BBC names Holla Forums Holla Forums as hub of alt-right
BBC names Holla Forums Holla Forums as hub of alt-right
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12 minutes in
TRS forum BTFO
Ugh I knew having Trumpcucks on our board was a bad idea.
And archive Op you colossal fucking fagget.
Hi, Holla Forums
Do audio clips work on archives you projecting gaylord?
Barely 2500 people every couple of days and we are the 'hub' of the most powerful country in the worlds election for one side.
Have we memes ourselves into kikes.
You win a free helicopter ride!
I never like that cocka-roach
Further proving the term is a strawman. "Neo-nazi" is losing effect and is considered really hardcore/fringe but you know they were thinking "Well what if those ebil gnatzis tried to portray a softer image? One that we give them." because "Neo-Nazi" and "white supremacist" are also both strawmen they have tried to brand upon us for the sake of beating on Nationalism.
The only way to beat the jew is to become the jew, so we memed ourself into Aryan Superkikes
Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist
Anne Frank's stepsister compares Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler
If you are a Jew, you should be very afraid of Donald Trump: Trump has always appealed to bigots. His address to a Jewish coalition confirms that he's an anti-Semite himself
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ADL Urges Donald Trump to Reconsider “America First” in Foreign Policy Approach
Oy vey! Enough of Trump!
So the globalists are afraid of the NEETs they created in their mom's basements?
Get the attractive right wing women threads up guys. Newbros in bound.
They sure are trying to push this faggot kike.
Do you even know what a meme is you fucking autist?
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Trump again says 'No Place in Society’ for Anti-Semitism
Why some Hasidic Jews are Loving Donald Trump's Campaign
Meme magic has placed us in the position of being the next shadow rulers. By Kek's will, we will do better for the world than the jews did.
This is also so hilarious an all out propaganda campaign, these dopes didn't know what the alt right was three days ago, but every outlet has now bolted it on to Trumps campaign and is sure who and what the 'alt right' is.
The funniest thing is reading the anger in the comment sections from blind liberals stuck in 2002 screaming about how it's just religious bigots who never went away, who want wars and gays to die.
we mainstream now
That's exactly what we should do you fucking cuck.
why are these cucks so obsessed with us? leave us the fuck alone faggots. you must ruin everything beautiful…
It's stupid. Hitler didn't exterminate the jews and he lost the war.
I can't handle this sentence
no pls explane
Trumpcucks are a Gov/JIDF psyop. Because it's le politics and le mainstreaming and muh overton window and because of strong golden goy who ain't afraid of no Jewish and Judeo-Masonic sponsors.
Go ahead, post the picture that says Corey Lewandowski is a jew so we can laugh at you once again. Or the picture that says Robert Mercer is a jew even though you can't find any evidence that he is.
Thanks for correcting the record, fellow Nazi :^)
Cuckchan BTFO
They aren't, it's a co-ordinated attack from Hilary camp using the press, you notice she said fuck all really bar general bull shit, the plan was to do what the press have done, gone wall to wall alt right to scare people into not voting for new Hitler
Now that we're the hub of the Alt-Right, can we start excommunicating cucks like Ramzsaul and Richard Spencer?
nice meme
nobody here can even agree on what/who the alt-right is. next, the name fucking blows.
Are you an intellectual leader or a garden variety troll?
I know what I am
an itellegbual leder :-DDDDD
Yes, we are the hub. RamzSaul, Dick Spencer, and grindr greggie are all excommunicated.
How do I link my posts to others?
I don't see any button to create an account.
Thanks in advance.
BBC decided that it's us.
definitely, we'll have to change it too.
Hey the faggot said something good for once.
Hey can you delete that that's an extremely harmful image
Thank you, Kek. Thank you for being so incredibly absurd that as soon as the shillary links to Holla Forums, hehehehehehe… it does feel good to win. I'm getting bored with winning already.
Wow wtf I just heard about this website from the news and you guys post this fucked up stuff whats wrong with you????
Waste of trips, you have to go back
You need an Holla Forums Gold Account to enable that functionality. I hope I could answer your question!
