Other urls found in this thread:
if this was ever going to be a thing… now's the time
Hillary smokes crack
Like Benghazi?
I used to be a cruise missile, but now…
Bump for best topic
This is going to backfire horribly.
It's an act of desperation to get her own side on board.
Breitbart shoah confirmed. Hillary will have them rounded up and shot.
go over there but don't delete this thread, we continue here upon post-limit
This chat is killing my sides, keep it up lads.
Will the Farage retaliate?
What have I missed?
Alex Jones, David duke, Farage, breitbart all mentioned.
And Pootin
Also mentioned the white genocide twitter account trump retweeted.
God damn the way she speaks is so fake. Sounds over-rehearsed.
is the jew going to take the heat this time?
what's happening? the livestream is just fucking music
Civil War imminent lads. This is the final push to erase white America.
I liked the
So when are we seeing the pee-pee poo poo flow?
It's ogre, her shit speech was like 20 mins
The best thing about this was that she subtly admitted the mainstream conservatives are legit controlled opposistion and that "teh alt write" represent the real voice of dissent.
This was dissapointing. She was able to walk and stand for quite a long time. She revealed her neck to show how healthy she is, she called out Alex Jones. There was no stool to be seen. Her pandering to shitskins was damn disgusting.
I heard it's where that hacker 4chin lives.
Did she really say that? Is she aiming for the /tg/ vote or what?
She just lost the black vote
also keked at someone yelling "PEPE"
Low energy. Now she will need to recover for several days.
She was leaning heavily on the podium for most of what I could stomach to watch
I don't see how this can be interpreted as anything other than utter, total, unconditional victory.
Which is better?
They are laying the groundwork for shutting down the internet.
her speeches are so insanely boring and uninspired
almost couldn't watch it till the end and it was only 30 minutes
Sounded really authentic.
CNN coverage
Kayleigh McEnany is on right now and calling out Hillary and the KKK
Who the fuck actually reads books by Grindr Greg?
Youtube stream
Someone have a webm of this?
Farage must be giddy at all this press coverage he's getting.
I'm not gonna watch this shit but has she already mentioned this place our 4cuck's Holla Forums?
Previous thread archives
her voice barely projected and she looked pleased with herself just getting sentences out coherently
it was a catastrophe and Trump called it out before she even did it, making this even more perplexing
"America is Good"
- Hillary Clinton
She's still alive. We failed to summon both thrombosis-chan and epilepsy-chan.
Then debate Trump.
I knew it. This is simple cowardice.
Trump needs to call her a coward in an attempt to get her on the same stage as him. She's trying to act strong. She'll have to make more excuses to cower. This will be detrimental to her cuckservative voters, so she'll either lose some points or debate him and lose all her points.
Speech Summary
your dubs say yes
Sheboon has reduced herself to a shillary parrot
Kek demands more sacrifices
This was a good moment for Holla Forums. It's good to see all of you here.
Holy shit Kayleigh is fucking killing it on CNN
Esoteric Hillaryism
All the accusations about Trump not actually wanting the presidency are projections. She doesn't want it. She wants out.
She wants to stop white genocide.
She went on TV and said "white genocide" then quoted a mexican proverb at us, while holding up a muslim olympic participation ribbon winner.
Below the surface… She's on our side.
Just think about it, thats' all I'm saying.
At the debates my son
Alex Jones
"She's a sack of BS."
Couldn't have said it any better.
Me. Greggie writes good stuff.
Robert Brasillach was a complete fag too, but he's the one who first called conservatives "cuckolds" in the 40's.
I want newfags out.
die of aids nigger
This sheboon on CNN
qt blonde girl defending Trump on CNN
That was always their plan, Hillary promoted some of that in the 90s with the various children's internet bills. The first internet ribbon campain if you remember those was due to Hillary.
Is that Tranny-fucker Anthony Gucciardi attacking Dr. Duke?
Spanish judge who was affiliated with LA RAZA
Yeah the mention of white genocide surprised me, I didn't expect her to bring this issue out in the open, I thought that would be too dangerous redpill.
Yes you stupid fuck, are you brand new?
From the last thread.
It would be better with an OC character, but here's my version.
Lmao CNN anchor is "up against a wall"
dubs confirm, niggers will die of aids
And regarding the Olympics, what athletes was she on about? I guessing it wasn't Phelps
Walls work, just ask CNN.
checked, dank OC
I'm just surprised he's still that assblasted about Jonestein getting BTFO'd last year.
