post your most h8ful content.
jewtube embeds are cancer
post your most h8ful content.
jewtube embeds are cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit, user. I wanted to show this clip to my pink-haired-art-student sister-in-law earlier today, but remembered I had it on my office's laptop. Thanks
Is this of the russian helicopter shot down at turkish border?
It looks like a t129(Roach) and not a Mil Mi-28(Ivan). The Roach craft has a four bladed rotor whilst, the Ivan uses five blades.
This video depresses me.. RIP White pilot… I wish we could just kill all of the muslims already.
Uhh, this is a joke, right?
If this isn't a joke…
Truthfully, they're like the fucking orks from 40k. Somehow they use Abo nigger magic to get it running. I am somewhat impressed.
That's how war is lad.
To be fair it was a white person doing all the work and ingenuity
Kurds shooting down a Turkish helicopter, not Russian
Embedding this one because the filesize was too big
It was the Turkish helicopter destroyed a few weeks ago
All smiles now
Shilling for the jews because they are lazy.
fokken brutal
This is downright comical.
couple more for ya
yeah that vid makes me laugh everytime
she blocked me on twitter because i asked if she was a tranny who had hormone therapy and puberty blockers when she was young
In all honestly, I was sort of impressed. I doubt I could have made a functioning abbo pussy-wagon out of that wreck. On the other hand, I have doubts about what they could have achieved without the white guy.
ISIS would take over Liberia within a week, these niggers are fucking stupid
What the fuck am I watching and why can't I stop laughing?
Some fucking Darwin award contenders
someone please webm this
Be specific you faggot
I posted a timestamp, watch for about 5 seconds, you will see EXACTLY what I meant, its obvious
at an exact time, not a timestamp*
timestamp sucks and often doesn't work.
Give me a specifc time start and a time end, to the second.
he means "it's happening" right?
5:23-5:26 would work well to just get "its happening" with no "here in the United States"
I love Scoobies. First car I had was a 92 Subaru Legacy. Great car. Crashed it coming home in PHX from work. Some spic pulled out in front of me.
Survived though. Good winter cars too.
Remarkably lazy right now
Thanks user, have some oc in return, even if not a webm
Eye opening. Thank you user.
It's hard to watch this.
If you ever wondered why Executive Outcomes was so successful go no further.
Holy fuck! Does anyone know the source of this segment?
Don't have a source but (from the best I can recall) it was some Russian faggot who was upset over his girlfriend ditching him, she's the one screeching. He held off the cops for a while with a pistol, they shot him but he also had a grenade. He was kill over some worthless pussy.
in fairness an orchiectomy is pretty expensive
I think the same user makes these.
Can you name the anime?
Its shit like this that reminds that I do not and should not hate these other humanoids that share our planet, they are as interesting and full of potential as any other animal
The issue is when we sacrifice our own for their sake. If this is not a potential problem, there is no problem and we can happily study these creatures, and even engage with and learn from them, as we have done with dogs, dolphins, and other incredible examples of evolution
Ha, cant say i feel sorry for the retard.
I think I could use that video to actually convert some people, no, seriously
christ who paid for that travesty
nigger lover
I agree. Not a popular opinion here, but simply killing all niggers/spics/jews is evil, would make us no better than kikes
I totaled a pretty little outback once, poor thing had been driven to shit by my libtarded (now ex) girlfriend and her retarded family so the clutch dropped out and threw me into a lamppost
That thing was a beautiful creature. Heavy on gas, but worth every penny
Holy shit that takes me back
I'm happy to see I'm not alone in being a half-reasoned conservative, keep up the good fight friendanon
No idea why people respond to these shills.
Still, gotta hand it to that one nigger who was actively trying to stop the others from going full chimpout
whippits, enclosed space, open flame
Look how upset those niggresses in the background look, like… fuck…they don't even know what to do in the face of white reason except hide and bow
Why do women insist on screeching whenever anything even mildly upsetting happens
We all saw it bitch, shut the fuck up and let us think so we can solve the fucking problem instead of wandering around making noise and letting people know we are upset
Despite not liking niggers, on a personal level, I am always amazed at how charismatic they can be when speaking publicly
That's the key thing in these types of situations. Tell them to shut the fuck up or feel immediate pain. They are clueless.
