New WebM Thread

Yes, I know the rules
but the other thread sucks
fresh ones, classic ones, embedding is punishable by death

Other urls found in this thread: call murder altavista





Kendra Sutherland she is not











Wew lad.

But it was taken over by cp so we have to start a new one



respect webum












that kid's going places

tyene > melly > actress > shae > missy > whore 1 = whore 2 > smirkfu > firecrotch > kelly





I don't get it, she lost her day and became a whore?

It's not like I can r-relate or anything haha
I love you Dad I'm coming home soon

Got any more?

There's not a whole lot.


… any that don't involve a cuck?

Yeah good luck finding that.

Bella Thorne and Scott Disick broke up yesterday after a 2 month relationship in which she was used up by a 34 year old sex-addict.(pic related) She's kind of a mast in the water for the trappings of a Hollywood lifestyle.

I just liked the song and kept the webm

I was honestly just into her for her tits, not the Anita cosplay.

I'd like to dedicate this one to our new moderator


Holy shit niggs actually did something good.

I know, thank god they were stealing that bike at the moment.








i wanna believe Tongo is a world class troll

Song name?

Whats this from?

What the fuck…

That's disgusting, really nasty for a person to even create, let alone dub, shame on the entire cast and studio.


Fun fact about the one at 1:42. There was a guy on dvach Holla Forums who said he's going to do something and we thought that he's just bullshitting. Later that day there is an article with that video. He got arrested without shooting anyone.


goes on to posts worst normie tier crap


lmao that cunt got triggered at the end, she probably doesnt get any, failed stacey.

whos gonna stop them from stealing the bike?

this isnt funny

That's right whites should die because muh global warming horse shit, but import millions of shitskins into your county.



Can we make this out Anti-SJY Theme Song?

It will be, if you vote for ME as your new Mod!




Genius. Kill all possible witnesses then "uh oh" this accident was unavoidable.



I don't believe it.

The music ruined it

























The rain it's falling
Like the cum
On my kid sister's hair







what if the aliens are just like us in those regards?
why wouldn't they be?


The fuck is this? Is he playing retarded? Source?

He was fired from a job and wanted to take revenge sometime between 2013-2015, but believe what you want.


La grande bellezza


Little bastard sprinted for like a mile straight

Sauce on the song?


good times


Mazzy Star - Look On Down From The Bridge

it's from Utopia

qt in a strange way

stop posting this you fucking retarted degens

You can't appropriate whites' culture, they don't even have a culture, silly goy. You still owe the black man for slavery. The least you can do is let him dance.


btw I finally found out who makes this song

you know what to do
if you tease i wont give you any (you)s


Faggots, niggers, and wiggers I'm about to pull the trigger.

What is that girl feeling?


Faggots, niggers, and wiggers I'm about to pull the trigger.


not funny
but do they all laugh like that up there? Sounds like the game reviewers or radio free skyrim

remind me to go play another 4 hours of crossout

You fucked up the audio encoding. It's just screeching random noise.

sexual reproduction was a mistake


god i really hate niggers



I like it when the girl knows she's being filmed.



Why do I have to keep teaching people here how to use a search engine? call murder altavista

I didn't want to know


please post more like this user i almost fucking came

youre kinda asking for it

I'll try

Said every wife beater ever

This the kind of stuff millennials produce when they want to show off how "deep" they are and how much they know about "it all."


Dude, I'm just trying to share some cool webms and am getting no help. So complain if you must but also contribute

See if you could bust one to this

Sorry, didn't know that was a touchy subject for you.

who is that and why are you posting it?


right back at you

I asked you first

I asked you better



ah yes, the anthem of the butthurt millennial.



that's just a couple of degenerates playing doctor
i wanna see some muslim kid shoot up his classmates
i wanna see some teacher electrocute a student
i wanna see some kid set his mother ablaze
i wanna see some father stab every family member dozens of agonizing times while they scream for help
i want to see my ex locked naked in a heated metal cage while being whipped and stoned and called names

just so she knows how i feel

what am i going to do with all these (you)s

∞I'm on it!∞

Here's another you cute little narcissistic



Thank you so much. I've decided I going to print them out, grind them into a paste, and shove them into my urethra so that when I masturbate, I'm can ejaculate them all over my face.

You got any good webms of darkies getting popped?

♪♫♪♫♪♫♪ NAME
Фиксики - Помогатор Witch House Remix

pretty catchy

i like those pure evil videos where the person committing the crime is literally evil and not just some revenge plot bullshit

I'll look around, let this hold you over


i like it when they leave them to suffer longer

I'm Scout.


bedtime, OP out

What the hell is this from?

If that's a cutout of George Carlin in her closet, then she gets my respect.

that's nemoy you dip

You know this is the opening to a film called End of Watch?

olympus has fallen, i think

This is so surreal how they use this videogame editing. It puts their mass murders and executions videos into unserious tone. I can't be terrified, when i watch it, i just imagine a arab guy, who sits on his computer, watch call of duty gameplay, and then spend tons of hours on editing to match that tone.








yeah they do laugh up there, and the fact that both of them were males made them laught even more 8)



got any sauce?

So I guess the new iCentipede is making progress then.

I wish I didn't watch this. Tooo sick. *vomit*

i like this shit

kinda fuckin hate seein this shit
and i don't give a flying fuck

classic kek




Hentai "Euphoria"
I think It's episode three, but I forget.


