Creepy 1990 Trump Comic "The Wall"

1990 Trump Comic depicts Trump being involved in the building of two walls, first one with another guy, and the last one by himself. In the comic Trump ends up passing out hats and riling up the poor in order to get into power.

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We call that a "coincidence".

this is some last-decade meme magic

there's a jew cockroach at the end of the comic

This is fucking surreal

Who was the artist?

First as farce, then as tragedy.

You do know he's been eyeing the presidency since Reagan. Right, Holla Forums?


Jesus Christ.

It runs THIS deep.

Meme fucking magick.

Peter Kuper (does Spy VS Spy)

I raise you a 1991 Cherry Poptart story.


If that were true, then Clinton would have won

Oh, you want Clinton? I got Clinton. THREE YEARS BEFORE LEWINSKY.

Whoops, that was supposed to be spoilered.
Any US presidents under the age of 18, please leave the room.

Damn, I'm guessing I missed the Holla Forums thread on this.

Meme fucking magic man.

A turkjew?

There was no Holla Forums thread on this as far as I am aware. I posted it first on Holla Forums where it was deleted pretty damn quickly for a board that leaves up loads of off topic threads, so I posted it here to.

I'm pretty sure this is fake. It just seems way too convenient to me

yeah, guy fakes whole magazine and an entire comic and only shows it after the election. :^)

That really is suspicious considering the amount of heinous shit you see on Holla Forums.
I guess that one faggot who keeps trying to force low energy memes actually got through to Codemonkey and forced the BO to delete certain things.

Hoe long ago was it that you posted this anyway?

I posted it on Holla Forums in the early morning hours friday.

Yeah there was, early in October though.

Beyonder seriously needs to pick up his act lately.