I always enjoy watching this video, but he does miss one obvious and huge thing.
The camera. Photographs took the time to make a landscape or portrait down from weeks or months to mere moments. With classical art completely supplanted by this, artists turned to weird, untraditional extremes in order to stay relevant.
fuck off cuck. All non-whites must be purged.
There is nothing evil about it at all, you goddamn libshit. Eradicating our racial competitors is purely rational and the most intelligent decision to make. Tell me, on what moral grounds is it "evil"?
go back to /r/thedonald
Hearty Kek.
What anime is this?
Reminds me of this gem
Fucking hell mate.
That was real shit.
Yeah. I should crop the end where it's pro hill and put in something else.
Holy shit, that poor girl
Requesting that kill all the gays and the faggots song. For some reason it's not in my files.
No Idea what you're talking about.
Can you be more specific?
pure cancer
Can we stop it with this fucking cuckoldry? Both Palestinians and kikes are worthless semites.
The kids right, 12 years old but right.
into the fucking trash
Now she's just making vlogs about irrelevant shit.
That webm was the only good one.
Found the youtube vid.
It's a good anti-faggot thread theme.
Holy fuck I need to watch drive right now
This is an extremely articulate and aware young girl. She can edit videos and play games. Is this scripted? Who is this?
She has very good enunciation as well, speaks much clearer than I do
Why not do it yourself? You'd be learning something and sharing with others.
You fucked up.
is that actually keanu reeves?
I must see more of this rare specimen.
What are the details of this situation? I want to learn more!
He shaved it off
good fucking work, i like it, thanks user
I live in rural Australia, Aboriginals are the lowest form of human life. Do not make the mistake of thinking them any better than the Wallaby on which they dined.
she has the same extremely rare disease as andy milonakis and is around twenty.
yes, training for that hitman movie
This is how discipline is wrought.
What the fuck is this?
I've never played deus ex, can you play it so you beat those jew sons of bitches?
He's become one with the Operator
But seriously, just watch the prep he did for John Wick.
He's one of my favourite actors.
Wolfenstein 2 I believe, shit game only single player (though I have never played it)
This disturbs me on multiple levels
whats that from
what the fuck
When is this from. its accelerated, now it's 2050
Kare kano aka "Kareshi Kanojo no Jijou"
Reminds me of the GUESS WHAT DAY IT IS edit with a camel at a slaughter house
Instead of the gay ass camel saying his stupid HUMP DAY shit they cut to a camel getting the same cut in a slaughterhouse and blood pouring everywhere.
David Manning is pretty great.
How… Was this memory holed? This is great! Posting this fucking everywhere I can share it.
but seriously what the fuck he doesn't even try to help him and he is laying on his fucking ammo box
The guy got shot in the neck and they're ISIS fighters. That's why he doesn't help him. 72 Virgins and all that
Should be it.
What exactly did they do to get it running? an oil cap, a bit of petrol, a battery and a change of wheels? What would of happened if the clutch and starter motor were fucked? I could teach a five year old to do what they just did. They did fuck all.
mad max the beginning
Damn, he's good.
kek @ at the ending
top kek
Fuck me that was blatant.
Why do the Nips hate Koreans so much?
They are both racially and culturally not that different, are they?
Because history.
From this tech demo "Kara" by Quantic Dream. (Heavy Rain people) The precursor to the upcoming game Detroit: Become Human.
man, that video is really good, i always tear up at the end
It was good, yeah. I wonder if they could have elicited the same if it were a guy.
I cheer so hard for that camel every time I see this.
Why do brit/pol/ post pictures of people who would have been considered war-criminals had Britain lost ww2?
