Why would a jew support Donald Trump?

Why would a jew support Donald Trump?

This isn't anti-Trump bait, I know there are hundreds of articles out there about how jews as a collective have made it clear they completely oppose him.

But does anyone have any theories as to why Stone wants him elected? Roy Cohn was a jew too, BTW.

Other urls found in this thread:


There's a saying if you ask 2 jews for their opinion you get 5 opinions.

Obviously the easy answer is "jews aren't a monolith", but for the hardcore Ben Garrisons out there, I'd be interested in hearing their understanding of this.

Yes, but anything gentile-friendly won't be among those opinions.

Perhaps he wants the lower taxes.

Even Hitler had kikes working for him. They all have to get gassed, but the useful ones get gassed last.

(i.e. it will still be an opinion that they can relate to their jewishness)

Maybe the kikes have their own version of accelerationism.
Or something to that effect.

Why would a jew open a thread on Holla Forums?

Either they are lying to hide their true intentions, or that they just want to be better off on a personal level (better economy, safety, etc)

Whatever jewish roots he has, he has obviously lost all connection to them as his parents were hungarian and italian catholics. Jews aren't just born, they are made in the temple, jew camps and jewish private schools.

Holla Forums cannot accept the red pill, that not all jews are abyss demon lords of hell itself, but why would average jewish magnate support Donald Trump? Cause he makes a bet on him, like on a horse, that if he wins presidential race he will get a lot of money and praise.

Rothschild taken over the world by lying that napoleon won, remember? Rich jews aren't all think alike, and if Trump would win and they can't get behind him, then they will end up like Soros, who is now being shamed as a person who put money against zionists in Israel.

Basically those fuckers are cruel, but not stupid.

irrelevant since Trumps uses them and discards them regularly.

Must also say its not jews who walked towards Trump, but Trump who walked towards jews, to make strong ties with them.

Without those connections there would be no jewish support, probably.

Why did Goebbels work with Hitler?

Roger Stone, who claims to be a goy, is an opportunistic degenerate who sees Trump's campaign as a way to promote his brand and sell books (how many did he release in the past year?)

He sabotaged McCarhty.

Even thought Trump's Goebbels is jewish, Hitler's one didn't suddenly became jewish because of that, shlomo.

It's insurance. Jews play both sides in every conflict. That way they'll profit and gain influence no matter which side wins and then they'll downplay their role with the losing side.

It also offers them a measure of control because kikes on one side can secretly divide and conquer from within while kikes on the other side can openly attack the opposition.

They do this for everything. The Jews even funded Hitler as he rose to power.

because he thinks trump is gonna win and doesn't wanna get persecuted, or wants in on the power structure, or maybe both or something else of the sort


How fucking hard is that to get? All these trump faggots running around thinking he's some messiah. He loves the jew. So much so that he marries off all of his children to these fucking maggots. Wake the fuck up trump fags.

They try to dodge the oven

…and wait for hitler

Whose puppet is Hillary then?

Then they wouldn't let him run and be orchestrating this whole thing, which has shifted the overton window to the point you have people calling out israel in public. How stupid are you? Your theory makes absolutely no sense, has no consistency and is filled with the most blatant desperation I've ever seen.

When did Holla Forums ever believe TPTB allow votes to matter? All I see are (((Republican))) cuckservatives getting giddy over Trump virtue-signaling them.


Trump and Hillary are just the same goy, don't vote, just listen to my kvetching and whining


Trump is pro Jewish, very pro Israel.

Left wing Jews don't like Trump's Nationalist appeal but the more Right wing Jews like his hard stance on Muslims and his pro Israel position.

LARPfags shit up the threads so much it's hard to discuss.

This just smells like a bot to me. Throws words around but doesn't seem to know their meaning.

Well you obviously don't.


I have a feeling that all anti-trump posters are actually Holla Forums Jill shills. Funny thing they never openly realize that they only benefit Hillary, since Jill isn't going to win.

Why i think like that - Jill said recently that she's going to cut down israel funding. That's why they are shilling against Trump in terms of his love to Israel.


Anti NatSoc Trump jews like you deserve to dies a slow painful death. What the fuck has happened to this board?


Does that mean you shouldn't vote for him?

