Hillary is the Alt-Right Candidate

Hillary is the Alt-Right Candidate

More black poverty.
More black abortions.
More black shootings.
More black incarceration.

Holla Forums hates niggers and so does Hitlery. #ImWithHer

Why does CNN and MSNBC shill for Trump so much? We want Hillary, not Trump!

Other urls found in this thread:





Hi David, hows the weather in Tel Aviv


Today is the day Hillary is denouncing the alt-right. Expect a flood of CNN and reporter-faggots. They have to understand we love Hillary even though she's denounced us. We're still voting for her.


only problem is she hates white people even more.


Make sure to print these out and post them in the black neighborhoods, okay? Preferably near black churches.




More war
More unemployment
More surveillance
More taxes
More cop killings
More socialism
More government

Sounds good OP.

oy vey
doing it right now

That logo gave me cancer.

I fucking hate niggers and i'm voting
for Hillary

Come on, If you're gonna shill at least make an effort


Saging for the shill thread, but to play devil's advocate, how is this line of thinking wrong, exactly?

Is it because Hillary would still ramp up welfare spending more than Trump?

This is now a planning thread to disrupt operation bi/pol/ar on halfchan Holla Forums




Gas the kikes, race war now! Heil Hillary!

halfchan is being spammed with this shit hard

50% of it is CTR
40% are autists who think it's an OP
10% are just legitimately retarded


This is pretty funny doughnuts.

Obvious shill thread. We know she has people working for her whose job is to make memes and try to shill places like this. Then she decides to namedrop the "alt-right" and now this shit thread is made on that same day with all these "memes". All these memes you're posting are obviously shit Hillarys people made. You're like protestors at a Trump rally that have really nice profesionally made looking signs that have been printed. Where do they get them? Where did you get all these "meme" images? I'm here 24/7 because NEET and I've never seen anyone post one of these images before. You obviously made them with the rest of the shills and decided to spam them the day of her speech. You're probably the same people that convinced her to talk about the "alt-right" in the first place, in which case, thank you for helping Trump because anyone talking about Nazi frogs and shit irl always comes across like a twat.

It's because she might mention 4chan in her speech about the alt-right, so they're trying to pretend 4/pol/ is a pro-Hillary board.

So if we pretend we're voting for her, no one will vote for her? You genius!

bretty gud but you should have used the pic of the black dudes in Klan robes instead

We're not their boss.
They want to accidentally shoot themselves in the back of the head.

wtf I love hillary now

Damn right, the record is incorrect and needs correcting. Hillary kicked that goat-jockey's ass who was running Libya, getting the sand niggers to kill themselves off in the process. And she is absolutely ecstatic about opening up a can of whipass on Iran, who is threatening the only ethnically-based, wall-building, black-sterilising, mixed-marriage prohibiting white supremacist democracy and model for us to follow.

I'm a #HillaryMissile now

Oh shit nigger, they sent the 3.50$ shill this time!

So you're part of the 40% shitting up Holla Forums being masterminded by CTR jews, k

My contribution.
I can't believe Hillary really, actually said this. :^)


This board had been shit up for awhile now. And with the potential to embed redpills so well as to make us look somewhat self-aware and ironic and therefore harmless, if CTR did mastermind this campaign, they shot themselves in the foot, imo.

CTR in full force
Attempting to redfine the alt-right narrative
Shillary getting desperate


From what to what? The only half-way plausible reason to seriously support Hillary is that her being in the office and what she would do might provoke secession. Maybe if she were running against Jeb, that would be an unretarded position to take (unironically).

Just like Huezil and Mexico

You totally convinved me bro, I'm now a #Clintoris!

WTF i H8 Drumbf now

Why is there a single bump in this thread?

kek, I see what you're really doing there. Speech will be on in 10 minutes by the way.


huelander here to confirm

Ku Klux Klan Grand Dragon Will Quigg Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

