On Niggers - Understanding the Nog

I have spent many years as a highschool teacher in a shitty district, I've been closely studying nigger behavior patterns, would like to share some things I've observed with you.

Unlike typical highschool castes, niggers have two distinct groups they refer to. first, a "lame", second a "motherfucker", a popular or renown nigger is a motherfucker, a submissive or weak nigger is a lame. Although, that is not the only factor that determines those groups, for instance you've got to be "fresh", "fly" or "live" to be a motherfucker, yet even a lame nigger can have good clothes and still be a lame. It's a behavioral thing as well. Popular niggers are usually highly aggressive, it's not atypical for them to be involved in a lot of criminal activities, which facilitate their expensive taste. (although nogs rock a lot of fake shit too.)

Now inside those two main castes, you have certain cliques, but not quite the way you'd think of a clique. For the "motherfucker" caste there can be hundreds of cliques depending on how big the school is. The individual clique is usually a group of niggers who commit crime together, hang out together, etc., and often there is a higher diplomatic approach to their interactions with other cliques. If one of the members feels disrespected by something another nigger did, they will usually fight it out, which in slang is "getting rec off". This leads me into my next point, niggers are highly aggressive and it's not unusual for them to actually PICK a fight, I guess they must release all that excess testosterone somehow right? That is another preexisting conflict that exists. They will usually choose to fight someone they already have beef with so they can both get their aggression out towards each other than just hit some random guy (but like I said, they will do that to if they feel they need to get their renown up or something). If something "pops off" one of the niggers in Jamal's troop will typically jump into the fight, it doesn't matter if the other nigger has a troop of his own, usually they start off by trying to get nobody to intervene, but nigger's tempers run very hot all the time so usually one nigger will hit one of the two fighting and then they'll all end up brawling.

Niggers are also driven by pussy too. Muh dik, right? They always want pussy as easily as possible. They'll fuck anything if it's not too much trouble. They may even put a little more effort in if they feel the payout will be worth it. They will not however, buy the female anything usually, niggers typically like to keep their money close, in both a figurative and literal sense, they won't never take it out of their pocket/sock/whatever. (another nigger might rob them, or you, so it's never smart to pull out money around them) It's actually made me kind of mad, I've seen nogs with a coal burner and she'll buy them anything they want while they give her nothing in return.

If a nigger troop (clique) gets big enough, there usually is a great power element at play. I'm gonna be using a Victoria 2 analogy, so if two nigger troops get powerful enough, have enough clout usually (which means they're really out there robbing people and selling drugs) they'll be a bigger deal. Sometimes they will name their group something cheesy, like "Bank Boyz", "10k Bandboyz", "Blue Hunniz" or something gay like that, they will go as far as to get t-shirts made with glittery letters to symbolize their allegiance. To be a member of said group, niggers usually must have enough clout themselves to not be considered a "lame" to them. I went over what constitutes a lame before, but niggers with enough recognition will not chum it up with someone lower on the social scale. To compare a GP in V2 to just a civilized or regular nation, is to compare the nigger to a "hoe". A well known nigger will typically have a network of hoes that will count themselves under the same allegiance as him. But females aren't loyal at all, so a lot of the time niggers will fuck a female from an "Op block". (Op means opponent, block is like where they're from.)

* Just on a side note, niggers will ALWAYS surprise you with how stupid they are. It boggles my mind everyday in my classroom how dull they are. It's hard for them to grasp basic concepts at all.


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So let's go over some nigger slang so you can better understand them, count how many you already know! Keep in mind their slang words usually have two or more meanings, so they can be used in a less serious sense.

