De Earf is flat cuz me huly buk sez so

De Earf is flat cuz me huly buk sez so

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Haha, I see you posted some sceintific proof, but I know it's CGI.

You know, posts like this actually are starting to convince me that the flat-earth theory may have some integrity.

Have you personally validated even one scientific "fact"? How do you know it's all real? I thought the scientific method was based on observation, not "because Dr. Fuckberg told me." If you don't confirm it, any given thing written by a scientist could be a ruse for all you know. At the end of the day, it seems the majority of you atheistfags are a bunch of sheep taking things on faith just like the religious people you condemn for doing the very same. Earth could be a fucking triangle and you wouldn't know it because you likely haven't left your own hometown, let alone seen the planet from space to confirm its' shape. Did I hit the nail on the head here? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.

Hurr durr I have done one semester at College hurr durr and I know everything there is to know about herp derp politics n' religion n' philosophy n' stuff hurr durr let me prove how much wisdom and insight I have hurr durr about the ways of the world errr copied from my gender studies lecture notes hurr durr…

Wow, you sure showed me, mate. :^)


how is there a horizon then?

Is there a horizon? Have you personally seen it? Have you followed the horizon to be sure it's caused by a curve in the planet and not, like, magnets or some shit cutting off your vision? Even if it's a curve, maybe we're just on a half-circle. Maybe one side's flat and one side's round and that's where the confusion comes from. Shit, maybe we're living in God's breakfast bowl. You likely haven't personally witnessed enough to be 100% certain that Earth is round and yet you trust somebody, who may or may not be correct, enough to believe what they're saying without looking into it yourself. That's all I'm meaning to say.

There is no horizon. It's all in our very limited vision. Humans are not particularly strong in any physical aspect. We advanced with sheer will power/intelligence (which appears most humans have dropped). I think the sheer lunacy of our times is, that humanity has proven that no matter how far technologically wise, we aren't as smart as we used to be. We just relied on other peoples ideas/technologies (that we improved upon over the decades).