Common Shillth

He's getting worse. Go take a look at his timeline.

If you are white and a fan of this guy you have some explaining to do.

Other urls found in this thread:

don't care, nobody else should either.

I haven't paid attention to him in over a year.

I'm willing to bet he's doubling down as he loses his audience. His pessimism was attractive in the pre-Trump era. Now that he's full on anti white, I can't imagine anyone sticking around. Who would his target audience be? Jihadis?

christcucks always end up virtue signalling against their own


He raises some good points, white people are generally more defensive of faggots than any other race but really he's deluding himself if he thinks that any other race is any better. There are more nigger faggots and spic faggots than white faggots anyways, and (((who))) is to blame for all it's okay to be gay shit? And then he tries to spin it as Holla Forums is full of a bunch of trap loving faggots that are inherently unmoral because we don't believe in king kike. Whatever, when the day comes both the fags, darkies, and anti-whites will be in the noose.

lol white people are bunch of fags

couldn't give a rat's crippled dick what your social media account says, now fuck off

I haven't listened to him in a really long time, but as far as I can remember he never even mentioned race issues to start out with. I'm not really sure if he was just hiding this shit or if I'm stupid and misremembering things, but either way it's a shame because he had some interesting perspectives at times.

He's probably just trolling you guys at this point. I still unsubbed from him and dont plan to watch his videos ever again. He was useful for a period but this is too much.


He's trying to get a reaction out of people that defend gay shit. I don't like those faggots either. He's right about the degenerates in the alt right.

Any Christian that does this is not a Christian.

'''But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
1 Timothy 5:8'''

Common Filth is worse than an atheist who denies the faith according the Bible. Virtue-signaling, ethnomasochists are a product of the world and a victim of the brainwashing in the west. Advocating for the genocide of an entire group of people is extremely at odds with everything the Bible stands for. Common Filth is either a gigantic apostate retard, or a standard D&C shill to cause religious in-fighting.

Then call them out. Don't pine for the genocide of white people every 45 minutes on twitter.

He's right about the altright but yeah he is so fucking repetitive now with this stuff, I don't know if he's running out of material or he just doesn't try anymore. Ignore him, every single eceleb ever is cancer except maybe Natt.

Common Filth was one of us before the fags drove him away.

With their christcuck memes and kike on a stick and their homosexual, tranny and pedophilia peddling garbage anybody that gets under their skin is good to me.

Gee, are we up for another 700 post thread complaining about some asshole with a mic on the internet? We had two of those in the past three days already. If you're buttflustered that much, take it up with him.

fucking cruzmissle faggot

What explaining? He's baiting retards like you with tweets like that. His remarks about white genocide being a moral necessity is a tongue-in-cheek way of saying that whites are genociding themselves. Fuck off with these threads already, it's getting tiresome.

He was always a race traitor though. From the early days he made it clear that he didn't care about nonwhites and race mixing as long as they were christian or anti-fag

>still no one doxes him and caves his skull in with pizzas

I didn't even know this guy existed, don't expose me to this shit.

ITT: Christcucks arguing with shills arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguing with paganfags anguishing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing wilth shills arguing with paganfags arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguiing with niggers farthing with shills arraign with shills arguing with christcucks arghingn with nigger argusing with pepes raging with shills barging with nigger shills arguing with shills arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguing with paganfags anguishing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing wilth shills arguing with paganfags arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguiing with niggers farthing with shills arraign with shills arguing with christcucks arghingn with nigger argusing with pepes raging with shills barging with nigger shills arguing with shills arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguing with paganfags anguishing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing wilth shills arguing with paganfags arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguiing with niggers farthing with shills arraign with shills arguing with christcucks arghingn with nigger argusing with pepes raging with shills barging with nigger shills arguing with shills arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguing with paganfags anguishing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing wilth shills arguing with paganfags arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguiing with niggers farthing with shills arraign with shills arguing with christcucks arghingn with nigger argusing with pepes raging with shills barging with nigger shills arguing with shills arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguing with paganfags anguishing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing wilth shills arguing with paganfags arguing with shills arguing with christcucks arguing with shills arguiing with niggers farthing with shills arraign with shills arguing with christcucks arghingn with nigger argusing with pepes raging with shills barging with nigger shills also Sam Hyde.

I'm paraphrasing but he's said before that he likes to use Twitter to fuck with people who think the collective shit of the White race doesn't stink.

That's a big wall of text.

No one was pro pedo. What's next on an episode of things that never happened?

Stay mad Holla Forums

Not the majority of Holla Forumsacks, but certainly in many religious D&C threads you see retards proclaiming sodomy and pederasty as being proud Aryan traditions that were done away with thanks to kikestains.

Who the fuck are these people that think whites are utter perfection? I can only think of 2 "big" faggots in the alt kike that are ok with gaybos.

CF is just an intellectually dishonest maker of strawmen

This is now an eceleb general hate thread

I'm 99% sure that Spencer is being funded by the kremlin but I didn't want to make another thread for this since I don't have any hard proof.

for Mormons.

Is that CF?


NPI and Counter Currents need to be nuked tbh

I hate them all. Holla Forums should try and create some form of anarcho-fascism that way we don't have to deal with retarded cuck leaders.

This guy was never interesting. His whole setup is so mediocre, the only thing amazing about him is that anyone even listened to him in the first place. Boring, monotonous voice, total lack of insight, bland format of "point at the freaks and laugh" that most people get over by the time they're 14.

