Alright boys, time to sum up what happened at the Clinton speech:
Overall 7/10.
Alright boys, time to sum up what happened at the Clinton speech:
Overall 7/10.
Other urls found in this thread:
It was like the leftist equivalent of /x/ tier larping.
tldr: Trump watches Alex Jones, listens to David Duke and is in touch with the darkest reaches of the internet via the neo-Nazi medium Reichbart.
All apparently controlled by Vladimir Putin's Russian haXXors
Yeah, basically "vast right wing conspiracy" tier.
theres a thread with not many replies , go there for extra memes, and a recap
What exactly should we be worried about?
Oh and Nigel Farage has drinking contests with Vladimir Putin and singlehandedly murdered every single immigrant in Britain.
MSM is even having a hard time sounding competent while trying to defend it.
keep in mind though, Alex Jones has a bigger audience than all MSM right now.
She even had hecklers.
Don't forget that she denied that black communities are suffering
This speech is taking us to new heights.
You think it will play out positively for Trump in the long run?
meme this among those ghetto nogs, tell them Hillary is privileged and doesn't understand their plight, while Trump is bringing the reality of life for the poorest blacks to the eyes of white voters
Shillary at 38:10 "he's taking hate groups mainstream"
checked and heil'd
Holla Forums should remember how seriously a normalfag takes racism. But this was a reaction to Trump working to cast off the racist label. Trump is working on it, and he will succeed.
If Trump can do that, he wins in a landslide. It's up to us to persuade the world that racism is the happy and moral choice. I for one am working on that.
10/10 it was okay
Too bad she didn't mention Stefan Molyneux and Ben Garrison, then she would have mentioned absolutely everything
Hillary didn't call out chans at all. The darkest reaches of the internet couldn't be more vague. Her campaign is smart enough to not call out chans directly - it'd be like her redpilling her audience about 9/11, OKC, and Sandy Hook but a million times worse.
I for one expected nothing else. You do you think we're working against here? They're not total idiots. They're master manipulators.
This is obviously just a way to tie Trump to WN. She will try to get him to denounce it at the next debate. This will have two scenarios.
1)Trump denounces us. This gives a strong clip to play of Hillary having the normal leftist moral high ground in the media and even if he denies it, Trump will be blasted for having connections to sinister nazis
2)Trump dodges it. Queue the media frenzy of Duke pt.2 and the ensuing shitshow
In either scenario the frame post-debate will be about nazis and Trump's ties to them rather than Trump listing off Hillary's huge list of bad decisions, ineptitude in positions of leadership, and multiple scandals. All the Trump people on this board and the aut-right are going to be used as a millstone around his neck.They'll stay deluded unto what their autism wrought until the final moments.
Pic related. It's America in 100 years.
Exactly. They know how fucking dangerous places like this are. That's why CTR shills here so much - they want to keep chans down and promote as much infighting as possible because we're so effective. They don't advertise us all over the internet to try to flood us with users because our conversion rate is so good.
Thank you for correcting the record.
OC for you my man
I'll tell you what Trump is gonna do. Same thing we are doing right now.
So what was that retarded elevator line supposed to mean? Keep in mind there's actually a really shitty team of writers and proof-readers behind everything this stupid cunt says, so this likely wasn't just a random line
Can't tell for sure, but it's clearly a show of desperation, and the more they talk about us, the bigger we get.
Trump should respond by naming CTR and demand Hillary disavow them, or at least stop paying them.
That's really very good!
And we have the more attractive argument. We must never forget that. Practicing racism makes you biologically happy. The world guilt shames you against it. We would win if we just learned to persuade and if we were involved with politics.
Yes the leftist media will be sure to laugh it out of Washington. This is bad optics any way you slice it.
Can someone find a montage of her "vast right wing conspiracy" bullshit from the 90s? And then paste the new bullshit right after to show she's just recycling her bullshit from 20 years ago.
Are you being sarcastic here or what? How else can you reconcile these two posts?
Are you claiming that the media will use Hilldog's speech as a way to tie him to Nazis, and then later claiming the media will laugh at her speech and that it's bad optics?
Not being able to detect sarcasm is a sign of autism.
lol no i was just giving you the benefit of the doubt before calling you a kike
more OC for you
lol I dont think CTR was expecting her to shit the bed so they dont even have a narrative that makes sense.
Bill Clinton looks like he needs some Super Male Vitality. The problem is he's gonna start raping women again.
They arent even capable of damage control right now. Hit them hard.
Pepe namedrop?
how could it not? you have a president who talks about foreign invaders, jobs and welfare vs one who talks about meanieheads on the internet.
who do you think is going to get more legitimate support?
That's literally the opposite of a name drop.
Her whole speech was 40 minutes of "Everyone i don't like is Hitler a Racist."
She basically sent people to get redpilled at infowars. Also, some guy yelled out pepe when she talked about the darkest reaches of the internet. It was god damn hilarious.
How is infowars gonna redpill anyone? How is kikebart gonna redpill anyone?
It's better than MSM but please don't call these sites redpilled.
Oh, and don't forget:
She outright condemned him for giving voice to the voiceless. For that matter, she must take it pretty hard that Trump has so many millions more twitter followers than she does.
That's what I don't get - how did her speechwriters think it was a good idea to bring up that there are conspiracy theories about 9/11, OKC bombing, Sandy Hook, bringing up Alex Jones, etc. It's like a dogwhistle of her own, except to conspiracy theorists on the left that they should go do more research.
But you can't get redpilled at infowars. He will send them right back into the Matrix
can you make that so it keeps going and loops?
It kills me how common that is for leftists.
'You can't be important because you talk to people who aren't popular!'
It's like the left never left the highschool mentality behind.
It does loop, it just sits with the afraid kike image for like 5 seconds.
Or do you mean so there's no delay instead?
Limited Liability, genius. It goes nowhere.
Everyone who has the ability to think knows about 9/11.
Alex Jones still blames Nazis Satanists and Muslims for 9/11
Launching pad
If they just rely on it. But it will at least open up the ideas to people that perhaps there is more to this world than CNN tells them. Then there's the internet. Then there is redpilling.
I'm pretty sure that it's not a literal elevator, like a machine, but rather, the phrase, horribly used mind you, is meant to mean that the haters just elevate her by causing her to be talked about more.
Which is also exactly what her personal attention and inability to shut the fuck up about him did to Trump.
As much of an honor as that title is, I think there are much more depraved dens to be found online.
That's better.
As with every news site their comment sections are to the right of the authors. This leads to us.
yeah keep it rotating in a loop
Why is everything going so right, right now? this was supposed to be something of a nail in our coffin, if you listened to anyone posting yesterday
Kek wills it.
Exactly. Jones is a tool, but Hillary just sent all her supporters to a point of view that can open some red pilled paths. That's all it takes.
When will she finally disavow Will Quigg of the California KKK ??
Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President
No joke.
The most deprived dens on the internet are the most degenerate ones, not to mention they lean to the left. In comparison, Holla Forums is a relatively clean place.
Turns out that when the secret war is no longer a secret, we win by default.
You want it to just go back to the first frame right away, or reverse direction after sitting for a second so it bounces from triangles -> kike -> triangles -> etc?
Thy divine dubs of Kek demand this
Babby's first redpill. Only problem is, a lot of people stop there. We need to make sure they continue the journey.
For example there's literally a website lurking on the internet that's all about meeting up with people and exchanging diseases/STDs to try and breed unique snowflake diseases.
I look at your hardcore Ron Paul lolbergs in the same light. They refuse to continue onward and instead cling to something has pretty much been ineffective against the leftist swine.
HAHAHA CNN linked halfchan pol
Begun, the Meme Wars have.
A lot of that is MUH PR faggotry and fear.
I used to be similar, but once I shed those chains, it was so liberating. That's what we need to do; convince them that it's OK to be "extremist", since that's all that works. Problem is, they have to arrive at that conclusion themselves, at least partially. They have to experience that their methods/philosophy/whatever is ineffective.
Those damn 4channers, someone needs to stop them
Someone here once linked to some messageboard where grown men would post their fantasies (at least I hope they were just fantasies) about diddling little boys while they smoked meth together.
But yes, Shillary, we are much worse than pedos and bugchasers.
lmao I can't believe Kikebart was supposed to be "le ebil boogeyman"
You can't really force people to come here though - part of our reach is that our OC and memes trickle down through other websites and get a wider audience, and consequently more acceptance by normies because it looks popular. I'm sure if you showed Holla Forums to a large audience most of them would be disgusted and would never come here, but a scant few would be intrigued at what we have to say. Those are the people that have the most potential to be exposed to Holla Forums directly - the rest of them need a softer approach so they aren't going to knee jerk react and run the other direction. It's the same kind of approach we use when redpilling individual people in person - start soft and slowly build an attitude of skepticism.
In other words, we don't care how extreme the content is, we seek the truth at any cost. Holla Forums is a hatebox, etc. Normies need to feel like there is collective acceptance of more extreme things before they'll feel comfortable enough to identify with it. That propagation takes time.
Slowly, more normies will be exposed to our memes and will start to pick up the attitude of questioning literally everything to see whether it's really true. If they come here at that time, they'll fit right in.
I sort of can't believe this is happening. CNN direct linking to cuck/pol/ while explaining what a "normie" is.