- Mindy, Holla Forums Moderation Staff
my vote is to just stay nazi frogs. it seems as though they are attempting to rid us of our magic by bringing us into the light. our magic is most powerful when it takes place in the dark, occulted.
Thanks for the quick reply but where can I make a gold account?
PS: Didn't find out where to enable signatures so I'll just use this until I find out
- Stephen
Get over it Cruzcuck, your Cancuck faggot spic lost.
What the fuck
You have to go to 4chan to register your account.
I've watched this cripple's site go from an exodus home, to the deep web (fuck you too, Google), to now be considered "mainstream" for the "alt right". I can't even tell who is on what side anymore, Poe's law gets fucked like a cheap Thai hooker around here but damn if it isn't a blast.
What a fucking ride it's been, gents. I can't fucking WAIT for November when we MAGA.
RWDS suit up!
This, it acknowledges retarded left-right concept.
Any big umbrella term like this 'alt-right' will ultimately fail and be hijacked by faggots and kikes due to big room for compromise and no strict definition of who is considered to be a member.
It's all bollocks mate we have less people here than last year, it's all kikeplay shining a light on our kekplay
That korean lady must've eaten a really good pizza
pic related
Why do you hate the jews?
Why do you not hate jews?
Do we just shitpost harder?
They've never done anything to me and even if they had, I'm not racist, I don't classify people based on race
Shit. Get posting gore guys.
lurk moar irl
Ha ha! That's just a meme. Don't worry Anonymous, we don't really hate the Jewish people here in our community ;-)
- Mindy, Holla Forums Moderation Staff
you can stop pretending to be new shlomo
I hate what they do, the programming they push on our culture, the hypocrisy, all of it. Not to even mention the war starting, the economy manipulation, etc.
Because Hollywood. Because Israel. Because interracial porn that is still produced and pushed out into society even at a net loss. Because I'm told I am the one skin color that can't be proud.
First it was a libertarian free speech zone, then a nazi site (hence the blackout because bad goys were bad), then it got taken over by Freemasons, JIDF and various gov shills to serve as a controlled opposition outlet and a place to recruit dumb goyim to shill for Trump for free (and thus save dem shekels).
t. historian
Record: corrected
Media outlets keep mentioning Milo, this is an attempt at hijacking the alt-right and making Milo the voice of it.
You're right why would any one of us organically support Trump? I mean his policies go so against what we want to achieve. Seriously it's 2016, why are we supporting a nationalist? Globalism is the future! Closing the borders is racist!
I'm a #ShillForHill now
Can bank account balance become the next meme?
They don't understand us at all.
Thanks for the laugh m8.
If you wish to understand your slavery:
If you are interested in the "actual" truth about Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, and WW2, then the documentary "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told" is recommended -
(Part 1 to 22 & Bonus)
(Part 23 to 26)
And the took we took it back from the cucks during the Ukraine conflict.
Just ask the alphabet guys, as they pop up from time to time.
If you want the real red pills follow
Hail Satan
Check into how Holla Forums parses traffic to generate its stated number of IDs. Each listed ID could potentially be tens to thousands of actual people.
don't forget how they have to pay the girls extra, and even then, many still won't do it
Who are you voting for?
Sure you are
Well the holocaust happened, it's undeniable, it wouldn't be in our history text books otherwise, and they don't influence our culture, it's the people of culture that influence the culture
Fug,too late.
This is probably the same fag who spams gore in every thread having to do with Trump trying to be edgy. Why haven't mods permnabanned him yet?
Sinead is insane but that doesn't make anybody you listed besides maybe TRS not shabbos goys.
Trump is literally, and I mean literally, a nationalist
Remember the 6 trillion
Really, though, how could they? They've been told the things we love are evil, ergo since we love them, we are also evil in their eyes.
Oh wow, Gtfo.
It was only 6 million, or is this some kind of a hyperbolic joke? Or a meme in your speak
Meant to quote
Are you serious? I was taught in school it was 6 trillion. Are you a holocaust revisionist or something?
What makes you think I'm voting for anyone?
Sinead has her crazy moments, but yeah, renegades in general are pretty good and their articles are top quality.