Yeah right
underrated post
culture of critique is the only good one
If anyone needed a red pill on human biodiversity…
But with this one you can even recognize the sub-species.
Sorry, youtube stream is here:
We're breaking the conditioning!
They really are going all out.
If you've got some white genocide OC you've been dying to show off, now's the time to take to twitter. Ideally that normalfags can process.
Oh my God, it's that smug blonde qt that triggered the fuck out that fat bitch.
This is real.
gex's video
The Biden sticky is pretty good.
Text should be:
"You have been visited by Thrombosis-chan the silent killer. A fatal stroke will come to Hillary if you post 'good luck thrombosis-chan' in this thread"
"Alex Jones triggered Hillary Clinton!"
What the shit, this movie portrays Michael Obama as a woman
Is the guy with the WhiteGenocide twitter here?
Shout out to you my man. When has some virtual nobody been addressed like that in presidential candidate's speech?
The Leader of the alt right
bahahaha checked
Funny how they're saying that's why she mentioned Jonestein, while claiming she was trying to promote Dr. Duke, when the exact opposite is true.
There was actually a clip years ago of Jonestoen claiming Bill told people to listen to him.
And right after Hillary herself said his stance on immigration was ultra extreme
Fucking kek
ugh five minutes of watching cnn makes me want to go on a shooting spree
High energy nig on Fox
I'm disappointed nobody in the crowd yelled "MDE WORLD PEACE" during her speech
JEWS ROCK!!! would of been better
I was watching anime. Did she mention Holla Forums or any chan in general?
That book sucks. The north American "new right" doesn't even make sense.
Mentioned the white genocide twitter account, and "dark corners" of the internet.
Every thread? So is your guy beating Eric Andre in the ratings yet or what?
Just got online, did hILLarry name us?
No, but she said something about the "dark corners of the internet" and someone screamed Pepe's name so close enough
It's so fucking funny. If I wa sa neutral leftist who unironcially liked bernie still I'd be swayed to vote trump from this. She literally called trump a paranoid conspiracy theorist while in the same thought blames the nebulous and undefined "alt-right" as NEONAZI EXTREMISTS WHO ARE MAKING TRUMP WANT TO KILL MINORITIES DAVID DUKE AND ALEX JONES ARE WHITE SUPREMACISTS TM
She mentioned David Duke and WhiteGenocideTM, then promoted Jonestein and Kikebart.
thats because the crowd is just on tape, retard
Explain the guy that yelled "PEPE" then, retard
Black Twitter? Afrochan? Worldstar?
What really? That can't look good for Alex if Hillary is saying what he says is acceptable.
Wurlstar wurlstar
Yeah, it was dead as fuck
For meme mining, this speech is a thick vein of pure gold.
She "attacked him", but in a way that will only bring him more listeners.
Ahh okay, thanks for the info m8
This is like saying that milk is the best thing in the fridge when I say that I'm running out and would like to get some more.
Hopefully a picture showing how small the crowd really was will show up. Like last time.
I mentioned earlier that you could hear an echo after Hillary spoke. You can't hear that at Trump rallies because there's so many people absorbing the reverb.
She was attacking Alex Jones.
Jones is the biggest and most well known in the what they consider the crank right wing.
Learn to persuade. Persuade the world that racism is the happy and moral choice. Persuade them that traditional culture is more pleasant than degeneracy. The Jews will always be scheming the opposite effects.
It's over.
This is why "women" republicans need to be beat until they stay in the kitchen.
Listen to his stream, he admitted that she tripled his traffic.
Jonestein isn't a threat to the powers that be, he's working for them.
Forget the crowd in back, also known as a screen say when to clap etc but then in human form. They sit there to fill their own pockets. Disgusting.
why would they?
4chan is controlled by Hiroyuki, the Hillary supporter and Holla Forums Holla Forums is controlled by the Holla Forums fag imkampfy.
Both are controlled opposition.
This bitch fucks niggers. Im sure of it.
dubs confirm
just started watching and my sides are already gone
she sounds like the worst aspects of aging boomer women
Holla Forums needs a new banner with that meme!
liberal concern troll who unironically thinks the GOP lost the last two elections because of gay marriage
she also said Thiel's nothing speech at the RNC was a groundbreaking moment (it wasn't)
a couple hundred maybe idfk
except his dad and Oswald photographed together.
Alex Jones has 1.5 million Youtube subscribers.
Whether you like him or distrust him he is still the biggest single person in this anti globalist field.