Holla Forums has become Trump-worship general. I'm hoping all these cucks who believe America isn't controlled from within leave after the election cycle. This is worse than Romney fags in 2012.

Stone is trying to sell his books and get back at the media who has screwed him over. In the end, anyone on the outside wants revenge on the people on the inside. There is also an element of self-preservation. Jews understand that not all jews are viewed the same within their society as well as not all jews live in the gated closed off communities that jews like Soros and the Rothschilds live in so when the hordes are sent in to their communities, they will get it just as bad as their neighbors. It's common sense.

If he were pro-jewish and such he would not have to proclaim it. He does that because they don't own him and don't trust him but he won't throw himself to them as others have. They both know words are just that, words.

Some of them are CTR but yeah, some of the are for Stein, which is stupid of them because nobody here would throw their vote away on Bernie Sanders 2.0 who has so many other policies that would send Holla Forums into a frenzy. Then again this may explain why there has been a sudden surge of environmentalists on this board despite nothing occurring that would drag them out of the woodwork save Stein's popularity.

Personally I think those jews want to try to cover their asses or try get a special spot for supporting Trump, trying to poison the well after gaining trust.
Could be any reason though, nobody knows what goes through the mind of jews.

I'm not a LARPfag.

Israel is not a particularly important issue to me.

Top kek.

That's true but also true of others that hate Trump because he's an outsider.

Simple rule of thumb: if you have kikes supporting your cause, then you're doing something wrong. Simple as that

Trump is a shitskin-loving, Israel-loving kiddy-pen civic "nationalist" (the type of nationalism that doesn't actually exist). It makes perfect sense that some kikes would support him.

Now, if you found a LITERALLY HITLER, then I guarantee not a single kike in the entire country would support him.

Give me your address and I'll come do something. You'll be made into fucking lampshade Trump faggot. Can't wait for all of you to be purged the same way as all other degenerates.

go back to Holla Forums you faggot
The whole reason Holla Forums has ever been able to influence normalfags is because of our ideological purity. Your Trump worship is self-delusion. He will not do anything to stem the tide.

Oh really? Because as far as I can tell, proclaiming ones love for kikes and Israel has been a staple of basically every single politician for decades. Let me guess. They were all faking it too? Were they all secretly giga-hitlers waiting for the time to strike?

stick to the nationalism = flat earth stuff

You faggots are cancer.

There are some Nationalist American Jews who support trumps cause as well as oppose the Zionist globalist agenda. Their ties to Israel aren't as strong because they have some sort of conscience left. Though they are usually massive monopilzers and play the system, they see the light with a Trump presidency and the cultural nationalist revolution that will come with it.

I.E. Carl Icahn. - possibly the security of treasury if Trump is elected.

This. Anyone who isn't anti-Israel and anti-kike is anti-white

I honestly don't know where all these fucking maggots came from but this place has gone to hell so fast. The past few days have reached a new level of cuckservative faggotry. I can't remember a time when I saw this much anti natsoc stuff be spewed all over the board.

Like this faggot here:

So now NatSoc is flat earth tinfoil shit?

Let's remember that "Jew" is an ideology before its an ethnicity. What does that mean? It means the basic tenets of Judaism the religion existed prior to the creation of the Jewish ethnicity. So what? So a person can be genetically descended from religious Jews, becomes themselves non or even anti-judaism and work against the plotting religious/nationalistic jews.

Does he practice Judaism or believe in Zionism?

There's more to this yid than you think goyim…


Just breathe deep and let the zyklon do its work, user. It'll all be okay.

Donald Trump is a bigot and a racist

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Oy vey! Enough of Trump!

This is rich. You want violence? Then go overthrow the government. Start the revolt you so want and let's see how things go.

All I am seeing is whining. You speak of influencing people and yet you can;t even influence or convince people here. You couldn't convince a nigger he's black. You're no different than a baby pitching a fit in the corner. Kill yourself if you are going to be this whiny.

Sanders has said little about israel. Why? Because he is outright jewish. Clinton has said little about Isarel, why? Because she is owned by the jews. Trump says standard song and dance but we don't see him at the wailing wall or any of that silliness. That said what do you propose people do then if they should not vote for Trump? Understand that if Hillary wins, you are a dead man. Even if you proclaim your love for her and leftists, like in Milwaukee, Jamal will drag you out of your car and murder you in the streets.

lmao she is a bernie lite using all what he said before a putting a slight twist on them. she support BLM too.

