seventy five seventy five tbh
seventy five seventy five tbh
Other urls found in this thread:
That looks like the Masonic handshake, user.
brits aren't really as masonic as us americans are anymore tbh, they are all in the bricklayer guilds
what did Trump mean by this
also xth for running out of ski yogurts
>recommended boards include a tranny board >>>/tf/
I'll probably will just spam that shit board and get all VPN nodes blocked tbh
Pls don't respond this time
ttpw is not transexual.
ttpw is a shill to slow meaningful discussion.
ttpw employs every tactic a shill would use when arguing to the point of complete lies
ttpw doesn't even post here anymore
brit/pol/ 2016 is a sack of shit
it's like a classroom full of niggers
>tfw 1066 was one hundred threads ago.
It's a fetish board, lad. Of course it's freaky.
After the last thread, I think you're right.
I'm starting to become convinced of this. Previously I entertained the idea because it made sense as a shilling tactic, but i dismissed it because I thought he may have just been a bored right-wing tranny. He's got a very persistent nihilistic/subversive programme and set of tactics that he is trying to push to undermine and confuse people's positions here. Right on cue, the same stuff over and over again. He's definitely slowing discussion down too.
It could just because he bites, becomes enraged and tries to defend the indefensible.
Whatever he is, I've had enough of him shitting up the board. As traps go he's unoriginal as well and has utterly no style tbh.
There is something very wrong with it.
I presumed he was just very warped and found pleasure in being insulted but it could very well be a shill.
inb4 thread is full of tranny homunculus and tripfags with jack-o-lantern smiles.
keep making your containment threads. you're doing the whole board a favor.
Same here. I genuinely don't know if he is or not, but he's definitely getting consistently filtered henceforth.
Has that man done a single thing for the party?
Yes, he got them a seat.
But now try counting how many things he's done against the party.
t. 'ttpw' demoralising before entering the thread
1 year into NEET life and it's fucking hell lads. Besides a three month call center wagecuck slave job I couldn't find work and it doesn't look like I will find any in the next time. Hell just need to stop.
What are you good at lad?
I can program and have a bit knowledge in databases and accounting. But don't have a diploma or certificate, because no apprenticeship and didn't start university.
Well while you keep looking for a job, stay ultra fit, run, don't drink, lift, don't eat crap etc. Get used to getting up at 6 or 7am everyday, don't sit around shit posting all day. Be in bed for 11pm.
If you like big tits, why the fuck would you go for Asians?
I can't wait until a future where we see a group of Trump, Putin, Nigel, Pauline, Le Pen, Hofer, and co to converge against Globalism
So he's the Paul Ryan of UKIP
Good morning
Morning lad
It's June 24th all over again lad
'Are Nige' and Trump
A short interview with 'Are Nige':
Did May get Maired
Great to wake up to a cool weather.
How come? Are Nige in the US?
Good morning, lad. Did you have a fine rest?
Huffington Post seems aggravated as usual. Seen anything else in the news about Are Nige?
Wish we'd done more Saxon posting for it tbh
The OP
June 24th was the day not only that you guys got your independence from the JudEU block but the day Trump came to Scotland and now not only has nige gone to the US but he's met Trump
You got to wonder what they talked about Maybe how funny it is seeing the Media spill it's spaghetti
Nige meeting Trump should serve as a reminder to the Burgers that you guys git free so they can too
He kicked ass, m8. The crowd loved him.
Did trump ever do anything in Scotland on the 24th?
Just rustled some smelly Scots
Hey lad not all scots are bad
Are Nige was awesome see here
Just most of them.
People in Mississippi are now speaking like proper English gentleman and lost their accents.
The Trump-Farage cocktail was simply too much to handle.
Open a Golf Course
Do you think the deep-southerners actually listened to what are Nige was saying or just 'WOOOOed' throughout the whole thing?
It was a very good rest at night after shagging my chubby Slav again.
You better be planning on marrying her.
his whole family was there too i believe.
They cheered and booed in all the right moments (and clapped) In all honesty, it doesn't matter, Nigel was able to stick it to Obango as a form of retaliation when that nigger spoke against him in the UK.
Nice trips, you could tell they were a tad disappointed that he didn't full on endorse Trump but I guess it's just something nige had to do, though I have no doubts that he respects Trump increaibly and Trump to Nigel
I want to marry an English rose lad.
Slav girls are just for training and improving my women skills.
Yes, it was a great moment in his speech. I wish Are Nige spoke for a few more minutes.
Good point. I wonder if the rural lasses are less degenerate than the urban ones.
He didn't want to be a hypocrite because of what king nigger did. Rather than endorsing Trump, he said he supported the campaign as a form of sticking it to globalists, and talked shit about Hillary.
Rural lad here. Can confirm.
Just get >>>/fit/ if you aren't yet and get out and get'em!
With urban girls degeneracy is the norm, with rural girls degeneracy is the exception.
Meanwhile, we've got lads who fought for their country in Afghan and Iraq, some of them who had to fight for days on end under extreme conditions, coming away with lost limbs and broken homes who get nothing.
One token nigger can run around a track and he's a hero of a generation, there are no words for how disgusted I am.
This is just weird for me. You are denied feeling proud about anything that makes sense, but you're supposed to feel proud for an African that wears your flag.
Ta' lad.
It's absolute bullshit.
Lads, whatever you do, don't jewgle "British rural girls".
Spread it on Twitter lads!
I understand why he done it, I don't criticize him for it, I think even without the endorcement this is going to give Trump a litle bump or at the very least re-invigor some hope in the supporters that will make Trump have a bump
Is he that Nigger that sometimes goes to Australia
Just don't do it lad. That's why.
How did Are Nige do last night?
Here's the Bing result.
The destruction of the bbc can't come soon enough.
See for yourself.
Watching it now.
Was he involved in it after that at all?
americlaps went into overdrive and he said everything that needed to be said, and perfectly at that. Obama must be stewing.
well he tweeted about it too.
No. He does his brilliant 5 minutes or so speech. It is still amazing!
That was beautiful, though the cheering and booing reminds me of a panto.
Good luck finding one, lad.
Do a access to HE where you do Maths, computing and physics
Actually do well
Then go and do a STEM at uni
Yes STEM is a meme but you will get a fairly well paying wage slave job
wage slave > NEET
anyday lad
It's America you have to take that in your stride there.