A reminder that Kyle Hunt made Hellstorm documentary and started White Man's March among other things for our cause.
Varg is pretty good too.
We are Hitlers Wizards after all
Oh it was terrible when those 6 quadrillion Jews died at Oktoberfest! I hope nobody ever forgets the 6 Septillion!
They are at least getting paid for whoring themselves out. You are doing it for free kek. Even if you are JIDF, you are literally defending the interests of people who are barely related to you in any way, and who couldn't give a single fuck about you.
Shiggy diggy
But i don't really want to attack Trump, and you are practically asking for it. Sometimes i think you are actually his opponents trying to bait negative comments by "supporting him" , and doing it in an incredibly idiotic way. Kikes often use that tactic with their opponents.
Trump should be more wary of his "supporters" than his opponents.
Peanut spic was a CIA puppet nothing more stop pushing this meme spic
you can upload it to soundcloud to archive an audio file
Tell me how he isn't a nationalist. Go on.
We aren't altright reeeeeeeeee
He was also a kike puppet
You can't cry fire in a cinema, that's a crime, isn't that a free speech violation? Free speech is already limited, having it limited protects people, which is why we need to limit the free speech that people have
kek has a pretty weird sense of humor
Look into the definition of Nationalism you dumb faggot.
And no, Civic "Nationalism" is not Nationalism.
I think that's the people that pull the "Trump is 1488" thing.
They're baiting for some to say "no he isn't" then they transition into "Trump is a kike shill".
He is a nationalist. Jewish nationalist
It's not looking good for you fam
alt right attracts faggots like Milo because it's a fusion of libertarians and nationalists who previously may have supported ron paul
It also incorporates some socialistic working class politics, since those nationalists often were national socialists
Wew! You forgot Ropeculture.fag
They're really going all out.
The only thing they accomplish is being an absolute laughing stock. Had the countless warnings not told you what will happen next? Kikes certainly are short sighted.
Here's your (((you)))
Me as a child of a holocaust survivor will never be like other privileged whites, the genetic trauma passed down to me will always haunt me and my children.
DURRR educate yourself!
Seems nationalist to me.
There's a reason you have civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism you know? They are two types of nationalism. Yes ethnic nationalism is the best one but it doesn't mean civic nationalism is not nationalism. This is a presidential campaign in a country where whites are close to becoming a minority. Ethnic nationalism is impossible at this stage.
Why am I wasting this must effort on a shill
free speech doesn't protect people. it protects the inferior.
Not just gore, user.
Red pilling gore.
Post executions and decapitations. Post the shit of mudslimes drowning "infidels" to the music "under the sea".
Yes, for example, if you present him as the least bad option, well, go on and vote for him, you have nothing to lose anyway. So far so good.
But if you present him as literally the next Hitler, or some kind of deity (a pathetic cuck who have inherited half of his fortune and gambled/jewed the other half) you have gone full retard and you are doing him more harm than good.
They're not wrong.
shut up nigger
Just check this image it will explain you everything about this website
You made the claim he is Nationalist, the burden of proof is on you. But ok, I can explain it just by saying that he let his children get married to kikes, is cuck of kikes in general, supports LGBT degenerates and doesn't even mention European people as a group, let alone fights for their interests exclusively.
Please provide a definition of Nationalism where ethnicity doesn't matter and degeneracy is a-ok.
Kek, you even have shitskins who consider themselves to be alt-right, it is no strictly defined movement, you even proved it by your own post.
Wow what a surprise, guess this means he's not building a wall or making any effort whatsoever to unfuck our economy.
I'm a #Hillevator now.
He will be reborn as a headless.
You know he's an American politician, right..?
Headless might be one of the most retarded memes ever, but I like it
The original definition of a Nation is a group of people of the same ethnicity or race. Civic Nationalism has nothing to do with ethnicity or race, so it really can't be Nationalism.
you aint no nationalist bruv
Okay let's see just how retarded you are.
Let's see what else you posted.
Gas yourself kike.
Great pic! Very informative and easy to understand
At last I truly see.