Sure is shilly in here.


And notice how he pushes the Jonestein-tier lie that LBJ was who masterminded the assault on the Liberty?

I would say they are the jews who think Trump will win, or might and don't want to take the risk, and either way want to be on his good side whien it happens.

We're not electing Hillary, faggot.

Check the "r_thedonald" subreddit, it's the exact same cancer to the point they crosspost between Holla Forums and their shitty circlejerk. Most of the fags are just feeling elated because, for the first time, they can be semi-public about their "crazy" views.

Please, spam more. I and others will totally care and read every single link. Also, your zyklon B joke was hilarious. The Holocaust did happen, and it was great? Right fellow nazi?

Nigger, that's what YOU are doing. I'm attempting to get through your thick skull and tell you that the system at a core level is fucked. If Trump isn't a neocon dog whistling every cuntservative, then he'll just be killed. And non-white America will do nothing.

No one wants violence you faggot. But there's no other option left. Your votes won't change shit.

wtf, I hate trump now.

Yeah, it's like Trump is the savior of the white race or something

you have to go back.

And? Stone's still a piece of shit.

There's a reason Trump fired him.

Yet here they are telling us NatSocs and pure Nationalists that we're crazy. Just goes to shwo how fucking far society has fallen.

He's the same guy sage spamming all threads. At this point I'm sure he's one of the tro cuck mods we have as no action is ever taken against him.

Underrated Post


Hitler was doing something wrong?


We're not electing Hillary
Go away


Then stop being a faggot and do as you say. You are the one saying votes don;t matter You are the one saying there is no other option left. Follow your own advice and carry shit out instead of getting mad that other people won't do it for you.

No you're not. You have not made compelling arguments. You have not presented any compelling evidence. You have not even presented any tight logic. You have not made an attempt to actually convince people. Instead all you do is toss a fit and get mad at people and wonder why no one will listen to you. You have no intention of conviving anyone and just want to shit up the place. If anything, because of how you have carried on, people will tune you out and anything you have to say. If you cared anything about actually convincing people, you would actually learn how to and actually attempt to convince people. You are terrible at this.

Why the fuck would you think I implied that?

Do you think jews want to remove themselves?

They've worked out the angle for themselves with the new arrangement.

Better question to ask is why kikes like Steve Mnuchin (Trump Campaign finance manager) and the rest of Trumps Jewish cabal want him elected.

Stone is just some random guy who has nothing to do with Trump

user, shh. Let the zyklon take you. Don't struggle.

Because that's exactly what you're doing.

Have you seen Stone's buddy Robert Morrow lately?

All you fags always say
and yet even HITLER couldn't save the white race. Go back to reddit with your shitty memes.

It all about "PR". Yet no one here is recalling we were the hate machine of the internet. I go on Endchan occasionally, but it needs more posters.

If you're on Holla Forums and actually need convincing that the system IS fucked, you should lurk moar. I suggest you go to >>>/polarchive/ and try to learn more, because I'm feeding you

Man, sure are persuasive, got any extra?

You still don't get it do you? No one says you need to vote for hillary. Still doesn't make Trump anything but a jew puppet.

All starts with you and others stopping the "occasional" stuff and making it their permanent home.

fuck's sake…

Better get to sleep champ, you got school in the morning.

You really are bad at this. You have made no attempt to convince anyone of anything and are just pitching a fit like a feminist because other people are not acting like your slaves. You are not only a fucking idiot but the worst kind of person. You use the concept of education and redpilling as a cheap tool to PMS on the internet. Sad!

There's no reason to not be on 8/pol/ and End/pol, but it's hard carrying a conversation when you're the only one posting.

Ah yes, the people who control the allocation of currency in every country on the planet just happened to allow someone who will shoah them to become a billionaire. Yup.

Alright, I'm done feeding you. Go back to reddit, because it's obvious you're more comfortable there.

And there it is. Trying to get people to go on their dead board. Why would anyone here do that when it is filled with people like you? The keks keep coming.

No that's not exactly what I did, because nobody wants to remove themselves.

I welcome all trump fags to stay the fuck out from endchan. I'm only asking the ones who're also fed up with this constant trump spam to come over.



