In 2007, an EpiPen cost about $ 57. Today the price rose to more than $ 600

Mylan is able to do this because they have no competitors in the US. Not one. If you need an EpiPen to save the life of your child, you will have to buy them. It is contemptible.

I do not know how Mylan executives sleep at night.

Other urls found in this thread:

CEO who gouged price of EpiPen is daughter of Democrat senator


Good those half-breeds with allergies deserve to pay for their weakness.

Although the company probably has a lot of Jews, the sheep won't wake up. Maybe they should raise another. 1052.63% next time.

What's the usual excuse for this? Supply and demand or 'We just make shit up and you stupid goyim accept it without thought'?

No idea. They'll probably do the whole "omfg corporations bad, this is how corporate America would function under Trump" routine, then go "Hillary's plan would prevent this from happening and make the drug cheaper!!!"

Basically, rigging the market to try to paint Hillary as the second coming of Christ.

I guess supply and demand explains the price. If they have a monopoly, they can very much set the price at whatever they want.

If anybody want to do something about it, it would be best to create a parallel company to produce and sell the same for , let's say, half the price.

(how the fuck is the patent not ended on epiPens?? Shouldn't people be able to get them for $5 from India)

But do Mylan have any sort of patent on it?

(Remember that patents expire after 20 years.)

And let us not forget how the mushits are a waste of genetic material who produce inbred defective piles of shit.
To keep the failed abortions alive the taxpayer is going to have to spend a shitload on medical intervention. Those of us who pay taxes truly are wagecucks.

If the kikes charges 20 k for a ride to the hospital and sorting out the spastic with allergies, guess what, the other kikes are not going to sell the drug for 50 dollars that saves the government 20k, why would they?

Medicaid and Private Health should cover these costs, they were robbing Mylan at the end of the day

Free markets.
Deal with it.

Yea real "free market" mr shkreli

Pretty sure you can still get them cheap af on the internet…for now.

They shouldn't even be alive if they have "severe allergies," they should NOT reproduce, and they should be euthanized as soon as it is discovered. They should NOT have any sort of industry cater to them.

This is the obvious market solution, and it's equally obvious why this hasn't happened. The drug industry is hyperregulated by agencies like the FDA, under the guise of "customer protection." But the regulations only serve the entrenched interests, acting as costly barriers to entry that discourage competition and allow monopolies to grow.

If you doubt the truth of this, try opening a drug company yourself. See how hard it is and how much capital must be put in up-front to comply with regulations before a single of your products even hits the market.


Just get a vial of epinephrine. You wont be able to inject it yourself but someone else could!!

d-d-d-deal with it

Its always funny and sad to me when Holla Forums defends kikes just because they're preying on the weak. Particularly if anyone doing it considers themselves natsoc, Germany in the 30s would never have stood for this.

I agree. It says so right here in the Talmud that all those filthy goyim should be killed!


but shrekli did nothing wrong, cuck

That's the point, we aren't in Germany in the 30's, they didn't bankrupt you for a hospital visit, so they didn't have people charging extortionate prices as a knock on effect.

Obonga Kare, Anons.

I'm keeping a list of questions I'm going to ask people in my European death squads come the collapse. Any idiots that are 90% like those posting in this thread, i.e. edgy MyPostingCareer alt-right skinhead bullyfags who use "muh pr" or "muh markets" for their relentless low-iq nihilism, will be taken out into the forest and have their heads smashed in with pick axes.


Supply/demand isn't some magic formula.

Demand is measured by sales. It's "how many items people are willing to buy at that price." It's determined a posteriori.

But often companies will want to maximize profit, which usually means charge a high price for the item.

Not just these things. The pharmaceutical industry has huge barriers of entry. They have a huge sales apparatus and the ability to perform 20+ year long experiments. Even without bullshit laws and regulations, the market would be rather difficult to enter.

The issue is that the drug has inelastic demand so the supply/demand curve is a vertical line.



it's not I would defend the practice but I wouldn't primarily blame corporations for acting in their interests in a free market. This kind of price gouging is inevitable when you grant a company monopoly privileges via patent rights and also insulate consumers from the actual cost in a broken insurance system. The proper response shouldn't be to just get mad and call these people kikes (though they are) but to look for ways to structure markets so that they face competition and this kind of thing isn't possible.

What a pair of infuriating posts. You ooze ignorance. Out of control monopolies are a cancer. You will hang with the kikes when the time comes.

What a disgusting, intentionally inflammatory statement.
Someone said that to me IRL id slap the taste out of their mouth.

Sage for off topic

Limit the markup allowed. Shoot them if they refuse.

You two really need to learn what the term "free market" encompases before you get buttmad at internets.


Acceptable? I don't think being charged 20k for some fuck ups seizure is acceptable, that is the system we are in.

The same reason I don't give a shit if Trumps clothes come from China, why would you universally disarm on your own, before changing the system?

This company doesn't even make a lot of money on their products in comparison, they are a generics who sell other low price drugs

well, to be fair if there was zero government interference, and you started your pharma company, your monopolistic competition would hire people to make you disappear.

it's more accurate to say the government has failed in its capacity as the guardian of the ideals of the nation. under democracy its moral authority has withered to a thuggish cult of communist bureaucrats. the revitalizing affirmation of Fascism will bring the corporations, churches and special interest groups to heel, firmly under the boot of the Nation.

this is one possible route

in what world are patent rights enforced by the government a function of free markets?

I know what a free market is.
I also know ours needs proper regulations, not the bullshit we have in place now.

Paying 1000 dollars for a singe unit of life saving medicine is beyond the pale. That much is clear to me. This shit needs to be fixed.

Meant to say that I almost think this is the only way.

Trump cannot continue business without making products overseas. This company was completely profitable at previous price point they are just price gouging due to demand being inelastic.

You are a dumbass if you think this company can survive with the small margins it makes on it's other products and still compete and acquire new drugs or buy new companies, which is the only game in town for this industry,

Naked, on a big pile of money would be my guess.

That's where government enters the picture, dummy.

You can't have property rules without government (or some agreed upon rules about legitimate use of force), so a purely free market doesn't exist anywhere.

But changing intellectual property laws in the right way could easily introduce competition into the market and lower prices.

