There's nothing wrong with anime, but STOP USING GIRLS AS YOUR AVATAR. It's the same thing as wearing girls' clothes, it makes you look like effeminate and girly.

Same thing with reaction pics, doing it inside Holla Forums is fine but don't bring them out. You look weak and like a crossdresser.

Other urls found in this thread:

spotted the faggot

How can idiots then sperg they are being attacked by nazi frogs and anime grills?
               _  -─‐- _                 ,...:':::::::::::::::::::/::ヽへヽ.              , '::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヘ::::::::ヽヽ           /:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ムレi:::::::::::::ハ             '::::/:::::::::::/!:::::/l::::/  l:::::l:::::::::ハ          |:l::l:::::::i-/┼-' .l:/-─-|::小l:::::::::i          |:l::l::::/.l/ l:/  l!    l::N/::::::::::l          |:l::l:/ l'_l'    __ l/ l::::i::::::::|            i::l::ハ丁i苅j     丁苅丁|::::ト、:::|           /イ:::::}. 弋ソ     弋ソ ノ |:::ル }:::|            /' |::i:::{ ''''   '      ''' j::リノ:::::l              |::l:::::>、   r─‐┐  , ィ:j:::::::::::li    _____ _   |:ハ::::::::|:> - ーェァr≦::::j::小:::l::小  r‐と{ { {/┴‐┐|l i:::i::レ'´ ̄l,イヽ_/`ヽ:i::/i:::::l:::iハ  l' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄| ヽ_ レl:::ト、    TT     〃ヽl:::l::l ヾ、  |  Get    トイ\ V! }   /::l    〃   V小   ヽ  |        |__,ィ }  /   l:::::|  /      V小  |  Out    |  ヽレヘ.   l::::::|    i     〉:ハ  |        l      i  l::::::l   l___, ィ:|:::::iハ  |  Jew   |      l  ヽ:/    l   l::i:::::| ヾ、  l_____.|      l          /l   l::i::::|  ヽ                j           l   l:l::::|               /         |   l:l::::|

It is very wrong.

Girls get fucked.

Is that the impression you want to give your enemy? That you're a cute girl they can fuck?

Are you insane?

It's what the people in the middle see.

Which one looks more mature in the eyes of middle America? Tip: it isn't the leftard

No, fuck off

You ignored my point. You look WEAK if your avatar is an anime girl.

Are you weak? Are you someone who gets fucked?

See, if this guy uses that pic as his avatar, what will people think when they see his opinions coupled with a small girl bending over?




The human brain recognizes anime girls as real people at a subconscious level, in a species like us humans where women aren't particularly good at creating a large volume of babies, women become the social contract enforcers. They determine the path where civilization follows because they alone control genetic life or can shut you into genetic death. This is why for the United states to gain rights for men they needed an armed revolution but to gain the vote in Britain women need only march and demand it. When you use an anime girl avatar you are tapping into the subconscious of your enemy, you can make them pliable so as to not be ostracized by the women of the tribe.

When your enemy is spineless cucks ruled by women, anime girls are the strongest retort and it is why it makes them so mad

Women don't rule anything you fool. The #1 enemy are jews and nonwhite men.

Jokes on you, I actually am effeminate and girly.
You're the fag though, getting buttfrustrated over reaction pics.

See? You want this kind of person representing your political views?

They have to be either shoved underground or completely purged.

I've never used an anime girl avatar in my life…but now I really, really want to.

Let's see, here…is this one good enough for you?

Kiss my ass.

Posting anime girls (the smugger the better) has an unique way of triggering cucks.

You're doing the online equivalent of crossdressing.

Its like saying "Your a gurl for playing female avatars in RPGs, MMO or not! You sum kindda fag man!".
Like I want to stare at a guys ass all day well I degenatron.

t. every tranny in denial


wow nice argument there.

Jews rule the world by controlling mediums women consume talk TV, gossip rags, facebook, etc



I see you use Liblogic.

Does crossdressing get Hitlertrips?


Fucking fight me you piece of shit

I hate Jews and have been redpilling my close friends and family for months.

Your reverse psychology thread won't work on me, OP!



Cat > Monkey > Spooky > Bird > Bee > Doll > Math > Shit > Crab

And what happens in war? You'd get raped and bring shame to us all. You are a weakness that our enemies can exploit. Stop.

I honestly can't tell if OP is an user preemptively countering shills or just a retard.


What a fucking shame.

Thinly veiled avatar request thread is thinly veiled.

Get the fuck out of here

Hell is eternal.

You know what? Fuck it!

This is a smug chinese cartoon dump thread now!

I can't stop responding, my keys are clacking on their own!


Nigger Bee is best girl I will fucking fight you.

Let's see how fast we can reach image limit guys!

Then don't let me on the front lines, modern war isn't fought there anyway.

Yeah, yeah, fuck you too OP

Rick Wilson, please go.




When you post those images, you look weak. You're saying things that are anti-me, but I don't feel it, because the cute girl dampens it.

Why can't you see this common logic?

you realize a Persian scout before battle of Thermopylae reported the Spartans as being Effeminate, docile and Weak?

See what happened next.


What are you, gay?

Even Cat's OP is best, how can other gataris even compete?

It's a race war, where every man will be targeted and every man will have to fight.

OP is a faggot

Fuck off retard


alright op, i'll use smug anime boys instead

I will staple stable all cat fags into the gas chamber

All of you right now.

Yet you still can't stop foaming from your mouth over our political presence, Schlomo.


No, I'm sick of idiots that share the same views as me making themselves look like idiots. If I don't speak up, they'll ruin everything.

Does every anime fag have an urge to get pegged?


Only cunts use a fucking avatar anyway, so fuck off.
Sage as well you cunt.


You sound upset


Crab > Cat > Spooky > Bird > Bee > Doll Math > Shit > Monkey > Nigger > Kike > (You)


Also what the fuck is with these hash filenames. This shit is going to throw everything off.

Bee best fucking girl.