Oh well I guess we should just give up, right my fellow nazi? :^)

Hitler failed because he wasn't Donald Trump

Savior of the white race and there's nothing you can do about it hahahahahaha

oy vey goyim, stop talking about trump!

Trump's senior policy advisor Stephen Miller is Jewish.

He also writes all of his speeches.

And he's definitely against all of this anti-white shit.

Ah, nice adhoms, you're totally miles ahead of anything I can say. But you've yet to tell me how the system is fucked on every level, yet how Trump will still be able to turn it around. While normally I would actually provide info, it is such basic knowledge on Holla Forums that the U.S. bureaucracy is compromised that usually you'd be laughed at suggesting otherwise. but ya know, I'll just use my "Sad!" reddit meme to refute you

Dunno if you're trolling, but stop putting Trump on a pedestal. He's good for leftist salt, not much more.

I'll enjoy posting
everytime there's a happening if Trump is elected

Really should just have a Trump general, but you're too caught up in your worship to admit we need moderation.


how do you do fellow nazis?

Reminder that Hitler had several Jews and half-Jews working for him that he protected. They were called "Edeljude" which means "Noble Jew"

user pls

are you one of those faggots that think "moderate Muslims" exist?

I like the cut of your jib

You are the one making accusations against Trump and instead of proving your accusations you toss a fit and then ask for proof of Trump's ability, ignoring the fact that he won his primary against blatant opposition. Despite the fact that he has even got Mexico trying to make nice with him. Despite the fact that he has shown he has the ability to navigate politics better than most people. The proof is there.

Jared Kushner chose to stay loyal to Trump over his own family. His relatives have all disavowed him/ Anyone who chooses to side with a pro-white politician over their own tribe is an Honorary Aryan in my opinion.

Stephen Miller is Jewish, it's mentioned in an article about him.

forgive me sturmfuher hans II, I know the mods and BO cannot instate a board general and was merely joking - I am sorry if my bantz offended you you're probably not even a NatSoc and think it's all a joke tbh, but I'll give u the benefit of the doubt :^)

7/10 made me reply more than once

Are you one of those faggots who lack reading comprehension?

I said it was self-delusion. Maybe he'll build the wall, and that's great, but he won't rebuild the U.S.

This is why burgers aren't asked who's entitled to be honorary aryan. You guys are all fucked along with the brittbongs.


Mark Levin is also slowly admitting Trump is better than Hillary.

Jews aren't always in agreement. Reform Jews HATE Orthodox. Orthodox hate everyone. Israeli Jews focus on preserving their state, and don't always get along so well with Diaspora Jews who want power in their host countries.

The main trouble is the ones who do hold power in NY, DC, and Hollywood. The ones pushing the media and the public policy.

how about you explain more on your definition of "moderation"?

you want an equal number of pro-Hillary to pro-Trump threads, you fucking kike?

Do you know what a general thread is? Do you know we can have cyclical threads? Have you been on Holla Forums long enough to see how Trump has impacted the board, bringing plebbit and cuckchan rejects here? But you'll probably reply how I'm a mean kike for not wanting every thread about the next shit Donald takes.

He has already said he does not trust the CIA so he is aware of that. If the CIA was an all powerful entity, he would not be running. There would be no opposition or any opposition possible.

Then you advocating violence because if that is the case, then votes don't count. The will of the people don't count because there is little thy can do unless there is revolt. If that is the case why aren't you following your own creed or taking the step that is logically following? And that is the problem. There is little logical consistency with what you are peddling.

All Jews support Donald Trump.

Disagree? Remember that Jews support Neo-nazi groups and leaders thereof have even been caught with stars of David. Get good you kike worshipping faggots,

Thank you for correcting the record.

Also, this post was paid for by Gary Johnson and every redirect adds to my bonus, hi CTR what's it feel like getting beaten at your own simple game.

Thanks for the +1 CTR, I'm glad you're an easily manipulated nigger.

There is no opposition possible in the political sphere. Right now it is Hillary Clinton (State Department/CIA) vs Donald Trump (The Pentagon/DoD) Webm related is Kennedy talking about the U.S. conspiracy.