No, it's not, it's another dead thread waiting to happen

i like his form of black pill entertainment. some are too feeble minded to deal with anything unpleasant, so they'll label it "defeatist". i would suggest they killed themselves.



Why the fuck are you posting this shit all over the place?
>oh but I'm viralling it ironically
Nigger, it's clickbait. The whole "no such thing as bad publicity". Do you have any idea how propaganda works? You don't have to agree with it, hell, it's usually better if you don't, the more it sticks in your head the more effect it has.

Stop making these threads, holy shit.

I would like to see how counter currents stats match up with the rest of these sites, but yeah Greg Johnson is a cancerous faggot. My main reasoning for believing spencer is being bankrolled by Russia is how he has managed to artificially inflate his importance. People had been saying his site barely got any traffic but I never knew it was this bad.

Not to mention his "wife" is a translator for Aleksandr Dugin, the prominent eurasianist and putin advisor. Something is really off with Spencer, moreso than him just being a faggot.

Not sure if I'm getting memed on or not

Common cuck please go

No gods no masters

Factor in his love of pan europeanism which could be on the agenda for Russia. Maybe once the EU falls, russia will put forward their own version and since many nations will be desperate for gibs and assistance with the muds…

At the end of the day, I'm not really fussed why he's such a fuckface, he and his ilk that peddle pseudo intellectualism and degenerative thinking need to go


Stop being degenerate faggots and CF will have nothing to talk about.

Saging because worthless thread.

Why are you making so threads about him?

This is the behavior of a transfag. Did you get triggered about him calling traps gay?

The jews might be pushing degeneracy in the media but whites willingly accept it instead of protesting
Therefore fuck white people

Niggers, of course. There's little that niggers enjoy more than thinking about, talking about, watching, or aiding in white slavery/assault/rape/murder/genocide.

How convenient for you and unfortunate for the rest of us that fake Christians outnumber the real ones at least 100 to 1.

/christ/ think he's a hero who "exposes degeneracy"
Wish I had capped the thread.

If you're a white fan of CF you need to apologize right now.

Look at this crap.

Either destroy this filth completely, or ignore it.

By calling attention to it, while not exterminating it, you are merely feeding the parasite.

White people never protested degeneracy? Are you retarded? This is what Christians have been doing non-stop since the 50s.

Who the fuck is that faggot and why should I care?


Take this fucker to /baphomet/.

nobody cares OP kill yourself

He's just some half-beaner loser begging for attention. Anyone here who follows him or listens to his podcast should just leave and never come back.


>Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

In addition to that, one of the end-times prophecies is that Christianity will be filled with apostasy and false-believers.

LOL the moralfag who spends his entire days looking at white homosexual acts with a magnifying glass so he can whine about it on Twitter.

I bet he's also on Tinder posing as a gay man just to see what kind of degenerate pictures he might receive. If you're obsessed with homosexuality chances are you're at least bicurious.

SAGE nigger, sage.

All this protesting really helped our society huh, sure didn't give liberal colleges and brainwashers enough material for 50+ years.
If it's not a violent protest it's a pathetic attempt to make oneself feel better about their society decaying while not doing anything to really change it, and as we can see know, actively hurting that cause. I know being an edgelord with a hang all niggers sign is fun, but unless you're ready to back it up, it's just bullshit.

Golden one, don't you have a float to be dancing on?

That's not the point. Common Cuck and his followers make the claim that white people never protested and instead rolled over and lovingly accepted all kike degeneracy with open arms. Reality says otherwise. The fact that the resistance wasn't effective in stopping degeneracy is besides the point.

Also, speaking as a Hungarian, back in '56 we stood up violently against Jewish Bolshevik Communist oppression, and fought and died against Soviet tank battalions with nothing but rifles and rocks to throw. Czechs also revolted against Communism.

To say that white people just rolled over or are nothing but cowards is a lie.


Ok well I was speaking more of the christian US protesters, a lot of talk and little action to back it up, I'm ashamed of my grandparents and their friends, they should have seen what was coming and realized they needed to fight.

You know he's saying white genocide in the sense that he believes all degenerate whites need to be genocided right?
Common Filth is on our side, it's obvious from his videos, he just wants whites as a tribe to take responsibility for our own POZ and get rid of it.

Have some fucking self respect.

You don't improve by ignoring your flaws. You eliminate them.

Fuck you CF it's gonna take more tiddies than that to make me accept your shilling

nigger wtf

Ok, but Hitler was sending out 14 year olds to fight at the end of the war.

We're currently nearing our demise… every white is valuable. When we have our own 100% white nation states with a highly developed national consciousness, then we can even begin to think about things like eugenics, work camps for degenerates, etc

you got somethin to say nigger?

Good goy

I've argued with him twice, he seems to take a back seat with whites and there genocide

yeah what the hell is this shit you're dumping.
the art's bad
the fetish is bad
everything is about it is just really abysmal

His explicit position is that you shouldn't let yourself be grouped with other white people because fags. He has advocated this multiple times, he believes that if you identify as white, you are taking responsibility for the white race as a whole. The irony of him identifying as a Christian is entirely lost.

