Coming here after the Clinton speech? Read this. General redpill thread

We'll obviously have some people coming that have never been to Holla Forums before if she namedrops us. May as well make use of the exposure to show them the lies that they are being fed. Drop redpills here, preferably ones that are completely concrete and use normalfag friendly sources.

Ones showing media getting caught lying or Clinton's antics particularly preferred.

Other urls found in this thread:

Did Holla Forums even get mentioned anywhere?

Speech has not happened yet. Why I said if, better to already have the thread and not need it than get caught with our pants down.

If You're Looking For Information About Alt-Right

Then you should go to an alt-right forum and ask them yourselves.

Just last year (((msm))) depicted Holla Forums as a far-left hacker stronghold.

Yes we consider ourselves part of the right which seeks to return the right to what it once was. We are separate from the right, this is yet another example of you being lied to.

separate from the alt-right I mean.

I had the same idea, we need one of these at the top of the board over the next couple days for if/when the normies flood in

Fuck the normies, I hope they keep shitting up halfchan instead. Make the mods redirect the link for Holla Forums to Holla Forums

When's the speech?

We need something like the summer sticky we had a while back. It hit autosage and no one ever bothered to replace it.

Its probably a good idea to always have a "beginner's guide to Holla Forums" sticky

That would take global admins, our board mods don't have that power.

My laptop got nuked, otherwise I would at least post the USS Liberty incident.

Fucking shit, we have to contain them in some way


Watch this video from general Wesley Clark. Do you think its coincidental what's happening in Syria when this was said shortly after 9/11?


first things first,
Alt-right is as meaningless as it sounds
it quite literally means, anything right of the "Overton window," i.e. the "socially acceptable" sphere of political opinion. Problem is, this window is driven by mass media, not by people. This is why it's so "weird" that there are so many people voting for Trump. Most Trump voters did not participate in earlier elections because neoconservatives are little more than lapdogs for the American left. The media convinced you that these people didn't exist in large numbers and that they are all evil racists over the last decade or two. But really, these people are everywhere and they make up the heart and soul of this nation outside of urban areas. Consider for a moment how virulently the media has programmed you to hate these kinds of people. To what end? Civil war?



They don't care about race shit or women shit. Redpill people on the jew for maximum effect, If the jew flips out, he will reveal his hand. If he stays quiet, we get to mock them for being scared. If they show it, more people realize how full of shit the jew is. Showing how much jews control media is also gold.

Check out this normie.

He's banned from Twitter.



Why you should not be supporting jews if you are Christian and definitely why you should not think they are God's chosen.

Now we're talking. Watch them sweat.


The`re layers upon layers of the toppest of kek going on. Yet you are too much of a normalfag to see.

Great thread. Keep it up anons

Didn't they build the death camps in the East for a reason though?


(((he))) only said this because he thought it would make the Bush admin. look bad, and democracy now is huffington post the channel

He ran for president around this time I believe and was trying to pump himself up with the phony anti-war left

not trying to downplay the importance of it but I think the context is important

There were no death camps unless you think they had doors with glass windows leading into the gas chamber and yet noone ever smashed them.

A thought just occurred to me. You think Hillary might be mentioning us so we'll tune into her speech to boost her ratings and then meme about it online to get some of that free social media exposure Trump regularly enjoys?

No, his faggot prince manners are fucking annoying, I like how he destroys feminists but that's it. He thinks halfchans racism is ironic, and his audience are the people who were actually retarded enough to take on the label of "alt right". No John, you are the normie

when is the clinton speach? give us a time dammit

Both the Republicans and Democrats are compromised but nonetheless there was truth in the video.


Just don't talk about it on social media then. This is for normalfags that see it and come here, not us going to them.

Yes, the Soviets did build them in the east for a reason.

Alt Right gangs have been operating in my city since March. One of the things they do is kill cats and dogs and then post videos online of them masturbating to the corpses with Nazi paraphernalia and frog pictures. Our mayor has addressed this issue, but it will require State and Federal intervention to put an end to Alt Right.
They also hang out at the high schools and taunt the cheerleaders and call people fags. It's disgusting. Only Hillary can stop this!


"I'm losing because a group of people on the internet are making fun of me"
She's about to play herself.

First image is a hoax, faggot.

The original claim was death camps everywhere. Then after research it was only death camps where no research was done.
I do believe that if you where to say that the holocaust narrative which was 'established' during the Nuremberg trials is truthful in a country with holocaust denial laws you could end up in jail. The current narrative has changed so much since the days of that trial.

You are still missing the point, you are missing why we are laughing at you. It`s okay user, it`s okay.
Take a deep breath and see what the user meant who made the post, see what he meant.
Embedding is being a bitch


I was abducted by alt-righters just last night on my way home from the synagogue, they shoved me into their nazi-science time machine and took me back to Auschwitz where Mengele gassed me in person 600 times, luckily I was able to survive by absorbing air from a 30 kilometer radius with my chosen's nose and then kicked Hitler in his only syphilis-ridden testicle

sage request
if the autists here want a summer redpill sticky, make another one instead of this poor introduction. Mention that if they want infos on alt-right, REDIRECT them to halfchan or milo or whoever you want, but NOT HERE.

And the thread should be mostly, if not only, around kikes (finance, press, politics, history…)

Oh, didn't even take a look at the links, my bad




have a kittycat ^_^









I get where you're coming from but don't be an an idiot dude. The thread's about redpilling normies. You can't force it or they'll turn away.