If you don't Tomboys you a fucking homosexual.

they ARE faggots. the khazars really screwed the japanese with their degeneracy.



I am, because I can see the future attacks on us and our vulnerabilities. If you don't listen to me then our enemies will exploit them.


You're the minority here you humorless faggot.

ya knwo the Op aint genuine when his image is sum sort of generic image you find in image bank softwares and NOT from his chan folder.


That's dumb

This is fucking awful. I feel like I'm not on a chan anymore.

How did shaving your head and acting like a borderline criminal degenerate work for the perseverance of the White race this far, Cletus?

How many extra chromosomes do you need to not realize this is bait?

You know, if you wanted to expand your smug folder you could have just asked. Here you go, lad. Have fun.

These quads, praise the lord.


You can complain on that thread for the time being.

nice try ctr
we know anime girls make you cry

dump smug

I just realized I need more blonde hair, blue eyed smug in my folder

You must be so smart! Do you want a cookie or something. Shut up and post smugs, faggot!


So goys what animus are you currently watching?

Started watching lain a few days ago, about 9 episodes in.




watching Non Non Biyori right now
Shit is damm comfy

I remember the feminist butthurt that was caused when Ah! My Goddess! came out the first time and rejuvenated the ass-nukage with the remakes. Belldandy and anime girls in general just piss feminists the fuck off. Especially Belldandy because she is chaste, submissive, and extremely loyal, further, she uses her powers to defend her man, not to become a "strong independent womyn"


Imagine if Holla Forums had it's own Olympic team, and we had great olympists.

But every one of our athletes decided he was going to be a mtf tranny.

Here I am, trying to convince them that they'll just look like idiots and present themselves as men, yet they actively fight against me and call me a shill.

This is the insanity we're in.


I found an anime face somewhere

That's a pretty rare smug, user! May I save it for 4 uncommon Karens?

Watching Ben-To nigga.

Whenever some blod or even media story talkes about "pictures of anime woman" my smugness levels just go through the fucking roof.

fuck off /int/

In that scenario we would probably win the olympics

Belldandy was a piece of shit, though. Her man was made impotent/had his sex drive destroyed through magic and she didn't bother to tell him or work to correct the problem whatsoever.

Besides, I'm tired of normalfags trying to associate anime with niggershit and other modern western cancer. It's a nice bonus to reverse that cancer and reassociate them with people that are above niggers and the contemporary west, as it was from the start.

yes, you may steal

no cookie, but more smugs is awsome, lets see how he react to MALE smugs, he gonna call them weak too? :3

Those articles about "Nazi trolls with anime girl avatars" are hilarious. I say keep it up. It's a good tactic for confusing our targets.


It's more likely for you to post your shill contract than for that to happen

You're trying to make us look stupid. We're just being smug is the smuggest way possible and it's making you tilt.


What are you sliding?

You idiot no one here wants to be a girl or thinks they are one.
A more fitting example would be
The swimmers are shaving their legs and wearing speedos, and the amount of bare, smooth skin makes you super uncomfortable because it looks kind of like a girl so you want to fuck it, but you know it's a guy so you hate wanting to fuck it. Despite your distaste for the swimmers shaving and wearing skimpy clothes, it's stuff they do to swim faster and you're just being an insecure shit.

got one at hand?
I fucking love em




People who

1. Use anime girl avatars
2. Play girls in video games
3. Over-use anime girl reaction images

Are usually signs of closet trannies.

Obviously most people on Holla Forums aren't like this. But there's a few really loud voices, and they kind of set the standard and people copy them.

What's the most high-energy smug you have saved, Holla Forums?

Where the fuck did you get that god awful piece of shit for a reaction image? It's obvious that you don't belong here. Also, don't complain about using anime avatars when you yourself are an enormous faggot. I swear, even legitimate faggots with anime avatars have more testosterone than you.



Get the fuck out. Anime girls are aesthetically pleasing and emphasize femininity, therefore Jews hate it, therefore use them at all times.

Not to mention the fact that we love anime girls is one of the big reasons normalfags can't ever understand this place. Do you even realize how stupid our foes sound when they categorize us as anime girl posting Nazis? Welcome to Holla Forums, faggot.

I'm watching Kono Bijutsubu Ni Wa Mondai Ga Aru! and it's great. The animation is superb, the girls are cute, and the romance is adorable.

Fucking wanna-be pollack.

So deep and satisfied smug.

I agree with this. Women are being worshiped so much that I think it has made femininity too appealing to trend-followers. Now we're seeing men that want to receive all that attention and/or want to emulate women because it's pushed on everyone so much. And yeah, it does indicate weakness and probable mental issues. I don't know if that's a threat to Holla Forums, though.

When you consume so much feminine media, it subconsciously affects you. You become more feminine without realizing it. Look at Chris-chan. There's even admitted trannies on Holla Forums.

This whole thread is so tragic.

Also op is a faggot pussy who gets triggered by chinese cartoons on a chinese cartoon board.



I thank you. Good read that was. You saved me haveing to copy those myself

Hard to say, but one thing is for sure:
There is no thing smugger than a lewd loli



Not for YOUR AVATAR is what I'm saying.

Your avatar represents you. Obviously it doesn't need to be you, but make it something masculine so you can appear as a serious man to your enemies.



I do all 3 of those and I have been mistaken for a girl more than once. I still don't want to be a girl, and I sincerely doubt anyone with the redpill would want to either.
I've known one tranny IRL, was originally a girl I dated who came out, it was an in joke for a bit that I'm so girly that when I fuck girls they become men and she was bluepilled as fuck, also mildly insane wasn't aware when I fucked her I also refuse to cal her a boy no matter how much she wraps up her tits and shoves chems in her arm.

So should actual girls on our side use male avatars to project strength? Or even pretend to be males on twitter/facebook?

and smug animes are NOT your avatars, this aint a forum you fucking faggot


That is exactly what Jews want. Jews are effeminate and now so are an ever growing number of white men. Masculinity is shit on by progressives. Being a Holla Forumsack, you should know that.

You're just trying to rebuild your anime girl folder, aren't you?


