Make a first person shooter/assassin with roleplay through historical events. Kind of semi open world but with realistic timers.
Scene 1:
You are a Nazi soldier who is part of the Hitler Youth fighting in the Battle of Berlin to protect a VIP who is seeking to flee undetected on a Uboat. You succeed in your mission and then go start a fire in a bunker and stage place bodies to make it look like the VIP's didnt escape.
Scene 2: You are a Jewish Communist Soviet soldier on a clandestine mission to kill General Patton and make it look like an automobile accident near some train tracks. You pose as American soldiers.
Scene 3: You are a Mossad agent assigned to make James Forrestal go crazy by poisoning him for supporting a Palestinian state (he is secretary of the Navy).
Scene 4: You are the same Mossad agent. Forrestal has resigned and is in the mental hospital and you are tasked to kill him by throwing him out the window.
Scene 5: You are the 2nd sniper named Reafel Cruz who is a CIA agent. You are assigned to kill JFK who is questioning Israel's nuclear program too much.
Scene 6: You are the South African naval commander and you help an unnamed nation conduct a nuclear test in the remote French Ocean.
Scene 7: You are assigned to kill an American journalist in Jerusalem and make it look like a heart attack because his magazine wrote a hit piece about the Lebanese war 1982 Massacre.
Scene 8: You are on United Airlines flight 93 during 9-11. You break into the cockpit through fuck tons of pepper spray with help from others and kill terrorists in the cockpit, but a F-16 shoots you down from behind anyways.
Scene 8.5: You are a sniper shooting up a funeral in Syria with huge crowds. It doesnt say who you are shooting at or why but you are using a Turkish issued Sniper Rifle.
Scene 9: You are in Aurora Colorado as the same agent. You bankroll a local kid and get him hooked on drugs and brainwash him and eventually convince him to shoot up a movie theater with you while he is on Scopolamine you spiked his regular drugs with. You dress in civilian clothes and conduct the operation together while he is in tactical gear, but you flee and act like a victim when police arrive.
Scene 10: You are an unnamed short statured intelligence agent sent to conduct a false flag. You find a patsy through the internet who lives in Newtown and go to his house and kill his mom with him, then shoot up his old school while dressed in identical tactical gear with an identical weapon after administering him Scopolamine. You escape through the schools woods after executing many children.
Scene 11: You are the same agent using mental torture with electronic microwaves and Scopolamine drugging to influence the naval yard shooter to shoot up a Navy Yard in Washington DC that is responsible for building naval lasers that are to be embedded on aircraft carriers for missile defense.
Scene 12: You are a Turkish intelligence agent embedded with ISIS elements who launch rockets carrying Sarin on the Syrian capital.
Scene 13: You are an Euromaidan sniper fighting in the square for days against loyalist Ukrainians.
Scene 14: You are a Holla Forums user getting raided by the police, arrested for Child Porn, and sent to a FEMA camp.
Scene 15: There are huge explosions and gunfire all over the FEMA camp. The guards are killed quickly and real life Nazis walk in all speaking German with a strange Spanish-Latin accent in full exoskeletons. They take you in their strange spaceship they arrived in and you whiz off into the night.
Scene 16: You are in Iran as a soldier fighting in the tunnels of Fordo in near hand to hand combat with infiltrators. You are overwhelmed eventually by Israeli and US airstrikes.
Scene 17: You are the same Holla Forums user abducted at the FEMA camp walking around the Democratic convention in 2020. It is incredibly posed with SJW shit, Minorities, and Jews. You are shaking hands with everyone and slightly pale but in a good mood. You walk on stage and are recognized for your donation of 6 million dollars to the international refugee fund.
Scene 18: You arrive back at your hotel and make yourself a bowl of cereal with milk, which has a rather large warning about lactose intolerance on the back. You pick up a book that you are reading about how the Zika virus was cured with a miracle vaccine.
Idk there could be some other noteworthy events you could include too.