I want to RWDS as soon as possible, but I'm afraid of the consequences. What hypothetical steps could I hypothetically take that would result in less abominations in my general area without ending up dead or imprisoned? I'm relatively poor with nogunz, but I want to do my part even if it's a drop in the ocean. Mass shootings are a waste of resources (1 death on our side isn't worth 9 dead niggers, for example and it has bad optics for normies). Tips/tricks?
How to remove cucks and shitskins without getting caught?
You're not ready.
Meditate on your shitposts and frogs until you're no longer afraid.
Take no pictures.
Brag to no one.
Leave your mobile phone at home and have a reliable alibi ready.
what are you a fucking woman? we need more Breiviks, not this brand of scared faggot
hi fbi
Are there likely to be chimpouts or protests near you? If the crowd is thick enough, you can mingle amongst them with a blade of some sort (smooth, double-edged, reasonably concealable) and keep your stabs around gut height. If there is too much attention, you can blame it on one of the libcuck race-traitors that are likely in the crowd nearby.
Either that or CNN looking for a nice screenshot for their news stories.
Hey FBI, you might know a lot from the other (((agency))) that you're allied with. Al Qaeda wanted to take down nuclear power plants near metropolitan areas after 9/11, but a former employee of your rival American agency thought that it was overkill.
Hara Hara Tokei
There was a cop training video posted on here a few months back that showed how knives can beat guns, if the guy with the gun isn't expecting it (and is poorly trained in self-defence). If the gun's holstered and you are within arm's reach (or even a short dash, longer still if behind them), they're dead. Unless you sperg out and hit their arm or something, anyway.
Quietly erase a few nigs on the edge of the 'hood and they might not even realise it's a cracka doing it for months. And you might even score some unlicensed, untraceable firearms for future use. Don't keep the fuckers at home, whatever you do. Disassemble, grease and bury in a strong container somewhere.
If you can get a jew or two, too. It'll be harder, they stick to well-lit, rich areas with CCTV. Maybe try getting one going to / from their car at a supermarket after dark? Get them in a a narrow aisle between vehicles and kick the body under an SUV.
fuck off retard
fbi pls go
you've memorized your flash cards well. 5/10 for effort.
I did a little research before posting the thread, apparently it isn't illegal to plan a crime so long as you don't take any actual steps toward committing the crime. There's a grey area where you can potentially get hit with conspiracy to commit a crime, but I don't think it would stick through the medium of an anonymous online image board.
Nobody watches CNN anymore.
Speaking of Breivik. Bombs seem to be a really good pick for high scores, although they will come down hard on you and use every tool they can to find you like the mudslimes in Boston. Dangerous but rewarding.
Oh, and as for cucks, get on Faceberg and look for a local "Discrimination overheard in…" group. Join, pick targets.
That's as long as your real-name, normie-camo Faceberg has your power level buried, anyway.
rent a truck out of town with a fake ID while in disguise, drive it to another town far away, re-enact Nice on a nigger protest, speed off, ditch the truck and disguise and get the fuck away. also tell your FBI handler these works of fiction are all copyrighted
If you get v& and then mysteriously slip on a banana peel and hit your head on the concrete 17 times in prison you can't do things anymore though.
I avoid Kikebook, is that an actual thing? Jesus.
Ignore the footmen and target the bosses.
1. Don't do it. Shit like this will just do more damage than good.
2. The time will come when people rise up agains this shit and you'll know it when that happens. It will be one incident that triggers a lot of people at once and that's when shit hits the fan
Okay, first step: kill everyone in the whole world. That way nobody can catch you.
Reminder that melee weapons are quiet and still very, very deadly in trained hands.
Be sure to take a bunch of screen shots of this thread. The mainstream media will need screenshots.
BTW, are you going to be interviewed in all shadows with your voice changed to avoid us hackers on steroids from getting to you?
Only problem with that I can think of is that the media likes to film nog lives matter gathering where they aren't burning anything (naturally, seeing as they're scripted specifically for that purpose and paid for by the same people who finance said media) so you'd almost definitely get filmed doing it and probably get cops following you. Good luck ditching the truck after that mess.
Airgun or long barrel bolt action .22lr for quietness, double barrel break action shotty for power. Whatever you do, don't eject cartridges and move quickly. Might help to get fake plates as well.
I thought you feds knew how to kill people and not get caught.
weev, man. Some people call him a shill but there's one thing that he's been telling people to do for a while now that I've finally come to realize is brilliant advice: Learn about robotics. Learn how to build them and learn how to program them to recognize and terminate nigs and mudslimes. That is how whites will fight the upcoming race war.
We're too valuable and smart to allah akbar like muslims. And if we go out there and fight them IRL, whites allied with the hordes of blacks and browns will attack us as well. So robots controlled anonymously are the best solution until we can seize control of the government.