Votes do not count, and the masses (non-white majority by the way) are absorbed in their Game of Thrones, Pokemon GO, sports, and porn they will do nothing. I would suggest reading "Siege" by James Mason (a.pomf.cat/xumkag.pdf) if you'd like to know more about how grassroots nationalist groups fail.

Where's the proof of this? Where is the argument for this other than your proclamation?

That said, votes don't matter and the people are too absorbed in their shit to do anything, so all is lost and people should lay down and die right? Or should people take up arms, since that is the only other option. Again, you are trying to tell people not to vote but you are not presenting any other option nor are you providing an alternative to a world where Hillary is allowed to run rampant nor are you explaining how Trump will make things worse, and so many other things Instead you are shilling something I've already seen an ideology that I've already heard and thought about. So in the end, I was right. You have nothing.

They just hate America.

It sure seems that way. If not shills, I'm tired of people who come on here and act like each person they are talking to is some blue-pilled normalfag while doing nothing to help their case. It's almost insulting.

If you don't want to labeled as a FBI instigator you cannot advocate for violence. Violence is definitely the best course of action. But yes, nothing can be done by the average person to avert the coming collapse, whether it be under Hillary or Donald. The best you can do unless you're willing to die fighting them in the streets and their opulent homes is making the best of the worst. I suggest reading "Ride the Tiger" by Julius Evola. (a.pomf.cat/rvtdpr.pdf) He is a well respected author on Holla Forums.

Otherwise I have nothing left to tell you, is it defeatist to realize the forces in play are much larger than the common man? That there is not much you can do, even as a community?

Vote Trump. Hope for the Best, plan for the Worst.

Just found a decent article detailing why the Pentagon/DoD supports Trump, even if he is not explicitly a member of their ranks. Take it as you will. socialmatter.net/2016/07/31/red-empires-manchurian-candidate/

So you have no plan other than telling people to read stuff that everyone here has read and to essentially turn tail and run or to hide. Sounds sound.

Your kind of thinking is the reason why the jews have as much power as they do. We speak of meme magic but that is one aspect of it. The jews have memed themselves into this unstoppable unkillable thing that you have bought into. And instead of fighting back, you have decided to deride people for thinking otherwise, tell them to continue to bunker down and read some books, and do little else, while stewing in your sense of superiority that you get from being a puppet of the jewish meme machine. If you truly think this then you should kill yourself. Seriously. You are of no help to anyone like this. I actually mean that.

Hot damn that is a democrat talking point if I ever saw one. The problem here is that it contraindicates your theory of the power system being fucked as it is. If the jews are in control of everything, why let this occur? If the pentagon and DoD are in trump's corner, why are there generals and such who have came out as anti-Trump? If Trump is their best bet, why do they not exert pressure on the media or those related to the media? None of this adds up and is full of holes.

At the expense of the rest of the world.

Jewish nationalism doesn't exist.

What you're suggesting isn't fighting back. Voting for Trump might offer a few benefits (if any) but it's not taking it to the Jew.

You didn't read the article. The entire article is a rebuttal to that claim.

Why would Murray Rothbard support David Duke?

As I always say, there's no such thing as a good Jew. Only a useful one.

And what you are suggesting is?

Shifting the overton window as he has, has done more than sitting in a bunker reading stuff we've already read.

I read the article. Did you read the rest of my post? Again, the whole theory doesn't add up because it also assumes that the jews would let one person they have had some dealings with fall. Again if this is your only proof then it's no wonder you spent a good portion of this thread shitposting.

No, what I'm suggesting is either A) Go out and attempt to remove these people or B)Setup communities where these people aren't with the eventual goal of coming back to remove

Great, a few people are angry against illegals, but that still does nothing for the vast majority of problems we face.

I thought you were the one who was against labeling the Jews as an infallible force? They have divisions in their ranks and are capable of failing too. Just not when it comes to a U.S. election and screening of candidates.

Thank you for correcting the record. I'm a #HillFireMissile now!

A lot of American kikes think they're kikes but not true kosher. I have seem some very impressionable ones lean towards Donald because Hillary is a crazy cunt.

Some Israelis I've met also seem to think Trump is the only future for America, so it's hard to tell. I think the Israelis like him because they think it'll help Israel. SOME American kikes like him because they aren't bloodsucker-tier.

Regardless, they should all die.
Polite sage.

