Every British TV Show To Be Monitored for ‘Diversity’
Every British TV Show To Be Monitored for ‘Diversity’
Other urls found in this thread:
Hello lads
Really makes you think.
That's apprentice level work tbh. After you've got some bricklaying experience, you start generating so much wealth that the sterling loses value.
Would have slapped her silly for that tbh
What this country has gotten away with is unbelievable. I'm genuinely proud of the sheer levels of genocide and oppression we've accomplished, and hope that we will have plenty of opportunities in the future to continue to do so.
Someone posted this last thread.
The immigration bit has me stumped. Looks like just another rubbish political compass but nicer looking layout tbh. What if I think that immigration policy is pretty nuanced and needs to be adjusted often, but of course trying to maintain homogeneity and security? I'm not bothered by Chinese students who're going to be the future leaders of their country studying here and absorbing a bit of the positive influence of the culture. I'm not adverse to Poles coming to unblock the bogs if we don't have enough people for that (obviously for lacking in more important things like doctors or engineers, the remedy is immediately to put more effort into training our own) so long as they go back too.
I would if I had the military experience.
Fucking hell there's more!
This is an invasion and the government are failing in their DUTY to secure the borders and defend the realm. FUCKING CUCKS!
Migrants rescued from sandbank off Kent coast
ABOUT RUDDY TIME Theresa May orders Home Secretary Amber Rudd to clampdown on number of non-EU workers and students coming to UK
The dramatic new plans will target non-EU workers and students coming to the UK
Education is the only reason for immigration I can tolerate tbh, other than repatriation of British expats.
British education is world renowned tbqh, and as long as they pay for it and go back to where they bloody came from, im more than happy for them to visit England's green and pleasant land
Here is to a good thread!
Hear hear!
Remember, lads, you are stronger than women. There is always hope, even for the most hopeless of us.
Tbh lad if you haven't had to endure being a minority among foreigners at school you should be careful what you wish for
I mean University tbf
Watch yourselves
I'm happy about the Sun Piece. I thought maybe the Tory Gov would think we'd be satisfied if they brought EU migration down and not non-EU migration. Wait and see but I don't expect much.
They don't deserve our excellent education as it could help them get their countries in an advantage over us, look at China
Don't give the defamers attention, lad.
Yeah I've changed my mind lads. They can go back to their own countries if they want immigration
Keep British schools British tbh
God save the Queen tbh lads
*if they want education
Nice lad nice
Could be a little bit less authoritarian and a little bit more Traditional/Nativist
May have overreacted tbh.
Hear hear.
Btw lads, I was joking about the whole boipussy thing
I'm not actually gay tbh, just a shitposter
t. AW
Remember it's not to late to adopt a corbynista. I did and adopted twitter.com
Good afternoon
Britpol was really nice during those speeches.
All the american flags came in to congratulate us and it was a good time.
tbh it might be an unpopular opinion but I actually don't mind immigration so long as they pay us vast sums of money to come here.
We could sell British passports for 100k a piece to foreign nationals then educate their kids here for even more money annually.
Have virtually no taxes too so they come here and spend all their money on whatever.
Thats an argument for immigration I can understand.
All this emotional shit about letting in peasants from Pakistan I don't get at all.
As in a complication with the pregnancy whereby its continuation would endanger the mother's life
Every time.
It fills me with patriotic pride tbh.
Did I do OK, lads?
I feel we'd all balance each other out quite well ITT.
Yanks deleted our glorious thread
I've heard about it but I'd like to know if there really is a situation where a doctor knows for a fact the choice is between
Probably should get the triggering comments in early lads.
That's not very traditionalist of you tbh lad
Does anyone else here remember being forced to take an example of the "citzenship test" as a kid?
Our lefty geography teacher booked out the computer room for the lesson and got us all to take it.
When half of us inevitably failed he started going on about how "you kids wouldn't even qualify as citizens of this country" like it was the 13 year olds' fault for not knowing that shit and not the broken education system.
Used it to push his pro immigrant narrative.
Gang of French Muslims probed by police after group of British women assaulted in Spain
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Be French or GO HOME: Sarkozy launches scathing attack on immigration and EU’s rules
White people BTFO(???)
First for that's not even in Britain, it's a private school in Kenya or South Africa or something.
There may be schools with no whites, but there aren't schools with only blacks (even the teacher)
Hey you tossers how good is the chance for an immigrant to become a bricklayer in britain heard the market's good
Sorry lad, I'll get back to taking pictures of dicke and balls
The frogs are confusing me right now.
First they say that we're their closest friend then they threated to shutitdown at calais.
First they say we must accept these new dangers now they attack the EU and immigrants.
What the fuck is going on over there?
Maybe in 2014 or Adam Wallace's mind, I thought even Manlet Wews had given up on it
No but I remember being taken to an EU education programme where we were tested on details about the European Union and given puzzles, flags and maps to take home.
I was in primary school so I completely forgot but I found all this stuff searching my room.
Also when the BNP were doing well in my area around 2010 we had an assembly where they urged the entire school to pressure their parents not to vote neo-nazi.
I think the First World War was the most feelsy war we've ever fought
Imagine how it must have felt to have been an Edwardian lad in a pals battalion, fighting in the trenches facing constant artillery bombardment, chemical warfare and the first ever air bombing campaigns in war.
Even their marching songs were aimed at taking the piss out of the situation and trying to handle the shit going on around them
There is. Cases where some strange cancerous disease manifests in middle of pregnancy.
Sometimes the choice isn't even that, but
source: personal experience.
I'm not an expert on the subject but with a bit of rooting around I found one. Ectopic pregnancy is where the fertilised egg implants itself into the wall of the Fallopian tube and starts growing, the choice is either an abortion or death for the mother, the child will not grow long enough for it to survive outside the womb.
Reminder that the French and Israelis sold Argentina weaponry that killed British personnel suring the 1982 conflict
Look at the very bottom of my image.
This is weird.
The media really are dogshit.
Then why am I still posting in it, lad?
send it to him lads
Reminder that the Yanks funded the IRA
open my image and see at the very bottom - deleted
It's probably just a glitch m8 this site's held together by gaffa tape
Either a ruse or some sort of fuck up, checked the catalog and it's still here
it is possible, but at least two people experienced it
Reminder Based Maggie threatened to NUKE Buenos Aires if the frogs kept selling them missiles.
