I just wanted to apologize to those of you that were anti-alt right and shitting all over them. You were right...

I just wanted to apologize to those of you that were anti-alt right and shitting all over them. You were right. While you did it because you thought of them as being overly watered down and moderated, I think it's something far worse. They're controlled opposition being set up to fall at this very moment, and celebrating it because it means that they're getting attention from the very people they shouldn't want attention from so soon.

Sound familiar? It should.

Where you see the alt right at the moment is where you saw GG at in late 2014 and early 2015. This Hillary speech has the potential to be its Colbert moment, where the decision-makers within the Western world take notice of this fledgling scourge and decide to snuff out any of its influence, and the people at large buy into media and political shilling and go out of their way to make sure those around them aren't part of this newfound enemy. This is before it, if it ever even wanted to, was able to solidify into a sort of rank-and-file movement and establish any sort of organiation or hierarchy with which to conduct itself. Ultimately, in a democratic society, you need this for what you have to take off, and the alt right, being all online and unable to actually meet up in person in any sort of numbers, is purely impotent for this reason.

And can you even really say what the alt right stands for? I know, here come the memes about le implicit whiteness and tradwives or whatever, but when you put the shilling and insults aside, what exactly is it about? Even those that claim to be alt right disagree on it. Some say it's race realists. Others say it's backlash to political correctness and cultural Marxism. Others say it's pro-white. Others say being anti-Semitic is a requirement. But you will not find 100% agreement on any of that, which means that once again, it's up to the media to decide how to tar everyone involved. And trust me, they just LOVE to do this sort of thing to their enemies.

How can you be too moderate if you don't actually stand for anything?
How can you even expect to accomplish anything?

Kiss this group goodbye as an influential unit… but don't tell them that. You'll hear a lot of the same excuses that you'll find on 8/v/'s GG thread.

And while the Jews win and whites lose in this battle, these poor goyim will be stuck, convinced that the Saxon beginning to hate is just around the corner and that they're so seriously winning guys, just look at the results in the press.

I don't want this to be a eulogy. I don't want this to be a struggle session. I want to be able to prevent this from happening again. We need CONCRETE lessons for how not to make the same stupid mistakes a third time in case something like this takes off, or better yet, to learn to keep one another honest for not getting involved in bullshit aimless political movements like this. Would a hard leadership help? Would setting up local chapters be the answer? Would a strong and rigid manifesto to adhere to be the answer?

There has to be lessons to be learned from this. And no, I don't think staying user and shitposting on 8/pol/ is really the answer.

Other urls found in this thread:


I know. Let us all join facebook, and apologize to Ben Shapiro. Make sure not to vote. Maybe if we try for more PR we can get them on our side.

That is the only right thing you wrote. Go fuck off to Reddit and don't come back.

0.5 cents has been deposited in your account

We set it up so there are no organization or leaders they can stamp out or control, so stop being so pessimistic.

It's not hard at all, we just have to follow the one true truth and be unafraid of its bad goy label.

We are against degeneracy/faggotry in all forms.
We are against race mixing in all forms.
We are against capitalism and marxism.
We are pro-european.
We are authoritarians.
And there are no exceptions for anyone no matter how "right wing" they claim to be.

Do the right thing and become a national socialist.

This reads just like a reply to anything negative in the GG general. Just replace CTR with SA.

What they will instead do is contain. They don't need to control. All they need to do is disempower.

Not being a shill, but yeah.
Watch as tomorrow she does her speech condemning the alt-right. On twitter, some stupid hashtag will be started by cernovich. Normies will simply scroll down, and they will see TONS of racism, nazi shit, anti-jew memes, ect.. posted by fucking morons. The MSM can simply pick this up, show it on their fucking network, and voila. We're fucked.

This is fucking bait. The greatest bait in the history of chan. She is going to rattle the bees nest and everything will just sludge out.
This'll probably end Trump's chances with any type of minority. Possibly end his chances at presidency as well. Honestly guys, we have been played royally. It's too late to warn everyone.

There's no 'snuffing out' the alt-right because it exists mainly as independent people creating youtube videos and blogs.

It would take a mass censorship campaign to eliminate all the alt-right stuff from the internet.

Fuck off trash

Yes, GG is out to get you. They our out to destroy us. Let's focus on PR. What if we adopted a seal, and then supported some feminists. That will show them.

0.5 cents has been deposited in your account

You forgot anti-judaism

You don't think that's on the agenda, especially if Shillary wins? They gave the internet away to some extranational organization.