Delete this picture
Thanks I'm glad I could help.
No, we must help the newfags see the reality of international jewry.
Fuck sake mate, stop showing the newfags these things.
It makes them and the shills blend in more easily
That's uh… some serious shit.
Fuck. I only picked up my Premium today. I figured I'd stick around a little and maybe be surprised instead of being given garbage, but damn.
Why doesn't the media report on this?
So because he's an American politician, definitions of certain words don't apply to him?
Why? Because I want a homogeneous society in my country? Lel, tell me more, trumpfag.
I can't see anything?
How do I edit my post? I wanted to add that it just says I need some account…
Well worth the 5$ donation!
wow stop i feel embarrassed replying
This is a presidential campaign in a country where whites are close to becoming a minority. Ethnic nationalism is impossible at this stage.
I'm sorry you're so autistic you don't understand realpolitik and think niggers would vote for a candidate that promotes white people over others
What about now ?
It's still not working wtf?
Try to reboot your computer.
I see where this is heading.
He's going all out, must be that $3,50 shill I keep hearing about, looks like he wants to learn more about us
Whoops sorry I meant that other fag
niggers vote for whoever gives them the most free money.
Bill clinton actually expanded the private prison program.
Its not my fault you are a coward ready to led your race into death
If Trump mentioned anything about white identity and ensuring the survival of white people the media would NEVER let it drop. Swathes of cuckservatives wouldn't vote for him.
So why do you call him a Nationalist then? :^)
Also, even if he's a closet Nationalist, he wouldn't be supporting LGBT scum and be a good goy to kikes.
Because he's a nationalist
How do we retaliate, /pol?! Can we redpill them all and turn (((their))) weapons against (((them)))?
Hey hey, its too soon for them to see this shit. Wtf faggot!
Well I rebooted it, I still can't view the image, it still says I need an account but I can't find where I can make the account?
I'm learning more about anatomy in Holla Forums than I ever did in art school.
Post bone!
I'm having a bit of trouble with this one has anyone got any spare pylons they can lend?
Is this Chris Chan?
Try that
He's gonna need an account, man.
Gorespam is so 2009
Right now
I meant now
lel checked
Behold, BBC! The power of the hacker known as 4chan
Kek is telling you something user
Lad I don't unerstand why you bicker with them, we should actively support the meme he is good for the jews even when we know he isn't. If jews are as powerful as we think and always act in the interest of the jew, we should go along with it to trick them. We all know everyone here is voting trump after all
These trips are garbage. You were spamming to get ANY get.
This is G_d approved trash faggot
Damn, you're fast!
How did that even happen ?
That's not bone.
You need to input your email address in the Email field to receive the link to activate your account.
He's not a Nationalist by the original definition of the word, he's hardly a Civic "Nationalist".
You yourself admitted that he's not a Nationalist in your previous post.
I'm only arguing that oranges are orange m8.
Sometimes things just happen, you know?
Kek, the fuhrer, approves of this message
Wait, how did that just happened ? How come it doesn't look half dead ?
How will the BBC ever recover?
it's a replica
Hopefully, by doubling down. The storm of absurdity must be summoned upon them and their hordes.
They make clones of people and then cut their dicks in camera for some rich fetish whores who get their kicks to that. The clones are designed to have immortal dicks.
Ok. Seriously, these BME fags have problems.
You know why there's such a shit storm over this place.
We have been systematically trawling through confidential hacks of clinton and soros better than any Intelligence Agency. Connect the dots they're trying to discredit us. I hope the admins are infosmart
Please don't be a bigot.
Thanks for reminding me this pic exists. Mami confirmed best.
It's possible. We just need the U.S. government to crash and burn so people can resegregate without this federally-enforced integration shit that everyone hates.
I'm almost hoping that Hillary or Obama will start a nuclear war.
This, it's the only way to realise the 14 words in US.
Good shit, cannot wait til I upgrade to Premium GOLD soon and get to see even better things.
Goodbye brit/pol/.
Welp, time to install linux.
And we did it for free godddammit!
is he okay?
Fucking kikes. They have no self-awareness.
