'Assassination attempt on Angela Merkel foiled' as armed man arrested 'trying to infiltrate German chancellor's motorcade' in Prague
'Assassination attempt on Angela Merkel foiled' as armed man arrested 'trying to infiltrate German chancellor's motorcade' in Prague
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too bad
For fucks sake man, you could have kickstarted a massive happening.
What a shame.
Better luck next time
This is why you plan your shit out, dumbfuck.
Someone who decided he wouldn't let his dreams just be dreams
Damn it. If you're gonna do it, you can't fail. Now it'll be tougher for the next guy. Shit.
That's what happens in Czech when you pay a fucking shit gypsy to do a hit.
Should have smeared some polish on his face. Nobody in Germany would dare stop a coloured person.
Angela Shekel lives
At least you tried krautbros
try harder next time
If right-wing nutjobs could plan shit out, they wouldn't be right-wing nutjobs.
You have to admit tho, if this didnt get foiled we would have spent days arguing about it being a false flag and how the jews had used her as a sacrifice to further their agenda.
It wasn't even krauts, it was Czechs that did it
msm only mentions a car joining the convoy.
If he had guns why didn't he go down swinging?
FFS he'll be locked up forever now.
Stupid fuck.
Couldn't he have waited for her to come out of the car?
Apparently he had an expendable baton, tear gas canister and handcuffs with him.
I hope Merkel tries a visit to Poland next.
Yeah like those EU-cucks would do something lmao
H-hold up.
He killed the niggers while wearing a MLP t-shirt ?
Honestly, I'm suprised that it took so long for this to happen. In a nation of sane people someone would've already tried this shit in the first months of the "refugee crisis".
brony kill yourself
I'm actually surprised that there have been so few attempts she isn't riding around in the pope-mobile.
fuck off dumbass, poles are 20x more based than germans in the current year
but did he??? you have to admit the hair and the shirt are spot on
Keep telling yourself that Wojack
German cities are overrun by shitskins and women in full trash bag burkas. White people don't even exist in Germany
Sure, Jasnuz
I'm not a brony.
One Google search later, no, the real shirt is solid white.
Requesting 20% anti EU pic
That is one disgusting kike user
See video
Try harder the next time, dammit. We need that kebab-lover removed
This one failed.
Tomorrow's hopefully wont.
Literally niggers.
kill yourself kike
is there a place to send cards?
patreon account?
And Holla Forums's hero got blown up by a giant RC toy after it backed him into a corner and made him piss himself.
Kill yourselves.
go back to cuckchan
I guess burgers can't comprehend this.
Hitler literally did nothing wrong
That was in France, not Germany
Did you see any Turkish flags in Poland during the world cup?
Also this video came out well after the world cup, dumbass
Polish eloquence.
/mlpol/ Is a thing you little bitch.
It's pretty sad that I know this
Kill yourself
Nah, nothing like that. You see, the whole western world is cucked. And here you faggots are squabbling over which subgroup of europeans is the most cucked, meanwhile whites are systematically being destroyed. Bantz or not, it's getting really fucking tired out.
where do you think you are you ashkenazi filth?
She recorded all of the videos during the 3 weeks in June.
I'm checking your dubs chaim
It's a good thing it didn' succeed.
They're already raiding German homes for going to undesirable websites.
Imagine the backlash if the right in Germoney actually did sumfin.
Doesn't change a thing
You started it off with sperging out with the usual muh based poland-shitposts and now you try to retreat to moral high ground because you can't handle the banter?
get lost
they have minds of a 5 year old
I never said shit about "muh based Poland" faggot, learn to read i.d.'s. I'm not here to see Holla Forums infight over d&c bullshit nigger, not while the whole of western civilization and her people are at stake, You want to call that the moral high ground, go ahead. At least I'm not petty enough to pit europeans against each other on an obscure Laotian primitive living image board.
Kill yourself nigger.
Any news on the motives of the suspect? The article didn't mention his ethnicity so that makes me think it's another Muslim.
Did (((Milo))) or (((/r/the_donald))) send you here?
No, you started when you said
Horrible to see such accidents occur Should have just committed suicide and blew it up. With enough explosives, she would easily have died.
i dont take orders from an inferior race
Sorry Hans, I would much rather live in Poland than Germany
Wow, I know Sammy was Based as hell, but I didn't expect him to attempt this NOW when he is in the middle of having a TV show air.