Normies will be much more open to the "softer" red pills about women, then about race, and THEN the big ones that expose how they've been lied to by the jew their entire lives and history is a fraud.





somewhere between 1-3 EST

thanks my man









Just checked the Wikipedia page and the current article claims that there were 9 million Jews living in Europe, where did those extra 3 million Jews living in Europe come from?

If for some reason you want to look at faggotry in the making, here's the livecam from Truckee Meadows Community College where Clinton is speaking in about an hour:



The citation goes to some jew cunt's book.

Quick check on wikipedia (which you have to be careful with and check the sources) gives this source for the claim

Yeah I think it is not to be trusted




He's still a kike and a faggot.

i le trolling le Holla Forums xdddd


What time is the sea hag making its speech then?

Is there a link to a live stream?


Fourth one looks like a VZ-24 more so than a Yugo M24. Believe or not the SS tended to get second line shit most of the time, that of which included the Czech Mauser.




Can you explain the uniform worn?



Video? That kind of thing always ends well.



Okay I'm tired of posting images. Hopefully the point has been made. Have a good day.

If you wish to understand your slavery:

If you are interested in the "actual" truth about Adolf Hitler, Holocaust, and WW2, then the documentary "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told" is recommended -

(Part 1 to 22 & Bonus)

(Part 23 to 26)


That's the biggest crowd she has pulled in months.

There are autists in the other thread saying we should all gorespam.

What's the fucking point? I would rather spam holohoax facts.

Okay, that's got to be for the troops stationed there, if only because I don't believe there's a jew alive who'd willingly pay for anything he couldn't take while no one was looking.

Too the faggot that is in control of the camera, calm the fuck down.

That fucking faggot with the quotes comic. Like someone's just decided to blow $20000 on some old fuck no one cares about just so he can learn "not to hate."

About the holocaust

WTF? Chess?

Jeiwsh banker Jacob Schiff


"I'm losing because a group of nazi frogs on the internet are making fun of me."

Record: corrected.

American Nazism and Rockwell

do you think he plays as if all his pieces are kings?

The abolition of man

Jewry is the mother of Marxism


Why is this not already sticky?

trips of truth second pic

Have to head out soon, but here's an archive of the massive red pilling thread started earlier this summer if anyone has alot of free time. Alot more information that a few infographics.

Looks like Officers/Riding breeches with jackboots which were still issued out to the whole of the armed forces. I still don't think they were firing at the civilians, have a feeling they dragged them out of some partizan camp and some cheeky bastard decided to take a potshot at one of them.

It more often happened during the Anti-partizan stuff in Belarus, some of the craftier bastards would go hide and shoot the Germans in the back when they cleared the camp.

Not enough gore spam

This thread needs to be sticky

The Biological Beasts of gender war

Did you ever read the second file?
It`s a good one to show how the kikes keep lying, but that was not intended.

Speech is soon, mods please sticky this post.



About Race

10 top Myths about immigration


We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Post the uncensored one, you cuck.



We need to sticky this!

Shillary stream is starting..



























Oy vey, you're telling me, brudder! I had to take a Karabiner round in the shoulder and kill an SS officer with nothing but a hatchet to escape from the camps AGAIN!






Drop especially infographics and easily (meaning: quickly) digestible stuff. Those are ADHD-ridden normies we're dealing with.



Kil yourself, OP, with your fucking redditcuck anti white racebait image. Take it back to /r/thedonald


Last thread was full so I post this here

That's bullshit if you're young enough and determined enough you can rehabilitate rather well from almost any injury.

T. user with neuro-degenerative disease and friend of a brain cancer patient.




Fug copy-paste failed me here's rest of the post

I bike ten kilometers at a time with my custom made bike.

Here's the twist though unlike Killary we haven't done any drugs in our lifetimes and we both are around 24-30 years old.

Shillary is half dead old hag at this point.

I swear to god I live by grace of Kek and hate keeps this semi-crip body alive. I clawed my way out of hell just to shitpost again.

PS: Satan said 'Hi!'



Same Holohoax methodology. All you need is a few (((legitimate publications))) of (((non-fiction stories))), then you can use that as a source to make even more ridiculous claims.











I guess i am late to the party… but didn't this speech just basically confirm that /r/EnoughTrumpSpam is ran by CTR and Hilary's campaign?




Looks like my Turanian papier-mâché club is safe.







We did not vote for the 1965 Immigration Act the jews tricked US.


She didn't even mention the chans, delete this


I told you she wouldn't mention the chans




correct me if I'm wrong, I don't particularly love trump, but that's not what he said, right


Obama was the original birther. He was the one going around telling people he was born in Kenya. His Grandma said she witnessed his birth, in Kenya, as well.

Have some tame redpill gore

She said Mexico won't pay for the wall.

But I would think that Trump will charge Mexicans a toll fee to enter the united states, and add a larger fine on for people trying to smuggle weed in etc. As well as an overall import tax on goods from Mexico.

That money will then pay for the wall right?

So that means the Mexicans are paying for the wall right? Infact not just paying for it to be built but for it to be maintained and policed.

What did hillary think would happen?

Hillary thinks Mexico will literally write a check to the USA, instead of adjusting the trade imbalance in the USA's favor.
And Mexico imports heroin instead of weed now, since weed is becoming legal in so many states it's not as profitable.

Trump actually has a detailed explanation on his site on how Mexico will pay. Apparently he had a team of lawyers analyse US law in order to find a way to use existing laws to make Mexico pay, which is to use the Patriot Act to forbid bank transactions from undocumented immigrants to Mexico. Since Mexico earns a fuckload of money this way, which is way higher than the sum Trump is asking, so they will either fold or pay double.

chans not mentioned





>Donald Trump employs more women than men at the upper echelons of his real estate empire, and in many cases pays them more.