They fleece US consumers for as much as possible to subsidize the rest of the world's medications.

The idea is to make it cheap enough that less scrupulous countries won't bother to ignore the patents and just make it themselves.

One EpiPen sold in the US probably buys 5-10 doses in Asia with a percentage going to the Clinton Foundation.

Yet they survived perfectly fine at the previous price point.

I can see why this is so, and if I saw the data about it and I can sure that it is so, but I still have a hard time understanding why it must be so.

I mean, we're all going to die one day. Why can't we be more comfortable with that fact?

And if they get hit with fines, lawsuit, or blown out by Pfizer who decide to see the value in now creating epi for spazzy, they execs will have been totally negligent not raising the price of such a money saving drug for the Government.

They are retards if they don't do it, they are small in a massive industry of sharks

There is no such thing as free market without neo-liberalism, you either have a hellish in name only free market or have a regulated market (with regulations of varying degrees).

If you want "free market" you have to deal with it, infuriated or not.

This is a case of; . ie. shit that should not be. On top the barrier of entry to make EpiPen derviatives/equivalent.

If there was zero government interference, the people maintaining whatever monopoly would be at the greatest danger of being made disappear. People don't make enemies out of entire populations unless they have gov't backing.

And look, I agree with fascists about a lot of things, but the profit motive can't be wished away. A monopoly on violent power will always serve the highest bidder in the end. It may be an idealistic servant of the people for a generation or two, and a lot of good can be done by such a force in the interim to clean up a shitty nation. But that's an unsustainable long-term model, and fascism would have to audible to some freer system or revert to the same cronyism that created the need for it in the first place

who is far more likely to do that at the increased price point than back when the profit margin was slimmer.
They are money grubbing kikes since they do. Your whole argument behind them being idiots is that only idiots don't put profit above all things, which is a very jewish reasoning.

Are you against companies making money or something?
Since when was Holla Forums anti free-market?

I expected better from Holla Forums than to repeat the same drivel being spouted by thousands of confused, angry American moms and leftists.

1. Mylan does not have a monopoly on this common drug (epinephrine) nor even on quick injectors of it, and is thus in no position to price gouge. If you hate the fact that it's now very expensive, nothing is stopping you from buying your own cheap epinephrine along with basic intramuscular syringes and injecting it yourself (and yes, this is something anyone can do; it's not a precision injection and can basically be jammed anywhere in your thigh by even a complete idiot). But even if that's too much, nothing is stopping other companies from selling similar pre-loaded injectors; Mylan only has a copyright on the name "EpiPen" and presumably a patent on some of its unique features.

2. Drug companies increase prices not just for extra profits; most research and new breakthroughs in medicine are developed and funded by these same companies using the money they make from sales. When you buy a "price gouged" product like the EpiPen, you aren't just paying for what it is, but functionally donating most of the price to further research into new treatments for your child's life-threatening allergies. Products like the EpiPen itself were created through this very same process, not just granted to us like mana from heaven.

Don't fall victim to outrage bait and virtue signalling; this isn't Facebook.

Praying on people who shouldn't exist*

I'm not defending them, I'm saying it's a good thing that those faggots will die.

Probably, yes, but Germany was kinda cucked in many regards, Auschwitz was like a fucking 5-star hotel because muh humanity.

Kill yourself, autismo.

Where did the bully touch you, user?

I'm sensing you have low iq

You could cut an entire village of negros with this edge.

Of course it's Jewish reasoning, what did you think they were in it for? To be eaten up by competitors while sitting on a get out of jail free card?

If you want to end Jewish pharma tricks, you disband the whole medical system through violent revolution, because as I said Nobody unilaterally disarms, You wouldn't either

I'm self-employed, I don't make profit the only reason for my business and keep what I charge lower than I need to because of that. So yes I would and do.

obviously there are varying degrees of freedom in markets, that doesn't really support your claim that patent protection is an element of "free markets," although I also don't really like the term

You're telling me they don't have a patent on epinephrine? How has no other company entered the market if that's the case?

No self awareness at all.

you don't understand that absolutely military power doesn't "wish away" the profit motive, it supercedes it.

the freedom you want is only possible if men with guns enforce the laws that make it real. if the men with guns are buyable, the freedom will erode. the State must be controlled by power-mad idealists who are basically fixated on the power of violence over money.

all you "ancap" silly gooses think that this post-revolutionary blip of crony capitalism is the only economic model that has ever existed, and will ever exist. your myopia is endearing.

things are radically different now than they were in the 1920s and they will be radically different again. academic economics has demonstrated exactly zero predictive capacity or scientific rigor. the wealth of nations has been entirely subsumed by economically well-positioned parties who know how to game the system you increasingly desperately claim works perfectly.

money and markets are emergent behaviors of our organism. don't straw man autocracy by claiming it seeks to control their behavior. it's individual actors the State will cow - any whose power threaten its supremacy will and must be publicly killed, their assets distributed in a tribal war-ritual, the division of spoils among the troops. the Species is my army, the Individual and his "rights" my enemy.

keep wringing your hands, worms. die Flut kommt.

Of course not, it's literally just the medical name for adrenaline. Plenty of other companies do sell it in various forms (inhaled, simple solution to be injected, etc), Mylan is just the only one that sells a convenient pre-loaded quick injector (as far as I know).

Point is no kids are going to die because they can't afford the brand-name EpiPen, and even if the convenience is the issue another company could easily step up and provide a similar product.


I don't know who's arguing with who anymore, but I will say this:

Property rights are an essential elements of free markets, and so at least in principle patents are elements of free markets. Property rights secured through the rule of law reduce uncertainty and hence allow entrepreneurs to form expectations about the future and so act in constructive ways.

The "free market" sits at the sweet spot between lawlessness and total central control.


It looks like you're right. there are similar injectors that sell for closer to $100 but require some amount of training to use

I'll explain it to you.

In a proper society, eugenics would be in place, therefore idealistically they should not exist, therefore euthanizing them will lead to a better society with cleaner genetics.

are you retarded, just jam an intramuscular syringe in the fucking thigh god damn it

fucking millennials need brand-name colorful syringes, holy shit

The "training" would amount to about a 2-minute explanation from your doctor; it's damn near impossible to fuck up an adrenaline shot.