It emphasizes femininity for females you fucking retard.

Average anime girl.

Jews aren't feminine, just weak, feminity implies some level of grace and beauty. Jews are ugly and clumsy.

I think it's at least a little different.


Not when you wear it as an identity.


Meant for:

I have a theory on why do smug anime girls have such a ramp-ravaging effect on leftards.

We are literally appropriating their culture by doing it better and with much less effort than them.

Think about it for a minute. Middle-high class lefties are among the most unwarrantedly elitistic fucks out there. All their discourse and argumentation skills are just rotating about self-validation and circlejerks of platitudes and unverified claims that "liberals are smarter than conservatives" or that "reality has a left-ligning bias" and strawmen about their ideological adversaries. In debate they take their unintuitive positions as granted and they think that being a sardonic asshole wins one's argument. In leftard media, like the fully-subverted Disney (pic related), they even make exaggerated facial expressions, that borderline phrenological illnesses or a stroke, to emphasize that (it's the single raised eyebrow, one-side-of-the-mouth smile professional feminists have).

Imagine how triggering must it be for them when our oriental technicolor smug comes spontaneously and with no need to put an emphasis on it with unnatural expressions when they took for them years of marxist indoctrination to reach their levels of entitlement, especially while having their arguments rek't by solid logic at the same time.

Keeping up with my avatars personality

wow, start making sense any time ezra.
feminizing of man and masculinizing of women is a result of r selection-there are clear and obvious difference between male lions and female lions but not between male and female rabbits. removing distinctions is not the goal, it is the result of creating an r-typed society.

That implies that we use internet accounts as our identity.
Only normies and retards do that. We just make a vague account that substitutes anonymous posting.


What I'm reading here is that I need to wear a shirt, and tanktop with a smug animu on it to win every discussion.

I like the idea.

Seriously, in two hundred years historians will talk about the cultural "smug-war" and try to psychology everything and it will be glorious to watch from our 2D-heaven.

My 'sister' is fairly redpilled, thanks to me, despite being a tranny.

Exactly. Jews perpetuate weakness and ugliness, not grace and certainly not beauty. There is nothing feminine about society, but there is a lot of weakness and it's totally grotesque right down to the misshapen mongrels they love so much.

reading Berserk
go watch/read it, it's fucking great

It's men using females as avatars. It's feminine, usually autistic (like bronies), and doesn't command any respect. Jews want men to promote femininity as an identity for men. Y'know, 'toxic masculinity' and all that. Amazing that I have to tell anyone this on Holla Forums.


This isn't a forum you retarded faggot

This. Those images draw attention of the bluepilled normies and make the trolling more effective. The end justifies the means.

OP is a shill trying to destabilize us.

you sister is a brother.

Sure. When it's just trolling or whatever, maybe it doesn't matter. I still get what OP is saying, shill or not.

There is nothing that commands authority over cucks greater than a woman.


Nice job, my mum is semi redpilled.

This is the glory of Kek.

Birth the light through endless dankness.

Initiate violent extermination of non-White untermensch while propagandizing with oriental culture.

Promote traditional "toxic masculinity" values, patriarchy and militancy through peaceful over-the-top feminine cute girls doing cute things.

Their small amygdala-impaired brains can't grasp that both extremes are in full contrast with the shapeless brown multi-cultural relativist mass (((their masters))) try to make out of humanity and its cultures.

Real women with warm, wet holes to fuck, yeah. Anime… I'm not so sure.

What even is this media deduplication?

All I knew is it's created far too long file names and screwed up my image downloader. Just as I find a good thread too!

The opposite of everything you said is true.

subconsciously they see animes as people

Used up holes.

There's no gain from upsetting 'her'.

How redpilled?


Anime give me hope for the future.


just tell him what he is.

The world has enough fixation and lust for materialism and utilitarianism. It's time to reverse the degeneration and get people to appreciate inspired beauty once again to rekindle their souls. Am I wrong?

My sibling is what 'she' is.

so stop calling him a "she"


She doesn't believe in the holohoax, or trust media, or trust (((bankers)))
She doesn't care much but she had me and 3 other white kids so she did her part.



rolling for spooky skeleton women

You don't need sage anymore anons.
The thread is bumplocked.

you want them to stop?

get their test back up

balance their zinc and magnesium for starters

Not worth it.

Being smug was a state of mind that had to be earned in the days of olde. Now that (((their))) cult of equality has made the least common denominator entitled to smugging there's nothing easier to steal the smug back from them.

I don't understand that Evangelion pic, explain?



then fuck his boypussy faggot

Woah user
That's forbidden love

Look at me.
We're the aristocrats now.

We actually have every reason to look down on this world. I think being some of the few sane people with a sense of beauty in a world of ugliness is earning well enough that contempt for society. Normalfags are the scum until we fix them and make them great.

No thanks.


Absolutely forbodden

you have the mind of the weak. there are no children to be produced out of this

do it for science

It's no incest if it's in the ass.

user u need to calm down
is totally ok


Don't listen to them it's still incest
Do not have frontal sex with your tranny brother
spite anal

It's not about children. I'm almost a father figure to 'her'. 'She's still has her dick.

futa incest with daddy fetish


so do it in the butt

Make him call you Daddy

Given half a chance she would, but no.


just make him say it
seriously he would love that shit, trannies are into that

Holy fuck I was kidding, but your brother might actually want you to dominate him sexually and anally

All girls are into that, but it's still disgusting, especially in the circumstances.

Get that bitch a choker, bitches love chokers

She already wears one of those plastic thread necklace things that fit like one.

Stop referring to IT like a "she". Even trap-themed mangas have the basic decency to refer to traps as "he".

now walk her like a dog.

I know it's as degenerate as it gets but at this point you HAVE TO DO IT FOR THE LULZ. extra internets if you somehow manage to create enough of a controversy to make it to Oprah

Even hitlerdubs agree.