Hillary mentioned the (((SPLC))) as the authority on hate.


That doesn't mean reports on the speech and follow-up investigative journalism won't mention chans.



Then you know what, completely separate from the context of what this dirty little faggot did, and how much he deserves that ass beating he got, he deserves it anyway. My First Amendment rights aren't a fucking game for you to trade off because muh fee fees.

This shit is goddam serious. A nation forbidden to tell the truth is one that will quickly slip into tyranny.

trs forum is just blank nothing to me?



Can you explain the Aristotle quote a bit more to me? Does it support cuckoldry, or am I missing the point?

No one is coming here, Holla Forums doesn't even show in Google searches. Take a look at the board UIDs, it's the same as always.

Hillary doesn't need to worry about 4/pol/ (hiroyuki) or 8/pol/ (imkampfy) because both are controlled by people loyal to Leftism.

You need an invite.

Bullshit. Every time there is a huge political event Holla Forums rises up to the top of 8ch's front page. Unique traffic too. 8ch gets traffic from within itself. Sure, it's limited, but it matters more than you seem to think.

Holla Forums is always the top one or two boards.

CNN linked to halfchan's Holla Forums. If it wasn't for the way the CAPTCHA tracks I would probably swallow my pride and give them a visit.


Exactly, and it rises even above Holla Forums when political events happen, like literally just earlier when Hillary had her Alt-Right speech. The speech attacked many, including followers of Milo, Alex Jones, many of which reside here, many of whom share with their friends. It's a cycle of traffic. Traffic still gets here. Jewgle isn't the only method of finding this site you kike.

Tricks are useless evalion will never be allowed


Dumping from my Juden folder

CNN linked directly to 4chan/pol/ but that seems to be it.


No one cares about your kike camwhore evalion. Sage for off topic, you haven't even dropped a single red pill before shilling. Low energy 0/10

I got bored on the first picture of his shitty saga. Boring as fuck.

deus vult or GTFO, you defeatist faggot.



guess there is no other option then, better get to work

Stop LARPing and start spreading, faget

Are you goys serious?

ok be honest, is this really worth watching? I'm three minutes in and I already want to stab myself in the eardrums with an icepick, and then take a powerdrill to my temple.

between that catlady voice and the illogic that spews out of her mouth, I'm just not sure I can take it

no, and even if he did it wouldn't matter because you're already asked that shit when it comes to basically any public document with your name on it anyway. it would be at worst superfluous.

I saw a gang alt-righters walking towards me on the sidewalk the other day. They all had shaved heads and nazi jackets and boots with upside down crosses and swastikas logos on them. I think one even had an assault pistol hidden behind is jacket (it was briefly revealed during a gust of wind). Once they started getting close, I quickly turned 360 degrees and ran to the other side of the street.

This isn't the thread for that, this is the thread for dropping red pills. Also you posted the same exact line on multiple threads regardless of the threads context as long as it had killary's name on it. You are sounding a bit like CTR trying to get people to not watch the shitty speech that makes Trump look even better.

360 degrees ……you are one dumb motherfucker

Here the complete collection of Dr.Pierce radio broadcasts

Because why not

It's an older meme, but it checks out.

Here's a massive thread that all newfriends must read.

Redpilling Season

Filled with useful information.

The archive in the image is proof that realmoonman uses vpns to larp as multiple people. He pretends to be a Holla Forums user and sockpuppets multiple responses to himself.

We know.




Tame af m8


But Jesus wasnt a jew. Judean however that he was.


Yes, those fringey fringers from >>>/fringe/ who engage in fringe activities.

fucking fringe as shit

Send the staff a picture of your dick and they'll hook you up.

Based Paleocon William S Lind

Fourth-generation warfare and the end of the Westphalian Order

15 minutes, easily digestible geopolitical redpill.

kill yourself normalfag

What's the matter? Tired?



Welcome to Holla Forums, you're here forever.


His post is literal shilling, and as a shill he will push people into following establishment herding dogs like milo.



Wasn't that quote incorrectly attributed to Voltaire?

Clinton LOVES Mexico

This is one of the best comics around 2bh, it really gets the idea across and I've had many people actually agree with it.


This thread looks like a fucking mess.

These info dump images will probably scar off normalfags more than gore would.

Someone should create a poll to find out what is more effective.

The wikipedia stuff is fixed now…

Some people might click them.
Though I agree that it should have been called "summer" or "autumn" redpilling thread instead or just "general redpilling".

Oy vey!

Easy to digest, normie-friendly redpill here.

More EZ swallow redpills

Do you have the "1488 from Sri Lanka" one?


They're perfectly comfortable holding double standards.

I don't even know that one m8.

I can't find it on MatzoTube

now why would they be paying you do say that?

my only reaction to that video is "why"

So, from what I understand of the Hillary Clinton alt-right speech, if you replaced the term "alt-right" with "teenager", "internet" with "heavy metal album", and "racism" with "satanism", you'd basically have a Jerry Falwell speech from the mid-80s.

Is that about right?

Can we get all of this info in pictures in one archive for download ?

It would be easier for latter distribution.

This is ridiculous. All of you Nazis are conspiracy theorists! How can any of you really condone this kind of language. It's racist and hateful and has no place in debate. No one will stoop so low to debate with your kind of rhetoric.

Good stuff lads.

tob geg…


Would you please explain which piece of information you find incorrect or wrong?

I am not a 1488 Holla Forums tier guy, but i am looking for truth and i have found it here.
The info is here, the conclusion is obvious.