If that already gets you, you came to the wrong board.


I like this instructional, educational video. Thank you.

Sabbath and Dio were never better!

Who is she?




cool, go take it up to Holla Forums then fag.


She will never date you.

honestly Holla Forums, you can't meme, and you can't provide for yourself, let alone a nation.

feels good


Your wiafu is a shitlib and will never date you either.


Racmixing is bad

Dutch police shooting a mudslime holding a knife
"Laat vallen dat wapen"
"Drop the weapon"

You sure make a lot of assumptions about me user. You don't even know who I am. That's not very nice.

Shit, fam, you fucking think?


jews are as white as niggers are smart

Oy vey kike you hav to do better.

Yes, it must be nice to make up stories so you can feel better about fucking apes but did you have an argument, sweetie? Do your parents know you're on the internet?

Jews are against trannies. Anglos love trannies. Wake up.

Wow, Holla Forums derails another thread because black people exist. Can't they fuck off back to their containment board already?

Holla Forums didn't derail it. They (if it even was a Holla Forumstard, since not just Holla Forums hates niggers) just commented on how niggerly a nigger was being in a webm. This is the webm thread, totally on topic, and fags like you started taking the bait, wouldn't let it go, and flooded the thread in your tears. You can scroll up and see for yourself, this is all objectively true. People are still posting webms, so what's derailed? The only issue I'm seeing is you still spamming your peace-and-love liberal baloney. Overall, I think you're on the wrong board if you don't hate niggers even just the smallest bit and I'd suggest you leave promptly.

There's black people and then there's niggers. There's niggers of every race. The problem people have with pol is that they think the majority of black people are niggers, which isn't even remotely true. Probably because they've never left mom's basement and all they see is the stupid shit other poltards post.

I'm sure it's all a coincidence that it's always the kikes or their pet organizations shilling for tranny acceptance.

The fuck is that?


Stop lying, nigga. There was clear race baiting itt followed by white nationalist signaling after it was called out.

>>>Holla Forums

I'm sorry that your amygdala appears to be impaired, xir. Perhaps you'd like to take some time out in your safe space.

>>>Holla Forums

More like 'always the whites'. Jews love propagating their race. Whites love getting anally savaged and watching cartoons.

Take your meds, Holla Forumstard.

lol poor bait. Have you ever met a kike? They're the most degenerate faggots around. I guess having Tel Aviv declared gay capital of the world is propagating your race in your semitic, beady eyes.

There are many different ancestral lines of jews user, not to mention people who are just jews via religion, but yet whites are the most cucked race on the planet currently.

We all know it's you, Holla Forums. You're not saying "nigger" because Tyrone would beat the shit out of you after he's done fucking your girlfriend if he saw you saying that.

Holy shit, nigga, you're retarded.

Say it with me Holla Forums:


Everyone who says "nigga" is Holla Forums? Come on, dude, don't be a retarded nigger.

American Airlines gave it that designation, not Jews. Note the owner of American Airlines depicted. Note he's not a kike.

Jesus Christ, you're such a newfag it's painful.


Good job Holla Forums! Did you finally get Tyrone's permission to say "nigger?"

Here you go, commie. Hope your AIDS doesn't impede your ability to read through these.


>>>Holla Forums

Sorry, pol | leftypol

Same level of tribalism, retardation and thread derailing

kill yourself

You have to back.
>>>Holla Forums

By your own retarded logic, because I said "nigger", that means I am not Holla Forums.

Poorly (un)sourced infograghs and out of context quotes to make Jews look bad because you need a boogieman.

To give you a sporting chance since it is your only argument, I've decided to self-identify as Holla Forums. Show me how cocksucking whites are superior, user.

Truth appears to be triggering your perceptions, xir. Sources and names are all there. Perhaps you'd like to go back to your cancer board.

>>>Holla Forums

>>>Holla Forums

I'm sorry reddit, we don't have usernames here. You're talking to a different person.


Nice, epic, edgy, I like it.

A statement's inverse is not necessarily true if the original statement is true. Although given how shit Holla Forums is at logic, I'm not surprised.

You sure convinced me Holla Forums

Please, feel free to challenge these facts with your facts. Note that I said facts, not opinions. Opinions are not facts as much as commies would want that to be true.

For me to do this would require you to understand what a fact is to begin with. Hint: You made claims, not facts, and the evidence you have provided is insufficient to prove your thesis…whatever that may be.

Upvote, since apparently I'm from Holla Forums and Reddit.

There is no logic behind your argument of who is and is not Holla Forums because you're not working with an original statement that doesn't result in a logical contradiction to begin with. It's okay, though, I'm self-IDing as Holla Forums to give you the strongest possible case.

If you actually want to convince someone you should link to well-researched, scholarly articles on the subject rather than autistic image collages.

If faggot does not say "nigger," said faggot is Holla Forums.

Apparently reality is only real if a old Jew says it's real.

I mean, I know you have to be mentally impaired to be a leftist, but you can do better than that.

Oh yeah. Because you need an authority to tell you what to think? I'm sure these "scholarly articles" have never been wrong on faggotry, politics and race before. I'm sure you're familiar with all the great economy reports issued by Soviet state when it existed. It couldn't have been fake, right? I mean, it *was* the state who was doing these. No, authority is always right. Also these are well researched, you have names and titles of articles in many of the so called "autistic image collages". But I know you don't really care. You just said it to be smug. I hope you grow up one day.