They are so scared of us now this speech happened. They don't realize it only helps us grow.
I dunno man, my first redpills came from what later became the 'alt-right'. The filter salesman seems way too batshit to redpill anyone.
That's a really heavy handed and eristic way to explain this.
What would it cost you to first explain that not everyone frequenting an imageboard is literally a nazi? Some people that could have support you are going to get mad if you call them alt right.
Exactly, we need to get the message out, and the type of people that want the truth and ask questions are the kind that will "take the bait" and come over to our side.
Jones is a good first step. He's entertaining, easy to digest, and while he's a shill and disinfo on a lot of things, he is correct about enough "normie-friendly" topics to make people start questioning things, and orient their mindset away from passive "sleeping" to actively seeking the truth. Then, we guide them here, or otherwise to the truth.
We'll miss some, but as the Overton Window shifts, over time, our influence will grow as the "net" we have gets bigger.
Meaning there's roughly a 100% chance they have people browsing those boards.
Meaning at least some of them probably do so in their personal time, as well.
Meaning we finally have an explanation for /int/
It's a vast international right wing conspiracy!
Tinfoil Hillary: ‘Alt-Right,’ Alex Jones, Brexit, Putin All Part of Global Conspiracy Against Her
The godfather of this global brand of extreme nationalism is Russian President Vladimir Putin.
In fact, Farage has appeared regularly on Russian propaganda programs.
Now he’s standing on the same stage as the Republican nominee.
(Wasn't she the one who called Putin the new Hitler when the shit hit the fan in Ukraine?)
lots of left wingers are willing to entertain conspiratorial ideas but only within a marxist framework
I think my first redpills were the MGTOW bullshit.
It made me chase after the 'Why' in the inequality between men and women equation. To which I found out that biologically, women are inferior, then I tried to find out why this information was suppressed, which is where I found university bias, then I tried to find out why there was such heavy university bias. To which I found jews.
Because it's the current year m8
" Bannon has nasty things to say about pretty much everyone.
This spring, he railed against Paul Ryan for, quote “rubbing his social-justice Catholicism in my nose every second.”
No wonder he’s gone to work for Trump – the only Presidential candidate ever to get into a public feud with the Pope.
According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, which tracks hate groups, Breitbart embraces “ideas on the extremist fringe of the conservative right. Racist ideas. Race-baiting ideas. Anti-Muslim and anti-Immigrant ideas — all key tenets making up an emerging racist ideology known as the ‘Alt-Right.’”
Alt-Right is short for “Alternative Right.”
The Wall Street Journal describes it as a loosely organized movement, mostly online, that “rejects mainstream conservatism, promotes nationalism and views immigration and multiculturalism as threats to white identity.” "
I bet's traffic will increase and it won't be temporary.
w0t? I'm pretty sure everyone (even hardcore feminists dykes) know that men are physically superior to women. It's common sense.
I think the point is getting blu pilled normalfags to develop a taste for "truth seeking". I reember listening to Jones's bohemien grove shit years ago just out of curiosity. I honestly think just hearing alternative takes on what is going on made me seek that out more. I didn't necessarily buy what Jones's was peddling, but I didn't dismiss it and go back to accepting the established narrative.
Just planting the seed of doubt in peole's mindss is a big first step.
He meant superior in every way, not just physically
That's right. Take your dicks out and lock and load your memes anons.
The #altrightmeans hashtag on twitter is not only trending, but being 90% dominated by superior bantz.
Thanks for taking one for the team OP and having diarrhea directly injected into your ears.
The bitch clearly has dementia.
This is your election in 2016, Americanos. How WTF can you cunts get?
Dubs of truth.
Back in my gamergate days I use to preach muh pr, and use to be an absolute moderate. I know firsthand neither of these things work, but also that I felt most liberated when I accepted right-wing thought. I guess I always thought that way instinctively, yet tried to dilute them with moderation, since I thought so everyone could come to the same consensus.
Except moderation is emotionally barren; there's nothing to feel affiliated with, so it's naturally a weak position. For example, how must affiliation do you feel when someone says "it's about ethics in journalism."?
Memes? More like a GORE fest to greet all our new friends.
Zyklon Ben is on it as well
I always thought pepe was pronounced peepee not pepaypepay like some french faggot.
Now, what's the deal with the elevators?
Dubs confirm. Most of them guys still buy into the nationalism and racism is collectivism. They still want to be special snowflakes, ultimately.
What said
At the time I literally wasn't exposed to any other view point except equality but when it was presented to me it my world views didn't add up so I looked into it.
This woman is the stupidest of bints.
Oh, another thing, they refuse to accept they will never have their liberty if the left takes over completely. They cant grasp what they seek takes time, force and will. It happening over night, like they want it to.
Oh and I forgot, we learned the Star of David is anti-semetic
I missed it, what happened
Troubles of a text based life. I've been saying "peep".
I like a full loop because you can watch it come back around
It's paypay or peepee if you want to be different. Never say "peep" you faggot.
Checked and same here. It all clicked for me in some thread when a Holla Forumsak said it doesn't matter what sort of government it is we have if it is an all white nation, we will make it work.
Unless you have sauce on that second picture then I'm calling bullshit.
Are these going around facebook? We could really use that going around facebook.
I realize it eas accepted when it occurred, Slavery having been abolished when she was a teen.
clip of her mentioning WhiteGenocideTM
Nice, haha. Why do they say Muslim like "Mooslem"? What is that shit?
I'll see what I can do for you user.
I'm on it. The flag one. Other one is bullshit and not even the clintons.
Yeah it becomes obvious when ypu are losing and the deck is stacked against you.
These people are hard to convince. They openly cheerlead their own demise.
top fucking kek
Feel free to hang on the image for a second, but keep the pace moving.
Someone shouting PEPE
10/10 May I ask how you made that?
Of all people, Ayn Rand was actually the first to make me feel that extremism was acceptable. Her book "The Virtue of Selfishness" literally states
Once I started looking at things that way, it was maybe a year or two more before I wandered onto Holla Forums and the rest is history.
That is the other thing. In addition to teaching the it is OK to be extremist, that it is OK to be racially collectivist.
Hell, for no other reason than every other race is collectivist against YOU.
White Genocide is the admitted goal on the left. Just see Biden up a few threads.
Honestly it was an Asian girl who convinced me that white genocide is real. She just said if it was happening to her people in their country they would openly call it genocide and fight. She has no idea why we aren't fighting.
haha wait what
Its just typical leftist signaling.
It doesn't matter if it isn't real. The niggers and imbeciles on kikebook are too dim to know the difference. They'll just remember the photo.
How's this? I can't continue rotating it the same direction because I didn't render any frames going that way, so I made it bounce back to the original frame instead.
I'll be posting more of these on here in the future too, just takes a while to make each one.
what a thing to put in scare quotes
This is true. Karl Rove got the Primary from McCain for Bush by spreading a lic of McCain with his adopted Bangladeshi daughter and told Carolinians she was his half negress love child.
a classic smug pepe would be great
Is this an advertisement for us?
Some audio autist should analyze the audience cheering and laughts, they sounded like sitcom-tier audio cuts.
There were a few awkward silences in there too, where she seemed to expect a pause for laughter, but the audio was silent. Inb4 the soundboard guy is found in a ditch in Reno.
More and more theyre realizing. More and lolbergs are realizing that shit is its previous form is a dead end. Of course you still have your MUH LIBURRTEE fags who refuse to grasp Jamal, Ahmed and Paco dont give a fuck about liberty.
Were utilizing the same tactics as the God Emperor. Let the enemy run promotion for us.
Looks way better now
A full rotation would be pretty neat though, since it would allow for a mirror image on top of that
It's how the shitskins pronounce it with their gurgle sounds.
Those dubs cant be ignored.
But you know wtf Im getting at. Theres a reason Latin America is generally a shithole.
This coming from a half huehue
if you really want to rage you can watch the full video here
they mention goobergoy lol
America is good!
It's a long process.
Drag the image on there you want, set up the settings, and let it evolve a 3d polygon representation. Takes a few hours and a ton of CPU time.
Then I used OBS to capture myself rotating the image - I clicked on one edge with the normal image viewable, and then dragged it to the left to rotate the image so the polygon layers were visible. Then reversed the captured mp4 in Vegas, then exported the frames as PNG to Photoshop, and then assembled the GIF in Photoshop and set up the delays.
Each one takes like 5 hours of time kek
Working on a Carlos one right now. I'll do a pepe after that.
Thanks user. There might be a way to do a full 360 rotation, working on it.
It is funny.
They win them with free gib me dats.
Then they get white libs with altruism.
Absolute worst is this bitch who posts on facebook a picture of an incredulous Indian shocked that we are worried about losing our country to mass immigration.
How the fuck can you construe the plight of the Indians as anything other than proof that our fears are valid and possible?
So…. how is this suppose to incriminate us?
Just goes to show how ingrained whit guilt and this sense of "whites deserve it" is in the minds of these people
Being white is a sin, as is preserving anything white people made.
They literally WANT to die? It's a violation of the biological imperative.
I can't even. I have literally lost the ability to even.
transcript here:
post the best ones
Overall -2/10
To be honest this did more harm than good, I can't call it any other way.