What's the official counter-argument for claiming Trump discriminated against blacks in housing?

This is what people need to see. It directly confronts the lie which lies at the core of our degeneration as a society.

Everything in our society becomes easy to understand once the truth is acknowledged. Everything remains incomprehensibe as long as the lie is believed


Good evening, normalfags.

Please consider lurking and thinking for a while before you begin posting.

That is all. Please enjoy your stay.


Fuck off, nippophile.

Thank you for stopping by, please enjoy your complimentary (((you))).

get it on internet, Hold back with 1488 (trump also) and present only facts you can support with evidence.

Also, keep it short, funny and light.

Back to your toybox.

According to this thread
BBC names Holla Forums Holla Forums as hub of alt-right

Why are we still allowing the media to use the "alt-right" buzzword?

Once upon a time, there was an emperor who desired the finest clothes in the land. But try as he might, he could find no tailor in his empire could make him the clothes he desire.

But one day, a tailor from the globalist kingdom of shekels walks into his court. He says to the emperor "Your majesty, I can make you the finest clothes in the land. These clothes will be made from a fine silk that common plebs will not be able to see. You and your wisest advisors, however, will be able to see them and they will tell you how wonderful they are."

So the emperor agreed. He paid the tailor with gold and in turn he was woven clothes that he believed no common pleb could see. But the problem was, he himself could not see them. He could not feel the weight of the clothes on his skin. But he remembered the tailor's words and walked outside, proclaiming "Behold! For I have the finest clothes in the land. I have clothes that are befit for the finest empire in the land."

And the people who saw him quickly agreed. Everyone except for a boy named Donald Trump. He followed the emperor, watching and observing as the people fawned over his imaginary clothes. Finally he exclaimed "Hey everyone! The emperor has no clothes! The emperor is a mess, everyone!"

And suddenly the people turned against the emperor. They mocked him, jeered him, and spat on him for giving their gold to the globalist kingdom of shekels. He tried to find the tailor but he quickly found that the tailor had long disappeared with the gold. But his troubles were not done. For the people backed Donald Trump and demanded that the emperor stand down because they did not want their empire to be becuckened to the globalist kingdom of shekels.

In the end, Trump won. The emperor, being forced to wear the clothes the tailor wove for him, faded away into the sunset. People quickly forgot about their shameful past because they were too busy hailing their new emperor. "All hail the God Emperor Trump" they cried. "All hail the God Emperor Trump!"

Take a break from the internet, Rick.

Maybe go to the kitchen and get a tasty beverage to wash down all that salt.

Should start sending angry letters about it being derogatory. Send in the mutts.

I think you mean:

The emperor was hung on the white house lawn as an example to the globalists and their sympathizers.

The bitcoin one is mostly false. Karpeles and the other jew who claimed to have invented bitcoin can't prove they invented it. The bitcoin community presented a foolproof challenge to him and the other jew that would irrefutably prove they created bitcoin, and neither could do it. Bluepill media outlets and the bitcoin community trust neither of them, especially Karpeles who has a track record of fucking shit up and trying to monopolize a theoretically un-monopolizable currency. While Karpeles has blown many bridges and people generally hate him, Wright, the other jew was BTFO so hard he went into hiding.

In all likelihood the real creator was David Kleiman (still not sure if jewish) who died a long drawn out painful death. He was a reclusive guy who's online actions correlate with the actions of the pseudonym-creator Satoshi Nakamoto. Bitcoin does have some vulnerabilities, and because of this it's likely that other cryptocurrencies will supersede it in the near future.

bitkike is just another NWO tactic. They want nations to devalue their currency and buy into their scheme at exorbitant trade values. Hide all moes.

I'm beginning to wonder how much damage could be undone by forbidding people who have dual citizenship from government positions.

How many Congressmen and Senators have Israeli citizenship, anyway? How many miscellaneous cabinet members?

It's getting closer and closer, they may just out themselves much like Biden.

Just… wow

lol really? source?

Why do so many alt righters hate libertarians?

'Cuz they hate freedom.

i dont follow

There really needs to be a final solution to the Jewish problem.

The alt-right is a myth brewed up in think tanks to make the opposition more spooky. It will not make a single individual right of center bend. As one who used to be leftist, I can confirm. Holla Forums does its job exceptionally well. If you live in a state that allows you to vote independent, do so. If you aren't in a state that allows you to vote independent, make it a situation.

Ok so after some links i got here and sorry but this is a very confusing site so this is a test message cuz the last three didnt work
Wtf is this

Now THIS is a quality thread.

People here need to take note:
The gorespammers, shitspammers, pornspammers and those who advocate them are nothing more than shills attempting to destroy the board by turning it into a degenerate shitpool of spam and garbage like Holla Forums.
No. This thread is a prime example of what SHOULD be done: If there is spam, it will be of redpills.
Take that defeatist shilling with you into the nearest gas chamber. It's like you (((conveniently))) forget just how many Holla Forums regulars are here because they initially were curious about or wanted to mock "doze ebil nadzeees".


Take a gander at the pinned threads. Enjoy your stay. You're here forever.

Case in point, the kike that posted these two posts needs to go.

Gore and porn is to keep shills out that work in an established work environment. I'm pretty sure they contract people who work from home to attempt to slide too. I can smell it on them because I used to do odd contract work with similar leanings but not political.

Mostly because libertarianism is lax and is more of a peacetime ideology for a homogenous society. It would be counterproductive adopting it in times like these.