Surely there is some part of your brain that recognizes that a fucking image collage is not sufficient evidence to convince anyone of anything.

Well, hey, you're free to refute anything in those "image collages". The facts, dates, names and article titles are there. Go nuts, prove them wrong. You'll be able to post your refutations ad infinitum showing your superiority over literally hitler ebil natzis if you succeed. Go ahead, research the events mentioned in them.

If you're basing your opinions on image macros circulated on imageboards you're a retard.

You're talking to a different person, reddit. But yes, if an image collage contains clips of actual articles showing Jews being Jews, I'd say it's pretty good proof that Jews are evil.

Of course, I'm not a leftist. If I was, I might agree that I need an old Jew to tell me how to think.

Yes goy, it's all a (((cohencidence))). The fact that every single "death camp" that was investigated by the West was ruled to not be a death camp, and that the only death camps still claimed to be death camps are those protected from investigation by the Soviets, is a total (((coincidence))). It's not evidence that we're all full of shit at all.

Enlighten me, commie.

And this is where the "logic" falls apart, nigger. Because Holla Forums users can still say "nigger", getting someone to say "nigger" doesn't exonerate them from being Holla Forums, so the test is useless. Also, there's hundreds of posts in this thread and all of them leave out "nigger". By your own rule, they must all be Holla Forums unless evidence is presented to indicate otherwise.

It would be better to link to the actual articles, oh denizen of the one true internet forum.

Sources or GTFO

Not a commie, just hater of retards making shit up so they can get mad at it.

Does the concept that "a statement being true does not imply that its inverse is true" continue to elude you, Holla Forums?

Sounds like projection. Those articles look pretty real to me, Holla Forums.

You mean the ones whose titles you can clearly see? I suppose since there isn't an old Jew telling you to believe in it, that makes them clearly false.

Fuck off Holla Forums.


Oh, you're not familiar with history of Weimar Germany and who was responsible for various attempts at ruining culture over there? Surely you must be aware of attempted commie uprising in Bavaria. Are you aware how many of the leaders of that uprising were kike? Are you aware how many bolsheviks were kikes? Probably not, because you are apathetic to facts. You should live next to niggers and kikes to see what other races are truly like. Maybe then you will snap out of your retarded egalitarian stupor.

Nobody gives a shit about the insane rantings of some faggot on the internet, if you want convince OTHER, non-retarded people you need to link to the articles not demand people waste time searching for your stupid shit.

If you don't care, then stop clogging up threads with your bullshit.








Yes; which is exactly why your Holla Forums test falls apart. If not saying 'nigger' makes you Holla Forums, saying 'nigger' doesn't means you are not Holla Forums. And because people don't say 'nigger' in every post, there's now way to logically determine who is and who is not Holla Forums by use or lack of use of 'nigger'.

Any questions, Holla Forumstard?

That's it. You can't just go back to Holla Forums. You have to go back to your place of origin.

You only linked one article just now, or do you mean all the articles you didn't post to help your case of "MUH JOOOS!"?

Keep REEEEplying, user.

I wrote a philosophical essay about this back in school for my term final. Essay was so good it was handed out to every student in school to learn from it.

…so you are Holla Forums? i guess the test did work, after all

Oh please, refute anything posted in those infographs. You're free to do so. Go ahead, I dare you.

The test, which operates under the faulpremise that people from Holla Forums don't say nigger, proved I am from Holla Forums despite all the times I said 'nigger', nigger?

That's not how this works, user. You need to back your shit up with actual evidence, not propaganda posters that reinforce your own suppositions.

Hold up, better go call my old mathematical logic professor. Here I am, a silly person with a Masters' in Electrical Engineering, thinking that all those cases where we had to prove whether or not the inverse of a statement was true were actual questions, when I could have just used Holla Forums logic and said that "if the original statement is true, the inverse must be true, or else the original statement is false."

Seriously, Holla Forums, I'd advise you to read up on mathematical logic. If you do, you'll find that an inverse of a statement being false does not make the original statement false.

How many times am I going to have to say it, reddit?


You're talking to a different person. I know the concept of people not having usernames is difficult to understand. You're probably wondering how you downboat people or send people "gold" or whatever it's called on leddit. But you have to realize, even though we all have the same "username" (anonymous), we're not all the same person.

The infographs are not propaganda. Articles, names and everything is there. Is that not what you wanted? Where do you see propaganda, leftykike?

doesn't matter what test. i now know that you're Holla Forums. that's what matters.

why hurt me?

Do you think anyone actually looks at your poltard conspiracy infographics?

If someone posted something in the same format but shilling tranny propaganda would you think "Hmm, I hadn't thought about it THAT way. Alright random feggit on an imageboard, you've convinced me to go on HRT"

Jesus, you can't say faggot either? It must be goddamn restricting being a lefty. You can't say anything without worrying about hurting someone's feelings.

So do you ever stop and think for yourself for a moment? I mean, how do you come to conclusion that sky is indeed blue? It must be pretty hard for a leftist to cite all the publications (which you have not done yet by the way).

I said feggit because saying feggit is fun, you fucking niggerfaggot.

Give your balls a tug.

When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.