Assuming they are of the legal age…
w e w
Didn't mind it too much, just reminds me that US politics is much more of a show than anywhere else.
and out and poverty
Australia's one isn't too bad at worst there is a few bongs and nergoids
It is free for Neets. Check with your local college.
Oh shit are you over 25 lad
Sorry didn't think of that
Just refresh, lad, I was having the same issue.
I already did it once but something happened halfway through the course (unrelated, family drama) and I had a bit of a breakdown, technically I finished the course but failed at the same time. I'm not allowed free again so I have to pay
Cheers. It's working now. Thanks SA.
sucks. maybe try another college which doesn't have a record of you?
The free payment for NEETs is covered by central government so all colleges will have a record of me, I'm thinking of taking out a loan, getting a degree is all I want because it's what I need to gain a visa to work abroad outside the EU but it's also job security.
try your bank, they may give you an educational loan or smth
I think that's the first time it's fallen in more than 15 years.
Watch this you freak tbh.
Oh dear Lord, I hope they're not actually drinking Coors Light.
my type
Farage endorsing Trump. Pretty cool tbh
We will keep making the numbers drop even when they hit the negetives
Goodness, Willem Dafoe isn't looking so good these days.
It's 'murrica, it's probably the best they had on tap….
It must be them bigots being bigoted.
He's not here it doesn't matter, if he hasn't bothered to read the extensive archives Holla Forums has compiled.
That's AIDS Defoe not actual Defoe.
A man can dream. Its a good thing but probably too early to be down to Brexit and Theresa May. So if Net Migration spikes up again it'll be a good thing to get May off her arse and hopefully institute some kind of points based system.
Source please
Does this even work? Australia is still becoming a chink coloney.
It came up on Victoria Live
>along with the new ones
wew, lads
also, morning.
I really do despair for him and the people around him that care for him. He is a master ruseman if he's making it all up because I believe him. He's stuck with the persona so long and has at the least studied how real trannies argue in favour of their mental illness (I've met a real one before) that I think he's real.
He's not even going to make it as a qt trap tbh. He should really stop embarrassing himself and get going with being a man. Funnily I think I saw a flash of his manly rage last thread when he got triggered by that user who said his father must be suicidal because of him. "Tough words for a guy talking over the internet." I'm surprised nobody called him out on that and said it's not very lady like to imply you'd batter someone for disagreeing with you. Reminded me of this.
found another source:
Vote Leave went over this during the Brexit campaign, its a system that gives you a lot more control over your borders so you can let in the right number you want. They said it was down to Australia wanting more people (I doubt whether that is true but whatever).
I really do hope May blunders and doesn't get through Brexit to be quite honest just so that means Nigel gets back into UKIP as it's head and can put it in the right condition to make UKIP win
There is no way Owen Jones is 5ft 9.
Ta' lad.
im blocked
How do I become Varg, lads? No bullies
UKIP doesn't NEED to win an entire election but it would be an ideal situation. Still if UKIP won something like 20-50 seats the Tories would actually have a determined block in parliament that actually wants change. Well who can say what the future holds, I'm curious if the next financial crisis will happen before the 2020 GE.
Join a viking larp group
Well maybe in the right circumstances but honestly Australia never had the right PM to enforce it with the possible exception of Tony who was at odds with his Paty Because they're so cucked and the Senate wasn't cleared enough for him to pass anything that wasn't pozzed **Though our Senate is in a really, really good position for if you want to pass right wing stuff what with Pauline, Xenophon, Lyonjhelm, Lambie and Day and all
I fucking hate Larpers so much.
Get rich or marry a rich French woman or scrounge money off your wealthy mother and brother, and buy a big farmhouse in the French countryside.
How do I get rich, lad?
For the average 8ch NEET learning javascript and web development would be a start.
If we meet up, this is the game we should play to break the ice.
I fucking hate crypto-kikes so much.
And then 22st. user snaps your back into a million pieces.
Reminder to keep calm and hate the taigs lads.
That game doesn't tend to work with stodgy Western men,
I used to know some pagans. Well they called themselves Wiccans and were basically goths.
They totally ignored the fact that their religion had no basis in history or ancient cultures and as essentially invented in th 1940s by a fantasy author.
There is no link or connection with ancient druids and today because they never wrote anything down and were killed or converted.
I ended up making one of them my girlfriend which was nice.
Did any of you younsters get your results today?
Ivory Coast Or Cote d'Iviore as it's more commonly known as has a flag pretty similar to that of Ireland
only in french speaking countries tbh
Is that a lad or a lass?
I've seen it referred to as both in English Speaking places
God only knows.
Just cause it says coors on the glass doesn't mean it's coors. Lots of bars just serve beer in whatever glassware (prolly get some deal from coors for using that). That stuff's way too dark to be a macrobrew lager.
The Boongs have a word for something like that, something like BrotherSister, Can't remember what it's called but I do recall them having this thing where they cut open their dicks so the kids can insert their dicks in the dicks of the elder, I'll try and find a source
Agreed, though it could just be the lighting that makes it look dark.
I was talking about the empty bottles on the table. They look like they have a silver label.
"muh diversity"ers are clueless.
Rural France isn't that expensive lad
Love this channel tbh.
Also that's taking Daily dose to an all new level
Odd but I've just noticed this is a 6 min clip played twice. Wew Snarf.
its literally cheaper than Phils
Why can't white people just let things live?
How innocent of them
great now i have an erection you happy lad?
Yeah. Tbh I am disgusted by gore and shit, but I'd fuck her inside that horse. After marrying her of course.
There's a very clear line between celebrating a kill and bathing nude in it's guts for attention. Women ruin everything.
Niggers are the worst for animal abuse
They have a bad problem with psychological projection
i think a smiling blonde woman, naked and covered from head to toe in blood, her hair streaked with the gore is one of the more unique fetishes tbh
Feeling tempted by this one
Celtic af tbh
We all do
lads……I fapped to this
I love tanlines and she seems to have tanned with a high waist thong on
pretty sxc tbh
Would dominate whilst also covered in the blood of the hunted
Lads, how do you avoid procrastination?
How do you focus on one thing at a time?
