No webm because I don't know how to make one.
Hillary's latest ad shows Trump saying the word "Fuck" when he never actually did
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I suggest grabbing your (fake or proxy) accounts and doxxing the shit out of this video.
Is she actually this fucking STUPID or are these the desperate death throes of a sad cunt with no time left?
They can't get more blatant.
Also, Trump has said Fuck and Motherfuckers before.
During a rally?
No, but you expect Hillary to be honest?
Of course not. You said he's said it before though, so it seemed like you were suggesting they actually somehow used rally footage.
They obviously used speech footage from before he was running but that's more than enough for the normies.
is it though? I've seen more normies lately getting sick of ISIS and shit. This would only fuel that.
why don't they just make youtube poops? it would be about as meaningful as this irrelevant garbage thrown together
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Bookmark this site. It does it for you.
Yeah, I remember him dropping it in an early rally.
Just google webm for retards. It is as simple as it sounds, even simpler than the video guide, and it's easy to manipulate for decent results.
This is what the October surprise will be, they will use that live facial mapping shit to make Trumps face say some of the craziest stuff that will ever get put on television.
Wasn't October surprise supposed to be some Wikileaks bomb drops?
This ad actually makes Trump look awesome. When did Hillary start working on the Trump campaign?
That's our surprise, theirs is going to be something else.
What I don't get is how they think this is actually supposed to bother people. It was a good speech, the crowd liked it, and the only people that haven't said the word fuck are outliers.
Any source on that? I'm uninformed.
I'm not even disappointed with Trump, didn't know he swore, but who cares, with all the terror, war, rape, violence, horror and everything going on in the world, sometimes a man might get riled up against it. That's a man I'd trust, that's a man I'd vote for. We've had too many weak ass crying pussies already, it's time to Make America Great Again.
Assange has been relentlessly blasting Hillary and dropping hints to more leaks for the past few months.
I don't think it's anything beyond the fact that Assange has timed releases before specifically to fuck with Hillary - from the last dates of the emails, he appears to have been sitting on the DNC leaks for months, but only released them just before the convention, to cause maximum damage.
The thinking therefore is he'll drop bombshells just before debates and as we get closer and close to the election, so Hillary's handlers can't respond properly.
I meant source on "their" surprise, that "something else" mentioned in . What's that supposed to be?
Well it wouldn't be a surprise if we knew exactly what it was.
it wasnt a rally, first of all
second of all it happened in 2013 or 2014.
Nice ad.
result: Trump, White House, weird rhetoric, tough guy
Hillary convinced me to vote Trump.
Lurk more faggot.
thread was going crazy when he said it with redtext spam due to how hyped it made everyone. The only people that have a problem with it are out of touch pearl clutching out of clueless fucks that think everything's been going great for the common man.
It was a rally in 2015.
Fucking retards, google "how to download youtube videos".
But the very assumption that there will be a "surprise" from them has to be based on something. So my question is whether it's based on anything they've said. "Our surprise" theory is based on the words of Assange himself.
I need to get some sleep
Can't though too excited to see what Clinton says
someone shop some cum on obama's lip
Just ask him nicely and offer him $10 and he'll help you make it your cum.
you talking about the "listen you motherfuckers"?
it was to the chinese and it was a business thing, it was prior to 2015.
Hillcucks are using a fucking pre-presidential F-bomb against Trump.
If that's the game, Trump should use the recording of Hillary laughing about getting a pedo rapist off the hook.
It's way easier than this faggot makes it seem
the last frames
Compelling stuff.
It's like they are holding someone hostage under threat.
This video is just terrible in every way.
Christ, they really are losing it lads.
Top kek. I can see him mocking Obama like that.
Even if Donald did swear, it's not like people let alone politicians never swear.
Also this ad feels like really bad hollywood trailer, fitting considering everything about Hillary is fake as fuck.
idea for a meme wizard: make a video that has this ad, then a record-stopping-screech sound and a short montage of Hilldog's "wrong moves"
We should also continue bringing up the health thing. She hates that so much she addressed it on Kimmel.
sucks tbh fam
Here's a compilation of Trump cursing
sleazy, amoral kike tactics. what else is old
Just one wrong move
Just like Benghazi
It just implies that he says fuck