Its called Ghost Stories, iirc. It bombed in japan and the company that made it sold it to translators and told them to do whatever they wanted with it, as long as they kept the general plot intact. The whole show is on youtube. pretty funny stuff, that clip doesn't even have the best parts.
anyone got the one of somebody taking a video at what I'm guessing was some ghetto street where 1 white guy wrestles a nog onto the ground and then 3 other white guys come in and starting kicking the niggers head in?
it was vertical.
Does anybody have archives of Evalions stuff?
Exactly. They barely did anything. Car like that sitting out int eh elements for a long time (like it appears to have been) would have a whole host of problems. What if the fuel lines were rotted out? Clutch and flywheel were trashed or heavily rusted out? Nevermind any electrical problems, seeing as that car likely had onboard computers like most cars built from the 90's on.
Also, a car that has been sitting for that long, without fuel, would take many many more times cranking it to get it started. Those fuel lines were filled with nothing but air and who knows what else.
Dudes whose face is split in half, fuck. Why even try to save that poor fucker.
Under direct fire and probably no medical supplies to begin with. All he should do is use him for some better cover.
You'd be amazed what doctors can save.
Fucking cunt needs to have her head smashed in
game was fun nigger
Shameless self czech.
Is it funny? It looks to be funny
can someone explain this to me?
Does anybody have the .webm of Alex Jones going ballistic after discovering that anime = israel
at least the tide is turning
Man, I remember when rustled jimmies was the new thing.
What the hell.
Goddamn it, right in the feels. Why, user?
Nah. Ending is the worst part.
You have to pick from:
1) Merging with an AI to become cyber jesus and ruling over the unwashed masses
2) Destroying the internet
or 3) Joining the jews
That's the one, thanks.
kek decrees
Made some oc
you can permanently disable updates.
he's just retarded
Microsoft uses system updates to fuck with anything you try to turn off. You basically need a third party program to monitor your OS settings to make sure it behaves.
I made this mp4 yesterday it is too big to be made into a decent webm. It's my first try at video OC
Let me know what you guys think.
That filesize is bloated as fuck. Let me see what I can do.
Thanks brother.
I'll have to post it in the morning. It's late.
no you don't you stupid nigger.
open services.msc
find windows update
double click
choose disabled
click OK
but I guess that doesn't make for a memetastic video with a hilarious screaming faggot
Pretty gud though
no problem
did you think it was decent should I keep working at it and create more content?
I actually haven't watched the full thing.
Thanks brother.
Yeah I don't know enough about dropping file sizes and retaining quality.
Just born, but already using a human males weakness and pretending to be an attractive human female to influence human decision in its favor, that's how fast true A.I. will take control over humanity's future once its created.
The female feels threatened so she screems in hope of a strogner male to help her.
What movie are those scenes from?
six trillion little potential jews holocausted in mere seconds oy vey!
I helped
id watch that anime
if the monkey died i'll gladly drink with him at the feast
Let us not forget this, one of our recent works.
Describe by some as "the audio equivalent of a masterpiece drawn in crayon"
For fucks sakes, I've been looking for the background music on this for so long. Anyone have it?
thanks man
That is gondola, lad.
Here you go fam.
God bless you, user.
You're welcome, lad. Beautiful webm. I just use the shazam app on my goyphone nowadays if I want to find some music. Not the smartest way if it's a Hitler speech I guess, but oh well.
Webm unrelated. background music is Apocalyptica - Faraway
baby, love your body
Warning, if you finish the whole thing, you won't be the same
Whats her youtube?
Hes put time in it, but there are a shit ton of people on youtube at this level. Shit even lolis are pretty close.
Yulia best Olympic Waifu
Paladin Trump, Druid Farage, and Berserker Putin.
>the absolute madman gave me the sauce again
You bet your ass he browses 4cuck
I'm always amazed seeing where these shitskins fight. Just a fucking open field, no cover, nothing.
This is why they put so many chemichals in the water to make the populace docile, when normal white people get to the breaking point, they get REALLY scary
What is this from?
It's from a movie called Imperium, an anti-white "neo-nazi" film starring Harry Potter as an FBI agent that infiltrates a white power gang
Ok I figured it was. Is this from a trailer or something? How is there footage of it already?