Ah, so we're born with sin, gotcha.
I actually like that. I'm gonna start using it, and if some lolberg gets in my ass, I can name-drop their fucking Queen and watch their heads explode.
meanwhile VP Joe Biden actually promotes white genocide
It made her look unhinged. I think this was an attempt to get the Bernie people behind her, but I don't think that is going to work.
I found this, does it do anything for you?
There are no rational arguments in favor of multiculturalism and mass immigration.
Thas rite
I don't understand, I just wanted to assimilate in a nation and defend said nation's values.
They're probably going to talk about that on the next No Agenda Show podcast Sunday.
it's the same with the pickle stunt, i'm sure it plays nicely to politically illiterate types who follow this shit in out-of-context soundbites, but no one with any level of intelligence was moved by that "speech" whatsoever
Oh i'm well aware.
What i'm questioning is the implication that you're a white supremacist if you think white genocide is a bad thing.
Yeah. This isn't relevant at all.
Have a shekle.
well memed, friend. if you could link me to a higher res render, i'll do a little bit of wizardry on it in after effects when i get the chance
They will boost your economy, goyim
haha which of you niggers did this
I'll try to look for the exact quote and which essay it comes from for your benefit, I've got the book with me right here.
Although I disagree with Rand's anticollectivism and her thoughts on the human mind (she thinks we're blank slates, although she admits that we inherit our parents' brains), she does still make some pretty good points here and there. She's good entry-level material but only for people sympathetic to our cause in the first place, otherwise she's a poisoned well.
If you haven't noticed by now all of Hillary's attacks are weak and her campaign doesn't want her to be heard.
Her speeches are for rallying the media and getting them on message to do the heavy hitting for Hillary since she can't do it herself.
Yeah, her die hard supporters are going to say "DAS RIGHT SHE GOOD"
Any one wavering or undecided isn't going to be convinced. Some of the low info people may even look into the alt-right now.
That faggot Scott Adams was right about this being all about persuasion. Trump is running a clinic on her.
White Guilt is the Jim Jones theology.
That's right. The pocket change they have when they come here will be spent, which will pay far more than their share of welfare. :^)
Well here's one, I know she went into more detail in one of her essays but her statement here lays it out pretty clearly. The essay is "The Cult of Moral Grayness"
>Observe, in politics, that the term extremism has become a synonym of "evil," regardless of the content of the issue (the evil is not what you are "extreme" about, but that you are "extreme" - i.e., consistent).
All emphasis hers.
They'll probably keep on this nazi train, but that's a horrible losing battle. They've been playing this exact same strategy from fucking day 1 and it's only worked to bolster the emperor.
she went off her fucking rocker today and told the world she thinks alex jones and putin are basically reptilians while namedropping fucking everybody she doesn't want people to listen to.
i was a little worried she might competently handle the strategy of D&C of Trump voters, but this was pretty fucking weak and honestly might even been a boost for Trump.
The big difference between something like this and GG is that whatever the "alt-right" is (i've always looked at it as just a big tent including any non-neocon, non-establishment thinker on the right) and whether or not we identify with that label, there is no contingent in that group that wants the media or establishment to change to suit them and no hope for it to ever happen. They want to burn it to the fucking ground and replace it or don't. There is no MUH PR portion. It doesn't look like they're gonna leave off the gas until we see actual positive change or they put us in camps.
This kills his support, as the aware whites fall away at higher rates than the minorities which are attracted to him come in.
It has to be #2.
That's actually pretty good, and sadly, an accurate assessment.
The alt right is just their friendly face of cuckservatives. The types of people that listen to Fox and news but still support trump. They can't just yell at their teetering fanbase to stop voting for what they want so they have to spin it and create their own version of a cucksertive, an alt-righter!
No it's up to us to get Trump elected because him getting elected moves the window on what is racist and what is not
Liberals keep trying to move it to the left so talking about niggers rioting is racist
Moving it to the right so that people talk about flooding the country with third worlders as a bad thing is our desired goal
David Duke will always be considered racist, what matters is what liberals call "coded language". Right now saying "keep the muslims out and deport all illegals" is apparently too racist for the normies so Trump has switched to "vet immigrants from areas of strife" and "I plan to work with the families of illegals who have no criminal record and have been here for a generation, but there will be no amnesty or citizenship" which sounds much nicer to the average braindead normalnigger cocksucker whose fragile mind cannot take anything which sounds confrontational.
Did it involve blood sacrifice to the sun?
Yep, I honestly like the book even though she says some totally poz'd shit. If I had to recommend one of her books, The Fountainhead would come first, and The Virtue of Selfishness would come second (the latter contains the only important sections of Atlas Shrugged anyway, other than maybe the Money speech).
This is a transcript of her speech:
It's about NATIONALISM. We all get lumped in together with the alt-right because normies are too fucking retarded to understand the most fundamental thing that loosely binds us all - NATIONALISM. There are so many flavors of Nationalism it is retarded to try to lump everyone together.
This election is about NATIONALISM VS GLOBALISM. That's all that matters. Globalists vote Hillary, Nationalists vote Trump.
I guess niggers don't see the vibrancy of black owned businesses either.
You forgot the BIGGEST THING dude. Either you're a shill or you are prioritizing the wrong things.
I agree, but after we need to push the window even further ourselves.
If anyone tries to push for pro-racist beliefs in the meantime, I would suggest against coming right out as being a Trump supporter, but of course you can do so anyway.
Exactly what businesses do niggers own anyway? Hair salons… they don't own liquor stores, they don't own tobacco shops, they own very very few grocery stores and anything other than corner stores (don't spics and muds usually own those anyway?). Blacks don't own any businesses worth mentioning, if any at all.
I live in a fairly heavily black area and I don't see many black business owners. Black managers, sure, but never actual owners.
The entire speech was a debacle, but this was probably her biggest mistake.
It's also a dead-on analysis of the fear of the MUH PR faggots. Being "extreme" is associated with "evil", and they will poz their negholes with pure niggercum to not be seen as "evil". (Why, I dunno.) We need to somehow shift this belief. Extremism isn't bad, in and of itself. People who are "extremists" or fanatical about something become the best at it. Fanatical doctors, fanatical engineers, fanatical fishermen. Whatever you do, become a fucking fanatic about it. Be the best. That's all it is. GLR said that, and goddamn if it isn't true.
There's an interesting take on Clinton's speech over at Radix
Essentially this speech was meant for conservatives and Clinton telling them this is what Trump has done to the Republican party. She wants them to hand over the Republican party to the alt right and join her united against racism.
MFW Holla Forums is the place where all the intelligencia have fled to in Atlas Shrugged
Racism is a positive trait you dumbass, group in thinking , tribalism and racism are core part of the reason we were able to form functional societies and civilization and this l behavioural traits were moulded after thousand of years.
Is nurture vs nature debate and natural law, you have to double down not concede and let lefties change terms, if they control the lenguage they control the context and shift the narrative.
This is seriously huge. It just became that much easier to bring up white genocide in a conversation with a normie.
Sometimes ya gotta take the pussy like Pepe.
Inforwars is a fantastic starter-redpill.
You're an idiot if you don't realize that proper redpilling is a gradual, multi-step process.
So she never directly called us out? Other then the media now launching their apparent crusade, the damage isn't as bad as I thought it would become.
If the Jewish media wants to lie about us, with their hidden threats, they'd better watch out! Our patience has its limits, one day we'll shut their dirty lying Jewish mouths!
The vast majority of normalfag Americans cannot grasp the concept that a small handful of Internet Nazis are such an influential political force that they're singlehandedly propelling Trump and Brexit and other right-wing causes to real-world success.
I hope that Hillary Clinton continues to publicly attack us. Even though she has correctly identified her enemy, she will sound like an /x/-tier paranoid hack to nearly every normal American who works a 9-5 job and can't understand why a US Presidential candidate is criticizing the "ebil haxxor 4chin" and not our open borders and evaporating job market.
Eristic you say?
That was my experience. Alex Jones stopped me from joining the army.
Red-pilling is a gradual process.
it's "Peh-Pay".
The only problem is when you're an extremist about something that is fundamentally false, like egalitarianism. But even then it's not the extremism that is wrong, it's perfectly fine for you to take something to the "logical extreme" hint, hint, nudge, nudge what's wrong is that you're spreading lies.
This fact alone is what puts the ethnic nationalists so strongly in the right, no pun intended. We see the truth for what it is, our ideology is founded from the ground up, and we take it to the only truly logical conclusion we could possibly take it to, up to and including murdering traitors.
I've always tried to follow a similar but much more mild train of thought: if you're gonna do it, do it right. In this case, if we're gonna push nationalism, we gotta push the right nationalism the right way.
BBC apparently did, there's a thread floating around right now. But Clinton did not mention us, other than that we are the "Darkest reaches of the internet" or some shit like that.
Really? This place and cuckchan? Darkest?
Did you forget your face?
we have to continually make a little fun now and then or go batshit crazy knowing everything we do
It's beautiful work.
Thank you. Might try it sometime when my computer can handle it.
I'm glad she didn't namedrop us tbh
You expect someome like hillary or millenials to understand the internet? They think the darkest reaches are something you just have to search on google, but you don't want to because you are too scared to do so.
