So every time I claimed that race mixing was massiv in the current generation and is rapidly increasing in the past, I got called shill or kike
so how do you explain this picture?
So every time I claimed that race mixing was massiv in the current generation and is rapidly increasing in the past, I got called shill or kike
so how do you explain this picture?
Race mixing happens a lot, i saw 20 white women at college yesterday with black, arab, and mexican dudes.
mixed race often means spic
I like to calm myself with this reasoning - only the weak ones and low IQ ones succumb to the jewish lies and racemix, thus leaving us with the stronger stock?
First I want source.
Also mixed race doesn't mean explicitly black and white mulattoes it could mean mestizo or Asian/Black or Black/Spic. I only give a fuck about how many whites miseginate so please give me those statistics.
It's already occurred at civilization destroying levels. The numbers are goosed by ancient, near-death White people.
well just compare to the % on the left,
of the "whites"
also realize white for us census probably includes
white hispanic
and other "caucasians" such as brown half nig arabs (kek)
I saw the opposite at mine. White guys walking with brown girls. Occasionally I'd see brown guys and white girls, but I'm not paying much attention.
At work though the only racemixing couples I saw were brown guys and white women. Or white women with brown kids. White guys with brown girls only came in a few times per week.
But the white girls racemixing were always ones that were low-tier. Still bad though, should be none whatsoever.
doesnt matter
they should be with low tier whit guys
not lowest tier non whites
Pretty sure that includes a shitload of hispanics, which is why the white statistic of 72% is absolute bullshit. It's closer to 62% and if you remove the jews, muslims, and all the other vanilla looking faces that get lumped in with "white" or "caucasian" it's closer to 60% or less at this point.
Oh, I agree. There should be no racemixing at all.
We only care about white person + non-white. That category seems to include all flavors of non-white mixing, which isn't a concern for us. Use your brain moran.
Same thread every single fucking day.
Why do they include hispanics in the white category anyway?
I am guessing that even though a non-hispanic white and a spic both count as "white" for the Census, a half-spic who circles "mixed" instead of choosing spic/non-spic gets put in mixed.
Otherwise the number of mixed kids is too big.
You do realize that table doesn't necessarily refer to whites racemixing, right? Blacks and Asians impregnating each other counts as racemixing to that chart, and I couldn't give a single shit about that.
There are a lot of half beaner, half black babies out there. I'm only interested in seeing the statistics for whites.
To inflate the "white" crime rate so anti-racists get to say, "see, NO difference between blacks and whites."
Also I suspect that if we become hispanic-majority, they're going to try to pin the white guilt on the hispanics.
It's because they use marriage stats. But these are irrelevant because we all know race mixers don't end up marrying after they burn coal. They pop out a few beaners or niglets and then stay a single mom or try to find a liberal white cuckold to marry. So marriage rates are practically useless.
Its 9% of whites race mix including "white" Hispanics.
Which is devastating to the white birth rate, as their kids are not white.
If that's population and not births it could be explained by mixed immigrants.
I think you meant to say Cubans.
You made this thread earlier today. You were BTFO out then too. Fuck off.
Obvious shill is obvious. I've never once seen a woman of any quality with an arab or mexican manlet. Mexican guys are like 5'5" on average - there's a reason even our foremost enemies resign themselves to pushing male nogs(5'9" on average last time I checked, but still much fatter and less successful than men of other races).
These kikes and their magic numbers.
It's from people who like to pretend this civilization isn't over. I don't think there has ever been a time in history a nation has lost majority status in its own country and come back.
Steel beams confirmed
You do realize that whites have the lowest rates of intermarriage and cohabitation with non whites and that the "mixed race" category isn't exclusive to whites+non whites?
I bet you didn't think of that, dumbass.
aren't burger negroes, 16% of population, 15% white admixture?