Yeah, I'm really going to read some idiot faggot's entirely speculative essay on the inner experience of trans people, or our social relationships, or whatever else.
I can see from a quick scan of the first few paragraphs that we destroy our "close relationships" through "outrageous behaviour." Wow, news to me and my family and friends.
Not a thing. Only ever believed to be a thing based on the belief that women aren't aroused by fantasies that revolve around themselves BEING women.
Which is wrong:
Also, you know…all trannies are MtFs (too lazy to come up with a few paragraphs for FtMs?), blah, it's an addiction (nope), blah blah, it's like anorexia (kek, what?), etc. etc.
Any trained psych would just laugh at this shit. Things like "addictions" and "delusions," you know, they have real definitions that transgenderism doesn't fit.
I do like how this nonsense dumps on trans women for getting feminizing facial surgery. Like, if they didn't, more people would perceive them to be "men in dresses" and you would hold that up as proof that they're really men. Can't win, can they?
Stopped even skimming somewhere around there.
Evola. I'm interested to read him (haven't gotten to him yet), but come the fuck on. HE DIED before we had MRIs. He's not exactly the last word on gender.
An eighth grader could identify the holes in this argument.
Good lord, really? The "compare being trans to being a mystical being/an inanimate object/someone else" thing?
Legitimately retarded.
I have never in my life believed that either gender (which, yes, exists) or sex is a social construct. They are both biological constructs, closely related to each other.
Fucking LOOK at the image, you absolute tard. The hetero female and male are dramatically different. A homosexual male brain is visibly slightly feminized compared to the heterosexual male brain. The MtF brain (sexual orientation unknown, which is really too bad) is also dramatically different from the male brains of either sexuality - not identical to the female brain, but much, MUCH closer to that the males.
Comparing the two guys, it may even be possible that the difference you see between the female and the MtF brain is that the latter is attracted to women. But who knows.
"Gender" exists - you're LOOKING at an image of part of the neurobiology that produces your internal sense of it, dumbass.
That study, among others, is what we generally show people when they come at us with the, MUH CHROMOSOMES, MUH GENITALS arguments. Nobody who isn't committed to an anti-trans argument beyond all reason can't see what I'm pointing out.
The last time I got into an argument with a "MUH CHROMOSOMES" conservative, he ended up apologizing and changing his stance completely. He realized the existence of trans people is actually an argument FOR the existence of gender, the importance of the differences between men and women (BESIDES sex organs and reproduction, which is otherwise literally the only thing you'd have to point to as a meaningful difference), and the problem with feminism.
The whole reason liberals come up with wildly inconsistent arguments about us is because "gender is a social construct" can't be reconciled with our existence.
Not an argument.
Pathetic. The same shit as always.
I check out every single "REDPILL ME ON TRANNIES" thread to see if there's some new argument or data or whatever. There never is. It's all the same terrible arguments, over and over, the same debunked crap and the same misinterpreted studies (because people are too lazy to read results sections).
It's kind of embarrassing. It makes me hesitant to think anybody knows what they're talking about on other topics discussed here.
Like the Murray Gell-Mann amnesia effect.
But applied to Holla Forums.