If you were in that industry, you would do the same.

I don't see you praising the others drugs that cost way less than competitors they sell.

If you were a sole trader who did many services, one which the government could pay unlimited resources for, and the other 27 services sold at a massive discount but low profit margin, you are a fucking liar if you say you don't leverage the value you have with Government to offset the risk of you and your family living in the street if the small margin services suffer by competitors who can bully you out and laugh at a loss for future gain, and laugh at you while they do it,

I was just repeating what I read about them, I have no idea how they work I've never needed one. If your kid has this kind of allergy it's not really an excuse to say you can't be bothered to learn how to use a syringe

Something about the value of a life saving divice should equal the cost instead of just being given out for free.

Woo monopolies

so, like how your shitty genetics make your attitude and self-presentation repellent to almost all other human beings, condemning you to friendlessness and unfuckability?

I understood perfectly edgelord, its just humorous for you to call someone else edgy when you're being even edgier.
Things aren't as simple as a single trait, particularly in the world we live in. You celebrate the thought of people dying from an allergic reaction and supposed robustness of health. Despite this being exceedingly simple to solve. You show no concern to what race they might be, what intelligence level they might be, what height they are, or any other positive traits. Focusing on something as small as this as your eugenics screening is foolish.

I don't see you praising the others drugs that cost way less than competitors they sell.
They're not what the thread is about.
If that was the actual situation of course I would. Instead its just how it works in your head. The previous price point was perfectly fine for them to make profit off of.

make a product for 10¢ sell it for $1000.00
what's wrong with that?

I've been trying to get people to think about the question for a while
try to explain why such extreme greed is wrong without using religious justifications…
protip you can't

this just goes to show how thoroughly we've all been brainwashed by the (((merchant meme)))

Just as an addition to this user, Stefan Molyneux recently had a video about the drug/FDA/research situation in the US. These price gouges make a lot more sense in the context of FDA regulations taking years and millions (or billions) of dollars to complete. I don't know the full details of this particular story, but everyone probably remembers the Martin Shkreli incident. He was touted as the most evil person on the planet when really he was trying to do what he could to fund a new drug through it's outrageous hoops of an FDA quagmire.

sorry, kids with peanut allergies are untermensch.

You are arguing the wrong fucking point. It isn't morality, this is the real problem.

Cost 10 cents
Sold for 1000 usd
Save Government/insurance 25k

Where do you see the problem, it isn't the fucking 1000 drug

Congratulations, I have arrived to the conclusion that you most probably have sub-average IQ. Try following the instructions provided in >pic related to ease your and other's pain.

gas yourself.

You're going to cry about the poor dead children in Syria and Africa now amirite

Euthanization seems like a much better solution.

No, both should die.


It is not small.

That is exactly more or less the situation. They cannot rest on their small generic margins or they are victims of all the shit that can happen in pharma, they have one world class product and they are finally leveraging it's value on the extortionate industry that is health insurance.

Now you're being intentionally dense.

You're fucking retarded, I didn't say shit health, I said shit genetics. You realize it is possible to have perfect genetics but shit health at the same time, right?

In a big pile of gold and silver.

You don't get enough gold out of one million dollars to sleep on mate.

Shit health due to genetics. Beethoven was deaf. Henry Ford had dyslexia. Hawking has ALS.
Newton had epilepsy.

and this is a problem?

Beethoven went deaf, he never composed his music as a full deafy

The bulk of the pile would be silver.

Yes, because sending a spack for an adrenaline shot, if that is going to cost 20k, that is where all the problems of the gouging come from.

Why does an ambulance ride and er procedure and say recuperation cost 25k?

Drugs costing 600 dollars is so stupid to even talk about in this case, it's a drop in the ocean

Others still stand and they're just what came to mind quickly.

what's wrong with gouging? just making a good profit for the shareholders

Talking out of your ass.

1 gram of gold = 42.51$
1000000$ = 23524 grams of gold.
100 x 70 inches of 0.010 weights 22161 grams, so yes, if you have 1 million dollars you can sleep on gold and hug a 1 kg bar of gold to sleep too.
I can't find any sources on this that aren't dyslexia sites basically saying "DON'T BE SAD YOU'RE DISABLED, FEEL GOOD! THIS FAMOUS PERSON ALSO HAD X!11!"

kill yourself.

literally everything you tried to say is without substance, kill yourself for making such weak arguments

Because it's only a gouge on the back of how much we pay kike hospitals for a simple procedure like an adrenaline shot

Filthy ignorant britbong detected.

this post is a continuation of the post above it, but I forgot to include this part

you still have not addressed my central point

why is greed (gouging) bad?
does it matter if it's;
the drug maker
the ambulance company
the ER
that does the (((greedy gouging)))

In this time and place it isn't bad, in a system that allows capitalism freedom as long as it doesn't damage the ethnic majority, it is immoral.

In a mystery meat kike loving hell scape it has no meaning

unless they are renewed after 19.5 years with a slight modification/addition on the original claims

some pharma drugs are only protected by a patent on the bottle cap, they've been milked so much

Used to work in pharmaceuticals, I know exactly what's happening
The patent isn't on epinephrine, it's on the injector mechanism.

Competing injectors have had their approval blocked by the FDA (wonder why?) for faulty mechanisms, according to the final reports.

The company in question, Mylan, isn't even proper "Big Pharma" and actual Big Pharma's employees laugh at operations like theirs.

Here's the breakdown:

It's weak-sauce pharmaceuticals. Same thing with Shrelki's bullshit orphan drug and the "boutique pharma" fad. They operate on this principle:

See, this shit doesn't work for very long so they tend to only get away with this for a single quarter of business or so. Why? Because compounding pharmacies, that's why. If a drug is really life-saving and it's priced out of range, good doctors will start writing scripts to the compounding pharmacy.

This massive increase in even generic costs is unsurprising if anyone's familiar with the state of medical education, not just medical practice. Doctors no longer (if they ever did) come from the most qualified or competent stock. They buy what's told to them and med schools rarely focus on patient accessibility to medications or affordable alternatives. Doctors ARE told to write generics when they can, but they're then fed false information by the "patented generics" pushers like Mylan at sponsored CME conferences. The doctors buy it because they're intellectually lazy, no joke.

