lets shitpost, shall we?
lets shitpost, shall we?
Other urls found in this thread:
Nigress is talking about getting death threats from nazi frogs kek
I got censored and banned.
Will there be another stumping?
There are more streams.
This Jewish bitch is getting on my nerves.
This kike faggot just now says "Breitbart is a far-right white supremacist website because it talks about black crime".
I hope they start calling us holocaust deniers so we can get this shit started for real.
It's the one Corey rekt multiple times
Look on the bright side, we have shifted the overton window in such a way that we are no longer some fringe group of social outcasts; we are playing in the big leagues now, and the media will be FORCED to acknowledge the Jewish problem very soon, albeit probably in a dismissive manner.
God damn, even Cooper is shilling the "Trump is softening on immigration" shite. All of them gotta hang.
le no true scotsmen ur a shill if you do anything but shitpost on 8/pol/
Eat shit alt-kike nigger.
Aww fuck Clinton phoneed it in, in the most literal meaning.
The entire Trump thing was dying out online, if the kikes had just kept their mouths shut about it, it probably would have died a quiet death.
Was just reading "Field of Fire" by Flynn and he sounds like another neo-cohen, just as bad as the others.
Part of me wants shillary in the White House now just to watch the whole fucker burn sooner rather than later.
Only regret is that Dr. Pierce isn't alive to comment on it.
Is the overton window really shifting in our favor if now simply acknowledging black crime = far right extremism? I thought far right was wanting niggers dead.
Shes in a hospital bed.
but really she is hiding her face because she knows everytime she shows her face her polls drop
How long can this cunt rag go without doing a press conference before the judenpresse says a word about it?
Damn she sounds so fucking shrill.
Holy shit
She can't even answer questions asked to her by CNN. She's gonna fucking die in the debates.
NO - NO - NO - ANDERSON!!!!!!!!!!
fucking wew
where's the GET?
Forever. If they can get away with it they would let her do a pre-recorded video "debate". They are desperately trying everything to carry water for Clinton.
Remember the original plan was for her to go up against turtle boy.
checked and keked
Right there lad.
As in the motion is in progress.
It doesn't mean the overton window is already on us, only that it is moving in our direction. A year or two ago, the media would even acknowledge our existence.
I can't believe this faglord even thought he would get anywhere.
This bitch is practically groveling over the American people forgiving her emails. Fucking pathetic bitch should have been tried.
Bye Felicia.
Goddamn she sounded shrill and angry.
Dude i said nearly the same thing on a stream chat. Did I sense your post?
We're going to meme this bitchs demise.
Guys this is our time. This is big and this is our chance. We have to put away the silly shit like swastikas and the holohoax meme. Its time to bend the message to be palatable to normies. No more GTKRWN bullshit and fascist LARPing. We have a real chance here and we'll blow it with all of this LARPy nazi bullshit.
This is why we hate you altright faggots
It's not shifting. It's shattering.
Every other word in this post has a nose coming out of it.
PR is poison
But we're not the Alt-Kike
Alex Jones is
See… They are trying to make us all into Alex Jones clones again. Fuck you and your God damn Alt-Kike
You people are fucking stupid. Do you really think that you know how to move forward better than Richard Spencer, RamzPaul or Jared Taylor?
Into the >>>/oven/ you go.
This kikess can't even right now.
Oh please. Before I first arrived on Holla Forums I actually believed mainstream media. I thought Trayvon was a 12 yr old boy buying candy at a store. Then being gunned down randomly. It was the actual evidence presented that changed my viewpoints.
All the stuff you mention. Swastikas, holocaust, "nazism". All that shit has been so over used that I was desensitized to it long before I ever knew about imageboards.
The people that are still triggered by that shit are so deep in their slumber that no amount of PR is ever going to awaken them.
You don't belong here
I'm sorry, where were any of these people before we started our twitter shitposting? Oh, that's right, they were nowhere. They were nobody. The most attention any of them got was 4chon /new/ spamming RamZPaul for being a crypto-kike. They'd be nowhere without us. It was our strategy of moving forward that brought them into the limelight, not the other way around.
Every time
Holla Forums has done more in 2 years then those attention whore faggots have done their entire lives
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
Alt-Kike is an Alex Jones tier false flag
I've been calling that we will soon get into this. When that King fellow at the RNC mentioned white nations building the world and they used the Hitler defense, almost instinctively, I knew the next few years would we be spent revealing the holocaust lies. It will take years to push but it's coming.
Buckle up for the future, boys. Enlightenment times a commin.
Whatever do you mean? Not all of us are Nazis. うふふ
No… Distancing time is coming
Alex Jones laid out the plan and the Alt-Kike is running with it:
1. Create an alternative group to Holla Forumslack culture who support Jews. "Jews are white guys, and Israel is a Nationalist country. They are controlled by elites and attacked by Soros. Putin would of killed him but he's too hard to kill, like James Bond".