Holy shit is this real?
Respects you enough to listen to your logic
Does he laugh at your bad jokes and enjoy your company too? Because if so he might actually want to choke on your cock
Also of note, does he wear skirts or pants? If skirts, what kind of stockings? This knowledge will inform me of exactly how much he wants your cock, I happen to be an expert on this subject and am totally not your brother trying to encourage you anonymously

Don't lots of them use "she"? I've tried to avoid reading that kind of hentai.

'She' isn't just a trap, hormones and boobs and everything.

Hopefully even she isn't that degenerate.

Jesus fucking Christ, Holla Forums! We are supposed to lead people AWAY from degeneracy!

Does "she" have a pair of X chromosomes in her cells or even an skellington that would pass as a female's to even a sub-par MD?

She's not a little girl. She's an effeminate gay who tries to be a woman.

We hang out but she doesn't have any other friends anyway. Usually she just sits next to me while I game.

Skirts (no stocking) or leggings, or rarely shorts.

She always calls 'herself' my sister, not my brother. Unless this is a double bluff…

You won't know unless you pry and try.
Fuck your trannie sibling, user.

nobody does this, watching someone play games is boring as fuck. he wants to spend time with you and obviously he wants to suck your dick.

Your life so far is the plot of one of those kinda of hentai

Watching someone else play games is boring, he wants the D
Showing off his legs, wants the D
Not a double bluff I'm not your brother I just said I wasn't stop reading into it

Fuck your brother doggy style, he wants it

She gets called a girl by strangers. I can't forget that her face used to be a boy's.

She tells me what she fantasizes about more than enough without any encouragement, thanks.

fuck off kike anime is h'white and redbilled


user that's not normal, he's dropping hints and hoping to get you interested, he wants to do those fantasies with you!

We play together sometimes and she'll play by herself occasionally. It's just mostly me playing. It's not like she could do anything else, with no friends to go and visit.

She's said she just doesn't like tights and that they get torn too easily.

I've though she shows a bit too much skin, so I'll tell her to wear leggings more inside the house.


Then commit to those fantasies, just push her face down so you don't see that boyish face and just fuck the ass.


There's nothing more boring than vidya you don't participate in unless if you are a completely hopeless blizzdrone watching HotS "championships" in hope that you will eventually suck less.

It was the skirt part that indicated the cock list he has for you


It is normal. She did it even when she was a boy. It's just sibling stuff. At worst she's a bit more open about it than normal girls because we used to be brothers.

Then I'll tell her she has to wear leggings even when in a skirt/shorts.

I hate to break it to you, but i don't think that's normal at all.
t. dude with an imouto

Oh wow his lust for your cock goes back to when he was a boy?
Telling him what to wear won't change his feelings for you!

can confirm

t. also dude with imouto

Requesting pic of imouto

Oh and no, not normal, not for siblings, my siblings don't discuss it and the closest I've experienced is with very close friends.

Man, we're talking with an actual, honest to god harem protagonist here.
I have to let this sink in for a bit.

But his love interest is a boy

This is brother stuff that's come over from before she started dressing up. It's not something I'd expect anyone else with a normal sister to experience and it's certainly not cocklust from when she was a boy. She liked girls then.

Some siblings don't discuss that sort of thing but some do. It's really no different from talking about the kinds of girl you find hot. We don't watch each other fap or anything like that.

And I'm not posting a picture of my little sister on the internet, let alone trans sister on Holla Forums.


I know, right?

So it's a trap hentai, still a great story
my current theory is the love interest secretly loved the MC but learned MC wasn't gay so he became trans so senpai will notice him

Wise decision, don't post the pic, but do fuck the butt

do it faget

Well I'm borderline MGTOW, and so is she thanks to my redpilling, so if that was the plan she didn't think it through very well.

Nope. Would you expect someone with a normal sister to fuck her? Of course not.

If they were flirting and it was in the butt then yeah, maybe.

Keked harder than I probably should.

It's funny cause it's true.

pic very related

You're not fooling anymore with "muh redpilled anime". Weebs will be the first to hang on the day of the rope.

Sometimes mentioning what we're into sexually isn't flirting.

If anything it's western animation that turned her trans.


Someone with a normal sister no.

Some ultra-dense faggot with a with a literal faggot-trap otouto?… Well that's exactly how it is in my Cantonese charts.

No shekeru for you!


What's he into then? I'm calling it now, being dominated in some way

I'm not the one who is trying to persuade someone to fuck their mentally ill brother in a skirt. I'm not the one who spammed the board with trap porn and trap hentai in an earlier thread. Fuck off back to reading sissy and NTR shit and kill yourselves.

No shit, Sherlock. He's wearing a dog-collar as if it is less weird than being a tranny abomination.

If it sounds like flirting from how I've described it, I promise you if you saw it in person you'd change your mind.

She was really into The Little Mermaid growing up and anything else mermaid themed, like Splash. I blame Disney.

Anyone talking about their fetishes just sounds like sex talk to me user.
And sex talk means wanting sex with whom you converse.

Of course. No different from any girl, especially every trans. It's not a dog collar though, just a necklace.

Don't worry, it's not going to happen.


Then you have contributed nothing to chanculture and should probably crawl the fuck back to whatever "alt-right" skinhead/christcuck forum you came from.

We are a chinese cartoon forum and therefore making anime real is our outmost priority.

You're just upset you're late to the party

It was an obvious generalization

Oh god he's into tragedy, he knows it won't work and just wants to pine after you like a literal faggot

Kill yourself anyway.

To be fair, The Little Mermaid was one of the old ones and she doesn't believe in the pay gap.

How on earth do you figure that?

Also NTR is worst fetish

Necklaces are lose and hang freely around your neck . If it fits on the neck it's by definition a fucking collar!

Mermaid stories are always tragic

It's a choker

You are right. He did not discipline him enough. wink wink

Yeah, because Holla Forums is all about jacking off gay incest and projecting yourself as a little anime girl.

In a year max, you will fap to it to satisfy your extreme degenerate fetishes. Why do you think it's becoming so much more common now?

