Nazi Anime Girl Thread

With the recent spike in anti-anime sentiment on Holla Forums, it would be beneficial to have a place to post and share our smug nazifus to trigger CtR/JIDF/etc.
Remember" The Jews fear the Samurai!

Other urls found in this thread:!U8kyiSKB!W5MF-g-RrNMyygsLcX9tqQ

I have nothing against Anime but this thread does not belong on a Politics Board.

First post every time.



sage isn't a downvote, reddit

Honestly, I think all the recent anti-anime rhetoric could be coming from shills in the event that this place gets named a lot more, and the less anime girls there are, the less absurd it looks to call this place a "serious threat to democracy."



>>>Holla Forums


go home CtR

Are we being raided with anime this time?

not really, but you can consider that an "internal threat" if you want to

One day when I get a gun and a uniform I will take a photo like this. We will meet each other in Valhalla, Kamerad, hand in hand with our waifus.





It's not anti anime, its anti faggy hentai. No surprise that kikes are obsessed with the most degenerate genre of anime.




You dont understand the greatness of japan

Yeah no. Every time someone rages out about anime here, hentai isn't even mentioned. Resenting an artistic rendition of feminine beauty, aesthetically pleasing to the eye, is something only a Jew would do.


Frank Miller is an ugly faggot Jew who talks like he has a dick in his throat, I hope his throat cancer comes back and he dies.

Also this is a typical Holla Forums divide and conquer strategy.

Its the the same thing, JIDF and or Holla Forums
start an argument pretending to be both sides in order to confuse people and get them divided. I know there's s screencap of them getting caught talking about it on Holla Forums of anybody has it that would be great.

Why does it have to be feminine? why is that the only part of anime you autists ever post or refer to? I'll bet you didnt get into anime for the girls. You did it like every other red blooded american male, for the action. You got into DBZ. How the fuck did you end up becoming practically feminists? Why does everything need to be about the god damn females?

No really fuck hentai. I think it's getting co-opted by Koreans pushing/commissioning all this recent netorare/rape bullshit with their pachinko money.

except anime girls and weebfags who post them are actually degenerate as fuck and in denial about it. Most are anti-white if pressed hard enough, so why should we let an openly hostile element just chill here on the board? fuck that.

Filthy Frank is a self hating Map who lives in Australia
Every single one of his videos is concentrated shitpost
Don't take it seriously, he doesn't


Because femininity is dead out there you blind faggot. There is only weakness and ugliness in the world; no grace, no beauty.

I would love to see some proof to that horse shit.

Those are not the same thing.

Feminists despise femininity and therefore despise anime girls. Try again kike.

I… do not see any problems here.

The contrast between these two pics is hilarious

Get the fuck out. Hentai is a perversion, an appeal to the base, animalistic side of man. There's a reason great art is never pornographic, and never has been. Art appeals to the spiritual, pornography appeals to the bestial.

Those are the Jews. See:

And you retards think you're going to save the white race.

Hey look at what thread's NOT politics.


Ok this is the "nazi anime" thread, not "be a stupid nigger" thread, so get to it.

Meant to quote:

Not entirety true. There are many anime girls they like. You do realize the sjw clique got their multi colored hair from anime shows?

Gooks just want to rape little white girls, which is why they draw them, and you support/get off to it. That's pretty cuck-like.

None of this (so far) is even porn. Barely any of this is even pin-up grade. The majority of this is simply cute.

Guess what fags, most people like seeing cute girls. Making cute girls into Nazis and Trump supporters hels our cause.

impeccable taste

They got it from the burning dregs of the punk movement of the 70s you nob.

It's about what you fucking idiots say, like the fag who said hentai is okay. You're so obvious hypersexual degenerates it's amazing you're not on the left, except many of you actually are and the whole pro-white thing is just an act to drive a wedge in Holla Forums that doesnt exist. moefags don't belong here or anywhere else.

Kek, CTR gonna hate.


Jesus even the far right is degenerate…

Bullshit, that's from rave culture. The SJW is just completely unaware of their own shit and the people around them, and emulate blindly.

It's just like how hipster style started as Heroine Addict.

All this spam and still not a single fact to back any of it up. Your fee fees are not law or proof enough.

I know what the moefag spam cult is all about. I've been fighting you faggots since everyone was on cuckchan. It's hard to believe you faggots are actually taking over this too. Nobody can get away from your satanic influence and it's disgusting to see. This board is fucking doomed. This is the shit that destroyed gamergate and pretty much every other chan-birthed movement. Nobody can do shit without autistic fucking anti-human weebfags trying to dictate the course of the actions. You could create your own board and it would still be the same old "MUH CULTURE" argument to secure a place in your community because 4chan was originally created for anime and anime porn. Give me a fucking break. What's the point in even trying for "better" here or on any other image board if these people are allowed to just settle in and corrupt everything?