There are no claims. There are just facts supported by pictures. Are you upset that you can't refute facts? I already dared you twice to refute anything mentioned in posted infographs. Do it, by all means.


I'm not wasting my time reading your poltard infographs, give me a fucking sourced article. Do it, by all means.

Can you faggots who wasted your parent's money on degrees in "anthropologies" or "politic science" or those who just soak up rhetoric on imageboards and spew it like a retarded echobots fuck off and post webms? At least post webms here if yur gunna sperg on eachother.

Im gunna start with some shit I've made in the past month, then start pumping in shit I havent seen posted in awhile.

You mean sourced articles that are in the infographs, leftykike? I'm sorry facts trigger you, but you should know better.


I know you're gen-z and likely retarded, but surely you can copy and paste an URL?

irish river dancing isn't real
step dancing is a thing
river dancing was invented to rip off irish culutre
get the fuck outta here with your bullshit

Slap a fake picture on to some bullshit and suddenly it's an infograph

This is what these retards actually believe

What the fuck have you guys done to my thread?
This isn't a venue for this low- level discussion.
Please, I'm trying to get that old tingling atmosphere of webm threads on /b.


Sorry user, you're right. My bad

>>>Holla Forums

Prove it's fake.

Oh ok, I guess this invalidates everything about it. I guess attack on USS liberty and stealing of state secrets never happened. You sure beat me leftykike. Holohoax must have happened and I will remember the 60 billion now. Here, have an article.

Sorry about that. Here, let's get it back on track.

I gave you a very simple task, link an article, you failed that. This discussion is over until you are able to do so.

back to Holla Forums faggot

God I hate Holla Forums.


I have given you a simple task. Refute the points of that infograph. This discussion is over until you can do that, Holla Forums.

Do you really expect shitskins from Holla Forums to do anything other than throw a tantrum? Even in this thread they won't do so much as read the infographs and instead beg for articles that are provided in the infographs.

True Detective

do africans in africa do that shit?
do blacks in the suburbs with jobs do that shit?
or is it a group of people living in bad conditions for multiple generations?

I never said this, liar, now you're just putting words in my mouth. Your Holla Forums test, ">If faggot does not say "nigger," said faggot is Holla Forums." does not hold up to scrutiny because:

1) Even accepting the premise of "users who don't say 'nigger' are Holla Forums" as true does not make the inverse, "users who say 'nigger' aren't Holla Forums", true and therefore Holla Forums users, those sneaky bastards, will say "nigger" just to avoid the smell test.
2) You can't prove someone has not said "nigger" because he didn't include it in any specific post or set of posts because he may have said it elsewhere at some place or time.

Both these points were thrice explained to you. The fact that a statement's inverse being false does not prove the original statement false works 'against you, not for you.

That wasn't an implication, you stupid niGGer. Go back to masturbating to Vivian James.

You're disingenuously assuming I mean you, and you alone when, as the thread shows, none of you nebulously arguing against the Jews by firing shotgun volleys of unsourced infograghs are linking any articles; just asking we take unsourced images as proof of some kind of bad-jew-jew (pun intended).

Yes, they do. Ever heard of Rhodesia and South Africa? Ever heard of a successful nigger country? No? Hm, must be a coincidence. It surely can't be related to their average IQ being one standard deviation lower from white average IQ. That's just racist.


Holla Forums BTFO

lol step up your game, leftykike

i wanted it as spoiler b8 but i chose sage by mistake

I have access to lots of guns and ammo. Even a few automatic rifles.
How about we do that whole occupy thing again but for keeps this time huh?
Any takers, no?
If I can't march with you to war then I'm sure as hell not marching with you.

Absolutely r-selected.

This is precisely why no one with a high school education takes your poltard graphs seriously. You're talking about 0.00001% of the population

Blacks commit 3% more crime relative to their population size to whites, but white commit overall more crime

I thought not.
Shut up about politics

Damn it was still alive. The music fucking killed me at the end.

jesus…will you take it down a notch with the autism?

I still haven't watched that one yet, will it haunt me?


And? Niggers still commit violent crime at 4x their representative rate.

Holla Forums, the eternal defender of niggers. You could be tied up and beaten while a nigger rapes your girlfriend, and you'd just stammer "w-w-well, it's not all blacks!"


I felt empathy for a second but he doesnt have a face so probably not kek

well it depends on your stance on faceless and handless individuals facing life altering situations.

The original is right there, you dumbass



For me it's mostly the sounds they make. I can watch beheadings all day but the sounds that people make when they saw into their throats bothers me a bit

Standard Holla Forums tactic: anything you don't like is a "spook."

so, why was she executed?

no, it's just pseudoscience
that's a standard fact
eugenics is pseudoscience too
10,000 years of isolation doesn't cause dramatic evolutionary dispersion in similar populations

No reason whatsoever



I don't know why niggers do things, user. I assume they wanted her for the money or rape, but then something went wrong. Video in that post is shows that incident. They seem to be pretty chill until niggers go ballistic on them. You can see another attempted robbery of a documentary crew in but the guy is a fucking bad ass and put a stop to it. In the documentary after-report he says that he heard a nigger loading a live round behind his back so if the king nigger didn't call them off, they'd all end up the same way.

Really? Got any PROOFS to back that up?


Can I get a source on IQ being a pseudoscience? Or are you just going to shout that it's a "spook" like everything lse you don't like?