So this leaves ACTUAL "Big Pharma" in a weird place. Yeah, we've done shit to extend the patent on drugs we have with new dosage forms, it's an old trick. But we're also shouldering the costs of ACTUAL drug development, the real cutting-edge, life-saving stuff.

Meanwhile, there's a potential insurgency on the horizon. There are heaps of small companies with one or two drugs in their "pipeline" that're really promising and ultimately pretty cheap to produce (of course it's cheap, genetically modified bacteria shit it out for them!) and they've found a workaround that doesn't involve being bought out by a bigger company once the hard bit of their research is done…
CONTRACT PHARMA! They can hire a small-mid sized company to do the production of their drugs FOR them. They don't need to invest in manufacturing, only research, and pay what's ultimately a pittance to the manufacturing guys to make the stuff. The newer drugs often speak for themselves and require very little in the way of marketing or bullshit artistry to get prescribed.

So what's Big Pharma to do? Well, I've seen it happen. They use their influence on the FDA to get shit canned, and canned again, and again until the patent runs out.

user's qualifications:

the (((experts))) who took pains to develop foods, drugs and ways of life adapted to the creation and development of a huge number of new allergies for the purpose of selling remedies to their patient won't thank you, dude
and the pharma mafia is expert at disappearing inconvenient assholes
ur gonna heart fialure

please Kek don't do this to me


You have decontextualized the act.

You cannot determine the goodness of badness of moral actions simply in the abstract.

You fell hard for the (((Cartesian paradigm))).

You see, the patent is a shot clock like in basketball. You have THAT LONG to make money, and it can be a A LOT OF MONEY you need to make back for some products.

In the old days, you did what's called small molecule drugs. These are pretty familiar and almost all drugs you know of fall into this category.

Nowadays, large molecule is the new hotness. These are the drugs derived from novel proteins found in nature, tweaked proteins, targeted therapies, etc. They're not made by organic synthesis in a lab, they're made by genetically modified bacteria.

Large molecule drugs come with some pros and cons though:

So large molecule drugs have this huge initial hurdle, but that's getting better. Tools like CRISPR and improved computing have made proteonomics (among other things) easier and we're getting better at producing these drugs easily.

Expect to see the "Pharma insurgency" get more intense as time goes on.

The Big Boys are going to hold on as long as they can and some DO have real staying power because of their pipelines. They're developing actual, innovative drugs, just like the little startups. They also have huge amounts of money to influence congress, the FDA, and to buy up smaller companies with promising drugs.

The wildcard in all of this is KEK EMBODIED: DONALD J. TRUMP!

Yep, Trump. He could be what ultimately changes the pharmaceutical industry forever. Some of his policies would wildly impact the industry.

Those could RUIN big pharma as we know it. It would be nothing short of a revolution for consumers but the industry will fight it like crazy.

Pharma employees know this and they don't care. At least at one old employer, almost everyone is SUPER pro-Trump. They know our company can come out on top and a truly impartial FDA would be a bigger help to us than hindrance. They also look forward to the end of H1B as we know it.

Some of the "big boys" will survive just fine under Trump, after a bit of adjustment. A lot of others though, they're going to fail and fail spectacularly.

Yes there is. Insider trading is an example of market failure and you can see that when congress consistently gets returns that even the best traders don't get. The law doesn't apply to them, so they use their information to enrich themselves at the cost of everyone else. That is a zero sum wealth transfer - one is better off, the other is worse off. The way to solve that is to ban insider trading.

Now you may argue that is an example of government cronyism for congress and I'll agree, but the natural capitalist inclination is not to make it illegal for congress as well, but to fully legalize insider trading. Most people would not want to participate in trading if they knew they were going to get screwed by people who have an inside advantage.

Even when it's legal, it's still done. For example, spending millions and billions to shave a matter of nanoseconds off trades so you can get in front of someone else. This is a perfect example of entrenchment without regulation because there is only a limited amount of space. Those who invest early will saturate all space available and that will give them a permanent edge over newcomers.

While I do see your point about overregulation, I don't agree with the market purism that market failures don't exist in a truly free market.


"Consumer Reports said that another option was the generic autoinjector Adrenaclick by Impax Laboratories, which they found selling for $142 at retail stores. A pharmacist told Consumer Reports that Adrenaclick and EpiPen have the same drug in the same doses, but there are differences in how they are used, so Adrenaclick users must be trained in its use.[30][31][32] Consumer reports said that another, cheaper option was using standard syringes and filling them manually from vials of epinephrine. This requires training and the shelf-life of an epinephrine vial is only three months compared to 12 to 18 months for the EpiPen and Adrenaclick."

3 hours.

Kek wills it because you are a faggot.

no u


Disgusting ay.

I can shorten the intellectual BS down to just a few words

Not even remotely relevant, nigger.

I've watched the price of my insulin skyrocket over the last few years, its insane. People are going to start going tits up en mass.

It comes down to business practices, honestly.

On one hand, you have companies doing some shady shit but they also do research and development, sell innovative products, etc. That's Big Pharma and the little guys doing some of the more innovative stuff.

On the other, you have these "Pharma Raiders" as I call them. They're a lot like the airline raiders of the 1980's. They buy up drugs, jack up prices for a bit, then sell based on the artificially-inflated figures.

One is a legitimate industry, the other is Jewry embodied in a business model.

I'm kinda surprised at Holla Forums's lack of exploration into business practices and ethics. We really should form our own nationalist business ethic.

That kind of thing. A way to seek profit while still providing for our people, their well-being, and the vitality of the market.

I really believe that if "honest" companies could gain a foothold with the right practices, we could outcompete entities practicing things like planned obsolescence, "walled garden" product philosophy, etc.

You're on insulin proper or do you have Type II? There's a really great, albeit expensive, alternative if you have Type II. Exenatide! It used to be one of my drugs to shill, then I worked to troubleshoot bugs in manufacturing.

It's derived from a hormone found in Gila Monster saliva. Cool stuff.

kill yourself

Forgot to mention, there are all kinds of hidden costs with your insulin. The FDA's to blame.
A few examples:
Really, this is huge. Those QA employees don't touch the drug, work in a lab testing the drug, or have any role in any of its production short of managing regulatory affairs and paperwork.