Please delete that, I am extremely triggered by it.
What game?
Don't lose your head.
Nigger, what's written at the top of the page?
we have stole their memetic magic.
Hollywood might be theirs but the internet is ours
their ideologies they don't even follow ruin countries
That's the standard of quality journalism today.
The argument nowadays is that "You yell fire and there isn't any, thats not free speech" which of course suddenly starts applying to more and more shit like the holocaust.
Women. Even once.
see pic
see pic
oh shit, this place was already bad enough….now it's about to go over the cliff
was nice knowing you anons
It's unique IP ranges which means it's more like 10x that
Holla Forums is not alt-right for fuck's sake!
I just bought Platinium but it doesn't work for Premium? WTH??
It's not the same type of account.
Lol nope.
You ctr shills are pretty retarded
Its way more than that dude, half of you niggers use the same VPN service as me, anyone that is here without protectshunfwiw is a fucking tard
What a cuck
I'm not too worried about it as I'm not European, if Clinton puts her hate speech laws in place then I will.
the alt-right are nigger-fucking hipster kikes
that voice is so fucking bad, like an overdone caricature, but the hole isnt much better and milo can always be counted to be a smarmy fag
some of this is accurate, at least more so than other pieces from establishment media who are basically still worrying about the hacker named fourchin
Goes to show bbc is much closer to an intelligence outfit than any other presstitute outlet, they take this shit seriously to an extent because they know it might become a problem, britfags dont like reactionary movements unless they are pulling the strings
My thoughts exactly.
He might be a literal niggercock-sucking faggot but at least he's not trying to make a fuzz about it like most "alt-right" ideologues preaching on how "homosexuals are natural allies of the right".
tbh i think these are just oldfags that are :LARPing as newfags for the lelz
This is a journalist. His job is researching a subject and writing about it. He gets paid for incompetence.
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
REMINDER: THIS IS ALEX JONE'S FAULT…. HE KILLED Holla Forums with the Alt-Right meme
Huh, thanks Alex.
No, he's making sure people who want to learn about the Alt-Right visit InfoWars so they can find out how Nazis control the world and buy penis juice.
This isn't even our final form, faggot.
You're a fucking moron, OP. You could have archived and spared us the influx of shitter journalists like that.
So let's arrange another large-scale infowars comment raid.
Weve been known to the powers that be for awhile. Our ideas are taking root.
To any of you communist cocksuckers that read this - there's a rope with your name on it.
Guess he failed then since news orgs specifically mentioned this board and website
I'm nine minute into it and it seems they're attempting to do some D&C by saying that the "top" is very educated but doesn't find their place anywhere and there's an "ebul" bottom who does anti semite cartoons.
Oy vey, the americas were discovered by accident too goy, its in the "history" books, don't you know?
i hope you two find better jobs soon
How quick are they to ban?
fuck the (((alt-right)))
we're fascists, why don't these retards understand?
Not very, and if you keep it subtle they'll usually let you go. Just don't say anything that could be perceived as calling for violence.
You're going back Carlos!
That would be far too extreme goy, do you want to give all The Chosen a heart attack knowing there is a resurgence of FASCISM that have influence on the web?!?
No you're fucking retarded
That's what happens when you have a broad tent based on a set of broad, inclusive principles. The alt-right is ultimately good for whites until we can push the window even further into ethnic nationalist territory. The alt-right is great because Trump is alt-right and wants to kick out most of the illegals and shift immigration to be primarily European. The ensuing decline in poopooskin growth rates and increase in white growth rates and allow us to push back even further.
I thought the objective was to fuck with them for pulling the altright crap.
"Top"=cucks. The jew's first thought when he sees power and knows fear is to D&C, subvert, and control, just ask jewt.
Nationalism can be anything the people want it to be as long as it has a defined border and doesn't stray into globalism. The Japanese nationalists even claimed that Koreans were just distant cousins and that Korean was a dialect of ancient Japanese and so tried to incorporate Korea into the Japanese nation.
Only the 14 words matter, at least to me.
I mean as far as like spamming and shit like that, unless we can get enough people involved.
