/sg/ #2 Comfy Edition

Links updated for August 25
>YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCSelGrgxKyKFrugrfns3FBA/
>Twitter twitter.com/SyriaGeneral





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I've been trying to assemble a linear timeline of syrian combat footage into a single file. A single long take.

Any help sourcing combat footage would be appreciated but I can't give a list of what I already have because that is currently out of my scope.



Thanks OP

the syria section of liveleak is all chronological going back to 2011. You should be able to compare what you have to whats in there. It would give you a general idea of the timeline.

not so sure about that, at least they are fighting ISIS and kurds

I've got lots of liveleak stuff, but if anyone has any knowledge of less cut/butchered footage it would help.

That's what I'm really looking for.

Ahrar al-Sham released a video of themselves in their training camp, location unknown. Does anyone think there's any point in trying to find it? I've been trying a bit myself but it's quite hard.


I'm not that good at geolocating, but if cuckchan can do it, I think we can too


in response to

According to this their main source of income has been from taking toll money off trucks passing through Bab Al-hawa. It also lists a few other locations they are active in. Idlib province seems to be their main base though.

I used the wikimapia and worked outward from Bab Al-Hawa but nothing promising yet.

It's potentially a massive area we could be searching but I suppose we have the time. Narrowing down the likely areas will help a lot.

Turkey has already said that Syria will get it's territory back. They have struck deals with Russia behind the back of NATO.

Watch ;)


Hey look, its another "my dad works at Nintendo" cuckchan thread.


And that's pretty much the best I could pull from the video. Perhaps identifying some of the characters might be helpful too.


Kurds/SDF retook some towns fromTurks/rebels
Turks now bombing the place


was YPG involved? last I heard they pulled back their forces after a warning by daddy Biden

What you need is discernible landmarks. Bombed out buildings or shacks that all look the same aren't helpful.
Halfchan could only find those because of the two distinct towers, otherwhise it's basically impossible

second image of looks interesting

They responded that they wren't going anywhere, but I doubt they were involved in this attack

Yeah I've figured that after an hour of searching. I though those half finished strut thingies in the second image looked promising but looking from the satellite images it's still hard to make out stuff that small.

Need more images/video. I really want to do something.

Turkey is prepared to stay in Syria for as long as it takes to destroy Islamic State


new maps

There's a dam on that river somewhere. I guess both sides will be going for it.

The Lion and the Roach

Those things stay when the socnd floor of a bulding collapses. they are all over the place.

Watching the video again I got the feeling that they are in a bombed out school, but it's more of a hunch

The fact that even Turkey is now assaulting ISIS spells their doom. They were already on their last legs. This, unfortunately, means the West must now be roped into (openly) killing off Syria now that ISIS has utterly failed. Considering the overall of the situation, it seems likely that the nuclear attack on a western city is possible.

I think that the Mossad would prefer this option not only because it would create the massive emotional charge necessary to garner widespread support for attacking Syria, but in addition would give them a wedge to drive for support in assaulting Iran. They will claim that this terrible attack shows that Iran cannot be trusted with nuclear power, or another such attack can occur. Therefore, not only must we destroy Syria, we must destroy Iran as well, for the safety of the West. Simultaneously, they will claim that any interference from Russia proves their involvement in the attack, and that they have no right to stop the "retaliation" for the millions of dead citizens.

Tragically, I see almost no way this wouldn't be successful. It will be very difficult, if not impossible to impart to the general populace the insight necessary to see reason, and the truth. The emotional feedback will be too high.

Interesting, thanks. I found this. It looks like the same place. Wherever it is they've been there since August last year.

Biden apologizing to Erdogan.
Happening now

That's some interesting body language in the second picture.

uhh, whats Biden doing?

Rebels in Darayya have surrendered, fighters and civilians will be trasnported into Northern Syria.

Why the civilians though? Families of the fighters maybe?

Anyone who didnt leave is a supporter.

Looks like the war is over and it's clean up time.



Why is there a truce in Moadamiyeh when it looks encircled?

full terms

That's just Darayya, not Moadamiyeh though. Or am I missing something?

Probably negotiating surrender.

oh fuggggggggg



I was going to ask where the blue arrows were from USA to ISIS, and then I saw the bottom left.

Barrel Bomb is funny, as if there are friendly bombs that don't kill people.

A Message from British SDF Volunteer Fighters to Labour Party's Owen Smith Who Called for Peace Talks with ISIS


Fake and gay.

No blue arrows going to ISIS from US, Israel and Turkey. No Israel at all.


Sultan Murad Brigades: We Will First Advance to Çobanbey (Al-Rai), And Then to Manbij


King Solomon confirmed?

The Islamic State has launched their own national geographic

That would be pretty funny if it was true.

I'm pretty sure its true, according to my source on twitter

The war might be decided if Turk intervention territory reaches SAA territory and if Turkey allows FSA under their control to push for Aleppo opening a second front; otherwise they might just stay nearer their border to prevent the Kurd regions from linking.

They used to pose with pictures of kittens for good PR. They were saying things like "we love all of Allah's precious beautiful animals! :3"
Except haram dogs of course.

If that is true then that's fucking funny

They are pretty haram though.

The SAA needs to finish Aleppo soon.They're still fighting over the military colleges next to the Ramouseh corridor though. Vid related.

If I were Assad I'd be feeding weapons and supplies to the Afrin SDF too. Seems they've been making some attacks on the rebels.

Is OP around? You seem to be quite knowledgeable. Need to ask an urgent-ish question.

Someone ought to let them know that even the spirit of David Attenborought won't help them at this point in time.

How did 4ciuck get that information to this Ivan guy? Did they just send it over Twitter?

ask and a bunch of people will anwser it anyway


I found the location of the terrorist training camp I was going on about earlier. Need to know what to do with the info.

op here,
Ivan on twitter has contacts with the Russia air force.
his twitter: twitter.com/IvanSidorenko1

You might want to contact him yourself since you know where this is. I could do it myself if you want.

Be sure to tell him this was Holla Forums/pol/sg/

he hasn't been online for 10 hours, so you may want to wait a bit

I don't have twitter, need someone else to do it. If you give me a second I'll dump my images and you can see what you think.

Actually this is what I was thinking. Unless someone wants to tweet him see if he's online. Might not be a good idea for this to be hanging around online. Should I still dump info?

I messaged him, I'll let you know when he responds. When he responds, I'll let you know and you can dump info

also, do you have the coordinates and identified all the structures in the video?

Nice, thanks mate.

Yeah I got them from the wikimapia. You might want to double check them when I dump. I'll give a wikimapia link.

no problem, but ?

ah alright, great

Actually regarding co-ordinates, it’s not an exact building. It’s a school so it has a yard (where they were doing physical exercise) and a collection of buildings, plus it seems they were using some different buildings/yard just next door as a firing range. The school is actually marked on the map, should I just give those co-ordinates?

Also regarding the structures, I identified the school yard and nearby structures like the struts and one nearby building. I'm hoping it will be enough. I'm absolutely certain it's the place though.

alright, when you dump the images, some other anons and I can try to identify the rest of the buildings and such, just to be 110% sure

with all the shills and dataminers here you blow the whole thing by telling what object you found.
the fifth columnists here will contact the moderate goatfuckers and tell them to evac.

talk only to ivan on twitter and noone else

remain vigilant

lets just wait for ivan to get online
is probably right

ok but I have to dump the images somewhere. I don't have twitter myself.

I trust OP. If he has an email I could send them over now?

[email protected]/* */

I tried but delivery failed?

Kek hold on let me try again.

OK I sent you 4 emails, 3 with images one with a bit of explanation.

got em thanks, do you have the exact coordinates? (as in what should be bombed?)

you can always use some inactive board on Holla Forums, type some shit into the search and then go to the bottom of board list, pick some board and post it there.

if you're going to tell me it, email btw

Not a bad idea.

Sent you coordinate info. Tell me what you think.

looks good. also Ivan just responded

Sweet. I've marked out exact building coordinates if you want them.

mind doing that too? thanks


Holy fuck this might happen

I really hope you two aren't just shitposting and getting my hopes up.

For real? Fucking kek of all keks!

Autism has been powering me for 24 hours trying to find these cunts.

inb4, airstrike kills 50+ children and Holla Forums gets in the news

Jesus. Hope they do recon or something

its happening.

I'm sweating like a pig. Also 4cuck knows now.

keep in mind, its 2am in Syria right now so it may be a while before anything happens

Oh yeah good point. Kek, he posted my images

I'd pay money to see that on the news

reddit knows now too

mind posting the images here to? lets make chan history.

First overview of the town and school

Training courtyard


thanks, also this happened a while back

What is this?

found it on reddit, maybe the Russians already blew it to shreds? who knows

God damn it. Oh well.

who knows, maybe they reoccupied the place and it was never bombed to begin with. lets just wait and see

I really hope so. They did just release that video after all. I'll check back tomorrow. Post results if anything happens. Thanks for sending the info.

yeah no problem, cya

current status of Aleppo

I got a question. Why do people make a big deal out of barrel bombs. Its literally a barrel-shaped bomb with shrapnel and explosives and nowhere near as powerful as a normal bomb or missile. In fact this is good device by how simple it is, no fancy mobile launcher, just get in an elevated plane and let gravity to the rest.

Supposedly they're inaccurate and cause more civilian casualties.

And civilians will always be a causality in war, I think this war might wake up the American public when they really investigate and it will be easier to understand because this is a living and breathing conflict not lost in dust and (((media))) lies. Another thing I'd like to add is Holla Forums's praise of the Kurds which is complete bullshit that they're based (which people in /sg/ already know) but for newcomers watch this video.

Protocol III to the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons which may be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to have Indiscriminate Effects
Mind, Syria isn't a signatory…



Is it happening?

If the Turks do go for Manbij after all, then it will happen

Because only US, Russia, China and Israel area allowed to make munitions. It's against the rules to do shit like this or shit like what Rhodesia did. Gotta pay the piper. How new are you?

pff. wars are for losers. those who wage it, die in it. nothing was ever "won" by a war. absolutely. nothing.

You win your life, the country won't recover for a long time like Lebanon but Russia will help, the forests destroyed, etc.. This is a war of conquest and ending Syria's central bank and the Levant race, one of the oldest peoples and civilizations on the planet. Took the bait and it wasn't worth it.

Interesting video on why arabs are shit at fighting

Turkey to build refugee cities on security-zone vacated by Daesh


My guess is this will turn into Golan Hieghts 2.0.

Yeah fucking right, if they built a cable car over the Mediterranean so these refugees can get to Europe more easily I'd actually be less surprised than the Turks actually housing and repatriating refugees

turkey has 2 million of them, and none of the parties want to give citizenship. I think Turkey may have made some sort of deal with NATO to let them go into syria as long as they did something with the refugees. maybe some sort of blackmail negotiation like that

Like they did with the EU?
"gibe money or I'll unleash the fugees xDDDDDD"
Why would they rid themselves of their biggest bargaining chip?