They even have the audacity to laugh.
Beck and Limbaugh have a lot of listeners too, that doesn't change the fact that they're all working for the enemy.
Here it is.
Thanks for correcting that old record there, chappy
Here's some OC boys
Im not defending Limbaugh but he's definitely not Glen Cuck tier.
Yup she's lying.
How much of a cuck are you?
Jesus christ the ads on CNN are so awful. Advertising for SAP where they're literally profiling someone on their future likes by using big data. Advertising some kind of business HR alliance and how important HR is. What the fuck.
He's a cryoto-kike who's talked on the air about having a rabbi.
I'd say about 100 yes, so nothing. All paid I'm sure.
No. They are enemy. He's correct in that statement.
Posting so nobody else has to go to halfchan
*quotes Bob Dole*
*quotes John McCain*
Yeah I bet you think that, bitch, because McCain and Dole both lost
Beck, Limbaugh and Jones to a lesser degree are all fruits on a common tree.
Jones can only fall from it if he finally names the Jew on air.
I'm not denying that. He's an enemy that will face the rope. But my point is that he is not actively trying to sabotage Trump like Cuck Beck is.
Especially if it was open to the public: Reno has a population of about a quarter million. Although even if it was just open to people at the college (thirteen-thousand students), its still abysmal.
We're giving directors too much artistic license.
was it real or just an edit?
The God Emperor will purge this heretic.
It was real, live on air
Oh look more voter fraud.
this rally was so low energy it made me sleepy
when is next trump?
I'll check those holy dubs, brother.
Only because they play both sides.
she's one of those night-at-the-opera "how can I look at my children and tell them I supported Trump" types
sorry bitch, but you're going to end up with the opposite dilemma: why did you stand in his way at every step of the race?
And it's why he will face the rope. along with his child diddling with Epstien
No way that's real.
Nice dubs
This shit movie conveniently skips the part of his life where he went to a Muslim school in Indonesia.
because she's a cunt. Because cunts are natural marxists. Cunts given independence breeds jewish schemes.
it's on CNN's official twitter.
The keks keep coming.
Yep, she has that coalburner look
When she says "claimed", listen closely. She makes this weird fucking throat noise. Does anyone else notice?
Glorious. His meme magic is strong.
women tend towards the Left.
if you look at the Republicans, the biggest critics of Trump from their ranks are the women.
I sure hope they didn't suicide him though.
She's just buttfrustrated that Trump is giving Obongo credit for her work
Whoops meant for>>7252751
Jones is a tool at the moment.
We have a common goal.
the glasses give it away. she may not necessarily fuck niggers but she definitely wants to or is at least not against it.
Reminder Hillary turns her haters into elevators because stairs were too big an obstacle.
dubs confirm
she isn't even believable as a fake conservative, i doubt she could even articulate her own cuckservative "beliefs" without her husband guiding her through it
she's another one of these "agree with liberal orthodoxy on every bread and butter issue but have minor disagreements with how it's carried out"
She was probably suppressing a cough. Her voice got weird when she was saying that. She seemed to be trying hard not to cough and not to clear her throat.
Someone should splice this with this video.
That got added today, basically it obviously just shows trending threads, like on cuckchan.
Do you have them going to commercial when the pro Trump lady mentions Boyd?
Or "agree with liberals on everything except wants slightly lower taxes."
To sell penis juice and defend jews?
I actually don't mind it
No way niggers and shills are going to abuse that brilliant new feature
I think Hillary smokes crack. There are a few signs that point to it.
Now that's a bad feature.
What's the point when only threads on Holla Forums are going to trend anyways?
If he did that, it would only be solidifying his place as the avatar of Pepe
He means to elect Trump, but after that he won't be very useful unless he finally stops lying and misdirecting.
Vid related, him being more truthful for once.
It would not surprise me.
What did the script really say here? What was he supposed to say instead of ISIL forces?
Never change, Hellary.
Milk is garbage at least use a good analogy
No he corrected himself afterwards if I remember. Had a Freudian slip where he told the truth instead of the lie he was supposed to say.
Fuck I feel old.
Maybe if you're a shitskin and can't drink it without shitting like an Indian.
This is a great webm, but anyone notice how at the beginning he says "Hitler took the guns.." but when you play it again you can only hear "Stalin took the guns", which follows after. Glitch in the video player?
Thanks to our enrichment there's a ghetto in almost every town in America, who the fuck is she trying to fool?
I love these memes
Is the last one communism?
Oh my god
on a CNN commercial right now.