You wouldn't get gulaged but you will get blocked by Owen.
It's a brit/pol/ badge of honour tbh
Frogs also gave us the deactivation code for those weapons after we strongarmed them.
Not like we can blame the French people for what their government did.
I mean, France is THE high quality western weapons exporter for shitty nations. It's their thing. No surprise we ended up against one.
Who did it lads?
She secured the Falklands and if Labour were in power at the time they'd have been handed right over. She had her faults but for this she's based.
Joe Owens' grandaughter, clearly
I like how this place is just completely unknown or seen as too small to be an influence.
We should set up lots of different normie looking accounts asking him if he looks well.
Bricklaying being #1
Who posted Victoria Sponge ASMR yesterday? Tip top videos tbh.
yanks fund everybody though lad but yeah the taig-american citizenry actively supported the IRA instead of just their govt
the taig-yanks have always been a problem tbh
This sounds highly dubious, source?
She did far more harm than good even with the Falklands.
I bet the reason behind that name is them thinking they are the 'voice of the younger generation' or other such platitudinous bollocks.
mummy save me tbh
Gonna need you to back that up m8.
This is why the left won the culture wars and run this country top to bottom. They get involved in politics at an early age and scheme their way in. We don't.
Scanning through kikebook looking for rage fuel and taking note of the traitors and came across this.
A 'charity' to give fucking calais invaders free phone credit run by some smug lefty cunt who thinks hes doing some humanitarian act.
Yep, not medical aid, clothes or food but fucking phone credit.
Shit like this makes me rage hard.
Oh and check the comments and you see the fucking mudshits literally going "gibsmedat!!!!" (pic related)
This cunt also seems to think he needs £80k to fund 4000 top ups (not quite sure of the maths there tbh….possibly hes having a skim but cant prove it)
Still these fucking traitor make me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE hard.
The young Conservatives are quite big lad shame most of them are cunts
While Labour were in power in the late 70's Argentina set up military bases on our South Georgia islands and Labour did fuck all
Lads, is Holla Forums bugging out for you?
I can view images when i hover over them and my thread has stopped auto updating
Feels a little better but not much.
Make your own like Death to traitors, freedom for Britain did.
I needed to refresh the thread and retick the auto update box again.
They were also willing to suck cock and take it up the ass from older MP's
Remember that you anglos are subhumans and deserve to be eradicated for your filth.
Carnival weekend. I wonder ewhat bloodletting will occur?
wtf is going on? been happening all day
kek that's me
Beady and proud lad, beady and proud
Get >>>/fit/ and up your game lad.
well I can always get a single shot gun in Britain, but I want ones with higher capacity. And I just like the looks of some of the evil guns. I am really envious of the Freedom Americans have to buy pretty much any gun and just go outside and shoot it.
Are you preparing, lad?
i saw a notice somewhere they're 'fixing' the site
that was a good one!
That sounds comfy as fuck tbh.
One of the far left is a real qt tbh
Am I wrong to find their accent attractive lads?
the one on the far left is nice looking tbh
t. yank
Installing a data mining software more like
How the fuck did Holla Forums become mainstream?
Guess I'll have to do without memes for a while lads.
Beat you too it mate
I'm about halfway there to being /fit/, ive got a really good body-fat ratio and muscle definition, im just working on building up muscle until ive got some thick swole body.
is mainstream
They're either planning something to slander us or they think that normies will be disgusted by us.
I think they may have misstepped on this one.
That definition of "cucks" will actually sit well with a lot of people and make sense.
Good! We all gonna make it!
Hillary's handlers made the decision, and funnily enough the media immediately started reporting on it.
This media attack sure is coordinated…
Well that was a waste of time tbh.
I want death to take me.
ahahahah holy shit
I've been saying it for nearly 2 years
Milo was an agent
He was notorious and took the spotlight and now hes gone the spotlight will focus on the rightwing chans
Purely coincidental.
Slander would be pointless, no one knows who we are.
How accurate is it?
By making Jared Taylor famous you let the cat out of the bag when it comes to a dissident view on race. Most people aren't aware this position exists.
I feel Milo is going to majorly fuck it up and want to strangle him tbh.
Well it is Nick Clegg's seat after all.
Every time I see qt asians in hijabs I get a little sad.
>they're not even pakis probably Malaysians
That's a whole new level of diversity
What time is Hillary Clinton's speech today?
based malays displacing native britons and creating a civic utopian strip-mall walmart civilization where nobody has anything in common with one another other than lol game of thrones
what the fuck lads
I don't understand their move then.
Is it desperation?
So you think they're trying to blow our load early when a lot of people are still apathetic?
I think I might be god tbh
Fuck off lad, this isn't a gay porn board
The fug the thread was deleted just a moment ago and is now back.
That's why all reporters feign ignorance when talking about it and just ramble about it being racist and/or possibly suggesting that the person using it is projecting their sexual deviancy.
What about it? It's probably inaccurate too because as always there were things I didn't know or wasn't made up about I just left and things I thought were too vague or didn't have the right option listed. Hence waste of time.
There is still hope lads.
lad my grandfather used to have to beat SEA whores off him every-time he was on R&R in vietnam, they stand outside the base and dooku-deeki-dow phang-trang-woc their way into some betas pants, utter vipers lad. the only thing a white man should put into a SEA is standard nato ball tbh
this is pretty fuckin cool tbh
are you sure>>7246634
My grandfather always talks about how much more hardworking the Chinese in Singapore were than the Malays or the Indians
Tbqh its more about personality to a degree
If you're going to get a car, you're not going to get a car that looks shit, and you're naturally going to be attracted to the car that has an aesthetic appearance. But if the car doesn't run well then you're not going to keep it.
your spirit self is spending more time in the otherworld commuting with lord blake upon high so that you can properly act during the coming happenings
do you even occult lad?
smh fucked up the link
cba doing anything in this heat and Holla Forums bugging
old tbh
Can I stay?
Basically they've completely lost the internet popularity war so they're nuking it and telling anyone who will listen "don't go to the internet to discuss voting because it's filled with bad goys".
Sorta like scorched earth.
That's what I think at least.