Dude no, NTR is absolute worst, vanilla love is vanilla life

>mfw MCanon marries a seemingly normal Christian girl to start a traditional White family and she turns out to be a shoujoshit that manipulates him into happy ending

What could I possibly have done to save 'her'?

I think that's a little tenuous.

You fucker
I was going to post that image
Also yes

No one cares, this is a politics board, not a weeb faggot board.


You mean you are not one, onii-chan?

Kill yourself

You too


Give me one example where the mermaid gets the guy? And don't say the Little Mermaid because the Disney revision doesn't count

Fuck off, thread is sliding anyway

The horrible thing is she does like that sort of thing.

That's the one she watched dozens of times though.

Yeah, and that's why all of you are now are taking the degeneracy to here in an anchor thread. If this got bumped to the front page and Holla Forums knew what all of you are really about, weebs would hang before the heebs.

As a matter of fact I nearly stopped masturbating to 2D from the moment I started reading/watching animal and mango less casually and started participating into discussion with actual weeabs.

Anime was one of the most important catalysts of me turning from a degenerate leftard to a considerably less degenerate naziboo.

Oh right, in the original it's a tragic story
If he prefers the Disney version he might not be content to pine after you, fuck him before he sells his voice and dick to a witch for the extra x chromosome

Infighting is not the way to win you fuck, we want to hang herbs just as much as you, but that won't get done if you fall for Jewish manipulations and turn on our samurally

No need to be redundant, Mac. At this point we know your brother better than you do…

I know. But the Disney version was what he loved as a kid before going trans.

That's probably why she liked or, or why it turned her trans.


Daily reminder the first things Jews did to the Palestanians is spam them with pornography

What have weebs ever contributed to the movement? At least some degenerates proved to be useful once.

I-I don't have a smug enough image for this one…

Like I said to .

Go back to r/TheDonald you reject lmao


Oh wait… you mean like the most influential contemporary far-right movement spawning from an anime-discussion imageboard to the point (((the media))) have spilled their spaghetti by doing references to the supposed connection between anime, Trump and anti-semitism?

Exactly, fuck him so he doesn't feel the need to see a witch to make him a real girl
Don't forget to hold hands and bite and suck on the nape of his neck

Walt Disney hated Jews
Japanese hate Jews
Jews took over Disney
Japan molded their cartoons in Disney's original Jew hating image
Hating anime is the same as being a like

The fuck did you even find this board?

What is this? She's called 'herself' it before.

>Don't forget to hold hands

Autogynophillia is when a guy gets turned on by the idea of being the girl


Fuck off. Japanese are a competitor race and all they want from you is your shekels. They should have been finished off in WW2 with nukes. Non whites will never be your true allies and should be removed for white colonization.

How did a fag like you find Holla Forums?

Japanese are the reason Hitler lost the war. If he wasn't such a weebfaggot allying non-whites, America wouldn't have joined the war and Hitler would have won.

She's said she likes touching mouths to skin as well…

Yup. The only surprise is that 'she' would say something that implies she's a guy.

That's not my name.

I bet you're either Snakeberry MAGA, mememan or Dindragon. One of those youtube autists.
Either way, fuck off weeb.

Just pretend he's not your sibling when you fuck him, or think about it a lot, whatever makes you harder.

lmao you fucking retard
What is the pan-american security zone?
What is destroyer for bases?
What is fucking land-lease?

The US was de facto at war with Germany long, long before Japan attacked the US, and even then the Hull Ultimatum was already a de facto declaration of war

That's how I know you a faggot that strayed away from reddit.

Though I mostly agree with those statements I must point out we are not your genocidal strawmen, tumblr, and just because other races are competitors and can never be unconditional allies does not mean that they have to be enemies or that we cannot mutually benefit. Right now almost the entirety of Western culture and institutions are subverted by the ZOG and and unfortunately anime made by Nips trying to imitate us at our best is the closest we have to a mainstream cultural vessel of traditional White values you can find outside of a museum or a library

By watching anime. ;^)

This is just sad.

Note how OP resets his ID to continue his anti-anime DnC after he finally finds an opportunity to throw in new bait.



bumping an anchored thread

That's not how "trans" works, user.

The Little Mermaid didn't make her trans, user. She like The Little Mermaid because she's a fucking GIRL, and little girls universally go apeshit over The Little Mermaid.

Pretending her gender isn't hard-wired into her brain contra her sex actually makes the explanation for anything she does or likes MORE convoluted and silly. How do you guys not get that?

My sister used to have a similar theory that Eminem being popular with my friends, and the fact that I had a couple of his albums, was the reason I was trans. My family had to collectively sit her down and have a long talk explaining that I just have an intractable brain disorder, and Eminem doesn't make people transgender.

The difference here is that my sister was 12.

I'm pretty sure you're older than 12, and you should be able to sort out cause and effect better than a seventh-grader, user.

Also, maybe it's because this thread is pure bait, but…no one is going to comment on the explicit loli up there? No one? Nobody's going to comment on that dude's pedophila?

Right, okay.


almost forgot

I go on people's brains, user. Not their genitals or chromosomes.

1) How the fuck else should, say, the gender of intersex people be determined besides what they internally feel themselves to be? If you believe that gender is innate, then it's wrong to flip a coin and decide for them just because their genitals and chromosomes don't match, or because their junk is ambiguous. If you think gender is determined by how you're raised, congrats, you're a liberal.

2) Our brains are obviously more important to us as people than genitals or chromosomes. If you don't believe that, go live in the jungle like a monkey.

You mean their feelz. This entire trans shit is based off of feelz. Nobody should start popping medicine or chopping their dicks/tits off because they did something mildly feminine/masculine once when they were a kid. It's always the same thing with you freaks, "I didn't act manly/feminine at every second so I'm a girl/boy now."

And what about schizophrenics who feel like they're Jesus or Napoleon or some shit like that? Guess we should start treating them like they really are Jesus.
There is genuinely no difference between tranny shit and schizophrenia/otherkin/eating disorder shit. You're playing pretend.
I can put a bee costume on a cat, but guess what? It still has a cat's body, still walks on four legs, and it's not going to start producing honey anytime soon.