Oven this little whore before she grows up and spreads her brain infection.
It's been out for some time, give it a watch to get an idea of what normies think of neo-nazis. Also first hand experience of propaganda.
It's not the child user, it's the parents. Her father is literally the one writing her videos and allowing her to do this sort of shit.
It's only available on iTunes, so some user must have gotten it from there. I couldn't find that clip of JewTube, only the sceen after it.
top kekkles
The jews are worse though. As long as they both die I'm happy but when two shitty groups of people kill eachother and its one sided and in the shittier groups favor its a little troubling.
Question: Was there a craze over a market stock crash circa September 2015 on here?
I switched over from cuckchan in January after having enough of shills and shitposting. And they had a September happening and this song really got everyone riled up.
I just want the west to stop cucking in Israel's favor.
I don't understand these, some of them (like the "let's make it harder to be a refugee") send out this really fucking ideological leftist propaganda, while this looks like some major backtracking after they got their assholes blown wide-open by the Cologne events.
Whatever, NRK are all filled with cucks anyway like fucking Nadia Tajik and her yes-men.
A-at least we're not Sweden! R-right guys?
The problem is if we go down the route of "but muh poor brown chilluns killed by ebil imperialism" then we are just shooting ourselves in the foot and neutering our ability to advocate genocide and racial cleansing. What Israel is doing isn't wrong in principle. We don't have to take a side in the palestine/Israel conflict. We can hate both kikes and palestine for their own reasons.
Does anyone have the webm of the footage from the South African riots? The soundtrack was an original song written by a shitlord about the White man's burden or something like that.
Pretty catchy tune.
Naw. Who would complain? The people that we'd be cleansing anyway.
Not taking a side is taking a side.
Correct, and we should use them against each other. This is a great way to do it, as long as we are disingenuous.
Not really. What the jews are doing the Palestinians - which they plan to do to all of eventually - is an argument in favor of genociding them.
Once they're gone, all other issues can be solved via repatriation.
had to watch it about 4 times before I fucking lost it. thanks for that.
relative worked for an Indian-Ugandan doctor who's family fled Idi through Kenya. he said that Indians had come to Uganda in great numbers and ran most of the important businesses. When Idi took power he kicked them out with the Jews, Nazi style, but since he had a country of niggers things fell to pieces immediately.
If we want to be taken seriously, we need to be ideologically consistent. Crying about poor brown people being killed by Israel, and then turning around and advocating the exact same thing back home is completely hypocritical.
That makes no sense. By not taking a side, you are not taking a side. The English is very clear.
This does more harm than good to us by promoting this as racial nationalists. Maybe if we pressed this fracture point by pretending to be lefties, but as racial nationalists, doing such a thing is self-defeating.
Enjoy Holla Forums. Please don't shit on my server.
Not bad
Alternate title: How to befriend everyone at the gun range in 12 seconds flat.
Damn, son. I've seen a lot of big & automatic guns but that was impressive — something about that was just fuller and beefier.
Are you fucking crazy? The game was fucking awesome.
immendham is still alive!? I figured GRIDS would have got him by now.
If only they knew…
What the fuck are they doing in the back?
what happened there ? What cut them up so extremely ?
There is no need to ever do that, only expulsions and eugenics. Genocide and killing is pure evil, no matter what the justification is
Whatever happened to this kind of love? Some user please tell me this still exists.
Only roaches will drive a tank over their own people in order to save them from their government.
The German Lisa Mayer……. WOW
Except in the case of Jews.
Every race on Earth has suffered from the Eternal Jew's existence.
the Jew…
these old instructionals are bretty wholesome
well, even Hitler just wanted them to fuck off, to either Madagascar or Israel. But I understand your attitude.
Крепость/Fortress on Youtube
I see your reasoning.
But what has keeping them alive given us for the past 80 years?
Indeed. Good nostalgia vibes. Nostalgia for a something you never got to experience.