2/10 made me repy

Having 2 million refugees in your country causes problems and upsets people, voters for example. The longer they stay in Turkey, Erdogan and his party will continue to lose support.


The last I heard was that the US told the kurds to back off or they would stop all funding. Did they?

some oc for syriabros

The terrorists in the Ramouseh college area are putting up a hell of a fight. The Russian air force needs to drop a few FOABs on that place.

Nice, thanks bro.

Video of SAA Tiger Forces destroying al-Nusra Military supplies on Ramouseh - Kantoman road South Aleppo


Is there any special reason they dont just level it?

Not sure. It might be better to capture it to close the gap and be able to defend it from further break outs. That's all I can think of. The gap is basically the colleges plus an industrial district.

There was some RuAF airstrikes on it last night.

I really haven't seen that here, halfchan sure


SAA now in full control over Darayya

North Aleppo as of now

captured Kurdish forces after clashes with Turkish-backed forces.

Nice. I hope it starts a chain reaction in Damascus now that they can see the government is true to its word.

Are SDF and the government still at each others throats? Do you think there's any chance of a collaboration between them for Al-Bab? I saw earlier they were exchanging prisoners in Hasakah.

For the likely reason that leveling it makes it even more difficult for attacker to actually take it. If it's all rubbles and shit it's going to be complete pain in the ass to dislodge the surviving enemies from there. Thermobaric weaponry would likely be more suitable for the task. Or just do it the traditional way, room by room, house by house.

no, but I think they will continue to tolerate each other, as long as the rebels and isis continue to fight SDF.
Keep in mind SDF had little to no presence at Hassakah during the clashes, however, a very large number of FSA groups joined SDF, so we will see what happens when they share a border with SAA


The Russians have actually been using Thermobarics but nothing as big as the FOAB. If they dropped a couple of those on Aleppo it would be all over. Of course you'd kill absolutely everyone though. I'm not sure they've ever even used them in combat before.

shit might get real


Oh kek!
I can't read the source, something about a rocket attack?

SDF blew up a turkish tank in Syria, killing one soldier and injuring two others

Leopard 2A4 tanks have been moved from Istanbul to Gaziantep at the Syrian border.

I didn't even know they had those tanks. Also probably going to be lots of Turkish airstrikes tonight.

expect a massive operation on the 30th. The Turks may try and take Manbij. This recent attack may justify it.

Bye bye SDF I guess. I didn't think they had much of a chance taking Al-Bab anyway.

Lol at these posers and their flashy propaganda videos. They can't even beat the SDF on their own. Getting a little ahead of themselves promising to take Al-Bab. They probably put those "mines" there themselves too.

I've not really been keeping up with the conflict. How's the government doing right now and in comparison to how it fared the months past?

And are we actually using shitposting to coordinate air strikes against terrorists? 2nd pic related if this is the case

I've not been keeping up until recently. Aleppo is still a war zone. The SAA are having a really shit time trying to close the gap the rebels have opened in the siege. The government also lost a city to the Kurds/SDF in the far north-east. However they have now taken control of Darayya pocket in Damascus which is a big victory for them. Hopefully more will follow down there. You probably know about the Turkish/rebel invasion already.

We tried but we don't know if we were successful yet. Could be the place we found has already been hit in January. However the terrorists might have moved back in.

SDF made map of recent happenings south of Jarablus.

Actually scrap what I said about the Darayya pocket. Ivan is reporting on snipers still hiding in there attacking the troops.


I think that vid you found may have been made a really long time ago, and only recently got released, not sure though.

Oh, I just pulled it from here

I mean this vid

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. still hoping though

they could have bombed it and not released the information. They usually don't give specifics of what they bombed, we usually find out only by those on the ground.

We might never know then. I'm going to keep an eye on that group, see what they put out in the future.

Also Ivan is now marking targets in Ramouseh hehe. They're a lot more likely to see an airstike soon.

Jaysh al-Thuwar (arabs, kurds and turkmens) reinforcements crossing Euphrates with vehicles after call for mobilization in N-Syria.


Jaysh al-Thuwar is part of SDF by the way

recent footage from Aleppo

ISIS SVBIED hits YPG fighters north of Manbij

Any ideas how big the rebel force is in the north? Turks might have to start doing a lot more fighting at this rate if they want their corridor to become a reality.

It's name is Constantinople, faggot.

they can always import more rebels from Idlib area

get a load of this fag

Seems big enough that no one in the area can stand up to them.

Probably change the more territory they have to hold.


Video of the two turkish tanks hit and destroyed by SDF

new map. Turks getting deeper

map with Latin names

/r/ing assad sorry for party rocking webm polite sage

Turkish backed rebels beating SDF prisoners of war.


territorial changes in the last few days

Turkish-backed rebels have now taken the first village south of the Sajur river from SDF.

facebook Kurds flipping their shit at Obama

That's what you get when you have a chimp in chief.

Israeli Think Tank Says to Preserve ISIS


Its possible we could see a return to the first image, depending on how deep the Turks intervene in this conflict.


in other news, ongoing clashes in Yemen


/r/scw has been taken over by turks, pretty much unusable now


Rebels fighting ISIS

Turkish advance continues

The Yemen-Saudi conflict is basically Korengal Valley 2.0, minus the American competence.

pretty much, honestly I dont think Yemen will ever merge into one again

That's the whole point really.

I do think this will drag on for a very long time. Saudis will stay in for a very long time cause muh iran prozies

Didn't mean to say it like that

FSA in the north looking close to linking up now. expect a connection in the next few days

Except that the FSA has not existed for years now. You probably mean Jaish Al-Fatah.

I generally call all rebel groups FSA, but yes I meant to say rebels, or jihadist group rebels.

and to add, many of the groups still call themselves FSA

- 2 BMPs destroyed
- T-55 destroyed
- T-72 destroyed
- 15 regime/militias killed

> twitter.com/ahlalsham3/status/769929965529919488

No wonder they cant win the war. Their major offensive is literally dozens of dudes.

Anyone have a summary of this? Captions are shit.


Low trust and high corruption means command is basically useless. Troops basically wander around doing random shit. No combined arms.

Sand niggers are stupid and cant do complex things like clean their rifle.

its a good read


Ask Syrian who lives in Kuwait and never went to Syria and support bashar al assad anything.

Why aren't you fighting for your country, migrant?

last time i discussed this with my family they ape shitted on me.

I'm assuming you aren't a Baathist.

glorious SSNP wannabe.

fuck arabian bullshit. they can rot in their barbarian or backwarded culture.

Seems like a rad bunch.

Which ethnic group are you? Who are your enemies?

Aleppin. our roots belong to the Syriacs. our brothers are Aramaic, Assyrians and Chaldeans. We somehow still speak a little bit of Syriac and our home towns and cities are alsmo named by it.

yup. we wuz assyrians n shit

what the fuck did they say? I don't get these race traitors

Im the only man in the family. dad and mom died and my aunt say i must stay to help my brothers and sister to grow up.

im actually with them. i cant leave my brothers alone.

the whole ME is christian clay

assad and his homies can have latakia though im down with him

same for the lebs

Does tomahawk's navigation system run on existentialism software?

the whole ME is a polytheist clay.
same logic as it is nonsense

Thermobarics are worse than nuclear when it comes to infrastructure damage. Aleppo was lots of Christian and pre-Christian cultural heritage to just level it. N-bombs would be ideal.

How do you feel about kikes' greatest ethnic celebration being about them genociding your Greek Syriac compatriots?

Yes but Islam is the only reason the ME is utter shit today.

Yeah I wouldn't want them to use anything like that on the actual city. But they need to do something about those technical colleges on the outskirts. The SAA is being beat to shit there right now.

they used them during the coup

Are they the most sophisticated model or whatever they call it. I read somewhere that when western governments sell tanks like the Abrams and such, they don't sell the full package, so to speak.

Holy shit, the Kurds are going to be cut off on the western bank of Euphrates.

ISIS launched attack against the Tishreen dam, while Turkey is going for the Quere Quozak bridge.
The fucking kikes are trying to lengthen the war.

Looking at the live maps I get the impression that Assads generals are fucking retarded
Firstly I called them losing the Aleppo siege because they're giant blob was supported by a single road, which was cut by the rebels so now both sides are barely being reinforced
Then the entire northern sector is supplied by a single road sandwiched between ISIS and rebel forces
Like what the fuck? That's just retarded, even I can tell that and I'm just an armchair general

Kurds had massive balls crossing that dam and invading that land. Rojava can be considered Kurd because Assads dad tried to "arabanise" that land by removing Kurds but theyve taken all that land back
Turkey will fuck them until they cross back over the Euphrates and the US will have to decide who they support more: cockroaches or commies

Where was the government road cut? I can't see it. If you look at the area using google earth or wikimapia it looks like it's mostly desert/open ground with few towns. It's probably easier to hold that, especially with air power, and the highway allows for easy troop/armour and supply movement. Easier to go that way than slog through north of Hama/Idlib province probably. That would require a whole other campaign and if Aleppo is still under terrorist control that would make it extremely hard. Aleppo is key to the area. Without it the terrorists are fucked.

t.another armchair general

The main road in south Aleppo, hits government controlled territory at s right angle.
The rebel side is cut off, but the SAA side is not really "cut off" but the only supply route is a big long back way from east Aleppo all the way to the north
SAA and Rebels were using the same road to supply their sides, until the SAA took it, the. the rebels took it back, now the road is too unsafe for either side to use it

The Turks have the A4 model, current model is the the A6M and A7.

Still not sure where you mean exactly but yeah, the lines in Aleppo do seem really shifty and you're probably right about supplies not getting to where they're needed. Also I just saw this


Reports of traffic on Castillo road. That's supposed to be cut off by the government. Wtf?

Ah, thanks friend.

Can you give a tl;dr of Muslim groups in Syria as possible? Easy ones I'd imagine are Syrian Shiites, Sunnis, and Ba'athists. Also your opinion on Saudi Wahhabists and the people that live in Saudi satellite states (UAE, Bahrain, Qatar), not sure what to call them.

Syria isn't exactly densely populated, especially east of the axis Damascus-Aleppo. There's no reason to have that many roads there.
They're doing best with what they have.
Also don't take those black desert areas under ISIS control that seriously. They too only control the roads and cities along it.
So the only way to cut off the supply to the Aleppo army is by taking Khanaser, Inthriyah or Palmyra. Which are probably so heavily defended, that a roach can't get past them.

Look at it more as an oasis hopping campaign in the light of the Afrika corps campaign and not the Eastern front. Just with dumbfuck arab generals and extreme civil war conditions.

Does anyone know about the demographics situation in the area between the Afrin canton and the rest of "Rojava"? Is it majority kurd or arab?



Map 1, Operation Euphrates Shield. Turks and puppets continue to take land off the SDF. Reportedly they have now crossed over the Sajur river. Map could already be out of date.