Stabbings are actually a good idea now that I think about it. Silent, low profile, easy to get close to the target. I need to look up numbers on the % of stabbing suspects caught, I bet it's low as fuck.
1)Find a couple of buddies
2) Redpill the ones that are easily influenced, troll cucks and "im the rational centre" fags
3) Radicalize over next few months by hinting Holla Forums related (((MSM))) articles
4) Start with small stuff, false flag, lie, steal…
5) Get on bigger events
6) Train with your comrades together to gain fellowship and sense of unity
7) Ass4sinate M3rkel or King N1gger/Shi1llari Cunton together
So you are not a police officer, are you?
Sometimes I'm tempted. But it would probably only work once.
When I go out cooking gooks and whacking blacks I usually blast them with a microwave gun from a distance. Like most people here…
Forming groups is basically going to become a necessity in the coming years. Gangs get things done, politically motivated groups get big things done. Think the serbs that started WWI, or the Nazis themselves (Hitler got caught and the beer hall putsch failed, but still). I'd do almost anything for a Holla Forums friend in real life, but good fucking luck trying to meet up over the internet. Great way to get picked up by the feds, they take that shit seriously just like potential bombers.
dc sniper route but dont get cocky
I don't think I could pass of the purchase of a rifle and appropriate equipment and then random rifle shootings in my area as a pure coincidence.
It's not like it's reasonably possible to prove that I'm not FBI. Especially not without opening myself up to the FBI. I'm the one who'd get v& anyway
What's scarier, some goy coming out of seemingly nowhere, making more and more of your buddies disappear. Or just some dude shooting up some people?
I think most people find the formal scarier.
Yup. Always full of absolutely genuine stories about how a ball-shaped, shaven-haired landwhale got wolf-whistled at by oppressive cishet builders.
Enough for a major BLM chimpout
That one your "YOU NIGGERS COMMIT MORE CRIME THAN ANY OTHER RACE" could redpill more people than any other shit just by getting it signal boosted by BLM cuz of "dat white raycis cop"
They will punish everyone and turn people against the goy for the former.
How would they spin a stabbing spree harder than they'd spin a charleston? They'd only use the latter to push for more gun control and a media circlejerk about ebil whites.
Hello FBI. Please enjoy this Pepe & the rest of your stay here.
Get into biology.
Supposedly South African scientists created a virus that could be programmed to kill certain races. Sounds lizard people-tier bullshit, but I think that's what is talking about.
When the populace acts out in any manner, they resort to calling for greater control over the populace. It's like if I wanted more stringent moderation, I would shitpost until this board grew angry with it and then turn around and call for moderation. The jew is fond of this type of tactic by the way. The former from above is no different than a false flag in many ways or at least can be used as such. The former from above has no use unless it is directed at the people at the very top.
If you believe it to be bullshit then you also have to believe DNA and race are bullshit.
those are some fine digits you got there son
Shit, really? I've fantasized about that before, never thought it was possible. The chance of mutation is a risk though.
They wouldn't need to know it's a goy though. Stabbings are not particularly uncommon, it could be attributed to gangs or even a serial killer (I guess it is technically serial murder). Whereas shooting up a bunch of nogs and inevitably getting arrested makes for a repeat of pic related. Roof had the right intentions, but he should have waited, planned, covered his tracks and used a bomb. He probably would have gotten away with it otherwise. If he had gone the silent stabbing route he could have picked them all off individually without anyone even noticing they were being targeted. Instead we got (((media))) circus about bad goyim and how we should ban handguns. Don't give the kikes a chance.
Maybe it's not bullshit that it's feasible, but it's probably bullshit that it's already been developed in south africa. Most likely just superstitious niggers inventing another theory about how the wite mans be keeping them down n shiet. Like how they say we invented AIDS and Ebola (I wish).
Which is why you go for the top and work your way down. Cut the head off the body dies. Anything else is a waste in the end.
I'm poor and nogunz though, how would I get near enough to one of those people to do anything?
It's feasible.
and at CIA Nigger OP search up Zersetzung
As a lot of people have already stated in the thread, stabbing is a good option. The only bad part is it's bloody work which means you'd want to change and clean up before getting near anything associated with your identity. Best bet is to burn all clothing including shoes after each stabbing. I'd keep the knife, just as long as it's sterilized properly.
Should be obvious but surprise and darkness are your friend. Also a knife with only one sharp edge is only half a knife, so something like pic related would be a good choice.
Paladin Press puts out a lot of good reference material, like this (paladin-press.com
And of course this is all hypothetical, but yes, it's quite easy to kill someone and get away with it.