Man I used to hate curly hair but it's sorta growing on me now.
It's more that it reminds me of the extent of islams spread.
There's a certain threshold that is the minimum acceptable.
I wouldn't want my spirit self to be communing with him tbh
I'm at the point where I can control myself during dreams and it feels mostly real
I had a lot of dreams last night, most of them filled with coincidental things
And it depends on the lass, if the bird has low self-esteem then you've got a higher chance
oh god I forgot about that poem on the nigger baby
its too bad europeans never got to experience race until it was basically 12 inches up your anus already. all the liberal cucks in yank land love mark twain for nigger jim but then you show them his well published diatribe about native americans and they drop him like a stone
also twain hated the jerries for starting the whole noble savage trend
How do I figure out if a girl has low self esteem
Her demeanor.
Who else /comes_from_a_family_of_right_wing_extremists/ here?
Rotherham is still pretty white.
Which is why it's tragically hilarious that those cucks voted back in the party that allowed the mass rape of their daughters to go completely unchecked.
I don't think this team is diverse enough.
What did he mean by this?
i couldve had her lads…
Lad, I hope you're not going to exploit her. Low self esteem girls need encouragement and wifeing.
this is why being mainstream is a bad idea
tips fedora At least I'm not an anti-theist loon.
Probably because it interpreted my selections on immigration as like the green party's despite being more UKIP. See previous posts about it being a bit rubbish.
It didn't even ask opinions on Monarchy. Not sure how it could deduce it or not from what choices were offered.
Is she fat/got a butter face/has been abused in the past?
Then she's probably got self-esteem issues
I honestly can wait for the alt right aka canon fodder to be destroyed, worthless sacks of shit who can commit to being left or rightwing
Can someone remember what did she die for?
The one to her left looks like some form of vibrant though
i see
A chink and a coalburner is diverse enough imo.
Message on >>>/fit/
Holla Forums will be undergoing scheduled maintenance for the next few hours as we enable media deduplication site-wide. We are not expecting the site to go offline, but services might be intermittent.
the alt-right is good right now because of how vague it is. It is what it was supposed to be: anything within the definition, but I am 100% sure that the definition by the group is going to redefine itself to exclude nationalists soon enough. They're going to become the new cuckservatives.
funny man
So if something is uploaded to another board, you will have the "file already exists" message?
i kind of like the roger dahltry looking blonde on the first row tbh
also how was twain a cat lady?
Definitly installing new datamining software
man i cant spell for shit tonight
I just want to cuddle and hold hands
she was really quiet
acted somewhat autist
just went round collecting the glasses and smoking fags
Thank you for reminding me that she died for .
That sounds like shes either got mental issues, or wasn't interested in you
At this point they're fully immersed in this election cycle to prevent trade and immigration reform, which is evident from political coverage orbiting Trump. This is why they seem to have lost forsight.
They appear to have made a decision in collusion with the Clinton campaign to play up the ethno-nationalist movement with the purpose of permanently associating Trump with racialism, and very fringe neo-nazi ideologies.
The measured cost is we're entered into the national political conversation, but the obvious benefit is it alienates moderate voters and in the public mind justifies tactics that can only be used against nazis such as violence and censorship.
== ƃ u ı ɥ ʇ o u ƃ u ı ʞ ɔ n ɟ==
just act like this lad and walk up to her and tell you are dat gorilla dick nigga that makes dyke pussy wet tbh
Scott Steiner claimed to have slept with over 20,000 women
Pretty accurate summary of last night imho
she was quiet and autiste all the time lad
people round here are strange, maybe its the inbreeding
yoy got 10 sec..sec..ond open dat hole be4 i kill you
Did you talk to her at all?
the NOTHING maymay is pretty good but she actually died for being a globalist multicult traitor who cared more about subhuman shitskins than she did about her own constituents and did everything in her power to flood her constituents area with said shitskins - all the while living on a fucking house boat in the thames estuary. Based Tommy, a man already put upon, marginalised and villifed by the likes of pox and her ilk finally snapped and did a great justice in ridding the UK of a rootless cosmopolitan traitor who was nought but a cancer upon our nation.
that's pretty accurate
If Trump is a lion, what is ARE NIGE?
I was told there'd be some wet fucking bussy in this thread.
I'm still afraid that I'm about to wake up and it'll all have been a dream
Nige is the lion m8 Trump would be one of those American eagles
Are Nige is the lion lad, Trump is the eagle.
You should marry Virginia and give her a lot of children. Only if you're white and have British heritage though.
another drowning tragedy averted
Nige is a lion
Trump is the eagle
Together they are GRIFFIN
Where is this "David Duke" clip?
I love how hard he tried not to laugh.
You aren't calling for violence, are you?
Please be reminded that brit/pol is a friendly place for all the White family to enjoy.
Must… resist…
Watch from this point on lad
It's what makes it so funny.
We all know that exact feeling as well.
Not calling for it no. Just pointing out that it is unavoidable at this stage and im surprised no one else went and done a Tommy earlier tbh.
That's pretty based tbh. All far right Nazi leaders need to unite.
not really tbh, think she gave me my breakfast at one point
she kept looking at me tbh
she had really nice tits, not big but perky, hnnng
It's that final twitch in his cheek before the cut
Next time lad you should have a bit of light banter with her
Oliver pls go
a-at least i worked out yesterday for the first time in months r-right
text these migrant motherfuckers and tell them to stop begging on facebook and to fucking go home
00447490593292 - Deel Wall
I piss on him tbh
I saw the same degenerate image. Here is the story: archive.is
show her some damn respect you southern ponce
Little by little lad
Birds like it if you have a bit of interaction with them. It's not about what you say to them its how you make them feel. If you make them feel happy by cracking a joke then they'll warm to you a lot more.
They don't drink in bars
This man is a hero. 15 White children.
Gold nectar for enemies, white juice for Virginia
me on the right
That is not a bar, and I doubt kids would drink even if Muslims did.
Who is the paki holding the blonde kid?
Think 5 is my goal tbh. Then again Varg has 6 soon and I don't want him to beat me. How do you convince a woman to have that many children anyway? How do you make the family life work?
his daughter, she is tanned and dyed hair
fresh yorkshire chappie
Post them lad
I did my first proper pull-up ever yesterday. Feels good man.
pls don't, I don't want to see gay dude pron here
fuck off northern monkey
like,like,like,like [indecipherable] like, like, like
I'm not going to watch a 40 min video when the title is already demoralising enough, lad…
I don't know lad. I want to have 5 kids as well.