It's really no wonder why my mother gravitates towards her despite having no good reason to whenever I bring it up.
They even 'argue' the same.
Even worse. Anarcho-communist.
Anarcho-Communism/Anarcho-Syndicalism is what the red/black flag usually represents. Either way, it's communist faggotry.
I know, I posted it in combination with that message because to me, it symbolizes a complete failure of the left to correctly use memes. It's supposed to make Trump look bad but actually it makes Trump look awesome.
Good job user. Spread this shit on Twatter and other normalfag media.
Milk is shit, user. Estrogen filled terrible tasting bovine tit juice. Cheese is somehow okay though. This whole simulation is weird tbh fam.
>Mother supports Hilary
That's sad. Let me guess, its because shes the first female candidate or shes a bleeding heart that has voted Dem. for decades.
did hillary actually say the words white genocide?
i hope so, because trump will be forced to respond to this
She was referring to an account Trump retweeted, "whitegenocidetm". Don't know what she was thinking even bringing it up, white genocide as an idea is one of those things that once you start seeing it you can't unsee it.
well, that one guy was about as loud as the "entire crowd"
Why would she say this to her cows and confuse them? It can only be that her staff is in panic meltdown mode and they're just pulling speech ideas out of their ass without thinking at all about the audience.
Here fags. new OC just for you.
She directly mentioned @WhiteGenocideTM and that Trump re-tweeted one of his tweets. This got media coverage on CNN a few months ago when it happened but most people forgot about it. She's obviously trying to paint Trump as some extreme WN but fails to understand most people have never heard of or thought about white genocide and are now looking.
In my opinion the crowd audio was real, but they had a guy running up the gain on the crowd mics whenever Hillary stopped talking. In other words, the crowd was tiny and they were trying to make a few hundred people sound like a few thousand.
pic related, it's the entire crowd as depicted on CNN kek
Oh I'm sure some of them know, but it wouldn't surprise me if a decent number of her voters are low info voters.
Sorry to hear that your dad is a faggot.
It's both.
She's such a bleeding heart liberal it fucking stings to be around her. She always has to signal her empathy on matters that are totally irrelevant to a situation.
For example my dog once ended a raccoon with extreme prejudice and came out with no injuries whatsoever, to this day I'm impressed, she killed it in like 20 seconds after pinning it. It was amazing, anyway my mother goes off for a hour about how common that is for poor kids in third world countries as I dealt with the dog and disposed the corpse.
It's okay. I was tempted to call him that when he told me as well.
They will if they don't wake the fuck up and soon..
Her staff includes disgruntled Bernouts who are just there to ride the gravy train until the money runs out.
When I search "white genocide" on startpage, first result is geNOcide project, a bit further down is some kikepedia "white genocide consipiracy theory" article, and the rest are on our side. Liberals have almost zero influence regarding search results for "white genocide" beyond wikipedia and google censoring results. People googling white genocide are going to be in for quite the surprise.
Today is fucking beautiful
even reading the wikipedia article on white genocide, nobody who reads it can deny it's exactly what's happening right now
those are really funny, if inaccurate
WTF is this bitch on about? Does anyone actually believe Trump thinks Cruz's dad killed JFK because he was an immigrant? What about all the evidence that links him to the assassination?
Oh ok.
ok be honest, is this really worth watching? I'm three minutes in and I already want to stab myself in the eardrums with an icepick, and then take a powerdrill to my temple.
between that catlady voice and the illogic that spews out of her mouth, I'm just not sure I can take it
Too cold, too old, her shit would freeze in her pants if ever she came us near, huzzah!
ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴀʀ ᴅᴀʀᴋ ʀᴇᴀᴄʜᴇꜱ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴇxᴛʀᴇᴍᴇ ʀɪɢʜᴛ ᴡɪɴɢ
Wut is the dank ingredients for dis webm?
Music source?…..
Wait, she killed your dog because it hunted down a raccoon?
In the Grim Dark Reaches of the internet
No I just got side tracked because I love my dog and her ability to destroy a enemy of a similar weight class without taking injury amazes me.
Ah, well thats what they were breed to do.
ok be honest, is this really worth watching? I'm three minutes in and I already want to stab myself in the eardrums with an icepick, and then take a powerdrill to my temple.
between that catlady voice and the illogic that spews out of her mouth, I'm just not sure I can take it
A sinister congregation of hateful nationalists
fresh A Wyatt Man.
The worst goyim imaginable.