Map 2, The government loses ground to a new rebel offensive north of Hama.Vid related.

ISIS attacks in Deir ez-Zor

Aleppo rebels announce they repelled more government attack on 1070 apartements as they try to close the Ramouseh gap.


here umap.openstreetmap.fr/de/map/northern-aleppo_80917#12/36.6898/37.9248

this is made by a Kurdish nationalist. I'd ignore it

SAA have retaken a village on the Hama front.

what battles, campaigns did you participate in?

don't expect anything serious to happen on the Hama front. every time one side advances, they quickly get pushed back

That's good to hear. Looking at the hohol map it seems like the rebels put a lot of effort into that. I wonder why.

I'd assume to pin down SAA soldiers and relieve pressure on Aleppo

Terrorist drone footage from the Air Force technical college Aleppo today.

Terrorist positions fall near Damascus

Nice find. A good informative video on current happenings. Hopefully the SAA will just bypass the technical colleges like they speculate in the video. Might be a lot easier than what they're doing now.


That channel uploads videos like that at least once a week, they also have tons of map in their website.

Also, why don't they just bomb the shit out of the academies? The only reason the snackbars are holding out so long is that they're all holed up in buildings which are hard to clear for the SAA because they're outnumbered.

Turk have captured all SDF territory north of the Sajur river

This is what we were thinking before, whether it would be better just to level it. It must have value if you hold it because it seems really easy to defend. Then again the SAA lost it already once. Someone said it would make it even harder to clear if it were all ruins but Idk. I think maybe they should just utterly blitz the place, drop tons of thermobarics on it or some shit and then walk in. But I'm just talking out of my arse really because I'm not there.

Maybe they expect to train further troops there after reclaiming it? Or maybe Assad told them to minimize infraestructural damage. It's hard to tell at this point.

Well it looks like the RuAF is going to be active in that area tonight which is good.

Also in Idlib region.

North Hama rebel advance

SAA recaptures strategic town

TNT isn't incendiary though.

Brief rundown of the rebels making up Turkey's offensive, Operation Euphrates Shield. From pic related @archicivilians. Wikipedia lists slightly different groups.

North Aleppo

Here's a hypothetical strategic scale plan what they are probably going to try to pull off. It is likely, or possible that they are deliberately allowing enemies to advance southwards.

Kinda like battle of Cannae except in bigger scale. Now if they have Russians providing electronic warfare assistance I think they can do the almost exact same trick separatist pulled off in Ukraine against Ukrainian armed forces in Delbatseyev(?) pocket.

In a way they're a lot like the 'moderate muslims', they may not do the same crazy shit as the 'radicals' but they support them.

I don't think that's possible user, in modern warfare your troops have to hole themselves up wherever there is cover and such a manouver would require such prolongued exposure for the troops they'd just become artillery bait.

I wish body armor wasn't so shit these days.


Fuck all that artillery is pre-sighted on their positions, slaughter. Armored vehicles feel like mobile coffins with all the anti-armor weapons around.

6 dead armor vehicles next to that one building. Fuck, you'd think they'd go somewhere else.


Gee wonder where it all came from :^)

SSNP now involved in the North Hama battle

Clashes in the Artillery college


Pretty much but a good proportion (maybe half) of those involved in north Aleppo region are actual jihadists. As for the other half, just because they don't have beards doesn't mean I'd ever invite them round for tea. There's really no moderates in a war as brutal and pitiless as this one.

Really hope this is finally some progress for them.


Are they Kurdish Americans?

Why are frogs acting so uppity didn't they fuck up Libya too

Not a great deal has happened today. Small gain for SAA south Aleppo, small gain for rebels on the Hama front.

Turkey continue fighting ISIS for their corridor taking 2 new towns and some ISIS guy I never heard of was killed by a drone in Al-Bab.


there are a good amount of western volunteers who joined to fights ISIS

Yeah a few from my country. I just couldn't figure out if they were ethnic Kurds or white Americans. The middle one looks white but it looks like the have Kurdish(?) names.

I thought the Kurds just stored all the western volunteers in the arse end of nowhere too. I didn't think they actually saw serious combat.

Many, if not most volunteers adopted Kurdish names or nicknames so that could be a reason. I think there are quite a few who see combat. A good amount died during the attack on Manbij

Many, if not most volunteers adopted Kurdish names or nicknames

Oh, did not know that.

I do remember this one American guy but I forget his name now. Pretty sure he was former forces, maybe a marine. He seemed to be in combat a lot. He also seemed to be pretty into communism.

I also remember some mental Hollywood guy there. I think everyone hated him and they ended up taking the firing pin out of his rifle or some shit, kek.

They do


Thanks lad, this is actually news to me.

Kek, I just realised they blurred out his backside.

I wonder if he's wearing US made boots? If they're made in China, then Obama has still been true to his word.


could be ex-seal

Kek, ???

Rebels just a few miles from Hama. Not looking good for the govt right now


pic related

Rebel drone footage shows govt soldiers completely routed at Aleppo


shiiiiiiiet. is it an ebin ruse or are SAA just being incompetent as usual?

Any chance that Turkish support under FSA flag is what's causing this?

probably the latter, this area is severely undermanned due to soldiers being sent to Aleppo. I expect SAA reinforcements to be sent here in the next few days and the rebel gains to be reversed.

doubt it.

Apparently it was a trap.

Ivan Sidorenko's DShK armed truck was captured by Jund Aqsa Mujahideen


Good news, reinforcements have arrived and the Hama offensive has been halted.


WHAT THE FUCK; More Syrians getting fucking VAPORIZED.

Things are looking really fucking awful for the Syrians..

Oh well, I doubt Hadji knows how to zero his shit anyways.

The battle of Maarat Umm Hawsh

Kurds and Turk supported FSA decleared a truce.

Looks like the main Turkish goal is to connect with FSA in the WEst and lift the Aleppo siege.

and to stop the kurds from connecting their cantons

are you a christian?

Hama front

That too. Turks are really scared of an independent Kurdistan on one side of the border. Which could start shit on turkey's side

This shit looks like a bait to me. Just take Murak and Kafr Zayta and you catch them.
Are Russians giving them Mongol tactics? Along with that Aleppo kettle trick…

Ah well, that's a shame. Well, if government manages to solve Aleppo problem they can probably pull a major fucking offense in Hama-front if they manage to do the whole force build-up relatively discreetly in Sheikh Hadid and Suran.

I think it definitely has the makings of a fairly good trap or clusterfuck, if SAA has the forces available to capitalize on that. On the other hand, it could be that the OPFOR is trying to lure them into making that pincer-movement.

Souran on the Hama front now completely in Rebel hands despite a government counter attack.

Also this

-only focused to bomb Aleppo & supply route from Idlib.

Footage: Syrian rebels inside the town of Taybat al-Imam after its takeover from the Syrian Government yesterday by Jund al-Aqsa, North Hama.

Found this too. Not sure about how good the source is but it seems really bad. It might explain why Russia has only been concentrating on a few key areas in supporting Assad though. I really hope it's not that bad.


Oum Qara, south Aleppo. Government forces come under mortar attack. I think they evacuate one casualty but it's like some of them are just standing around oblivious to the danger.

The jihadists smell blood.

Events moving quite quickly on this front. Government forces seem to be collapsing or retreating to better positions.

Could be some good news from Aleppo finally. SAA reporting they have taken the Air force technical college

According to these maps the gap is about to be closed very soon. I think it may have been effectively closed earlier though, thanks to government forces taking the hills to the south overlooking the road and denying the terrorists any meaningful supplies.

Video of a TOW hit on government BMP northern Hama.


Hama front tonight.

I've not read this yet, could be propaganda. I'll read it tomorrow but I'll leave it here for any interested/knowledgeable anons




And before I go, a little off topic but while I was searching twitter I came across this obvious shill account. Most likely an alphabet agency account. It puts out a huge amount of anti-Russian, pro NATO propaganda.


I doubt any arab army could call more than 10% of their men both capable and loyal. Look at the Saudis getting shit on by goat herders.

Pretty informative, thanks

Race for Al-Bab.

Also, another pocket similar to Daraya is about to be closed, negotiations ongoing.

Syrian Arab Army liberates Air Force College in Aleppo

It's less than that. Arab culture is not a culture based on trust, it's based on mistrust and every aspect of their lives is reflected on this.

To trust a arab/semite that is not your family member is a folly. And when you add to that the whole question of competence? Good luck trying to get both.

SAA continues to advance



heh.. is this why they inbreed?

"Syrian War Report – August 31, 2016: Race for Al-Bab

Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, ISIS spokesman and its leader in Syria, has been killed in the province of Aleppo, the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq reported. According to the report, one of the longest-serving ISIS senior members, al-Adnani was killed “while surveying the operations to repel the military campaigns against Aleppo.”Al-Adnani, a Syrian citizen in his late 30s, had a $5 million US Department of State bounty on his head.

Meanwhile, Pentagon told Reuters that the US air power had carried out an air strike against a “senior IS official.” However, it was not able to confirm that the US air power was behind al-Adnani’s death. Most likely, this Pentagon’s statement was a common PR move."


last time they chose that route to attack northern homs from where they are at the frontlines, they end up getting encircled and showered with lead.

that Homs attack they're doing now is only a diversion because they're getting their asses kicked in SW Aleppo, yeah they should have done a bit better, but it's not bad

one more thing, the Christians in and around Homs and the city NW of it are armed to the teeth, even the priests.

nice meme, sandcommie

it takes a while to whittle down 10k terrorists around the SW front, but now its starting to show the terrorists lines are crumbling, its only a matter of time.

it is propaganda

this is the first time seeing far away pic of the cube.
fucking hell, they couldn't make it look more shady if they'd covered it with skulls and spiders.

Madras captured by rebels


Not good, why is Assad suddenly collapsing down there?

he took men from that front for Aleppo


Liwa Fatimyoun (Shia Afghani militia) now arrived at Hama. 4 buses (200+ fighters) entered Qumhana.


ISIS counter attacks

Hama offensive status

Any substantial happenings today? I've been away, unable to update or reply.

Rebels almost completely cut off in Aleppo.
Both sides moving in troops too Hama area.
Rebels/turks are continuing to capture villages from isis in north Aleppo.

I saw last night that some Tiger forces were moving in to Hama, and now these shitty Afghanis. The reason they lost so much ground they're is because they probably put some had some Afghani dope heads guarding the front on the first place.


the shia Afgans only fight for Iranian citizenship, so yeah real shitty fighters

SAA made some gains in Aleppo

Saw that last night. Nice to have subtitles on it. I was wondering what that rocket thing was at the end.



My /gsg/ soul is satisfied yet disturbed by the incompetence and slow, boring action.

Some arabs in the SDF chimped out and are fighting the YPG, Turks may invade to help them out. minor clashes ongoing


Has any side actually contributed evidence that they were behind the strike yet? Both sides are still arguing about it.