He's egalitarian to the extent that he believes that white people as a tribe, as you say it, matter less than not being a degenerate. He's the definition of cuckservative, he'd be happy to see whites disappear if our brown replacements would just follow his ideology. The fact that they never will, and the only people who could even approach the standards he sets are white people, doesn't matter.


that's interesting, while his premise isn't entirely wrong, if we were to attain the ethnostate we desire we'd have to do a lot of cleaning up in terms of sodomites and other degenerates so we don't enable them any further.
But I see what you're saying, do you have any sources by the way?

I dunno anons. Most women complain about the existence of a mountain top, so to actually be the mountain themselves would imply an extremely exemplary personality for a woman. That said, it's really degenerate to go around destroying cities like that.

Those are called shills. Would not be surprised if CommonCuckold sent them himself.

No, too thin and too white.

Why you're right, CommonCuck IDF, we should have committed mass suicide and killed all whites instead, right? Fuck you.

Kill yourself.

I can look, don't have any off the top, I listened to his podcast weekly for a little while, maybe a year ago, and he advocated for separating yourself from society pretty regularly.

I basically agree with the way you phrased it, get our country first, then we can worry about keeping the culture within that country conducive to a healthy society. Trying to create a traditional culture from scratch on the national level is no easy thing, but it can be done.

What's your point?

People fought it but the majority accepted it. They took the liberation of degeneracy and never looked back. There's no bulwark against it now. We've lost faith, traditional families and community. Why should we tolerate degenerates now? Every little slip in ideology is a weakness.Sexual degeneracy whether expressed by faggots or straight people should be curbed.

When you are sending 14 year olds to fight you have already lost. I mean it happened as you wouldn't want to surrender to the Russian hordes and their Jewish masters if you could avoid it.

You do realise these kind of people are our natural enemies?

He really shouldn't have so many defenders. It doesn't really add up to his popularity, which isn't really that high anyway. He's a fucking nobody with a defense force on Holla Forums. Whatever we do to him, we should further deplete his audience and ostracize him from the rest of the pro-white internet. Don't destroy him, destroy everything around him that gives his shitty arguments air.

Can't blacks be conservative and responsible though?


Fuck it I can't take this kike TBHFAM. Starts his episode by ranting about "18 year old white trash baby mommas who name their boys Caitlyn."

I believe in 14 words, don't care how many Thomas Sowells there are, Africans can go be conservative and responsible in Africa.

This is you OP in reaction to his pic.

Dumb faggot.

The jig is up, man.


wtf I'm changing my race now


CF is literally "it's all your fault white people, you did this to yourselves, you are no longer allowed to RWDS or fix your problems because a fraction of you allowed fags to happen in the current year so accept your genocide and just wait for Jesus"


You do realise the white populations accomplished greater heights of civilisation with less people, don't you?

This is not going to be won at the polls. American whites should be especially worried seeing as that kike puppet just revealed their hand.

Why tolerate the very worst of your own race when it's already impossible to turn this around with normal political methods.

Everybody thinks we need to make concessions because we're in such a bad position. It's bullshit.

Kill yourself.

Yeah but that was when we didn't have massive numbers of nonwhites all around us. Demography is destiny, you're probably right it wont be won at the polls, it will be won in the wombs.

You're moving the goalposts. First you guys say white people never protested degeneracy. My point is that that is a total lie. The fact that they were unsuccessful in totally eliminating it is besides the point.

And the majority of white people do not accept degeneracy. Quit being a shut-in who gets his opinions exclusively from the internet or from the college campus. Go out into the world and talk with ordinary white folk. Especially the rural ones (who are the majority of whites). You'd be surprised how little they accept the faggotry and the moral decay.

Oh fuck off.

The guy feeds on your attention.
By making money.



What a dumb faggot. It's clear from a simple reading of statistics that niggerfaggots and niggertrannies are far more common (as are tacofags and tacotrannies).

I'm going to assume that he bases his reading of degeneracy off of anecdotes, videos and pictures. Whites are in general one of the less degenerate races. That's not to say degeneracy isn't bad in the white community, but simply that there is no positive correlation with whiteness and degeneracy.

that's not what he said, thanks for being so open about your jewish white genocide agenda though.
stop changing IPs just fuck off.

His videos have, what, a few thousand views per? Pretty sure he works a shit job IRL.

he needs to have everything taken from him, we'll see how godly he is when he loses all of his worldly possessions.

Lel, stay mad faggot.

The thing about "winning it in the womb" that I don't agree with is that the entire family structure is fucked up. You can't raise your kids right any more. They're exposed to kike propaganda even worse than before. I fear there's a real danger that many people would end up raising good young kids for them to devolve into horrendous liberals. Yeah the future will be in the wombs but we don't have a good environment to raise the next generation yet. Time is running out though so I can see why their is a push for the "womb war" I just think it's unwise and potentially impossible to outbreed xenos when they get all the help from the state.

I've not said that. A lot did. It got pushed through by the kike media and white traitors. It was social engineering and it was disgusting. We're at this point now though. We need to move forward.


I haven't heard of the faggot.

If white genocide is so great, start with yourself.

I've never watched this guy in my life, I don't even have youtube account, I just want Holla Forums to stop supporting these white hating christcucks

Using deductive argument you could say that is not an argument

"Moving forward" according to CommonCuck and his defense force is to accept blame for all degeneracy (even though it was kike subversion) and then to promptly commit suicide rather than resist. That's why there's this animosity here.

