Whenever I hear someone say this to a soldier I get so upset. Why are we thanking someone for being a murderer and a literal goon? We should be spitting in their face instead of praising them for committing war crimes. All the army does is create turmoil in foreign countries and motivate terrorists.
"Thank you for your service."
got damn bleedn hart libruls tryna turn dis cuntry upside down wit dey rhetoric, it just ain't right.
go away, reddit
You should do that, make sure to film it and post it here, I would love to see a soldier stomp a bloody mud hole in your ass.
Nothing says "American" more than blind hate for pedos and blind love for killers soldiers.
The army as an entity is the problem, not individual soldiers. If you think that coal is the cause of global warming then do you beat up coal miners? No go after the industry.
Armies don't kill people. Soldiers do.
Who funds and commands the soldiers retard?
Who cares? Does getting paid and following orders justify terrorizing the planet?
FWIW, American taxpayers fund American soldiers, so it makes sense to encourage the glorification of the army in the public's eye.
Like I give a fuck what you think, it's hard to be insulted by people who probably couldn't defend themselves if life and limb mattered.
Men don't kill unless political leaders tell them they must kill, your argument is moot and doesn't actually solve problems. Without them you would be killed by those that do. You're a fool.
The U.S has never been in a legitimate war for reasons and shit. From the civil war up to WWII it was all about bankers and money. Now it's all about Israel and the the jews agenda.
WWII was the last legitimate war the US fought. MAYBE the Gulf War, depending on whose side you believe in. Couldn't just ignore Hitler, now could we?
I always thought it was funny how people demonize Hitler when the truth is he probably never made a single confirmed kill.
If I hired an assassin to kill my wife, would he not be responsible for the murder?
Don't be retarded.
it's not murder if it's sandniggers
Take a hike. Nobobdy cares what you think. You think you never said stuff that upsets other people.
My problem with soldiers is that they no longer fight for their beliefs but just act like disposable resources for benefits, and could care less what they have to do to get it.
Man, I hope that OP lives in a stand your ground state so that when he spergs out and spits in somebody's face they can goodify his ass like they goodified sand niggers.
unless you were active duty in combat then i'd say there is no reason to even acknowledge them.
sitting your ass at base getting fat is not exactly what people imagine soldiers doing.
ofc nobody is fighting anymore for their survival
and if they would, they'd just drop some a-bombs and be done with it
sandniggers are not people, so fuck off
You should be an example for them. You should do success so they must recognize and do like they saw what they saw.
You should hold your life in your hands. You should be the human who they think about so they do the actions which force their war (lives/survival).
The problem with the soldiers is lack of experience fighting to force life. Experience happens by opportunity. The opportunities of military are sometimes dangerous. Thus they bide their learning experiences just so they live to learn more to live.
If you really hate military then think about the civilians and how the war is while civilians are considered as military. The public school system for minors and the didn't pay bail then stay in jail systems is a military draft conscription.
You should join up with the jews, then you can fuck as many kids as you want
They kill brown people. That is a good thing, and I will continue to thank them for that service at every opportunity. You sound like a butthurt niggerlover, OP.
I love to see losers that won't get out of the house trying to criticize their superiors who have actually done something where they are not just thinking about themselves.
Go on, armchair pundits, tell us your wisdom.
Can't even have a social life but tell us about war theory and strategy.
really is that simple m8.
less than 5000 american soldiers died in a 10+ year war in 2 countries.
For comparison, the city of stalingrad saw 2,000,000 casualties by the time the battle was over.
When is the last time the US were the good guys in a war? Has it ever even happened?
the answer is no
In our defense, our official position was "DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE GET INVOLVED IN EURONIGGER WARS" until World War 1 when the Anglo-Jewish cabal bewitched our president.
What a surprise. A bunch of racist assholes that support the army itt. Who would have imagined?
Where do you think we are?
"Thank you for being a good goy"
Most people become cops because they're were too stupid to do anything bedsides manual labor, not athletically gifted, and developed small penis syndrome in high school.
Most people join the military because they bought into the "fight for your freedom and "make a difference" memes. Not knowing they can make a much greater positive difference by doing charity work at home or joining the peace corps. You know, helping kids get food and clean water instead of bombs and gunshot wounds.
I feel sympathy for the military. But cops? Fuck them all with the exception of Chris Dorner. If I had a son and he wanted to become a cop I'd try to talk him out of it. If he insisted, then that little bastard would be disowned.
Nah that's for supporting isreal with 4 billion of US tax dollars every year
Well now, the US involvement in Europe (ww2) didn't really start until Stalingrad, when the Soviets turned the war. The commies defeated the nazis, nut the US.
You forgot 1 country.
Yep, it's liberalism.
Samefag in 2017? I never
Not a samefag
Even in a huge, violent clusterfuck like the world wars it's entirely possible for a soldier to not make a single shot hit another person.
The vast majority of rounds fired in warfare are for inaccurate as fuck suppressing fire so a handful of guys can maneuver towards the enemy while they're taking cover and shoot them directly in the face.
That being said I thought Hitler had at least one confirmed kill before he got shot and had to spend the rest of the war recovering.
I'm pretty sure he killed somebody before he got his testicle blown off.
Have you ever talked to a cop?
Any one of them will tell you it's mostly boring patrol bullshit, and when something actually happens it's typically over in minutes and then followed up by mountains of paperwork.
The exceptions would probably be cops in shitholes like LA or Chicago, but they tend to be corrupt as fuck and part of the problem in the first place, not any sort of solution.
It really is a toss-up between which are worse, cops or armycucks.
My mother was a police officer in LA, I understand that they are patrolling, but I'm speaking about actions. If something goes down, then it's 20% physical 80% paperwork.
No it isn't, cops are worse all day every day. Historically speaking, it's genuinely difficult to get soldiers to fire on their own countrymen - you risk open rebellion in the ranks if you're not extremely careful about how you recruit and drill your soldiers. Pigs, on the other hand, are cowards who'll shoot their own countrymen down like it's going out of style.
Take a good look at history and you'll see what I mean - cops will keep trying to oppress and butcher civilians on the orders of unjust and evil regimes long after even the soldiers have broken ranks and rebelled.
Patriotism is the stupidest principle to have, but it's still a principle higher than one's own base urges. In that respect, soldiers are fucking light year ahead of pigs.
That's because army forces outside of war time are composed of people wanting to laze around for good pay, and in war times they're composed of the best men in the country.
Cops tend to just be average people, and average people are fucking cancer.
I don't thank coal miners for their service.
the army is a spook
Wuhh, what army were you in? Oh, right, your an armchair "expert" that has no idea what the fuck you're talking about.