Do you think South Africa has revolution potential?

Do you think South Africa has revolution potential?

Working-class blacks: yes

Whites and bourgeois blacks: no

Why do you say no to whites is that racial tension still that high?

Not unless they can stop raping for 5 minutes.

All South "African" whites are bourgeois and reactionary.

What about whites that have been turned into prawns?

Not true. There are more poor blacks and more rich whites, but it is not so absolute.

Blacks in S. Africa have a political history of Marxism, though, in a way that poor whites don't.

Why should there even be whites in a South African socialist movement when whites have always been colonials and aliens in Africa?

They can't be trusted. Social imperialism is a real thing hence why it's necessary to exclude whites from any revolutionary movement as they will just seize the opportunity to continue their colonial presence.

Race should not matter as we are workers of the world!

Yes, let's hold present day white workers responsible for their ancestors traveling to Africa to oppress.

Why should there even be white people in a US socialist revolution?

There shouldn't.

White people are indistinguishable from capitalists. Capitalism is European and has always been predicated on European mentality. To decolonize not only means to end external control but internal control as well, meaning a true socialist revolution would be rooted in indigenous epistemology NOT European.

Marx was european

You are describing tribalism.

No, I'm describing anti-colonialism. Colonialism isn't just about the body but also about the mind. Colonized peoples conditioned into white/european paradigms loose their sense of identity and become the handmaidens of colonials. A return to an indigenous epistemology is the only thing which can end this.

And yes, the USSR was social imperialist by trying to export a eurocentric socialism abroad via tanks.

So we'll kill all people who live places their ethnicity don't "belong"? Or just white people?

It's already Communist. What the hell do you think that whole revolution in the 90's was for?

Who said anything about killing? I'm only saying white people should be excluded from revolution because THEY ARE CAPITALISM. Revolution in the Amerikkkas can be lead by indigenous peoples ("Latinos" included) alongside blacks and Muslim immigrants. Europe is a bit more tricky.

South Africa is still ruled by whites. Mandela was a fucking sellout.

Jason Unruhe pls go.

how is the anc communist?


LLCO are cops, true fact.

Forced egalitarianism, tried to get the poor (read, blacks) to rise up against those holding civilization together, and then there's the fact that Mandela was directly aided by the Soviet Union and was a member of the Communist party.

Hello porky.

But South Africa is now run by the anc which are democratic socialist.

Pretty sure you are baiting, but I'll bite because I'd like to see your demented reasoning.

By "excluding" them from the revolution, what do you mean exactly? Silent treatment? Relocation? Have one mixed society with capitalist economy for white people and socialism for the rest?

Why is Europe more tricky?

Most Soc Dem parties have roots and history in Communist parties

This does not mean they are communist Mussolini was a once a socialist.

Wowie, it's almost as though they're a socialist party ohwaittheyare

True. I just mean I understand the confusion.

socialist does not mean communist

Socialism is the economic form, Communism is the government form, when socialism has control over other sections of society


what is it like never reading a Buch

Alright lads here is the plan if the revolution stars in the western cape

Third Worldists can usually never answer the question of: "What do we do about whitey?"

Which means they're probably thinking about killing fields.

The Afrikaner were settlers. So were the Zulu and Xhosa. The only natives to the region are the Kho-san and they aren't what you would call typical African blacks.

Afrikaners/Boers hated capitalism for bringing in cheap labor and disturbing their agrarian/pastoral lifestyle.

Even now, the Boers hate the intrusion of neoliberal globalism and just want to keep farming their small land plots. (Or, be free from scabs from abroad when it comes to non-agrarian Afrikaners.)

Literally, the only people in Sub-Saharan Africa who have potential in establishing a revolution that doesn't degenerate into shit are the Afrikaners.

As for the "oppression", the Trekboers actually originally moved out because they were sick of Britain's arbitrary rules to form their own rather democratic republics. Whilst Britain was supporting capitalist interests in the region, especially after gold was found, the Boers wanted to, again, keep their economic independence.

(This is why you can actually find a lot of left-wing opposition to the Boer War in Britain at the time.)

Rather unfortunate that Afrikaner nationalism moved towards christfaggotry and Apartheid instead of radical republicanism and anticapitalism.

TDLR: No it doesn't. Everyone is too spooked into their racial identities to do jack shit. The Afrikaners had a shot but racial and religious spooks ruined it, when they should've been focused on nation-building and assimilating the blacks into their culture along with stopping immigration all together and eliminating capitalism.