Finna - about to
Rec - aggression
Smack - ugly
Skep - 1 Can be playful, like saying "You played me skep." to a female, the closest translation is rookie or stupid, although the word has it's roots in skeptical. 2, someone did you dirty, your weed man gave you a "Skep ass bag" or someone stole your food at lunch or something, they played you "Skep".
Cock - Like Skep, it means pretty much the same thing but has a wider variety of use and is probably less serious. Sometimes even interchangeable with skep.
Fufu/Fu/Fugazzi - Fake, your clothes are fake, the female is being fake to you, in that vein.
Mild - Boring, "This party is mild." It's not exciting enough.
Capping/Cracking/Shooting/Gunning - It all means the same thing, and that's to make fun of someone. Niggers usually do this for comic relief, they will start making fun of someone in a more playful way than bullying. They usually say very inflammatory things to be funny, although some typical comedic rules do apply. So for instance "Bitch you built like a crunch bar." "You look like a motherfuggn Bob the Builder your little ugly ass." Something stupid like that.
Shit - Retains it's usual meaning, but is used to shorten things sometimes. "What are you doing fool?", a nigger might say "Shit."
Weed - They have a lot of different names for weed, if it's bad it's Reg, if it's bad weed but it's still ok, it's Powerball reg. If it's good weed, it's loud, shit, pump 9, gas, skunk, broccoli what-have-you.
Gucci - If you're gucci, you're doing alright.
Jigga - an extacy pill
Flakka - some fucked up synthetic drug that's mostly around Florida
Lick - a lick can be many things, again, it can be used in a joking sense but it means something to rob usually. "I'm going to hit this lick." means I'm going to rob this house, or rob/steal from someone.
Stain - Means the same thing as lick.
Geeking - Wanting to do something really bad.
Stunting/Flexing - Showing off your money with clothes and money itself. Flexing on someone means you're showing off to them.
Smoke - If a nigger says something about smoke, it usually is referring to a gun. It can also just mean fighting in general.
Sweet - If someone is sweet they're lame.

That's some basic vocabulary to get down if you want, I guess I can take questions now or discuss what I've wrote.

On a closing note, if you want a tl;dr, don't relax around blacks.

That' just won't do, someone post the long copy pasta of the White teachers breakdown on what a black school is something no child deserves, even the odd smart 'half breed'

I don't have it for you, but I've probably been at that point before. Niggers don't give a shit about you as the teacher, they will curse in your face and tell you to fuck off. Part of the reason I don't work in the school system anymore.

No white kid deserves to be in that school. It must be absolutely hell. If they deny the pressure to become a wigger themselves, they're still going to get bullied around. It's bullshit.

Courts rezoning majority white and chinky schools for bussed in niggers is one thing even normal fags understand as a disaster, it should be a major piece of propaganda

Happened to the last school I worked at, then they started on all this safe space shit so I called it quits.

Bump for nog/English dictionary post


I think I finally figured this one out.

F and I are right next to G and O on the keyboard. Some dumbass made a typo and never corrected it and the rest picked it up as slang.

That's it.

I always laugh at this line

Fuck, it's all true. A black classroom is chaos.
The girls twerk their asses off, the niggers never pay attention.

Niggers do count light-skinned boys and girls as one of them now however. Some confirmation on things the cap says, I've worked in two states so far as a teacher, and the lip smacking thing is nationwide I'm convinced at this point.

Niggers don't fight over female girls because they take a hands off, "don't care" attitude towards females. They don't care about girls at all, the only thing they care about is pussy, if one girl won't give it up, they'll try to fuck another girl.

We also had many security guards in our school, and metal detectors. Yet the niggers would still roam the hallways and dodge them at every turn, skipping class when possible. Ridiculous, but at least we didn't have to deal with their antics that way.

I said I quit when they went on all this space shit. It got pretty bad. Diversity posters, Safe space posters, posters with race mixers on them, it was obscene.

he has the same last name as me too

Some also pronounce it "Finto", still means the same thing.

Here's some rap song I finally figured out what was called. My students would always sing this shit but I couldn't figure it out because if you think the rapper is incoherent, these niggers are 10k worse.

Isn't it a derivative of 'I'm fixing to'

Yes, if I had to guess the progression of the term it would be:

I'm fixing to
I'm fitting to
I'm finto
I'm finna

It's hilarious that they come up with their own terms rather than learn proper English. What's disgusting is when white people try to actually copy this behavior and language pattern.

This slang evolution is interesting.
I wonder how much longer you would have to keep them in their cultural bubble until we got a new language out of this.

Funnily enough even the white lower class in Britain has a more interesting slang language than niggers. Blacks are pretty unoriginal, they'll just use a phrase until it morphs into a single word over time.

Any examples?

I spent some time around black SJW twatters/tumblrs for kicks and saw that they constantly tell white people to "stop appropriating AAVE", which is a nice word for ebonics aka muhfuggin bix nood. They're honest to god proud of their Niggerbabble and consider it to be a valuable cultural achievement. I was floored.

I think it's like gonna means "going to", just finna is "fixing to", though that's just a guess

This guy goes over some ones Chavs use in Britain, he makes his own rap up, so if you can put up with him it goes into British slang. Or at least lower class Brit slang.