This is in addition to a very complex system of safeguards to ensure your insulin is safe. Really, you have no idea the kind of testing, engineering controls, and protocols that go into safely producing and packaging any injectable drug.

In the US, insurance companies aren't "allowed" to compete across state lines, driving up prices and fucking over the purchasers. Would it surprise you if the insurance companies lobbied for this regulation, and still pretend to bitch about it?


have it in the bag. The current conditions are largely the result of massive market-capture and over-regulation in favor of a few oligopolic interests.

I don't know about you lad, but I'd rather die later, comfortably in bed, rather than sooner, suffocating and breaking out in hives.


Thanks user, that sounds about right. Have a buddy who is a Pharm Rep in NJ, his job before that was Phillip Morris, going from Pajeet storefront to 7/11 making sure they were displaying cigarette adverts correctly. In the 30's he would have been selling arsenic on the corner as a pre-natal vitamin (not jewish but a jew at heart).

The amount of money and comped dinners he threw at these doctors was ridiculous, I lost a lot of respect for the profession meeting his marks, I mean doctors.

Pharma companies are horrible.

I used to take adderall when I had insurance. So when I lost my insurance I tried to pay out of pocket, but it was over $100 a month. So after looking into it, apparently the pharma companies colluded to reduce the supply so that they could sell newer drugs that they still have patent for.

Get rid of the Jews and their degeneracy and the problem solves itself. White people are inherently conscientious and empathic. Couple this with a society that teaches duty to God and country instead of shilling for materialism, and things will be different.

Abuses will still happen, of course, but a free and uncucked media will be able to run them out of town.

Glad you got out with your sanity.


What's impressive here is that they didn't even break any laws.

Enjoying your unregulated free market healthcare system, burgers?

Being salty and resorting to ad hominem is one thing, but assuming someone is friendless and a virgin just because they bring the bantz is grade school shit that an SJW would say.


Adderall is a pretty redpilled drug. It makes you better and even Hitler took amphetamine.


No:( help

The cost of the drug in the epipen costs like $2.

Holy shit lad, that's some beautiful sleuthing right there.

Holy shit I'm so glad to see someone mention CRISPR. For those who don't know, here is info


And there is even a startup that will sell you everything you need to do CRISPR at home.


my ex is working on an experimental cancer drug in a research lab at 21 whilst in the process of getting 2 hard science (biochem, physics) and a philosophy degree all at once, speaks 5 languages fluently and easily has a genius level intellect. She also happens to be highly epileptic which has now become degenerative, and the seizures are increasing in frequency and magnitude to the point where in a few years she will no longer be able to walk and her own doctors have broken down crying telling her they can't figure out what to do.

the reason for this anecdote is to provide an example of exactly how much you're fucking wrong about your babbling retard tier comprehension of the correlation between intelligence and genetics, fuck you.

Another interesting implication of CRISPR is its possible to apply it to eugenics. You can take a subprime specimen of the White Race, and make them better, or take what is already perfect, and make them more than perfect.

So… I could right now just get a small business loan, start mass producing epipens (call them something else because the name is likely trademarked) and selling them for like… $80, and I would make a fortune due to my only competitor selling them for $600, right?

Its pretty hard to get into pharma, user. And I hope you know people at the FDA or good luck waiting on your ass for it to get approved.

In a truly free market, businesses would become monopolies and the monopolies would regulate themselves. In other words, they would absolutely destroy competitors via underhanded and 'unfair' tactics.

If you're okay with this, then that means you're probably a libertarian faggot who's going to vote for that fag Gary Johnson.

Mike Enoch said it on the TRS forums a few months ago: libertarians should be the alt-right's main target for now. After we bullycide them, then we can move on to gassing the kikes.

Remember, National Socialism is a superior form of government than any form of gov't that places free market capitalism on such a lofty pedestal.

Also, supply and demand is a pleb-tier argument to use in this situation. Medical services are not goods, and there will always be an infinite demand for medical services. Mylan will never run out of demand, there's no reason they need to jack up the price like this.

Modern medicine is pure jewry, what did you expect?
and no I don't mean the practical side but the systemic side

There are generic epipens it's called adrenaclick or you can just buy needles and Adrenalin in bottles.

Natural monopoly is a myth, if you are too stupid to realize the FDA and the system of drug patenting (de facto monopolies on production, enforced by government) is preventing any competition against its cronies you are pretty fucking stupid.

Are there a literally infinite number of people who need epipens you fucking dummy? Demand for healthcare is inflexible, but not infinite, and the price gouging is due to the artificial restriction of supply by patent-monopolies, FDA, AMA, drug import restrictions, etc. all of which are exclusively state failures.

epipens expire so epipen users will always need to buy more epipens.

The demand will never end.

Fucking faggot

That is by definition finite demand, idiot.

Confirmed bullshit, on average, big pharma spends more on marketing than R+D, at least 9 times out of 10, the money they are spend on R+D is a pittance.

The hilarious part is YOU are paying for it. It will be paid for by Obamacare insurance, whosse rates will rise for everyone, including your dumb ass.

Also, a huge percentage of "marketing" budgets are spent on cocaine and whores. Most of it is expense account graft.


The Democrats actively fought against competition, so Mylan was able to jack up the prices without suffering from a competing company undercutting their prices.
This is an old story, government cronyism getting in the way of competition.

Don't tell the commies in this thread that. They'd prefer to bitch about the original inventor of the life saving product rightfully making a lifetime's need of money than take two minutes to research all the epipen alternatives that exist.

It's like Nike shoes or some shit, people just want that brand.


go vote for gary johnson, niglet

Hillary is using them by the truckload, which uses up the supply, hence the price increase for others.

Interesting, thanks for the explanation.


We shouldn't have shorter lifespans than our grandparents while spending 1/6 of our GDP on healthcare. Not to mention the fact that it's impossible to get anything done if you're in poor health.

More immune system(white folks) make you more prone to allergies and less prone to infection. You have a middle school level of knowledge when it comes to evolution and fitness.

*More active immune system.

Did they try ketosis?
Being a lab tech is not impressive. But nice work with the rest of your role playing story. Does she have EEs or are you more of a loli guy?

