Look at their flight patterns over NY state, weird as fuck. These are LearJet 36, one is under Phoenix Air which is a military contractor… what the hell are they doing with these weird ass patterns?
Look at their flight patterns over NY state, weird as fuck. These are LearJet 36, one is under Phoenix Air which is a military contractor… what the hell are they doing with these weird ass patterns?
Other urls found in this thread:
Russian snap military exercises on 25 August - military districts+all airforce+all airborne units+Northern fleet
bumping this
Could it be that they're setting up another 9/11 to get a excuse for obongo to declare marshal law and stop the election from happening since the Jews realize Hilldawg doesn't have much time left to secure their plans we already know that money is missing from the pentagon just like with before 9/11 happened
Don't they have airborne neutrino detectors or some shit that can spot nuclear materiel and they fly these sorties every day of the week in case some sandnigger smuggled a dirty bomb in via his wife's lead-lined burka?
I don't know, but I love that autists like you are out there watching this stuff.
Pilot/fag here they are doing hold entry practice. That is all, parallel, teardrop, and direct. en.wikipedia.org
Obviously drawing penises.
But why are they holding at the start of the flight in NY airspace? Why not practice a holding pattern at the end of the flight?
It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling too.
You are making sense, but it`s more exiting to imagine kikery afoot. I`m sorry but I`ll have to call you a CTR Shill.
We'll get some crispy burgers really soon. There was also a hijack exercise on 9/11, where pilots were ordered to let the airliners in.
Also, wasn't there a thread of Jews taking over projects outside of New York and New Jersey?
The rats know something is coming. And they're fleeing the boat.
Pic related. San Diego was a drill/slip up of Sweetmountain.
Good to keep an eye on, but every fucking time you spergs do this, it's ends up being literally fucking nothing.
Cool and all, but maybe each time you see some fucktard crop dusting it doesn't need its own thread? I mean… Just a thought.
This nugget probably needs experience holding entry where the whole flight is training holding entry. This happens and training is geared toward deficiency. except if you ask my university basics of flight instruction don't matter anymore…..
No shill here, I finaly watched a Moonman video… Not that bad.
user, they're gonna be crunchy tacos.
Just so you know Phoenix air is the group that is buddy buddy with the State Department and is the contractor that flies around the special Ebola Containment Plane Gulfstream Jets… Now these are LearJet 36 jets but that is the reason why I posted it cause they are known to be buddy buddy with the reactionary arm of the state department to get shit done fast.
Yah it just seems odd that it was over New York. I used to post some of the Cessna flights over DC that were clearly surveillance of ISIS targets (they ended up arresting them) and clearly Feds posted in my threads saying they were clearly just training flights. Yah right, flights that flew in circles in fucking SHIFTS with other planes (just like these two right now that just both magically arnt on the tracker anymore) continuously in a circle for STINGRAY type surveillance. Then they arrested him and the flights magically stop.
Alright then, lets see if you are a shill or not. If God and Hitler where in a fight…Who would win?
Those FBI flight treads where fun.
They wouldn't be this fucking srupid
So my humorous musing about using skyscrapers or loitering aircraft as discrete air burst platforms for nukes might come true.
They know this, and that's why they'll only do it if it would lead to martial law and the elections are cancelled due to martial law/war.
If they force martial law like this, it's going to end in a civil war they have no hope to win and King Congo drawn and quartered on the street
The only way it could possibly happen is if you continue to meme irresponsibly.
So is it happening or not?
They didn't fly so good.
Which is why they're practising.
not good at your job
the war of northern aggression was to solidify the kikes grasp over this country. They didnt quite have it yet so they couldnt quite subvert the election. Now they do and god damn it they are going to try their damnedest to get away with it.
a decade from now workers will pass the day by cracking jokes "watch out theres a jew under there" "haha no there isnt they are all dead"
I'm not a pilot, but this looks like flight instruction. Students go out with instructors and just fly around to learn how to actually fly the plane and log flight hours to get licensed.
The first one is a pic of someone doing training maneuvers, I've seen something like it before.
I've got no idea what the second one is. A malfunction? It looks weird as fuck.
Drawing dicks in the sky.
Zombie Apocalypse when?
You mean the future's a paradise beyond our wildest dreams instead of a dystopian nightmare???
Hey user, 732 bro here
I noticed that between November and March the same plane would circle my neighborhood for ~3hrs at a time and i even had normies confirm it.
Weird thing is I've tried to upload it as a screenshot and Holla Forums craps out on me and it never goes through. It says resize error or some shit
It was N232DW and its on that FBI plane fleet list
Here this is me. these were taken around jan-feb
don't act like they wouldn't completely ignore that, as they do with so much other stuff
Why would student pilots be practicing in Learjet 35s that are owned by military contractors?
So if you run the tail number it is registered to a sight seeing helicopter tour company. But if you go on their website it appears they only use Bell 407's and Bell 206B's for the tours. But this mysterious Helicopter is a Sikorsky and flying strange patterns over the bay too, which admittedly might be for sightseeing or VIP transport. But the copter appears to be painted as a type of Coastal Rescue/Surveillance craft….
and now a 2nd one, although this guy has a far more sightseeing look type route…
Chemtrails confirmed
Chemtrail spraying
One last bump
I didn't say don't do it, but maybe if you would wait to post it at a time when something is actually looks like it's happening and not when it's some routine flight maneuvering and training, it would be helpful. This has to be at least the third thread with vague undertones of "it's happenings" only for it to be literally fucking nothing.
Cool to watch it, but maybe if the people watching it knew what the fuck they were watching, it would be more beneficial.