Things that rustle you


Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck does that mean


That's a good question, OP. Every time I see a pic of hot yoga girls there's always a man in there to gay it up.
I blame the jews.




toppu kekku

fuck you Maslow

That's not how that pyramid works


OK, let's move on, now…

Baguette Pam Pom


Red nail polish

Oh shit yes, user! I'm with you there. It makes me see red… er… you know what I mean

Jews, Blacks, This Thread. Anything Else? Nope.

I plan my lifestyle very carefully in order to trap myself on the red and orange levels so that I will never be obligated to give a fuck about the other bullshit. I enjoy a simple life.

What a sneaky little kike.

Penguins niggers

So edgy

Nigger penguins?