They're not even that common to begin with.

Forgot to add: in some cases these things were raped too much by daddy thus making him/her hate his/her body.


Yeah, I'm really going to read some idiot faggot's entirely speculative essay on the inner experience of trans people, or our social relationships, or whatever else.

I can see from a quick scan of the first few paragraphs that we destroy our "close relationships" through "outrageous behaviour." Wow, news to me and my family and friends.


Not a thing. Only ever believed to be a thing based on the belief that women aren't aroused by fantasies that revolve around themselves BEING women.

Which is wrong:

Also, you know…all trannies are MtFs (too lazy to come up with a few paragraphs for FtMs?), blah, it's an addiction (nope), blah blah, it's like anorexia (kek, what?), etc. etc.

Any trained psych would just laugh at this shit. Things like "addictions" and "delusions," you know, they have real definitions that transgenderism doesn't fit.

I do like how this nonsense dumps on trans women for getting feminizing facial surgery. Like, if they didn't, more people would perceive them to be "men in dresses" and you would hold that up as proof that they're really men. Can't win, can they?

Stopped even skimming somewhere around there.

Evola. I'm interested to read him (haven't gotten to him yet), but come the fuck on. HE DIED before we had MRIs. He's not exactly the last word on gender.

An eighth grader could identify the holes in this argument.

Good lord, really? The "compare being trans to being a mystical being/an inanimate object/someone else" thing?

Legitimately retarded.

I have never in my life believed that either gender (which, yes, exists) or sex is a social construct. They are both biological constructs, closely related to each other.


Fucking LOOK at the image, you absolute tard. The hetero female and male are dramatically different. A homosexual male brain is visibly slightly feminized compared to the heterosexual male brain. The MtF brain (sexual orientation unknown, which is really too bad) is also dramatically different from the male brains of either sexuality - not identical to the female brain, but much, MUCH closer to that the males.

Comparing the two guys, it may even be possible that the difference you see between the female and the MtF brain is that the latter is attracted to women. But who knows.

"Gender" exists - you're LOOKING at an image of part of the neurobiology that produces your internal sense of it, dumbass.

That study, among others, is what we generally show people when they come at us with the, MUH CHROMOSOMES, MUH GENITALS arguments. Nobody who isn't committed to an anti-trans argument beyond all reason can't see what I'm pointing out.

The last time I got into an argument with a "MUH CHROMOSOMES" conservative, he ended up apologizing and changing his stance completely. He realized the existence of trans people is actually an argument FOR the existence of gender, the importance of the differences between men and women (BESIDES sex organs and reproduction, which is otherwise literally the only thing you'd have to point to as a meaningful difference), and the problem with feminism.

The whole reason liberals come up with wildly inconsistent arguments about us is because "gender is a social construct" can't be reconciled with our existence.

Not an argument.

Pathetic. The same shit as always.

I check out every single "REDPILL ME ON TRANNIES" thread to see if there's some new argument or data or whatever. There never is. It's all the same terrible arguments, over and over, the same debunked crap and the same misinterpreted studies (because people are too lazy to read results sections).

It's kind of embarrassing. It makes me hesitant to think anybody knows what they're talking about on other topics discussed here.

Like the Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect.

But applied to Holla Forums.

Probably because you're one exception. The MAJORITY of people like you are like that.

Yes, because you believe you're one thing when you're clearly not.


Surgery or not, they are still not women.

They're still born as women.

A man having a feminine brain does not make him a woman. He's just a feminine man/faggot
A woman with a masculine brain is still not a man. She's just a tomboy.

What truly makes someone a man or woman then if it's not about chromosomes or genitals?

How is tranny shit different from schizophrenia? What if a person thinks the same way a dog does, that makes them a dog now?
Or white people who think like niggers? (wiggers, due to brainwashing by the shit music and shows they listen/watch) They're the same now, just because they think the same?

So all faggots are women and all tomboys are men, no matter what.

The point is, they don't matter.

But i love anime

Almost forgot, who could ever forget this beautiful womyn:
same user from earlier by the way

lel thought my ID changed

I've known many other trans people, and they kinda ran the spectrum from otherwise perfectly normal to SUPER nuts. The latter ones generally had some serious comorbidity…like Bipolar I or something.

Definitely serious psychiatric comorbidities are relatively common in trans people, but it's not actually an inherent part of the disorder.

Of course, some people's families also can't accept it and stop speaking to them or whatever. But that's a choice they make. I do not blame the trans person, because I don't think it's a sign that you're a well-adjusted person who can hold healthy relationships together if you sublimate your misery to keep other people happy. That's…a little backward.

Shrinks aren't all kikes. Of course they have influenced the field; but I don't think people who can't tell the difference between gender dysphoria and an addiction are in a qualified position to comment on that influence.

Nope. Anorexics perceive their literal, physical body incorrectly. I am perfectly capable of seeing my phenotypical sex for what it is - I just don't feel that it matches my internal experience, and the latter is of higher priority to me.

Neuroimaging is consistently turning up results that suggest that trans brains are sexually mis-wired. Some of this is intermediate between male and female, some of it is within the normal range for the gender we identify with. But our brains are not normally masculinized or feminized as they should be.

So no, I'm NOT actually perceiving reality incorrectly. On the contrary, I am perceiving something that modern science is beginning to verify is based in physiological reality.

Irrelevant to my point - which is that you are, maybe without realizing it, willing to pathologize trans women regardless of what they do. It's disingenuous.

If a rough-hewn trans woman refused to get surgery to feminize her face, the comments here would probably run along the lines of, "he's not even trying to look like a girl, he's just LARPing."

No, they're born with female genitals, which is also irrelevant to the point. That user was insisting on childbirth as a critical criterion for true womanhood. A test that any number of women would fail.

She's a feminine MALE. Nothing really changes your sex. Nothing changes your gender, either - which is determined by your neurology and, in rare cases, doesn't match the sex.