Nah, they simply drive away complete newfags/shills who cannot stand such sights. The idea that every single site which our ideologies hold sway over should also be teaching grounds for the total bluefilled newfag is about as good for us as the idea that all White countries should allow subhumans to immigrate into them to uplift is for our race.

There are many sites and personalities and other avenues for the basic bitch to begin his journey to the truth. This is a place to share some of the most advanced ideas and resources, and the people browsing here should at minimum be initiated into them and our "culture" to not care about gorespam etc, or be driven out by it as so not to interrupt our processes.

This is shitposter graduate school, and people who still give a shit about that stuff more than the information shared are not qualified to be here.

Disagree. Redposting is much more functional. You get a faggot to search about about things and down the rabbit hole they go.


This is a must watch:



Very good series

introduction to fascism

The Lion Speech did me. I forget that actual video.

Don't know if it was posted yet

Watch the greatest argument ever against gay marriage

Even nigger Obama looks like "damn I can't argue against it"


seriously, why on earth did trump pick pence?

was it actually because of the memes.

I think Assad looks a bit like a pence. I wonder if they are both from future.


Pence is alright.
Plus he's that nice guy mojo to counter the badass mojo

So, Holla Forums my sister is pretty lefty.
How and where should I start converting her?

I'm thinking on dropping the truths on socialism and islam being a plague, milo fags need not apply.

I don't think there are any ways you can convert strong womyn if she's not your wife… Bad luck if sisters happen to be idiots. Hope she gets raped by a nigger and maybe she changes her mind.

"milo fags need not apply" is the wrong attitude for converting leftists.

Milo and other alt-right shit are gateway redpills. Take full advantage of them.

Your leftist sister will love Milo's gay sass and he will redpill her on Islam, which opens the door for conversations with you about topics that can steer her in a good direction.

I don't think she's getting raped any time soon, my other sister in the other hand, is ripe white meat. She's a little more centered than my leftier sis though.

She's already had a few attacks, so that may have moved her closer to the center, she's the nicer, yet less oversensitive one.

Fucking hell, Fine.
I'll ask her about the chimp-fucker and what she's thought about him when on the news. He is normie bait after all.

Appeal to emotion, Islam and Judaism both believe religiously in the subservience of women.
Just use logic in a way that appeals to her emotions. As long as she hasn't been brainwashed to never trust men she should listen to you.

What was the point of this?


My centered sister might actually convert, she DOES believe in the wage gap and believes in feminism, but she believes in first wave feminism rather than third-wave, still, I'd love to tear that apart in general.

This MIGHT help.

It's not really a topic you can disagree on, when the dynamics I'm talking about are proven in general, community dilution etc. You can refer to investigations in the journal of computer mediated communication for many supporting examples. As with what I hinted above, there are stages to reaching truth, though some people may skip certain stages or stagnate on them as determined by their abilities. Goreposting and other mechanisms drives normalfags away, and it remains that either initiates or exceptional newfags should be the only ones trying to enter here. As you have done nothing to discredit the critical elements of what I'm saying, I'll assume you either don't understand them or otherwise cannot.

Women like a strong man, some people take it too far though.
The general rule is, women like a strong man that is able to provide for them, or someone who gives the illusion of that.
Just like you would want a chick with a big fatass, a clean face, a tight pussy and big fat titties.

It's normal human desire. It presents the need to be with someone is virile and fertile.

Real talk with me. I have heard about what CRISPRs are capable of. Is Chad achievable for a skinnyfat like me through CRISPR? At least use it to boost testosterone, maybe?

ID+ all nippophiles, they are trying to outjew the Kike.

I have no idea what is, explain.

You dick.

Too many reals and not enough feels itt.

We're at war now. The normalfags will come or be a statistic.

What the actual fuck? They don't even need to rewrite history, there was an actual emperor who dressed like a women, fucked guys, married a male slave, referred to this slave as 'her' husband, insisted everyone call him by female pronouns and referred to himself as the Queen of Rome, just use Elagabalus if you want a tranny Emperor, don't teach rewritten history this is so wrong.


Essentially the next generation in gene editing tools. It is far more accurate than current methods, cheaper, and can be done on both living and fetal organisms.

Looks like we already have our answer.

I repeat this, though I fear it's likely in vain: this site is not for the uninitiated. There are many other paths to this site which most people need to tread. Only the initiated have a place here. In war, you do not draft people straight to the front lines, you draft people into training programs or accelerated training programs. Under no circumstances is the method by which knowledge is obtained discarded, it may simply be abridged, but that can only occur in response to increased urgency. As such, we still do not need or want the untrained posting here, and many of the baby's first redpill sites and personalities have been putting out increasingly condensed and blunt knowledge in reaction to the rising tide. There is no problem except one you are trying to create by arguing that we need more retards around here.

>[email protected]/* */

I had a giggle, good job m8

I'm sorry, it's just how have you all not heard about this? I mean, why give birth to Aryan children when it's possible to grow them?

The only problem is that the scientific community is being moralfags about it and saying human germline modification is wrong, even though the Chinese used it last year to create HIV-resistant human embryos.

This is an all out war on race. Proper gun safety is the first disciple. I believe many have been training up for this subconsciously. I don't disagree, though. But it may be too late to train the militia right now.


A better article on what it is, and why it matters.

I just listen to music and try to draw, I don't have any social media accounts, or read the news much, other than here, and I got banned from /v because they thought I was taking part on the raid with 4cuck.

Pretty Interesting. Thank you.

I just have faith in it because I'm not a prime physical specimen, but CRISPR-Cas9 could change that. Combined with the right lifestyle changes, of course. It can create prime specimens from embryos, and make people like myself better.