Oh wow there must be HUNDREDS of people there. I'd love to see that racist Drumpf get a crowd that size.
I'm not fond of the altright but I'll admit that I love the way they're handling it. Just make her sound paranoid as fuck.
Speaking of being paranoid, check out Kike Cernovich's retarded conspiracy theory.
Thank you for correcting the record.
Cernovich is literally jewish though. I don't really dislike him but I don't exactly trust him either, it's not some form of pro-Hillary shilling to point out that he either fails utterly to understand who controls the media, or that he is obfuscating stupidity.
HMMM, I wonder where I saw this before…
I'm happy others have remembered the sniper fire bullshit whereas I had forgotten.
brobably on Holla Forums :DDD
i find this hard to believe
also jones is controlled op
how can you be a "member" of the alt-right, lmao
Kill yourself.
Can you not read?
Mike Cernovich says that jews do not run hollywood.
I'm saying that they do.
Cernovich is either stupid or lying.
Cernovich is also jewish.
Fuck, wrong ID. Sorry, man.
Reminder that it's part of emigration policy for Israel that you answer they call on you to spy for them, you answer.
No problem.
Second picture notice the vibrant and compelling works of art on the wall
What a coincidence! He also wrote the article about Holla Forums being the most trolly. And argues that even though jews control hollywood, its nothing to worry about
I started with infowars, granted a lot of the shit alex says is pure nonsense but he does actually bring up a lot of important shit you'll never hear on CNN.
funny, my mates gf is a mega librul tumblrite.
She also loves books. So I've bought he Atlas Shrugged.
jonestein, jewbart, jeweduke are named as the cast members of this theater, pol isn't, so we aren't on stage, only jewed actors are, aka hello controlled opposition.
Good summary. Weak and scripted rubbish. Her campaign is trapped forever in 1992.
Yes goyim. Alex Kosher Jewnes is one of you. Accept him. Believe him.
Oklahoma city bombing.
You have never seen the video of the reporter at the Oklahoma City Bombing scene telling the audience that the bomb squad behind her is removing additional bombs they found inside the building?
40 KEKS. I could even see putting that on Kikebook.
Atlas Shrugged is pretty bad, The Fountainhead get across largely the same message while being more of a book and less of an Objectivist bible. You might actually get across to her with The Fountainhead, that book got me fully off of the liberal train and I've been pushing further right ever since.
Jesus Christ it's been ten years
of course some 4cuck dropped pepe in real life.
He's full of shit, jews own most of the media – TV and radio – and the major movie studios. There's even a documentary by a jewish guy entitled Hollywoodism that talks about how jews created Hollywood and how they influenced american culture.
She sounds like an honorary Aryan, user.
Ayn Rand is just a bad writer.
did you tell her its because we are too divided and if you even hint we should fight, your own white brothers and sisters will fight againt you?
Is he always this entertaining?
lol @ Alex Jones being mentioned by the FUTURE PRESIDENTS
Why are you posting this in this thread? How is it relevant?
This. What's this elevator thing?
Some meth head before Shillary gave her speech said something to the effect of "Hillary's haters just elevate her."
Lol that tweet really is a desperately embarrassing example of a certain substratum of the jews attempting to palm their crimes off on the muslims.
It's the same with Breitbart going on about how the Saudis control western politicians. It's so completely ludicrous, yet many of breitbart's readers really are so unbelievably craven when it comes to the jews that they actually will at least nod along with this sort of thing.
Far easier for the white knighting cuck, having been raised on a diet of free market capitalism and the evils of hitler, to remain a goyim than to question his own identity and possibly end up committing wrongthink.
Obvious import from christcuckery.
Just as man is born with sin and must get baptized and then live a sinless life so that he doesn't get worse, just so white males are born with sin and must live a suicidal life to not get worse.
its relevant because hillary made it relevant you dumb cunt
Except that's not Biblical Christianity, that's apostate Catholic Paganism. What the Bible actually teaches is that God was punished and died for all of your sins. Every bad thing that you've ever done and ever will do is already forgiven and paid for so long as you put your faith in Jesus. It is impossible to live a sinless life. Your good deeds are not what get you into heaven - your faith does. True Christianity is uplifting. Catholicism is endless guilt and mind control.
Hillary mentioned Oklahoma City in her speech. She said conspiracy theorists in the alt-right think it was an inside job along with 9/11, and they also think the kids from Sandy Hook were actors.
Regardless of whether you think Holla Forums is in the alt-right or not, we DO think all of those things.
If you think those are just conspiracy theories, and not conspiracies, you should do some more research about them. Even if you still believe the media narrative about all three, it behooves you to be open minded about other possibilities and think about them for yourself.
3. Trump tells her to get a life. She's forced to double down on her litany of baseless bullshit.
That's what super potent SUPER MALE VITALITY! does to you.
She still deserves to go to prison for her crimes.
And her husband, too.
Hillary for Prison, 2016
This post is super super silly
Can you blame them user?
They have been raised since they were very young that the Jews are innocent victims, needing to be protected against the vile Nazis.
I went through college. I all our studies of histories, there is literally no exposure to what the "other side" could have been about. It also never came up with casual conversation with friends over many years. No one even gave it another thought.
You can expect them to research what they don't even perceive as a problem.
The indoctrination is strong.
To make matters worse you have situations like Shilldawg's speech today, that make normies afraid to even look and certainly not talk about it or be labelled conspiracy theorists.
The only reason I'm here today is because of GamerGate. GamerGate more or less failed. But it opened the eyes of allot of anons.
HAHAH meanieheads
nice to see there are still oldfags here.
That's gonna be trump's angle, calling it.
The takeaway for me is how hypocritical she is. Just like with her baldfaced lies, her hypocrisy is forward and obvious to everyone but the true believers.
Hillary talks about Trump being divisive, but she is far more divisive than Trump.
She talks about racism, but she is much more racist than Trump.
She talks about dark conspiracies, but she has been thick with them since her corrupt years at the Rose Law Firm.
She says Trump is dangerous, but she is far, far worse. The political movement she is building will lead to civil war. The foreign policies she's pushing will lead to regional or even world war.
Et cetera, etc., ad nauseum
It's hypocrisy, plain and simple. Only idiots believe what she says. Hillary insults the 'alt-right' in such a sweetly insulting manner, if she weren't masquerading as a lefty/liberal, I do believe she would be right at home on Holla Forums, but for the hypocrisy.
Idunno, seems to me alotta people are gonna buy her shit without thinking too much. She and her (((backers))) are driving a wedge in American politics that is deep enough, I literally expect a civil war to come of it.
If he wants to gain an advantage, he can point out her role in LIbya and Syria.
Literally no person in their right mind would entertain the idea that some fringe wackos from the ebil dark recesses of the interbutts matter at all.
This makes her look like a paranoid fool.
He already responded.
Eris is a dirty slut. Praise the sun.
t. Apollo
In all fairness, that's a pretty vague "name-drop".
Normies were terrified at the possible rise of literally Hitler because they had sex before they were married and they honestly believe that Trump will have them beheaded because he is a tool of the neo-nazi kkk white supremacist Christian theocracy that brutally dictates every human interaction on this planet.
You think I'm trolling you? You don't understand lemmings. Trump is going to lose by 80%.
This is what everyone outside of this board (that aren't shills) thinks.
Actually, hillary dropped the birther thing, she checked, found it good and left it be.
Also nice to know this site will now have to stop with all the birther bullshit lest they disparage their overlord.
Her exposure of the reality of our government's systemic corruption, so that she can foment politically correct ridicule, may gain her a bump, but in the long run it's last gasp, a final play before it all comes crashing down. Her handlers must have pre-vetted this speech, which leads me to believe that they are anticipating losing control of the mainstream narrative, and are planning on splitting the narrative instead.
She dropped it, yes, but she also started it.
Hillary's exaggerations of Trump's policies might drive him further to the right, which is fine with me.
not posting the original.
Pre-vetted? They fucking wrote it for her.
Because now she and her entire campaign camp is a laughing stocking naming out an ancient rice pudding imageboard full of autists posting smug anime girls poses the biggest threat to her and her (((special interests'))) political powers and agendas.
They're not even really trying anymore.
I don't think you get it. The entire white world is now an anarcho-communist furfag pedophile. This place is a 0.00000000001% section of whites and Jewish trolls that need to keep the nazi meme alive.
You're alone. So very alone.
how would continuing on with the birther stuff be disparaging the overlord? Implying the idea is false "because shillary said so"? Because talking about it somehow makes Trump look bad, when he's spoken enough about it himself?
You mean the amount of shills will increase tenfold?
Except Birtherism is the continued belief of going that Obama cannot be electable. A simple fact finding mission does not rise to that tier.
So it is a technical truth, in that she was presumably amongst the first nonofficial to look into it, but incorrect in that she created the movement.
That was a much more wholistic bit that just sort of appeared with very little leadup, I personally wager as a bit of corrupt machinery looking over exDNC files to see attacks in the general.
Of course if we do go with Killary being the creator, then that means Trump is an acolyte of hers, following her machinations as he was major birther proponent.
So really, he'll have to choose carefully, follower of Hillary, a technical truth or the simple and enjoyable fact that it matters nothing for where Obama was born, as he had an American mother, which means he is of the blood.