Thank fuck someone else here recognizes how shitty that fucker was. Franco is even worse because he betrayed the actual fascists to become an American puppet.
I have a college degree and enjoy jew cartoons
What now?
The "great" thing about fascism is that plebs think they're equal to the superior classes
Monarchy is the superior system, Franco saw that. Fascism is just socialism without the internationalism.
seriously who has ever called themselves that?
wew lad
You clearly know nothing about Fascism. Fascism has a heavy emphasis on hierarchy.
Look how Francuck handing the country turned out for Spain. But of course you'll masturbate over a man (a half jew as well) who sold his country for American monopoly money.
e-celeb fellating cucks tried to get the meme to stick here about a year ago. It was almost universally rejected on bbs afaik. Talking heads on youtube and twitter still use it, and they have the most normie-friendly message along with being attention whores who willingly talk to the media.
better, we've memed ourselves into Gendo Ikari.
the guy who kike'd the kikes.
Please kill yourselves before reactionaries do it for you, like glorious Franco did to you plebs in Spain.
Just a bunch of socialists who are little less idealistic and inclusive than your communist brothers
gr8 bait m8
pretty good dark enlightenment roleplay Moldbug
Wrong. People are influenced BY culture not the other way around, a very small percentage of people actually influence culture most just follow along.
we demonstrating blowing up vans yet?
How will cuckchan ever recover from this?
All of this alt-right rhetoric is just because they're pulling their hair out because they can't wag anyone right of center any longer.
Can anyone else remember when the gamergays used to complain that Holla Forums never does anything?
Now we're dominating the political debate on two continents.
Gamerfags BTFO
Not how you get ahead in this world.
What are you so triggered about? GG went full PR and shat its diaper. Left alone to play, these people will annihilate themselves anyway.
It's easy enough to counter that argument by referencing the philosophical foundation of imminent lawless action as determined by the Supreme Court ruling of Brandenburg v. Ohio, J.L. Austin's speech acts.
I was just having fun with you.
I don't know about you that stuff, I stopped paying attention to GG when acid man went full cuck. and a bunch of people on the board said "we can't sexualize this", "we can't sexualize that!" pretty funny just how far they went to police themselves.
I just liked everything at the beginning, and the Vivian mascot thing. outside of fighting censorship and making funny meme's I don't really give a shit about GG.
Who should we vote for?
Then it isn't free speech. How retarded are you?
Gas yourself.
The BBC just cant help themselves can they!
David Aaronovich (Host) - Jew
Cathy Young - Jew
Milo Yiannopoulus - Jew
They are less than 1% of the UK population ffs! Talk about closed shop and 'Jew priviledge'!
Cant they even get a goy to debate about the alt right?
tbf Milo gets a pass on this one cos he handled himself well even though the host was on the other 'right-wingers' side but bloody hell they dont even try to hide it!
And we're getting younger every day.
Free speech regards expression of opinion, not freedom to yell inarticulate noises into other people's ears like a retard.
Can they really?
Sorry m8 but speech that hurts feelings should still be free.
Only allowing 'Free speech' that you approve of isnt free at all
WTF ARE YOU SOME KIND OF NAZI? IT WAS 10 TRILLION JEWS! My mother was only 3 when it happened an, barley survived being starved for a month when, with no water and being throw in an oven by tying birds together in order to fly over the fence.
what the fuck is that cucked comic?
1st pic makes jews laugh.
2nd pic is beyond all comprehension, as the owner/operator of a dick this is not something one had done *surgically* if it can be avoided never mind a fucking DIY job with scissors.
No, yelling "fire" in a crowded theatre is a crime called "disturbing the peace". There is no such thing as a "free speech violation".
You're a retard.
if you were paying attention, you would've noticed all of those "side effects" were positives.
wtf I love headaches now
it doesn't matter because you can cry movie in a crowded firehouse
They don't use the proper part of their brains. Again. ID+ all moe posters.
Cathy Young (born Yekaterina Yung, Russian: Екатерина Юнг, born February 10, 1963) is an American journalist who was born in Russia. Young is known for her writing on the topics of rape and feminism. Young is the author of two books, a frequent contributor to the libertarian monthly Reason, and a regular columnist for Newsday,, Time, and Allthink.