My attention span is fucking shit
how do I desensitise myself so I can kill things, lad? I think one of my problems is empathy, and that I am so disgusted with my own body and overly aware of things like muscle and tendons and bone. I wouldn't be able to cut someone else' tendons without imagining doing it to my own.
definitely a celtic one
looks a bit fake, larpy and probably something paid for by a wiccan magazine
Looks like the welshies on Brit/pol/ are having fun.
I thought Samurai swords where supposed to be soft and bend rather than chip/snap?
You just tell yourself that you're going to do something and do it.
It's the only way.
You and I both know you can do that if you really want to.
kek, I remember when those were first posted a few years ago. She wanted to reenact the scene of out Star Wars
Find something to get extremely Autistic about
Look at some picture of Nude Aborigines
There, you have an idea of something so horrifing that you won't be effected by killing a bunch of what ever
Why, lad? I am disgusted by it tbh. Either tan nude or avoid sunlight tbh.
Gay tbh
Looks pretty nice tbh
I disconnect my modem, tbh.
I hope she enjoys melanoma.
so he trimmed his mustache?
He didn't want to be compared to Hitler
nope, they are brittle as fuck
you have to slice with the blade not chop otherwise this happens
Are you disgusted by it?
nah chink ones did that and old iron age european ones did too
samurai wore between 2 and 3 swords usually so they could make them hard, sharp and brittle and not worry about breaking the first one because they have a second on reserve
How do we control the narrative on this, lads? Let's link it to Brexit, which succeeded.
Fire up those Twitter accounts.
heres a thought
actually get cut/stabbed yourself
i thought something similar until i got stabbed twice in the thighs and in the gut
The edge is hardened, but the back is supposed to be soft, which is why you get vid related
keep your americanised whores tbh lad
Might be an idea tbh
Why did you change your mind, lad?
I think you are perpetuating myths, lad. They are brittle/hard at the edge and soft at the back. smh.
Wasnt talking to you
This is an A and B conversation, so C your way out
Ain't that because of the shit tier steel
the shit steel doesnt help
thats kid of what i meant lad
i thought you ment proper bendy, the old Halstatt swords could become warped in battle and quite frequently had to be straightened against the ground with their foot
because after getting puncture wounds myself i could imagine what they felt like
the feeling of a knife puncturing fat and skin is different from the feeling a knife cutting muscle and sinew
I don't get it, lad. Explain it to me as if I was a baby.
like skin resists a little, fat barely and muscle and sinew is like cutting elastic bands
How does knowing that help me, lad?
I thought Ruislip was a hotbed of alt right activity.
Still can't get over the fact he made a very cringe and autistic video about how he wants people to stop bullying the frogs over their military history
I don't like Russia but this is fucking ridiculous.
if you want a more in detail knowledge of it then stab yourself dingus
The heathens are trying to uncuck themselves atm.
That's fine but don't make a "LEAVE BRITNEY ALONE"-tier video about it tbh
Based on what, lad?
I don't want to, lad.
He does the same with katana fanboys, lad. It's because of how often that shit is posted in the comments.
Who /thinking/ here?
i kinda wanna lop this fat bastards right arm off at the elbow with an axe and if he screams 'why did you do that!'
just say 'you didnt earn that torc lad'
He has a particularly gay face. Do you know what I mean?
Why do faggots have a particular face, gay genes?
I guess I just don't like swearing in my educational videos tbh
Being one of the remaining bastions of White Britishness in London. The rest of London is pozzed beyond belief.
Doesn't the burkini go against France's secularism laws.
Don't see how that'd make it alt-right.
It's also not that great.
We don't
Holla Forums has always been contrarian and when they see their ideas posted on mainstream news sites they'll abandon all association they have with the alt right.
Why are you shitting on the alt-right fam? It's done more in a year than Stormcuck has done in 20. What memes have infiltrated the normiesphere from Stormfag, zero. Meanwhile, the alt-right have White Genocide and Cuckservative, which every journalist now knows about and which the Trumpenfuhrer himself retweeted.
I don't like the alt-right but the point of it was that it should encompass everything Holla Forums, not just a certain ideology so it describes us tbh.
How long before we see a French plod officer rugby tackle a sandnigger in a Burkini?
There was an 18 year old ginger Labour party member and campaigner I was sort of friendly with at work who was obsessed with the guy in the middle (Tyler Oakley) yet claimed he was not a fag. I could understand if he picked a popular youtube homo at random to signal he was for homo equality or w/e but I'm pretty sure he was telling the truth that he watched all the videos in his spare time, because he seemed to be able to recall them with lots of details.
He too had gayface but dressed like a geography teacher. I'm not sure if he was autism or not. Maybe something else I don't know the name of; 'tism gets thrown around too often tbh.
I kinda think of the Alt-Right as Ebaum's World, though I don't like that TRS radio uses it because they're more closely aligned with the Holla Forums view than the Alt-Right View
"a real viking wouldn't cry at the mere loss of an arm"
What is it with Rangas and being the most vocal cucks The only good ones I can think of are Australian, like Pauline, but even she's counted by Jullia's Dyed mop
i dont see captain birdseye there doing anything but writhe around on the floor screeching in a rapidly spreading pool of his blood, urine and shit
kek, i love messing with larpers like this
Lads why were we fine with Cuckstianity for so long?
Because Miscegenation man told us it was good.
Because the first religions to be purged need to be the Jewish and Islam religions, we can settle religious disputes after Moshe, Ahmed and Jamal are gone
tbh lad our most christian period was after the saxons got cucked by missionaries and while the normans ruled us
Romano-British celts practiced a pseudo-Christianity and as soon as the Plantagenet norman dynasty fell and was replaced with the Tudors Christianity and the power of Rome began to wane in Britain
so how did they control the people, lad? It's like opium, lad
bread and wine for the plebs and tell them how the world works regularly while you feed them, ensuring the literate stay celibate and in your cult and outlawing all forms of banking save yourselves for centuries
but it happened and I can't believe it
Remove the Jew First, then we can talk about Religion
Religion must take a back foot to making Whites great again
If I never see another Pepe ever again, or if I never see ttpw's trip again, I'll be happy.