I'm not that user, nigger, I just wanted to see your evidence proving that melanin makes you dumb


Where did I claim that, you lying little rat? I claimed that niggers are dumb, the evidence for which is



I will not be pushed around.
If you don't stop this fuckery
I will and, we can start all over again

Yoooo this shit is ghetto tier 9000



dehumanize yourself user

nobody minds your sperging as long as you post webms with each sperg-response. can we agree on that fags?

brb listening to sabaton

melanin makes you dumb.


goddamit when i re-exported that to drop the file size it killed the audio. fuck it here's an embed im to lazy to do it again.

reported. fuck you. fuck in the face, you insufferable motherfucker.

just keep the webms coming

Are you really this fucking retarded, user
That's not evidence you kike, that's a map that directly correlates with countries that have the most successful educational systems. The fact that there are niggers out there smarter than you, literally proves you wrong.

How about you show me some actual evidence that proves dindus are somehow less intelligent.


Bullshit. The IQ test tests for cognitive ability, not stored knowledge. Try again, nigger lover.

I'm in fucking tears

Time for you to die


i accept my fate with dignity


So are you saying the exception proves the rule?

I guess all those niggers are really just doctors and lawyers in disguise, right?

Except that even the richest bracket of niggers commit violent crime at double the rate of the lowest income bracket whites. Or have you forgotten that little hatefact?

for every post you arguing faggots put in the thread I'll be posting a bestiality webm, stop now if you don't want to spread degeneracy


You are literally dumber than all of the world's thickest dindus, combined.
In Europe, the number of doctors and lawyers correlates with the number of ethnicity, equally. ie, 20% of the population are black, results in roughly 20% of their doctors black too. If niggers were as dumb as you thought, there'd be almost none. Try again, faggot.

Yeah, in the US. That's your shitty black ghetto culture for you. Like I already told you, that isn't true for the rest of the western world.

Basically your only arguments you have, are that black people are fucking stupid if they are from shithole countries, or if they're ghetto niggers from the US.

Well no shit, user. I'm sure a white dude like yourself, growing up in the middle of the fucking jungles of the Congo, with no kind of formal education at all, is going to be smart as fuck though, right? It's not like white people were also dumb as piss only a few hundred years ago.

Oh wait, no, they were, because education fucking sucked back then and all you're proving, is that the US education system sucks sweaty nigger dick and is full of uneducated dindus


"The fact that there are niggers out there smarter than you, literally proves you wrong"

No, It doesn't. You're using the famous "Not all [X] are like that' argument; the average black will always have a predisposition for being exceptionally stupid and violent when compared to any other race.

And even if education was somehow reason for blacks having low IQ, all you have to do is look at their history/culture; even before the "white devil" came and fucked everything up, niggers were still living in the stone age, with zero cultural achievements.

Add such shitty culture to the fact that blacks are the most genetically distant of any race, then to the fact that they are the only ones to not have neanderthal dna, then to the fact that even Charles Darwin hated niggers…

Do you have any PROOFS, Holla Forums? Because so far you're just saying "I-IQ isn't real because I don't want it to be!"

You'll literally use any excuse to appease Tyrone.

Now try thinking deeper, Holla Forums. Ask yourself: why are these countries shithole countries?

Again, IQ tests test for cognitive ability. There is not a single question on any IQ test that tests for stored knowledge or education level. Literally all of the questions are about your ability to use basic reason.

They don'y care they just want to shill on a popular thread and ruin it.
This is what mods are needed for
Too bad they don't do shit about it





.You're using the famous "Not all [X] are like that' argument;
No I'm not. This is strawman. you're trying to tell me that I'm claiming a few smart blakcs proves they're all smart, which is bullshit.l i never said that. My point was that smart black people are not an exception, on average, they're about the same when you look anywhere outside of the US, unless you compare 3rd world countries with western ones, which is A-Grade retardation.

If I'm wrong, then present me the evidence to prove it. You can't. All I keep getting is "m-m-muh black crime in the US" and "muh map of shithole africa". This doesn't prove shit.

I know what an IQ test is, you fucking degenerate, but you've still not shown me any evidence that black people with the same upbringing, actually have a lower IQ than a white person




There you go. According to that, niggers commit violent crime at a rate more than 2x that of whites, even when you compare niggers making near six figure salaries to whites making half of the poverty line. The second posts shows that niggers score an average of 150 points lower than whites on the SAT across all income levels, and that even niggers that earn over $200,000 a year barely score at the same level as whites earning less than a tenth of that income.

Of course, you're just going to claim that intelligence is a spook. After all, anything that shows niggers are inferior is DOUBLEPLUSUNGOOD, right?

why are shithole countries shithole?
they don't have good resources. simple as that.

why are rich countries so rich? good resources. simple as that.



Hide Post



Who cares, we've all seen these same fucking webms 100 times over. Half of these fucking videos I converted to wbm myself. You retards literally paste the same videos in every single webm dump. No one posts OC here anymore. Triggering pol is way more entertaining

you are part of the problem, user.
Reddit has plenty of moderation, you can post all of your little webms there.

So I guess South Africa is a good country, right? I mean, they've got diamonds out the ass, so they must be good! And Nigeria has a shitton of oil, so they must be good too!