Most likely. I looked him up after posting that. He looks kinda jewy. He's definitely part of the Washington establishment. Even if he's not a kike he's a crypto.

Iktf. It's urban warfare plus general incompetance plus the generally chaotic situation and battle lines.

Kek, with the new and successful Turk offensive they just realized they're on the wrong side.



This is south of Damascus, very close to the Jordanian border. There was lots of artillery and airstrikes in that area not long ago.

It's being reported the rebels didn't actually capture it. Government forces took control of it for a few hours before withdrawing.


So they are basically cutting off Israel from the connection with Nusra and ISIS? Nothing more obvious about their involvement in the war.
Daraa is the last city on the border.

Is Jordan supporting or transporting supplies to ISIS considering they're the next target after Syria and IRan?

Oh yeah I forgot about Israel while studying the minutia of day to day conflict. It's important to keep them in mind.

I think they will probably need a bigger campaign if they want to retake the border there. I can't tell if those airstrike were part of a government attack or they were just responding to new rebel offensives. My gut tells me the latter though, what with the other offensive in Hama trying to take pressure off Aleppo.

I haven't heard much from Jordan in a while. Not since those airstrikes they did after their pilot was burned in fact. I'll see if I can find any info.

Some "FSA" Twitter platform is reporting they've shot down a Russian helicopter in rural Hama area. Waiting for a better source.

I found this concerning the Jordanian border.



They have their whole northern border supposedly locked down and they've hired a huge American defence contractor named Raytheon to handle 12 miles of border with Syria that also abuts Israel's border. Also That company has been into some shady shit in the past. It goes without saying they're part of the Washington military industrial complex.

According to that, loads of explosives have probably already passed through the region.

Video of the helicopter hit by a TOW missile. Still don't know if it's Russian or not though. Someone on Twitter said it was an Iranian helicopter.

Top kek 8pol is so behind in this war, fucking cuckpol beat ya'll to it.

Maybe because only 2 anons regularly update this thread and hardly anyone uses it. Now go back to your shitty cuck board.

It doesn't look like any of the common military Russian helos that I know from gaming.

Also, how accurate are these rumors that the SAA has been whittled down to near nothing? The sources that I have seen smell a bit kikey.

Are they now really just a few thousand men and a handful of vehicles? Hasn't Russia provided more cold-war armor?

Did you read the article I linked to the other day?
I've still not read it yet but this guy seems to thinks it's propaganda.

I'm not sure but I do know they are employing a lot of non-Syrian troops. They have been for a long time like Hezbollah and such but now they've been bringing in a lot more Afghans from eastern Iran.

I skimmed through it and there were a lot of red flags, seemed like basic-bitch anti-Assad stuff. Are there any other sources?

I'll have a look. I'll post if I find any.

A few more questions, what do you think this war means for the future of Hezbollah? They must be getting a huge amount of practical experience (something the IDF has not had for a decade now). What is the attitude of Hezbollah towards the war? How has Hezbollah been performing?

How have the Iranian troops been performing? How about the Chinese?

Well I'm not an expert but I assume it's been good for them. Like you say, it's good practical experience, though they did already perform pretty well back in 2006 against the IDF.

That being said they didn't join the war for experience. They need Assad because it's through him they receive Iranian support.

Where they've been present they've always been in cooperation with Syrian government forces and they've mostly achieved victories.

It seems there's been some disquiet coming from them back in June about the Aleppo siege but I do believe they are there present with the SAA.

How have the Iranian troops been performing? How about the Chinese?
I'm not sure about Iranian troops but the Chinese are only there to train people in battlefield medicine and such if I recall correctly.

Is there any footage of the Turkish Leopards in combat yet?

Yes, it's the reason why they constantly marry inside their extended family clans which leads to fuckhuge amounts of inbreeding. That shit easily shaves off ~15 IQ points on average meaning they'd be pretty much on the level of Europe otherwise.

I've not seen anything yet. According to an user in this thread they are lesser models to what the Germans field anyway.

Regarding actual Iranian troops, I did a quick search and pulled up a few articles claiming they're not doing well at all. It's been mostly the Revolutionary guards that were deployed there. I've no idea about casualty numbers, some put as high as 10,000 if you can believe that. I wouldn't expect any solid numbers to come from Iran themselves though.



Well of course, plus Turkroach crews, but it'd still like to see how they hold up

Would be kinda cool. How much action have they actually seen with German crews? I think so far all the Turkish tanks that have been involved/destroyed were old American ones or something.

Nothing really, they were used during "peace keeping" in the Kosovo, but that's it.
But Danish and Canadian troops used them in Afghanistan, and they surpassed expectations.
Not really indicative of its prowess in tank on tank or high intensity combat in general though

i wish assad would start clamping down some of these smaller fronts. on the smaller fronts it's easier to raise superior numbers and material to sweep through with. when you have all these pockets and fronts everywhere you're always on the defensive somewhere, you take ground somewhere but you lose ground elsewhere. it's better to consolidate so you can have stability and solid bases to operate from. looking at the map and it's like all of syria is fractured into a million pieces right now.

Kek. The border is probably wide open.

Civil war with almost exclusive urban combat requires different tactics. It's not a well defined front. These pockets have covert supply lines. Everything is a lot more complex becouse of the Syrian geography.

Judging that the Russians are advising them with their extensive knowledge of urban combat(Checnya and WW2) it's the best that they can do with equipment/hardware that they have.
My guess would be:
-concentrating the elite troops first on major population centres where the main power of the rebels lies and break them there and then
-leaving the smaller, less important pockets and binding their troops there in a status quo with equally strong militia
-patrol everything with extensive air cover for reconnaissance and air attack
-work down the priority ladder, crushing the main bases deals heavy blows to the rebels and leaves the smaller pockets to easy clean up

Urban combat is very very hard. And there's nothing else to do in the desert.

Kek, I feel the same way. The messy map triggers my autism.

Pretty much this

My take on it.

The thing you have to remember is these smaller fronts are mostly urban and urban warfare is an extremely costly business in terms manpower. When rebel pockets pop up everywhere as they have in Syria you have to discerning about what targets to attack. You can't just lose all your men in a battle to take one fairly inconsequential suburb when there's more strategic places to take. A lot easier just to surround them and starve them out. They are weak while the government which controls all the surrounding territory is much stronger. Take Darayya recently. They held out there for years but when they were loaded onto buses it turned out there was on 2 thousand people in there, civilians and rebels. It wouldn't have been worth expending men and resources on.

The government's strategy has basically been to take and hold the backbone of Syria north to south, including the major cities and military bases. This has the effect of breaking the rebel's power and preventing them from consolidating or moving and keeping them relatively isolated from one another.

The governments recent strategy of doing deals and moving enemy militants north kinda flies in the face of that but I put that down to Russia's influence in the conflict. Russia is backing the Syrian government all the way now. They're not going to let it fall so it doesn't really matter what the Turks are doing in the north. Euphrates shield is the Sultan's vanity project.

What happens when you're captured on the Hama front. Maybe this will encourage them to fight harder next time.

which group were they captured by?

I'll go out on a limb and guess mudslimes

Someone on Twitter said most likely Jund al aqsa

What the fuck. Just how fucking stupid you have to be to even consider surrender at this point in war when it's bloody clear what's going to happen to you if you surrender.

Well, just look at them. They don't look like the brightest and most capable bunch.

the moderate one

I've no idea what unit they come from but the government has been using a lot of militia units including Afghans. After the rebels made advances in the area the government moved better troops from other fronts to stem it.

Kek, literally no different from your average Al-Qaeda mooks.

The whole region between Homs and Hama including the cities used to be an Al-Nusra hotbed. It's still full of Salafist groups in the Homs pocket. Tbh they're fucking everywhere, they are the rebels.

I get what you mean, but every documented atrocity committed by US supported "moderate" rebels, at least in theory, helps dispel the narrative about muh dindu nuffin freedom-fighters.
While were on the topic, is there a collection somewhere of documented "FSA" beheadings/torture etc, with pictures and video? and by "FSA" i mean strictly US backed good goy groups. The only one I can remember is that guy that ate a generals heart or something.

Rebel attack on regime position


SAA continues to hold Ma'an. Large rebel losses.


Tiger forces are worth their weight in gold.

RT: ‘US has to belly dance between Turkey & Kurds’

ISIS uses a drone to drop explosives on government forces


what went wrong?

They used to be bros.

Turks now invade at Al Rai


Obsolete yankee trash, show me the Leopards already!


Be patient, they're saving those for the kurds

I don't know who made this. The number of Iranian led forces in Syria.

How fares the battlefield?

Hardly anything has been happening today but I just checked now and it looks like the Turks and there rebels have captured more towns in the north and are about to link the two rebel territories.

Seems they Syrian army is launching some kind of counter attack in Hama too which if true is good. Finally regained the initiative.

Fighting continuing in Daraa, far south of Syria.

ISIS reportedly launched an offensive in E. Qalamoun area. That was 7hrs ago though.


Video of a Syrian civilian being executed by rebels in Hama. Accused of being pro-Government.


Correction, in Halfaya, Hama.

North Aleppo/Jarablus now.



Concerning Iran, what is their end-goal? To put Assad back in power or to remove him?

to keep him in power, same as russia and Hezbollah

Good riddance


they're doing fine, currently holding the line south of the Aleppo Governorate (not the SW part where the fighting is)

IIRC only 100+ died throughout the entire war (public funerals at iran)

I've read somewhere that Hezbollah's exp really went up that the IDF are spooped, they say HZB can actually fight on 2 fronts (Syria AND Israel) and that they're just on standby waiting for Israel to start the fighting in S Lebanon

their Spec Ops are allegedly already there since 2014, simply not hearing about them would be as expected considering they'd rather keep a low profile on Int'l affairs (S. China Sea dispute aside)

Syrian Army & allies are in full control of Technical & Armament Colleges, more than 60% of Base/Complex captured


U.S. President Barack Obama has told Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that it's critical to "finish the job" of securing Turkey's border with Syria. The two leaders met on September 4 on the sidelines of the Group of 20 economic summit in Hangzhou, China.Obama said securing the Turkish border was important because that is where would-be recruits to the Islamic State (IS) extremist group enter Syria.
Obama also said Turkey must not carry alone the burden of addressing the Syrian refugee crisis.
Meanwhile, Obama said talks with Russia would be key in reaching any deal to end hostilities in Syria but negotiations were difficult.
Obama told a news conference in Hangzhou that grave differences remained between Washington and Moscow.


Eastern Aleppo is officially encircled once again. Rebels now officially besieged once again.

Eastern Aleppo is officially encircled once again.

God bless Assad and good luck!

forgot source

Those are good figures if true. Russians have been quite active in the air in Idlib.

Not implying anything friend, just updating the thread with stuff I find. The jihadists put out a lot more media than the SAA because they need it more for propaganda, and the SAA are probably too busy doing actual fighting.

Thank God and the SAA!