Even if it's not a matter of censorship, taking advantage of the internet being atomized and forcing undesirables into small, cordoned off clusters of the web will be at a minimum what they want to do.

I know. Let's just not vote.

Shit guize.

I'm a Hillmissile now!!!!!!1111!!

Reject the alt-right label. They can't attack you for being alt-right if you're something else. Reject all labels.

One step ahead of you. It's just depressing.

Screenshots in the other thread confirm, the altright is dead.

If anything the "alt-right" is poz, and is going to backfire on Hillary.

This is why you have to say what you stand for, rather than letting in the cucks.

Thank you for correcting the record.

She's going to try to tie /r/The_Donald to Holla Forums. The focus should be on getting them not to cuck. They need to continue attacking Hillary's character/qualifications/etc. instead of getting tricked into focusing on whether or not they're racists. Once you do that, the progressives win.

We won't be mentioned, and I can almost guarantee no other jew-wise platforms will either. The whole speech is going to be about securing Milo and Kikebart's lead over the "alt-right", to ensure that any resistance to Shillary, and ZOG in general, is kosher and neutered. If any WN is mentioned, it'll be the jew-media's darling, Dicky Spencer, and MAYBE Jared Taysachs.

This is going to be bad, but not for the reason most people think.

That's whats already happening.

Don't worry. This is all going to take down Trump. Finally going to Stump the Trump.

Nice touch with the correcting the record meme. It is really going to fool people. Literally nothing is going to come of this. They will attack Breitbart mainly. Attack them on media networks that no one watches. Attack us on sites that no one reads.

The demographics don't allow for Hillary to reach anyone that isn't already firmly in her camp. There is only a 6% trust rating with the mainstream media, and she has to escape scandals that are increasingly part of the public zeitgeist.

If anything this is about trying to make for the existence of a kosher "right wing" that helps establish a uni-party. That way there is no opposition to the overall plans.

End of the world. Kill yourself now then. Bleach is cheap and easy to locate.

Aut-right is the Achilles' heel of the trump campaign.

Why do you care? What is your post but an appeal to PR-fagging?

Boards like Holla Forums exist because the media adopts narratives, and screams down anyone who opposes them. It does not matter if you subscribe to "alt-right" or rejected it. it does not matter if you identifying with it (lol) or not. Within the public sphere, the media decides what the label means and who it applies to.

Nothing you could have done will change what narrative the media adopt.

Anyway I think people are completely overreacting to this "speech". Hillary will say one, amybe three sentences about the "alt0right", the media will predicatably go nuts and then… what, everyone here leaves? People flood the board? Mass internet ban for "alt righters"? Give me a break.

The most I can see happening is Reddit banning the_donald. That's about it. maybe some other forums around the web will feel a "pressure" to purge any remaining non-SJW opinions, but really that's happening anyway.

People are getting too excited about Hillary's bullshit speech.

Think of all the undecided normie voter who'll find out about alt-rights fascination with anime and traps.It's like Berniebros all over again.

Politics and PR go hand in hand, nigger. Do you think pic related was a good idea? If not, MUH PR

I wasn't calling for moderation, I was calling for an analysis of how to keep bullshit like OWS, GG the alt right from falling into the same traps.

Why don't we just subvert the alt-right into Holla Forums 2.0?

It is small enough that we could make it into whatever we want it to be. Every time an (((alt-right))) personality makes a video, writes an article, or is in an interview or whatever, and says something that isn't Holla Forums-tier disavow it as not alt-right, Marxist, globalist, cuckish, or whatever you want.

All we need to do is shift our narrative slightly. Disavow them in every comment section.

Take a page from the shill book, and subvert Holla Forums-style (aka successfully).

Mouth pieces cover up each others asses with this "no enemies to the right" meme.Your solution is no longer viable anymore.They established this amalgam of fringe ideologies as a money cow for desperate content creators.

The alt-right is gamergate post PR faggotry 2.0. Throw them under the bus, anyway the media is already painting their narrative as Milo and other kosher faggots as their leaders. Reject the label or any label for that matter for any leaderless label is bound to have some loudmouth be artificially appointed as its face in the media, unless they can manage to use the concept to their ends like they did with Anonymous.

That's what is wrong with you, you don't understand the power of semi anonymity.

everyone, and I mean EVERYONE can come in and post here, even hillary could go to a board and post shit, we won't know it was her. And that's the power of semi anonymity. The power to be Donald J Trump and bantz on Holla Forums, or to be a LARPer and pretend to be Donald J Trump.