WATCH: Jewish Family In East London Told To ‘F*ck Off Back To Isra-hell’
attention seeker tbh. I guess stupid stunts is one way to make a living
>4) Forced participation in the lifestyle
We must be at stage 4 of cultural conquest
Need motivation to go to the gym today
Pepe did nothing wrong
The only thing wrong is when people say it as Pehpay and not Peep, I mean you don't say Meme as Mehmay, it's Meem
fucking jews
If you don't do it we'll all know you pussied out
i am a dumb fat NEET and I go to the gym regularly. Don't let me be better than you, lad
alright lad, i'll have some honey on toast then go
Leviticus 18:22
Leviticus 20:13
1 Corinthians 6:9
the future you choose
Chris-Chan did nothing wrong
My thoughts exactly tbh
not to mention
Romans 1:24-28
New Testament quotes really annoy them more for some reason. I guess it is harder for them to dismiss.
looks comfy af in there, also that bloody hair is making my dingle tingle
Why do autists love rugby shirts so much?
No jap swords are a fucking joke, they chip and snap easily.
I wish I could find that old gif of someone hitting a katana with a western sword almost snapping it clean in two.
ah you beat me 2 it
heres one of katana beating rapier though
They then try to dismiss it with "oh but JESUS didn't say that! :))))"
Is this """"comedian""" even more of a stupid cunt than Frankie Boyle?
Tbf they never fought European steel in the medieval era so they never bothered to improve their craft to beat it.
Lad that's a longsword beating a rapier.
cringeworthy tbh.
they never try this with muslims for some reason
btw Tatchell quotes himself on his twitter page.
he truly finds himself an inspiration to himself!
Depends on how high quality they are. A good sword will come from a proper swordsmith
Their swords are more like scalpels, designed for precision cuts.
Good lad
Absolutely. The more non white countries divide in on themselves the better.
China splitting would be great for this reason too. South Brazil as well - that'd create a new white nation.
i realised that as soon as i posted it
i should really name things properly tbh
Anti-Sharia Ads Censored On London Transport
That is not a rapier and that is not a katana. That's an epee. Retarded sport "swords". Other sword is a great sword.
>French """swords"""
nose ring
He survived a plan crash, how is that a bad thing?
"hurr hurr he got hurt el oh el"
Looks a bit like Ginnie tbh
They wanted it to crash with no survivors.
Pamela Geller is a gross unterfrauen. Spoilered because I care about decency.
Anastasia Kyriacou - Advocacy & Press Officer
that's my point, lad
Nigel was on point meeting Trump, notice Trumps submissive stance whlie Nigel is there.
The salt is delicious
Any more Nigel in America news?
I can't even see the nose ring properly, it just looks like a bead of sweat and if so, just a nose stud.
SHe has a youtube channel
somebody needs to fuck some sense into that bitch
no disrespect
Thank God.
I thought that was news until I realised the source was a petition.
Would hate fuck tbh
too late
Wew, defo Greek, she's already got the formation of a Greek granny jaw going on.
She'll have to die like the rest of them.
Have some self respect user.
That's never stopped the Clintons
Greek women are notorious coal burners just look at that Tulisa bint
I thought it was pro-Muslim for a sec
Holla Forums seems to have broken images on external apps
Fuck I hate using my phones browser for chans
Hey brit/pol/ Here's a tool that we for making propaganda may mays. You can do a shitty photoshop then run it through these filters and it will look like art.
Paintbrush propaganda filters:
We need a "friends for life" edition.
It's also full of irritating cunts that nothing about anything, except that they feed in some sort of vortex of moron energy all thinking they're correct. Public consciousness in this country is so fucked tbh.
Record 27.5 Per Cent Of UK Births To Foreign-Born Women
Greek girls must be wholesomely purged and replaced with traditionalist Slav qt3.14. Never met a Greek girl who wasn't a full blown degenerate race traitor on her ride of the cock carousel.
They haven't got a glorious island-fortress
And I live in Greece.
Poland overtakes India as country of origin, UK migration statistics show
Oh shit, get the diggers out. There's salt aplenty.
I would become cum
Those dubs don't lie
Dubs confirm.
It's pretty dangerous to have a beach like that without a Lifeguard to be honest
Even as we speak, the future of the anglo race is being birthed from the wombs of Polish women.
Is anyone having trouble hovering over images? mine arent showing up when i hover over them
I generally loathe yanks but i like this image
I can answer the Question for Africans
In their water there is usually stuff that you wouldn't like to swim with like Crocodiles, while also Whites can swim so we can move more efficiently in cold water so we can catch fish
Every Race difference can be explained by conditions of that Races place of Divergence
Make one wallpaper size please.
And now it is used to recreate the foreign invasion of Britain.
Give it a few years and it will be just like home!
>People willingly travel to this shitliterallyhole
Why live, lads?
I saw this documentary about India, these holy men just reach into the funeral pyre and grab some burnt decaying flesh or wood and eat it.
Are those space marines with animal DNA? Why?
India is what happens when you bring western medicine and technology to people who cant leave the dark ages
I would the girl on the right
Domesticated dogs so niggerized now. Who thought it was a good idea to breed them smaller, weaker and uglier rather than keeping them big, strong and noble?
Yeah, Wolf DNA, I think it has something to do with Leman Russ the Primarch of the Space Wolves crash Landing on a wolf planet and getting raised as a wolf
if you were going to fight a wolf what non-ranged weapon would you use
Lefties, probably.
Not really IIRC. But there's some fuckery with their genetic seed which can cause initiates to turn into feral wolf-like beings or something during initiation. The space wolves are generally viewed as one of the borderline heretical chapters of the remaining loyal ones and they regularly clash with the inquisition. They also have their own special snowflake tier of psychic powers that their sages use but they claim there's nothing heretical about it
The shield of the Trinity
Looks great.
Small dogs have different uses. Obviously some are toy breeds though. I am a
myself though tbh
a boar spear tbh
The reason we have domestic dogs is that we had a relationship with wolves where we help each other and the wolves adapted to better work with that relationship
>Not wanting to Hold hands with a Sister of Battle and then get killed because that's Heresy
Border Collies are the Best
Not sure if it's true, but it was supposedly used to hunt and kill tigers. Same concept as
plus all the selective breeding where we kill the too aggressive or wild ones and only breed the more docile smarter ones that could follow commands
Done. (Made with
Dogs are pretty great and h'white tbh
looks a bit stupid tbh
that would only kill a tiger if you charged it headlong into its flank through its rib cage
and if it gets on your side what do you do?
hit it with the blunt end?
smh lad
is this why it hates me, lads?