That's weird
Was up a minute ago
Don't do that, mateys
Are Southerners soulless lads? Really beginning to think so
This is a very informative video. I watched it yesterday.
Are you sure lad?
tbh 3 is too normie and 4 isn't a nice number tbh. Anything beyond that will be an accident and we'll constantly bully those kids by calling them accidents.
Yes please
Anything east of Bournemouth is soulless
who /scrumpy/ here
Fuck off Grauniad
>tfw south east master race
>tfw can't stand any other accents
I can't stand you.
It's back lad
5 kids is the maximum amount you can fit into a normal sized car without a need for a bus.
South east aswell lad
Probs yeah love the west country
Harlow (68.1% Leave)
Epping Forest (62.7% Leave)
Thurrock (72.3% Leave)
Castle Point (72.7% Leave)
Based Sam
That's ok lad, I don't really like cider tbh
LAd i just think you're jealous we have unique voices.
No lad, I just don't have an accent
pretty based, the people living there experienced being displaced from London first hand
exactly, you are soulless
Thank you based Essex.
Nah tbh
Everyone else just sounds like shit, is all.
Did you know that "stuff white people like" is run by jew?
Essex is basically an Ark for the Cockney's.
If Essex gets enriched they go extinct.
London will be repopulated with them after the dark times.
Essex is a grim place, I life a few miles away from Harlow, and it is a shithole
But as the county which voted the most in favour for Brexit, I think we can all agree that Essex deserves a special place in all of our hearts.
Is it worth forgiving a girl if you love her, lads?
literally fuck off you dumb london cunts
if you came down here youd here everyone speaking in our accent, not some faggot south east accent FUCK OFF FUCK OFF FUCK OFF WE HAVE OUR OWN SCRUMPY WE ARE FARMERS AND SHIT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFUCK YOU GET IT RIGHT YOU BBC TWATS
managed to mostly remove the accent but it still pops up sometimes
didnt open them
What did they mean by this?
What did she do, lad.
what's she done lad
Almost certainly not
How can i be jealous of something that doesn't exist?
r8 me lads
Don't even know what that is, lad. Referring to the meme tbh
Depends what she did lad.
Sick lad
Could be a bit less authoritarian
what test is that?
If she fucked someone else then no
It depends lad.
Do tell us.
Re-watching Nige smashing it at the Trump rally again, gives me great Anglosphere feels.
low test
No one is jealous mate…
Wrong question lad. It's only ever worth forgiving a girl if you're sure she won't do it again. Don't be blinded by love. Before you know it you'll literally be telling people at dinner parties how much you love your wife's black son.
Women always push and push to get the best deal then when it all comes tumbling down they suddenly miss olden times.
It's just like the niggers in africa. They pushed and pushed for whites to leave then the chinese came and they want us back.
Not as esoteric as Adam Wallace TBH (video related) lad…
I wasn't very authoritarian with my answers at all tbh.
Hillary cunton going live in 1 min lads
Seems good lad.
Not sure how I didn't end up with Monarchy when I stated it.
Maybe the test realised I wanted a based Caesar instead.
Is there a Youtube version of this?
Fuck sake, where am I supposed to shop now…
If she cheated on you then no. Dump her if that's the case.
nice ID trips tbh
Wetherspoons was the biggest name backing leave consistently that I can remember
That's my OC, only ever posted it here as a webm.
Uploaded it for you, lad.
I'd consider myself less authoritarian tbh but it's pretty accurate. So reactionary that even monarchy doesn't sate your blood lust?
Women will always look for something better, so how would a dumb unsuccessful unattractive person keep one?
honestly harge to watch nige in america
the over-reactions from the american audience is a bit cringey tbh
Nope. Become an man. Bitch her left and right.
Keep that mindset, that "Fuck this stupid slut, I'll just use her until she hates me and fucks off, then I'll just buy a prostitute if I need one who gives a shit."
Do that for a couple months and she'll just be an article of clothing hanging off of your dick, to be used for it's salient purpose whenever you desire to utilize your property.
She'll then love you for the rest of your life and likely won't be able to move on even after your death.
It's when you reach this stage that you kick her out of your house with no forewarning and go find an actual woman who actually matters, and treat her exactly the same. She'll never be able to fuck another man in her life, ever.
who /jeffwayne'swaroftheworlds/ here?
How the fuck can you stand living in London, lad?
I get depressed in my city and it's still majority white.
Will to Power ain't free. The Nation gotta be littered with the blue blood of the wanting Aristocracy etc etc
Meme thief! Those (you)s belong to me! REEEEEEEEE! ;)
Can you elaborate on this strategy and give some examples from your practice?
We had a bad fight a few months back and broke up (sort of), she just now told me in the time since she got drunk once and slept with a friend of hers. She says it was out of anger. I did say some pretty messed up stuff at the time.
I feel wrong for taking it so badly since in the most technical sense she wasn't unfaithful, but being rational doesn't change much.
The trust has breddy much died since there's no saying that she wouldn't do something like this again when upset.
You're probably right lads… just hard to let go
Fucking police are a bunch of cucks
Police report Katie Hopkins to Twitter over 'offensive' Camber Sands poll
REEEEEEEEE, I just want people to stop thinking I'm poor because I say grass instead of grarse
Hillary going to talk about the alt-right in an hour or so. We watching it, lads?
I am content with what I am, lad. I really don't have the interest. Aside from getting fit.
"Fuck bitches get money" does not mean "Have sexual relations with women while also maintaining a respectable career"
It means you don't have time for bitches, so they better make time for you.
Godspeed you little shit
I am
Move on lad. Only pain awaits otherwise.
You can't take her back, man. Someone who sleeps around so casually isn't worth it. What if you upset her again and she needs comfort from someone else?
grass like lass? fucking atrocious, unless a you're a qt.
By remembering how much I love this city.
By remembering the times my grandparents would take me to Church Street Market, remembering the times my grandfather would take me for walks around the city and he'd tell me the history of the city and country, by looking over old photos of when it was better (albeit the poz was starting at that time).