Methods for the poisoning would be a challenge though. For defended targets only. It would involve weeks of undetected stalking and meticulous note-taking and prior planning. Single-target at best, I don't think a mass poisoning would accomplish much for the effort it would take to carry it out. Too many externalities.
Stabbing does seem to be the best MO for random individuals by a wide margin. Potential problems could be hiding the regular purchases of clothes and shoes (I agree with the burning of the clothes, keeping them would be a bad idea, but it leaves you with the problem of not having any shoes).
Study up on how serial killers did their stuff. If they weren't crazy a lot of them could've gotten a lot more.
Just pay for everything in cash and it's impossible to trace back to you. Not sure what country you're from but thrift stores are everywhere around here and all the clothes are cheap as fuck. Disposing of the shoes each time eliminates the possibility of having the shoe tread traced back to something you own, not to mention any incriminating evidence they may have picked up.
what they admit to in court is usually different from their actual kill count is
How's the weather in Cheltenham, GCHQ?
Don't worry, nearly 40% of murders in America go unsolved. And when you consider that a lot of murders are covered up as suicides and accidents, you'll realize that the real percentage is probably a LOT higher.
But you knew all this already didn't you Mr. FBI?
Everyone who doesn't suck nigger dick like you is FBI.
Work on your grip and arm strength, get some piano or steel wire, handles, and good gloves and learn how to garrote someone to death. Practice on a dummy, even if it's just a couple of 2'x4's nailed together.
Unlike attacking someone with a knife, they won't be able to scream out.
proptip if you kill random nonwhites off the street that you have no connection to (ie not the niggers you got in a fight with and people know you have beef) there is almost no likelihood of getting caught, csi bullshit about muh nosehair molecules on bodies and shit are a joke.
If you can lure them into a place that you control there is pretty much 0% of ever getting caught, chop the body into pieces, freeze the parts, shatter and mash the frozen parts a few at a time in the bathtub(don't put too many in so that it will sit and fester and smell), mix in any sort of acid solution (easy to find online how to make an effective flesh eating one), wash the gory acidic muck down the drain, repeat until it's all gone. Don't do this if you live near an open sewer or people will notice the smell.
Lastly the hardest thing for most killers is the urge to tell other people of your crimes, keep it to yourself.
Great in theory, but with a few practical flaws in comparison to stabbing. You typically have to get behind someone in order to garrote them. To a degree, they can't be allowed see you get out the garrote and approach them (knives can be drawn very quickly and you can attack head on like this ). While it is quieter, it also takes longer to accomplish a kill with a garrote than a properly placed stab wound. It could potentially be difficult to make a quick escape from the scene with your weapon looped around the body's neck. You run the risk of being physically overpowered or missing the neck with the garrote, in which case you have no second chances and you're utterly fucked unless you can down them unarmed. It's a slower, more deliberate, and more personal weapon, maybe not the best for the scenario but fun to think about.
Those are just off the top of my head though, maybe with more research into garrotes it will turn out to be a more viable pick.
welp there goes my contribution to this thread
guess I can just post murdercube though
1. Start an Islamic outreach organization or Muslim organization in disguise and invite all the local mosques to participate. Select a remote location in the woods for a "camping trip". Once the camp is set up, around 5 in the morning, go from tent to tent executing each Muslim. Two to the chest one to head.
2. Start a "feed the homeless" drive in your local dindu neighborhood / park. Invite all the dindus to come out for some of your special chile. Cook chile with rat poison, ricin, or your poison of choice. Watch as dindu after dindu falls over and dies.
what if you had a knife AND piano wire? I realize the second chance is pretty fucked, but if you were to try to kill someone with piano wire you'd be sure that you would be doing it in secret and with a 95% success rate.
OP on mobile, got a 12 hour autoban for posting a link to a file share for the guy who couldn't post PDFs.
That's a breddy good idea actually. Take both weapons with you, asses the target and choose a weapon accordingly. Wear gloves, if you use a garrote and it fails abandon it and quickly draw the knife. Having to take a second try is dangerous as you've lost the element of surprise, but if you're unsure of the chances of killing with the garrote you can just skip it and use the knife first. 10/10 advice.
This is very important.
And so is this
This user makes a good point
This is the best idea.
I would want to suggest Operation Johnny 1488.
OPJ1488 is a multi year plan with and end goal of having created 3d printed drones with or without a (chemical)weapons payload designed to target non hWhites.
I see three main parts.
>2 Programmers, the drones need to be able to know the difference between the glorious hWhite Master Race and the sub humans. Reprogramming self driving cars may be a way
3 Holla Forums needs it`s own Chemical Weapons division to create the CW payload for the drones.IronMarch have a AtomWaffen division, we can`t stay behind
To archive these goals we need skills. I would recommend we all pick some free online courses to get the skills we need (Coursera seems rather good).