I would be concerned that it could leap past a normal spear and then once it's close in it would be game over.
The lion is the British national animal tbh. We didn't have any lions so we just conquered some countries with lions in them.
Yes, rightfully so. What kind of person doesn't have fun with dogs?
boars heads arent as regal and powerful looking though
well if you're going to be pedantic about it
Are there statistics on how much migrant and non-white communities use benefits? Asking so I can store the statistics to understand how fucked things will be when one day the Government cannot afford to pay said benefits.
I suppose maybe a halberd or poleaxe would be better for a wolf tbh.
It just became a chore for me, and unlike myself, the dog always wants to have fun.
surely Bulldog is the most British of animals
You sound pretty cynical tbh. The dog probably wants to cheer you up lad
You can always have Steven Woolfe
Girls who have massive dogs usually fuck them tbh
Theres other reason to have a dog that big as a woman
I am cynical. Maybe I'm just projecting on the dog. smh. Then again it wasn't my dog. I'm sure I'd like it more if it was.
He lacks the aryan hair, lad.
First for
0.10 shekels deposited into your account
Build a government!
you have a point lads
Pretty cute tbh
They're more exuberant?
There are a lot of problems with the measurement of such facts.
The fucking media, lads. It reads like satire, but it's like this all the time, and at the same time the people who agree with it pretend to be underdogs as if the media is somehow against them.
Can't wait for the media to bash Nigel while the people are either for it or don't really care
I nearly lost my shit earlier today about the same thing. Just got to keep your eye on the ball lad and build a secure foundation for when it all comes tumbling down.
they're still calling him a banker in this article
I question how much of the 4 Million 'British' claimants are actually british. But the numbers for claiming tax credits show a lot of 'non-UK'. I imagine this number has only gone up, but I don't think our situation of gibsmedats is quite as bad as in the USA.
Or I could be wrong. Either way the Establishment will want to massage down such numbers. Not that it will matter when the Govt can no longer pay for them.
I've seen some articles in the Telegraph reporting that a very high number of Muslims is on gibs, with a close to 80% of women or smth.
Good job lad
Why do they not even try to not be wrong about things?
wew lads, hope you cancelled your BBC TV licenses
Did Cornwell actually write that?
Is it a quote by one of his characters? I didn't realise he was based. I've got a house full of his books on account of my navy-obsessed father.
iirc it's from "The Last Kingdom", although I doubt they put that line in the TV version.
You know he wrote Sharpe as well mate? And a novel series about king Arthur. For someone who emigrated to the USA he writes some pretty Patriotic stuff
Probably will backfire for the BBC. God I wish we could make Stefan Molyneux dictator for one year just so he would destroy the BBC for being a publically funded state broadcaster.
I'm not an evolutionary biologist but I always assumed that before that, there was a point in history (or pre-History) where we went from fiercely competitive predators (or more often one being the others prey) to developing a kind of respect for each other. A hesitation to fight each other in the same territory because it was high risk for both species. And so leading to us sharing territory more often. Then begins domestication because humans are smarter.
Probably not so strange as it seems, lad. Patriotic people tend to struggle accepting the shit reality we're in so they often get grass is greener syndrome
well I'll be damned
I'm sure it will be great.
Would like to live there.
There's the theory about how wolves got attracted by the garbage and leftovers the early men threw out on the borders of their village and that lead to more nonviolent contact
It's fucking galling isn't it, lad?
But take heart in the fact that an ever-increasing number of people can see these leftist/globalist shock troops for what they are: school prefects with delusions of rebelliousness.
Reading the comments section on the guardian's article about the alt-right yesterday was fucking painful. It did, at least, cement in my mind the fact that our opposition - the people we are going to do battle with - understand not a single thing about us, nor the concerns of the wider public. They are still just as demented, as solipsistic, as inhumanly smug and as narcissistic as ever they were.
I believe that, ultimately, they will get what they always thought they wanted: to be shunned, abused and detested, and possibly wiped out or put in work camps. The desire of the leftist to be seen as a noble victim will dissolve the very second they see just how hated they are by the righteously indignant masses, whom they have condescended to and ignored or ridiculed the interests of. People will remember that these leftist traitors (for this is all the leftist is, at root) have gleefully sold us all down the river, whilst (somehow) deluding themselves that they are the sole defenders of the common man.
would enjoy
she would have loved it too
Nothing wrong with more huwites tbh lad.
start with removing kebab instead of going for the low hanging fruits
I lost my virginity to a chubby Pole. tbh
For fuck sake. They strawmanned a similar speech he made right after the referendum result. This has got to be deliberate. He obviously meant that after supporters of leaving the EU were smeared as stupid racialist and underclass, that the win by 1.7 million votes obviously disproves that.
so glad they are going bust faster than the guardian tbh
I'm surprised that sometimes the top comments on the BBC news (when they allow comments sections) can be surprisingly based. Been a while since I checked so maybe my opinion will have changed now, but I do take heart in it.
Pretty disgusting tbh lad
1) well done
2) you don't learn to drive in a Ferrari
3) you should have married her
Yeah you're right, Indians should remain the biggest influx.
Fuck offffff
I rather fancied a chubby Pole I met in college a few years ago, still regret that it didn't come to anything tbh.
Great post.
God wills it!
Yeah having none would be good in fantasy land, but if we're going to be flooded with Pakis and Pajeets I'd rather have Poles to balance it out a bit
I find Slav women to be friendly, and pretty based (one complained to me on our British values of multiculturalism and diversity during our date, and I sperged about Hitler shortly after, but that's another story).
KEK how did she react about uncle A?
Poles are more likely to breed with blacks and pakis too so it insulates native brits from miscegenation. Makes it easier to disentangle them from our society when the time comes tbh.
1) thanks
2) true, this is my approach
3) why? no way, I want a rural English girl
Jesus Christ. Gordon’s fetish fiction is even worse than I thought it would be:
Better than an Estonian tbh
Everytime brit/pol/ talks about foreign invasion and interbreeding and non-indigeneous fertility, etc I just look at the poal that showed none of you have children so you're part of the problem
I guess she wasn't a beanpole then
Ha ha ha ha
Wanna link it or?:)
Also, thought you might like this little gem from the comments:
What fucking disarray?
