New Day, Same Shit

Y'know what I've noticed?

We don't raid. Like, ever. The twice it supposedly happened was a confirmed false flag. Meanwhile our enemies are here at all times, in force.

More to the point, Holla Forums might be gearing up for a raid or operation or some dumbshit thing.

>>>Holla Forums883261

Vigilance, and all that. Other imageboard goers actually know how to shitpost in our language.

Picture because I have nothing relevant to attach, and it was the first decent thing I saw in my temporary internet files when the "Select/drop/paste files here" button defaulted to that folder.

But I wouldn't mind purging some Mavericks, either.

I'm sick of the one sided shilling tbh

I sometimes wonder, "Well why don't WE do what they do?". And then I realize it's not just that I've never thought to do it: I have an active distaste for the technique. It's slimy.

i'd rather not raid leftypol, they're insignificant and raiding them would only enforce their already staggering sense of significance.
freech, endchan, honeypot, leftypol's bunker so it really pisses them off, or jewshchan are all better targets and bigger hives of degeneracy.
i suggect raiding jewsh because he's a shit programmer and uses cockbox to host, easy target. fuck goony vince and fuck jewsh.

I wasn't suggesting it. I was just reflecting on the fact we never do, and pondering what that implies in a difference in psychology between us and our lefty neighbors.

Maybe we need to meme more proactiveness in general. Fear is the mind-killer, but apathy and complacence are the everything-killers.

Faggot OP. You are sliding relevant threads with this horseshit. You have no ideas, no target, no goal, no plan. Look at the catalog right now. Full of shit threads like this that are sliding good discussions and information.

I don't see the point in posting a bunch of swastikas on boards/sites that ignore all facts and reality. If you want to get a hashtag trending, or some op like that, I could understand. Wasting time raiding leftypol is just that, a waste of time.

settle down, beavis

I'm starting to think this repeated conveyed misconception that I'm making a raid request is intentional.

it is
(((they))) are everywhere

I think that we haven't raided recently because of the election and the constant stream of shit going on.

because it's not necessary
they hate us so much that they're drawn here to be defeated
they break off and join our ranks or go insane

The kikes really are everywhere.

They made this thread too

How many more threads are you faggots going to make? Why not just slide the whole catalog.

For my part, I'm less concerned about it being "slimy" and more that no one's suggested anything that seems amusing.

If you've got a suggestion, give it. We'll argue over it, call eachother faggots, and decide what to do from there.

In my humble opinion, there should be more concentrated, somewhat coordinated to an extend, attacks from Holla Forums to degenerate places like youtube videos (happened before), news pages, streams (like CNN).

The Craigslist thread from a couple days ago seemed promising.

Come to think of it, it would be an amazing vector for the contents of this thread.

Times have changed. You can't whip up a dozen free Hotmail accounts and raid all night any more. Now they want a phone number, you can't use anonymous email accounts in a lot of places, and you get banned pretty quick. Spending all night registering for new throwaway emails just isn't fun.

During the original Habbo raids, all you had to do if you got banned was delete a cookie and come right back in less than 5 minutes. THAT'S why it was so fun.

In the Second Life raids, you mostly got kicked off your victim's land, not banned from the game entirely. THAT'S why it was so fun.

Nowadays Twitter is onto you within a half dozen tweets and you're gone before you can do any appreciable damage.
The reason why we get raided and shilled so much is because chans are anonymous sites that don't require any verification. All the sites we'd like to raid require tons of it. And raiding Holla Forums is just silly, we'd be attacking our own site.

It would also only bolster their already inflated numbers. They started almost certainly VPN spamming like a certain eceleb-owned goyimergate board as soon as the suggested boards list appeared to feign being relevant, they're slot 4 even.

I'm not the oldest person on both half/pol/ and full/pol/, but what the fuck does /qa/ (or Holla Forums) mean with "Holla Forums used to be a home for all ideologies"
The board was fucking named "politically incorrect" as a containment board to contain nationalist socialist shit by Moot.

I'm pretty good on Chan history all around but what the fuck do they mean by this?

They're just so stupid it hurts. No self-awareness at all.

I am from fucking /new/ they have always been saying that.
4/pol/ was always shit, and leftists were never welcomed.
they can still come there and spit their drivel, they just try and appeal to moderation now because our numbers have increased and we've acquired a bunch of newfags who aren't so sharp.

Aha, thank you.

I'm waiting for the day we retake /R9k/ but it hasn't happened as of yet. If the internet is to be retaken for actual use the only place we need is /R9k/. Ever since the school shootings though it hasn't been the same. It's been over moderated and ruined.

One day I hope that some of these places become desolate as the newer age forgets about what forums are and use automated programs. In five or ten years of time I can imagine people coming back to see the relic that will be looked upon from future generations as one of the last true miracles of the 21st century.

People do still raid, simply in smaller numbers and
Such as your self.
I hope you
for you will always be a

op you fucking faggot, you realize those kikes and shills on pol would yell to their leaders if we organized actual raids here. All that shit is done privately.