You see, it create signal-to-noise, it allows the possibilty to produce an idea, to make that idea proliferate or to kill that idea. It allows a nobody to leak his thoughts, or to leak (un)important files.

The boards are the last bastion of internet free speech, we are alone now against the :
I don't have any other examples other than boards that don't need to register to reply/share/view

Now, on the topic of alt-right, alternative-right, or what we should call them aut-right the autistic-right, don't associate yourself with labels.
If you learned something from reading books here on Holla Forums it's that nearly all of the associations/organizations/clubs/movements are infested since their inception with kike-like marxists ideas. Whether if it associated with another group, be moderated for PR shekels, the leadership of that organization will indubitably become kosher.

But, the aut-right is important right now, it is the vector epidemiologic of our messages, it as a purpose, and it is to spread the merchants to the normie world.

So the moral is :
>don't label yourself, ourself with any words or acronyms. Stay semi anonymous

t.the thread.

The Underground has always existed.
Whoever may be in charge, there is always a small, secretive group that opposes them.
It's like a natural law or something, it's about
which nature loves.
Think of the yin-yan symbol, we are the small white circle in the dark half of the symbol, the same way the commies were the small dark circle in the white half at one time.
But the circle turns, and our time will come.
Do not fear those in power.
The harder they try to grasp it, the more it slips through their fingers, because nature loves

I think you guys are taking this Clinton crap too seriously. She's just trying to tie the aut-right to breitbart and now by proxy trumps campaign in all likelihood. The alt right has no actual power. It isn't a movement. Sending normal people towards kikebart if they want to oppose her will be an overton shift. Probably much more useful than what the "movement" would have done anyway.

You'll get to see it happen again in your lifetime. And you'll join the chorus of us yrying to warn against it, but it falls on deaf ears.


Alt right always been controlled oppoisiton, we could see this happening for miles away.The whole brand is a way to dilute any nationalism ethos and frame us as anything that we dont stand for.

Any antisemitic nationalism, fascist or natsoc etho will be shunned down as alt-right. obstructing the rise of real nationalism in America. Fascism and nationalism parties all around europe gaining popularity in Europe yet in America everything is about muh alt right e-celebs and 0 actual political structure , ethos or organization. How the fuck you can call the alt right an actual political movement is beyond me

Good job, OP, you provide zero proof for your claim of "controlled opposition", and you repeat the same false platitudes of all the anti-alt-right autists.


Alt-right is an umbrella term, a label, not a movement. If/when we need to organize, we won't do it under the "alt-right" banner, and it sure as hell won't be a single movement with anything remotely like a hierarchy. And if there ever is such a thing, you can bet it won't be headed by a Holla Forums shitposter.

im pretty nat soc, however one thing i've always disagreed with is how anti-gay you all are.

I have yet to see any gay man i know do anything awful other than be a bit of a degenerate, the trannys are worse, fuck them. But hell, the biggest queen i know will still sit and listen to me spout very subtle trad con and nazi ideals and will actually agree with me, at least for a little while, we arent that close.

Gays can be perfectly useful members of a reich and should be allowed to live their lives unhindered, their numbers in the population are too small to matter and they dont exactly reproduce do they? their seuxality shouldn't be advertised however. Gay culture is terrible.

If we could get gay guys at least on board, our movement would become stronger, gay women are just insane, there's no reasoning with them politically.






Here you go. Start reading and stop supporting antisocial freaks.

i have read this shit before and i still hold by my views, gay culture can be reformed, gay people can still be perfectly capable members of society so long as they are conditioned into trad con behaviour like the rest of the white race. Getting mad at a bunch of social problems like these when straight white people are doing just as much stupid shit due to cultural degeneration is the kind of tunnel vision i expect from commies, not from red pilled people.

You will never raise a successful movement in this day and age with a policy of anti-homosexuality, it simply cannot happen, too many potential recruits and members (like me) will not join or act against you unless you appeal to all branches of the white race.

Gay culture is the product of faggots. They're degenerates, so they constantly seek new thrills. If you can't see the degeneracy progression of faggots, then you're a retard. You would rather side with degenerates than with tradionalist WN movement, ergo you are a kike or a kike enabler. You're a traitor, a cuck.