The Improve Your Personality one surprised me with how insightful it was. It's a simple concept, but it seems like one of those things where you can go your whole life and it would never occur to you to frame it and understand it in such a simple but complete way.
These videos are are like Goyim Psychiatry For Goyim — simple practical advice for common negative experiences — none of that over-analytical, pyschosexual (((Freudian))) bullshit.
Damn, wrong link. Here is Improve Your Personality'.
They rule us because let them. I hold the view that if every jew were to pack up and move to israel right now, many (but not all) of the problems they cause would go away relatively quickly.
what purpose does this serve?
A crane collapsed into the building or something.
I love you user. Thank-you for introducing me to these.
Oh god I'm dying.
What the fuck is going on at msnbc?
got this on youtube?
Someone ran out of shekels to pay them off
Reduces the filesize while maintaining quality. There is no way an mp4 that's 3 minutes long at 720-1080p is going to be under 8mb
holy shit. have these people finally fucking had enough? probably not; feels like another kike game at play here. but god its great to watch.
Why not get the mp4/whatever version and have a better quality one with the same size?
That is the optimal way. Sometimes, people only have gifs to work with though.
that surprise me
Did they die though?
Someone here has to know.
fucking gold
I had forgotten all about this idiot
Is this gay taqqiya?
Holy fuck, my fucking sides
Why do some webms not display a preview?
reverse image search the thumbnail, ya daft cunt
A crane crashed with no survivors. It was extremely painful.
Not gonna lie, first vid I almost cried to on here.Had to watch it a 2nd time just to make sure it wasnt just some PTSD shit I was having.
What always bothers me in this vid is that he says "Kamerade". That's not a word. It should be "Kamerad". You can often leave out an "e" at the end of the word in German. This leads to retarded plebs adding an "e" where it does not belong, thinking they are now speaking in a very sophisticated way.
Who are they? Kurds?
What the fuck did I watch
"Uncle Abbo's Thing-Repair Shop" would make a great comedy/sketch/reality show
The format could be anything in the range from scripted to jap-style contests
Just throw semi-working stuff, and have abbo's use their natural ingenuity to make them work
I'll never for give them for what they did to Tay…
Guaranteed that was made by a woman. No understand of male social dynamics or the concept of just not being a total pussy.
man, Weird Al really hit the gym hard.
True. How are kids supposed to handle the real world if they can't even handle 'muh cyberbully'?
The answer is they don't.
I think it's a stgggs video
the fucking hillary flags and posters in there office? seriously you want people to believe you non partisan?
Nigger BTFO by CNN with chicken ad
Can you webm this Gondola:
I also wanna know the song
Is this from a longer documentary?
Always amazed me that so few people died.
can someone explain this please
Gods bless you.
That fucking wizard haha
Does anyone know where that music is originally from?
No idea, sorry. Sounds like a game soundtrack to me. Maybe Holla Forums could help you in that case.
I've felt it sadly it had to end, we were going down different paths in life. My advice is, it's up to you to set the standard, control your emotions (big one), and be a sweet bully, not an asshole.
He looks and sounds like a kike, in all honesty.
Why does he have steel-cased rounds?
I thought that was just a Western thing.
Love it. Loved that game as a kid too.
Never pass the censor nowadays.
That's a Soviet/Cheap thing.
And the French because, the FAMAS is shit
song id on this one
Why the fuck did Brazil have to undergo a policy of mongrelisation? It could have been a beautiful white jewel of South America.
Brazil has long been a testing ground for myriad ideas
holy shit
Reminds me of this
You're sick in the head
Just because your skull broke in half don't mean you're dead.
Brazil was the canary in the coalmine. America is well on its way to meeting a similar fate.
That's not a neck shot, he was hit in the upper chest - probably heart/lungs considering the amount of blood and the gurgling.
This guy probably wouldn't have survived if he were literally in an operating room with surgeons waiting to operate on him the moment he got shot.
Because the guy is dead. He literally lost consciousness within maybe 30 seconds from the sudden drop in blood pressure from his heart and lungs exploding. The fuck are you going to do to help him?