Born in Moscow, the capital of what was then the Soviet Union, Ekaterina Jung was 17 when her family emigrated to the United States in 1980. She became a naturalized citizen in 1987 as Catherine Alicia Young
Over the years, Young has had a close association with Reason
Young is a research associate at the Washington, D.C.-based libertarian think tank Cato Institute
We did it reddit.
By reading Two Hundred Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
If they can hate us and whine constantly for muh 6 million (even though we fucking saved them to begin with), we can hate them for the 60 million Christians they murdered.
Oh and this might help too
fun times
ya WTF did they think were were going to do between jerk off session of anime and vidya ….
they fucked up all the women and the immigrants took all the jobs
So we fight the kikes.
Hey man I guess it takes a rootless international clique to beat a rootless international clique.
reported to the German authority you nazi for hate speech
These are all mere coincides. There is literally nothing wrong with being a jew.
I'm just mentally agreeing with Kate Hopkins listening to this shit.
I really fear the "cultural libertarian" takeover of the alt-right name.
I've already had a guy claiming
Ever since 2003 Internet culture has been dominated by imageboards.
We're just using the massive amount of power that we've always had for political purposes and we're shaking the foundations of the modern world itself.
any text?
We're just manifesting mankinds collective subconscious as an active deity user.
I like the part where he's trying to play it down as not white nationalist
It's like image where at the top you have a chan who's shitting in the mouth of the guy below him who's shitting in the mouth of the guy below him, etc.
try using
How could we not hate the Jews?
Mirrored here:
Exactly we were always the natural aristocracy of the Internet that influence it's entirely with culture and suggestion. Basically we've been the benevolent Jews of the internet and now all that's happening is the Jews of the Internet discovering the Jews of the real world, who are of course the Jews.
Cut the parts where they name the beast out.
Major Fail.
Read SIEGE by James mason
suck it 4cucks we the boss of the net now
such weak shilling
He was obviously talking about 2d women.
Maybe, even a drawing on paper has more redeeming features than these "women of the right."
Don't you have a chink to promote as "honorary White"?
looks like the sex doll i got on line
You're not fooling anybody fam.
keep going Rabbi
Name the women representing the right who has more subs/views/popularity than Elegon, Sinead and name the "alt-right" site that has more daily views than Red Ice, Stormer, TRS or Renegade.
There isn't one.
They are your de facto representatives but keep trying to rewrite reality.
… the point is that truth lead to "racism", meaning en enlightened person know races are different, and that some are better than others in various fields.
if knowing the truth makes ya a racist, then racism become inherently good.
Agreed. But vid related is not free speech.
I really wish you lefty/pol/ cucks would practice these things out before you post, learn some bants, little humor and a little style. goes a long way, your demoralization tactics keep failing.
nobody with half a brain trusted these dumb bitches in the first place. except the typical
"muh dick! a woman that agrees with something I think" types.
it's okay, keep holding up your manufactured train wrecks as some type of proof. I'm sure somebody will bite.
You guys working late? Filtered and Reported.
By name dropping Holla Forums Holla Forums all they do is spark interest in us and so more people will come here and then learn the true nature of the Jew. These kikes greatly overestimate their control over the average person's conciousness.
Are you the discount shills (((they))) hired?
0/10 bait
No that's Stalinism.
Try harder kikes.
Some people say Stalin Did nothing wrong. lolcows.
There is a difference between Free Speech and Lying
Trump's case with the LGBTBBQ is that even though they're filthy degenerates, they're America's filthy degenerates so it is up to America to decide what to do with them, not the Muslims
Related to white genocide.from another thread
A 1969 memo from Planned Parenthood in the USA which advocates for the promotion of homosexuality, feminism and making marriage more difficult.
These things all appear to have happened over the decades and are still getting worse.
More details in thread
This is the first time that an imageboard has become an election issue Shillary even refereed to us without naming us in her speech yesterday.
Hub of alt right
what did she say?