It's mostly nostalgia, and realising that this city is mine more than it is any of theirs.
Police have charged a 29-year-old French man with the murder of a British backpacker in Australia.
YEP! Sounds fucking French to me alright!
I must be the only Londoner who says bath not barth and grass not grarss tbh.
I am getting there.
Seriously, lad. Do not take her back. Instead you need to court and then marry Virginia.
Drop her, lad. The sooner the better.
Samail Hayad?
Fuck off.
Perfect lips for my penis tbh lads.
Yes, lad. Grass, not grarse
Bath, not barth
Master, not marster
Posh voice-no money fags can fuck off tbh.
I am sure she would pleasure you after you marry her, lad.
Did anyone watch…
If not why not? I want to discuss a patriotic show with my patriotic user internet buddies and make hornblower maymays and shit but I cant if the rest of you cunts refuse to watch it now can I…..
reeeeeeeeeee watch hornblower
Lads, did you hear that Joe Biden is a civic nationalist?
Please never again tbh.
I'd marry her in a heartbeat tbh.
I;m downloading it right now.
Watched it on my week off 2 months ago tbh.
Does he support the imperium though
Watched it ages ago, it was great
How does he say that without throwing up?
He must be getting a lot of shekels and young girls for this.
Jesus that's the worst part.
Watched it years ago.
I've been playing naval action and listening to shanties too.
Are you white and British, lad?
SA lad we need to meet and fuck tbh. You're such a qt TBQH.
Close enough.
Yes I'm white and British lad.
Link it when it starts lad, may as well watch this shit show and cringe.
Im very proud of you all lads.
Aye you're right tbh, I know, just easier said than done tbh.
Just a warning by the way lads, the meme about girls from broken homes is a meme for a reason. I'm no moral paragon myself (actually I'm a neet piece of shit tbh) but it really does mess them up in ways that are hard to explain.
Good. Please contact her and start courting her.
What a fucking mess.White kids must be poor as fuck. I'd never allow a child of mine in a class like that.
Friendly reminder that dafties and saddos are not welcome in these threads
get a load of this normie
Sea shanty thread?
It can be done.
Hes not called 'creepy joe' for nothing.
>French man Smail Ayad
>British woman Mia Ayliffe-Chung
Absolutely quintessential. Just fuck my national identities up.
Essex is getting enriched by the day. Niggers used to get panic attacks if they tried to cross the green belt, too much grass and wildlife, now they've got bold and funnel through in droves. Damn well depresses the hell out of me.
I think she was a hafu.
Which is still awful
1805 or 1906, which would you rather?
She's drinking tea though, lad.
Probably enjoyed fish and chips on Brighton pier too.
Requesting Owen Blade runner OC speaking of Brighton pier
The most disturbing thing about these pictures unbelievably is not that the white kids get exposed to overwhelming niggerdom and mud but that their ratio implies a horrific demographic problem in the local area.
This needs to stop lads. Capitalism's rapaciousness now demands more bodies even if they be nigger or mud at the expense of our futures.
Upmarket London bar changes 'grossly insensitive' name after backlash
>The specialist rum bar was due to open on Duke Street, Marylebone, next month under the name 'The Plantation’
>They added that the company “would not name one of their venues 'Concentration Camp'”, in a reference to the plight of Holocaust victims
1805 for sure. 1906 means watching the empire disintegrate in your lifetime and millions of your kin die in pointless world wars that ravage Europe and propel the yanks and soviets ahead.
Is it shit or not?
Triggered over sweet eff all.
Not one dindu with descendants from the country has a connection to plantations.
Tony please
Yeah but the Victory was in Trafalgar and it's crew got decimated.
muh OC too tbh.
Oh I agree but….. But Dreadnoughts lad. They arouse me.
Become NEET lad.
Are they trying to say that only Niggers worked on plantations?
They truly are the height of retardation.
Yes, they are.
Yes, they are.
Tru that wouldn't be fun, but imagine being #U-BOAT'D before radar
They're pretty sick gotta admit
How eagerly they rush to their deaths
Ships with vertical bows please me.
shit wrong one
This photo is every student flat I've been in.
Group of strangers larping as friends.
That's the (partial)owner/(former) chairman, not the actual business.
Still boycott if you like, but just remember the link isn't quite as direct as Branson/Virgin, who also supported Remain.
Does Brian seriously think comments like this are acceptable?
Did he actually murder anybody?
see the comments
We'll see how based this fucker is when he's swinging from a tree
Yanks! Get your ropes prepared and go have yourselves some lynchings!
Do you think he'd let me live if he knew that my parents didn't raise me properly?
When's Hillary's alt right speech?
He deserves death for burning down that lovely 11th century wooden church tbh
How many student flats have you been to?
Give some examples if you can't explain it generally.
10 Lies You Were Told About Islam
He'd only threaten you with death to help you get in shape for the tribe if you express the correct values lad
Euronymous was a nutjob and encouraged his bandmate to commit suicide and when he did finally kill himself he arranged some items around his dead body for an album cover
What's his original comment in response to?
Black metal faggots gonna fag.
This tbh.
I'm with you on that. Stupid larping as a pagan.
Fresh Peter debates on prisons
There had better be a second bed out of shot.
It's most likely the room of one of them, with the two others visiting.
loving that chat
Anyone find it funny that "the Democrats are the real racists" meme might actually be truth in this case.
The good news
Did he really get v& lads?
I'm liking how this is going, lefties are saying things that "the alt-right" say thinking people will be disgusted and shocked. But instead it resonates with them and it gives us more exposure.
this is so true.
I was online vidya gaming the other night, yeah I know, degenerate.
This kraut was kicking my ass and being rude with it. He said something like "0 kills lol that's terrible" so I replied with "plenty of kills at Dresden though wasn't there?" he shut up for a while then tried to befriend me, saying exactly that……. "Do you like game of Thrones?
Me….."Never seen a single episode"
Me…."It doesn't appeal"
End of conversation.
He's on the run. Latest reports indicate he's fled to Golder's Green and has been upsetting the Jewish residents by playing the music of notorious anti-semitic composer Wagner in the late hours of the night.
Mein Gott. Reminds me of my kindergarten class photos.