The jews and their lackeys so WANT to believe that the vote for brexit has had massive, calamitous repercussions….but where the fuck are they???
Truly, they all live in an (ironically) utterly bourgeois ideological bubble of delusion.
As I said here you should take heart in the fact that the normies are waking up, and when they do start taking an interest in the prevailing paradigm, and those most vociferously in support of it; they cannot fail to see the hypocritical insanity, narcissism and decadence of these (((globalist)))-appointed 'defenders of the huddled masses'. When they do: they get angry.
I've said it before (and I'll say it again), we, on this site, and in the extended far-right, will actually end up being a moderating force over the indignant normies.
To the guardian-reading leftist, politics is all just a game: a bit of (semi) intellectual fun for the perennially comfortable to indulge in. Nothing ever changes. Nothing is ever harmed. No one ever really loses. When such people have a strangle hold on political discourse, and as it becomes increasingly self-evident that their influence DOES and HAS had a profound negative impact on society; then the only available (and desirable) remedy becomes violent and vengeful retribution against this terrible stratum.
Gordon is always good for suprises. I thought it ended with his vore fetishes but he never fails to deliver
nvm read that as "none of you want children" which would make more sense.
Many of us are young and not ready for children but we'd still like them eventually, at least that applies to me
Something tells me if he was /fit/ he'd be a dangerous lad.
Is this real?
This man thinks he's virtuous.
Jesus fucking christ…this world is so messed up.
I don't think I'll be able to look at Gord the same again..
We want children, but we are NEET. Moreover, many of us aren't /fit/.
user Who Thought He'd Lost All Sympathy For Gordon Loses Last Bit Of Sympathy He Didn't Even Know He Had
The user being me.
Seriously fucking heck. When is this cunt just going to end it?
As if he wasn't already disgusting enough.
Are WELSH WOMEN any good?
witches with leeks, what do you think?
Didn't Peter Hitchens have three children?
Welsh women are made for Welsh dick, lad…
Just finished reading a book containing the memories of a woman who lived in my home town back before the first world war Which she always refers to as the 1914/1918 war she moved away in her teens and only returned in her 80's. Very interesting read but very sad, she talks about how difficult life was but people tried to be happy, always singing and dancing and playing and a lot of kindness about. Now life is easy in comparison but people seem to try to be unhappy, or at least happiness passes them by.
She writes that the view back then was "The poor helped the poor." now the poor expect to be helped from above and act like insolent children when they don't get exactly what they want. And those from above act in way unbecoming of them, they want to be seen as though they are of the people but we know they aren't, its like watching someone in a tuxedo smearing pigshit on their face to fit in with the peasants.
She doesn't even mention unemployment until its effects after ww1, when men who were in government employ found themselves without, now we are proud to have only 5% of the population without any work, that's only 3.2 million people! The lowest its been since 2005! And that's supposed to be a good statistic? Truly it seems though WW1 was the end for us yet we did not realise it
He's currently writing a story about female weresharks who are able to regenerate their health so they can be mutilated for sexual pleasure
Easily straight up serial killer
Welsh sounds like an Elvish language to me.
what are those blotches?
Is this meant to be a bad thing?
Post more welsh women
I was exposed to all these memes after long after becoming red pilled.
Wonder how cucks see them.
And they're counter as native Britons statistically, too.
I'm trying not to have some sort of black pill nosebleed here.
Yes good goys Pols are your number one issue right now :^)
cant have whites taking the kebab's place, that would be anudda shoah!
Amateurish shilling tbh, expected better from you
Anyway, just want to reiterate for newfags that a key to getting a girl is to stop being a fat slob. Get >>>/fit/
Fuck off already
Agreed, but getting fit won't stop them being a spergy NEET
Nah, the average man is way stronger than the average woman. It is easy for a man to get a woman. It's just that us huwhites are able to restrain ourselves.
We need to remove them from these lands.
Absolutely no point in breeding if the future isn't secured.
There will always be enough white people having kids that the population won't go extinct. It might reduce back to pre industrialisation levels but that's no an extinction.
Quality over quantity lads.
Eh I think it's a personality thing to be honest.
This. When I got fit it just made things worse. I got attention and didn't know how to handle it, and women actually seemingly liking my appearance only made them visible disappointed when I opened my mouth
So it's true what they say about englishmen
What did you say to them lad?
Man if you can actually get positive attention without saying anything it's a hell of a start. Could even give you confidence to speak better
Welsh women are fat and short, you fucked a dwarf lad.
Of course, but once you are /fit/ then you will start attracting quality women. As your confidence grows you get /fa/ and attract pic related.
Yeah because wage compression and the erasure of British culture are such good things. This is a nationalist thread, go somewhere else if you don't like that.
I seriously hope nobody here watches his videos in full. What a colossal waste of time.
The fuck is with those spots? Has someone been at it with a dalmatian?
Probably a sense of humour and confidence is more important. Difficult when all you can foresee is this country enslaved to the globalist agenda and ravaged by ethnic and religions tensions.
I've already said
But you keep shilling against Poles and only Poles for some reason, why is that?
Blessed shall he be who takes your little ones
and dashes them against the rock!
Psalm 137:9
I don't know. Anything. I'm not a good speaker. I always fuck up. I always rush my stories and cut them short, and I am not funny or confident. smh. Also I got nothing to talk about. smh
Obviously it's an exaggeration, I just always feel like people are looking at me. Bullying me silently in their minds.
Don't forget the impending peak oil/debt timebomb and the economic crisis/world war that they'll spark within your lifetime
Consider yourself bullied :^)
Also just pretend to be a mute. Some women have helper's syndrome and will fall for a cripple
Learn to talk and converse properly.
probably more like 50% non indigenous to these isles
Hotwheels pls
it could work out in our favour and bring things to a head sooner, rather that a slow decline
7245555 GET
I got it I got it
What marvellous fiction. You should consider a career writing for the "B"BC.
Can't help you with your sense of humor. Have you ever looked up self-help guides on how to maintain a conversation?
Getting /fit/ is just a beginning.
Look at Gordon. He can talk, but is definitely not fit.
