Studying Liberal Arts

So I've been studying English for quite some time no. Yes of course, there are those who will immediately snap and laugh at me, and of course I probably deserve it, but I have a more serious issue that I'd like to attend to.
The following must be kept in mind:
1) I'm not paying for college
2) I don't expect a job, I want to become a welder when I graduate
3) I'm trying to be a professional writefag and I'm building connections

So anyhow, I'd like to bring up the topic of liberal arts education, and everything that's wrong with it. Anyone who is in college right now knows how fucked up acadamia is. It's undenyable. What the fuck led to it's current condition? All of my peers are landwhales and betamales who don't actually read or write anything and they wank each other off for social stats, while those of us who genuinely want to study this field are left out to rot with the vultures. All the shit we study has been raped and sodomized to death by the Marxist curriculum, and I've even been told that studying Tolstoy is pointless because nobody actually wants to read that stuff, and within the same breath the teacher started a unit about studying some pussy ass anarchist punk rock band's lyrics from the 70s (in the context of fine poetry.)

I personally find this insulting and it makes by blood boil. Any Liberal Artsfags have similar experiences? Any tips for surviving out there in the cold lair of the communist collegic menace?

Other urls found in this thread:


Enjoy your career in the food service industry, faggot.

t. Engineer

I can see that Engineers don't know how to read.

Enjoy putting stupid shit together for someone else

t. Inventor

The english classes were for faggots. Only math and other technical classes matter.

(((social sciences)))
(((gender studies)))
(((social studies)))

No one's invented anything worthwhile in hundreds of years. Enjoy making money off your fidget fucker.

t. Furry porn game developer

OP will enjoy putting a number 5 with fries together for someone else.

Way to be completely useless and add absolutely nothing of value to the discussion.


Welfare. Checkmate




Thanks for paying me millions per year just for writing your shit-tier code whenever I feel like it lmao

t. programmer

Enjoy having your job taken by a pajeet in the near future

this feels like pasta or a repost.

Nigger, can you read?

I'm a fag in your same boat, OP.
Anyway we can contact?

Oh ok, I guess I won't invent your furry suits anymore. Enjoy wearing boiling yourself while wearing a colored cardboard, furfag.

t.not telling you


Look dude, you just need to quit unless both
1. You're on a scholarship.
2. You're at a school where there are actually connections to make.

You're taking out loans that are impossible to evade and selling yourself into permanent indentured servitude for these tranny commie bulldykes. With Antifa existing, you're pretty much funding terrorism and stand the chance of being recruited as a terrorist because your """(((degree)))""" didn't get you the reasonable income you were promised.

It's a rotten bullshit system and you are being exploited by it and it needs to die. Find another path.

I'll add that if you want a degree, get it cheap. Fuck student loans. Go to community college or go to a cheap online school where you can test out of most of the degree.

Oh, I realize that you explicitly said that none of that applies to you. Well then, I will give you some writerly advice:


What a writer needs is strong domain knowledge and diverse experiences. Get a degree in something unique (not English) and then go get laid or explore the world of business or bike across Europe or something.

If you just get an English degree and expect to write, you'll end up a fart sniffer. It's even worse today because, as you mention, you're not even taught the canon, you're taught random horrible garbage.

English isn't even English anymore, and even when it was, it wasn't a really excellent bet to hit it as a writer. Switch majors and minor in it.

Only time I've ever gotten near that crazy shit is when I used to go try to get kicked out of college town bars by making landwhales screech lol. Was pretty easy during the election.

I'm about to start college this august. I'm a little bit older, did the whole military thing and got kicked out. going for an associates in elec engineering. any pro-tips? how long should I wait to shoot everybody?

1. Go full time and don't fuck around. The math sequences are designed so that if you take semesters off, you're fucked.
2. Pound the pavement and look for internships while you're in school. Get in contact with the career department early. Instead of standing with your diploma in one hand and your dick in the other while you cry like 95% of grads, you will already have a job. Don't you want that? Don't you want that sweet, delicious satisfaction of knowing that you were smart and not like the 95% of idiots?
3. Avoid student loan debt. Put your education on credit cards if you have to or something but AVOID student loans if you can. I don't even know how they're legal. "Loans you can't bankrupt out of" are not supposed to exist. They're a regression to the bad old days of debtors prisons and indentured servitude. Like, they should not be.

what like crass?
crass is actually cool as shit tho, but your prof does sound dumb

Thanks for the pointers. I actually tested out of the first math course but decided to take it anyway for that reason. Didnt know what the fuck I was looking at on the test but got lucky I guess. Debt scares the ever living shit out of me so I put this semester on credit and am flipping burgers for to keep it off my ass. FAFSA is slow as fuck but I think my poor people points will reimburse me perty good.

This is one of those rare moments where Holla Forums is responding with something other than kys so im going to be greedy here. I have experience in photojournalism, video, and graphic editing. Anyone know how I could make some money on the side with that shit without having a degree in it?

freelance work. Go to one of those freelance sites and advertise what you can do. Some time you may get a project to do for someone. Just keep in mind that you will be competing with turd world scum who will do the same tasks for 5% of your advertised price.

The alternative would be to become a patreon guy and take in donations for community stuff you do.