Now Shut Up

The one drop rule exists still today because we know now "Caucasians" have a recessive gene that causes calcification of the gland that produces melanin which is the pigment found in human skin eyes and hair.

All homo sapiens sapiens currently found on this planet get their basic genome from the area known as Kenya. When the tribe split and moved north many where cut off by an expanding ice sheet caused by the last Ice Age. The group of people who settled the Caucus Mountain range would eventually become Caucasians. Being unable to remix with the original tribes allowed for a condition to be spread throughout that population unchecked and cause a physical abnormality to become permanent. Human skin dose not normally burn from moderate UV exposure. Much like African Americans and sickle cell anemia. The two conditions do not exist in such numbers in any other populations found on earth because they are unique genetic defects "mutations"

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I'm going to piss you guys off but hear me out. It is evolution but not as you may think. The hard truth is Caucasians NEED no MUST be reintergrated into the broauder genetic pool.
Caucasian birthrates are far lower than the rest of humanity. That is the reason why they are becoming a smaller percentage of the worlds population. Life in ice age Asia was tough and short. Low levels of available calories and land suitable for human habitation made it genetically advantagious to produce few offspring. After the Iceage ended Europe's population exploded and the availability of resources caused a population boom which led to almost constant war and disease. On top of that the ruling class was notoriously selfish and had no real sense of community and would often allow their citizens to starve rather than moderate their own behavior. Making the greater populations even more violent.
We were never the savages, We were never cavemen. We have spent the last 3000 years trying and in most cases failing to civilize our European brothers. We have in the past 400 years achieved more in this goal than in the past several thousand. Yet we still have much work to do. Nuclear weapons biological and chemical warfare are threats to our entire species. We must show Europeans how to co-exist with the rest of humanity or there will be no humans left.


sure, schlomo, sure.

Eradicate all humans, particularly the melanin enriched and hook nosed subhumans, fucking bleeding heart faggot.


more of this 'Anna' fam

Sure thing fam

You want bug crushing or feet?


Holy shit, i love being white.



thoght u were joking

is that a pic 4 ants? :-(

that looks "suspicious" though…


sir, could you step out of the car pls

Yo anton aren't you just the Pistonhead Cenobite?

you wot? did you learn this in feminist class instead of biology class? take another one

Yeah, right. This waifish bitch looks like she would need to be prone to fire even one of those.

was btfo a decade ago dumbass.

Fuck off.

What did he mean by this


I agree with OP. We Whites must intermix if we are to end racism, homophobia, transphobia, nonbinaryphobia, islamophobia, anti-semitism and misogyny.

I am deeply sorry if I missed any of the oppressed groups

but latest studies show that the human race did not come from africa, but from what is now known as europe

Yes, the master race of whiteness did originate from the central european plain, it is now an established fact.

Lol we wuz White kangz. Stupid Holla Forumsyps

Sorry, I don't speak Cotton.

What do you mean?

i mean she looks like a child and she does fetish vids (?)



She's 19 bro.

post more then or source!

Is that right?

I will never understand shilling.

stopped reading right there

thats some serious dogma you are trying to pedal bro

thats heresy here

Why should he post it, you arent going to fap to it anyway. It'll just disappear into your foot porn folder.

I've noticed.


None of that other shit is acceptable either. I do find it to be bullshit that only white people can't have pride, but why do any of those dip shits have pride in their race? You earn pride, not inherit it.

This is very simple african nationalist propaganda. Of course it could only be they who would be so stupid to conflate melanin, the pigment in your skin with melatonin, the brain receptor which has to do with your sleep.

fucking idiot niggers, every god FUCKING DAMN time.

this. All racial pride is retarded.

Not when you are descendants of The Gods.

Glad to know there are others who aren't fucking retarded.

The goyim are catching on!!

Oy vey!

you need to check out sites other than Holla Forums some time. You'd be surprised how much sites like reddit and 4chan have changed

I feel so goddamn happy that other people with more than five brain cells exist on the internet

Me too. It's reassuring. Gives me just a bit of faith in the human race.


That's three of us. Three sane people.

That's not much, but still more of us than I anticipated.

We should make our own chan.

All that would do is draw in the retards to troll us I'm afraid


Sir, I plan on finding an asian waifu for smarter babies.
Also because tiny chicks rock.

imperium tbh



please stay out of my country and away from our women.