If you think faggots are accepted, you're wrong. Normalfags will say they like faggots, sure, but only at face value. They won't hang out with faggots, they won't even meet a faggot in their life most likely. Faggots are degenerate and it is very possible to make a successful movement that opposes them. NSDAP was anti-fag during Weimar times. You're just a cuck, who justifies his closet fetish.


some seriously wild accusations, assumptions and like i said before, tunnel vision right there.

Gay culture is a product of hedonism let loose in a society that isnt allowed to judge or shame people, designed from the top down by kikes. Gays were collectively pointed down a path by kikes and are given regular shoves to stay on point. You act like you've never had a conversation with a single gay man in your life which is just stupid, always know your enemy, or your perceived enemy at least.

NSDAP was anti gay, along with every single political party on the planet at the time outside of the commies maybe, thats the kind of talk that condemns Christopher Columbus for slavery.

Im telling you how many people we could redpill think, and how they'll react to stimuli, its my specialty, always has been, you getting butthurt and simply dismissing legit concerns as treason/kikery/enabling is pathetic. Do you want to be 100% right, or do you want to win?

Your hegelian dialectic won't work here, kike. We are 100% right AND we will win. Fuck off back to tumblr and meet your trannies.

gamergays go back to your board

thats fine, bury your head in the sand, you clearly arent capable of actual discussion, just remember this exchange the next time you sperg out and alienate someone with a conscience who will immediately dismiss you for hating needlessly on gays when he/she could agree with you on everything else, its a serious dealbreaker.

Maybe i should make a thread about this.

do you wanna be 100% right and larp hitler to the high heavens, and lose everything, or do you wanna have an actual shot at winning? Because there will be no shot if you persecute people for things they are born with and cannot change (the percentage of gays that were born gay and werent molested/abused/no daddy that is) like a BLM activist calling for the death of whitey.

Op, the difference between us and GG is that GG was mostly Holla Forums and this is mostly Holla Forums. We were the ones telling GG not to cuck, and it's because of Holla Forums's influence that it made it so far in the first place.

We don't care about PR. We don't care about the not-your-shield type bullshit.
Ultimately, the alt-right is a catch all term used to describe a nationalist. Nationalism rises and falls not with PR, but with demographic change, crisis of identity, and destruction of culture. All of which are going on at this moment. The MsM can try and torch us all they want, but PR doesn't matter. They're the ones throwing gas on the fire by pushing against those who made America great.

where have you been this past year? ;)

Berniebros? You mean all those Chads who were going to vote Bernie? The ones who never existed?

you'r retarded

why should we be taking advice from gamergays?

the only reason gawker went under was because of the hogan lawsuit, not anything you did

how am i a gamergater? i dont bother with that shit, you're being paranoid.

Nobody fucking cares about gamergate

New monsters have entered this arena

Nothing will be the same

We don't have to all agree, but fags are just manifestations of hypersexuality that leads to insane amounts of degeneracy. I've seen stats where it shows that the average fags have 50+ new partners every year. That's a perversion. This does not come from a religious place, I'm areligious.

We can count on jews never being able to say a good thing about nazis.

A finally, a real point.

Gays are people man, more than just a manifestation of a behaviour, even the ones who pretend that being a queen is all that there is to their personality, only do that because they think its expected of them, that they are representing something.

Alot of this negative behaviour can be fixed in gay men, just like the whorish behaviour of western women can be fixed to, with a decent role and purpose given to them in society, and a more moral path to walk down. I wont pretend its easy, but its a much smarter move than declaring a big gassing for all the gays, even alot of anti-gay christians will not go for that.

Homosexuality is a mental illness spread by a combination of child rape and excessive exposure to xenoestrogens. I can sympathize with them somewhat as people because they may not have had any choice over being diddled and are more victims than anything but the normalization of it is not tolerable. It is a hate the sin not the sinner kind of thing (just an expression, not a christcuck, cool it you fucking autists) but when they are actively trying to normalize sin, disease, and dysfunction it becomes intolerable. Ideally, homosexuals should be celibate ascetics and serve society in some capacity that does not involve interaction with children. The fact that they have zero evolutionary potential inherently means that they are predisposed to be myopic, reckless, degenerate, etc. and individualist and hedonist in the extreme, if they can deprogram themselves of that and be upstanding members of society otherwise I could give less of a fuck. We also need to do away with the lie that they can be parents or should start families, it is dysfunctional in the extreme and not their place to do so.

That's a feature, not a bug. It's much harder to slander and demonize a group with a specific label if no one can even conclusively nail down exactly what it is the group stands for, and anyone can claim to be a part of it.