This is why I despise CommonCuck so much. He has accomplished absolutely nothing but give Christianity a bad name around these parts. He has turned a ton of people away from God whilst saving nobody. I pray that he does get doxed and ruined if only to stop his slandering and misrepresentation of the faith.

I would gladly kill racetraitor whites.

He active opposes cleansing of subhuman whites, therefor is also subhuman and should be removed.

I've responded with several posts you fucking faggot.

It's you who just keeps using the word "cuck" and "kill yourself".

You can't refute anything.


drink bleach cuckold

Stop shilling for your retarded boyfriend, faggot.

Look like Omar Mateen missed one.


Basically this. Just don't suggest he convert to Islam, or he'll block you.

Learn to meme.

Because one doesn't simply leave christianity

Protip: You ALWAYS get residue.

This cockhole claims to be white so just remind him that by his logic he simply has to be a shit fisting faggot. No exceptions.

You do realize that asatrufags were never on your side and will hate your "christcuck" ass regardless, right?

I guess good thing Common Filth has a proposition for what we could actively do that will help fix this - oh wait! Nah, he just shitposts on twitter about white people dying. If you replaced his avatar picture with a nigger's face it would be indistiguishable from some BLM "woke" nigger.

He is a white nationalist and fascist. His "anti-white" stuff is blackpill depression, not seriously anti-white shit

Exactly. If he were a nigger or a kike none of you would be defending him and youd doing all you could to fuck him up.

If that is not the case with you then wtf are you doing here? Fuck off back to your subreddit.

If CF called himself anything political on his radio show, it was mainly two things:
1. Paleoconservative
2. Crypto-fascist
Make of that what you will.

No. He's never even called himself anything political.

His video viewcount must be tanking because this is the third or fourth Common Cuck thread this week. It reeks of advertising.


He did in his earlier videos, when he was still friendly with TRS.

He's very apolitical now.

Fucking kek.

Anyone who likes Common Filth watch this and just imagine the man speaking is a nigger or beaner instead of whatever white you think he might be. There's no fucking way you would put up with this if you didn't have a hardon for this totally-not-a-faggot-these-pictures-are-for-research fuck.

How do you excuse the unfiltered uncensored degeneracy threads on both Holla Forumss?

He has gone down the path of imagining himself never being wrong. If you disagree with him then he labels you a soulless degenerate. He has claimed that we should not put our faith in him, but in christ, but he seems to be getting to a point where he sees himself as an avatar of jesus himself.

Basically, if you disagree with him then you disagree with jesus and are therefor soulless.

I stopped listening after he got to that point.
He had a point, but strayed from it.
He isn't wrong about degenerates though nor the nature of sin. He is just getting dangerously close to thinking himself infallible.

Common Filth actively calls for the destruction of white people, Holla Forums does not. How do you excuse Common Filth being on the same side as all the enemies but just for a different principle?

I just don't get why he keeps attacking everyone on the (real) right. Do any of us think that white people are above criticism or lack any flaws? Of course not. We want to get rid of the degeneracy, heal spiritually and eradicate leftist thought forever. It's just a big strawman he keeps on attacking unless it's like Milo and his minions.

Because the shock factor gets attention and provokes repentance. In his latest episode he said he hates pretty much every collective race, but has a general affinity for the slavs.

You are really retarded to think he wants every white man dead.

Sure thing buddy, keep coming up with whatever you want for excusing him. But obviously you aren't actually participating in the thought experimented I gave earlier.

You either agree with the 14 words or you don't, there's no caveat to it.

It's not about PR. He's completely misrepresenting the faith. An enormous amount of anti-Christian opinion stems from the misconception that CommonCuck's ethnomasochism is indicative of the Bible's teachings. Meanwhile the Bible says that you're worse than an atheist if you do not take care of your own kind.

Try to actually carefully listen to at least one of his episodes in full and you'll see what I'm saying

No you fucking faggot, you carefully listen to what I'm saying. Replace his avatar with a nigger and stand by his twitter. You can't and now you're trying to move away from that.

is this a poor attempt to fit in? nobody does this. is CTR trying to drive an invisible wedge with CF when it's obvious Holla Forums should disregard him at the least?

This is literally what he fucking says. He literally says "white genocide is good and a moral necessity". He doesn't make any distinction between degenerates and regular whites. The only people who do are you CommonCuck defense forcers who are trying to bend and twist his bullshit into saying that he's only ironically being a retarded faggot.


We need to know ourselves to fight the race war. If we only point out our advantages, we will be miscalculating.

The same traits that make the white race great are also our weaknesses.

We are the most tolerant and least prejudiced of the races. We have a predisposition for protecting the underdog.

That is what our enemies use to attack us. It is why leftist ideas are palatable to normies.

I prefer my own people, but to me a white faggot is no better then a nigger.

Homo detected. Congrats, you're part of the common filth.

It's also great watching you homos writhe over not having a picture of CF to disparage him with.

You don't need a picture of him, he's on the same side of niggers and kikes. He's basically just an anti-white beta like any other shitlib but instead of hiding his white genocide behind a demon named Inequality, he hides it behind one named Degeneracy.

I think his point is their is no hope for the white race as long as degeneracy is tolerated and that until we sort out the problems with our own people we wont be winning any race war. I doubt the point being actually anti-white, just triggering the "Alt-right" cucks who worship Milo Yiannopoulos.