Bixnooding starts at 1:27

Read this whole book if you haven't done so, it'll explain everything:


Finna means "fixing to", which I think is some sort of southern phrase.

This actually originates from the southern "fixing to" (fixin' ta > fixn' a > finna), and carries the same meaning closer to "trying to." A person who is finna do something wants to do it and plans to do so, regardless of whether it actually happens/succeeds.

Example: "Ayo nigga ma boi AJ finna rob some niggas down on 75th, you wanna ride wit'?"

Haiti became independent (removed Baguette in 1804). Not conjugating verbs, simplified or improper use of plurals. Why does this sound so familiar?


Two of them because the board limit on duplicate images can GO FUCK ITSELF WITH A RAKE YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS BOARD OWNER.

Just as a side note and an addition to your slang dictionary, the word "block" refers to literal prison blocks (C block, D block, etc)

A lot of IRL street culture is carried over from prison culture. Sad. but this shouldn't surprising

And here are some bonus tips on how to survive the nog apocalypse
Ever notice how niggers walk incredibly slow in public? It's because walking too fast is a sign that you are afraid. If walking in a majority black area make sure to walk slower than you usually would. Don't walk your normal pace. And for christ's sake do not walk too fast.

This one seems obvious but it's worth repeating. Young males like to show off. Young black males take it to the extreme and almost always want to perform a show in front of their peers.

But don't ever look to the ground or obviously try to avoid their gaze. It's a look but don't look type of trick. It's best to just act like they aren't even there. Just act like they are invisible. If you have to look in their direction, then do it. Look passed them, not at them.

Do not act nervous. Do not ignore them, this will trigger the fuck out of them. Just be direct and keep it short. Again it's all about not looking afraid.

If you are confronted by a single nog then it's best they think you are crazy. Like mentally unstable Serial killer crazy. It helps to have a weapon on you. Don't bother acting this way in large groups of blacks, you will just get stomped out.

TL:DR Niggers can smell fear. Just don't act afraid and you'll be fine.

t. Whitey who lived in a majorly black city for a long time and has never been robbed or beaten up. Ever.

I always thought it was referring to city blocks. Drug peddling niggers have their own corners and mid-level dealers "own" their block or blocks.

Maybe it's both. Niggers are weird creatures.

except a black eye

it means "fixing to"

There is a reason that Africa is the most genetically and culturally diverse continent

Blacks are genetically predisposed towards genetic/cultural divergence. They have smaller, more numerous segments of crossing over during mitosis, which in a nutshell means that their genotypes are much more variable. Its also a natural protection against inbreeding depression. Combined with their extreme racism and stupidity, its a recipe for divergence.

This is an informative and accurate post, however, it contains a few grammatical errors that are alarming coming from a self-proclaimed "teacher." I assume you didn't proof your post and I forgive you, reluctant nigger teaching user.

Unfortunately, I have also been around my fair share of niggers in my day, and here is another term nigger drug dealers often like to call their customers: Bite.

LeBron said, "I'm fitna go get diz bite right quik shawtuh. Yeh nikka, diz crackhead wyte hoe bout to pay me a hunnit fo a skep bag of rock. Ah kee kee, ook ook."

LeBron is now in prison for life for being involved in a murder. SURPRISE THERE, AMIRITE? DOGISM… HOW CONVENIENT!

Its both. Thats the way their language works. Block, block, block, a word with different meanings but a common thread in their culture. Therefore it takes on the meaning of the common thread and can be equally applied to any similar situation.

They love to repeat things

Are you a pussy boy? If he wants he can see my CC, I guarantee it outshoots his 22 with 5 bodies on it. I can actually aim also.

It's both, but block as in city is more common. Niggers will rep a block, 75th, St Leger, whatever street name they're from. It's their hood, that's where they "claim".

If another nigger asks him where he's from, he'll say the area name, like Willson, and if he thinks he's lying he'll ask the street name and stuff, or he'll get someone who's from there to "check" him. Kind of a screening process I guess.

(so close)
I just wrote it all off the cuff.

Yeah, I've had the privilege of both going to school and teaching school in a niggerhole. Hasn't been fun.

Haven't heard of bite before, but then again nigger speak is usually regional, like for instance different states and cities all have different slang. Lick and Stain are also used in that context, hitting one of the two can also mean to sell some drugs to someone.

Some more words and phrases nogs use.