2. Racism is real so don't be mean to whites. Sorry about the past though.
3. Nationalism means all peoples as one working hard for Capitalism! Judeo-Christianity is better than Islam. Muslims just need reformers
4. Immigration is out of control! What we need is a slow down and proper vetting! But still open borders. That way Israel can be herself!
5. The Holocaust was the worst event in human history caused by Leftist anti-Capitalist ideals! And that's why White people need to be less self-protective
The Jew is the ugly-looking one, yes?
That's not a nigger, user. Its Ariel Rebel.
Let's meme that Ben Garrison is the leader of the alt right like on that fox 10 stream.
board activity is going to go up quite a bit tomorrow.
looked like a nigger to me
It was his last name. Christ.
Ariel's white as snow, it's just the lighting and probably a tan.
If you can't discern white features past skin tone you need to lurk more.
That woman is not in this post
It's a long term transition, ding dong. The Alex Jonestein thing you dongs focus on so much is just a middle period in a series of long term transitions. He is Christian, many practicing Christians still hold the Jew in high regard. It's ingrained in many. It'll take time to convert that opinion.
Trump is holding Jews feet to the fire. He youths the greatest ally idea so that when they finally betray, and they will, it will be.known as a betrayal and cause greater backlash.
Why should I care about being taken seriously by the MSM
facial structure.
You have to go back.
Who gives a shit?
Here, let this picture explain it for you.
but race is just about skin color, right?
Yes. Now kill yourself.
any of you faggots record this shit?
Fuck. Dubs don't lie. Check'd.
There are jews that look like whites and niggers and chinks that did plastic surgery and look like whites.
If you don't have white skin then that's a huge red flag, regardless of nose size or hair shape.
It's like you found this place because of (((Milo)))'s article and really think we're just joking about loving Adolf Hitler.
Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor are literally useless, they're the epitome of MUH PR. They're be given best possible publicity and watch them choke live when asked if they're racist. Sad and pathetic.
she just needs a vicious ass-pounding from a man in a pepe mask
All these claims of Richards Spencer's supposed popularity among normies is bizarre as well.
She was the original point of contention, dumbass
You don't even know what you've been replying about, sad!
Disassociating from the alt-right isn't going to help Trump win the election. If anything, it's going to hurt it.
I know it's a d+c (((troll))) pic but still.
They have no intention of moving forward. The more marginalised you are the better.
Holla Forums is full of shills, get with it. The last thing they want is a credible opposition to the politics of mass migration.
It's amazing how they somehow look even more apelike with white skin.
It's cute when people project so hard that they don't even notice it anymore.
Trump makes Ramz look like a extremist
Read these two posts
and do not post again unless that post says "I admit I am a complete retard"
It's not about Trump it's about the 1488 part that ecelebs are always whining about.
Truly our greatest ally.
Well I still don't really get the cartoon comparing 2 moderates to a even more moderate.
Which of these features is white?
Maybe because you're autistic and don't understand its a joke
GTKRWN is a joke based on a Wyatt Mann cartoon depicting an FBI agent LARPing as a Nazi.
Ramz is considered an extremist.
He is flip-flopping all of a sudden though, even Ann Coulter is concerned about it.
He says "no amnesty, no deportations", and "we are going to enforce our laws", but at the same time talks about how throwing out illegals "who have been in the country for 15-20 years" isn't what he intends to do.
You cannot "enforce your laws" but at the same time let illegals stay in the country. You either deport them (or let them self-deport), or you aren't enforcing the law. It's that simple.
Ayy so in the future CNN will report on how there's a new meme on Holla Forums?
Problem is that Trump doesn't want to get associated with the one dumping those people out of America.
So he's trying to avoid that topic in particular. (Although will probably enforce the law when president).
This might be one of his weak points, not because he is wrong (he isn't), but because people are too dumb to understand what's necessary to do.
someone shop her head and pepe face into this
your 7+anagram seems to say yes
this x1000
PR is a failed concept. It is a strategy for compromise. Compromise is capitulation. Capitulation leads to defeat. There will be no capitulation and we will not be defeated. We have the power of Kek, the Fire Monkey, Thule, and our ancestors at our backs. The only way we lose is if we give in and give up.
Deus Vult! Send in the frogs!
We arent joking, shlomo, we want you dead for your crimes.
It won't burn. You're being optimistic. Things will just get progressively shittier until we're Brazil.
It's not a fucking meme, that bullshit did not happen.
Yeah Richard Spencer is not even popular in the far right itself. You can tell he is probably a shill by the way they pretend he is relevant. His honeypot phalanx group too.
Any links or webms?