Do you think that being exposed to them at an early age made me opened to getting red pilled later on in life?
Dozens I guess
Jesus fuck lad.
Radio 4
I'm coming up blank.
The French 'burkini' thing I imagine.
My first redpill was when a paki kid (who was meant to be my m8) saw me drop my house key, stole it and sold it to his cousin in the nearby secondary school.
anyone here actually masochistic enough to listen to this?
Man they make us sound so fucking awesome.
At my uni administrators made sure that every student flat is diverse. No all White flats were allowed.
It's honestly nightmarish how quickly they all latch on to something.
Most upsetting part
I know. I am surprised that Holla Forums and our broad movement surfaces now.
Christ, they will never not get involved will they?
Which uni?
I'm american and I cannot even believe that you don't start with the classic above them all
Best part is that the teachers found out and he had to go buy it back.
Canadian, lad
Putting on a nappy doesn't take that long.
even worse tbh
How could they do that? Physically look at every student and pick a flat for them, no choice allowed?
link to the stream?
Most privateers were English.
The American Identity barley existed back then did it?
Low energy organisation.
DNC all over again.
We should all listen to this.
I'm eagerly awaiting Owen Jones' article on how the "Alt-Right" isn't just an American phenomenon .
read more history lad, its about the 1812 war and its some canadians larping about raiding one or two ships on the lawrence seaway whereas you brits actually were proper pirates
Are you being aloof and saying a Russell group uni or is there some uni called Russell I've never heard of?
I went to Manchester personally
Wew lad, the (((media))) really are proving our point with regards to puppet-strings and co-ordination.
best thing is they can whine all they want but we have humour on our side.
Top Kek. All these edgy faggots are going to be searching up this "alt-right" and inevitably be lead to us.
We need to bully them extra hard so they conform to our culture.
Ah, my mistake. Wasn't familiar with the context of that song.
No its about the revolution you pillock, he says "The year was 1778"
Most of them will find 4chan, so expect it to get worse than it already is.
Don't bully me for still browsing it
They must have had details on ethnicity.
I was at the Russell Group uni.
My gore folder is ready.
oh wait, not in that version, but in other versions
even then its still just larpy crap, the us didn't even have a navy or a maritime merchant fleet. the canucks have done fuck all compared to the british in terms of piracy, even less than us yanks tbh based whaling fleets landing on SEA islands and raping women tbh
Must have been pretty awful to be honest
Yes it did. In the Penobscot Campaign of 1779 the US fleet lost over 20 ships, many of them were Privateers
You're a fucking idiot who knows fuck all about history
its okay lad
Will he speak at Clinton's rally? Obviously he'd be on a big screen, speaking from his room with his bog roll and cat on the bed.
It's bullshit that you can't pick your own roommates in the first place.
show me the source lad, I want to know. the american navy was basically just the USS constitution and most of its merchant fleet was french tbh
Spoiler that shit yo
If you request transfer because of conflict with roomates the uni will usually grant it.
Is this his uni room lad?
Thanks Blair for enriching our lives!
Blood for the blood god!
In what way is injecting people with bodily fluids erotic?
Looking forward to the normie influx tbh lads
Still bullshit, even if they always granted it.
They'll be going to 4chan lad, its good to see our ideals getting out into the mainstream once more, but i think we should keep this as a safespace tbh.
Think, lad. His dick isn't big enough and can't penetrate someone. It's common for people to use things in place of their dicks.
a proper invasion force is not really a fleet lad, it was a bunch of sloops and such ferrying a bunch of USMC to try to fight the lobster backs from behind but it failed. not really proper piracy or canadian piracy at that tbh
fuck off syrup nigger
What are all those plastic bags in the background?
True. I assume a few will find their way here eventually.
If we don't encourage them here, should we go there? Because 4chan is pretty cucked.
Or we could encourage them here, since redpilling on 4chan will be hard with the mods as bad as they are, and use somewhere else like .pl or endchan or a new board here as a bunker/safespace.
The good ones will find their way here eventually lad, they're the ones we want.
Any of them that stick around will end up here eventually.
It's a natural progression. They need to stew in imageboard culture for a little while first though.
She was wasting her youth years with Doctors Without Borders. Deserves it tbh.
I honestly don't get how you fall so far.
A woman, acting in good faith, risks herself to help others and dies for it and you claim that she deserved it? You laugh at her parents misfortune?
I don't know if I can wade back through that cancer lad.
I just tried and it's too much.
Yeah, she was fucking an Arab too.
She had plenty of people to help at home.
Social signalling cunt got exactly what she deserved.
Hitchens books are worth a read but the man is a fence sitting, anti-Enoch, faggot.
I've been saying again, since that little dusty Syrian, that aleppo is rebel held allied to ISIS, yet people say 'no they just don't want to be ruled by an oppressive regime'
Did they realise the whole idea's fucking retarded?
Kindness isn't an excuse for stupidity.
It's like that woman who decided to backpack through the entire middle east starting in turkey to prove that islam isn't bad. Gets raped and killed before leaving turkey.
No she's probably having some health problems.
He's not perfect but he's probably doing more to counter degeneracy than us tbh.
I understand that she was naive and that she may have been wise to seek the needy at home but I cannot accept that a charity worker deserves death. I certainly don't think it is acceptable to make fun of her death.
Is this fucking Hillary speech even going to happen?
Is she going to have to crawl out onto stage like a slug, a trail of poo poo and pee pee behind her?
Hitchen's idea of countering is going "i told you so" and being a massive defeatist.
Did he actually fucking vote for Brexit in the end?
He didn't vote.
Apparently they are draining her of piss and shit so she doesn't have to wear nappies and a catheter. She will sound hoarse.
It is a shame I will never know what I could have been with good parents. I don't know whether it's awful upbringing (or more lack of it) that makes me such a loser, or the genetics that made them so awful makes me so awful. Wish I'd just been fully abandoned and had the chance to be adopted tbh.
Nah. As user points out here
Welcome to Holla Forums, lad.
I'm pretty sure there was cafe culture and nightlife under Assad.
Definitely better now though, eh?
Bet the father of that dusty little faggot has killed kids himself.
We need to be more pro-active. We can't just passively wait for people to become redpilled by themselves and find out about us accidentally.