For our libertarian and conservative friends.

That sounds weird how you put it, but I can do the same.

why are spics such fucking leechers man.



Everything is still in three+ languages now. They are not assimilating. They are not Americans.


Libertarianism was fine before the leftists started to implement their plan to drown us in third-world shitskins.

We're in survival mode now.

Assimilation was never enough anyway.

We /viral/ now fam.

Might as well take this opportunity to shill my own video, largely just for personal gain. The normies seem to like it tho, to be fair. I get like 6 million notifications for "wtf das wack as fuk homie. wow just wow."-tier comments people are leaving every day. Way more than I'd even care to keep up with. Closing in on a million views tho, n' made bout $500 off the ad revenue so far.

Gotta get them shekels where I can tbqh fam. :^)

How utterly cucked is Hollywoood that they think that line from Matt Damon would make him look bad.

send them to 4chan otherwise there'll be another fucking exodus before you know it.

fuck off

On the one hand, that's absurd.

On the other, I can't think of a better match than Pence. Seriously.

Better match for the meme, I mean.

Definitely. The eggplants need to go too.


A lot of these seem to be very counter to what I was told libertarianism was a decade ago.

What happened to these people? Was it (((them)))?

They started appealing to the "dude weed lmao" and open borders crowd.

It was (((them))) you dumb ass. They pretend like they're "different" when they're just liberalism lite.
I really hate the (((environmental))) concerns that we should reduce our power producing capability just because the (((UN))) said so. Regardless that other nations pollute more than we do by a huge margin.

dropping some redpills for any new anons

It was always them


We need more Rothschild redpills ITT. In fact we probably should get another thread going too I neglected saving links and info from the last thread


Great job, mod. Not to suck your dick, but this was a great idea. I think we handled the influx well. There are shills and this and that, but this thread and the way it was presented have probably shown a lot of normies way more pills than they'd ever experience elsewhere. And it's kind of hard for any normal human being to look into this abyss and decide it's unimportant. All you have to do, like many of us that check in here, is find one inconsistency. And with Hillary they are nearing the hundreds.



look into it. your best option for truth is here.

why is this sticky?
there is literally no bump in the amount of active users
either normalfags are too retarded to even use an imageboard or nobody cares (most likely both)

I think some of you forget how few people actually follow and pay attention to politics the way we do
they just vote (if even that) and get back to watching netflix and porn or whatever the fuck it is neurotypicals get up to these days, don't know and don't care

A bit hard for the mafia to put the screws to now. Considering most people have their own arsenal and security. The biggest trick the devil ever pulled was telling everyone they didn't exist.

Let's see your documents now before I bath you.

Nice try, kid.

Sorry to do you like this, but 1t 1s wh4t 1t i5 M8.

May be a full on nigger coop. I smell it.

For u, friend.

That speech was the epitome of, wow, it's fucking nothing.

The best part was when an absolute mad lad yelled "PEPE".








If you are just arriving here and were a part of the Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) program in school you should read the threads archived here:

Short intro/summary: GATE was started by people with ties to notorious figures and groups withing the US military and global intelligence community like avowed satanist Michael Aquino and the [email protected]/* */$†0çk institute (if you are very new, the t—– institute is a think tank and strategic organization focused mostly (as far as we know) on propaganda and other means of social engineering. The institute seems to hold a very high position in the world power structure (at least relative to the parts of that power structure that are visible or known by researchers)).

Many anons who were part of GATE have had similar life experiences. Many report spooky aspects of their GATE experience such as being tested for psy-ability (Zenner cards), being taken to a dimly lit windowless room for GATE sessions, and having strange memory loss surrounding whatever happened there.

Anons draw various conclusions including:

GATE was a program to identify high intelligence divergent thinkers, socially isolate them, and use psychological and other methods to sabotage their potential to disrupt the system.

GATE was used to implant Manchurian Candidate style triggers for taking certain actions ("crazed lone gunman" shootings, etc.) or more spooky /x/ stuff like the activation of psy at a later time.

Some combination or variation of those.

Tread carefully.


Nice derail attempt.



Ok moshe.

Be less obvious. Or don't.


/r/ing that pic mocking punk artists for falling for the mainstream liberal narrative hook line and sinker. I need to post it in a thread about Green Day coming out against violent video games.



Okay, I'll quit spamming now. Let me leave you with this, from a based burger-bro.


kek. 2 of the best gifs on the interwebs

I lied.

Following pics are for academic purposes only. I know this is a board for Vietnamese dog farmers, but I heard they wanted this type of info for their farming purposes.

Maybe we'll get some real media attention to the red-pill thread.

you know, the more i see (((this))) being used i can't help but think that some jewish ppl decided there needs to be a quick-n-easy way to out people for "anti-semitic stuff" so they came up with (((this))) and had ppl come here and start forcing the meme until it was adopted and used en masse (much like "cuck" showed up on Holla Forums out of the blue, was forced alongside louis ck and all, and now a year or two later it's commonplace vernacular)

cuz yeah call me old-fashioned/tinfoil/d&c/demoralization/whatever, but i seriously remember there being a thread here where it was like "LOL THEY CLAIM WE'RE USING ((())))'S TO IDENTIFY (((THEM))) — HOW CAN WE USE THIS TO FUCK WITH THEM?!!?" and yeah at first it was laughable to claim that >we used this cuz >we didn't…. but now with some time having passed after that initial thread, i see ((())) casually used all the time and it's just like WTF?!?

TLDR = i personally don't trust parentheses, but hey whether or not you wanna read that as str8up or meta i guess it technically works either way. que sera sera, no?