Look at GamerGate, it became a massive movement because it was amorphous enough that a wide variety of people felt it represented their interests. Yet when someone targeted GG's enemies they could plausibly claim whoever did it had nothing to do with GG. It was plausible since GG was a leaderless, poorly defined, hard to pin down movement that anyone could claim to be a part of.

People with more mainstream beliefs who sympathize with one or two points can 'join' (really just mentally agreeing with/reading alt-right sources) making the movement bigger while more extreme ideas are free to percolate within. Meanwhile if people like Hillary attack it, it just looks absurd (looking at funny frog pictures online makes me a Nazi, really?).

thx I was starting to forget how brilliant he is. Metokast tonight 8C faggots.

There is certainly an element of that amongst the gay community yes, but it has never been quantified in any reliable manner, and at best is ~50% of the homosexual population. The vast majority of gay men and women when asked, say they have always felt gay, what else can we go on?

Gays have existed going back to ancient greeks, to say its a new phenomenon, or something that can be cured, or that even genociding them will fix the problem, is ludicrous.

A wild assumption with no basis other than the most flamboyant faggots dancing at the mardi gras parades.

agreed, role models at best, i would say that a man like Robert Halford would be an ideal role model for anyone, including gay people.

I know I post this a lot, but just so you are aware.. We will eventually have the dox of every shill company employee. You will be punished for your crimes.

Be like the Jew, be as slippery as jelly everytime they try to grasp you in their hands. Be amorphous, adaptive, hidden. This is how we've come this far. If jews take control of the alt-right label through Breitbart/Milo, then that just means we move to another one. Our success comes from having no label and no open organization.

Hells yes. I am on it

A few months back we were discussing alt-right shit in a pretty inflammatory thread. I kept insisting we aren't the alt-right, and I still cannot fucking fathom what possesses people to claim we are and to invent a label for something that has already existed for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. When I brought this up some agreed, but a number also screamed shill and other shit, as though somehow I'm an enemy of WN for not wanting to be slapped with an obviously jewishly-constructed controlled opposition label.

I understand a few misguided folks may want us to call ourselves alt-right to differentiate what we're about from what the normalfags think when they hear "conservative," but that's lying to ourselves and everyone else, and conceding the field to the enemy. WE are the right, not the Republican party, who has slowly but surely over the years gave more and more ground to the jews and let go of their conservative principles. The GOP and the cuckservatives are not "the right." People like us are. If a differentiation is needed, "true right" is far more apt than "alt right," especially since there is no fucking "alternative." You're either right, or you're not. Like calling someone "alt-correct," you're either correct or you're not, there is no alternative from those two choices.

As if anyone needs reminding, fabricating a label and a simplified description for something complex that requires neither of those is a favorite first step tactic of jews to co-opt shit.

Let the "alt-right" do its thing, take the brunt of the damage, suffer from the war of attrition they have engaged themselves in: then swoop in and steal the kill.

Art of War, niggers.

Well spoken. We are the Right.

holy fugging checked

step 1: pin label
step 2: subvert 'thought leaders'
step 3: enjoy jewishness

Why the hell are Russians shown as non-white in this pic lol? Besides that good pic

Screencapped for future generations

Pic is inaccurate. Russians are shown as white, but they don't show Ural settlements, Vladivostok and southern border area as white. Russians generally outbred or significantly bred in the locals' territories, so you have cities/republics with proportions like 20% locals, 80% russians, or ~50/50. This is common beyond the Urals. You can look up most Republics' racial make-up on kikepedia.

wrong thread, sorry

No shit this is what most real Holla Forumslocks have been saying all along.Trump and alt-right is Jewish controlled opposition set up to fail. Its been led by Jews and Jewish media has been controlling the narrative since day one. Alt right and Trump are there just to mislead discontent Whites away from the Jews buy time for Jews before the economy tanks and the real White backlash starts.

Russians are white you filthy kike.


Half of them, yes. The other half is Asian.

Explain why he got and still gets massive flack and how he could beat a whole handfull of GOP big dogs.

Russians are white, but the pic in question showed the whites in Russia extending only up to Ural. Beyond Urals, Russia was shown as completely non-white. I wanted to correct it, but lost the thread and post number.

Alt right

wtf I'm #terminallyhill.

Neanderthal kike mother fucker.

"alt right" needs to be future wave stuff, that uses leftist tactics against them, and apologizes for nothing, just out smart them.

the term "right and left" is from the french post-revoltion estates general you disqus larper cancer, its not "thousands of years old".