Its fucking annoying how you broke the link like that. Next time archive or use a redirect.
Not sinead… I am triggered!
That the Crooked Hillary hexagram picture that Trump tweeted originated on a "white supremacist" forum.
I didn't break the link, seems a mod did so they couldn't see where the traffic is from
oy vey
we've been found out
More like Trump marketers, they fucking destroyed this board.
you're kinda part of it ,,,,…
you want ti or not
No we're not. Alt-cuck is Cuckservatives repackaged.
Start gassing yourself anytime.
What happened? I thought "alt right" was just the real thing instead of controlled opposition. Everyone seems to have turned on the term however.
I'm sure Milo and Gavin "Israel First" Mccines frenching each other didn't help. But I think I missed something.
Exactly, these are paid shills for the most part. They've been astroturfing on Trump here for almost a year now.
Alt right is everyone who is right but fed up with standard cuckservatives. It's a blanket term and ranges from neo-nazis to altright+ neo cucks
I don't like where this is heading.
Alt-cuck is Cuckservatives repacked. The fake 'Right-wing' that constantly bends over for Leftism led to people moving away from it, the Alt-cuck is an attempt to reel them back in. They are PC cuckolds.
In case you didn't notice; this board is called Politically Incorrect. We're not the Alt-cuck.
Damn. We missed the boat on that.
this is what we will do to the muslims
holy shit
Our numbers are even smaller than that of the networking of kikes do.
We surpassed them.
The shilling today is weak I was expecting some kind of fucking hellstorm of shilling after hillary so graciously told people to come visit us and get a taste of the red pill.
Only Holla Forums to make me laugh at this shit.
Add to that the Waifu complex many anons have, and gets eerily close.
do you have autism?
you keep posting that stupid one pixel picture.
maybe you should kill yourself because at this point its just making you look like some avatar faggot.
Thank you
You can post the one pixel along with your original picture to avoid duplicate file errors.
Hopefully it gets rid of the marketers.
"The chan of free speech must be refreshed from time to time with images of smugness and gore." – Thomas Jefferson
It's amazing how we joked about this shit; I guess it's hard to accept how powerful we have become considering how must of us are essentially bitter rejects.
We are part of growing number of people, filtered out by IQ and personality. I've stated this before here, but it will seriously bring a lot of change when we start getting employment in higher and higher ranks. Our plans will come into fruition, with the relatively hidden knowledge that for most of us, it all began with a shitpost.
I seriously love you guys
What would TJ have to say if he were alive today?
Thanks user. MP3 here:
we know, user
Why's that man making a funny face?
You've been here too long. Besides, we've evolved in memetic technology. This shit is just Holla Forums-tier when compared to the true meta we have now.
oops, wrong file. meant to post
Carlos was deported.
Misread that as the dankest reaches of the internet.
More like the shit-hole of the alt-right, eh guys?
Not the best time to lose one's head.
Well, that too
That looks like that itty bittys cop doll. I like it.
No wonder sliding's off the charts. I hope Rachposter gets caught in a car crash (if the mutt even gets out of his basement).
Too bad full chan is not the hub of the alt right. Faggots go on Reddit.
Nice meme REDDIT
Thank you for Correcting the Record.
Thank you for incorrectly using our own memes.
Totally unbiased and trustworthy findings, goy.
I would normally be angry about all the newfags we would have to babysit just right after summer is over but the consequences seem too lulzy to complain:
You heard us. Fascists mix the worst elements of socialism and autarky
With the exception of Hitler, most fascists are so jewinated that they forget about their ethnicity.
Not to mention, fascists will often dump familial roles, and are anti-patriarchal.
Fuck off, Milo.
Lesser ppl usually means that the conversation has atleast a chance to uphold some sort of quality because there are not as much retards around. Few ppl with a vision can do a hell of a lot more damage than a few thousand of them who are just shitposting. Don't belive me? Just visit 2+2chan and see your self.
Is that a dried up human testicle on a necklace?
Because ‘Kill you and shit on your corpse doesn’t translate well.
What the fuck is an "Alt-Right"!??
Nuke the (((Cucks))), Endsieg Now!