Hentai was great when normalfags didn't bandwagon onto it because it was smaller and had a lower frequency of degenerate shit. Now it's way too fucking popular which means catering to cancer and their fetishes. That's the problem: people looking to make money and normalfags trying to treat all 2d girls like sluts. At least ecchi is still mostly good.

Won´t this animu stuff make a lot of people believe you are pedos? I don´t think so personally btw.

They got it from punk and shit you stupid kid. Fuck's sake. Punks were always "against the system." They're just the new generation of punks.



Nudity was never porn unless the camera was stuffed up her vagina.

Just admit you are a muh fee fees pussy with offended eyeginers cunt.

You know so little of it because opening your mind to something thats not forced down your throat under some bullshit guise seems unnatural to you. Rather then sit here and cry about shit you will
change, why not take this time to expand your mind with a good book or something?

No. Pornography will always devolve over time, that's the nature of it. We've gone over this several times, pornography will become more and more extreme due to people burning out on their previous fetish. Hentai is not somehow immune to this law. Comparing hentai to anime is no better than comparing smut to fine literature. It is garbage that appeals to the lower side of man, rather than his higher side.

Nah, it's like power: people corrupt it, not that it's intrinsically corrupt. We can't have nice things because base people are the majority and so they rule consensus and what gets made or at least what's most popular.

I suspect you've never even read a good manga, or watched a good anime. It's art, the value you gain from it is dependent on your tastes, and the skill of the person creating the art. The fact that, as a genre, it generally emphasizes feminine, cute girls, is an excellent thing.

We've gone over how damaging Jewish media is due to how it negatively portrays the family, femininity, the male-female power structure, and so on. So why wouldn't we appreciate a media platform that does the opposite of these things?

And you want to know why there's a "sudden" spike in "anti-anime" sentiment? Because you're openly disgusting people pushing your fetishism everywhere and ONLY your fucking fetishism. The only time I see any actual anime being posted is LOGH or a quick "b-but all this still exists too, goy" when somebody attacks your fucking waifus. You don't actually like good shows or good ideas, it's all about your fucking DICK.

Wrong. Pornography is base, inherently. It is designed to appeal to that side of you. There is no beauty or artistry in pornography, as it is indelibly stained by its devotion to the carnal.


Don't change the subject to Hollywood shit and the baseless, hollow 3d garbage you see on your Porn tubes.

You actively came in to this thread clearly depicted "Nazi anime girls" to simply shit it up.
This is an image bored… Anime/hentai has always been apart of this culture ass hat.
Fucking SJWs are all over the place.

It's the same thing. Don't try to escape from logic with some mental gymnastics that separates Hentai from other forms of pornography. Pornography is pornography.

Yes it clearly is, yet one can/does hurt real people… The other is pure fiction, much like are validation of your fee fees.

It's not the same thing. You can't tell because you lack experience in this regard. You're trumpeting preconceived notions based on your developed bias; you're going to go on believing what you want to believe based on anything but evidence that you've provided for yourself through experimentation.

His name is not actually Frank and he's not jewish either, he's half-white, half-asian.

They can't help but do the mental gymnastics, it's in their nature as leftists. The whole right-wing weeb thing is an act. Whites don't even draw these cartoons. They are worshipping the work of non-whites, many of which depicts white girls getting raped by brown faceless men or tentacles or other girls. What does that tell you? Are they cucks? And if they arent cucks why is it acceptable for japs to do it? Because they have a comparable IQ? Are they japs themselves?

It doesn't matter if it's pure fiction. It's designed to get you off, that is its entire purpose. Pornography diverts the sexual drive into areas where it no longer has a healthy function, and gives people an outlet for desires which would otherwise serve as a driving force to motivate and improve themselves. It weakens you.

I know how to get past the sadpanda. I know what it is, and it's pornography. Your assumption that I simply "haven't experienced it" is as baseless as a druggie thinking anyone who tells him it's a degenerate habit hasn't ever taken drugs before.

I love anime, I despise hentai. As I said before, it's no different then comparing smut to a well written book.

If its purely to "muhdik" then yes, porn is porn, be it the horse fucking a pregnant grandma like enjoys.
Tasteful nudity as points out is defended by everyone.

Nigger tier trash such as rushes up in here to attack drawn, fictional stuff well letting shit such as "propedo" "muh sake of art nude children promotion" threads to go by accosted. I call out for being pro pedo.


H-doujinshi and h-manga will always be mediocre if not downright garbage. Vanilla hentai however is a plane of existence porn will never reach: it's capable of romance and it transcends flesh by virtue of it being an artistic medium. The mind and heart can tell the difference between art and porn.

Personally I don't need hentai because the frequency of degrading stuff has started to increase little by little. This is the fault of normalfags who have no mastery over themselves and shitty people with money to fund work like that (some of which are probably Korean).