Yeah that could be a good point, except that he doesn't do that in his videos or tweets. That's what people like me who used to watch his videos got out of it but he's gone off the deep end now. He's full-fleged anti-white.

Just read his twitter for 5 minutes. It's literally 100% anti-white tweets. Any white person that supports this is worse than a Jew.

learn how to SAGE

I know how to. Trying to convert CommonFilth people from an anti-white agenda foisted upon them is not a slide thread

This is all fan theory. He never even remotely hints that this is his motive. He is no different than an SJW that's off the deep end and advocating for white genocide.

I'm tired of seeing threads on this faggot. I'm fucking with him on twitter.

But he is taking care of his own kind, dumbass.

Isn't he half-mexican?

Man the point is implicit. Those that are exploiting and ambiguity are just pushing D&C. People are trying to exploit the rift after the Omar Matreen bullshit. The non-meme Alt-Right make some good points and common filth make good points but ultimately Skyrim Free Radio was right. TRS doesn't deserve all the hate, but at the same time this rift has really push the envelope. CF is not anti-white, he is anti-sin and he is not wrong when he points to all the degeneracy in implicit liberal whiteness. You have to remember after Orlando their where Jew faggots like Naked Ape and Milo trying to claim the title of Alt-Right and pushing the LFBTQ can be "Right wig" meme pretty hard and it was Mike Enoch also pushing this pro-poohdick shit. Subversion ought not be tolerated and if it's a ChristCuck with the balls to call a spade a spade then so be it. Faggotry is anti-white, anti-family and anti-Nation. If he triggers some people then he triggers some people, but the emperor has no clothes. It's threads like this one where his bantz get a reaction only fuels the flame war. God damn e-celebritites and their ego's always lead to trouble which is why slid threads like this one (on ether side of the D&C) are not worth anyone's time.

Caring about some smelly dumb beaner scum. Sad!

CF memes to trigger the alt right homosexuals incoming. HAHAHAHAH!

We are more opposed to homos than any Christian, you idiot. Christfags believe that subhuman fags can be saved if they turn to Jesus. We know they can't because they are subhuman, and we.know they need to be killed.

…he said as he stroked the feminine penis of his Aryan waifu.

For context, Omar Manteen shot up a Latino gay bar. It's unusual that white nationalists were upset over it.

1. He's trolling.
2. These threads are being made as damage control for the sodomite right.


We are opposed to homosexuality, while you're opposed to homosexuals. You attack the symptom, while we attack the cause. You are bound to the earthly and bodily, while we're bound to God. Your spiritual and ideological views are that of a simpleton.

No, the Bible verse specifically refers to your family. In other translations it refers to your relatives. It's not making a special distinction for only spiritual brothers and sisters in Christ. It was intended for your physical family and kindred. Advocating for the genocide of your kind is not taking care of it. The only thing CommonFaggot has accomplished is alienating more and more people away from Christianity with his vile garbage.

CF did nothing wrong.
You're all a bunch of assmad faggots, no worse than niggers who make excuses for their race because "WHITEY MADE ME DO IT" and you will all burn in hell for your rejection of the savior, just as jews do.

Show me where in the Bible it tells you to wish for genocide of your own people. Don't give me that "he's only being retarded ironically" BS. Foolishness is also a sin.

It doesn't.
And yes, he's only saying these things to get a rise out of people exactly like you. Do you honestly think he wants to live in the caliphate just because he criticizes the way our race acts now? If he wanted our race to die out, he wouldn't make videos about this sort of thing. It might be hard for some people to see, but everything he does comes from a place of legitimate caring for his God and his race.

Again, this is all fan theory from the CFIDF. The man himself never specifies any of this. He simply states that degeneracy is inherent and exclusive to white people and that white genocide is a moral good and a necessity. The only thing that he has accomplished is to make it near impossible to talk about Christianity positively here on Holla Forums. All the lost and unsaved people here just associate the faith with CF's vile garbage and just assume that to be a Christian means to be a nihilist faggot who wishes for death and self-destruction. I honestly doubt CF is even saved. And if he is then he ought to know that bringing reproach to the name of Christ will bring the wrath of God upon you sooner than it would for an unsaved person. I pray that he gets doxed and ruined so that it puts an end to his trashing of the faith.

Good then he's actually doing something useful. Forcing people to hate kike myths even more.


There's a distinction between being ironically retarded and subtly provoking a target group. You take him as a child calling his playmates faggots, not realizing he's in fact a physician easing up his patients with a harsh jest, before performing an incomparably brutal operation. His Twitter is the jest; CFR is the operation.

Is it the fault of the Christian if heathens perceive him as a madman?

You realize that supporting your race and opposing degeneracy are not mutually exclusive right? You can't claim to be "pro-white" while tolerating behavior inherently destructive to your own people.

I cannot believe that this many people on Holla Forums would defend white genocide because of
you all need to be gassed.

Because we know they are the same.

Nope, you enable both because you are weak christcucked losers.

Coming from a Christcuck this is absolutely hilarious. I am well read in Vedanta and base my metaphysical views on it, which is infinitely above anything any christfag has ever written when it comes to metaphysics. Christian "metaphysics," if you can even call it that, is childish one dimensional shit. What you would expect from a sandnigger religion.

That's why degenerates and anti-whites should both hang.

Nice excuse making, faggot.

I don't disagree.