Africa is a prime continent. The south has the highest concentration of diamonds in the world. The West is overflowing with gold. The center has equatorial sunlight and some of the richest soil on the planet. Yet still niggers aren't able to produce decent countries.

Japan, on the other hand, is one of the richest countries in the world despite having no resources. Japan has virtually no ore or any kind, no coal or oil. They have very little land for their population, and what land they have is rocky and poor. By your logic, they should be an Africa-tier shithole. But even a hundred years ago, they were a great power, and they were conquering their resource-rich neighbors.

Do something about the political shills ITT will you?

if those shithole countries have terrible resource, then why do people still live there?

do they lack intelligence or something?



Didn't think it was possible to be this retarded, to be honest.

tips fedora


people like you are why communism exists

they're worthless rocks, dumbass
show me a tanker made out of gold and ill give you a blowjob
there's a rain forest there, kind of in the way
it has the extreme benefit of isolation, and it didn't become a real power until the west started interacting with it

because they're too poor to move
because their families live there
because you can't just pack up a continent and leave


Genetics are the major factor is determining intelligence don't be a science denier evolution isn't just a theory it's a verifiable fact.

proof then?


If you're so certain that niggers perform better in your area of the world, show me statistics on IQ tests in your country.

Are you fucking serious? Blacks that make almost a quarter of a million dollars aren't succeeding because "muh ghetto culture?"

Worthless rocks that sell for millions of dollars. If South Africa wasn't run by niggers, they'd use the proceeds from diamond sales to fund a competent government.

Apparently Holla Forums doesn't understand the concept of "buying other countries' resources using valuable resources mined from your own country." Apparently, to a Communist, "trade" is a difficult concept to understand.

I'm beginning to understand why leftists can't into economics.

And? Clear the rainforest. That's what white countries have been doing. Much of Europe's current farmland was covered in forests 2,000 years ago. But we cleared them to make way for development, because we're not retarded niggers.

Apparently isolation makes you rich.

Yeah, by making them a de facto puppet. How exactly is that responsible for them becoming rich?






they sell for millions because of diamond companies hoarding all the diamonds. they're mostly useless. it's basic economics

i sense you don't have a strong grasp on how history works. if they don't have any law and order in place, then they can't really engage in trade with other countries.

kansas was not a forest. you can't start a society by just clearing a forest. that's how you expand. you need money to make money. you need farmland to make farmland.

isolation gives you stability. stability makes you rich.

west gave them steel, oil, etc. they were a shitty monarchy before that

and i notice your little chart there doesn't cite a source









And? That doesn't change the fact that billions of dollars transact across the South African border each year in diamond costs. The reason makes no difference; income is income. So why hasn't South Africa become rich off that income?

Where did I say it was you disingenuous little snake? I said that most of Europe was forested, because that's where white people actually came from, not Kansas. You just chose Kansas because it provided you with a good opportunity to cherrypick, you little rat.


Are we talking about the same Japan? I'm referring to the Japan that underwent nearly constant civil war under the Feudal system all the way up to the Meiji Restoration, for several hundred years. Which Japan are you referring to, and how was it "stable?"

Got a source for the West just giving them steel and oil?

It's from the Bell Curve.




no, you retard, more like

You really are the dumbest fuck I've spoken to this year. Dumber than any nigger.


That us saying little. Holy fuck. I guess i've had enough of stuidity for the rest of the year

What are we supposed to do with that? No embeds


if kansas were a forest, there would be no american breadbasket. there would be no 300 million people in america. i chose kansas because a fuck ton of our food comes from there.

stability with respect to not being invaded by other countries. they were able to work their differences out in civil war only because there wasn't a foreign enemy to worry about.

note: with virtually no natural energy resources, Japan is the world's largest importer of coal and liquefied natural gas, as well as the second largest importer of oil

source: CIA's world facebook

and you are aware that your chart indicates that low iq is due to environment not genetics, right? the inherent flaw in the iq test is that poor people can't afford to get iq tested. they would only get an iq test if the kid is exceptionally smart, skewing the results.
iq is bullshit

Sorry. Didn´t read the rules. But you can click on it

Nigger, how about you get up off of your shit-stained arse and do some real research in to a subject, before you go flabbing your 17 chins about it? Cherry-picking results that fit your narrative doesn't make you smart, nor right, it only makes you retarded.

So first it's lack of resources. Then, when I prove that's not true, you claim that gold and diamonds are really worthless. Then when I prove that's not true, now it's corruption.

You will literally do anything to suck up to niggers, you pathetic, white-guilt ridden little worm. Anything to avoid admitting that maybe you aren't at fault for being white.

And on the point of corruption: why are those countries so corrupt? Why are the most corrupt countries shitskin countries? Could it be that maybe shitskins have poor time preference?

How does this prove that Japan isn't resource-poor? It literally says, in the quote you put there: "with virtually no natural energy resources."

It's like I'm not even arguing with a sentient human any more. You're just pulling out random shit that you think sounds logical.

Really? Is that why IQ is 80% heritable throughout a person's adult life?

You dumb nigger. That would skew the results in Africa's favor. Because even a poor American is richer than a poor African, it would stand to reason that a larger percentage of poor Americans can be IQ tested than in Africa, where IQ tests would only be available to the relative elites.

Never mind the fact that this is pointless anyways, since studies correct for bias.

Yeah. Just like everything else you don't like, eh Holla Forums?

I have. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not true.