"Get out of my hallway!"
ok be honest, is this really worth watching? I'm three minutes in and I already want to stab myself in the eardrums with an icepick, and then take a powerdrill to my temple.
between that catlady voice and the illogic that spews out of her mouth, I'm just not sure I can take it
Worshipping an ancient Frog God, they use magic power to reach their racist goals.
Forgot pepe
No, she just spews retarded bullshit. I coudn't even watch it all at 200% speed. Lies hurt my ears.
So I missed all of the speech because work, plus I have training in two hours.
Give me them webm's pls
So this was it? Hillary's hyped up "HUGE SPEECH ON THE ALT-RIGHT TO STOP TRUMP [EXPOSED] [BUSTED]" is in a fucking hallway with 100 people? One of them yelled PEPE so I'm sure he wasn't the only Trump supporter there who wanted to watch the shitshow, she couldn't even get 100 true supporters for her "big speech"
Love it.
Jasper is awesome.
Just got off work, I wanna see dis shit right hurr.
is it her just calling trump a meany-face potty-mouth thought criminal, or does she really say any funny stuff about frog worshiping internet nazis?
Nothing about either chan, only a mention of "the deep dark corners of the internet"
thats a lot of dislikes
She says some tinfoil shit about Russia that's about it.
Thanks a lot.
This speech is nothing but hearsay
When all they do is attack the opposition you know they're going to lose
file name correct
Meme wizard casting a spell. This is a fine day to die.
Clinton is fucked. They have no valid move. If they don't pretend everything is fine they admit America needs to be made great again. When they admit everything is fine, people disagree (because it's not fine).
Like this. She has to pretend there's nothing wrong and poverty isn't real. And all the people in poverty wonder what the fuck she's talking about.
I heard it!
"The Alt Right"
"A fringe element that has effectively taken over the Republican party"
We government now
Full text of speech at Huffnblow Post:
Not even five seconds in and I'm mad
Not only is that fucking false, but you also have a long history of being a fucking liar and traitor.
God damnit.
Blame Trump!
Who's this robert guy?
Holy Fuck she didn't say anything at all
What are your policies?
Is it almost time to get fashy black uniforms and march in unison? It feels like it's almost time.
Lets get this posted everywhere and anywhere.
She has become our Nixon, a great foe for whom any ridicule and jest is not too small.
The normies will not care about Benghazi, contracts and general perfidy but will have a laugh at crooked hillary stinkin' crapton.
fake smile
Don't get so worked up, this is the kind of shit the media eats up.
Anyone who isn't purposefully ignorant has seen through this. When Trump wins the media is going to have its hands covered in shit for everyone to see.
It's apparently not enough, because otherwise she'd have been lynched by now for fucking us over as a nation. Let alone running for fucking president. Fuck.
Thanks for wording it better.
I would love to live in a universe where that was the outcome.
Babby tier OC
that woman and her followers are living on planet zog
slightly fixed
Wait what.. Robert Brasillach was a fag?
The alt-right strikes again.
This was all lies, slander, propaganda and butthurt. She's not paying her writers enough.
She must be doing the writing herself.
He was a straight up fascist, so no, not really.
I dunno dude
I suspect there were a lot of last minute rewrites as criticism started coming in that we're antifragile, and trying to scapegoat us will only make us stronger. That's why she was 2 hours late for a 20 minute speech.
He's a bit of a boob, especially after the david duke interview but I'd be lying if I said I didn't burst out laughing after his ambush on the young turks guy. That was hilarious, the turkish guy was shitter shattered
here you go you fucking baby
Uncucked bong here checking in could some kind user please give me a tl:dr of what this cow has been mooing about? I really don't want to watch whole thing becasue she just angers me
fucking MAGA, was are nige good at the trump rally last night?
No great loss tbh
fix the quality of the moonman head.
I think she's kind of cute. She's probably got a butterface, though.
I think she might have been a professional gobbler
It was a speech all about Trump and why white people are bad.
not sure what that means, but i'd still hit it. i have no shame.
so… this is a gore thread now? Well, i'm interested, is there a story to this or is it just a dead whore?
your dubs confirm pretty much what I expected then, I thank you
Another meme for the meme god.
dank image macro, familia
His assumed faggotry aside, Greg is a good thinker and writer.
I'll just leave this here.