Let's entertain this line here. The current "pope" is known to be pro-migrants, pro-homosexuals, pro-communist and pro-atheist. He's doing more to hasten the self-destruction of Europe than any leader of any faith. If CF and the pope apparently agree that whites should be destroyed, then why does CF talk about the pope with so much vitriol? If anything, a nihilist that sincerely wants white genocide would have nothing but good things to say about the current pope and his anti-European agenda.

Nobody perceives him as a prophet. He actively urges people to not put faith into men. If only you'd actually listen to what he has to say, instead of building strawmans.

How is a sin the same as a person afflicted with the said sin? What level of thought is that?

How 'bout that logic?

Describing an almighty God in human terms can get you only so far before it gets pointless. Theology isn't metaphysics. Christianity isn't about metaphysics. It's about God.

Because it becomes actualized in the being.

This sin doctrine is one of the roots of Western degeneracy, because it divorces the actions from the actor. It also is the source of individualism and the flawed modern moral paradigm.

You don't attack X because you do not address the whole problem, which is the subhumanity of the homosexual.


This is what pisses me off about faggots the most.

But the terms aren't the same. A distinction must be made.

This is Pietism you're referring to. It alone brought this psychological individualistic morality that has plagued Christianity for so long. Most people equate sin with legalistic moral checkpoints that mustn't be ticked lest you get sent off to eternal damnation. That's wrong; it's not Christianity.

This subhumanity, as you call it, Christians view as sin inherent to all fallen humanity. You may even call all of humanity subhuman in its current state. Christianity collectively fixes the individual. Each individual, collectively through the Body of Christ, which is the Church, gives up himself to God to be ridden of "subhumanity", i.e. the fallen nature that all men share.

Okay, bud.

He got butt hurt because everyone was trolling him on twitter. He's doing the dark arts of black humor, I think…

IDK to be honest. His approach isn't my style even before the trolling. It's too much black pill on a daily basis.

These threads are the smae as the evalion shitstorm a few months ago. Stop it already. CF is a nobody who puts hour long rants on YT and trolls Holla Forums users, but he has no traction in real life. Get over it, don't get triggered.People who come here should have thick skin ffs.

Who would have thunk it.

There's nothing in Islam that explicitly tells you to target white people, it opposes ideals like secularism and homosexuality.

He found Orlando fiasco laughable because it gives the impression that most WNs aren't defending the white race, they only defend degenerate ideals that were responsible for bringing Islamic extremism, multiculturalism, and declining birth rates in the first place.

Stop making these threads.

It's well established by now that CF had been molested as a child and has some weird love-hate fascination for faggotry now. He said so himself. Now he is convinced that all white people are degenerates because he is a shut-in hermit who never actually has IRL contact to other white people and consumes a huge amount of marxist propaganda. His circle jerk fan base doesn't help either. Now he is a full blown paranoid who think people are out there to molest him. The analogy to rape victims who turn SJW is obvious.
Other than that he is a butthurt bible belt american without any education and not realy the intellect to engage in real debate about anything.

Also making these threads just flatter his ego. If you go to his twitter and browse a bit you see that he regulairly posts in these CF threads.

You guys are seriously still getting WORKED by ol' CF huh?

I like him, but his videos depress me so I don't watch them anymore.

oh will you give it a rest already

The context of that passage is being conveniently ignored. It's talking about an obligation to take care of widows, not sticking with your race. Cuckstianity supports the universal brotherhood of mankind. There is no Greek, and no Jew.

Who is this person? Who gives a shit? You people are worse than Brit/pol/. Go away.

In Common Feinstein's mind: Kikebart-tier Civic Nationalist = White Nationalist. In that as[ect, he is not different than a shitlib.

I used to like CF, but his schtick for the past 3-5 months has been satirizing and attacking a strawman of White Nationalists he created. Personally, I think this shift was decided upon by him to generate controversy, and thus views/attention. He has been shilling a "CF" product line hard recently.

Also, I am fairly certain he suffers from some form of social-retardation; he struggles to differentiate between memes, shitposting, and effortposting.

Sage because CF feeds of the attention these threads generate.

shitty mods. I think there are a few people who come from the outside to troll Holla Forums by posting degenerate shit and the mods dismiss all reports.

He does shit for shock value, but then gets sincerely angry with us when we use the same tactic.

This shift was decided when two things happened:
1. The US legalized fag marriage.
2. The "alt-right" decided to use the fag-spic shooting in Orlando as a point of solidarity.

The higher-ups know what's going on. Too many people getting played like fiddles.

Dank OC

There is literally nothing wrong with gay porn you fucking spiritual semite. Also CF likes the guys from Iron Larp so that should tell you all you need to know right there. He's trash.

What the fuck am I reading.

The religious rejection of male on male sex comes from a Jewish obsession with birth rates from the fucking bronze age. You're a kike.

How do you propose fixing the decline in white birth rates then? Or is literal "white genocide" a non-issue for you?


posting for a third time in a religious D&C thread

Well seeing as there's a whole 2 fucking percent of white people having gay sex I don't think queers are your problem. The other 98% isn't having kids because they're essentially in captivity. White people don't breed in captivity. If their kids are going to have shit lives, white people don't have them.

The diffrence being that the sin is not held as essential to the sinner, as you have admitted yourself. So the homosexual is not a subhuman, he is just a person afflicted by the sin of homosexuality.