This is your average city/university whore lads
Women are fucking horrendous to deal with in cities if they aren't "educated" tumblristas they're chav slags. I honestly can't be doing with their shit.
It's true though. I recently talked to an alcoholic and his ex bought him things like an xbox. She was even so helpful that she bought him alcohol because he deserved a treat every now and then
Sperging is not talking.
breddy gud
Brit/pol gets it all!
We have the general problems of binge-drinking degeneracy and sluttyness here, but I'm guessing you'd never really be interested in those sorts anyway (wherever they're from). We don't really have feminists. Also, I'm sure the women from rural wales are probably often really nice.
Having said all that, this lad is right:
I just want to be left alone and get a wife that doesn't speak unless spoken to, lad.
Well that's pretty much what I do. I act like a big baby and it's obvious people, women and some men feel sorry for me and want to help me, but it only makes the big alphas angry with me and it's obvious they hate me and want to hurt me. I try to change, and it's easy for me visualise how I should act while sitting at home, but as soon as I am around other people I just instinctively become a pathetic loser. smh
sure, but it never sticks.
why so much work, lads? My brother just got all this on birth.
Chaos is an opportunity lad, how are you preparing for the collapse?
sure lad
Why are you posting models as if they are pure and moral?
They're coked up interracial sluts.
I want the one on the left. No bullies.
I don't doubt that. Hotwheels lost his wizardhood to a girl who was like that. She was also, predictably, insane
Can't have it all when you're an autistic NEET yourself, tbh
Because you're a man, lad, it's a lot of work but the reward is unparalleled
Well all I can suggest is you start to browse /improve/ and figure out for yourself how to sort your life out, because you can always fix things if you know how to do it.
I'm looking for traditional English women lad. This is what comes up among the sea of images of pakis and blacks.
I think the user who posted this image a few threads ago was right. UKIP can be subverted for our means. A lot of them may yet be Civic Nationalists but I feel a lot of them know something instictually wrong with the demographic replacement going on. Even I felt that way before I started to get redpilled.
Bravo Kikewheels.
He isn't involved with the site.
thanks, I really should have screenshotted it and put it in my post.
no worries, we are here for each other
Important poal (no yanks allowed)
Since when? I only browse Brit/pol/ tbh.
the format of the filename has changed again. It used to be the unix timestamp, now it appears to be some 256bit hash.
for a while now, can't recall exactly but lads at >>>Holla Forums discussed it a while ago
yes, I quite liked the previous format tbh
How do I cure these lads? Swear everyone thinks I'm a junkie from having them
What a great future we've been handed.
We either need to commit a massive pan European genocide of non whites or accept our fate.
I don't think people have the stomach for genocide considering they don't even have the stomach for deportation.
ahah lol!
at least when you sorted alpabetically they came out it time order too
A lot of us did pretty shit at school tbf lad
Are you drinking more than 8 pints of water a day?
Nice strawman, Worzel but it won't work on me. We're not so stupid here that we can't recognise and deal with multiple problems simultaneously.
Lad that's proper retard level
Doubt I drink that much… does drinking too much cause them?
Better complain about the Poles then
Actually I read it again and you're right tbh, that's pretty bad
yes, it was a better solution
You should drink a lot of water (no beers).
Get some sun, lad.
Tbh you don't need a lot of people for mass deportation or genocide, just some willing heads of government and complacent majority of the populace. Just like today the majority is just apathetic to what happens around them
I think relating it to Brexit just opens too many rabbit holes, such as the idea that near-half the country voted to the contrary, that it has caused division, all the same bullshit arguments we've heard over here could be solidified in America and used as an example of what might happen to them if Trump wins, etc. Lets not compare it to Brexit, we know their retorts.
Besides, I'm pretty sure Nigel said he didn't like himself or Brexit being compared to Trump 1:1, like they're one in the same. They're not lads. They agree on the same principles, but Brexit is not the exact same as what's happening in America right now, as he says in this Fox interview.
aight thanks
Who else
Cornwall or Kent would be pretty comfy tbh
Not sure if she should retake GCSEs since that such poor grades in these two bars most people from even clearing universities.
In any case you ought to advise her that her life isn't decided yet, but if she wants to get into a good university and secure a good career she needs to do the following
The idea that what the OP in that image suggests is in any way palatable to normies is a pipe dream IMO. At least within any reasonable amount of time to save the country from losing its national identity.
Anyone else waiting for alex jones to upload a video jizzing over trump/farage?
i know i am
She shouldnt go to uni with those grades, I couldn't see her passing at all. She should learn a trade and earn £100,000 a month
Quads confirm it.
The duo of madmen will save the fucking west.
Emperor rewards EU slayer with his gift of glory!
Honestly I dislike trump as a politician lads, he's nothing like Nige.
I think the shadows in images like these in particular really give off a gritty tone, like these guys mean business, do you get what I mean?
You barely ever see Hillary in a bad lighting environment, where shadows are on the side of everyone's face, giving completely unflattering looks that portray seriousness and or fight, instead of flight.
Do you like him as Der Leader?
What is palatable to normies now may not be what is palatable in the future. Things are going to get crazy, and ethnonationalism is the future simply as a matter of self-preservation let alone what we might see by shfiting the overton window.
The question of time is a tricky one, on the one hand there will be more non-Brits here, on the other the more fucked things get the easier it is to redpill people. I mean, there was a recent poll in the USA that showed that what 65% of American whites would consider voting nativist? Thats fairly significant imo. The image isn't proposing a full-ethnonationalist party, just one that brings de facto ethnonationalism so thus it would be more palatable to normies than what is readilly apparent.
And if things can't be solved democratically, then having a party that networks people together could be useful in the event of mass unrest, rioting, revolt or civil war.
Do you think he has a Nige and Farage plushie? Better yet, do you think they have a plushie of him?
Im 17 lad
The lesser of several evils, tbqh.
Show us your bp lad
Nigel made Trump look like bit of an amateur there.
I dont think they make them
They have thse those
Might buy one for banter tbh lad
How come? What do you mean by that?
Would she want a filthy whore like you though, that's the question.
Based water filter salesman
Have you lads seen him go fucking nuts on Piers about the 2a? It's fucking brutal
Trump just got a master class demonstration in how to appear charismatic without looking like a cuck.
