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RWDS a reality soon.

Finns do this more than most it seems

Any pics?


Not the first time Mongols remove kebab.

Best thing is that they don't even have many non whites in their country. It's like they're cut from a different piece of Iron than the rest of non former USSR Europe. All other western European countries (i.e. countries never under communism) seem ultra cucked while the Finns don't.

I was looking thorough their demographics and man it's white:

As of 2014 language spoken as first language:

89 % Finns
5.3 % Swedes
1.3 % Russians
0.8 % Estonians

Biggest non white group is Somalis 0.3 % of the population followed by another 0.3 % arabs.

From kikepedia:

Also checked their last official stats from 2015 on country of origin for people living in Finland:

Second last column to the Right is in English:

webm related. There's hope!

Finns have always been the best europeans


More like choked the classical civilization goose a few more times before it popped out its last golden eggs.

As I've understood it all the shitskins are also concentrated in Helsinki so while it's a quite enriched city, the rest of the country is (was) ethnically homogenous. Whenever I've gone to Oulu which is a 200k town, I've never seen any shitskins. That said they got plenty of rapefugees last year which is why you see all of this.

Dschingis Khan would be proud.

Do your best finngolians

I actually have been to Helsinki many times. The city is NOTHING compared to any other western city. Sure in Finnish measures it's multicultural but really the place is ultra white for any European capital city. Almost all non whites are ghettoed to the far eastern corner of the city. You see them at the central railway station where niggers always like to loiter. But other than that it's so white.

The redpilled Finns (or we might as well call them ultra redplled) as the whole country seems very redpilled will complain. But most of them do so from a Finnish perspective and what they call "a lot of no whites" is ridiculously few non whites compared to anywhere else in non-Eastern Europe.

Sure all non whites are an issue but in the grans scheme of things Finland is pure.

This is how northern Sweden also was up to a few years ago. My city used to be literally 99% white and now I see Afghani gangs and niggers everywhere because of this fucking cuck government putting them here.

Northern Sweden remained clean up until recently. But the fact is that Sweden as a country has been completely cucked far beyond insanity levels since the late 90s. The heart of Sweden as a country that's the axis between Stockholm, Gothenburg and Malmo i.e. the most populated part has been beyond filthy with shitskins for decades.

Scania weirdly is based as it keeps on being right-wing in every election and has been so for a long time. Yet somehow Malmo i.e. the capital of the region is a wasteland. Wasn't there some ultra-liberal social democrat from Estonia or somewhere heading that city for decades?


Just say Forssa No instead of whole of fucking Finland. You know it to be true.

Finns in this thread are like:

Lügenpresse is really at it again.

The invaders attacked some teenagers with pipes and bats. A finnish 15-year old was hospitalized. Then they attacked some women in a car.
Now the local people have been protesting in front of the invader center, and engaging in small scale violence.

This is probably the first race riot in Finland.

The problem with even Finns from outside the capital area coming to Helsinki, so many do the same

No seriously. That's most of what I hear from other Finns when I ask them if they've actually been to Helsinki when they're shitting on it.

Kill yourself

I read that they beat up some 15-year-olds a few days ago, and this was retaliation. Any truth to this?

Found the jew.

Mitä vittua nyt taas. Se oli ihan peruspessimistinen yleistys koko tästä vuoden kestäneestä tilanteesta.

So you've been to Helsinki once. And went to the transit hubs with tourists and shit and say "oy vey so much multi culturalism". Due to my job I've been to Helsinki at least once every two months for the past 10 years. And all I can say is that you're talking out of your ass.

Sure Helsinki has more shitskins than other parts of the country. But by god it cannot be compared to anything else in western Europe when it comes to being white.

As I said earlier, you'll have Finns whine but they are comparing it to the rest of the country. I also said that at the central railway station you'll see them loiter.

But going to an airport, railway station, or harbour will of course show you a shit ton of more non Finns. It's a transit hub you idiot.

Furthermore numbers don't lie. And the actual numbers of non Finns living in the country and their country of origin was linked to by me in this very thread. Just take a look at them and you'll see how much shit you're spewing.

Ootsä vittu jälkeenjäänyt? Do you lack reading comprehension skills or what?

When I was little I barely saw any niggers when I visited Forssa with my family. A shame what it has become to. I just hope my small hometown stays safe.

Aye, but there really isn't that much "retaliation", not yet at least.

If the SVL had any agency whatsoever, they'd be there tomorrow stirring the pot.