What a pathetic little cuck he is. No wonder the establishment keep him around as their pet conservative
She's at it again. Included pictures because I know half of you are probably blocked by her.
We can't have a massive influx of normies, that would kill us. The ones who have the same beliefs as us will eventually find us after being on 4cuck for abit, like a lot of the posters did here.
Her boyfriend was called Omar Alkhazi and doctors without borders jews refused to negotiate on her behalf
Even I voted, and i'm 18.
We'll need to rev up some Holla Forums OC as iirc you can't post Holla Forums links there tbh
What are they doing?
I hope she shits her diaper again and they have to postpone another hour since I've got to go walk the dog now, wanted to watch the shambles unfold with brit/pol/
Changing a diaper
The entire country was a really nice place for a tourist, many historical places, many cafe places as you say.
But that chick who died as a sex slave, reading more into it she had a Syrian boyfriend, as well as working for Drs without borders.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
Back to that little dusty faggot, what strikes me, is no journalist has done research into what the father is still doing in aleppo, is he fighting for the rebels? is he supporting then? Almost all normal civilians have fled, years ago now what's left are people aligned to one faction or another.
Who are your favourite Muslims from history?
I would say humiliation is a terrible way of teaching children but even so, there is little comparison in-between a minor childhood accident and being murdered.
I'm sure the Guardian writers were very popular at school
she must have had a seizure
Humiliation is a terrible way of teaching a child.
Humiliation is a good way of teaching children.
When someone does something bad you parade them out and read their crimes, to show people that this is bad and if you do it you will be seen like this person is.
So she's trying to indirectly say "oh em gee they're just such LOSERS amirite? :)))))"
the dead ones
That road is called Powell road, no joke
Probably still get in, sympathy vote.
Best post of all time lad.
Outcasts by virtues of being outcasts and introverts discovered new avenues of political and philosophical thought. It has a wider appeal to the disenfranchised.
She's playing a dangerous game trying to outmock men. We could leave her tearing her hair out and weeping for days if we wanted to.
I know journalists and they were all fucking bully victims.
what lad?
Who /UKIPhustings/ here?
Don't know if it's being livestreamed tbh
saying he's from the cosmopolitan culture-less south east england
Well apparently both Ben Garrison and Sam Hyde has been spotted close by where the rally is held.
Sure we are, Northern monkey
Someone needs to stop them !
This, women (especially those in the public forum) have notoriously shallow relationships with "friends".
Probably wouldn't take much for her to be torn down to what she mocks.
Heard Farage speak and got goosebumps. Christmas came early.
Trust Suzanne and Cuckswell to be right on que with the nagging. FUCK OFF BACK TO THE TORIES.
Then do it, lads.
But they can't lad, Nige thought of it all, hes no longer with UKIP so he can do anything he wants and duncan can do NOTHING.
Sick as a dog lads
Fucker beat me to it.
did it just get delayed AGAIN?
Did she fucking hire ruseman as her campaign director, fucking hell.
We're completely and utterly fucked.
What's a decent streaming site, lads? I'll stream Hornblower.
Why didn't just everyone use rifles?
An episode is around an hour long lad, speech SHOULD BE in half an hour.
Even calling women whores, even when they are, is enough to get them into a weeping mess.
Expensive and they already had thousands of muskets, made no sense to replace them, if it works, don't break it. Thats the military idea.
Bill 'Golliwog hunter' Etheridge forgot his surname on his leaflet
Slow to load
Plus they are fragile if you attack a bayonet to them
They also get loads of burnt black powder in the barrel and require cleaning every 10 shots or so otherwise it becomes dangerous to shoot (although they probably still fired them and didnt give a shit, the whole "old guns are dangerous" is mostly a meme)
plus too expensive to make for mass production before real industrialisation
Nice input you fucking loner.
It's 44% here.
Jesus, what a cuck. Even a NEET tripfag or an edgy student who just voted leave to stick it up at Cameron did more for Brexit than Hitchens.
Damn. So how did we get the rifles of today?
What do you mean?
Do you mean Britain lad? If so, do you have anything to justify that stat
looking forward to it
The articles been posted the last 3 threads you demoralising little cunt
non-white =/= foreign
Improved metalurgy and engineering
How long do you think they've been planning this and been in contact with each other for?
I've just had a wet dream. Trump gifts money to Farage and Aaron Banks also bank rolls a new party which is the UKIP with teef that Joe Owens has been talking about.
We're gonna need some more bricks and brickies, lads.
Well today only shotguns are smoothbore, right? So something had to come along to make rifles more reliable.
Know what specifically?
Well yeah, it's Brit/Pol/. Foreigners aren't allowed here.
Office for National statistics, lad. Non-white/Foreign births are 44% of total in England and Wales. And i'm sure Scotland will be jealous and start the niglet breeding programme soon.
Casting out some weak bait.
I'm sure we can fill these roles lad, after all we're all bricklayers making £100,000 an hour
Mass production.
Heavy machinery
I've been at work deporting illegals you stupid prick. I'm not a fat smelly NEET who spams Holla Forums all day.
I'ts been posted for 5 threads in a fucking row, read the article lad, England did it long before us.
Rifles weren't "unreliable", they just lacked the mass industry and need to make loads of them
I work and spam brit/pol/ all day
t. Bookie Lad
its happening
Top kek yeah sure
Not to mention rifles at that time were hand made.
Kek bonnie lad, does it upset you that you're as diverse as Sweden?
I work for Tascor, lad. What do you d-
oh, never mind.
All guns were, as far as I know
Really is sad. One thing I love about Nigel Farage is that his hobby is visiting WWI battle fields in France.. I did a school trip to visit various battle fields, cemeteries Allied and German and memorials and it really hammers it home.
I've read they don't do trips like that in France and the younger generations don't feel the same towards remembrance as we here do. There's a disconnect and people aren't in touch with their past
And you're right about nothing ever being the same. There was a loss of innocence after the war and this country was never what it once was. Not even in terms of power or strength but in spirit and soul..
Lad you can't even say that, I'm not even going to continue this, but England is much worse off lad.
Don't be too harsh now lads, this is a moderate bully time. Save it for the night shift.
Lack of standardisation also make them notoriously unreliable.