I made a claim: niggers are not as smart as whites. I provided multiple charts showing IQ and SAT score variances.

Now you're claiming my data is faulty. That I'm ignoring the totally not-retarded niggers in Europe. Now, YOU are making the claim. As a result, it is YOUR duty to find evidence to support your claim.

That is how arguments work, Holla Forums. You can't just talk about how amazing your diverse black bull is and expect people to believe you.


Yes. Because that's how arguments work, Holla Forums. You have to prove your statements. We don't argue based on Cultural Marxist talking points here.

lack of resources in the past means bad organization.
with the introduction of international trade (a modern convenience), the bad organization leads to corruption.
diamond companies saw the shiny rocks, thought they could make a profit, and took advantage of poor organization to get a monopoly. they export without going through the country's economy, thereby preventing its economy from prospering. you haven't proved shit. gold and diamonds are objectively worthless.
how am i sucking up? i'm not saying "give blacks money" or "bring all the africans to america" i just think your social darwinism is full of shit

you asked for proof that japan got its resources from the west. not for proof that japan isn't resource poor.

your chart shows an increase in iq with socioeconomic increase. what does that imply?

poor americans get tested when the kid is smart, poor americans dont get tested when the kid is not smart.
poor africans don't get tested at all, even if the kid is smart. richer africans get tested when the kid is smart.

iq isn't the only or most important intelligence factor. additionally, it also doesn't mean much in the grand scheme of things. abstract qualities of greater subjectivity like grit mean a lot more.

But I already proved that Africa has no lack of resources, you little snake.

If South Africa wasn't a shithole, they'd enforce taxes on all mining operations. If they can't figure out how to do that, it's their fault, not the evil white man's fault.

Or are you going to claim that the woke-as-fuck niggers can't figure out how taxation work?

Reality seems to disagree with you. But don't let that get in the way of your leftist fantasies, now.

… by apologizing for niggers' failings at every possible opportunity?

It also shows something else. A small, tiny little detail which I'm not surprised you missed.

At every socioeconomic level, niggers were more than ten IQ points below whites.

This was true regardless of socioeconomic level. So no, unlike is saying, it's not "muh ghetto culture," unless you're seriously going to claim that niggers in the top decile of socioeconomic status are part of "ghetto culture."

… in which case only the rich Africans get tested. In which case Africa's IQ is overestimated, because you're comparing only rich Africans with all Americans.

Oh, I'm sure that Tyrese's "emotional intelligence" and Shaniqua's "musical intelligence" are such important factors in the leftist mind. But in real life, IQ tests for cognitive ability, which is sort of what matters in every field outside the humanities and liberal arts.

a little something on iq

you didn't

it's not the white man's fault. it's due to random chance. it can't be used to claim eugenics are legit.

the economy is based on subjective valuations of not only stocks and bonds, but also, not surprisingly, physical resources. those prices are subjective. they are only high because people like shiny. gold and diamond don't have any objective industrial use that qualifies *such* a high price.

apologizing? no. im disagreeing with your bullshit.

i am going to claim that. years of slavery and racial oppression tend to have widespread consequences that affect even the wealthiest blacks. it's not "ghetto culture" per se, but you can't just write off the fact that there are powerful historical factors

"cognative ability"
yeah, engineering degrees rely highly on matching shapes, organizing blocks, and shit like that.

i dont know why you think i value bullshit like musical and emotional intelligence here. but maybe i think Nelson Mandella's "grit" is an important factor in his "political career"

throw them out too. psychology is way too full of wishy washy bullshit.

And yet still 20 points above you.


WHY the price is high doesn't matter. The fact of the matter is that the price IS high, and that therefore Africa has resources that are considered very valuable, and has a potential massive source of income from those resources.

Hundreds of billions of dollars in exports leave Africa every year. Whether or not those exports have intrinsic value is besides the point. The fact is that hundreds of billions of dollars worth of stuff is sold, and that African countries should therefore have high incomes.

Also, I'd like to point out that gold and diamonds have a number of uses in industry and research. Gold is used in every piece of integrated electronics in the world and as a coating for aerospace applications. Diamonds are used for everything from drills to industrial machinery to lasers, which are themselves used for everything from CD players to industrial cutting to robotics.

And? My ancestors were serfs all the way up until 1862, the same year the slaves were freed. Yet Russia, while it isn't a first world country, is head and shoulders above where African countries are, and Russians test far higher for IQ than any African country.

For centuries, the Barbary pirates kidnapped millions of Europeans from Italy and other countries along the Mediterranean coast. Why is Southern Europe not an African hellhole?

The Ukrainians faced forced re-education, the obliteration of their national culture and traditions, famine, and ethnic replacement throughout the entire twentieth century. Why do Ukrainians test higher than niggers for IQ?

The Chinese were brutally colonized by the British, then the Japanese. The Japanese used the Chinese as medical test subjects and literal cannon fodder, and forced them into work camps. Why is China not an African shithole? Why do the Chinese have one of the highest IQs in the world?

As an actual engineer, I think I'm fucking qualified to tell you what engineering involves. And I'll tell you it involves pattern matching, trend analysis, and general problem solving skills – all things tested for in the IQ test.

OH! I'm not sure how I'll ever recover from that terrible burn. I think I'll just curl up in a corner and cry now.