You know, just like why Trump wants to get rid of anchor babies?
So for Obama being born in Kenya to matter, it means Trump now argues anchor babies are okay.
hello fellow alt-right brothers
anyone want to meet up and plan some attacks on those negroes or discuss white superiority?
I see we're back to project fear again.
I got a nerf gun, was going to fight them on the tennis court in a week alongside my local police union.
As for white, I do like in chess it gets to move first, but I prefer a reactionary memorization table rather than having to lead.
Chess isn't for smart people, its for savants and autists.
The Birther meme was about how little of a proper American Obama is. What with his parentage (coalburning mammy who deserted him, foreigner Muzzie dad), links to Leftoid gangs (see Jeremiah Wright's church), and dubious accomplishments.
Man, leftypol and/or intl must have got bored.
sure thing, friend :)
I am at 14 Branchland Ct. Ruckersville, VA 22968 come by anytime!!
8/8 brother!
With the degree is rewriting our history, re-defining moral norms, and absorbing leaders around the world into their scheme, it seems to me that this (((globalist))) movement is in danger of tripping over its own feet. An example of this would be Trump's spat with the globalist Pontifex Maximus.
Hello fellow member of a right wing death squad, how do you do?
I need some auto-sears and dynamite first to prove you are legit.
No, that is not what that means. If I don't care for you but you start thinking the world is round, and I agree with you, that's it: I'm agreeing with you. I'm not "your follower."
The point of bringing up the birther thing hasn't lost all its weight simply because it's the end of Obongo's term, it can and should be used as an example of corruption in the government. Albeit there is a ton of material at Trump's disposal already for that.
Explain how the former means the latter. This is the second time you're being intentionally disingenuous, along the same lines as me saying "you don't agree with me therefore you're a fucking flaming faggot." I mean, I might think that, but I'm not veritably stating it as a fact that you're X simply because of unrelated shit Y.
lmao hillary is so totes alt-right
+1 disqus nazi gold
Your post is tired old Lutheran and Calivinist heresy.
James 2:20
But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?
James 2:26
For even as the body without the spirit is dead; so also faith without works is dead.
Luke 13:
[23] And a certain man said to him: Lord, are they few that are saved? But he said to them: [24] Strive to enter by the narrow gate; for many, I say to you, shall seek to enter, and shall not be able.
[25] But when the master of the house shall be gone in, and shall shut the door, you shall begin to stand without, and knock at the door, saying: Lord, open to us. And he answering, shall say to you: I know you not, whence you are.
[26] Then you shall begin to say: We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. [27] And he shall say to you: I know you not, whence you are: depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity.
Acts Of Apostles 2:38
But Peter said to them: Do penance, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the remission of your sins: and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
John 3:5
Jesus answered: Amen, amen I say to thee, unless a man be born again of water and the Holy Ghost, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.
Martin Luther, the Devil and Denominations
The Best Bible Passage To Refute Once Saved Always Saved and Faith Alone
uh, no…
hey fellow alt right brothers,
I want to suggest an improvement for our discussion forum
why don't we sign our posts with our first and last names
that way we will seem more respectable
anyone wanna share their facebooks and join my facebook group?
p.s. i got lots of fresh nazi frogs on my facebook group
come join US and share the memes!!!
me too
If anything, the SPLC is an anti-white hate group blowing smoke up everyone's backsides. The protect Jews, Jews, blacks, and Jews.
Sure thing.
This is a good idea!
This way we can get to know each other better, network more, and do away with the antiquated concept of anonymity.
- Christine Chandler I'm a real girl now btw
No that's what it turned into after a good long and never ending while of demanding the birth cert to make sure he was in Hawaii when born.
You know, its rather clear you are new here, given how very much that was gone over and the loud claims of its fakeness when investigated.
I mean I get it, 8 years ago you were still developing a sense of time and being told that you shouldn't wear your underwear outside your pants.
So then all the threads going on about Hillary stealing support and Trump's thunder over the TPP are bullshit then?
What corruption?
His mother was American, he was born in Hawaii according to the documents that matter, he has as much right as you or I to run on that.
Hell they were putting Cruz up, and he lacks on both accounts, that is corruption.
X here is that Obama being born in Kenya, assumed true here, denies him being eligible as a US citizen. Y is then that being born on American soil creates a US citizen. X.1 is that nobody cares about the mother and thus citizenship by lineage.
Thus x>y means that anchor babies are acceptable as they are born in the US.
Proper talk is that Obama has X.1, negating the x&y bits entirely in the argument as they are nonmatters. Thus, the entire thing was stupidity, and Trump being hit by somebody who knows manipulation better than him, and showed up at the Presidential roast.
It works in poker, it works in real life.
Christ Almighty, this busy ditch is such a hypocrite !
After the Darkness comes the Light!
Praise Kek!
Fringe elements don't take over the world.
The left keeps evolving, moving further left. We haven't changed.
But we are bigots.
This is something to be proud of, not denied and hidden anymore.
do you have some nice racially motivated hate-crime stories to share?
Uh no, no everybody is moving to extremes, otherwise we couldn't move the fucking Openheimmer window or whatever it is ever few weeks.
Do you actually have memory, or are you still drinking water you haven't run through a beta irradiated piece of porcelain?
Legitimate question here, I broke down my old CRT and tried it on a whim and have myself thinking better than in a long time.
That's kind of bullshit.
Everyone knows she lies. It no secret. They hate her. Most people say "no good choice."
I've met both types of people irl. Trump supporters are usually, White mid to upper class men and women, middle class blacks who see through the bullshit.
Hillary Supporters are usually lower class whites/blacks/hispanics and middle class women.
Now maybe my area is different than most, but this is what I see.
Speak for yourself; I'm not a bigot. I'm actually extremely progressive, in a natural sorta way. Just cause I enjoy a good laugh at someone else's expense doesn't mean I hate them.
He is woke.
He knows it is bullshit.
It is pushing the narrative that Trump is only supported by people who sit in their mom's basement and masturbate to anime.
Obviously anyone who pays attention knows this isn't the case.
It slides the thread, but it fits.
There is nothing bigoted about taking in new information and readjusting your world view according to it. Even if that information leads to the conclusion that races are not equal, that multiculturalism and racial coexistence are lies and that certain races have gone beyond redemption. There is nothing bigoted in realising that you are part of a race that can be proud of themselves not just for what they did, but for what they are. So stop with this kike lingo.
They're panicking so hard they're risking pushing Holla Forums into the Overtarian Window just to make Trump look foolish
This is how desperate they are
They're risking their own graves for a plan that is very likely not to work
This is the day Holla Forums won
Bigot has come to define us, just as villain once meant farmer, so to now does bigot mean just that.
Languages change constantly, something autists really hate.
She bashes Nigel Farage and Vladmir Putin, two men, both world leaders in their own ways, who are very popular in their respective Nations, have done nothing wrong, and are working endlessly to keep world peace and stability alive in the Left's driven turbulent times. Gotta wonder who she likes… oh, right Angela Merkel who survived another German assassination attempt yesterday.
Bigot, Racist, Sexist, Islamaphobic and a bunch of other nonsense is losing its meaning every day, we have the power to change definitions
I didn't even bother to watch the speech and I just woke up.
Did she at any point actually say "eight cee-heych dot net", "Holla Forums" or "infinitechan"?
The only reason why "bigot" defines us is because the ones that capitalize on using that word use it as a means of challenging those that don't match the political agendas and narratives. It isn't a matter of the official word changing, it hasn't changed at all.
The only thing that has changed is the context by which whom it addresses.
Hillary's threats against Russia scare me, because I think she will follow through with them if elected. That would result in nuclear war.
thank KEK she wont get elected then
Someone post those articles of Russian military intel confirming that Hillary means war.
Hillary speech tl;dr -
If you don't support everything I say and an immediate white genocide, you are a racist, sexist, xenophobe…
Hillary has zero campaign policies except to call people who disagree with her ebil names.
just more of the same pee pee poo poo from the Pantsuit Shitter
If you're going to post that, you should remember context was all that mattered, and still does.
People key on context, not definitions.
Get a grip, you stupid woman.
You're the paranoid one, you busy ditch.
do eet
Now is not the time for that, that comes later
I just hope that if there is a Nuclear war that LA is the first to go
That too, but there were text articles, i definitely recall it. Ah, found it. The meme is 'If it's Hillary, it's war'.
Well the more they wave around Dr Duke, the more he gets acceptable, also it means he's more likely to get in the Senate
Another warning speech, this one given to the (((West's))) lying mainstream media
It also matters in terms of perceptions to the regular populace that has been trained to respond to the leftist way of thinking, which includes manipulation of context and feefee's, rather than logic and facts.
Because in this day and age, facts, numbers, and data are racist
redefining terms again:
Racialist is the new term for racist
White Nationalist is the new term for white supremacist
Assad's an asshole and so was Ghaddafi. I always held the republicans in disdain, kudos to working class sensibilities and the instinct for self-preservation. But seeing how Ghaddafi died and Hillary literally ovulating on TV over the torture death of the leader of a nation was too much for me. She can not be endorsed, it is moral anathema. It is no wonder the dictator will fight to the bitter death, the precedent Hillary set ensured this.