Push down om - This means to exert your force over someone, in practice to show how tough he is, Jamal will do something "cock" to someone else. Like take their lunch, money, whatever.

Fool on - This means Jamal is going to go crazy, it can be in a friendly way or like with a gun

Wassup - This sounds friendly enough, but be very careful how you say this unless you want to fight. It's all in inflection. This can just be a greeting or an invitation for a fight. Jamal says "Sheeit yhu tryna throw hands fool?" to which Jayvon replies "Wassup nigga?".

Clap - I don't think it's exclusive to niggers, but they're the only ones I've seen use the term. Means gonorrhea, to have an STD in general is "That shit", if you have that shit, you have an STD

Sauce - This is your style or swag. Jamal says "Niggas mad cuz I gots dat sauce." he's trying to say that he's the shit and he is well dressed.

Drill - A murder. Jamal "Shiieeet niga i juss hit ah drill-a on a goofy niggguh" He just killed someone.

Finesse - Jamal just stole your shit. Finesse means to steal or rob, breaking into a house, whatever. You finessed someone. You can also finesse someone out of something, like by giving them a "skep" bag of drugs.

Bad - Bad means good, if a girl is bad she's cute. Not used to a male, niggers don't call eachother bad. Probably gay to do so.

Hip/Hit - If you're hip or hit, you're just ugly, but hip also has other meanings. To be hip can be cool. It can also mean to be aware of something. Jamal says "Ayy cuzz u hipped to dat new kodak?"

Bop - A whore

Gwuop - Money. Jamal says "Fuk u on cuz I got that GWUOP."

Cuz/Cus/Cuzzo - Your friend, interchangeable with something like bro or brother. A nigger will say this after every sentence if he's excited probably.

Tooka - So, niggers will say they're smoking a dead person. Tooka is someone commonly dissed. Say someone named Nookie died. Jamal says "im smokin on dat nookie pakkk nigga. Blowing Nookie. Sparking a nookie joint." Or something to that tune.

Turnt - Hyped up, excited, partying. To turn up is to get wild and loose. If you're turnt up you're going crazy.

Bussing - Pronounced bussin', this can mean shooting a gun, or getting turnt up, but usually off a drug. Jamal says "I'm bussin' off this jigga."

Neck - Head, getting a blow job.

Act - Sex

Swisher/Woods/Rillos/Rellos - Swisher and Woods are types of cigarillos, rillo and rello both mean cigarillo. They use this to smoke drugs.

Spaz - Going crazy, sometimes with a gun. Spazzing out can mean just having a good time on drugs or something like that though.

Popped - Ugly

Top - Again, this means head. There are many words for getting head, probably because that's all niggers care about.

Cuff - Getting in a relationship with a girl.

Brain/Education - Guess? Oral sex.

On Something - To a nigger, this usually doesn't mean drugs. If you're on something, that means you're a motherfucker. You're cool, you're hip. Jamal says "You puzzy niggaz aint on nun fr."

See if you can pick out any of these or the previous ones in this music video.

What you have to understand about nogs is that their worldview is through the lens of "the other" They think that speaking proper English is some sort of betrayal of their race and identity. This is a huge reason why they REFUSE to act decently, because in their eyes acting like a civilized human being is betraying their race because it mimicks "white culture" This is also why they name their children fucked up name like Laquiquiuqia.

Niggers don't have a sense of country like we do. I honestly don't think they even consider themselves America. If you ask any of them they will tell you they are "black" and that is the end of the discussion. They have no sense of civic duty because they believe they are natural outsiders like some sort of displaced people. This is what separates blacks from other minorities. It's that weird refusal to participate. At least you have portions of asians and hispanics that actually want to be middle class, start a business and vote. The difference is striking.

Maybe so. I assumed it was from prison culture. In the 90's the rap group Lox/D Block was popular. That music was an ode to prison culture. That's when I first heard the term used.

You can't give some white kid who has never been around blacks that advice. You and I both know he will get stomped out. The point is to not act like the sheltered upper middle class pussy you are and pretend for a split second you have a set of balls.

Looking a nigger in the eye sitting on a stoop with his buddies drinking a 40 is an invitation for him to interact with you. Niggers don't even look at other niggers in the eye. In our culture that is a courtesy. In their fucked up world it means something else.