If by some stroke of luck the non hWhites die off before we get to deploy we`ll at least have learned some skills that may be of use for the Aryan Space Program to Ensure our Righteous Germanic Everlasting Race that awaits us.
Alternatively you can put out gay BDSM ads, every shitskin that comes along you get tom tie up before you kill them. But you might do better if you breed, pass on those Aryan genes.
Try starting a Holla Forums PDF thread on >>>/pdf/, upload them, and link to it here. PDF is pretty slow so it should be there for a while.
make it target based on skin color
also I'm saging so shills don't see threads
Doesn't really matter to me if shills see this thread or not, I'd rather bump it to get more opinions. The most they can do with this type of thread is these posts >>>7241615 which can't really get in the way of other posters if you ignore them.
Not making threads on boards monitored by every agency the world over would be a good start.
Posting in FBI thread
Where funny masks liek deez
or scary masks
Do it like the columbroz, set a bomb off then charge the damn place in a pack of 50 people. Wear your trenchcoat and ski mask for extra edge. I'm joking FBI, relax.
actually, come to think of it, ski masks would probably be anonymizers.
Do a trade deal with Canada and South Africa
We take their good whites and they take our shitty browns
0/10 faggot.
you can actually come very close to a target by holding a blade hidden inside a paper or plastic bag, and strike through it
prevents blood splatters on your hand, too
Where you live?
A place where people don't get shot with rifles too often. Although, it'd be good practice to drive some distance away from where I live anyway l.
they don't get caught because those who might catcht them have orders not to do so
it's not as if they had to have any skill at it
yeah otherwise they can track your movements
1st step is not to talk about your plans ever if it's illegal, looks like you fucked it up already.
Hello FBI
The smart ones are afraid of jail.
The dumb ones can't plan worth shit.
Nice try, FBI
Also anyone posting in this thread in a serious way should go back to where they came from, especially if its shills are replying just to make us look bad
Why are you even here?
By not posting in a public internet forum that is heavily surveyed by the govermint 24/7 about it?
that would be correct
best place to get an actual ministry of defense fairbairn-sykes fighting knife with no manufacture markings
if you are going to be all sneaky like that don't strike per say
grab your opponent and pull them towards your blade if you are walking directly towards them. Use their weight and let them fall on the blade.
Why not animal masks?
awesome, I've been looking for a fairbairn that isn't a cheap chinese knockoff for a while
1. Go to the nearest mosque
2. March right up to the front, shove the imam out of the way if you have to
3. Go fuck yourself
That mp4 is glorious
Hi FBI, nice doubles thread you made here
check em
One solution would be virus that needs melanin from host cell to replicate. It cures melanoma but side effects are bitch when it burns off dark skin and bleaches light skin.
Or some kind of toxin production that requires so many bacteria for lethal dose that infection can only fit in largest noses.
You dun goofed. Abandon plan. Mobile = 1000% surveillance. You screwed.
Always travel in same direction. Or center of your work will mark your home.
Its a fucking winne the pooh honey trap
And double dubs of truth
Holla Forums is a board of peace.
What in the serious fuck are you high on FBI
not my cup of tea but oslama's terror niggers got it'S hands on the latter, so, yeah. once they found out how to use the manual they will likely use that shit on us anyway. you can thank your "president" for that.
that's what i read on the internet, and the internet is always right. lol. whatever. i don't care for mass murder, that's what governments are for. right?
fucking assholes.
Claim to be recruiting for ISIS, and you get all the funding and weapons needed.
For educational purposes only.
This is the funniest thread this board has had in weeks.
Here's the thing.
I'm not suggesting you go out and do anything… illegal… but in 2010 alone, 692,944 people went "missing". 90% of the time, a "Missing person" is really just a murder where they never found the body and never were able to convict anyone.
Murder is easy as fuck to get away with, ESPECIALLY if the victim is unrelated or unassociated with the killer. Like, I'm talking so easy to get away with that it's disturbing and will keep you up at night. If you hypothetically wanted to engage in some ethnic cleansing right this second, and you took even the slightest precaution to not get caught (Like wearing gloves and policing your spent brass - which you have cleaned beforehand and loaded with gloves) you could do it.
You fucking shills are getting desperate
i thought so too, so i couldn't resist :)
what's rwds anyway?
mandatory viewing
It was a vaccine and it was not race specific, only administration of it was. It decreased fertility by about 40%. New infertility vaccines are more effective, one came out last year but it seems to have been memory holed. Still you got the problem of administrating it to the target groups.
USAID was ought red handed using some less advanced ones in Africa. ^_^
That mp4 is cringey as fuck. Could have been awesome, though. How sad