Well she knows who makes up the American southwest at least.
I thought Racialist is someone who studies race
Read this book few years ago. It's awesome.You realize you can manipulate people's decisions without them even knowing it.
Hillary is the war-choice. This entire election is about misdirection and misattribution.
Trump, to make america great again, will contract the American empire to focus on home affairs and build the nation from the core. Non interventionist beyond critical issues (ISIS). Essentially anti-imperialist, especially with the anti-globalist overtones.
Hillary, to make everyone stronger together, will fund the American empire through interventionist policies, continue to fuck up the middle east so the petrodollar stays relevant and to keep migrants funneling into Yurop. Will probably ignite a war with russia, which will bring in the chinks. All the while keeping her own people under a police/big brother state.
It really is an odd election cycle. The white nationalists, the vile monsters of the dark reaches of the web, support a candidate who wants as little bloodshed as possible. While the liberals, the inclusive, anti-xyz, oh so progressive guys are feverishly supporting a woman who could very well usher in the first holocaust ever experienced by man.
I genuinally think that those Dictators are the only thread of stability those nations have
Archaic French authors are superior.
Hi kike
Assad is a polite man int he interviews I've seen. His supposed aggression against his own people have all evaporated under scrutiny. He is very popular in his own country. Why is Hillary attacking him?
Gaddafi was also very popular in his own country. Why did Hillary assassinate him?
These are naked aggressions on the part of the liars in the American government. The key players should be removed from influence, and even imprisoned, rather than put forth some of their own for presidential office.
The Islamic State is a critical issue for the West. It must be dealt with as fast and thoroughly as possible. ISIS is bad news, bad, bad news. It will only spread like a sick virus if not stopped as soon as possible.
As a point, France had Gadaffi killed, Hillary got their memo on it.
France has had issues with him ever sionce he tried menancing their North African holdings and pull them into the African Union.
Yeah sure, I'll believe it an issue when the shitty bent frame civic I drive to work is less likely to kill me.
The Democratic ideology is a lost cause at this point.
France isn't all of NATO. The gold dinar was going to fuck up most investments in northern africa.
leaked emails prove otherwise, user
On a different note, all this Hillary alt right shit might be a bigger deal than thought. At least now that we know it was going to actually happen, seeing as it did.
We have her now name-dropping all sorts of alt-right related words for normies to look up.
Look, the alt-right acts in part as a gateway for people to go full pol. What I need now is ideas on how to either use this to drive a wedge in dem supporters or to lure undecided people reading up on non-kosher sources away from the Breitbart-esque enclosure and to more consistent and unapologetic pastures.
It is not liberating. It is debilitating.
At least, for me. All this saga has done is make me even more of a ruin. There is nothing left. Nothing.
And now you've drawn the fire down from the Establishment, how will you fare?
Ashes and Echoes
Leaked email is right where ir comes from.
Also fits in with an arms dealer explaining to me what was going on and why he laughs about the US making it be their thing.
Gaddafi was going to do more than that, he had an actual African Union setup that would have worked within five years. At which point everything goes to shit as they would still control the precious metal mines for a lot longer than we would have the time to get our own back online and the leaching beds to work.
Wth are you talking about lol
word filtered
This is the core of the civil conflict that's coming, that she is helping to build.
On the Left hand, the belief is that we all same, everyone alike, ebonics for all.
On the Right hand, the science reiterates the obvious, that Ethnonationalism, tradition, and race realism lead to a peaceful, trusting society capable of great creative accomplishments.
The left holds to a disrespectful religious belief, manipulated by globalists.
The right holds to reality, and tries to come up with a way for everyone to get along. An old-school solution might be like… idunno… maybe… Borders and Nations !!!
Israel doesn't want ISIS destroyed. Hell, zionism helped set up saudi arabia. Another Wahhabist state with backroom ties with israel and a mission to destroy the west? Yeah, let's just ignore that. Good idea, shlomo
Uh oh, the brainless leftist livestock is here. You leftist scum deserve horrible, dehumanizing torture. You pieces of shit deserve to be tied down and have someone crack your bones systematically with a hammer, turning your body into a mass of jelly filled with splintered bone. You'd be shrieking and sobbing your empty liberal eyes out as you beg for your fucking worthless mothers, pissing all over yourself in pain and terror, writhing and clawing to escape. You would deserve every second of it, leftist trash. Fucking subhuman scum.
Check my peeps
Plebeian kill thy self.
Except Israel created ISIS shills. It controls them as a method of fear.
By all means, stop shitposting and go join Assad. Don't gie a shit about ISIS, just him.
I guess I have made a valid point then.
Kan u do it as webm instead of gif
In final analysis, after listening to it closely, twice, Hillary's pubic service announcement doesn't amount to much. She made some cutting insults, no doubt pissing off all the people she pissed on, and I expect that will come back to bite her. But there wasn't any substance to her accusations, and in fact many of them were downright hypocritical. My original opinion of her stands. She is poison.
Post the mp4
So many news articles today all mentioning us
Well, since you don't exist, they're mentioning nothingness.
Think about that for a second.
On that note, why are the first several pages all on Hillary, what happened at the Trump rally that the shills here are so desperate to hide?
White nationalists have always stumped for openness and peace, and Jews for war. Nothing's changed. It's just getting more obvious.
In a last ditch act of desperation, they are openly admitting that a rag-tag team of autists shitposting on an ancient rice pudding imageboard poses the greatest threat to (((their))) political power than anything/anyone else in the world.
Think about that for a second.
The man who yelled out Pepe revealed himself.
It means their control is really that near complete they don't have any more traditional threats.
Legitimately, all they have to do is hit this site for a few copyright violations ala KAT and we're over.
Image boards like this are quite vulnerable to the claims, since they do not have the demonstrated show of taking down owned pictures.
And quite a lot of these are owned, much less all the threads on boards devoted to giving away paid content.
Well aren't you a little bundle of defeatism.
I hate to use old memes, but I'm thinking about it and it's just so mind blowing that it's triggering my tiger blood!
I chuckled heartily at nr 3
Look how many people are in the video. There is no one there.
rarely get to use this
They are admitting fear to people that they ignored and dismissed.
The idea that white nationalism has become such a horrible thing in the age of La Raza and BLM, really fucking pisses me off.
Apparently I'm supposed to hate myself, my race, and my country. So much so that I ruin my life and give my country away to shitty people that didn't do shit to help the US, but can somehow be ultra-proud of themselves and their race.
And the proceed to try to fundamentally change the US into the failed states these shitskins came from.
Fuck them, and fuck liberals.
Sometimes I feel like I'm on the truman show.
I've been listening to Jones since 2003 and been on Holla Forums since 2010, and suddenly we are major players in international politics.
WTF is going on.
Well the MSM have to hold back their ideas to remain face but we don't have a face so we don't have to hold back
We show the strongest of ideas and that's why we're a threat
Memes are one hell of a thing
Who else could it refer to? Twitter? TRS? Give me a break. She meant the chans.
People think OKC was an inside job? I thought it was just revenge for Ruby Ridge.
Actually, they do advertise for this place.
The strategy is as follows: They have a massive pool of people whose job is to basically shitpost with whatever they can think of. Flat Earth, aliens, /fringe/ material. Then they mix it in with your Sandy Hook conspiracies, bring in some Hillary's health, Common Core factoids, and Holohoax redpills, so as to taint them by association.
When the area is primed for exposure to the masses, they drag in the masses by linking them from places like Imgur, some socially-acceptable subreddits, 9gag, and so on. We're talking about the lower strata of the populace, who basically regurgitate what they saw on their personal version of the Front Page Of The Internet. They'll do that, and then fuck back off, having fought the good fight.
Those that remain until after the normalfags can and will be converted, but they were already a lost cause to the likes of CTR. They're the five percent that feel that something's wrong on some level, but can be safely ignored because there aren't enough of them to outshout the masses.
CTR's success rate guarantees that they will get further funding. This gets them more warm bodies to follow the scripts that fuck up the boards, outstripping our conversion rate by just enough to keep the noise to signal ratio at an acceptable ratio.
Thus, the cycle repeats itself until the election cycle ends.
Its pretty much the only way that statement works out.
They don't have us just by the balls, the knife is the only thing keeping the blood in.
Take a look at the detonation site of the truck, then take a look at one of the daily antimuslim car bombings in Iraq.
Any website not bought and paid for, and thus towing the Dem's party line is considered "the darkest reaches".
Just like how people that don't want to flood the country with people that want to kill them are "racist xenophobes".
this was dumbfounding to me. she literally listed all of the things wrong with black communities and implied it was due to racism instead of policy
Maybe he's just confused, does he know the house of saudi are actualy jewish?
To me this just sounds like, "No it was not the dog, you see, that dog was owned by a dog, so it wasan''t the dog!"
Make it faster and it's golden
This seems to be the latest theme.
Everything is going to be shutdown either due to "the public" being offended by gore, animated lolis and now copyright violations.
It's bullshit and won't happen in the United States.
I can't wait to float through the primordial pond with you fuckers.
You make it sound like it's a hopeless situation.
It's the same reason that they don't suddenly eliminate all chan sites, that they don't suddenly disable the internet because "the hate being spread".