Seriously, what are you, twelve? I can't believe I'm honestly giving a serious response to this pathetic attempt at a jab, but here goes:

Even assuming I do have an IQ twenty points below the average nigger, that doesn't disprove the fact that niggers consistently test below whites in IQ at all socioeconomic levels.

My IQ has no bearing on the average IQ of either whites or niggers. Whether or not my IQ is lower than the average nigger doesn't change the fact that the average nigger has a lower IQ than the average white, regardless of socioeconomic level.

1. They couldn't have used those resources to create order.
2. When international trade arose, they couldn't have used those resources to achieve order because they didn't have order in the first place.
3. Thus, the present situation.
Those resources are only leaving because the pockets of corrupt leaders are greased.
Note the *such* additionally, primitive africans in 500AD had no use for cd players etc.

Your serf ancestors made a country together and escaped oppression. They had no major distinguishing superficial trait to make oppressing them easier (hint, blacks do)

Southern Europe had good resources, they were rich enough to make piracy profitable. Strange how European pirates had only manual labor to steal, almost as if Africa didn't have usable resources.

The Ukraine didn't exist until 1991. They had a nice soviet education and strict soviet culture. China has a nice strict communist government. I doubt that a krokodil infected community in the Ukraine and a Chinese coal miner would measure up to your cherry picked, likely propaganda infused standards.

have you taken an actual iq test? it's nothing like engineering. an iq test *maybe* involves pattern matching, but certainly not trend analysis, and i have no idea what you mean by "general problem solving skills"

I hope you don't think im

Can we just abandon thread and get a new one going? I came here to feel, not to scroll. And for God's sake, no one criticize blacks. Little Holla Forums apparently can't take it.





Source for the Jake one?

sorry don't know dude

Found the song

check em

Holy fuck….






Well i had hopes for this thread but once again retards ruined it so I'll save mine for another thread


So I can post cute girls as long as they're NN ?

So can anyone explain me again where the mods are?

what the fuck is going on here

on 4chan where you belong

You imply that subjects like math doesnt improve your cognitive ability?


How? This isn't place for anyone to freely distribute child porn.
This is clearly a child.


It's clearly not porn also








that dude is a legend

The complete degeneration of our people really pisses me the fuck off.







Fuck off with that nigger-loving bullshit.


Communism defeats itself. The whole ideology goes against the nature of man and therefore it destroys itself.

How many are there in the set?

nice webm, faggot

Marxism and liberalism should be categorized as a mental disorder, as these ideologies deny basic biology, statistics, and anything scientific for the benefit of their deluded leftist utopia fantasies.

On Authority



someone is awfully mad

freshly made



It is funny because Communism defeats itself because it is an inherently flawed ideology.

As many as i decide to make

i'm hurt ;(


Let's word it differently: how long is the source video?


I'm not posting it


that ass doesn't look legal.



Why do you always have to be so obtuse ?

Oh fuck you, I'm not posting any more.

Keep trying to pretend /hebe/ never existed, newfag mods

why don't you go back there then, pedokun?


It was deleted long before you got here, clearly, newfag-chan


wtf is this?


Maxim "Hatchet" Martsinkevich. Russian neo-nazi, pedophile hunter. He has a lot of videos of him catching pedophiles , narco-dealers faggots and then beating them , "torturing" and exposing them to their families. Pretty entertaining guy. Got jailed numerous times.


so he is some sort of irl swj?

Nah, just hunts pedos and other social filth. That's pretty cool.

Imagine that tongue and those lips trying to say that, when they're wrapped around your dick!




Care to post it?

Then post your shit there

I'm sure this will shut up the lefyypolnigger


story behind this?

Well I mean look at it: a bunch of bored assholes capture a dear and beat it. Fucking psychopaths.
This the story boss.

This is really depressing. Fucking jews man.

holy shit that's hilarious

It's just a deer why arrest those guys for having some fun

WTF. I literally can't understand why this link led to more than one result in the search engine, like, why is this a common thing?

Look at all those hard working public servants.

Standing around, not doing even a single thing.



Melisandre has the nicest tits followed by Ross.


As much as I fucking hate deer, these guys are faggots. Hope a buck smashes these pricks' windows one day.

Why does that horse's tail remind me of a black girls hair.

…and nothing of value was lost.


kill yourself

She fucks niggers





It might be that weaves or wigs or whatever are commonly made out of horse hair. I bet it would be cheaper than human hair.

How about everyone kills everyone?

Jesus fucking christ. How fucking dumb can you be?

Who is this?

new around here?

For real?
Let's kill that bitch

It's true. She went and did work for (((blacked)))

Makes me sad that I busted so many nuts to that library video


You're not supposed to use logic. Just blindly look at statistics and look focus on black people that only confirm your confirmation biases.

Bad news guys


Do you know what a rabbit is?

Re-read the sentence retard.

The fact that you exist is all the proof I need.

So I read the rest of this chain of faggotry and you essentially got mad as fuck because some other faggot said he hates niggers, which is something Holla Forums anons were already saying in the earliest halfchan days before Holla Forums was even a thought in luggage lad's head.

You got the wrong guy.


you are what you eat

Ok, do you know what a rabbit is?

Read it once more.

Ok, do you know what a rabbit is?

Read it once more.

Whelp, I'm captivated

sauce on show?

can't beat that song

nice lies kike

Anyone got sauce?