Älä viitsi. Nykyään on ihan tarpeeksi syytä olla pessimistinen.
Iloitaan nyt kun joku edes esittää pistävänsä vastaan.

Dude, I grew up in Helsinki. Then I moved away as a teenager, and now have moved back to study.

The city has changed so much in little more than a half a decade. It's so dirty and filled with foreigners.
Even my old neighborhood looks totally changed.

Vittuako sinä sille suomea puhut? Selkeästi se nyt ymmärsi sinun kommentin hieman väärin. Tarvitse nyt siinä alkaa vittuilemaan. Mukavaa vaihteeksi nähdä muutakin Suomesta kun sitä ainaista mognolia memetystä.

Vittuakos yleistät moista paskaa. Totuus on se, että meillä on suomessa asiat aika vitun hyvin verrattuna muuhun eurooppaan. Ei aina tarvitse olla se perus negatiivinen stereotyyppinen suomalainen.

Today is a good day.

To be completely fair, Finns are in the right to complain about every single shitskin in the country. It's zero tolerance for this shit or nothing.


Sure as hell does. But in the times of shit one needs to be happy and take pride in what small is good. And considering the whole shit storm surrounding whites around this globe Finns should take pride in it and not waste energy just feeling defeated. They're one of the last bastions we have. They sure as hell need to fend off all invasions. But at least do so with hope and understanding that they unlike most of us are in a situation that doesn't seem completely hopeless.>>7249480

Thread theme

Take your D&C memes and shove them up your ass. And no I'm not Finnish. But you're a jew.

How's the weather in Tampere?

Does anyone have the video of the Finnish politician calling out shitskins for what they are?

Oh my God!


Some afganis ware removed by a hunting party.

Tulta :DDDD

Who would have thought it would be little old Finland to resurrect the Mongolian Empire.

It's a proxy kike

It's some French faggot living in Finland, not Finnish politician.



Vaasa is quite multicultural, But it's nicest city on Finland and there is't even slums in there so it's not that bad. There is few shitskin parts of city in capital area if you come in Finland avoid eastern Helsinki.


hello reddit


I literally cant find anything about Andreas or Thomas??!!
Can anyone verify and explain this for me? Thanks.

Get the fuck off of Holla Forums take it back to your shitposting board on 4chan you fucking ni/vg/er

Thomas Palaiologos was the son of Manuel II and the inheritor of the Byzantine Empire after Constantinople fell to Turks.

Andreas was his son, and Sophie was his daughter. She was married Ivan III of Russia. Andreas left no issue, so the claim moved to Sophie's son, Basil III of Russia.

Then the claim went all the way to Nikolai II.
How it translates to Finland inhering it and being the fourth Rome? I really can't tell you.

First picture is the attack on 15 year old. Second and third are the follow up attacks.


I want to see these cocksucker's brains in beautiful HD. is this too much to ask, Finnland?


i tweeted them

religion of peace at work

Meanwhile in Norway we are being cucked like crazy and nobody dares to say or do anything. I'm considering moving to Finngolia. When Sweden collapses, the mud will have no resistance here. Maybe all Scandinavian whites should flee to Finngolia.

The prospect of marrying a Finnish girl and making mongo-babies in a yurt is more enticing than watching my country get mudded up. The lesser of two evils I guess.

Post your favorite finnish music

Sadly Finnland isnt much better despite what some /anons/ claiming above. Sure we are faring far better than Norway or Sweden in no small part because our economy is going down the toilet and fast which speeds up the anger in people but it'l still take a while for folks to enter RWDS-lite-mode in anywhere outside of small towns in the middle of nowhere like Forssa.





They're pillaging your hunting grounds



No Finland…

Don't give in to hate.



We ARE hate.


It's true though.
Russia outnumbered Finland probably 30 to 1 and were technically richer and better equipped (Ukrainian agricultural supplies versus Finnish).
Still, Finland beat them up and kicked them out.



Where do you think we are?

read the thread

I suspect a cuck gene. My personal hypothesis is that losing a war (or even winning one at a great cost) leaves behind men who were either too young, too old, or too cowardly to fight. The cowardly ones end up passing their cuck gene onto the children. The young ones end up being raised by single mothers who also turn them into massive pussies.

The traditional women who want something more than a cuck end up leaving for better countries. So my tentative hypothesis is that large parts of Europe passed on the cuck genes at the end of World War II while the best genetics of Europe were passed on through the women who left with American soldiers.




If the US ever attacks Finland and all of you don't dodge the draft or turn on your superiors you're cucks.