If you get a brain injury to the right spot (in the limbic system, I think it is) in particular, your sense of gender can actually be damaged. It's very rare to get that kind of brain injury, but it happens. Your sense of yourself as a man is pretty much entirely independent of your dick, your chromosomes, having been raised as a boy, or anything else.


Glad you asked. So far as we know, trans people have (as mentioned) cross-wired brains, likely from birth. (I say this because most studies done now test trans people prior to hormone therapy, so that we're not just accidentally observing the effects of hormones on the brain). We're not sure why this is, but there have been a few genes found now associated with transgenderism, and they appear to affect how sex hormones are metabolized. The overall theory is that this affects proper sex-specific brain development in utero.

Schizophrenia isn't that well-understood, but we know that some parts of the frontal lobe in schizophrenics are too small. We don't know why. We also know that they have overactive dopamine receptors (antipsychotics block dopamine) and underactive glutamate receptors.

Wow, yeah - same condition, right user?

(Incidentally, while I don't have a mood disorder, I DO have ADHD, which runs in my family. ADHD is characterized by - among other things - either inadequate release of dopamine, or inadequate reuptake of dopamine. I think it's rather unlikely that I have both that, and "hyper-dopamine" psychosis. Which is a very, very specific form of psychosis with no other psychotic symptoms.)

This is really not any less stupid than the leprechaun thing, although at least dogs actually exist.

We have a word for that condition.

It's called "stupid."

The difference is the degree, user. Again, go look at the diagram in the fourth image you posted yourself. Does the homosexual sample really look ANYTHING like the MtF sample?

The point is, you are refusing to address the argument.

If someone is born with ambiguous genitals, do you believe that other people have the right to flip a coin and decide what they are? Do you think those people have a right to declare for themselves what their gender is? If it was different from what they were assigned to be at birth, would you say they were "wrong" and on what grounds? Etc.

I have literally no idea what is wrong with that person. That's well beyond being transgender. I don't know if they actually just have a personality disorder, if they're trans but ALSO have a personality disorder, or wtf is going on.

But, you know, Holla Forums does this. "Look, here's the guy who tried to turn into a cat," "Look, here's the weirdo that lives as a little girl with pigtails," "Look, this person injected a balloon into their lips." A hundred thousand trans people in the United States alone, let's talk about the cat guy like he's somehow representative of something.

Yeah, okay.

I’m getting tiered of this thread.

Fine, in some hypothetical situation where some guy had a really feminine brain and seemed like a girl in every way, I’m talking 2D trap tier where one could not tell any difference between them and an actual girl until they find out what’s under the skirt AND wasn’t a batshit insane liberal and actually had a girl voice (even with the ones who look 90% female, once they open their mouth, that gives everything away) maybe I wouldn’t care if they called themselves a girl. I guess the same could be applied to some chick who wants a dick.

However, most trannies are not like that. Actually I doubt many people who claim to be trans actually have a feminized/masculine brain. I’ve seen so many of these fake trannies online saying they discovered they were truly a girl/boy because they didn’t do boy/girl things 24/7 or enjoyed doing girl things a few times and boy things other times. There’s even girls who think like a typical girl, do typical girl things, even wear fucking skirts, but they noticed they like wearing pants occasionally or that there was some minor differences between them and other girls so apparently that makes them boys or “genderfluid.”
And there’s the ones who have some other mental issue and think getting some new identity will fix everything, but once their issue gets fixed they grow out of it and go back to normal.

I guess it’s possible some people really could have something wrong with their brain but the ones who genuinely do are either in a minority or keep their trans shit to themselves.

Seems like a pretty strange coincidence that there’s a lot of overlap though.

I’d say it depends on whether the tranny truly has some trans shit going on in their brain or if they’re just jumping on the bandwagon, and also if they’re a tumblr-tier tranny or not.

What about the doctors who diagnose almost anyone with trans shit so that the patient buys more drugs and gives them more shekels?

I’d be suspicious of that diagnosis especially if the person being diagnosed with it is a child (mainly a male one). Little boys are constantly getting diagnosed with this because the teachers and parents think a boy acting hyper (acting like a normal boy basically) means that there’s something wrong. Same with autism (which is now almost “acting remotely anti-social”)
I’m sure some of these conditions exist (even the trans shit) but almost anyone who’s slightly different from what’s considered normal, even just a small amount, gets diagnosed with this stuff or believes something’s wrong.

Like with the MtF type of tranny, so many guys are being told that masculinity is wrong and aren’t being raised with decent fathers or role models, and girls generally have life on extreme easy mode. So it’s no wonder they think being a girl would be better when they’re told constantly that just by being male that makes them some baby rapist who deserves to die. They’d probably be normal if social justice shit wasn’t being pushed in their face so often.

This is real life, man. People aren't flawless.

Please don't get confused Tumblrites mixed up with actual trans people.

"Genderfluid" is not a thing. Those people never get sex reassignment, they don't experience symptoms like dysphoria, they're literally just looking for oppression points and a quirky "identity." They aren't bothered by their gender issues, because they don't actually have a disorder. They want attention, and they will happily draw attention and resources away from people who actually have the disorder to get it.

They've plagued our various communities for years; I've seen many small, close-knit communities of trans people sharing real info on the daily reality of coping with it get totally derailed as they're flooded with rainbow-haired weirdos who want to talk about gender theory crap and inane shit. When the community tries to get back on track discussing surgery, hormones, real issues, these kids whine that no one is paying attention to them. Too many "immigrants" of that sort, and the community dies. Like I said, they're a plague.

If you're confusing them with us, it's absolutely no wonder you think transgenderism is bullshit.

They're called "transtrenders," fyi.

You can see where the name comes from.

Uh…no, it's not a strange coincidence. Pretty sure just about everything in the DSM has recognized common comorbidities.

The most common ones for us are basically just depression and anxiety. That shouldn't really even need explaining.

Yeah, not arguing with that.


Imagine getting sued for pushing someone into sex reassignment who didn't fit the diagnostic criteria and then regretted it. Holy crap, imagine the media shitstorm.