That could be the meta, and it's an interesting hypothesis, but perhaps there needs to be a 'meet' or camp event like had(s) where truly like-minded people can get together and crowd-source funding for alternative sites that (with smart people) could be put into the mainstream.

Just an idea. No FBI. U.S.A. free speech is still legal.


Has a point this isn't a gate thread and I don't see how they relate.

It was started by tavistock, a high school drop out who wanted to make the world a better more marxist place, tavistock hired (((tannenbaum))) to create a system for those that slipped through the cracks, the GATE program is exactly that.

Aside from all the fringe ( I am a gate breaker my self) and I've experienced the fringe first hand and I hardly believe it, so I tend to stray away from talking about it (because the normies on here can't handle the bantz) and like to keep it in a easy to digest format.

If you can't accept that two jews started an education program and pushed it on us all as a plausible event then I don't know why your here other than to shill.

The Islamic Golden Age, Muzzies' approach to other creeds, and other ways of white knighting Mohammedans:

The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise - Darío Fernández-Morera

The Muslim Discovery of America - Frederick William Dame

God's Philosophers: How the Medieval World Laid the Foundations of Modern Science - James Hannam

A History of Jewish-Muslim Relations: From the Origins to the Present Day - Abdelwahab Meddeb, Benjamin Stora

Why the West is Best: A Muslim Apostate's Defense of Liberal Democracy - Ibn Warraq

Still believe the media represents the truth?


wtf dude
americans men are moslems
a small cadre fucks all their women and the rest they send out to wage war and get cucked or killed


Daily reminder how false friends of the right, in this case a colleague of Radio Renegades, use the psychological effect known in marketing as "Product Contagion" to damage Trump's campaign slogan.



People have to learn somewhere.

Genuinely based black man, some are alright after all.






The Jews even killed 2pac?

What the fuck? Sauce?


Look at this normalfag
lurk moar or kill yourself


wtf, what conclusion do you expect anyone to draw from this other than "white guys are exempt from the criminal justice system"


One of my favorite

Resurrecting this old documentary from the memoryhole.

Forgot to embed.


pic related


Who is this "Old Right"? Is his name Pe-pe? And what has he got to do with "The Hacker known as 4chan"?? Is he Russian!? The plot chickens!!

refugee crisis is ethnic cleansing of area of great israel.

And U.S. and EU get problems with "refugees".

Great isra3l gets land and resources.

(((They))) have ethnicly cleansed isr4el (more or less) now they are cleansing area of great isr4el. (pic related). Same thing but on a larger scale.



His real father was Frank Marshall Davis, an avowed communist and part time pornographer. Obama "senior" was just a guy who took money to say he was the dad then didn't even end up named on the birth certificate.

I have read it both ways but who pushed him into the HNIC position?
Did we ever get a real BC or just the fake digital pdf released by the WH?
Did his SS number ever get resolved?
Did they ever release his college transcripts and records which just might show foreign student aid?
I am not denying that the chicago nigger communist is probably his real father.

I love that Dutch motherfucker

Everything they put out on his BC was doctored and/or fake, it was thought this was to hide his birthplace but really it was to hide father unknown. Nude pics of his mom taken in Davis' living room, his grandfather throughout his childhood leaving him with Davis for "mentoring", his deliberate omission of everything Davis related in the audio version of his book, the family resemblance and so on all point to Davis being the biological father. Being a gay, easily leveraged red diaper baby is what got him the HNIC gig.




if people think redoing ugly quotes is worth the effort i'll continue doing it.. usually I spend my free time trolling twitter or youtube

Why not both?
The legendary 2 birds with one stone user.
Hence why all the college records are sealed.
And IIRC also some shit with his passport as well.


Rick stop being obsessed with us before you end up in mental hospital

Seriously find some other assignment, this is the Umman Manda of the internet run while you can

"Alt right" is a myth brewed by (( mass media )).

What happened to all the files?

That's true, but like you said, that doesn't mean what he said was incorrect. He was just positioning.






don't think i missed any


the jews are fucking disgusting.

i wouldnt even say this shit about blacks.

It's actually a soft redpill.
You can even get commies to agree with jews being bad if you tell them they are the new nazis.

I really dont care. I get it, but honestly, we AREN'T MAINSTREAM, so just calling oneself alt-right doesn't matter. Additionally, certain subgroups of the "alt-right" will NEVER be mainstream again. It's not a descriptor for Holla Forums, its a descriptor that much of Holla Forums fits under.


I don't hate the term "alt right." In fact I like it, because all it does is obfuscate the right wing in the same way that Marxist radicals can freely influence the left without repercussion. In other words the "alt right" label plus mass medias untrustworthiness is going to allow people like us to influence real world politics much more easily. But it has no inherent meaning or value.

That's a quality explanation user. Very well written.





This is everything you need to know about most any racey topic.

That chart includes just about every single fucking mass shooting that has ever happened.

its a fucking shooting, of course it'll be reported right away

the leftists media using tragedies for their personal profit? What a shock


probably because the media likes to report on shit before the investigation is through and they'll say retarded shit like "high capacity automatic clip assault rifle".

the just flat out don't show corpses on the news and a lot of investigations will seal any evidence in order to prevent copy cat killers. The sandy hook shooting was the only one where they just wouldn't show the corpses, the main reason being its elementary school children that died. Its irksome that people are so thin skinned but it can't be helped.

the lugenpresse will always manipulate the truth.

if a large number of people die the government will make a statement, its expected.