The government positions currently blocking the progress of the rebels on the Hama front.




Lads, does anyone have a timelapse or is there any website where we can see how area control has changed over time?


hopefully SAA clean up Aleppo quickly and move on to other fronts

Video is south Aleppo airstrikes.

I don't but I'll have a search keep an eye out for one. If I find one I'll post it here and I'm sure other anons will too.

Even though it's encircled now it's probably going to take some time unless they come to some kind of deal. I expect the government will be wanting to take a lot more territory off them before that happens.

So what happens if Assad and company win?

A total victory is a long way off. He's not going to regain the whole country, the Turks have seen to that. Taking Aleppo will be a big victory for the government though. It's the last major city in rebel hands so it has propaganda value. It's very close to the Turkish border too so it has strategic value. Once they've secured it, it will be easier to take the fight to the rebels in Idlib and also provide a good base against any Turkish backed offensive from rebels in the north.

I've no idea what's next after Aleppo though. I've read rumours that Assad, Putin and Erdogan may be meeting in person this month.

Probably filmed yesterday

This was posted on the official Twitter of the Syrian Presidency. Not heard anything about this in our media.


Anything with the Turkish Leopards yet?

They move onto the next task: taking back Golan.

Kek,not a damn thing.


US forces paving the way for Turkish backed jihadists by targeting the other turk/kike/US/saudi jihadists with misslies using M142 High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)



Did this even happen? I doubt it


This guy seems to think Aleppo was make or break for the rebels.


a bit outdated

Are the Turks planning on taking out the Kurds? What's their end goal here?

Ofc, turkroaches wants nothing more, then to kill kurds.

I suppose it matters what they plan on doing after they increase the size of their zone to make it deeper. If the rebels want to take Al-Bab then probably the Kurds are going to get hammered back across the river so they can't be a nuisance. And if the Kurds try and take Al-Bab themselves the Turks aren't going to let that happen. It's really hard to see what will happen really because you have to factor in the Russians too. It wouldn't be a good situation if Turkish backed militant lines met Russian backed Syrian lines.

In the beginning I never believed Assad would make it this far. I thought he'd flee or be overrun. But he stuck it out even while everything was collapsing around him. I'm glad.

Clashes between Arhar Al Sham and Jund Al Aqsa after the latter attacked their HQ in Ariha, Idlib


You can't Mossad the Assad, user.


HAHAHAHAHA and now the recriminations start.

what happened?

Why does obambe look so upset in the second pic?

he got cucked by Putin

He realized that people won't like him if he tries to assasinate them.
Can't fucking believe these people rule us.
Lol@ him being on the margins of the photos. He looks like he just gave up on being president.
First black president and fucks up so majestically that it would take a fascist movement to repair the damage.

Hopefully their aleppo defense colapses fast so they can rush to El-Bab.


In that case perhaps they're going to just fuck the Kurds and take Manbij first.

Also the kikes have bombed some government artillery in the south and some mortar positions near Golan.


kek bless

also consider the fact that Assad is a fucking doctor, he was never groomed or trained to be a leader or general. The only reason he's stayed is his love for his country and it's people.
fucking motivational.

current status of Aleppo

SDF contining to advance 'under' the FSA/Turkish zones

possibility of whats to come in the following weeks


US is really keen on having a no-fly zone over Syria.

Yes. This pleases me. Go ace combat on their asses.



Developments Sept. 05

Happenings were had today.

Damascus will crumble.

good illustration. i haven't been following this enough, who are the good guys and who are bad at this point?

goddamnit keep them out of europe

I'd have to say SAA govt soldiers in red
Kurds are alright, they're in yellow
Turley is in blue (along with FSA groups its assisting)
Jihadists in green, not too different than isis
ISIS in black. Maybe you'd support them if you're an edgelord. otherwise they are scum

Well, I've got good news for you then. They're not going to Europe. They're going to the UK!

All joking aside. Assad is mostly the good guy in the traditional sense. In the last five years he literally did nothing wrong. Acted like a saint compared to everyone else.

US is kind of working against ISIS but refuse to help Assad. In fact, they're shilling against him on the international stage as hard as they can while pretending they're helping.
Multiple Israeli army members were killed in strikes on ISIS, showing they're helping ISIS to devour Syria. Israel also casually attacks southern Syria knowing that Assad can't retaliate just for giggles.
"Moderate" "rebels" are all beheading alahu akbars who want to return to the stone age.
ISIS wants apocalypse (seriously) so they're stirring up shit, but have been losing recently.
Kurds were "allies" with Syria until recently when they decided to attack everyone and get their communist organ stealing slave traficing state. They're definitely evil.
Turkey are atm helping some "moderate" rebels against ISIS because of politics just to retaliate against Kurds. Turks need to be genocided for all the shit they pulled, but they can stay while killing kurds.

Russia is helping Assad to keep some military bases and proves they're still a super power.
Iran is operating in Syria to establish themselves as the greatest ally of the state. They're also running Iraq at this point in everything but official capacity.
China is helping Assad with logistics but are actually selling shit to everyone - both government and terrorists because Chinese have no soul.

That's the gist of it.



Its true. Barzani is Erdogans bitch.
they had a civil war over it 20 years ago too

Southern Aleppo





The ebb and flow of the battlefield is like a tide of blood.

i know that feel user.

ever since i found her a few years back she's been something of a crush of mine. not only is she objectively quite attractive, but she seems to have a fine nose for bullshit. watching her call out said bullshit on australian TV was glorious.

you can do it assad-kun. we're sending you our energy!

SAA making advances in south Aleppo

The choppers have been broken. This will be a quick mop up. Now wonder Turkey invaded.
Now we can enjoy the rest of the country getting attention.

Now that the rebels lost everything, or soon will when Aleppo is casually purged, can we talk about what's going to happen next?

I imagine some groups will give up. But what about future warfare on the moderate beheaders taht remain? They've got lots of land.
Regarding ISIS, the state said they're not gonna focus on them. What are they gonna focus on? What's the long term strategy with kurds and ISIS?


strategy-wise, I believe Assad's forces will try to capture the Idlib area, then stamp out the remaining rebel pockets. after that I expect them to go for ISIS, and then to go for YPG Kurdish areas with Turkey's full support.
This may take a few years



What a fucking coincidence that the Kurds are being shilled as "the one good guy, fighting ISIS AND Assad" by the western media.

Its like a videogame now, reminds me of planetside 2.

Rebels encircled

this visit caused some bumblastedness here


Grand Mosque in Anadan destroyed by Russian warplanes

somewhat related

BREAKING: Turkish Foreign Minister says Turks no longer believe in the EU



What's with the bottle water?

not sure. I think hes saying the rebels are well supplied or something

He's saying that even the "moderate's" bottled water is supplied by the Turks. Here's his video, but with english subs. R & U vid usually re-uploads those Russian vids with english subs.

lmao they're desperate for any attention their dying party can get.



fresh OC


Syrian soldier beheaded by rebels

They say any last words?
He asks for water
They behead him

Iraq now expelled Saudi ambassador to Iraq for failing to denounce his now dead cousin in ISIS


Something weird in Russia.

Train full of BTR painted in UN colors, while Moscow typically paint theirs peacekeeping units differently (the Balkans or ex-USSR) under a blue and gold MC (meaning peacekeeping in Russian).
The photos are from Yaroslav heading south.

Took it off the Ukrainian rebels networks (who thinks they might be going their way) but they might as well be ready to be shipped to Syria or elsewhere (Yaroslav is nowhere near Ukraine, it's however closer to where the Russian marines are trained, and non-spec ops Russians soldiers in Syria are from marines units).

Strange, probably moving them from one storage site to another.

Most of those buildings are built over the ruins of demolished houses, mosques, and other buildings that far pre-date when the Saudis came in power. They literally bulldozed historic structures in the name of decadence.

Oh, thanks lad.

heh, nice work saved.

Ffs he wasn't even conscious the fucking cunts. It's like killing someone in their sleep.

That big clock tower building looks like a cross between some soviet ministry and a Las Vegas casino.

That's what everything that oil barons get built for them looks like. They're the most vile rulers, worse than even the Jews when it comes to taste and self-control. They'd probably destroy the gamecube just to build an even bigger one where they can bathe in endless piles of money and cheap whores, without the hajjis outside noticing.

So many of those buildings are fucking hotels too. I know Islam is a hypocritical religion, but come the fuck on, it's supposed to be a pilgrimage site, not a fucking resort with fancy hotels that serve all your needs and more.

Is it possible to for Syria to capture territory beyond Syria?

Occasionally you hear things about rich Saudi arabs, like when somebody catches a glimpse of the murky lifestyles they lead. I read something about somebody who managed to talk very briefly to a slave of some rich Saudi, kept hidden away in one of his hotel rooms. She was beaten black and blue and raped often. The police where called but obviously she just disappeared.

Sometimes in film and TV dramas like Homeland they hint at the depravity that goes on there but you just know it's a hundred times worse than that in real life. It makes me shudder to think of the things those degenerates get up to, hidden by all their money and power.

Meant for

It is very sick. Saudi Arabia promotes itself like the Vatican, but instead of one or two priests diddling children and a couple false artifacts, they have mega sex dungeons that make the slave harems of the past seem insignificant, sleazy palaces filled with illicit drugs, a booming snuff film business, and the crimes keep piling up. The Saudi barons are all fat, and not because of the excessive sugar found in cheap junk food, but because of pure gluttony, each eating enough to feed five men for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All the while they support Salafi Militias and Jihadists who attack anyone who enjoys themselves at all.

I don't doubt it. I've stated watching this guy and I may purchase some of his books. I find him and the things he talks about quite interesting. He's based when it come to the Saudis, he hates them. I think there are quite a lot of Muslims who feel the same. Unfortunately not enough. The video repeats after 9mins, don't know why.

no, they're not at war with anyone, they're fighting terrorists and rebels

Very strange. This has to be kept in case of memory-holing.

It would be funny if these were either made by Russia years ago when it seemed like the UN would continue as planned and they're transporting them to repaint them, use as training vehicles, etc, or alternatively were gifted to Russia. There's a long history of hidden funding of the Soviet Union, after all - The DPR and LPR have been using older Soviet material for the entirety of the conflict, much like Ukraine itself.

White Helmets | Official Trailer

I heard someone say that the decadent rulers are afraid of Salafism and that it's other people in the ruling class who are discontent with how morally corrupt things are who are funding it. I'm not sure if that's true though since Islam has a long history of normalized decadence and even their concept of heaven is materialistic.

Here's two Turk tanks getting shrekt by IS.

Did anything ever come of this story?


IIRC people became aware of the false flag leak and the US attempt to get approval for launching missile strikes on Assad was widely derided and didn't happen both for that reason and the general war weariness and suspicion of the people of the West. If it had happened in 2013 Syria would resemble Libya at this time.

I think this image dates from that time when it looked like war would escalate in Ukraine and Syria.

