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Was The Thing anti-semitic?

user outed himself by using the term "autistic" normies will sniff him out because of that and disregard his theory. I do however like the idea of memeing John Carpenter into an anti-semite, the cuck deserves it.

Yes, it's quite obvious. The Thing remake should be banned.

No. You are quoting the ramblings of an idiot.

is this real

I get that it's a joke, but it's always great when jews or blacks actually pull this shit. It shows that they subconsciously know what they are, and on some level they're ashamed of it.
Blacks think anything about gorillas is racist because secretly they're insecure about how much they resemble apes in both physical features and actions. Jews get incredibly offensive whenever the bad guy is a greedy manipulative subverter. They're not sure if they shoudl be proud of their rule over the media and the banks, or if they should feel guilty that the ebil neonadzees are right about them.

ind4 yed anudda drup tred

Isn't that essentially admitting that jews do these things?

Its some reddipol Drumpfstumpfer projecting his stupid backwards ideas onto a film where no such ideas are present (and for good reason, sea point 2)




(((Who))) does he think the ones pushing unrestrained capitalism are?


It's done to strangle small and new businesses to make sure large companies have no competition

i.e. not unrestrained

someone post the "glasses on" pic of this

Christine is anti-semitic. It's about a a woman (The matriarchal jew) controlling a young man without his knowledge, making him destroy everything he loves for her. He cares more for the jewess than he does for his own people.

Vampires is anti-semitic, it's about a conservative-democrat (James Woods) fighting an unseen evil, a group of blood sucking vampires (jews) with the help of Catholics.
In the Mouth of Madness is anti-semitic, it's about how the jew run media is using it's dark magic to control and manipulate the public. If you talk about how it's happening, people call you crazy. Eventually, the gas lighting does make you insane.

Prince of Darkness is anti-semitic, it's about how there's an unseen force deep within the church being. Any attempts to defeat it using logic are useless, because logic doesn't apply when you're fighting the jews.

Jaws is anti-semitic, it's about something that something attacking you when you're somewhere you believe to be safe, coming up from beneath. The people in charge are more concerned with money than defeating the evil that lurks beneath. To top it all off, it;s made by a jew, so it's like they're literally laughing at how ineffectual we all are. We're food (Cattle / goyim) for them to feast on.

Schindler's List is anti-semitic. Im told Hitler was a jew, and blaming all that killing on a jew is just fucking anti-semitic as fuck.

How can The Thing be anti-semitic if he's a Jew?

ring the damn bell


Since when was the Thing a kike? Was he always?

Hello, comics newfag.

Listen John, I don't know if you know, but your career jumped off a cliff immediately after They Live. You made 10 consistently good films in a row over the course of 12 years, but you haven't even been relevant since Escape from L.A. in 1996, 8 years past the end of your prime. There's no reason to hold back anymore. They wouldn't need to kill you, that catastrophic failure that was The Ward killed all the chances you had at a twilight-year revival. Just say what's truly on your mind, they can't do anything more than what you've already done to yourself.

Do you really think he manages his own twitter?

Ah yes, the yuppies that hide their identities. Oh wait