A Real Hero. he let us down by failing though. Maybe he just slipped or it was out of his control in another way?
Oh well.
Are you guys aware that you'll be the first to go on DOTR?
The events of the past few hundred years make it seem like explosives are easy to get hold of. It's a shame history has been completely fabricated.
So the jokes were true?
You mean Achmed?
so you can chimp out harder than niggers and muslims?
Cannot accuse muslims, that would be racist user!
The reality, Achmed, is that in 10 years Germany will be Germanistan and Poland will still be Polish
Why do you love current year Germans so much, anyway? Easy to rape? Why don't you fuck off back to where you came from shitskin
fucking kill yourself
Sage for d&c faggotry
I bet you look like a gypsy and thats why you projecting
Herr Merkel?
Next time bring a bomb. That's how Lenin's older brother (anarchist) almost killed the Russian Czar in his iron carriage.
In 10 years Poland will be on its knees financially. Look up Poland's birth rate. It's trying to win the white genocide Olympics.
The Germanophiles on this board really are the fucking worst. Almost every shit-flinging contest is started by some idiot acting like Europe consists solely of Germany and no other country, when Germany is falling apart faster then any other country in Europe, and German people cheer on Gregor Gysi, the Kike who praised declining German birthrates.
German people gave it a good attempt, don't get me wrong, and I respect them for that, they were a model for us all, but their country was destroyed in 1945. There will be no coming back from this. Germany is destined to become Germanistan, and then Danish, Dutch, French, Czech, Austrian, and Polish Lebensraum. At least Germanic blood will live on through Austria and the Netherlands.
Easier to survive that then bring overrun by shitskins
He had one fucking job.
Yeah lmao after Heiggo and Gauck were booed and chased away they totally cheered on some Lefty faggot
Considering Germany and to a much lesser degree France are the only two Nations that finance the entire rest of the continent that's pretty close to the truth.
You can't gladly take gibs, work low-wage jobs in other nations and still pretend to be the based savior of Our Lady Europa. That just puts on the same level as niggers.
As soon as you have your exit or at least stop sucking greater nations dry like some slav vampire you can be as smug as you want, but until then behave like the basic bitches you are.
What do you think they'll do as the white people die off, which is happening rapidly there 1.3 births, Japan is in crisis with 1.6? If Poland wants to stay white they need to start having a ton of kids immediately. Even then there are going to be tough times ahead due to the inverted age pyramid.
Some really are, but there's still places which are clean of Aids. (((They))) want 10 more million by 2025. You know this means we have to go full Nazi mode again, right? No spare of Jew, Arab Or Nignog this time. It will become the one true Holocaust, or the biggest Genocide of all time. 200 million dead. Hm, that remembers me of the Revelation again…. fuck these kikes, really. That's what you get when you mess with your own maker…
holy shit is that statue real
I'm 'Murican of Scottish and Norwegian decent, but nice try.
The guy should be awarded the 'Order of the White Lion'.
is that it?
Maybe the guy was playing the new Deus Ex
Thank you for Correcting The Record friend.
wew lad
wew lad
Sure think, how is the weather in Sweden?
Yeah, that's why he's running the country.
Don't make up random shit just because some random Kraut insulted you somewhere.
He isn't even running his own party anymore.
burgerland's fault
burgerland's fault
burgerland's fault
yeah, wew lad
When Germany falls apart in utter chaos, it still looks better than your average day in Russia or China.
Even when law enforcement completely fails, people still stop at traffic lights at 4 AM in the night.
The Soviet Union destroyed Germany, America just got itself involved in a pissing content with the Nips over the Pacific. But sure, keep blaming America, if it helps you feel better. We're just as Kike-controlled over here as you are over there.
hehe. no. poland gets flattended by russia and we will make 50/50, like before ;)
i wonder… maybe there has been attempts before, but german media is (((cia))) controlled propaganda, there would never be any mention of it (not that others might get "ideas"). but czech pretty much hate her and arabs so it was only natural it was going to happen. they should have let it happen though, fucking retards. you can't bitch about not wanting to have more aids and then let slip the chance to get rid of it for good. and don't come to me with morals, the lack of morals is what destroy this world. no one listens to his inner self, they walk around like fucking zombies. it's the kikes, they must all die this time.
you cunts helped the soviet union. without you, germany would've been fine.
