Left wing "hackers"

So the vice cucks just featured this piece of work heralding him as some crusader for muhnorities.


after reading this im ready to find this faggot
any way we can fight against weaponised cucks?
I still dont belive this is the real anonymous

Other urls found in this thread:


What an edgelord faggot. Bump for interest.



thats what im thinking
would love to make an example out of him

bump. seek & destroy..his asshole.

As usual doxxing is okay when they do it

sage for not using archive.is on a vice link. Shame on you OP

oops forgot we cant let vice shills make any shekels for BLM vaginal testicle implants


And thus we see what is wrong with places like Reddit. Simply put you build up a litany of information tied to an account that can be researched.

Remember, if you are going to use accounts you need to throw lies in. You need to lie on the Internet. People make simple mistakes. Mention a region they live. Then 3 months later mention their job. Then a year later mention their school. Age, race, relationship status, ect. Over time it builds up until you can be identified.

I bet this subhuman is a crossdressing estrogenic.

Someone pls Fuck this faggot up.
I know one of you is l337 enough to fuck him up.

Doxxing is like sniping, you can't start shooting their target like a mad man, you have to wait for the sublime moment and shoot their peace of mind so they can never recover. Listen for the slightest piece of info and put it together like a puzzle of identity.
I've done this many times before, once you get their name and country then you're in easy street, even if they change their names they'll always be tracked, its such a thrill to find your mark. Ducks love to quack.


Nice job OP, baiting us into clicking an article that links this thread.




Oh lawd.

Surely this is satire? What the fuck otherwise

Is reddit even 14 years old?

Im a retard.



Experienced user here, will put time into it tomorrow after work, have to be up at 5. I'd like to see this faggot get fucked over.

Back around the time when gamergate was just starting(and HW posted regularly here) one of their staff came here asking users to make videos for some Facebook video thing they had planned and ended up going nowhere. The tone in discourse was absolutely disgusting and had to be seen to be believed, the disdain was palatable.

A few months later as the >>>/namibia/ board was taking off they wrote an disgustingly inaccurate article about it; as if white supremacist would willingly move to Africa of all places to start a colony. It's unfathomable to them that a white community could love Africa and the people there but wish to remain distinct in the well being of both races.

Holla Forums's Holla Forums is certainly on their watchlist of communities to steal from and try to influence for their own agenda. Whenever I see their URL I sage.


Post your tox and I'll contact you.

We can start an 8ch haxx0r crew.

lol what a raging faggot.

Got to love these double standards

It's completely AOK for left wingers to hax and 'doxx', but it's a big no-no for anyone on the right.

If any based /baphomet/ hax0rz could dox and/or fuck with this guy too that'd be pretty good - he's Australia's equivalent:


This faggot lives in Canada is from "the prairies" which is what the article mentioned. That narrows it down to Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba.

He lives in one of these cities:
1. Calgary
2. Edmonton
3. Winnipeg
4. Saskatoon
5. Regina

He works for an IT company and smokes weed, making the city he lives in more than likely Winnipeg.

We can narrow down a list of IT companies in Winnipeg, it's not that big.

We can dox Devin Pacholik, the Vice writer, and make his life miserable until he releases the name of this douche. We can even probably hack his phone and get the contact ourselves.

We're coming for you "Danny". You're as good as dead. I will especially enjoy dropping your body down a well, never to be heard from again.

when did doxing become doxXing?


I don’t understand any of this at all.

How can people be blackmailed with their own political opinions?

This “hacker” claims to be motivated by “stopping oppression” yet puts his ability continue this crusade so at considerable risk by appearing in an article (in vice of all places, an outfit with zero integrity that would no doubt give him up if asked to).
He makes a presumed attempt at concealing his identity but stops short, leaving half his face and crucially his eyes visible.

This whole thing and everyone involved is stupid.

Ah now this is what I was expecting

No we have better things to do than get trapped into obvious honeypots revolving around worthless reddit drama that's probably fabricated in the first place.

Anyone willing to look into this ought to take extra precautions. There is a serious initiative currently ongoing against places like these.



He's a coward. Take off the hijab faggot!

Until your mark threatens to kill you.

How do you look fat in a hoodie?

No, you just pick a libshit and put their personal info in posts. Then they "dox" them. Just liberals eating their own, no one is harmed.

link to facebook of the guy who wrote the article. Theres already tons of info you can get just through this. Hes in Regina.

Let me guess, he's a script kiddie ?
He bought a crypter and a rat once and think he knows anything about hacking ?

Anybody who uses the same name for every community is a retard and deserved what's coming for them.





Let's do it, any anons in this thread who are in post your tox

left wing cuck squads

I'm not entirely sure, butI think he cut it in half and made it work.

no, phishing


This is how I know you don't know what you're talking about

I work in tech and I'd be fired for even posting here. Liberalism turned into a cult and we're the heretics. We need to make them very afraid of fucking with us.

When faggot normie squares started poz-blogging

Is that the proper number of x's?

Some bored fat kid on Reddit wants attention… really not thread worthy.

It's basic bitch shit against low hanging fruit if you can even call it that. He blackmails people whose opinion he disagrees with ffs.

He could be working scammers, perverts and terrorists but no, it's Redditors. This is the hotpocket eating, anime beating off tard our enemies talk about.

The main problem with reddit are the scumbag mods, especially the Jewish ones. I have never seen a race more obsessed with positions of power like the Jews. Jewish mods are everywhere and theyhave no problem with boys talking shut about everyone except when it comes to the topic of Jews. The mods doxx people on reddit 24/7 even though its officially against reddit policy.

here, friend, have a proper sized version.


Never mind, I saved the thumbnail, too. I do have more kitties, though.

Why don't we bait him into doxing one of us and nab his ass right back? Looks like all he can do is phish, dig and use a proxy so as soon as he takes the bait he is done.

Wait so…. what happens if you're using a VPN? Does this guy "dox" the IP you're spoofed as then?

He talks about using the activity on the profile to identify people after he has narrowed it down but phishing. So if you use a VPN he will likely end up with someone else.

Also would like to note that all the details about "danny" in this article are either completely false or wildly inaccurate. This of course is coming from the assumption that "Danny" is in any way competent at what he claims to do.

Holy shit




he looks like he's on something.

lmao, back when I was a psyops for a troll group that was also sponsored on ED, we had a guy who worked with verizon and he would pull anyone's billing address via IP.

but that has nothing to do with hacking, psyops or using intelius or any shitty white page is not considered hacking, nor is ddos attacks, this kid is a fucking wacko faglord, I bet if we were back at 2007, i'd have fun swatting his parents and forcing him to pay for all those dragon dildos.

Weed, read the article.

I hope he doesnt find out i have a Dell manufactured computer.

what's a tox?

After about 10 minutes of parousing linkedin, I'm more inclined to think he lives in Edmonton and works for Scalar IT Solutions. If you go to Scalar's page and narrow the list of employees to those living in Edmonton, you get 11 people. The article also mentions he's in his early 30s, so that helps too, if anyone actually wants to do anything.

If not, I get it. tfw darkest reaches of the internet

God damn, looking through their employees is entertaining. For every white person there are 5 hook noses and 4 muds.