You can't seem to look passed "cock+/-vagina" so you missed any semblance of romance. That's egalitarian morality.

Romantic stories do not need to include pornographic scenes.

Because sex cant happen between couples, bad goyim.
How dare you think romance and passion are expressed in a physical way ever!
Only your lord god government can tell you who/what you can and can not get intimately involved with, to say otherwise is a thought crime punishable by death.


How dare you also think to add such scenes, intercourse is dirty and should only be for procreation, even behind closed doors with your partner.

This. Every anime girl post is fortifying our defenses, regardless of your opinion on this japanese medium

bonus point if they are smug.

Why do people never realize they can hide threads they don't like?
Why do they never realize that by complaining they are giving something to respond to and helping to keep the thread bumped?

Newfags and shills, like niggers, aren't people.

Objecting to pornography is not the same as objecting to sex. Again, romantic stories do not need pornography.

They don't, certainly, especially if it's a public display or an opera, but we're not talking about all that (and deep down we know that 2 characters romantically involved would also have made love at some point so that doesn't need to be said when drama is concerned, which is why I tend to hate sex scenes in movies). Sexuality reaches divinity only when romance is at its core, otherwise if it's for procreation or for orgasm alone, the act becomes dejected nonsense and base: couples that have sex for procreation alone are sexually sterilized hence the loss of passion and an increasingly tumultuous relationship; couples that have sex for pleasure alone end up doing more and more degrading stuff and eventually tread into group sex and even cuckold territory (which is the lowest next to full blown rape which I also consider to be subhuman).

Gee, is the sea being flooded with water?

If you retarded kike think posting anime is about fetishism you're more of a sex-obsessed degenerate than those who post smug anime girls. Just read this thread and you'll understand how using them makes any people calling this place a legitimate threat to the establisment in the media look like a dumbass while in reality we have a non-negligible impact on public opinion. It's a strategy that so far helped us, just look at how people like Rick Wilson have lost all credibility.

Checked. And I agree, the buildup of affection, or as it's scientifically termed, pair bonding with your partner is what gives a relationship, and its sexual side, strength, warmth, and value.

Need, but your rejecting a set of scenes that could convey deeper emotional between characters in a story simply because you
A: cant n2 a deeper emotional understanding of two peoples bond
B: cant n2 giving a shit about characters interactions, developments
C: have faggot eyeginers that get offended at depictions of nude people.

I would suggest you take in some historical art, but sense you cant n2 A/B, you would probably start spamming

Shit, forgot my pic

We live in an era where posting anime girls has strategic value.

It's like Kafka books are normal compared to this

I have never seen or read a pornographic scene that positively impacted the value of the work I was reading or viewing. I fail to see how doing so will amplify the work when the implication is all that's required for the elements you describe to be imparted to the viewer or reader.

That… sounds fucked up and now I'm going to dream about this, dammit

I post them girls because they are cute.

I wonder how hard it must be for you to be so emotionally stunted.
Sure, in a lot of ways that could be perceived as a good thing but damn…
Have you ever simply been hugged in your life?

Who is your favorite Touhou character and why do you hate kikes?


anime is a medium like anything else, same as movies, music, art, what you do with it decide if your creation is degenerate.

its like saying all paintings are shit because sum feminist drew a picture with he menstruation blood.

weeaboos liking their retarded animes and wasting their money on anime pillows =/= functional adult citizens with a job AND a family enjoying say Hellsing, Berserk, Lain, Overlord, One-punch man, FMA brotherhood, Kenshin OVAs etc. that limit their purchases to reasonable amount.

disagree with my tastes all you want, but the argument remain, also for the records smug anime faces are here to stay, the sole fact it triggers people so much on a chan is actually reason enough, amongst other reason discussed enough.

(C84) [Kyuukeijo no Higashi (Aduma Ren)] Girls Switch (Amagami) [English] =RED + L4K= [Decensored]


anime is imageboard culture, period.
as another user said better than I can, our humor is both our mask and a source of strength, and smug anime grills are funny

Anti-anime is anti-imageboard

Only if everyone was posting loli, which rarely happens.

((((((Trust me,fellow goyim,the joos are behind anime!))))))

This, I just want muh vanilla doujins back



The current situation hurts. Good girls being defiled, cucked, raped by groups of men. I don't remember this shit happening nearly as often years ago or sometimes at all. Vanilla doujins are like a gift of the gods.


non-Nazi but still beautiful anyway


Gotta try to post some that i usually don't see around here.


Jesus christ what a circle jerk.
And it has nothing to do with politics.

People often create christian threads on here which has nothing to do with politics either.


Actually both this and Christianity have political implications as they both affect culture and society.


Yes, it is a driving force of culture and thus shapes political thought.