How did I forget about this? Thanks for reminding me. Apparently it was bullshit.

I would have been inclined to believe that because at the time the emails just seemed a little too neat imo. But then I read this that more seeds of doubt in my mind.

If you read the article it sheds some light on all kinds of murky shit that's worth investigating. I think the author might be some kind of lefty but it doesn't matter. And even if Britam are innocent it doesn't matter because we already know all about the rat line and the TOWS and the way they tried to blame Assad for terrorist chemical weapon attacks.

Also, why are people saying Assad is still using chlorine gas on his own citizens, when the only factory in Syria where chlorine gas was being produced fell under the control of Al-Nusra in August 2012, more than 4 years ago?


Lolbergtarians, not even once.


kek, the Altmeri chosen

Maybe Putin agreed to put UN troops onto the border of Ukraine and Donbass?

Any footage of those turkshit Leopards yet?

It's so obviously bullshit, Assad literally can't do anything right despite cooperating every time with investigations, despite getting rid of his stockpiles and signing the chemical weapons treaty. Year after year after year they've been trying to pin stuff on him and failing every time until now. It reeks of desperation.

Tbh though he should have used gas right at the start of the conflict and just wiped out the insurgency in its infancy. It would have saved so many lives.

Jeez, if you're going to talk about Syria at least know something about it. Having said that I'm sure most people in the US state department wouldn't have been able to point to Aleppo on the map before the Syrian war.

I think they only just arrived in Syria the other day.

I wonder when the movie about the saudi bombing of Yemen is dropping

who /comfy/ here akh?!

I wonder if they'll talk about how they're just a group of extremists who are part of Al-Nusra Front and that they stage their rescues…

Ramouseh industrial district now under total SAA control. Some recently gained territory hasn't seen the SAA in 4 years. I wonder what is next for the siege.

This wouldn't have worked as most of the fighters are foreigners that keep coming in. If anything there's a good possibility that it would have backfired and led to Russia/China not openly supporting him.

Good Luck Assad!

Nice, I was worried for a bit when they lost the academy.

I wonder if that was semi-intentional so they could get a crossfire going and put the jihadis into a meat grinder.

I think he could have gotten away with it. The most serious of the initial uprisings where around Homs and Hama where part of the Syrian military rebelled and formed the FSA. The foreigners came later, thriving on the instability. Assad's father new how to deal with uprisings. Assad should have nipped it in the bud imo. Then he wouldn't have needed Russian backing. Assad isn't like his Father though and like said, he was never meant to be leader.

But I suppose it's easy to say this and that should have happened though with hindsight.

I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional because they've lost a lot of men trying to retake it, but like you say this whole thing has been a meat grinder and the rebels have suffered more for it.

kurds > assad

This is from earlier before capture of Ramouseh.

Aren't kurds a bunch of commies?
I mean I appreciate what theyre doing now but I can't help but think that theyre gonna be an enemy once they reach their goal.


Have the Americans ever carried out an airstrike on Aleppo since the siege? I can't believe this is true.

New larger Aleppo map. Older one by the same guy here for comparison.

Yes, that guy's either Holla Forums or some newfag fresh off the boat from reading some article.

Do you not think that gassing them would have caused more instability? Do you not think it would have been used as justification for US/NATO/UN intervention without Russia there to back him up? He's held off using chemical weapons for a very good reason and I believe that he has been entirely correct to do so.

Am I the only one kinda disturbed by how the internet has turned war almost into a spectator sport? Is MGS4 about to happen?

Considering that the alternative is complete reliance on your government's propaganda I'm happy about what the internet allows.

Same here. It's certainly not like the Iraq War.

It would be nice if journalists and news outlets weren't a bunch of shamelessly corrupt shitbags too but yeah I'd rather take this over 1984.

'nam was a spectator sport on network TV.

At least now it's not 100% one sided propaganda.

Remember the 6 million bakeries, goy

i think they do not want to expand in their communism into other lands

Do you not think that gassing them would have caused more instability?

Using chemical weapons sure wouldn't have been a nice neat solution but in comparison to civil war I would say it's preferable. You have to remember that the Ba'th party are basically Alawites and they rule the Arabs and everybody else by force alone. Nobody really likes them, they've always been a persecuted minority. Force is the only thing that the Arabs understand.

As for the UN, I think the Russians, given their own interests in Syria, would have at least vetoed any American led UN intervention. That would have forced the US to go it alone like they tried too. I'm certain that the Britain wouldn't have gone along with any invasion of Syria no matter how much Sarin Assad used. I don't know the US but I doubt people there had the stomach for another Iraq and a simple bombing campaign just wouldn't have cut it with Syria like it did with Libya.

What was it that Machiavelli said about doing atrocious things? That you should ensure you do them all at once and not drag them out, that way the misdeed being less tasted causes less offense. I think barrel bombs have done more to damage Assad's reputation than chemical weapons ever have because they're going on every day. The media are still shilling them against him, possible because some (((people))) are still hoping for an invasion or a bombing campaign after the US election.


Popping off nerve gas right and left would have given Obongo an excuse to invade. That's what the kikes want.

That's why the rebels have been faking chemical attacks every week since it started. Most of them are obvious fakes, so nothing ever happens. Gassing 100k shitskins is a different story from killing 10 with a barrel bomb.

He wouldn't have had to use a lot if he used it right at the beginning of the uprising, that's my point. I'm not talking about gassing 100k civilians but he should have done something when the army started turning against him seizing bases and weapons. The rest of the uprising he could have handled with more conventional arms.

Besides, didn't King nigger make it so he had to get congressional approval before starting a war or something? I thought that was the whole reason why he waited until Britain had a vote on it.

Which completely boggles my mind.
Normal airstrikes are fine, but cobbled together DIY-bombs which are way less effective are an atrocity?



If your bomb doesn't have multi-million dollar guidance systems it's clearly an act of terror. Otherwise its just supporting moderates.

I think it has to do with the imagery it conjures up in the mind. The words barrel and bomb together sound worse than precision laser guided bomb. And the fact that some of the early ones were literally kicked out of helicopter doors lends an air of negligence to them, despite the fact they were dropped on insurgent positions. Of course it doesn't matter how many people you kill will laser guided bombs, it's all right because they're laser guided goy! Such is the power of language.


barrel bombs really haven't done much damage to him internationally. You have a bunch of kikes k'vetching about it and occasionally a normalfag will bring it up, but in my experience as soon as you explain what a barrel bomb actually is they stop bitching.

Perhaps the best way to assblast the normies who'll buy the Barrel-Bomb shtick is to start a running scoreboard of Barrel-Bomb killed vs. Obama-Drone Strike killed.

I'd like to see a Barrel-Bomb killed vs. Chicongo Youth killed scoreboard. Tagline: Niggers worse than Barrel-Bombs.



Declaration of the formation of the Syrian National Resistance against the Turkish occupation In Northern Aleppo

Machine translation:
The Declaration of the formation of the Syrian national resistance against the Turkish occupation In Northern Aleppo - tell rifaat 7-9-2016 The announcement of the Syrian national resistance
My Brothers Syrians: I've suffered the peoples of the region from the power of the Ottoman Turkish contracts " forty didn't leave us with ignorance and retardation. The Ball and sectarianism and fighting between brothers. by the time she was stripped away our wealth and parts of our land to eat lạskndrwn.
And he has committed the ottoman this emergency on geography and history of the region's most heinous form of genocide against indigenous peoples in the region of history of Arabs and Kurds and charming and Greece and ashur and kldạn and entered into force in an attempt to steal the right of indigenous peoples in the earth.
And today belongs to us. A new look, but with the same mentality to occupy parts " of other Syrian land yet to sow discord and infighting among the syrians through its support of terrorism. So we out " from our previous experience with Ottoman, injustice, and the right of the oppressed in to answer injustice about himself,
Announce the alliance between a range of powers and personalities of the Syrian National Title National Resistance (Syrian)
Aimed at:
1 resolve between Syrian components and standardize their energies to building a unified democratic Syria meets the aspirations and the rights of all syrians.
2 responding to the Turkish occupation and stop him from achieving its objectives and the restoration of all the Syrian territory, from jarabulus even lạskndrwn brigade.
3 future work " with all the patriotic forces for the liberation of every inch occupiers from the land of Syria.
Glory and immortality. To Syria and the syrians Long live the Syrian national resistance Long live Syria free unified democratic Tuesday, 6 September 2016 In Northern Aleppo.
After reading the statement of the constituent talk ryzạn bureau chief political borders to Syrian national resistance and huda declaration of resistance to the lives of: The Patriarch of the Orthodox Gregory v. - Comrade Rizk Salloum - Shafiq Supporter Bone. - Abdul Wahab English - the prince Omar Algerian Thanks Hazel. - Sheikh Abdul Hamid Al-Zahrawi. - Rushdi Candle. Sheikh Mohammed Almolhem Pastor Joseph Ḩwyk Sheikh Ahmed Arif Philip and Fred Khazen Welcome Dawn Shaher Ali Bishop Thomas Udo Imam Hussein bin hamdan khussaiby. More than a million and a half of the martyrs of genocide against the Armenians. Relationship goals that have been declared in favour " of a large segment of the Syrian people and personalities that have expressed their support: Bassam whine. - Professor in psychology. - hummus. Resident in Poland. Amar strange - lattakia. Majid love - representative selection of wheat in the soup. Shadi Jaber - writer and researcher and founder of third stream for Syria. Hassan Ali Assaf… the rights activist - al qamishli Nabil Almulhim - Writer-Suwayda. Dr. Nabeel House Fly Associate Professor in the engineering section constructional - on university. Ghada Al-Youssef - a writer and a poet Eng. Mohammad Al-Bakry. Professor Ali Mahmoud. Mona Mahmoud - an artist by chuck - latakia - resident in Paris. Issam Odat - Exhibitions - a shield. Ghassan Fawaz Logo. Ahmed Mustafa (bir rustam) - political writer. Dr. Teeth on Deb. Professor Shyrwạn Ibrahim. Walid Al-Khalifa - a journalist. The Engineer Ali as. Ahmad Badreddin Mqrsh. Aleppo - resident in Italy Abdul Curtain-Faisal - Independent. Akram, Savannah - sculptor. Mohamed Shaaban - choose peaceful change (Fatih Buffalo) - Baniyas Mohamed Ghanem - writer and journalist. - Independent. Mohsen Ahmed - choose peaceful change (Fatih Buffalo) - Homs The Media Adviser to the collection: Emad Carpenter. States that this is the first gathering of Syria for more than five years includes supporters and opponents… collect suri privileges

what if, these UN painted BMPs are just a front to make it SEEM like it's the UN when in fact they're just the Russians doing the 'peacekeeping'

aka keep the western-zios out or in check/moderats and their us spec op allies getting killed by these un peacekeeping troops 'by accident' because they thought they were 'terrorists'

all the while Putin and allies can just say they dindu nuffin wong? :^)

try to keep up and not give out easily misunderstood info, dude

Aid groups, including the "White Helmets", suspend cooperation with UN in Syria because of Assad 'influence':


If I were Assad and Kurds, I'd try to push as much of ISIS troops towards the Turks as I could.
Take at least Al-Bab and get Turks to deal with the troops in between.
They seem to be on their last legs with the line ot Turkey cut. So their capabilities must be down.