Because it helps destroy the value of labor and eventually money. If everything is too expensive, nobody will work. If nobody works, money is worthless. People turn to crime. Eventually people go back to farming and barter.

It's Oligarchy.

The main corporations in power institute regulations to keep competitors out.

Lets say you have 100 million dollars.
You want to make epi-pens.

You need a factory, corporate papers, FDA approval, etc etc.

And you couldn't sell them without approval through the government controlled pharmaceutical racket…

You'd blow through 200 million just to lobby for the "privilege" of making epi-pens.

Welcome to the modern age m8 epipen is not the "good" product that makes mylan allot of money, that is the generic drugs they make like nitrazepam-pen and tablets plus zopiklon tablets plus I think they got some barbiturates for sale plus tramadol and oxycodone. This is what makes em money in today's age not epipen, this is just production cost=price-point with interests.
Plus they've got some licenses on antibiotics and diabetic medication which skyrockets with life-long users.

The drug is already FDA approved, they need to take it into tests so they don't fuck with the license of the product since the companies reputation in this case Mylan could get sued with the other company. And Epipen is really a niche product in the eyes of many pharmaceutical companies that could afford a license.

There is a reason why, most of the companies are just looking at Sativex and the other one that is going with phase 2 studies on epilepsy cannabis drug. The pharma companies don't want to spend allot of money on the speculative cannabis medicine market, if they can't make money WW.

Ron Paul makes some good points @08:10

just listen, you insufferable faggot

So will the MSM go after this cunt like they did with Shkreli, or will they ignore it because womyn

The "original inventor" is long since dead considering the active chemical, epinephrine, was discovered in 1900 along with its practical applications. There's no rational, reasonable explanation why there aren't easy to get OTC alternatives. There was a second manufacturer of these things a while back, but according to that article they all got recalled due to "dosage problems" mylan likely did some shady violent arm twisting to monopolize it.

So before you decry people for not googling shit and easily looking things up, maybe you shut the fuck up and do the same, you goddamn hypocrite. Inventor of the drug my ass.

If this were actually a free market, of course, this would never be a problem, but we don't have that and anyone who thinks we do is a fucking retard.

We're not talking about the drug, comrade, we're talking about the whole product. The pen, the dosage, the delivery system. The man behind it deserves to make retirement money. The man behind a life saving product deserves to put his feet up for life. You take that away, and nobody will put in the time or money to invent anything.

But you're just whiny NEETs who think capitalism is evil.

Your hooknose is almost obtrusive.

so, you're saying making greed a virtue is bad.
please explain why it's bad
I agree it's one of the worst problems, but I want to hear others explain WHY it's bad

I'm actually okay with this. You have to maximize what you've researched. It's part of the business.

there's a reason shes an ex, and it's me.
believe it or not, some of us can actually manage to function in meatspace enough to stick benis in vagoo

yeah they tried it, last i heard from her she was in contact with whatever EEG lab or some shit they're setting up in Atlanta right now, not the children's hospital one but a newer institution. This is after the university of Miami's epilepsy team in the neurology department told her in front of me that they didn't know what to do other than upping the doses on the various meds she was taking.

Fuck you for trying to call me out on a fake story, have you ever had to hold the person you love and try and act collected when a team of doctors quietly informs them that they have no idea why their brain is misfiring?

Greed is not bad. Greed is the only reason people are willing to invest all their time and money into making something great.

If I invented the EpiPen, I have every right to kick back, put my feet up, and never lift a finger again. I put in a fuckton of time and money, navigated mountains of red tape, and successfully marketed and sold my way to success. I devoted a lifetime to this, and a fuckload more blood, sweat, and tears than any part time Walmart worker who complains about how hard his job is. If you take away the inventor's right to retire whenever the fuck he wants after putting in all that time and effort, say goodbye to innovation. Say goodbye to progress. Because if I have to work harder than everyone else, but I get no financial incentive to, fuck that noise, I'm working part time at the theater and spending most of that time texting.

If I do the work, I expect the money. Period.

Its very simple, christians work together for the common good.
Jews work for themselves and the superiority of their tribe.

No, you have the right to try to market it in a way that makes you money. If you try to corrupt the state and denature property to prevent other people from working and making their own, you're just a Jew trying to live at the expense of everybody else.

Let's see if there's a common thread between all those "intellectual properties" industry shall we?

Big pharma?

An EpiPen is just a delivery system for the drug. What's stopping anyone from making an alternate delivery system? Nothing. Perhaps this price hike will inspire people to make an alternative, but that's not EpiPen's problem.

This price hike is not particularly "considerate", shall we say, but that's also not EpiPen's problem. A free market dictates that the inventor has the right to charge whatever the fuck he wants for his product, and if you don't like it, don't buy it. If the inventor wants to price himself out of the market and force a dozen people to invent a viable and more affordable alternative, that's his right. If you don't like it, invent an alternative.

Maybe inventing a new kind of tin foil is more your speed.

That's obviously what he did. And unless you wasted your time inventing something completely useless, this won't be an issue. But after I spend all those years, all that money, and all those tears and sweat on this, you bet your ass I demand some kind of protection to ensure that I get my money's worth out of it. That's the whole point of patent law, because again, without it, why would anybody invent anything? Why would anybody spend millions and decades on something that some pot smoking high school dropout scrubbing toilets at CVS with access to a 3D printer could swipe? Nobody would, and nothing would ever get done.

I invent something amazing, something world changing? I get to put my feet up, and I expect protections to ensure that I am paid what I rightfully earned. Period. And if you invested the time and money into inventing something amazing, you'd be saying the exact same thing, and you're a lying shit if you even try to say otherwise.

What the fuck are you talking about? This isn't Holla Forums, nobody here thinks capitalism is the problem here, because it isn't. Capitalism and a truly free market would be a solution to this problem, as I previously stated, but you're just a whiny NEET who wants to ignore what someone is saying so you can accuse them of being whiny.

The reason there are no top-class, first rate brand name alternatives to the epipen is because 1) they do what they can to STOP capitalism and try to corner the market with their product, due much in part to bribes, corruption, collusion, and a shit ton of bureaucracy in the pharma world, and 2) there WAS one that existed that stopped producing them because of "dosage problems." How much you want to bet that that official reason is not the actual fucking reason the other company stopped making them?