It's because we (as whites) are more able to discern facial features of our own race than others unless we spend a lot of time with another race. You put white skin on a nigger and you suddenly realise how absolutely disgusting they actually are, because our brains are comparing them to our internal schema of what they 'should' look like if they're white.
It would be better if someone traced and redrew it though.
LARPers are going on the day of the rope too.
So who are you?
What's your twitter account, how many followers?
Are you claiming that you are responsible for Trump's personal success and for the media trying to use autistic people to smear him?
You are very retarded. He was talking about the woman in
The user here thought the woman in that picture was a nigger. This guy here corrected that mistake.
Why the fuck did this need to be explained to any of you faggots?
mods = gods
Trump said in the past, and has said many times "they have to go back". He said he isn't going to break families apart, they're getting kicked out too. He has also insisted that the real troublemakers, the criminals and such, will be the first to go. But he is going to be nice to the people who indeed obeyed the laws that do not relate to immigration. Trump says it's "hard" to deport these people who have lived here for years and who have behaved because he is a very compassionate person. This is his actual weak point. But it's one we can tolerate on the condition that
And yes, Trump also wants a door in that wall. But perhaps in the future we (as in we here at Holla Forums who are going to inherit this government within the next decade) can see about keeping that door shut for good.
Holy fuck sauce on that Aryan goddess?
Are you the faggot who posts the same three negress pics every time?
Why are (((they))) so obsessed with the number 6,000,000? Is it some kind of numerology sorcery?
This is the kind of cuck thinking that was so prevalent in 2008 when it was clear that Obama was going to win.
There are no people on imageboards you fucking narcissistic faggot.
Only ideas and memes.
Identity IS content, user.
If that's the case then fuck off to a forum or Reddit.
As long as he doesn't grant them citizenship (and thus the right to vote) and doesn't instruct police officers, etc. to not deport illegals who have been in the US for 15+, I'm not gonna be too angry.
yes, please
Some extreme people even hypothesize that there may be subtle behavioral differences between the races.
I would much prefer that they are all kicked out though, honestly, but I will take what I can get at this point.
In another thread, someone is suggesting that we just go out and kill politicians based on what Trump said tonight (that user seems to think that Trump is basically giving amnesty to those families who have been here for a decade and kept their heads down). Does anyone else think that's appropriate? I'm down for lynching some of these bastards in general, but not just yet.
Will you teach me your ways? How did you accomplish this edit? How did you blend the hair on the right over the face, and get the edges on the blonde hair?
Stinks to high heaven. The alt-right is just social signaling for lukewarm conservatives. I suspect the ultimate goal is to turn the alt-right into a "muh PR" roadblock for genuine nationalist movements. Thankfully actual Holla Forums anons don't fall for this.
Killing politicians is always a good time, if you're able. I don't see why you shouldn't. Just pick the right targets and have an excuse. Convince a doctor you're schizoid and start making posts about lizard people before you off a traitor. Or get away with it if you're operator enough.
What did she die for again? I forgot.
Possible crazy person, possible hero shot her for being a remain shill.
She died as false flag against Brexit
goo job, user. so btfo'd.
Anyone got the segment in question?
Oh, hi there, FBI.
She was heavily involved with trying to get Israels acts of terror recognized as such. She wanted trade with and aid to Israel stopped. She may have supported muslims and wanted to remain eurocucked, but on balance there must have been someone else. I'd rather see politicians tried as war criminals and all assets stripped from them and their cohorts. Killing them doesn't do enough to deter others. Losing everything and being permanently incarcerated is better. Killing people simply releases them. They killed Jo Cox to try to get sympathy for the remain vote and at the same time remove someone with power who actually opposed Israel.
I believe it's a number of spiritual significance in the kaballah.
Of course they're going. Otherwise who will be there to actually hang people?
They are obsessed with the number 6 in general.
666 is a special "messianic" number according to top rabbis who study the kabbalah.
Then shut the fuck up you kvetching kike.
She's so fucking retarded
The official story is that it was about Brexit because the guy didn't volunteer to teach immigrants english or to help anyone with the gardens or anything like that. The unofficial story is that he did it over the recent paki rape gang scandal where he lived and she was elected from.
was it on already?
I am empathising with him to not get banned. You can just say insane pro-jew things and you are not gonna get banned.
The whole thing is jew infested, they probably watch CNN every day unironically
You guys, this thread was from last night. OP's stream is still active because it's just a stream of CNN. You aren't watching the same shit that this thread was about.
Maybe there is a link to a clip relevant to last night somewhere in this thread, but it's not the stream.
I thought it was a portal into hell. They showed an advertisement for a mattress where a white girl is buying one and trying it out and at the last second a negro came out and got on with her.
This was not an isolated incident all of these American TV ads are actually just propaganda it just gets worse and worse watching this.