Thoughts on this?


Any proposal that includes a Kurdish state is destined to get cockblocked by Turkey.
It just will not happen

Nah if they were doing that they would have just put tarps on them to preserve the confusion.

The proposition of the US state departement for Allepo.


checkpoints, including which parties will oversee them, will be agreed upon between us and Russia.

>-Withdraw heavy weaponry, such as armored fighting vehicles, infantry vehicles, tanks, artillery and mortars, to a distance 3,500 meters north of the road
>-Withdraw machine-guns that require more than one person to operate, BTR-60 armored personnel carriers and BMP1s without anti-armor rocket launchers, to a distance of 2,500 meters north of the road.
>-Withdraw all persons, with the exception of those in the two observation points, to a distance of 1,000 meters north of the road, and limit their weapons to small arms and light machine guns.
-Establish two observation points at a distance of no less than 500 meters north of Castello Road, with no more than 15 persons, to be armed with small arms only for purposes of self-defense and defending the observation equipment.
demilitarized zones, aside from the two observation points.

opposition should also make every effort to prevent Jabhat Fatah al-Sham forces from advancing into the demilitarized area from adjacent opposition-held areas.

That should tell you how much DELUSIONAL the U.S. state dept. is.

So they think they can just tell the Assad and pro-Assad forces to leave?

Recent SAA gains in Latakia


Sounds like exactly what Israel wants.

Pretty much.

Note that they're losing on all sides (Russia and Iran have clearly a hand in the Turk thing, it didn't happened for years, but the week right after Erdo meet Putin + the trip of the Iranian foreign minister to Ankara and the Turks are fighting factions of the NDF backed by the US, also pic related of before the coup attempt. So far so good.), and they're making demands like that…

Best case scenario it's just PR, they're except Russia to give them the middle finger that way they can't go around screaming "RUSSIA IS REFUSING HUMANITARIAN AID"… which doesn't change squat, neither on the ground neither in the world (it's not like anyone not living in the west believe a word of what the luggenpresse is writing. Hell more and more people in the west are aware of the blatant propaganda war going on), all it does is picture to anyone involved (including the various European and Asian diplomacy in the loop) that the US is just throwing tantrums after tantrums.

Worst case scenario they believe that's a credible offer. Because that's how retarded and cut-off from reality they are.


CNN just announced that the US and Russia have come to an agreement about a peace plan. No source because it just happened.

Both sides creating a demilitarized zone in Aleppo & will pull back from Costello road. If violence is reduced US/Russia will develop joint strikes against Nusra/ISIS.US and Russia agreed on opposition areas where only Russian jets will execute strikes.

Who benefits from this?
What does a demilitarized zone in Aleppo mean?

An area for Jihadis to get some R&R.

Affirmative action was a mistake.


I get the feeling she isn't "for" anything but the destruction of things other people hold as valuable.

Adorno was a mistake. Psychoanalysis was a mistake.


Looks like the trailer of that White Helmets propaganda video got raided.

It isn't even a bad idea but all those small homogeneous states will be manipulated by powerful interests in conflict anyway. Jews choose to be the enemies of everyone else as long as they remain Jews. Iran and Saudi Arabia are in conflict and Islam is a conquest religion. So the region is shit and will continue to be shit until one group subjugates everyone else like the Caliphs did; then they'll begin spreading their shit outwards unless they are secular civic nationalists but that probably isn't sustainable.

Around Semites prepare for fights.

What a time to be alive.

What exactly is going on here? Who is doing what where and why?

I think it's the rebels in green against the SAA in red.

Are there any good books on the organization/structure of Assad's army?

Look at these maps they capture a street and enough area around it for supplies for a week and then they lose it

Is there any centralized command? Or is it just a bunch of local militias who have USSR weapons?

It's interesting because from what I understand Assad's commanders have a short life expectancy due to guerrilla warfare

I feel like this is missing yakety sax.

Holy shit how can you be so bad at small unit tactics after, what, 3 years of civil war?

probably because the best has died

If you survive your first battle, you'll live to see your tenth.
And if you survive that, you'll live to see your hundredth.

What I'm getting is that the worst (and most unlucky) get weeded out first, and the rest, from experience alone, will have increasingly better odds of seeing the end of the war alive

It could be the SDF though, or those newly imported Afghanis.

you might be interested to read

Russian airstrike aftermath

that WotR link is msm propaganda, overexaggerated and overblown for defeatism purposes

new map


Anyone watch the Field of Vision series about a refugee from Syria?

What did you think about it?

Islamists release mini movie

got a link?

Last I checked Assad was elected.


New tanks in Syria

in a nutshell the army is in chaos. the problem is that there is so much action on every end of the front that its hard to coordinate all the units, not to mention that theyre not all even a part of the SAA. this isnt desert storm with big formations sweeping trough the countryside and streets in blitzkrieg mode taking out enemies. its guerilla warfare. its like Iraq a few years ago or afganistan. just that the army here is vastly outnumbered.

oh shit, just found a muslim meme channel


Kawkab has fallen to rebel forces


what did you use to make this picture?

I think that was made with militarymaps

Anti-Israel pogrom happening at /r/scw right now in response to confirmed direct Israeli support for Al Qaeda.
link to thread:
And the story itself:


Government forces have reversed all rebel gains in Quneitra Governorate

Everyone who fought with and supported the rebel terrorists kept on saying that since the start of the war, you obviously never heard of the term 'caution' before which is the top priority of the Syrian Army since they knew this war is gonna be bloody and the battlefields are like mini stalingrads.

That measure kept their casualty count quite low compared to the terrorists, it also explains why they often fall back when they seemingly have plenty of advantages, which meant they have a lot of men on standby.

From the start of the war to this day, only 2 out of the 3 divisions of the Syrian Army are deployed to the front, and that's not even counting other army elements that uses ballistic missiles and their SCUD arsenal

If they're so low on manpower how do they managed to stand still against all odds for 5 straight years? and that's not even accounting HZB, Iran and Russia's assistance.

now go fuck yourself you defeatist shill

In other related news;

The 'Nimr' Tiger [email protected]/* */ 11h
Homefront Defense Forces after a long wait are on the move once again

Vid and their Insignia on link

i didnt say its hopeless and collapsing. its somewhere on the level of the soviet army in the winter of 1941-42.
i was just explaining that guy why its so hard to liberate entire syria with an army so big.
when aleppo and raqqa fall, the terrorists back is broken and it wont be two years before syrian troops will be swimming in the persian gulf

Israeli Lawmaker Accuses Israel of Aiding Syrian Rebel Group Formerly Known as Nusra Front

MK Akram Hasson says the group formerly known as Nusra Front is bombing the Syrian Druze village of Khadr with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s support and protection.

An Israeli lawmaker is accusing Israel of directly aiding the Syrian rebel group formerly known as the Nusra Front in the battles on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights.

The group has recently changed its name to Jabhat Fateh al-Sham after splitting from Al-Qaida. Israel considers it a terror group.
In a status posted on his Facebook page on Sunday, Knesset Member Akram Hasson (Kulanu) claimed Jabhat Fateh al-Sham is bombing the Druze village of Khadr with Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman’s support and protection.

Hasson said that since the weekend, the quiet village of Khadr near the Syrian border has been subject to persistent bombardments by Jabhat Fateh al-Sham militants. “We have gotten information from all fronts and from people who are responsible within the village that the Nusra Front is operating with unprecedented support from Israel, because the organization’s fighters are advancing in those places where the Israel Defense Forces had previously bombed Syrian positions and the organization is holding those positions, in addition to the logistical and medical assistance it’s getting from Israel.”

Citing eyewitnesses, Hasson said that the Jabhat Fateh al-Sham fighters have advanced technological equipment that gives them an advantage over Assad’s forces. “To date dozens have fallen and the fighting continues, all with Israeli support,” he wrote.
“This new strategy led by Lieberman since he took office has strengthened the Nusra Front and it’s raising its head to attack our brothers,” Hasson wrote.

He then issued a direct call to Lieberman. “Lieberman, stop the support of the Nusra Front immediately. It’s about time that we unite, and I call on all the MKs and the religious leadership headed by Sheikh Muwafaq Tarif to initiate an emergency meeting before our brothers in Khadr are slaughtered. There’s no time to wait.”

The Druze community, and the Israeli Arab community in general, believes that Israel is helping the Syrian rebels either directly or indirectly. Each time Israel targets Syrian territory, the Syrian regime also says that it’s more proof the Israel is helping the rebels.

A senior Israeli military source told Haaretz that the battles between rebels and the Syrian government have escalated in recent days in the area between northern Quneitra and the Hermon. However, the official added, Israel has stuck to its policy of staying out of the fighting and avoiding contact with the extremist Islamist group.



Can't Mossad the Assad


Kikes planning yet another genocide.



And it's dead.

Anhrar al sham (al qaeda AKA the rebels) refuse the cease fire.


And SAA will obviously NOT pull back from the Al-Castillo Highway.


So yeah that joke of a cease fire was dead before the ink was dry.

Syrian Army claims it shot down Israeli warplane & drone in own airspace after attack

IDF has denied it

smh fam

Ignore, wrong thread

Of course they'd deny it.

Until we see wreckage and/or bodies like with Russian jet happening, we just have to accept denial.

Goodnight /sg

Syrian Air Defense confirms downed Israeli warplanes

Last time i checked Holla Forums hated kikes with a passion and taught people to not take their word at face value.

The fact they're denying this incident is only reinforcing the notion that they've tried to help their jihadi cousins during their stint at the SW front, but to no avail

That doesn't make whatever they and their msm spooks said any truer
If it's really not true people wouldn't see the Syrian Spokesperson mentioning it now without knowing what's going on the ground.

I'll believe it, but I just want to see pictures.

I have been seeing this sentiment on the rise on Holla Forums lately and it worries me. Shills are laying the groundwork for another WW3 vs Germany pretending that they are actually in charge of the EU and not it's primary victim.

Sage for off-topic.

CBS is shiling, "If Assad will just stop bombing his people and killing the rebels for seven days the US will intelligence share with Russia." Its all a ploy to pretend that the US tried to cooperate and its all those evil Russians and Syrians that caused it to break down.



No kidding.

Press conference/briefing with the Russian officers tasked with monitoring the "humanitarian cease fire" in Alleppo they explain what they do (checkpoints, situation, etc…). Until 5:20.

That's where they wanted SAA to retreat for kilometers BTW…

This is a fucking live PRESS conference gents with an attack on the guys tasked, in accordance with the fucking US, to monitor the ceasefire. The violation can't be more blatant.