Even if none of that mattered, it does not excuse the obviously ridiculous price hike. Capitalism isn't the problem, great job going 2 for 2 in being a retard.

on top of a pile of money, with many beautiful women…..

Capitalism is a problem, you faggot. Free market wouldn't solve shit, because nothing would be stopping someone from creating a powerful company that would later kill every small company, thus creating monopoly. The monopoly could then work to prevent any opposition from emerging and people would be forced to buy the ovepriced product that is necessary for life saving. What would happen if Monsanto was to exist in a completely free market? Food would be fucked in no time. Even assuming that no cancerous monopolies form, you still have shit by-products of capitalism like designed obsolescence, minimum quality product for highest profit, consumerism or worker outsourcing. Go to Holla Forums with your libertarian bullshit. Capitalism is not cancerous in itself, but it's enabling degeneracy for profit. You have to control the market. It's either that or giving kikes free reign to do anything. NatSoc is the answer, not capitalism or free market.



Yeah just hire a heroin addict to shoot you up for $10

I live in WV they have fucked this place so hard, heroin and meth have been brought in ((((coincidentally)))) after everyone stopped doing Oxycontin. Joe Manchin is literally a kike making WV even more shitty and poor than it was before. He has cut the budget by 400million in the last 2 years, they cant even pay teachers and workers anymore.

Of course. Libertarians always glorify free market as solution to everything. They are the people, who will tell you that anything is ok as long as it just concerns you and no one else. They are like anarchists, except money is their god instead of equality. They will tell you that being a tranny is ok, as long as the tranny funds it from his own pockets. They will probably say the same about pedos, cults and other shit. After all, capital, consent and containment are all that's required to make something acceptible in the eyes of a libertarian. They couldn't care less about society or social fabric. Degeneracy means nothing to them. They are ripe for becoming leftists, although some with wits about them do become NatSocs.

Why the fuck are you talking about meth and heroin?
I'm talking about epinephrine, faggot.
Can you maybe stop tweaking for five fucking seconds and stay on topic?

I meant because you can only get it in some auto pen because people are too fucking dumb to use needles.

I hope you fucking OD, tonight, you utter waste of oxygen.

Can we just gas this fat MRA neckbeard already?

you sound mad as fuck, not sure why tho

As opposed to the controlled market, where the government allows it to fuck small farmers by buying land next to them, blowing seeds into their fields and then suing the everloving fuck out of them for theft or whatever?

Large companies push regulation because they can absorb the cost and it strangles small business.

The solution isn't to deregulate everything, but to ensure that the market remains competetive and fair. What Monsanto does with their seeds is completely asinine and wouldn't happen if they weren't propped up by the government and allowed to fuck small farmers out of the market.

I am mad because you exist.


then that's not really a free market, is it, dipshit? if you forcibly prevent someone from providing a similar or same product or service because that business somehow makes one or more improvements on your own business model, that's not a free market.
Go ahead an explain exactly how that would happen, because if it's the same line of thought I just discussed, that's not a fucking free market.
You tell me to go to Holla Forums after making a rant that faggots from Holla Forums actually say, you stupid fucking nigger? You don't know shit about anything, that much is pretty clear right now.

You ARE aware that there was only very limited government interference in the market/business world in Nazi Germany right? You ARE aware that they greatly encouraged private business with a very unrestricted free market, confined only by moral restrictions?

No. No, of course you didn't. Get the fuck out of here, and if you don't, you need to fucking lurk for another year or longer before you can try calling yourself a national socialist, you fucking moron.


Even NatSoc could eventually have this problem. We're seeing a system in Canada where government controlled businesses monopolize something in the area and use it to milk the constituents of said area for all the cash they can in order to secure revenue for the government.

We're moving, and the city controls all power. They have charges for this, charges for that, charges for their charges for their charges, etc.

We're still paying for the power we use at the new house, but they want to tack on some extra shit on our last bill here, and charge us to flick a fucking switch and direct power to our new house. They also inflate the housing market, because property tax is a percentage of what the property is worth. A $1M property generates more revenue for the government than a $500k property, therefor they fuck the market and allow shadowflipping in places like Vancouver which drives the prices up. Then foreign buyers who snatch property and sit on it makes it even more valuable because housing is very in demand, so the government taxes them too, securing even more revenue, and the cycle continues.

I'm thinking we need a reset, and that we should take the US constitution and use it as a template for the new constitutions of the world. Put something in there about "Thou shalt not run thine business as a dirty fucking kike or chinsey Chink would"

Monopolies are inherently inefficient, and they do everything in their power to strangle competition and maintain their monopoly because not having any competition is like playing a game with godmode. "Oh, you hit me with a bunch of debuffs. Like I give a fuck."

very interesting

The first time round wasn't quite enough eh?

not really was still confused why you went all retarded earlier.


do people still listen to that retard?

Back when GG was really firing it's engines, he was a useful, generally rational person. Then as time went on things started slipping. I stopped listening to him a loooooong time ago, but from time to time I saw people bitch about him on Holla Forums and here. What DID happen to him? It sounded like he got ridiculously egocentric and self righteous and thought all his opinions were unassailable bastions of logic and truth, even when he started going off the rails about racial differences or something. Someone said he's part black or some other such thing, i don't fucking know, but I'm curious what the tl;dr version of his spiral downward into faggotry is.

This. The primary difference between NatSoc Germany and other economies was that the money supply and central bank was administered by the government, and there was no interest on the money supply, freeing the nations people and its economy by the constant parasitic burden of unpayable debt at the core of the economy. Despite Milton Friedman being constantly described as a "free market proponent" he was anything but because while he did believe in deregulation of markets and industry, he believed that the economy should be administered and controlled by the money masters and central bankers, hence the term "monetarism". If every single currency unit used to facilitate trade is issued and controlled by a central institution (the Federal Reserve) with an interest burden, then it is impossible to have free trade regardless of how strictly or leniently corporations are regulated. The priority for any Nationalist, and for nations in general, is to take control of the money power and use it for the benefit of your nation, argument about taxes, corporate regulations, etc. are for the most part obfuscation and misdirection to the cancerous machinations of central banks.