Bump. Somehow I seem to have lost my /a/ nazi girl folder.



If you're going to LARP as cute girls why not go the extra miles famalams?



eh, can take it or leave it. going to be real interesting seeing how but hurt feminist, cucks and the rest would deal with VR porn once it hits mainstream.

Yep, they'll look fucking retarded if there's animu grills everywhere when they pull their crap.

Bumping with a collection of some smugs:!U8kyiSKB!W5MF-g-RrNMyygsLcX9tqQ

Forgot to actually post some.

Contributing a non-nazi smug anime  boy

Why do images now all have these weird file names like "169ec59290f44c5…" instead of the usual file names that start with "14"?

But christians have their own board at least where they can talk about their religion, /a/ obviously wouldn't allow Holla Forums-related discussion.
I know they created /weebpol/ or something but that board is dead.

Site owner changed it from unix timecode to whatever hash thing it's now. Shit sucks

Isn't the current site owner a jewish freemason?





Came from Rave and Punk movements who were the seeds of SJW we see today

Posting Anime girls is of the utmost importance. They want to name us, so lets give the best Anime Girl Face possible when they come to see the "dangers of democracy"

Like it or not, it has Strategical Value.

ITT: 51 Anons who would be instantly gassed come the 4th Reich.



He has a cousin named Ezra. He's half kike, not half White.


t.ugly fat people who wouldn't give a shit about the world or any ideology if it didn't raise their hopes of getting their stupidly drawn 2d shit waifu.

Many on the left are better than you disgusting freaks.

How bluepilled do you have to be?

Hitler was a big Disney fan. Anime takes influence from pre-Jewified Disney. He would obviously like some of the works that are alike to it.

Perhaps before this.


They didn't go full Kike until the 1984 Jew takeover though.




Curious how 'anime' always means 'sexualized cartoon children/moeshit' to these faggots.

fuck of jew!

More than a year later and you're still falling into their game.

That would imply the animefags were ever unified with the general Holla Forums userbase, perhaps this could be true in 4/pol/, but it is certainly not so in 8/pol/, let me point this out to you: weebfags who value another country's culture over their own are NOT National Socialists and have NOTHING to do with the ideology. It is a sad turn of events that faggots like you identify with the movement today.You are equal to homosexuals who think they are "national socialists," the truth is, both of you will be hanged on the day of the rope, or be put in camps after the fourth reich is formed.

sorry I can't hear you over that revisionist history and bad shilling. but do enjoy some smug anime girls.

sorry if you get triggered ;^)

I don't think there are any real weeaboos by the actual definition of word posting here. Admiring and liking some aspects of a country's culture =/= wanting to supplant your own with it.

I will quote Hitler in his own words for you:



How are you different from a nigger?

fantastic meme chaim

There are.

I bet you also want to miscegenate with chink girls

He said "in one's own race" not "in other's own race"

He said "I have never regarded the Chinese or the Japanese as being inferior to ourselves" not "I like Chinese and Japanese culture and they are superior to ours"

He said "the civilization to which we belong" not "of other's civilization"

You're only fortifying the strawman that Kikes like to use against nationalists by behaving like that.

Never seen anyone who behaves like a real weeaboo posting here. Here's the dictionary definition of you are unsure about what it actually

No. Stop strawmanning now. The rest of your post is also a strawman because I didn't claim Hitler considered Asian culture superior to his own or anything like that, he just admired it.

keep going rabbi, i'm sure you'll get a nip with that bait soon, lol

these levels of hypocrisy shouldn't even be possible

All weeaboos are beta by definition, places like Holla Forums are too intimidating for them to act like the literal definition.

Hitler never gassed anyone

Wrong. If you'd have read my post you'd have seen me point that out. Stop being an autistic retard and kill yourself.

nice job projecting your own feelings there.

Why did you take so long to reply to my post again?

You sound like one of those retarded controlled opposition neonazis with your divisive narrative that Holla Forums is only for NatSocs and nobody else so I decided to give you that label. It was just an ironic exaggeration. You earned it. Holla Forums ISN'T just for NatSocs. Anyone who says otherwise is a shill trying to divide the right into bickering about stupid shit instead of focusing on the things we mainly agree on; like multiculturalism, mass-immigration, feminism and Jewish control of the media, finance and politics being a bad thing for example.

Which means there are very few of them here since they aren't accepted. Liking some aspects of Japanese culture doesn't make you a weeaboo. A weeaboo is someone who disowns his own heritage and tries to replace it with an identity based around an aped version of Japanese culture. The same thing as a wigger basically.

Okay, have some more quotes then:

If this isn't admiration for them and their culture then what is it then, smartass? Tell me.

Shill detected

tbh this

The problem is that there should be NONE of them here.

This is also the problem.

Dont go there, m8
Can't you see the weebs ARE leftists?