In reality, the homosexual is essentially subhuman, but Christians pretend otherwise. The Christian outlook is incorrect.

CF is too autistic to understand humor. He is literally anti-white.

Yep, Christianity is incompatible with ethnonationalism, if you go by the bible.

Ethnonationalism is the only way to go for christianity.

Your tribe, your folk are the extension of your family according to the bible. your folk comes after your family. Your family comes 2nd after god.

CF once seriously posted a picture of melonpan who is a masterful richfag troll that doesn't give a fuck.

He has no sense of humour at all and he can't tell what's clearly facetious and what's not. He is likely heavily autistic which is further reinforced by his religion.

Do you think faggotry is genetic or behavioral? If it's behavioral, then 2% of gays now with an affluent society that permits and promotes it will grow astronomically.

Don't forget the Calhoun rat experiment. Too much prosperity led to an increase in homosexual behavior, a decline in birth rates and eventually a collapse in the entire population.You don't think this is what's happening with whites in the present age?

I think its a mix of both. Some fags are just biofags and they never had a chance. You know the type. Feminine in nature through and through, from their facial structure, body and mannerisms. Some dudes are just fetishists and there's grey areas inbetween.

Nigga shits about to get bad. That's not going to be a problem soon.

Not according to the Bible and 99.9% of professed Christians. Maybe according to you and your internet fringe 0.01% cult that can't let go of their Semitic cuckoldry.

Nope. Love they neighbor and now with modern technology the entire planet is your neighbor. But not just your neighbor. Love your enemy too. There is no distinction.

I've been trying to explain that to Christians on here forever. The truth is that their churches are filled with these "repentant" faggot/hooker/druggie types so they never touch on them being literal genetic subhumans and defer to calling it sins/demons etc.

I hate niggers and nigger fuckers more than gays.

It is a problem with Christianity that they are not essentialist enough. Their understanding and conception of man and his relation to the cosmos is false, to put it bluntly. So they cannot admit of something like subhumanity because they see all men as essentially equal, even if not equal in actuality. This is the root of all problems with Christianity and the problems afflicting the western world today.

But he's right, fags are subhumans and are going to have to be gassed not go to confessional. All you CF fans only know how to talk in memes.


Race-mixers aren't abusing to children to create more of themselves the way faggots do.

Yeah, nah really. Something has to be done about this motherfucker.

Autism. The spic is seriously deranged

In a way it's kind of funny, but the level of autism someone would need to actually buy something like that… wtf




This isn't a pro-CF thread, which is where people saging are getting confused.


Now I'm starting to think he is just booty blasted no white girl will fuck him.

Doesn't matter. He doesn't need the attention

Ho kay. That's about enough. He lost me. I really sympathized because of his Christian element to his work, but this? He's not doing this via any Christian inspiration at all. He's simply angry and vindictive. I honestly now wonder if his Christianity isn't simply a stone to hurl at those he hates. Dropped.


Dude he's MGTOW tier.

Not completely related but:
Heres a great twitter account showcasing the wholesomeness and morality that non-whites are renowned for as well.

It's pretty clear that he is jewish.

His neurotic obsession with combing the internet for this degeneracy. The complete absence of solutions. This, by the way, is a surefire indicator that you're dealing with a jew or a shabbos-goy. They will grab your attention, keep it, but direct you nowhere! They will point out the problem, but never the true cause, and never EVER will they provide a solution. If they do, it's just like the (((pharmaceutical industry))) which hides symptoms while the disease progresses.

Jews can never contain their chutzpah for too long. It's an addiction. They get a kick and a rush out of announcing their hatred for us. This has always been, and will once again be, their undoing. Barbra Spectre, Noel Ignatiev, Gregor Gysi, Anetta Kahane and countless, chutzpah addicted rabbis make our job exposing them much easier.

Is any of this meant to be surprising?
It's always just a matter of time before a Christian shows his true, globalist colors.
Their inherent belief that all of humanity is equal under God makes them the enemy.


And that's the only thing you can do. You are nothing more than internet warriors and are the type as those SJW who dox people for having the wrong opinion for the exception that you put a "if it ain't white, it ain't right" label on it.

White millennial males with no real social life experience outside of their precious anime image board shitposting circlejerk who could never put up a fight against anyone except on forums and would prefer spending hours on internet forums instead of using this time wasted on bettering themselves both mentally and physically.

Unlike most of you, those white people out there who really wish to save their race either have or plan on having children.

This nigger is trying way too hard to be like Sam Hyde.

I hate ecelebs as much as the next guy, but this post is correct. Shitposting doesn't really do much outside of raising awareness, which while necessary for pointing people towards truth does nothing to actually further us towards the goal of restoring western civilization.

Sam is funny though. This dude is just autistic.

exactly. A poor imitation.

I guess I should start uploading gay sex videos and tumblr shit to a youtube account like CF then instead of going to work for my two daughters.

Get a grip. You assume and attack people who are anonymous. We attack someone who is (or wants to be) a public figure. And that is fair critizism. If he can't stand that then he should delete his accounts or block everyone who critizes him.


all attention is welcome to a faggot like him
stop making this thread

Love all the CF fanboys trying to advocate white genocide on Holla Forums

eat a bullet lest it be forced upon ye, faggot

I stopped watching him some time ago, but now I hope that he actually does an-hero when he finally realizes that he's the most degenerate motherfucker out of all.