Scotland is more diverse than England If you include the English, Welsh and Irish living there are foreign :^)
In all seriously, Scotland is better demographically but much worse culturally/politically/ethically
Do you think Gordon gets a stiffy when he looks at poo poo pee pee pepes?
is that fucking monty python!??
Spoiler that shit yo
I blame deindustrialisation tbh.
yes it was. kek
Scotland isn't even a real country.
muskets were too but its a lot less work to make a smooth bore musket barrel to a rifled barrel
Wew lad who thought this was a good idea
Lad I doubt most Americans on this site even wanna defend the Alt-Right tbh.
Trump is right wing, alt-right is lolbergterians who think they're superior to lefties.
He recently uploaded a 3 hours long vid. Te boy really needs to find a job finally.
Thanks for the rare Gordons btw
Well said.
Whenever I watch Lord of the Rings, I am reminded of the First World War.
Shire = England
Hobbits = English
Mordor = Trenches
Its that feeling of leaving your rural home to travel miles and miles to a terrifying foreign land to fight a war, and when you return your home may be exactly as you left it, but you will never be the same.
The only acceptable type of Gordon posting after his unbelievably degenerate erotica was revealed is anons planning on how to get him to commit suicide for the good of all mankind. I seriously hate that fucker.
Fucking Yanks.
This as well, rifling used to be a long and painstaking process before we had rifling machinery
Mordor is based on an ant hill.
No joke, he used to watch ants as a kid and that's where the idea came from.
Why am I autistic for not wanting anything to do with the alt-right?
Kek, this is why female coppers are useless.
I like it lad.
True lad, alt right is nothing more than a kosher form of Nationalism, ironic that BASED CIVIC NATIONALISM has spawned a real movement not far from it.
I once had a big argument with a cuck nu-male about the Corsairs of Umbar being allegorical to Muslims (specifically the Turks)
This cuck didn't even know that Tolkien was a devout Christian and someone who intended his work to be a kind of English national story (The Shire is England, The Hobbits are the English, Tolkien doesn't leave much doubt of this fact in his commentaries and writing)
The Shire is based on his home county of Worcestershire
And the scene where Frodo and Sam are in the dead marshes with the soldiers corpses in the water is based on the fields in the Somme where the craters would be filled with rain and soldiers who had fallen would lie floating beneath the water.
Yeah, Tolkien was a Catholic and his literature was influential to the "Merry England" autostereotype
Someone make a new thread tbh, its going to go fast once this thing fucking starts.
Reminds me of a story from a great-uncle who was in the BEF during WWII
Does "nip" mean I'm blocked from poal.me or something, I get it every time now.
Is she ever actually gonna make this speech or am I gonna sit here and listen to Zelda music for hours?
She had a coughing fit and shit herself to death only moments ago
Fight me faget
This is well know on Holla Forums, read the first few pages of the Hobbit and tell me it isn't about England and our national soul
We are truly these funny little people, kind hearted and honest in a world of brutalistic mud-men, but somehow we manage to achieve great things
Starting to think they forgot her stool.
It's just taking a while, I think the motor has broke
I'm dying lads.
Who is gondor and rohan?
wow checked for based pointy finger man
Its debatable but the common view is that the other kingdoms are other European peoples, like the Rohan being Saxons (Continental ones).
The Elves are Classical civilisation.
There is a lot of allegory to be found and I am not doing it much justice. There are whole books written on these topics.
Gondor seems like Europe, Rohan is our Anglo-Saxon ancestors or some shit
Even the way the Hobbits talk is typical of country-folk
People are sat so close together and it's in fucking Nevada.
Reno is at 26 C.
The walls must be thick with sweat.
The sweat of so many chubby yank girls.. mmmmmmm
It's pretty horrific when you read into some of the stories
Tales about soldiers falling in the water and effectively drowning in mud while their mates stood watching, unable to reach them
Feels weird man
Elves are Nordic people, Rohan Germans and Gondor I wouldn't be sure of
AC in the building lad
That seems like a pretty fair analysis.
Gondor are the kinda huge ahead of the curve type (with their architecture and armour and shit) nation that's struggling. I think that's kinda the impression that mainland europe during the middle ages where the HRE was the main center of progress.
There's so many spics, it must smell like when you pop open an El Paso meal kit.
Ah course, always slips my mind they've got AC.
>yfw Yanks try to import based British bricklayers to build their wall for a measly $100,000 an hour
Gondor is said to be representative of Latin civilizations, like France.
Mordor is Russia.
We've already learned that democrats can't into temperature control.
Just watch it on the jewtubes lad - its what i do
Fuck this makes sense.
Gondor is the Romans, Rohan are the nations that it helped raise up and then went their own way after it fell.
Lad thats fucking peanuts, I'm not working on a polish bricklayers pay.
This guy is going OFF
How would you rate Clinton's speech so far?
I think she could have elaborated on a few of her points the concept was good.
Its really interesting viewing the books this way, although very speculative. The only one we can really say for definite is the Hobbits being the English.
I meant that I'd stream the DVD version for you lads.
Americans elected pic related, twice
Which episode lad?
Bit dragged out tbh
I was going to buy the Blu-Ray set, as its only 36 quid but I have a large blu-ray backlog and so will hold off for now.
From the start most likely, seeing as most anons haven't seen it.
You are a good lad SA. If you are ever on the isle of wight ill take you for a beer.
which one
Germans elected pic related,
More than once as their ruler of their Kingdom.
Top kek.
Hell of a way to squirrel out of calling yourself a NEET tbh.
His "we wuz" pictures always crack me the fuck up.
Yeah, I've actually never watched it before if im being honest
First episode is the best anyway.
Tolkein was also a nationalist.
He subscribed to the journal of A K Chesterton who was one of the leading British far-right figures
Ta' lad.
I found it much slower than Sharpe, which isn't surprising seeing as it's stuck on a ship and there's not as much to do.
Then again, fewer annoying grrl power bints.
If I said I haven't wanked over some of the lasses on Sharpe, I'd be lying
What a fucking ridiculous thing to say
Niggers worship pic related as the true and rightful God of their world.
It's how it should be.
The skirt's fine lad, it's when they hamfist in "muh strong independent woman who don't need no man other than Sharpe" it starts to grate.
Yeah I get what you mean
what the tumblr people make of our beloved heritage, for fuck sake