A deep look inside the 'alt-right,' the movement Hillary Clinton just excoriated in a major speech
what am i listening for in this webm? it's just lies
Some madman screamed pepe at hillary
oh wow. so, for someone who refuses to watch that cunt, short version plz
Putin is the great grand father and defacto leader of alt-right
She unironically said this while calling trump supporters paranoid schizophrenics who peddle conspiracy theories
Mrs "vast right wing conspiracy"
Cuckboi supreme Rick Wilson makes an appearance in that article as well.
>"It's loathsome to conservative values to say we're going to have a white ethno-state. Because if you believe in America and you believe in this country and you believe in our constitution, you should believe that the gift of being an American is not racially determined. They don't believe that. They're fundamentally un-American."
shite, fucked up the greentext
Finally suffered through the entire speech. Weak and scripted as expected.
With a rebel yell, he cried "Peeeepeeee!"
This will be the final tipping point, the final test to see if whites in this country are going to just continue rolling over because someone screamed 'racist' at them over, and over, and over, and over, and over…
Cuck Wilson at it again with the misinformation
Why don't we go back to "Only White, land owning males" can vote?
wow. that's a joke, right? come on america, wake the fuck up. that's a joke.
And Tipper Gore was PMRC.
Yes that's what everyone here wants, you get a cookie.
"Are you MAN enough to handle me in the satellite truck, Tyrone?"
Ooh fuck, I need to learn to read the entire thread first hahaha
Wow. I am not sure what is worse, that the people have to resort to imaginary frogs now
or that (((they))) are such a bunch of gullible pieces of shit that they have to literally resort to shit on the voters themselves now, because that's what this bitch just did. Do these retards REALLY BELIEVE THEY CAN IMPORT ISLAM INTO CHRISTIAN COUNTRIES??? GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE, OR YOU'LL END UP LIKE MERKEL
JIDF, MOSSAD, GCHQ, CTR, BLACKCUBE, /INT/, /FREECH/, AND EVEN PRISMCUCKS (Tavistock isn't even worth mentioning as they own one of our mods).
Honestly, no, she's pissed me off far too much to ever be attractive. this cunt is cut off from aryan cock in my opinion, her genetics are worthless if they produced such a shitty brain
Am I the only one who read it as jew plot?
Jinx meme, it implies gas chambers happened.
That guy deserves a case of beer for that.
but I thought Islam was a religion of peace ;))))
She's doing our work for us. This is amazing. She's inadvertantly redpilling the fuck out of her audience.
it keeps
Perfect timing
Speaking of alt right and Pepe…
One day children in the future will grow up daydreaming about being in our shoes and overthrowing this blatant evil in the same way kids today daydream about slaying dragons.
She's a lizard person, but not near regal enough to be anywhere close to a dragon.
said the Reptilian Witch from Hell
exactly. Serious words, Empty crackhead. Wow.
This can be used for major winnings.
The Election nonsense aside, it's not like it's going to be much better with Trump. Presidents and Leaders are puppets, they follow the money and are utterly useless. At best this buys some time to unfuck that (((Government))) from Jewish Possession, becasue this shit will only be delayed. A Trump victory will only delay the war, nothing more. The root of the evil runs deeper, and all the way to the U.N. , Brussels, Rome, and finally, Israel….
norse dragons were literally kikes who showed their true form.
It was magical.
Anyone else feel charged up and ready to destroy lefties. They are on the defensive. Time to give them the bants harder than ever.
She ain't Nordic mate.
This trailer is racist as fuck. Not a single white person at all. This is anti-diversity propaganda.
We maybe can use this movie to redpill a bunch of leftists by memeing how it's not diverse.
I came late to that party anyway. So who are these alt-right guys anyway? I never met one?
lol Hillary can't even get her facts right
jews, man. fucking reeee-tards.
What a sad state the nation is in.
You're not allowed to have racial interests whitey! It's your job to work to pay for unlimited niggers, to produce daughters to give to niggers, to produce sons to fight and die for Israel, and to die and be genocided when we are done with you.
The Jews.
did she shit her pants?
they see him as the new Rush Limbaugh
How does it feel to get an endorsement from Hillary Clinton?
Damn, AWM is fast.
I decided to look at the polls, discarded the ones with no demographics, and came with the first one I found which was the reuters one
They literally aren't even trying anymore
Why the rage crying? look at the dislike ratios all over for this uber hyped speech to jack shit of a crowd…..
that's Shillary rage crying for the reasons you mentioned
Thats exactly the type of system we are trying to resist you bourgeoisie cunt
he's referring to the /cuteboys/ crossposters faggot
I dunno m8, the smoke cloud tends to go pretty high
I love it when Low-T Rick crawls out from his rock. What is he now, conservatisms "trolled by Holla Forums" expert?