Now that's far too shortsighted. For an insightful commentary please check out Jonathan Bowden's "The Essence of the Left" over at Counter-Currents:


There is no sense in amassing in public, stating our cause as a unit, that would make us a set of very easy targets. Besides which we're as disparate as the left in ideology. Though unlike them we're broadly able to accept the existence of one and other despite the differences.

People need to be able to drop out of life for extended periods of time if they were mobilising like a army, they'd have to be supported, supplied, housed and fed, that's not us.

Leaders, organisers, are too easy to kill or just fuck over. The ideas within however are much more difficult to expunge and when crafted correctly and not just copy/pasting Hitler speeches over modern day footage but someone talking passionately about right now, about points relevant here and now.

*That* is what will begin to change the minds of the masses. Eloquent, correct speakers delivering the will of the people, powerful upright fearless orators to counter the trite deluded fantasy bullshit the left currently saturates the airwaves with.

No, Alex Jones won't do, sorry.

The delivery of redpills should continue to be primary goal, everything else is window dressing.

ur mom is window dressing

While I'm not saying you shouldn't vote for Trump on principle, it's obvious that the phenomenon has been co-opted to appeal to normie feels. The only reason we have gotten this far is not from appealing to normies, but from disrupting their bread and circus. They are only entertaining the idea of Trump because we've been rubbing cummies disrupting, existentially threatening propaganda into normies faces on a constant basis.

While there has been some movement politically, there is no momentum. We pushed the overton window to "civic nationalism" and assumed momentum would take it from there because that is how it works for people who have agency. We have projected our own redpilling onto normies. For a normie, you have to show him whites being beheaded by muslims and hold him there until he gets reality through his thick fucking skull, and you have to keep babysitting him with it if you want him to go full genocidal 1488.

Every time we attempt to engage with the prolefeed consuming normies, Chaim always comes along with his personal take on things and insists on filling the Google search results with listicles and controlled opposition. We'll redpill normies to "civic nationalism" or "libertarian" level, but then the media will find an angle on it and turn the redpilling into platitudinous, ego-stroking prolefeed that puts normies back to sleep, safe in the knowledge that someone else is taking care of the problem and now they can go back to watching Family Guy.

We must disrupt prolefeed and we need to interrupt the regularly scheduled programming, and when it seems like we're winning, we mustn't stop and allow the media any opportunity to start generating prolefeed from the hubris of our success. We must keep hitting the existential threat, "your family is in danger" button over and over and normies must have no escape from it. We have to show them the political equivalent of guro and stop them from changing the channel. The Gex video, ADHD friendly footage of kebab and dindus with machetes marching on European towns and cities is a perfect example. Everywhere normies went online, at some point they saw the Gex video.

9/11, true or not, existentially paralyzed normies so effectively because those towers falling down was literally interrupting their bread and circus, so it was no surprise when they all signed up in droves to start removing kebab without a second thought about why they were doing it. They felt unsafe and nobody was around saying they would take care of it, so the normies all signed up and did it themselves.

Propaganda needs to be:

And we won't even need a nazi party.


This should not have been anchored. Fucking MODS are traitors

Neither will the consequences.

I agree with you OP. Today you are not faggit.

I keep reading the waves of articles from the MSM, who are attempting to "define" us and it brings me back memories from GG. (I'm a polack who migrated here when M00t started purging Quin threads. I found a treamer called KoP who in turned pointed me to 8chin.) Basically I was there from the beggining and I can see parallels between GG and the "alt right".

The altright is basically Holla Forums.
It's a forum for polittically disenfranchised men, mostly right wing although there were communists until /leftipol/ migrated. Here you can find Paleo Conservatives, National Socialists, Conservatives, Lolbertarians etc. What brings this diaspora here is that the left has become so toxic, with their safe spaces, that this is the only place we can all have unabashed dicsussion, and some trolling. We rip each others views, but we don't ban them. Some ideas get traction, some don't.

By no means are we a united front, or do we have leaders. Which bring me to my point.

1 (((Breitbart))) is NOT the alt right. Neither is Milo our spokesfag

Back when /gg/, some Holla Forumsack's where aprehensive about a homo journo who had in the past, shat all over gamers, being the one taking our side. Maybe Milo is an opportunist, maybe he thinks liek us in some regards. But whatever you think of him, we should make it clear to the MSM and Milo. He does not speak for us.