Yes. He should have exterminated kikes and not allied with the Japs.

What, like how Holla Forums now supports a bluepill political-tier presidential candidate who also happens to be a blatant zionist who has stated countless times that he has every intention of being the bestest goy possible to our greatest ally and also spoke about wanting to censor the internet? Get the fuck out of here.

Just like how the patriot act was meant to protect us from those super spooky islamic boogeymen and never in a million years would be used to erode the constitutional rights of law abiding American citizens, right? What the fuck are people like you even doing here? Oh that's right, those reddit ads.

No you're not. You just shat all over that idea by making it seem silly.

Because the government will let that happen. Because Hillary and her handlers will let that happen should she win. That is a terrible plan.

Are you seriously telling me that there is no point in shifting the overton window? Do you even understand how change occurs? This even clashes with the two suggestions you just made since the only way to get people on your side is to convince them and the best way to do that is to have the overton window in your favor. You've thrown all attempts at making sense out the window now.

The jews are connected to people at the top but they don't control everyone or everything. It is not stupid to think that a people that are concerned obscenely and openly with the preservation of israel would infiltrate and control the aspect of the government that is directly concerned with the preservation of israel.

So why are you acting like they are infallible? Why are you acting like someone can't strike through and destroy them like Trump? Your logic is inconsistent since it states that there is infighting but everyone is screwed because both sides want to screw people despite your article indicating the DoD is less obsessed with this despite the fact that much of that stuff will not really benefit them overall. You're falling all over the place now. The jews are almighty in politics but are weak where it counts, ignoring the fact that they would have put one of their own in power if they were that powerful instead of lapdogs who may go off-script.

No one is going to your dead end board, especially if you act like that.

You are so fucking dense. It is Trump who may fuck us, or Clinton, who WILL FUCK US along with tyrone and juan.

SCOTUS picks is what is the fucking end-game, go correct the record somewhere else.

He's a nitwit that doesn't understand that the whole internet, including his beloved endchan will get fucked in the ass if Hillary is president for sure.

So who should we vote for?

why wouldn't they? the anti-Trump jews are very suspicious

I'm pro-Trump. The other guy is anti-trump trying to make people go to his bullshit imageboard.

Also, you should sage since this is a shill thread.


Nice trips.

Icahn wouldn't be SoT.

I wouldn't want to be in a spot where I could openly be criticized for things I have no control over, like debt. I think Trump, being the financial guru he is, would have a panel of more than just one man handling the SoT, but appoint some meaningless faggot to be the fall guy. That's what I'd do, anyway. 7 or 8 guys, one running each aspect of the position and one limp-wristed faggot that gets the axe if something goes wrong instead of dragging these guys' names through the mud.

"Listen here, faggot. You just sign the shit my guys tell you to sign and if it goes south, you're getting shitcanned. In the meantime, don't be a fuckup and you'll have something besides 'jizz mopper' to put on your resume." -Trump to his new faggot SoT

Why the fuck are you talking about endchan?

Supposedly you've already read the books I posted, yet you don't know that "Siege" advocates for full-on warfare?

And Trump will let it happen? Other than rising up it's the best plan we currently have. With the advent of social media you could stream any attempt a government made to wipe you out, drawing sympathy that would be much more immediate than anything Trump has caused.

No. But Trump hasn't focused on issues that will instigate real change, merely dogwhistles that appeal to an average conservative.

They are not infallible, and I've never claimed that. They are on-nigh immune to anything you or I am capable of though, and that's what I was stating.

Because he can't, or won't? When has stated anything less than complete support for Jews, from Israel to his own children? Just because he wants to "stop giving free aid" doesn't meant that they still receive a net-positive from the U.S. in other ways.

It highly benefits the DoD for the current state of affairs to remain or strengthen. However they want to be in control in place of the State Department/CIA.

There is a point where the average person WILL revolt, and showing off your power in such a unabashed motion as putting an actual Jew in the presidency might be that point. They're not retarded, you think anyone who sits in the White House gets many chances to go off script? Like I've said, look at Kennedy for what happens when a president tries. And they will let the new guy know.

Most of the "redpilled" here are anything but.

Trump is a pressure valve and you're all falling for it. ZOG wants whites to become numb and patriotic again. If he wins, I'll know this to be the fact 100%. If he loses, then I'll know Jews didn't want him in.

