Sexy bum bums willies nipples poo poo ooga booga wee wee vagoo and boobies - tee hee hee!
just think of an erect penis
nothing gets men erect like the thought of an erect penis
Your doctor has been fondling erections every day of his life for years. You think there's something so special about your penis that's going to make it noteworthy? Your penis is insignificant. It's like a tiny bush in the middle of a giant forest to him, it's entirely unremarkable and unnoticeable. Your penis is invisible to him, it's like it's not even a penis.
I did it, boys! I didn't get a stiff! His hands were freezing and it completely stalled my cock.