That reason is that it ends up making people curious and wanting to look into why such a thing occurred. Of course, not only would there be pissed off people, especially in a scenario if they disabled the internet, but also that it would make a great number of people interested in doing research themselves, which in turn would lead them to getting red pilled.
They used to have a window for complete and total control, but that window of opportunity has closed, and the whites are waking up. Along with that, like in typical frankenstein fashion, their own monsters and creations are turning on (((them))). Streisand Effect and alot more would occur. And there would even be those willing to spread info and dissent just to spite the absolute dictation of information on shit like social media.
Except when it does.
My point wasn't defeatism, its that the statement is ludicrous.
If we're a threat, we're already dead.
If we're resembling a threat, we're dead.
"there are no other threats, we're the final boss"
But we're not dead.
So just what is actually going on?
The thing with that is that suddenly they have gone stupid. Like in a movie they have no issue killing the bodyguards, random people, and generic squad members, but suddenly go dumb when encountering named individual.
It makes no sense they would fail on victory, when we can see how they were set to win.
Basically, the issue is they are either making paranoia by having us second guess while continuing as planned, or the plan wants this to happen, given their actions lead here in an observable and measurable fashion.
Again, what is actually going on here?
You perhaps haven't conceptualized the structure of the entity. We are lampooned as racists and so on and so forth. but the way this medium works and the culture that begat it, race, class, creed do not matter. Only the quality of your shitposting. As far as I know, the guys posting Natsoc propaganda are all Tongan supremacists, organized in a Kampfy hut ona sunny beach. The posters lampooning muh civics might be Chinese military intelligence. And so on and so forth.
The system here created could encompass the entirety of the population of Isreal and the population of Palestine, as long as there is internet access. Cheaper every day.
These theoretical boards could raid each other endlessly until they get sick of it and no one would know who is on whose side.
Now extrapolate.
More defeatism. That shit doesn't fly here.
It is not only the "whites" waking up, this only make sense of the culture you are refering to is predominantly white. What is waking up is mainly young men that dont swallow the bullshit that the MSM and other social engineering retards are trying to spew (to make it simple). People like hillary clinton running for presidant and being the main nominantial canditate is already a disgrace in itself.
But it is not just about that stupid presidantial race it is about more than that. It is about keeping the population docile, stupid and ignorant devoid of any will of their own shoving down tabloids of premade words and thoughts into their heads so they dont take care of their very own interests. So these social engineers and thinktanks and everything else that dervives from this cooked up ideological thoughts is nothing more than stifilling the will and incentive of young men and redirecting it to auto aggressive pseudomoral bullshit.
Do you know what other folks did century ago and did you know how animal behaviour changes once you castrate them. It is more about castration in a figurative sense, that is why those batshit insane trannies and other sjw spawns (to make a clear example showing those outliners) are used to further their agenda and why the narrative of the "left" (not the real left but braindeads) is shifted towards this ideology? Because it is essentially void of any real impact and only devolves into meaningless sophistication and drivel. That is why the shills shill here or the other shitposters from the same cooked up ideological background gather here aswell.
Then apply that same logic to yourself on the question why Wikileaks or the owner isn't taken out because it's a such a threat
I'll give you a hint, kill switch
You're creating phantoms and drawing concern where if you've been paying attention, you'd know that these kikes are in a deep seated panic. Hell, you remember the laughing stock rick wilson became for mentioning how the "alt right" liked to sit in basements and masturbate to anime, or more recently the "worshiping of nazi frogs".
The CTR and Soros shills have been rather low energy and desperate, and more recently has their shilling amped up, which points to that we're on the right track and have hit a nerve.
Their tactical well has run dry, and their "stratagems" are spent. They repeatedly use the same tactics over and over because they have nothing left. The clinton campaign strategy amounts to as such: While their ship is rotten and rapidly sinking, they hope with enough hit pieces and concentrated media slander, to put enough dents into trump's campaign ship to make his sink first before hers does.
They just went after Assange's lawyer and won, and then the man himself.
As well, the servers have been hit before, along with people uploading to it.
Any US government person going on it is flagged for their next security interview and gets a question on it.
And that's not counting their rather adorement of Hillary already, having chosen to not attack and go after her.
Wikileaks is controlled opposition, their killswitch is broken and found to be junk.
The thing is?
THose strategies are working for people. Ignoring the whole polls bullshit, set that aside.
Look at the actual people, the ones around you.
They gobble this fucking stuff up, those tactics work just fine on the majority of Americans, and that's a purposeful thing.
My point and question is, if we're such a threat, as we know, why is it the shoes that have stomped so many, have decided to walk elsewhere?
Fuck's sake we still have these physical servers in the US!
I fucking bought stuff in the netherlands and left a slimnode in Iceland to get around this shit.
Incidentally, where should I drop the next one? I was thinking Croatia, but I'm not sure anymore due to the revised Russosphere.
If wikileaks and everything else is controlled opposition, then what isnt?
3/10 - you're at least putting some effort into your fud
What an enlightening answer.
You should think a bit deeper on why things are what they are and what is being done to mitigate the issues at hand because everything derives from that and those issues and their measures to encounter them will result in a precise order and magnitude.
That is why the media acts like it acts, that is why the politicians act like they act, that is why the SJW retards are what they are, and that is why you are here.
Never did I think this day would come. Holy shit.
Quite a lot. THe better thing you should be asking is, why are there so many maligned groups that have existing and easy ways of being gone after, but aren't?
Which is entirely my point, controlled opposition targets can be held and burned later.
I've been told by a security analyst that this site represents a black mark on my record and has curtailed some of my life plans already.
I am not the least bit unsuspecting that this site will be burned and broken before the election.
That is my point.
We battle a giant with a very effective dagger dipped in poison, but that giant can yet smash us in a single blow.
And I do believe we have already missed the windup.
There we have it. This place is dangerous and you should all bugger off to somewhere safer.
Hilarious mate. Keep talking.
No they cant. And the intel fags and other retards do not matter jackshit at all, because they are bunch of fags and all they can do is use their retarded mind games and since they are retards it is unlikely they will win. And even if it true what you say, i dont give a fuck at all because i will only do what i want and i will simply use other options. Welcome to the war of the mind.
It is always somewhere safer somewhere else right? But then again the key here is to never underestimate your enemy and never overestimate him either. So most of that smart things being said only tell half the story. And then again, where no respect is given no fuck is given either.
we are blessed by lord kek
memes are also
If I already have the mark why leave? As I said, plenty of places I can be, a place I am, and some that are sadly gone to me.
Not that it matters, I already have land, have a job, just have to wait to 35 and I can vote and see about changing that.
More of, welcome to a war of what some call the mind, others use bullets, and a bunch of people call shilling.
Again as my point, this site has already been taken down by a bunch of SJWs overriding its cloud flare by having the real IP. This can be repeated easily.
Further, this site can be hit for all those reason I listed.
You call it impotence to your folly.
In a war, you don't underestimate your opponent, and never believe your own propaganda.
You have failed on both.
Mate, you're stinking the place up.
Nazi Frogs wil become the new nightmare for retarded liberals and lefties
the best part is that is was a spic accented PEPE
This board has no threads yet on the Trump speech, everyone is pandering to the people coming to the darkest reaches of the net. One of the threads,
As it has for a while.
That's the smell of hard work and sweat. Also calamine from all the chigger bites. You'd know more if you weren't helping Hillary tell the truth.
I filtered him earlier because he reeked of not being from around here and full of "i am concern"
Do you think a bunch of halfmen and half women are of any importance at all, they are just the outliners and living measure instruments. But then again, you equate potency to a bunch of ideologically disturbed people.
What propaganda am i working with here? I just tell you how it is, there is no propaganda involved at all. I m telling you that they cant do jackshit at all and the SJWs are just a overblown whack a mole and most people involved in this movement are fucking retards only the handlers that use them strategically are of some impact. But they only use them as zombies for certain reasons. ANd zombies act in a very clear manner such as doxxing or other mindgames infantry. It is just giving them too much credit at all, and that is what the media revolves around and that is what all those campain shti is about. Highlight certain issues give them importance and then create a gameplan and rhetoric around it. See hillarys speech on the alt right, mentioning a few thousand frogs on an obsucre image board.
I'm enjoying it. Haven't seen this in many years.
Thanks for correcting the record.
Allow me to twerk my nipples like I'm playing RE6 here at your great discomfort,a dn the following discomfort of those who are upset with this post.
But i will give you a different image, imagine us both sitting on a chair, and i slowly bring my chair to you, and i will look you in the eye and say "i m privileged."
You act like that's supposed to do something, hence my point that you have come to believe your own propaganda on trigglypuff and others.
Propaganda is always rooted in something, it is always rooted in culture, circumstance and nature. So what you precive as propaganda is something you never experienced. Hence you think it is propaganda. And then to quote the CIA friends "our job is done when everything the public believes is a lie". And i can shit the truth into you throat and you will think it is propaganda. Since everything is propaganda for you, because you have no clue, you think everything is moldable and shapeable and has no real root. You are the blinded blank sheet beleiver since only for the blank sheet believer everything is propaganda.
You've already ousted yourself schlomo. Aside from that, if being here is such a "black mark" on your record, why are you even sticking around? Run along then.