This shit is downright muddying the waters bad, all it does is deflect peoples attention from opportunistic gun grabbers and make them think its a vast conspiracy that they couldn't possibly fight.

Plenty of war footage on the news stations showing toddlers blown to bits or laid out in rows on floors.

I find it extremely odd that no "crime scene" photos have ever been leaked of the Sandy Hook thing.

Sandy Hook hoaxerism is the biggest cancer in the movement, and like every other problem, it can be traced back to a kike.

Jewgle giving you sheckles for redpilling normies. You cucked them hard core.

It was started by some edgy pod cast.

Simmered on low for quite a while.

Then came the coincidence detector, a chrome plugin that would notify you of coincidences online by adding ((())) around there names.

And that's what set off the media shitstorm.

I kinda use it sometimes, its a useful inclusion to modern written language when you want to signify kikery.

They tried to own it, calling it hugs or some shit. This to me was the best part about it. Please start sticking those stars on your cloths while your at it.
"The JDL… have been extorting money from various rap music stars via death threats," the FBI file on the case states. The report then goes on to describe how the group would make the death threats, and then call the rap star and offer protection for a fee.

Loyalty (low backstabbing potential).

the reason they show those pictures is for political capital. If they want us to like a war they'll show the happiest bullshit ever. Its hard as fuck to find WWII photos showing the devastation whereas vietnam is 99 percent horrible shit.

Its really hard to find pictures of the bodies but there are photos of the building after it got shot up.The closest I could find to a body was a stiff on a stretcher. The reason they didn't show them is either they were legally required to keep them off the air as per the wishes of the parents, which happened with the columbine shooting. The other reason is because the realize showing the gory shit actually gets people to buy more guns and not less. \

I have no idea if it was real or staged and frankly it doesn't concern me. I only care about what the media tried to do and that was go for the guns. It could be a vast conspiracy of fuckheads and it wouldn't change the point. What i'm trying to say is calling every single fucking shooting a false flag is beyond retarded and just makes us look more retarded in the process.


This is going to just go orbital.
Can some one make a webm?
I don't know how.

This is good shit

I just wonder how many of these fuckers actually reading it.

Because you amerifats joined when the winner was clear just to prevent Europe from becoming BolshevikLand.

Sooooo, it looks like the media has completely black holed the entire speech. Nobody is even talking about the alt-right anymore.

>only amerifats can take photos of WW2 everyone
.01 shekels have been deposited into your account

I just finished saving all these pics manually

Will make a definitive folder by adding my previously collected pics and share it here, but first there's the ordeal of naming and categorizing almost 3800 images (i wish i was bullshitting)



The Brits only just managed to vote for that, do the Dutch have the balls to go the same way?

Leaving the EU doesn't take balls just common sense. It's a dug in tick. The UK is still going to have to fight to get them to honor Brexit.

Are they completely unaware of how sinister the untouched original is?

He's the most cucked Australian to ever live

You can use his very same arguments against religion to debunk social justice narratives, yet he becomes suddenly unable to question things if it's the "wrong" target.

wtf does ((())) mean?
I don't understand the parentheses..
I thought it had something to do the subject being controlled by the jews..

And what does zog mean?
I thought it meant giving someone aids/hiv intentionally..


ZOG = Zionist Occupied Government

Wow, that was easy. Long time /btard, only been lurking for a few months.

Had to finally fucking ask, thanks based user.. I was sweating that noone would answer me.

For what it's worth, most didn't answer because of what happened to Gamergate.

When the outsiders came, they made mistakes and didn't fit in very well. Along came the smug fuckers, who told them exactly what they were doing wrong and caused the strangers to blend in a little better each time.

Now Holla Forums is full of redditors and imgurians and 9gaggers who are chock-full of such context and "unpopular opinion" threads to post.

With that and the risk of you actually being a shill in mind, the word for a person who is intentionally chasing HIV/AIDS is a bugchaser. I'm only telling you because it's important to know these things and it might actually sink in further than the next iteration of the Internet Hitchhiker's Guide to the Imageboards.

These people exist. They are diseased. They need help, but it's likely too late to save any of them. In a perfect world, they would have had actual aid from skilled professionals or their parents.

Instead, we have absent parents, subverted professionals, and lost souls.

This is the rot.

tldr, i looked up zog and came up with zogged/zogging js

Bump because mods took off the sticky


Does anybody here have a link to that apparent National Counterterrorism page?

did you know the fucking kikes edited the page for the revolution of 1918?

removed the pic and everything about it that makes it obvious that the jews are evil.


This is so damn wrong on so many levels. You should read the McCarthy Letters because your understanding of history is way off. The Americans had a lot of pro-Soviet Union propaganda going on and even helped a lot of communists to take power in Germany and the rest of Europe when it came to rebuilding after the war. I mean shit, how do you think the EU wound up being the communist shit hole it is today???

Germany couldn't even unite as a country after the cold war unless it agreed to help out with this dumb EU bullshit.

God damn it, I hate the newfags on here.

I thought that last one wasn't real so I typed it in to see. I'm so angry now.


I know this post is a general dump of information that gets posted more often, but I finally read all of the information in the pictures. Now I feel like at last I truly see, but I'm depressed as fuck. Thank you, user.

We have all went trough that phase, even uncle A did.
It gets better.

if you fight back (spreading redpills on social media and video sharing sites), that is

Only a flaming faggot would put that up in their house…


What is this from?

Progressive tax has been happening for decades.

Masses are in poverty and perpetual labor, where previously families could get away with just the father working one job, now the father and mother have to work multiple jobs.

They've started fights between races and religions.