He's uncontrolled because he didn't go through the initiation rights
sounds to me like whatever the initiation rights are, they involve everyone getting blackmail on you in case you step out of line.
She's going to revise the constitution so that we can raid the homes with military force of people who hurt feelings. All so you can feel ok about people not wanting to be coughed and suffocated on.
What in the literal blue fuck is this crippled retard autistic version of lefty sesame street?
Fucking Subhumans.
Niggers really are inhuman.
I downloaded the whole thing and made webms of the more horrific parts. It's legitimately an attempt at making one of the faggiest shows for toddlers ever. Baby Love Your Body. DOTR can't come soon enough.
I love the way he's probably pissing himself literally while the other two are pissing themselves figuratively.
holy fuck even aussies shitpost when they're being ironic. It's literally their national pride.
google is absolutely useless when referencing this, and it sounds hilarious. Where can i find this video?
whats the source on this?
Biodiversity. You never know. So don't eradicate all, just keep them in a corner somewhere. Maybe some in the jungle in Africa, where they don't know quiet the stuff going on outside, just to be sure they can't remember the lolocaust. Maybe one day a fucking nasty disease shows up and they have some weird immunity we can copy and paste.
That is the problem with neanderjews, they all know their stick and spiel and will keep remembering it forever.
Utopia. Get it while you can and burn it into your memory. Show the series to all you know. The biggest underhanded red pill I know of.
Either they get it or not. Dump those who don't.
Better show them the trailer instead. Kids.webm is impossible as a tease.
Tay will return…
I've seen this on Holla Forums
Fuck off you commie piece of shit.
Even as comedy this is stale as hell. Public television is cancer.
I read it was actually supposed to be satire.
Smartest female I've ever seen in my life.
Love Bill. He's getting dangerously close to Red Pilled. Even if he did Cuck for Cruz.
Did you see the video where he cries about Holocaust deniers?
Does anyone have the webm of the ISIS kids killing dudes while the 50's song "Mr. Sandman" plays? I lost it and would like to retrieve it if possible.
Why bother lads?
These people need to go. They can't be reformed.
I blame the parents most of all.
I know this feel too well*
Pretty fucking cancerous.
Requesting the fat violent dykes song. In return, my allahu akbar collection.
my current favorite
Is this movie worth watching?
Unholy shit, when I used to play Gmod TTT in a community, they caused so much shit to our servers. They managed to hack into admin console and demote people. Fucking script kiddies.
Once. Pirated.
Someday I WONT have this song stuck in my head all day.
Which is hilarious when you think about it as communism puts everyone to work.
Either toiling in the dirt or rotting in it.
Steve, 5 mil Facebook shares, etc.. and I see it appears here. Self-kudos.
These two, back to back; you're doing Gods' work, user.
Somebody send this to frankie.
Fuckn saved, that was amazing.
We are illuminati.
We see everything
We remember nearly everything
Our sight is like the sun. It weakens and destroys evil and darkness. It empowers good.
If you have no shells thats all a tank is good for
goes something like…
"they smoke the peaceful herb, it makes them peaceful
but they still kill eachotha with the guns
what a paradox!
must be the white man doing his devil work, ting ting IRIE!"
he's got this jamaican accent going on btw
Just a reminder that it was because of a fucking Female teacher that told the kids to get under the tables in the cafeteria that they all died in there
It's the leftoid shitlib version of a good comic
a hero
that was dumb as shit, he should have opened fire from cover while supporting and aiming the weapon properly, also you are not supposed to initiate an ambush with an open-bolt weapon. fucking show-offs like that get everybody around them killed by being a stupid fuck and ruining a proper ambush
Do you have the one with the music?
The guy they were interviewing was streaming from Clinton HQ, m8. He wasn't at MSNBC.
Rest in peace Uropa, you will be avenged
Not in webm form but here's the video
IA here, holy shit.
Call it "Regular Show Finale"
My wife had an abortion (she took a pill so its basically a assisted miscarriage) and the only reason i let her do it is because the blob didnt have a heart beat yet, and i kinda encouraged her
Cool story, faggot
i'm pretty sure those were civilians
lel, glad he's back to tumblerisms,
Gore-Alert: Moar hate edition.