USA can't even find finland

is this OC or just very predicting?

They will when its time to do something about those evil racist nazis.

Hot off the maymay factories of ylilauta.


All Trump needs to do is dump liberator-pistols over europe and watch as the fire rises.




t. burger :DDD:DD

Good burger

Meet his cousin Aziz:

Hail Satan!

Based. Wtf? Finland?! lol thx u2016

Background song name?



It sounds like an asian popeye.
This will go nicely with donald duck having a seizure.


I was reading these news from iltalehti or iltasanomat, and one of the finnish "attackers" was called a 17 year old man. Funny that when its a nigger you know they would call even a 25 year old people youths




got dubs tho

For anyone wondering about what kind of friendly folk are showing up in Forssa:

Finns have been genetically isolated for so fucking long that they're actually their own race.

So white American master race then?

Why do so many people think that America is going to attack any European country?

Our populace would in no way be okay with that in our current climate or at any time in the future.

Because you're owned by the jew.


Yeah and the Jew wants us to invade Syria and topple Assad do you see us fucking doing that?

If they can't get us to invade a shitty middle eastern country do you really think that they have absolute power over us?

Really makes u think

Some of those names are really funny out of context.

That is the proper way of dealing with muslims

but by your own numbers they're 5.3% African

Not African but people who don't speak Finnish, Swedish, Russian or Estonian as their first language. This 5.3% includes other European countries as well as the rest of the world.



pick one

How naive of you.

I would embed it, but I never learned how, and I don't see it in the FAQ


[▶ Show post options & limits]

click this and the embedding option opens among others, put whole url in

Thank you, have a Nordic wallpaper in return, since this is a Finland thread.

Can someone post webms of shitskins getting their shit kicked in please?
I'm in a retribution mood right now.

that joke just went right over your head m8

You don't happen to have a 1920x1080 version of that laying around, do you?

song artist/name?

I live on the border to Finland, when the Afghan migrants found out they could get their visas processed faster in Finland, they all zerg-rushed the border for greener pastures (or so they thought).
Finns immediately set up border controls, and held a couple rallies protesting against the migrants (one guy even wore a KKK hood). Swedes of course bussed in from other cities to protest the Finns, but no locals really gave a fuck about the Finns wanting to keep out the immigrants.


0.001 persekolikkoa tienasit? Miten sää Sosiaalikeskus Satamassa?

Not very well?

Correction; They didn't just rush there by themselves. There's proof of the Swedish government actually paying the fucking niggers' train and bus tickets so they would come here.

By living on the border, I meant the more cucked side, sorry.

I did read reports over free tickets (?) given to 'refugees' to get them over the border. Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought some train company was offering free tickets, or it might have been some political party that would pay for them, I can't remember which.

You know what I mean


Anybody got the name of the song or the source of the video? I can swear ive seen/heard them both but just cant get them to my head.

Why are you acting like it's not a problem jsut because the rest of Europe is more fucked? The Finns are completely right to expel the disease even if it's only resulted in a hand amputation, and not every limb.

There's no good invader.

bump tred

Honestly, it's not a problem. We're third in highest gun ownership in the world, and that's not even counting the thousands of mosins buried under people's barns in case of a soviet invasion. Pretty much everyone who isn't a fat fuck/cuck has served the 6-12 months in our military and thus knows basic guerrilla and squad tactics, which probably wouldn't even be necessary because the military would never turn on it's own people over rapefugees, given that our willingness to fight for our country is over 80%. The kids that got beat up were degenerate as shit too, drinking & smoking & doing wigger shit, so this probably woke them up a little and made them consider their future.

If a race war were to happen right now, it'd be over in a couple of days, which is why the EUSSR is shilling intensely for a total gun ban in all EU member states. If they manage to pass it before it collapses on it's own absurdity, and the border's aren't shut in time for the next invading horde, we're pretty fucked.

song/artist for this one??

No, and I can't seem to find one either. Google comes up with nothing similar, and I'm too shit with GIMP to do anything of value. Sorry man, I wish I had one like that too.

Señor ¡Yeb! please get out of my captchas

Retaliation for what?
Any non Finn can't complain. They are those invading.

Fucking world on its head.


Great work, Finnbros, but next time take the fight to the cuck media. Those fuckers have acted without consequence for too long.



Keep it up mongols!

For the horde!


OR you know Americans pushing for this shit for 70 years did it you faggots. A nation of cowards who fled there homeland and has attacked everything to do with nationalism for the past 100 years has no room to talk.