A nigger I used to work with always bitches on goybook about how all 'successful black businesses' aren't owned by blacks. He's a KANG and extremely entertaining since he thinks of himself as a cultured, intelligent black man. He's 2 for 4 in reality.
Can you make this collage significantly bigger please? I mean of course with the details and resolution.
beacuse every healthy person got nigger doctor with diazepam walking behind you 24/7
those two things aren't mutually exclusive you know.
Some other user helped me when I asked the same question. Be sure to pass it forward.
Reminds me of when that German yells "JUDEN!"
You know what the best part is. Even if people find this board and research who those dangerous people are, all they find is a chinese picture trading hub of politically incorrect neets who often pray to a frog god and love hitler. Is that why they never mention us directly except a few times? I mean how fucking stupid would it sound to say their political campaign is in danger because of such people.
This completely destroys the picture of the ominous dark rightwingers they want to distribute among citizens. Either way, more people might join us, and even if we reach 4cuck level newfag waves and share another exodus fate, we just spread among new website and begin anew.
Funniest thing is they always mention "anonymous posters" who are scared of sharing their identity, which just shows how much they are scared of opponents they don't know and can't grasp. We have become the new jew, but we can't be found through names or cut penises, which means we are even more developed jews, ultimate jews.
KKK leader and prominent democrat who gave hillary her first foot in the door in politics.
fuck off trudeau
And after all these months he still doesn't understand why his ass was mercilessly ravaged. Funny shit, was honestly surprised to see his blubbering.
Valid. My theory: She, or her campaign team, was convinced to have her give this speech by some sort of bill-kristol-tier-butthurt person we've been shoahing over the dark reaches of twitter.
Three hours before the speech, they realized they were giving a speech about nazi frog posting basement dwellers and how fucking ridiculous it is to do so. So it was edited to seem like we're just the Klan going digital because the Klan is already a big bad in the eyes of normies.
Ironically, Holla Forums's rediculousness is it's best defense mechanism. We're impossible to take seriously and thus impossible to openly attack without looking like what one is, a gaslighted retard.
there are so many actual important things going on in the world right now, turkey just invaded syria, flooding in Louisiana, the whole country of Venezuela falling apart, zika, etc
And she is making a speech about bored right wing nerds who post frogs on the internet.
Old people just dont get the fucking concept of trolling or doing shit for the lulz, we have nothing to lose, we arent running for office, we arent celebrities.
The internet has broken down so many gates and there is no going back, you cant even get rid of it now, you would look like a tyrant and the fabric of society has pretty much fused with the internet, the economy would collapse.
So now you have jews whining about "nyeah mean people put parentheses around my name nyeah"
"plz stop calling us cucks"
And we are just sitting back and laughing
They were calling every single one of those guys Hitler at the time, and now they are begging for them back.
Older folks can get trapped into doing what's always worked for them.
I first got onto the internet in 1996. We were calling out the media lies and bullshit then but were too often overwhelmed with shilling, distractions and calls for reasonable persons to give the establishment one more chance.
After 20 years of globalism and unending wars nobody is falling for it anymore. Clinton's campaign is mired in a mid-90's mindset and they have nothing new to offer. They are fucking doomed.
thank you for the persuasion material
we need more memes for the normies. Start with 9gag tier pleb meme emulation with shit like
"Shieeet Hilary… Why you gotta go wake chtullu up?"
Seems to be limited to the GOP (((media))) personalities sporting a vagina (this includes Rick Wilson)
Laura Ingram called them on their bullshit today specifically Anne. They gladly throw the GOP nominee under the bus in return for some media buzz, just like the whores that they are.
It's amazing how cheaply they're bought
White people aren't the ones making that determination; anti-American, anti-Freedom brown people are.
Hillary is helping meme for the second coming of Hitler
Ok so now that we can see the altright hashtag has been completely flooded with normie republicans and milofags can we agree that the AltRight is dead?
It's literally a figment of hillary's paranoid schizophrenia anyway user, she unironically thinks milo is taking marching orders from grand cyclops putin
Rick is wandering around with his pants on head as usual.
What did you mean by this?
She is Stalin with a gash. She clearly has no scruples about wasting people, including fellow Democrats.
Hillary quite literally said putin is the defacto leader and great grandfather of the alt right.
Why do so many alt righters hate libertarians? someone explain this shit.
Open borders is probably number one on the list.