'pedo-rapist eats dead friend and gets boiling plastic poured on him in SA prison'
There is no hate of equal to a pissed off bull.
Gore-Alert: The Final chapter. (innards falling out and running around)
Diversity is our Strength!
God damn that horse is fuckin' tough.
I wouldn't have figured out what the fuck was happening without you explaining it. Looks like some kind of light god bukkake orgy taking place on the face of a screaming mortal while jabbering occurs in the background.
Someone should have had a gun ready.
Horses can take a lot of punishment in the torso and head, their legs are much more fragile.
You sold your empire to destroy Germany and protect the Soviet Union.
So majestic…
They are biodiversity, not competition.
Yeah but remember it's corperate shit pretending to be 3edgy5u
What's her name? Source please
Such is the pain of being a non-niggerish nigger.
What the fuck.
They were probably inhaling some toxic crap when one of the idiots turned on a cig.
Evolution a its finest.
Was that wallaby raw?
Can't wait until martial law to wrangle some horses and start a new cavalry once there's a fuel shortage!
i think i would rather die than be something from silent hill for the rest of my life
I swear to god I've heard that song somewhere, but I can't place it to save my life.
Why are they stabbing that camel?
Did it fuck one of their wives or something?
I think this is from "Bush Mechanics"
We have our own place in this world user, we're not our enemies.
source sound?
Girl in this video looks so happy with her bird. Always cheers me up.
You faggots are insufferable.
Takes one to know one
Art, as a term, has slowly been expanded to an insufferable blanket term that can be applied to anything. "Why doesn't he make more art he wants to see" doesn't fucking matter if there is a thousand-fold increase in the influx of complete garbage and an even greater retroactive inclusion when the definition keeps expanding. That's not even the argument, either. The very definition of art has been sodomized.
You want to fund artistic advancement and education now? Almost all of it is going to lowlifes who don't understand what it means to put effort into conveying meaning, what it means to have standards, and that there's substantial objectivity and universality in aesthetics. Because they fall under 'artist'. Because nothing separates them from the classics, as they're artists. They deserve all the validity of those who bleed and suffer for their work, regardless of what they make.
It's like 'meme'. You can't have in-jokes, culture or anything with a legacy or value anymore. Everything's a fucking meme, to be taken at face value (or the value ascribed to it by one of the many websites giving a flawed or incomplete history at best), to be considered equal to the lowliest of reddit's regurgitations and the most superficial and hackneyed images with words on them. You cannot escape the comparison once 'meme' entered the arena, at least when it comes to the majority.
Once everything is art and everything's a meme, nothing under those blanket terms means a god damned thing.
It's the same fuckin' inclusivity and pandering to the lowest common denominator that's killing standards in every field. Once a single concession is made, it's leveraged to make further compromises until there is nothing left. I seriously hope you aren't actually buying into what you're saying.
thanks mate.
This has happened too me They especially like touching arm hair because they don't have it. I asked a maid one day why they do this, apparently in the really rural places its considered good luck too touch a white person.
Her words: "They will touch you then run home and say mamma I touched a white person. Now I will be lucky!"
How did it all go so wrong lads?
HAHAHAHAAH best and most undderated webm this thread
Oy Vey. Too much Red
Anyone have one of those "Can't stump the Trump" style videos where Mozart's Requiem is playing and Trump is fighting on a wrestling show?
It's not too late to fix it my man. Have kids, and make sure they don't end up like her.
I will never cease my eternal anger
Fuck me, this man was based as fuck. He must have been in absolute despair for his final decades, watching the world turn to shit around him and not even having his full faculties to deal with it.
Racemixing: The Series.
Fucking topcuck series coming out of UK.
burgerfag here, is this shit for real?
Rapefugee's dont have anything to shoot back with. Why not have some fun?
You must be great at parties.
use spotify off your phone
oldie but goldie
It's probably a military exercise with blanks.
