Holla Forums is alt-right , accept it

Its time to take /fullpol/ and enrich it with chan culture

This board from now on is a alt-right anime board any of you who dont like anime can go back to reddit or stormfront

Other urls found in this thread:


can't see neither point nor argument

Oh , and in case this isn't a shitpost

I still don't actually know what alt-right actually is, and I still don't care so don't explain.
I hate Jews, I like anime, anime is based off of classic Disney, Walt Disney hated Jews, Japan hates Jews. The Jew will always fear the samurai. Etc, etc, etc.
The only thing anime has to do with pol is that Jews hate it and the only discussion of it needed for pol is whether or not a particular anime is redpilled or not.

Fuck off. Alt-right are fags anime is natsoc

wew lad

I want cuckchan to go before this place turns into a mental ward.

And just like that, Chaim kept pretending his value isn't a direct product of his incestual, parasitic ancestry, that he's actually a superior organism, like what you'd expect a tapeworm to think as it goes undetected.

And then we flood the GI tract with toxins, killing the tapeworm and all of its spawn and eggs, a holocaust where the resultant waste is literal shit.

This year of our lord, 2016.


you are doing it great

I dont understand why they dont like the alt-right or anime. They are helping trump get the presidency. Trump will make america and the anime great again.




the only thing getting accepted here is the fact that op is a faggot.


This is all a false flag against anime, Holla Forums has had anime for years. Fucking kikes trying to ruin it.

While we're on the topic, I'm a paid Gary Johnson shill and I'd like to point out a few things
Gary pays his people well, see, I get minimum wage + referral commission. When I tell CTR shills this, it completely demoralizes them and, acting as a team, they have a manager/coordinator. This shabbos goy faggot is responsible for keeping the team motivated, and simply by mentioning them boosting my referrals and giving me my bonus, they switch tactics: The thread must be slid both to keep real faggots unaware of the processes involved as well as other CTR guys from knowing they get paid half as much as guys shilling for Gary, guys like me.

For example, right now, I'm not on the clock. I'm doing it for free because, going back to work tomorrow, I'll reap the benefits of what this post is intended for. It's not because faggots like us will read it, it's because CTR will read it personally and switch their overall targeting methods. Or, I'm playing at a false flag and want them to keep doing exactly what they're doing.

But to be honest it doesn't matter what they do, they're fighting an uphill battle against being butthurt while fags like me are getting paid for their INSURMOUNTABLE experience at lulz

im not alt-kike though.

In all seriousness, anime is to the '10s alt-right counterculture what rock and roll music was to the '60s hippie counterculture. Back in the '60s, Very Serious Adults™ called rock and roll "kid stuff" and made fun of the hippies for not liking serious, grownup music like Lawrence Welk. Then Woodstock happened, and the Very Serious Adults™ suddenly realized that what they were facing was, in its own way, very serious as well.

The Very Serious Adults™ just, like, don't understand. And you know what? That's fine with me.

This thread bump is meant specifically for CTR analysts and the obfuscation/clarification of directive insofar as their obvious threads are, as of just now, undesirable. Where you were benefiting the GJ with your spam before, your spam is now counter intuitive to Gary Johnson's campaign.

So please stop making bad threads guys I swear I mean it, every obvious thread you make hurts my mane Gary Johnson so I'm asking you to stop.

Please don't post anymore guys

I'm begging you


One more bumpu~

Fuck you OP, your a faggot and a shill, consider killing yourself.

Exactly is only stormfront who hate 2d anime, lolis and cutebois are okay. they are not real so its not gay or pedo.



Cant wait until cuckchanner go back to their own board

forgot to sage .

The cancer is here comrades. Prepare yourselves.


Some here have put their weewee in 3D once

Fuck off Kike. And why are Jews so obsessed with Loli and Moe? Not surprising since they are the most degerate genres of anime.

Let me clarify, Holla Forums for the most part enjoys mainly shoenen anime (hero's journey boy animes), while Jidf watches mostly loli and moe and sexual degenerate feminine shit. Because they're faggots

If you don't watch hellsing,claymore or berserk or anything in those type genres, you are a massive faggot and should kill yourself.

no one cares about the kike-right.

don't forget jojo, nigga

Hellsing seems kind of Jewy, aren't the bad guys German Nazis? But yeah your point exactly.

the Nazis were essentially old vampires from ww2 lead by the major if i remember correctly, fighting a anti-hero character who was a monster even alucard admitted himself he was just a monster who wanted a true human hero to defeat him. The major was essentially the hero fighting off dracula even if through underhanded tactics waiting 50 years to complete it.

You weebs are just making an enemy out of anyone who actually cares about real things.

That is why you shill faggots are dumb, thinking anyone cares more about anime aside from it being a insignificant interest used as a cover on a Mongolian anime website and that anyone cares about it more than real events you sound like a kike. Fuck your faggot dad probably watches anime.

gas yourself please


I challenge you to find a more unfitting genre to (((western media))).

This. The degeneracy in Non Non Biyori is so intense that I can't even.