As a far right libertarian i feel like only an unintelligent lefty libertarian would be that autistic.
Well the problem is that you're in the minority, even Ron Paul was an open borders cuck.
Hate to break it to you but mainstream libertarians like Ron Paul and those from the Mises Institute are pro-open borders, anti-nationalism and anti-Trump
t. former libertarian, now Hoppean
that makes me sad for those who don't understand that people flooding the border is a huge burden on the tax payer. not to mention it makes my private property and saftey less secure. open borders does not promote more freedom in our country
Its exploitable, spam thread will on the home page now
I guess i never realized.
Well this libertarian is a nationalist, anti open border, trump supporter.
not a huge fan of his authoritarian side but in this country that usually just means controlling dindus
Same here, but I've seen it. The Libertarian party as a whole has become far worse than I could have possibly imagined.
It's completely abandoned it's former values.
I see Gary Johnson supporting the TPP, Gun Control, and I used to respect that son of a bitch. Now I'm seeing discussing the virtues of social justice, what the fuck happened?
Trump needs to win this, and I do believe he will. Hopefully he will tear down the current two party system in the process.
yeah it just skips the first second
i hope his cuck nature did not influence you
+9000% agreed.
This. It's like the based imp Tyrion Lannister said:
Little do the leftist know that culture and anons claiming to be neets is all one elaborate ruse to conceal the fact that Holla Forums makes up the world elite.
did she said
White Genocide ™
Remember this is the woman who audibly said 'sigh' because she read it off her teleprompter.
I've asked several leftists to justify forced immigration in europe for me. Most of them clammed up. One started up about refugees and I said that by definition refugees have to go back. I got him to agree they need to go home.
Anne's seems especially egregious considering how she supported trump fairly early on. Oh well she used to be a huge neocon and always has been a rude media shill.
Imagine trying to square that circle in a debate with a bantz master wizard. She's thoroughly fucked.
meant for
You can look this up, wtf. It's like common knowledge at this point, the fuck is wrong with you newfags?
Honestly, I'm glad that I missed it. I don't think I could have sit through the whole thing without punching my screen.
The utterly fake, obviously scripted speech with no soul in it and these dumbasses actually eat it up like fucking fries.
Fucking A. Donald Trump, PLEASE SAVE US.
I say "the reptile person walks with the high dragon"
that picture's even funnier when you release they both bought and read the Koran after being influenced by African natives but for complete opposite reasons.
always that i find info like that, i shut up, this site is plagued with kikes and guv workers
i hope this warning is enough
Maybe them guvs should've kept a tighter leash on Biden.
Hoppean libertarianism is pretty based tbh, problem is most libertarians are not of the far right Hoppean variety and most of the movement is totally pozzed. Also, libertarians are generally predisposed to literal autism, so they always fail to articulate or are cringeworthy as fuck. I am a nationalist, but I agree command economies are shit free markets and private property are the way to go. The economic aspect of a nation is only one small part of what makes it great, and libertarianism has nothing to offer in way of making our communities stronger, healthier, and more moral.
Not to mention for a group fleeing persecution they sure enjoyed persecuting others. The entirety of the north east states started out that way for the most part
Audio seems off.
that's just the demonic energy messing up your sensory organs
Apparently he was on cuckchan making a tread proving it was an user.
That speech was so low energy i feel personally insulted.
Is this real life?
What universe are we in right now?
Man, you guys really triggered her hard. To think she would fear a bunch of neckbeards on some nomadic Tibetan Llama meet who do nothing except shitpostroll just to dedicate an entire speech to you while Hillary's own supporters are out there committing actual actions of violence, murder, rape, racism against whites, and terrorism.
I wonder how many "old ballots" will get sent out (((incorrectly)))?
My parents wanted Bernie but would rather vote Hillary than Trump.
mfw they can't see the writing on the wall
You'll always have a problem that whoever you identify with will hold some shit positions. In the case of the Libertarian Party, it's their pro zero borders and pro abortion positions.
Tell you parents to vote Trump or you will put shrimp shells in places they can't find in the house.
Fresh normie friendly OC.
Ancient reptilien liar theorist
The only one you need.
It's a European proverb, you horrible cunt. One older than the state of Mexico.
you mean like Benghazi you witch
For a microsecond there, I subconsciously read that as "dark roaches". I call it the Holla Forums effect.
Thrombosis-chan needs Embolism-chan to work. They are a team.
Anyone got any webms of what went down on the news today? I want to see this segment.