You ever notice how niggers are always rude as fuck for no reason? Well there is a reason. And it all has to do with appearing alpha. An alpha wouldn't ever pay a little puppy dog any mind. So why the fuck are you looking into those deep brown eyes of theirs why walking by? What are you a faggot? Are you trying to start a fight? You can't mind your business? It's all signaling…. you tough guy.

Well it all depends on where you are and who you're with. You ideally want to be an alpha male yourself, but if you're walking on the wrong side of town alone and 4 niggers are staring you down, it's best to just get out of there. But there is room for confidence in yourself.

To nogs eye contact is very important, if you're looking at each other, I guess it's kind of a dominance thing. The first one to look away is a bitch, is their view on it.

If someone is staring at you, you're liable to stare at them back, unless you're submissive. It's a very basic instinctual tendency. If you meet eye contact with someone else (unless it's a female of course) randomly, you're gonna get a fight or flight response, adrenaline will start going through your veins. Because your body knows that means aggression, and is ready to fight or run.

All I'm trying to say is, be alpha, stare a nigger down if you need to, but don't be stupid.

Also it's worth noting that dindus who have little to no contact with whites tend to think that we're just as violent and stupid as they are, only more numerous and clever.

It's actually spelled without a U, and is derived from the term George Washington on Paper or Grand's Worth of Paper.

I wish I didn't know these things. In fact I wish this entire thread had no reason to exist.

Yes, it is just a nog way of pronouncing "fixing to". Most black slang has some Southern roots. In the South you say I'm fixing to do meaning I'm going to do that.

african males have lower test than any other race males
african females have higher test than any other race females
This explains their unfocused passive aggressive behavior for the males
this explains their small hip to waist ratio (skeletal structure aka birth, not obesity)
saged for being jewish and trying to uptalk nig nogs

Citation needed. Everything I've seen points to extremely high test and aggressive genes.

it's worth noting that niggers get very scared of you if you just project extreme strength and power (like with any other kind of animal), even if the nigger could feasibly defeat you in battle

You are correct about the eye contact. I was thinking of a single white male in a black neighborhood or subway type of scenario. It's truly every man for himself and no one will come and save you.

Anywhere else outside of that environment they are in your domain no doubt about it. And what you said about eye contact is 100% correct. God strike me dead if I ever let a nigger try to smack his lips at me in a supermarket.

Exactly. This is all it's ever about. It's so fucking animalistic but it's a lot like communicating with dogs.

Pretty much. I treat them like any large dog that I am unfamiliar with. Same exact physical language and manner of speech. Shouldn't be surprising really.


White people use slang too. New words and terms are a part of every language, you are making fun of them for the wrong thing.

"Proper English" isn't about the words themselves, but the grammar and syntax.

earlier this week a nigger ran over a friend's girl for no fucking reason whatsoever. Shattered legs, crushed pelvis, she's fucked. He fucking escaped too. "black male with baggy pants" the only description, yeah real fucking helpful.

I want to see the rest of this video. Does she nig out on that white guy afterwards?

That's a White girl, user.

That is hilarious
I saw it on live leak a while ago

It is a girl that pushes her off her desk.
If you find the original you can tell.

Zooted, fried, all mean high.

Boy means heroin.

Infamous swedish quote (made the papers) from user-poster Varnagel about the negro, translated somewhat into understandable english:

Negros is genetically programmed to live for the day, to be impulsive, to have sex with everything that moves and not take care of their offspring. The Negro have a completely different evolutionary strategy than whites and asians, but calling it a strategi would be a bit too much because the negro's "strategy" is the complete absence of a strategy. The Negro is like a dumber, more violent and potentially scarier than the more harmless grasshopper who only concerns itself with jumping around playing the violin all summer long while whites and asians is like the ant who thinks about and work to gather resources for the long cold winter.

Under thousands of years the negro has had the fortune to chill in heat, eat a little banana, rape some woman or kid who's passing by, fight with the other negros or eat them, bang a drum for a bit, run around, catch some antilope, eat some bananas, fuck a little more, get drunk on fermented fruits and so on. That's what the life of the negro has been for several thousands of year, without any evolutionary pressure in the form of enviromental factors have forced the negro to evolve in another direction. On the contrary has the typical characteristics of the negro worked so well they have been refined through countless generations. The real subsaharian, BlueNigger is in it's nature a mix between a happy, unresponsible child and some kind of leisury forestmonkey and an impulvis, cruel and bestial devil.


The only time anyone has ever tried to light me on fire, it was a nigger.

I'm actually fine with this