Also, HRT is…pretty cheap. At least the shit I'm taking, and where I am. I'm looking at ~5 bucks a month for the dose I'm on, and that's WITHOUT insurance coverage. Whoo, big money.

By comparison, stuff like testosterone patches intended for men who just have low T or whatever…that stuff costs an arm and a fucking leg. I'd say there's more money in just convincing normal men that they're too cucky and need a sticky boost on their arm than there is in conning someone into a sex change.

I'm shocked.

The neurology of ADHD is actually much better understood than the aforementioned schizophrenia. It exists.

While doctors often throw it out informally, the best measure of ADHD Dxes that are taken seriously is to look at the rates at which children are actually medicated. Those are still pretty modest. Probably only about half the kids that actually have it are getting medication.

I think this is true, and I think this basically results in lots of normal guys being hopeless faggots (regardless of sexual orientation).

I really don't believe it makes a normal boy grow up to believe he's a girl. It's been cited here before (bizarrely, as some sort of argument AGAINST our existence), but look up David Reimer.

He lost his penis in a botched circumcision, so doctors (led by pedophile John Money) surgically reassigned him a vag and told his parents to raise him as a girl. Was supposed to be proof of the blank slate, that a child could be raised as either gender regardless of sex.

It was a total failure, of course. David never adjusted, switched to living as a male the second he knew the truth, and ultimately offed himself.

If a guy can be raised FROM BIRTH as 100% a girl and not have it work…no user, I do not think it's likely that lots of Millennial boys just decided to be girls because it looked like the better option.

"trans" is a mental disorder but most trannies these days are just faking it for attention.

Reality denial is a regular symptom of dissociative disorders. So is suicide. Transgenderism is a mental disorder.

Don't you degenerates consider this hate speech or something?

Yes. And pretending to transition (actually becoming a member of the opposite sex is impossible) just makes the disorder worse and increases suicide rates. It's like convincing someone with schizophrenia that there are other people living in their head. You need treatment not encouragement, spreading this shit to children should be a capital offense.

Says the one that invented an entire concept (gender, as redefined in the 80s by feminists, prior to which gender was a synonym for sex) completely divorced from reality just to avoid admitting that you have a brain disorder and need treatment. You don't need a dress and estrogen, you need a fucking psychologist you freak.

Go back to tumblr, you obviously don't belong here or on any other chan.

Off yourself cunt.

Mental disorders commonly appear alongside other mental and personality disorders. Fancy that.


Imagine winning that lawsuit because a band of nation wreckers backed by kikes at every turn has corrupted the justice system and forced every medical organization under the sun to bend over to them. Of course you didn't do that directly, it was the aforementioned kikes using you diseased mental patients like a club to batter these institutions into submission, but you still need to come to terms with the fact that you're not a woman, you're just a sick person trying to cut and drug your body into a particular shape so your psychological trouble will go away (it won't, it gets worse when you do that).

Gee, I wonder who benefits from HRT being readily available to the goyim, and who has the ability to influence prices in the pharmaceutical industry. It's a mystery.

Pure coincidence totally not intentional. Estrogen totally doesn't throw off your emotional stability, destroy your capacity for logical linear thought and give you cancer or anything. B-b-but if I have less body hair my brain will stop making me feel horrible and telling me to commit suicide! HRT is greatest ally!

Gender being biological doesn't mean you can be born with the "wrong one". The way you act in society is a result of your sex. Some specific traits can be influenced by your peers (aka society) but the basis for that and the foundation for cultural standards of male and female behavior is biological.

Medically speaking, this is like asking how Elephant Man's race should be determined (since he doesn't have physical characteristics that fit any race. It doesn't mean race doesn't exist because %0.0000001 of people are born disfigured abominations. Whichever sex predominates (ie whichever type of hormones they produce more during developmental stages of growth before and directly after birth, androgens or estrogens) will determine their sex and resultant behavior. Unless they have a dissociation disorder like you (but if that happens they have like a 4x chance of committing suicide on top of your 41% so they probably won't be around for long anyway).

What do you think the brain is made of, idiot? Every single brain cell contains an XX or XY pair, the brain is what determines release of sex hormones in the first place. You still have a brain disease. Thinking your dissociative disorder means you were "born a woman xDDD" is just feefees nonsense with no science or actual coherent theory behind it, it's purely a product of denial.

Oh look, another one who thinks they're a psychiatrist because they read something on the internet.

It's not a dissociative disorder.

So is your pedophilia.

This is otherwise a meaningless statement. There are hundreds of "mental disorders." That tells you nothing.

I'm on Holla Forums. Do you really think I believe in "hate speech"?


Go ahead, cite me that Swedish study you didn't actually read or understand.

This IS the treatment. "Discouragement" does nothing useful.

That's some intense projection you've got going on there.

I've explained what "gender" actually is at length. There's a point beyond which your failure to understand my use of the term is on you, and not me.

I've repeatedly called it exactly that.

This is the treatment.

We see them. It's a requirement for transition, dumbass.

Go back to /loli/ or /hebe/.

The hypocrisy of calling me a freak while posting anime toddlers getting raped is staggering.

Was literally my point. Not very bright, are you?

When you can't point to any actual Jews, you've left the realm of reality far more than I have.

My eyes glazed over, not even sure what you're trying to say. More of the "left the realm of sane people" stuff, I think.

No decent doctor is going to risk that kind of medical malpractice suit. Get a goddamn grip.

I said it was CHEAP, stupid. Not that it's "readily available."

No, compare hormone to like hormone. Higher-dose injectable test is cheap. Low-dose skin patches are hundreds of dollars a week.

Top kek.

Oh yeah. Completely. Can confirm.

No shit, Sherlock.

You're one of those fuckers who will argue in circles for hours without ever realizing you're not actually offering a counter-argument.

He was white.

That's…user, I discussed the role of sex hormones in this condition.

Still not one.

More than a decade of neuroimaging behind it.

Stop attempting anything STEM-related, you suck at it.


Dat's called truscum yo

I can identify as blind even tho I am not