Call me when anyone is reporting on it.

At this point a CNN reporter getting his head cuttof by the """moderates""" wouldn't get reported.

ISIS celebrates Eid by slaughtering 19 Syrians like sheep


Reddit has launched their own mini-magazine on syria


what do you think of it?

The lebanese are claiming the Syrian govt was responsible for a bombing a while back. Syrian ambassador may get kicked out.

David Cameron ‘ultimately responsible’ for Libya collapse and the rise of Isis, Commons report concludes


Turkey readying offensive for Aleppo's Al-Bab


Shitstorm incoming

Big complications. Rebels want start offensive on Friday, YPG in 20 days. Turkey promised Al Bab to Rebels if they they connect Jarabulus with Azaz. USA promised Al Bab to YPG if they participate in Raqqa offensive & they agreed.


This will be fun.

Let's see how they do when they face actual opposition and now just a tactically retreating ISIS. They already said they had the whole town fortified, it'll be a much tougher nut to crack than Manbij.

*not just

Any chance Assad takes Al Bab?

I really doubt it but who knows. Assads forces have been focusing on Hama and Aleppo fronts lately.

Aleppo's more important. And they would be overstretching their military with no cover.
They might with the help of Kurds.

The kikes will go for it asap since they need to lift the Aleppo siege.

In case there was any doubt left to which side the Turks are on.

General Hulusi Akar (Turkey Chief of Staff) and General Valery Gerasimov (Russian Chief of Staff) caught on camera reviewing the troops of the General Staff Headquarters in Ankara, after a closed, no-press, meeting…

Aleppo aerial LIVE: Russian reconnaissance drone monitoring ceasefire

Israeli intelligence interrogates Hezbollah prisoners of Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham

DAMASCUS, SYRIA (8:50 A.M.) - A report was released by Hezbollah's media relations on Wednesday that accuses Israeli military intelligence of interrogating their captured fighters held by Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham (formerly Nusra Front) in Syria.

According to the Hezbollah source in the shared tweet, Israeli military intelligence interrogated the Hezbollah fighters captured by Jabhat Al-Nusra during the battle for southern Aleppo in May of this year.

Israel has been accused of aiding Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham in the past and most recently during their Golan Heights offensive against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

Hezbollah and Jabhat Fateh Al-Sham have exchanged prisoners and dead bodies in the past; however, Hezbollah's media relations did not specify how they attained this information.


Al-Qaeda captures Hezbollah prisoners, so naturally Israel gets to interrogate them.



US officially against Turkey going for al-Bab, but Turkey is going ahead anyway


It's such a mess, it's hard to say when things are going according to (((USA))) plans and when they aren't.


still unclear what rebel group is refusing to cooporate with the faggots there, video is still fresh, and i cant speak arabic

IMPORTANT: note the MERKAVA tank
note that if the americans are in Aleppo, their syria blackops are much bigger than just 1000 men to assist kurds and some rebels in the northeast of syria

confirmed what is going on:
REBELS (terrorists) are kicking out US troops from their areas as a protest to the ceasfire agreement signed by US and Russia.

US is spilling the sphaggeti from golan to tigris,
they fucked it up with the kurds, turkey spat in their eye, the terrorists are splitting with the program.

whats next?
will the US attempt to strenghten the ties with the kurds that are getting bashed by turkey, which the US also needs to do shit in syria?
this, and more, in the next episode of


/r/ing link to archive of the previous general thread.

The gall on these fucking kikes.


fuck, that caught me off-guard

Syrian government says US-led coalition struck its forces, allowing Islamic State group to advance.


62 #SAA martyred and 100 wounded after coalition airstrike / Deir ez-Zor


Soldier in Deir Ezzor claims the death toll is over 100 now


including wounded thats 5-6% of the entire SAA forces stationed there wiped out (about 4000 total)

God damn that fucking nigger to Hell. We really should have seen this coming though. It's designed to stop Assad having any pretensions about retaking the whole country.

Turkish backed groups advancing

Turns out Australians were responsible for the "accident"


Russia Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on US envoy to the United Nations Samantha Power to visit Syria in order to observe how people live in war conditions and to learn the meaning of ‘shame’.

US envoy had stated that Zakharova should be ashamed of accusing Washington of cooperation with ISIL.

“Dear Samantha Power, in order to learn the meaning of word ‘shame’ I would advise you to visit Syria and meet people there,” Zakharova wrote in her Facebook account.

“Not with Nusra, nor with the moderate opposition, about delivery of humanitarian aid for which Washington is worried so much, not with those living in the West who are so concerned about the prosperous future for that country, but meet people, who live there, despite the fact that for almost six years already their country undergoes a bloody experiment, with an active involvement of Washington.”

Meanwhile, Israel is having a 3-day drill for outright war preparations.


BULLSHIT, The only nation that uses the A-10 Thunderbolt is the United States.

This is simultaneous not at all and totally what I had expected.

Also, any footage of those T*rk Leopards yet?

not yet, but Turkey is about to start the next phase of its operation. Expect them soon.

I'm torn between wanting to see T*rk crewmen boiled alive and GERMAN ENGINEERING triumph.
Either way, I'll enjoy it.



It's the age old juden tactic; take something irregular, turn it into something 'creepy', then blow it out of proportions.

Not one normie will ask himself "But wait, weren't those missile they were firing earlier much more powerful and damaging? Shouldn't those missile actually be much worse than these 'barrel bombs'?".

SAA has withdrawn form certain points in Dier Ezzor

Sometimes I absolutely hate my country.

Israel going in balls deep?

North Aleppo

Britain and Denmark too are claiming involvement. This is obfuscation.

they might pull off the "we are threathened and ned a bufferzone" card and expand their occupation of golan for their greater kikestan bullshit

"Nobody believes in it. Everyone on the ground knows they are jihadis." – US Special Forces Disgused With Their Syria Training Mission


Interesting and archived.

SDF have requested help from the Syrian government and Russia in dealing with the turkish "invasion"


new map

still waiting to see what happens when truks and syrian army forces meet under al-bab

ISIS recaptured one village

UN convoy carrying aid for Aleppo has been attacked
Russians may have fucked up

US official: We hold Russia responsible for attack on aid convoy even if it wasn't Russian planes. Russia responsible for regime actions.


this was in response to 20 UN aid trucks destroyed by Syrian govt warplanes by mistake

IMO reprisal for the US attack on Syrian army
Tit for tat.

lele, the irony

What a blatant attempt at misdirection. Its almost insulting how bad it is.

it was a terrorist convoy desguised as UN. it broke the laws and conventions of war.
note that even if it were a UN convoy it refused to register and respond as it were suppost to.
not to mention the fucks in the west are shitting propaganda


ISIS has almost made it to the border, Turks pushed way back

On second thought, that may be a trap


Holy fuck, incompetent Roaches.
OR probably an Al Nusra division caved and ran, leaving a big hole in between.

A Good thing for delaying their advance towards Al Bab.

Looks like a trap to me.

Terrorists are too stupid to avoid being encircled.

Payback for that US/Leaf/Brit Airstrike on Deir-Ez-Zor



CONFIRMED: Russia conducted a cruise missile attack on American, Israeli, and British agents who were holed up in caves in the Syrian mountains, from which they were directing ALL of ISIS efforts. This is not a hoax story, this is 100 percent CONFIRMED. TEHRAN (FNA)- The Russian warships stationed in Syria's coastal waters targeted and destroyed a foreign military operations room, killing over two dozen Israeli and western intelligence officers.

"The Russian warships fired three Caliber missiles at the foreign officers' coordination operations room in Dar Ezza region in the Western part of Aleppo near Sam'an mountain, killing 30 Israeli and western officers," the Arabic-language service of the Russian Sputnik news agency quoted battlefield source in Aleppo as saying on Wednesday.The operations room was located in the Western part of Aleppo province in the middle of sky-high Sam'an mountain and old caves. The region is deep into a chain of mountains. Several US, Turkish, Saudi, Qatari and British officers were also killed along with the Israeli officers. The foreign officers who were killed in the Aleppo operations room were directing the terrorists' attacks in Aleppo and Idlib. Iran's FarsNews has deemed this report credible via several sources. FarsNews is a cautious news agency that has zero history of publishing B.S. and that is good news, because it means Russia has called it right, and started kicking @ss for real. And I gotta laugh, after all, what are the U.S., Israel, and other perpetrators of the crime in Syria going to say when they were not supposed to be there to begin with?
This report is so hot it might get vaporized, I have captured it just in case, SEE THIS, given the current geopolitical situation, the news could not possibly get any better than this!

At least we now know where those Kalibr CMs were heading to.

sounds legit

Aleppo strike

is there any verification of this?

Soros funded faggots in london do a pride parade for the terrorists.
Send them back down there to get their heads cut off by their patrons i say



US top Gen Dunford confirms Obama adm plans to directly arm Syrian Kurds, says Kurds are US best partners on ground.


feel good man

Just more civil war lenghtening from the Nobel winner.
They don't even care at this point who (((they))) support.

Behavior like that is going to cause Turkey to really change sides to the Syria-Iranian-Russian alliance. Of course, Turkroaches love to suck everything out of the West before they backstab so it may take a little while.

desire to know more intensifies

If this is what the end of the world sounds like, I welcome it with open arms

oh there's a thread already

Next phase has begun, lads.

why the fuck is that good?
the americans are spilling sphagetti all over right now, and if it stays that way the war will be won within two years

The Russian Air Force has destroyed the HQs of Al Jazeera News in Aleppo



Another day, another rubble.

Anyone know the plan for taking Aleppo other than encircling and bombing them?

kek. I take it the ukies are still butthurt about Crimea

SAA advances in East Ghouta

I'll raise you.

Tos-1 strike footage from drone…

That's the first anyone films a full TOS-1 battery strike AFAIK.

And yup it deleted a mountain side…


either just battle them out of supplies and manpower or make them surrender/call for a truce like east of damascus.

US targets UN convoy


lets see double standrds in MSM

Liveuamap posts a lot of bs, anti-Assad news and fake maps. It's White Helmet and Brown Moses tier disinfo.

Liveuamap is soros backed. Notice how they have Israel and Ukraine junta colored as goodies, Russia colored as baddies…

You can't have a seige without encirclement. As long as Aleppo has a supply line to Turkey or Jordan, Israel's pet islamists will fight on.

It's all Khazar jew shit, m8. How those fuckers love to speak for other people.

seems pretty encircled to me

Why would the Azeri armed forces have a drone in Latakia?

but Aleppo is encircled. All rebel supply routes are cut off


Doesnt matter tbh, they're pretty good at showing what' actually going on.

"Here's a video of SAA showing off the area they captured" is hard to spin.


I haven't been in this thread for a long time. Great to see Assad has regained territory around Aleppo.

Battles for Aleppo

That cluster incendiary at 8:45 sure looks impressive as it slams down.

New thread?




SDF moving closer to Al Bab


new thread