TBH, that image CF posted is pretty disgusting. Civic cuckolded nigger-loving "nationalists" need to fucking kill themselves.

I don't understand all the hate for CF here and think his vids help spread awareness of how degenerate the modern world has become. Many whites are degenerate as well as other races and we must accept that.

We can't ally with degenerate filth just because we share similar racial beliefs but ignore other issues that are equally important. I know you guys wouldn't want to live near a transgender white nationalist any more than you would a youth.

I don't think he cares much really, if anything, he enjoys pissing off Milo queers.

I don't agree with what he says, but it's satisfying to watch the literal faggots scramble and be like "c-cuck..!!!", they know whites are next in the self-inflicted genocide, just like japs and the others.

Enjoy it while you can.

Nah man, only kill the gays.
Let the rest be. We NEED white people, but not the agenda pushers. Then again, the same could be said about other races.



It's nice that he pisses off fags but I'm not going to be a fan of a cuck. They're both cancer.

Posting daily >>>/christian/ threads while they're at it.

not getting this meme

I don't get it


He calls out the alt-right and has a tendency to be a bit of an egotistical autist. Other egotistical autists will find ANY way or reason to put another down. It just happens that CF picks the fights he can usually win. Hence, why so many fucking hate him.

He calls himself a Christian, but he's not. He has no church, he has no contact with the in-depth meaning of the bible even if it were wrong. Hes picking the right verses to support his preconceptions. A Christian cannot be a Christian without a Church, without a Family, and without love of man. If he has those three, than can he even be considered as anywhere remotely a Christian.

CF raises valid points. Egotistical Autists will raise valid points. Learn to discern the truth from crap.

Grindr Greggy pls go.

That's what he was hinting at in the latest episode? That's what he decided to spend his money on preparing? It's completely tactless, and like said, comes across as angry and vindictive.

He called out porn industry Jews in the latest episode.

He lost his mind after he started talking about memes, every video he has on kek is just WOW FUCKING FALSE PROPHETS GOING STRAIGHT TO HELL SATANISTS.

Let's just hope that he goes full chris chan with this schlock.

I think our memes broke him.

Prots without a church community can often go full taliban-tier "it's all pagan idolatry man, burn it all and submit to a faceless god". These are the kinds that banned christmas and think anything other than a square box is a pagan temple.

tbh though, CF is mostly just trolling the nutzis and fags. He aint that far gone.


As soon as Trump is in office, it's time to clean house.

The problem is that he constantly says shit like whites deserve genocide because 5% of them are gay. He also praised Islam in a number of tweets.

I'm totally fine with him criticizing white people, but he has crossed the line between critique and outright hatred.

It doesn't help that he's 26 years old and has no qualifications over any of the rest of us. He's let his modest success go to his head and now has some kind of superiority complex.

If I'm being honest, i am really sick of homosexuals

if homosexuals wanna join whatever this movement is why do they have to bring their sexuality with them? why cant they just do what they gotta do in private?

I often wonder how many people on the right are actually gay and how many are posers who come to troll/discredit our ideas.

Yeah but I don't know what's worse. The open prancing homo like Milo is less annoying to me than the secret fags that try and have it both ways.

ITT: Holla Forums defending trannies and gays

Never thought id see the day.

how many times have CF and his fangirls referenced this one tweet that barely got any attention as proof that whites are icky gays

it reminds me of that fucking "JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY" headline from some shitty British tabloid that people keep shilling as proof that the Nazis did nothing wrong

top kek

Ever notice that CF's fangirls (not just people who listen to him that defend him, but people that parrot all his talking points verbatim), ever notice they all have this insincere apologetic tone to their posts? Sticks out like a sore thumb.

but if Milo is openly homosexual then hes bringing that ugliness with him into this movement and making it a part of it.

hes representing us, fuck that guy.

I highly doubt that. Being a child of race-mixing is abuse in and of itself.

so true. We've probably all heard the phrase "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" but in this case it's "a little praise is a dangerous thing"

I played sports extensively in my youth and I can't tell you how damaging it is for mediocre people with no perspective to be told how great they are. They stagnate, refuse to even consider improving on any level, and start lashing out at people once they realize they were never very good to begin with.

this goes for all e-celebs, really

yeah dude that's what i want on my bumper. i'm sure those will sell like hotcakes.
lol mexicans are shit-tier at business.

kek sup trs

I'm against common filth but listen to this faggots sargon ppl talking traps, gay sex and anime atm. I's live

"Layman wants to fuck sargon into his boypussy"

basically yes

what other "degenerates" fap to common filth on a regular basis? he reminds me of the priests i never had in christian school, a priest who derides you every week but just makes you want to be more and more FILTHY…

Only people who lack self-control have this problem.

Yeah of course all homos are fucked up… but prancing faggots are at least open freaks that are easily identifiable and naturally segregate.

Then you have Woes-types, who ruin potential White brides on friday night, then stick their dick in some dudes butthole on saturday night.

I find them far more troublesome.

Your first part is nothing more than what your defoo king stefan dictates: Not an argument.

As for the other part, I judge people for what they do and not for who they are compared to the most of you anonomouse faggot lovers. I also believe that CF has the balls to take what is coming towards him and even if he is being doxxed, I will still support him as he is the only voice of reason in this esoteric trump worshipping world.

You and your kind have no names and therefor no balls to show what you truly believe in. You are still afraid in the consequences that might be if you did.