I'm dying, thank you.
she looks like a pure English rose there but evey night she's on the receiving end of some nubian seed
Staithes tbh.
Coming right up lad, lemme shave
I don't think Trump is a cuck. Why do you think so?
End this blacked fetish of yours lad.
She should give it a shot tbh. If she focuses her life on dedicated studying she'll know very quickly whether she's neurologically impaired or was just never lifting a finger.
Even if she wants to go into employment rather than further education I still think she may have to retake those exams.
I'm still doubtful it will be so easy when you have things like Antifa/vocal self entitled whites and xenos running around.
The Police aren't going to flip a switch and become RWDS unless they know their wages are secured.
Basically I think by the time people start warming to the
Can't wait to see that pure English bussy.
Muslim women are the most disadvantaged group in Britain because of Islamophobia.
Looks amazing! How's diversity index?
Im honestly debating paying £30 for the big one
Yep, been watching alex for years
He is literally a filter, the people who need to hear his message hear it, the rest get filtered when they run away from him yelling
kys this is why we will die out
or maybe its because they want unemployment gibs and come from a culture that places women as homemakers, wives (and slaves) and not as workers?
I mean
Looks heavenly.
Are there more bridges along the river?
We must give them more gibs. White cucks can pay for it.
LAd it's just some good honest fun
Ye lad it's gonna be a real sight
Just cut the funding for Antifa and knock the whiners on the head once or twice. They aren't like 1920's commies, they're fat sissies that will shrivel up at the first sign of trouble when they realize they can no longer cry to the media about their "plight"
I didn't see a single non-white in the whole week there. Paradise imho
Not to my knowledge. The river gets really shallow further up, and there's several fords. At low tide you can walk across.
I didn't say that you mong
If you're not aware of Trumps PR trouble I won't bother tbh
but there's four people
The best timeline
Wouldn't rape any of them because I'm not some savage foreigner
Would probably marry #4
#2 looks a bit of a luvvie so I'd avoid her
I agree wholeheartedly, the government must introduce a plan to tackle Islam
Absolutely correct unfortunately. Though not for the reasons that he doubtlessly means.
says nothing against taking pics of ur boipucci and sending them to your internet m8s
I hope they live to the day of the rope
I'd rate all of them tbh.
Thanks for the advice lads. It's not like I can't afford uni, it's just that I wasn't ready for it out of school and thought maybe I should work a year to get some money and experience. After 40 applications and a three months job in a call center I became a fucking NEET. I'll be drafted in some months anyway for service and will start uni after it, the problem is just that I live like pic related and it fucks with your mind and is hell and I'd rather clean toilets than being a NEET one more day.
sry for hugbox
I was out of following the news for a while lad.
I was a virgin until very recent.
I bet he didn't even make five kids with that
looks like my life and I graduated from uni
Why rotate your desk and computer at 7am?
Why do women hate nationalism so much?
Add these to your collection lad
Currently listening to Rammstein lads.
I don't know where the Corporatist bit comes from
We don't know user. Tell us!
They're also completely ignoring the fact that it was retaliating against the EU's one.
What did i miss lads, was his performance really good?
They're lefties tbh
David Lammy should just fuck off back to Africa if he hates the Empire so much.
Actually he can just fuck off back to Africa anyway because he's black.
New wallpaper
It's in their genes or something like that, men are the protectors, women's suffrage was a mistake
Ty lad
£100,000 A WEEK
I think this "normies asking about politics" meme could go places lad.
It just needs a follow up laughing picture with them mocking the response and blaming it on evil racists.
Pretty edgy lad
That's OK. I get some gibs and have an online business.
Which is how you should've stayed until getting married to a pure traditional qt. You might've deserved someone like that then.
Bar wench is the qtest of them
29º and the sun is blazing.
Also I'd press the first button, Britain's worth the sacrifice.
Why are you a fag lad?
Check the OP, lad.
I missed the fun posting, was referring to that, any good OC?
How do I become moral like you?
These people unironically think we could be where we are today without the violence of the past.
Like we could sit around and suck each other's cocks in a big peace sign and the world would be magical and free.
I also love how they never speak of the savagery of the natives and how we ended slavery.
Be ugly as fuck
Imagine shitposting with this view.
You're only pulling that face because you haven't seen my supremo boipussy
Too late now, degenerate.
You're so internally degenerate and arguably passionate about the "Gays aren't allowed to exist" meme, that you can't see when people aren't being serious about showing their bussy on the 'net just to work up fags in denial like yourself.
Here's a pic of nude Leslie Jones. I'd rather fuck a qt trap than that, can't you agree? :^)
Who /thinking/ here?
Really makes me think
It's no use trying to appease them about the slavery thing tbh. It's not like Jesus condemned slavery even. We beat their savage rapist ancestors and made them work for us: no use being ashamed of winning.
Truly compels me to consider tbh
Just tired of this nation going down the tubes lad
You think gays are driving this country down the tubes? You're disillusioned lad. And you know what I mean by that ;)
Being disillusioned means you're disappointed after trying it. Oops.
Clearly replying to your question
strip that bit off after the ?
They use it to track who generated and who opened your link.
Fearful that I got even the slightest implication that you might be gay from your tongue? Jesus Christ you really are paranoid.
Thanks for the diagnosis internet psychiatrist
Doubt it's that good tbh lad.
I was only joking lad so no probably not
i saved it
You cheeky cunt m8. Nah for real tho, I really despise the hatred for gays and trans people. It's getting just as bad as feminism at this point, it's undeserved. I absolutely understand the idea that the trans community and the gay community is becoming increasingly more political, and I personally don't like any of what they're doing, whether it be poly-gender bathrooms at the DNC, or the idea that Gay people might be able to get away with things straight people wouldn't for fear of the prosecutor being labeled homophobic, etc.
I'll call gay groups cancer, but I won't call the single gay man cancer. Persuade me otherwise with data.
Diseases are not so forgiving.
>those knees
looks like she spends a lot of time on them
just slavs lad
ancient women didn't slut around lad because their fathers would have wrung their pencil thin woman necks, stop with the muh utopian past lad. don't enable modern sluts with zero appreciation for the actual metaphysical being of the ancients to adopt their trappings and wear it out as another avenue to attentionwhore and make men fight over them