Oh right, it doesn't.

It's still finite. Please take an elementary school math class.

How doesn't it?

Oh, right. It does.

Stellar thought process, two can play your heebish game. Also I hope you're not like that other faggot and think that i believe free market solves everything, I'm saying it would easily solve this epipen problem, and it would. Go ahead and explain how it wouldn't if you can muster the brain cells.


You can steal vials of epinephrine from any clinic in the US, there are always at least 2-3 bottles sitting around in cabinets somewhere that you can grab when the nurse leaves. Don't forget a handful of syringes and scalples and everything else you can grab too.


What are you doing m8?

Underrated post


You fags realize that the EpiPen was designed using taxpayer dollars, right? That's besides the point that shit like this is part of the reason why health insurance is so fucking expensive. This will insurance raise rates for everyone, not just allergy fags.

Nothing exists in a vacuum.

Look, I don't mean this in a condescending way, but the free market as panacea approach is naive. It's a completely speculative approach. The first thing powerful individuals in a free market do is create regulations to protect their interests. This is evidenced by the existence of governing bodies, regulatory agencies, guilds, etc. everywhere civilization exists. The lobbyists for regulation are also almost inexorably those intetests regulation supposedly hurts.

The first act of persons in a free market is always to make that market un-free. If there is any exception in any industrialized civilization anywhere, let me know. I could certainly be wrong. To my knowledge, this is the only real, observed outcome. However, the argument that free exchange solves all inefficiencies relies heavily on evidence that only seems to exist in the minds of economists or as a backdrop to fictional tales of Dagney Taggart having a train run on her by sweaty robber barons.

The debate about "free" vs "regulated" markets in the context of a democratic system is pointless. It's like saying that war could be ended if people just stopped fighting. Obviously. But people won't just stop fighting, so the only question that needs answering is what will you do to deal with the conflicts. People in free markets (because markets are all free at the start as regulations do not exist until we invent them) have always chosen regulation. It continues until the corruption of regulatory agents is too burdensome for productivity.

The only way that free/regulated discussion would be even remotely relevant would be if we lived in a polity where laws cannot be made, changed or be left to interpretation or if we lived in an aristocracy where market actors were separated from the law making process and had no influence in government.

Social/government structure is the problem that must first be solved.


In response to the first, underground paramilitaristic organizations can be (and have been in the past) set up to eliminate corruptive forces.
In response to the second, don't put too much faith in individuals. Absent clear pseudo-monarchic defined successors (as uncle Adolf had) movements fall apart when the charismatic leader upon whom they relied vanishes.

It's important to recognize that people mean several different things when they say "free market"

This is what happens to market capitalism when you remove the moral backing that allowed it to florish in the first place. Cronyism is the degenerate child of Ford's protestant work ethic:
the best product possible for the lowest price possible at the highest wages possible has become
the cheapest product possible for the most shekels possible in the cheapest chink sweatshop possible.

Moly for president


What I find so strange is how the price of EpiPen has been rising every year, and yet somehow this because a news story NOW. Not last year, not six months ago, but right now in the height of election season.

Somehow I predict this is going to come back to Trump. I don't know how and I can't fathom whether or not the link will be legitimate, but I'm certain this story is being brought up to somehow connect it with Trump. Maybe one of his sons is a major investor in the company? Maybe he is?

There's no way this just organically found its way into the headlines.


I think Martin Shkreli getting the public's attention probably has something to do with it.

The Pharma industry is mad at him because he drew attention to their practices by having far less tact about it.

Yeah, that's great an all. But when you're by yourself and having a very rapid reaction, you want something that can be self-administered fast with no hesitation. That's the purpose of auto-injectors.

The vial and standard syringe is certainly what EMTs/paramedics/whatever should be using though. Not sure why they aren't I think some are now, but not all. Liability reasons maybe.

you are lucky to be alive. so invent your own, or stop bitching.

It's a free market, if you want socialized medicine move to Europe and enjoy the tender embraces of sand niggers

On a giant pile of money scrooge mcduck style.

choose only one

Its not really a free market when regulatory entry barriers can only be overcome by government connections and vast sums of money.

I agree, but see.

Markets cannot exist in a vacuum, even minarchist skeleton governments inevitably are corrupted or grow bigger and worse. A typical response is to claim that obstructive cronyist regulatory agencies should not exist in the first place, except you are forgetting that they are chartered by congress and senate, who are also bought and paid for, and originate in the first place from capitalists trying to remove their competition. The kind of free market described by libertarians is admittedly ideal, but infeasible. Even black markets are not free of the influence of cronyist regulated markets, as the illegality of certain commodities gives black market actors a cartel over them which can be exploited endlessly. The problem I have with libertarians is that they cannot reconcile the fact that government inevitably arises and grows bigger, the ancap paradise that they would seek is a complete power vacuum that is easy pickings for despots. Conflicts inevitably arise between government power and markets and the issue is how to reconcile them, democracy and cronyism is absolutely terrible at doing so, fascism and NatSoc while not perfect have the best track record in mitigating this corruption of both market and government and using the economy as a tool for public good, although other than nationalized banking to excise the rackets of usury and central banks, I don't think a command economy is necessary or even beneficial, Hitler's Germany succeeded despite price controls and other methods simply because the transition from debt based to labor based currency freed so much human effort that the economy skyrocketed. Labor based, debt-free currency combined with low taxes and free markets are ideal, and Hitler came 90 percent close to accomplishing that ideal.

EpiPen main ingredient costs 'less than a Big Mac'
Company working on cheaper alternative

1. they don't have a monopoly on epinephrine
2. free market will solve this problem…. infact:

Mark Baum believes the relentless EpiPen price hikes are “shameful” and his company is plotting a $100 alternative for the lifesaving allergy treatment.

Nice try kike

I had a friend in college who was deadly allergic to peanuts. Guess what - when you have an allergy like this, it works too fast for even yourself to use an auto injector. By the time you realize you're having a reaction, you're face first on your desk and unable to breathe. Her friend had to go everywhere with her and carry the EpiPen for her. Her friend could just as easily carry the epinephrine and syringe.

If you want convenience and you want brand, you have to spend the money, Commie.