If Hillary wins, a real WHITE REVOLUTION will come. This is what I'm truly hoping for.

Trump will be another Reagan at best and who knows what kind of Marxist puppet will be elected after him to cheer up the crying shitskins/SJWs.

Have fun standing in the cold weather with the other dumb white sheep in November. Remember, you still love (((democracy)))

Quads confirm that NatSoc is the only way.

I'm sure you can find a Jew somewhere who supports everything you support. Stop being a retard and letting it decide your stances for you.

Yeah okay, go join the White revolution that happened in South Africa and Brazil dipshit. No one with a family or any skin in this game wants to commit suicide with you kiddo.

there is probably million of Jews supporting the Don because with the low level average Jew having millions of spics flood murica could hurt your profit as they work for less than you, when Trump is elected he deports the Mexicans and then the common Jews can continue making shekels.


You said this. This is not an endorsement for violence but a ways to disaude someone from it. Stop talking out of both sides of your mouth. You were asked ot provide proof that Trump is controlled by the DoD and all you posted as an article with someone's theory with little proof there.

You yourself said that people are stupid and enthralled with their distractions.

Then why are you acting like it is useless? Holy shit, more inconsistency.

Because you can't get elected screaming gas the kikes race war now. You can't do anything making yourself overt.

If he were in their pocket he would not need to fend off so many attacks of being anti-semitic.

The article states outright that their foreign policy would be blunted. If the president is controlled then it shouldn't matter who is in charge, unless the person in charge actually has power, which would contradict much of what you are peddling. You have said it before and say it again in this very post.

You're assuming the average person hates jews that much. If that were the case, Bernie would not have gotten as far as he did. Lieberman back in the day would not have been chosen as VP. How is that the straw that breaks the camel's back and nothing else will then? Again, you are being inconsistent and just sound like someone who gets off on arguing with people.

Then why would the different groups even care about who is elected if they are only a figurehead? At this point I'm done here. I've asked for proof of Trump but instead you want to have a long bullshit discussion instead of providing proof. The only proof you have is some article with less than impressive sources that might as well be a random theory post somewhere. And even worse, you contradict yourself one too many times. Hot damn.

At this point I won't mind because the people shilling for her in this thread will be the first to go. If not killed for being traitors, they will see the true hell of war, especially a ragged one, first hand and wish they had thought of something else.

Alright, guess we'll see what happens if Trump makes it and some kind of utopia sprouts forth come the election. Not holding my breath nor wasting it arguing with you though, who has failed to prove how he will actually accomplish anything despite my claims that he won't.

might actually waste my breath
No it isn't. Only those who value their lives more than their childrens' future would take it as such.

Conspiracy theories on the net =/= actual livestream of obviously innocent people being murdered by the gov.

Wasn't acting like it was useless, just what Trump is doing is useless.

Again, you're taking my statements to more extreme points than I have.

Yeah, the ones which have been publicized everyone and have had him ostracized like anyone else they actually want to stop?

Bread and circuses. With an added bonus of DoD vs CIA neither is good

Alright, then what do YOU think will break the camel's back? Trump not getting elected?

DoD & CIA =/= ZOG ; This is like asking why dogs fight to please their master.

Pretty basic, and definitely lacking many factions/motives, but I'd say this is decently representative of the present.

"If not killed for being traitors, they will see the true hell of war, especially a ragged one, first hand and wish they had thought of something else."

LMAO traitors to what? (((Democracy))) and voting for your preferred puppet?

You got me wrong motherfucker. I've been woke for years and have also been preparing for war everyday since. It's weak-minded faggots like you who'll be the first to go!

"Yeah okay, go join the White revolution that happened in South Africa and Brazil dipshit. No one with a family or any skin in this game wants to commit suicide with you kiddo."

Because South Africa and Brazil is the exact same thing as America…

What do you mean by "skin in this game"? You are still a fucking lemming in my eyes. Still too comfortable and terrified of actual fighting. I have a great family. The smart ones who are younger are on my side and preparing. The older ones will die off anyway. (((Democracy))) is the real suicide and that's why I stay away. Keep putting faith into your puppets goy!



How did you manage to read that article if you're incapable of reading just one sentence?

Pretty sure that Stone isn't a Jew.