And for you it seems rigid but you dont see the intelligence and the thoughts behind it. Because you dont understand psychology you dont understand the mechanisms you only experience them but you never asked yourself why shit is like shit is. And the more drastic the measures are the more voiatile and fragile the whole show is.
Man just imagine if Trump had mixed up tenets with tenants
This thread is a good example of the Art Bell/Michael Rivero shit that flooded forums over the past 20 years.
I consider the last 25 years of redpill journey to be
You mean the alium and quantum mechanics distraction mixed with some rationality?
Well today isnt 20years ago, it is a bit different once the psyducks stepped up the plate everywhere.
Even YouTube video game players are riffing on her.
Oh, man; Critikal hates her.
ah shit its starting again
check em
Cr1tikal is a miracle of the universe
the alt right,which doesn't exist as a coherent thing outside the internet, was created to counteract Jewish, neoliberal, neocon, globalist influence, it is more situated with ancient European right wing philosophies rather than the William f. Buckley style american cuckservatism that has ruled for quiet a while, and is also an umbrella term that consists of many different far right politics from monarchism to neo nazis to traditionalists etc.
the people involved are usually pretty young, tech savy, and have a sense of humor bred from being raised on 4chan.
Anyone like milo claiming to be a leader is just some jew trying to co opt the non existent movement for power and or Jewish sabotage.
In fact lots of people are trying to co opt or win this infant ideology to their side from jews, to russians, to even musilms (hurr we hate jews too)
Personally i grew up reading wikipidia articles about nazis and wondering if there are any right wing philosophers, which led me to julius evola and other such people.
I actually thought i was doing this alone, as some sort of freak interest with fascism and the far right, turns out there where hundreds of other monkeys doing it too, and here we are today.
coupled with endless war, economic down turns,mass distrust of the mainstream media, the internet opening new avenues of info, and a growing hatred for globalism through out the working class on both right and left side then the supposed alt right gets talked about on the news and by a presidential candidate.
It is too bad the left have been yelling racist non stop at republicans for decades, so their little smear today meant nothing, it just slides off like water, the racism accusations lose their effect because liberals already feel the right is racist and the right no longer cares and embraces it
But I get Peep from the pronounciation of meme
I've watching that. Good stuff.
I think he means that Jones's noise is approved by some kike along the line, he does talk a lot of garbage though so perhaps he's just useful as a misinformation organ.
Just cause I like you fuckers, I finished the Carlos one. Here's the gif version. webm and mp4 below.
Gonna work on a pepe later but I'll probably toast that in a different bread.
.. wait for it… wait for it… wait … for…. it ……. boom
high bit rate mp4
Israel could deal with ISIS in 10 minutes but never will.
Have my other favorites.
Does anyone happen to have a pixel I can save for when I have a duplicate file?
You're the best. Thanks, mate.
The funny thing is, is that's horseshit but the truth that it's all the work of a neo-nazi frog worshiping wizard cabal is far sillier.
I hope this doesn't turn into "I'm less racist than you". That's so boring.
I'm not sure so anymore
People are pissed
Keep in mind, it's significantly higher now.
The democrats don't have a leg to stand on either since they promote nothing except constant racism against whites to the most absolute and utter extreme by support actual and literal kill whitey movements and literal terrorist groups.
Any new whites here reading need should know how pissed off everyone is getting and that probably includes you as well. Every single other race is off promoting their own race to the utmost and utter extreme, why the fuck isn't ours? If you don't, you've already seen the effects. Little white girls being raped and 5-8 year old girls being shot dead in the head just because they're white. Is that the future you want for your kids? If this keeps up, they won't have any at all. Neither will you.
here you go, in jpg and png
lightest one in gif
The vast right wing conspiracy is coming to fruition user.
Same here with old Art Bell Coast to Coast.
Miss those days.
Thanks user. I know that shit takes a while to make. Appreciated.
But isn't that what's actually happening?
If she would've called out Ben Garrison as an evil Neo-Nazi White supremacist leader I would have lost my shit.
I always thought it was peppy like the rabbit from Starfox lol.
Did Hilldawg really shoved a bunch of chocolate in her mouth and went, "Oh muh gawd, this is so delicious", when some journalists asked her about the clinton foundation?
Some of our guys drew pictures of niggers and fried chicken on a dry erase wall in a race exhibit at a museum. I only wrote kangz
Can you or someone please send me this memo that proves Clinton's complicity in the Libya debacle?
The whole thing seems like a EU NATO Soros plan. So I wouldn't be surprised
I notice too that Hildabeast is now wearing her hospital gown wherever she goes (pic), probably just to be prepared…
My local alt-right meet-up is the target range.
wtf? I'm with her now. Thanks for correcting the record
This is exactly what the /x/ tier conspiracies are doing. Think of the flat earth meme, all of the bluepilled newfags as seen this flat earth 'phenomenom' everybody is talking about on yt. Most will reject, and a few will investigate, just like you said :
I think it was created to plant the seed of doubting the media narratives, and to research by yourself.
If you analyze every word she says in that speech you quickly realize this woman is a loathsome, manipulating worm. She uses every weasely tactic possible in the most obvious way, exaggerations, critical omissions, false associations, erroneous conclusions & outright lies. She can get away with this because her supporters are basically programmed idiots.
Literally 90% of everything she says is garbage.
Meanwhile the flood of illegal immigrants continue to bring crime and chaos to every white country. THERE IS A LITERAL GENOCIDE GOING ON AND THIS CUNT IS BLAMING THE VICTIMS. Enough is enough dingbat. That's what this is about, we have had enough.
And these liberal twats just added another Eight Trillion dollars to the National Debt.
good post
Currently I think the Alt-Right is progressing at a good speed in the USA. I only worry that its influence is less felt in Europe, which is generally far less racially aware. I know Vox Day likes to say that Europe will be fine one way or another due to the rising nationalist parties, but UKIP right now in the UK aren't polling higher than they ever had. I mean I know Brexit just happened so they need to re-invent themselves but.
What do you guys think we should do to promote our cause in the UK and mainland Europe? I mean right now I think all influence should be placed on America due to to the election cycle, but in the future what should we do?
You make many assumptions here, you have already decided what I am, your intent in it all to what?
Lambast me and say I'm wrong with a waggling finger? Act somewhere along this chav (hi satan) and dismiss everything I say?
Holla Forums has sworn on the power of our enemies, their mass control, and yet I am asking if all this is true, as we have seen, then what is their plan for us?
You guys have yet to answer, and instead avoid doing so.
I think it's getting longer and wider. What sort of ridiculous medical hardware and ultra shit absorbing monstrosity does she have under there?
In a month she'll just be a straight up triangle.
Go back to lurking.
So then my point stands, there is no answer, just people wishing to ignore it. Zombies as the user put it.
What were your lifeplans, join Hillary's campaign? Also what chans do you claim to have been browsing? It certainly wasn't this one, don't lie about it.
s…Sauce ?
Here and half.
Black programs mostly, they're not hard to get into if you can pass the rigorous clearance procedures.
So how about answering my question now?
egalitarianism is "treating everyone equally under the law". How is that false?
Taken literally this would mean there's no difference between children and adults, and no difference between citizens of your nation and anyone else.
Do you see how this could lead to some problems?
Of course, it's different in Clinton's case: she may win if she's not talked about.
Treating everyone equally under the law regardless of sex or race. Would have thought that was clear. No, children with undeveloped PFCs were not included.
We all know he's controlled oposition, but he must have been under a total submission because he knows about international jewry, like in vid related dropping a 7minutes rant about Israel controlling US.
btw, i've seen plenty vids of him, showing how saudis controls jewllywood, or the nazi globalists, but this one I never saw before, it was taken from a 7k views youtube video.
even tho they could lead the normalfags to a wrong path, infowhores is a baby first step into the rabbi hole, like many other anons in this thread said.
Remember that speech Trump was going to do about Hillary's crimes, the one that got delayed because of the Orlando happening?
No, I just get the recaps on speeches and watch them later if something good seems to have happened. Most all of these are just rhetoric and shall be so until at least he presidential debates and their pseudo binding (somebody one up pepe and hold an oath breaker image).
She has no positive, pro-Hillary campaign message. The speech had a core of concern-trolling impotence. Trump called her out even before the speech, saying how her campaign is now based on insulting large swathes of the population for being pro-Trump. She tells voters they're horrible people if they vote for Trump, and somehow this makes TRUMP the divisive candidate. Whereas Trump HUMBLY asks for people's votes rather than telling them they're horrible people if they don't vote for him.
holy shit
i just now noticed this
What about adults with underdeveloped PFCs?
Also, no rights for non-citizens - so you're against refugees, right?
I like it because no matter what move she tries there is no escape. Best she can do is trade queen for a pawn.
jew catched
Neo-Nazi entryists trying to assassinate Hillary for their evil elder God Kek!
We need to remove all white people from Hillary speeches so this can never happen. Don't give into hate!
You're using that maymay wrong new friendo
Thank you for correcting the record.
Who voted for Trump, then? He had record turnout, insanely huge masses voted for him.
tl;dr: no
She can't say it's because of policy because she was invovled in those policies.
That would be admitting that "black communities" are fucked because of her
I think its from Heavy metal.
is that Cher?
It's cool world and the music is by new retro wave.