Lad, you need to upgrade your banter. If you want to get back at Germans just post about Bomber Harris.
zionists destroyed it, not russians. russia was destroyed by them as well. these (((jews))) are cowards, they always let others fight their dirty wars. that's why they go to hell. what's so difficult to understand here?? no, we must wipe out the khazarian pest for good.
stalin killed more russians than any other khazar before him. if you think that guy was jewish or a russkie, you have slept in history class. all they do, is mass genocide christians in an attempt to avoid getting holocausted by god in the end. that alone shows what a bunch of degenerate inbreeds they are. if there is one, and i'm not even saying there is, then you are too stupid to realize certain death. and if there is not one, you are still stupid because you will have ruined your entire planet. these morons won't survive, one way or another and they know it ofc. it's all a giant sham.
Must have been a G-Class.
And these are expensive as fuck.
Must have been a well-sponsored man.
Poles are the niggers of Europe.
Infesting every civilised country in the hundreds of thousands, undercutting all the menial jobs like pakis, then sending all the money back to the stinking cockroach nest of a country that they came from, fucking up the economies of the host country and contributing nothing.
Im betting my fucking balls that this was a false flag attack to restrict gun ovnership in Chezch rep. They are one of the few countries in EU (them and the swiss I know of) that hawe fairly liberal firearm laws, and that do not abide EU sanctioned laws on that matter. I repeat if it isn't a false flag, it will be used for this, to curb civilian firearm ovnership in EU and chezch republic. Mark my fucking words.
They wounded him. it was the german lack of antibiotics at the time along with the horse hair from the car seat stuffing embedded in his wound that finished him off over a week later.
Would make sense.
Isn't Spielbergstein making a new movie where the Jews help the Commie Partisans murder him?
Forget small stuff, these (((people))) do not know the word or it's meaning. We deal with hundreds of years of planning. Do you think they care if America is the best armed country in the world where every citizen has 10 or more guns around? If they can fix that, they can fix anything. Guns are irrelevant here… What counts, is Information. They fear that Truth gets out, that is what they really fear. That speech seemed to show it, although I couldn't bear to watch that… thing.. open it's .mouth?
You can forget thruth when the government has guns and you fucking pitchforks. If they decide to roll out, most of europe is fucked.
But honestly, might be a lie to push the police state agenda further.
If this was common knowledge, it might help.
It someone sent all the turds on that list to a camp for a while, thing would be solvable.
There is no population crisis. Apart from overpopulation.
In 1920 there were 2 billion.
Less,than a hundred years later and there are 7 billion.
We don't need 25 billion by 2100.
If every non white was ejected from Europe, there would only be improvements.
Once the final killer mail is out, the game is over. Snap. Just like that, without a single shot fired,
Sun Tzu style.
Not for long…
Guns & big speeches never won a war. That's why the US always failed and will do so at the end…. but I'm just talking here, never mind me
Smells like false flag.
Well if you're so afraid then you might as well join them. They got the majority of cowards under their command. I couldn't care less for myself.
Go fuck yourself, i said "most of europe" for a reason, you just cannot expect that enough of UNARMED population will rise with you and follow you like a fucking mesiah against guns and tanks.
True. Wars are only fought with guns. They are won by men. The US WILL win, because we still have MEN.
Yes well I'm tired of this bullshit
Shit man, after everything that's happened today with Hillary, this would have made today even better.
So attempt, or Erdrogan's coup attempt, or just somebody not getting what a stupid thing they're about to do?
They planed their own victory in the 2016 presidential election quite well.
You can fuckl off back to reddit or blackpeoplemeet.com now little guy.
You? Have men? The last time I looked, I saw them weeping in a boat near Iran.
War is only the extension of Politics by other means, and that quote makes even sense. Politics have nothing human or "conventional show"-like to it, have you seen other countries make such a dumb spectacle to decieve the public?? It's a wonder the U.S. survived this long… Likely only by the Jews, the Irony huh
name of the guy talking? i cant recall
how does one find the kike puppets though