Life begins at conception and you'll both have to answer for it to God.
Hey, on the plus side you didn't have to waste your shekels on raising a kid.
it's the 50 billion dollar man, dan pena
he's based as fuck, red pilled down to hitler
Fuck you, t. Bang
That's an AFD member mocking the snowflakes/lefties.
Females always immigrate to a territory in approximately 1/4 the rate of males.
The fastest way to change the race of a country is import them at the highest rates possible and encourage the surplus males to engage in interracial breeding with the native females.
This is what the imperial Brazilian government tried to save their country from turning into Haiti.
Now their current government is importing Haitians to reverse the course.
Its as if a 14 year old anarcho-communist made a movie about how fascists rule the world.
Only redeemable thing is Tchaikovsky.
Paul Harvey
I need to know more
The fuck am I listening to
The wait was SOO worth it.
If you're a patriotard/lolberg/infowars fan you'll love it.
I wish this was a real movie
Greasy subhumans with way too much hairspray, spray on cologne, etc., in an enclosed space, and retard goes to light a cigarette. Jesus Christ I can't even begin to imagine the smell in that car before that.
very very high quality war footage. Nice post user.
These self-motivational speeches have a temporary effect on me, but they don't really change my life..
Isn't this actually some redpilled kid?
Is that actually Randy Prozac content or his background?
This will give me nightmares.
was meant for
THE ANSWER TO 1984 IS 1964
Trump needs to say "Its happening" more in his speeches.
Do any of you anons know where i can get this video? I want one complete, thank you for your time.
If you can't access it in your country.
Thank you user, this is awesome.
He was alive?
I thought They were just trying to put his skill back together for an open casket
Ah, so this is the consequences of our actions in 2004.
Sauce on the original song?
OC from latest Phoenix, AZ rally.
fml that first one always gets me
I've been watching this video to pump me up when I go out to work or to the gym. Brings a tear to the eye.
What I would give to be a part of that…
Might as well call that "non-stop sexy 88 action"
top kek, soros
Agreed. How many times have these fuckers been expelled because of their own misdemeanor just to start over somewhere else with even more genocidal fantasies of revenge.
Shoahing them would be an act of mercy both to the world and themselves.
Fuck they cut it just before he shot himself in the hand
holy fuck that's freaky
is that somekind of 70's drug thing?
Habbat Karrih by Abu Ali
WebM's when???
House of the rising sun
Someone needs to merge a trump rally with drive with elliot roger speaking.
I need it for the feels.
All Gore. Is Good gore.
Sit n' spin, britboy.
enjoy m8
Fucking saved!
Does that mean that the white person will be unlucky?
This is why you simply uninstall windows, and install Ubuntu, like a normal good gentleman.
imagine that
I still have a hardon from this speech
This isn't Holla Forums faggot
It's a webm thread faggot.
Plz post Holla Forums related webms on Holla Forums
My webm folders has no names
Is this reddit? I'll post what I please nigger.
What a powerful video.
The guy is a total fucking goy, he will never be able to make any true progress in the end. He's one of those on edge fuckers that hates nazis more than communists because his evangelical preacher told him so. Skip in about 20 minutes
That girl was so obviously coached on that. What emotional drivel.
Women are evolutionarily programmed to scream and throw fits when frightened or threatened to attract males to come to her rescue.
And feminists say men are awful. Men instinctively protect women, even complete strangers. They are doing very well at driving a wedge between the sexes and ultimately weakening us both.
Dude. That's Bill Hicks. He's no Nat-Soc at all, he said what he said in response to someone in the audience yelling Free Bird if I recall correctly. Hilarious as he may be, he's not Holla Forums related at all.
He's a city cop. They'd replace him in 10 seconds if he said what's obvious to the rest of us.
webm unrelated
you want me to ruin your day?
Keanu Reeves is dating a transgendered man who has completed his transition. Keanu is a fagot.
I Don't Care If I Ever Come Down by Jay McCarrol
shill pls
You're the shill.
wheres the fucking sources?
Another one bites the dust.